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tv   Washington Journal Rep. Doug La Malfa  CSPAN  April 20, 2021 3:40pm-4:01pm EDT

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marijuana. it would've been applicable in this case. in decriminalizing marijuana use and automatically expunging prior record pretty in terms of a specific partner, i can't get ahead of that pretty just the expectations. reporter: thank you. >> thank you everyone. [inaudible]. [inaudible]. >> the senate is in recess until 4:00 p.m. eastern, lawmakers getting everything from the biden administration's decision to withdraw all u.s. troops from afghanistan by september 11th. earlier was to advance nomination of security exchange commission chair, gary, to be a member of the fcc for five years
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later confirmation vote on his nomination. senators also all the confirmation vote for lisa monica to be deputy attorney general. on this and returns at 4:00 p.m. eastern, you want to on "c-span2". >> california republicans now joins us now that are two new of legislation. focusing on the issue of vaccine passports. what would your bills do. >> into separate pieces, one is for transportation that i'm a belief that you should not be singled out or discriminated against because you may not have a vaccine passport in order to use airlines and amtrak etc. forcing even the biden administration is backed away from the initial flurry of publicity about vaccine passports andcc the possible requirement for them. in the second would alsohe not segregate people from doing to business. into the stores in theaters or whatever the business might be.
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not having to produce a vaccine passport predict. >> any for the no vaccine act to keep the vaccines voluntary. if you would look this up you mentioned the biden administration and what they been saying about vaccine passports, thisne is about a wek and a half ago, this is about a question about vaccine passports. >> given to an organized passport some kind. the vaccine predict his or some kind of tool thatso can be usedr would be more privacy of some sorts. >> the me be clear this, there's been lots of questions on this and government is not now nor will we be supporting a system that requires americans to carry a credential. dimino federal vaccination database no federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential. things are being considered by the private and nonprofit sectors erasable, from the
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federal government which is americans privacy rights should be protected so that the systems are not used against people unfairly there is a movement as you know in the private sector to identify ways that they can return to event with our large lots of people were there it safely in soccer stadiums are theaters and that is something that's when the idea originated we expect that's where it will be concluded we will be providing some guidance which will look like an faq. that provides important answers to questions that americans have in particular and concerns about privacy security or discrimination soon. i don't have an exact date for that predict. >> are you okay with that answer.e >> yes, coming out of this administration we seen 70 other mandates coming out of them. and having to do with the american freedoms in the extension of the "lock down". in conversations, choosing the
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same thing with the biden administration so that said, we see a lot of using corporate america media and other outlets to do the footwork that the government seeks to do for these controlling agencies brightest a look at how how many companies are just saying that we will give you a donut or $25 gift certificate are there so that if you show us you been vaccine departed that's coercion. and his people's freedom to take one of these injections if they choose to. but the key choice here is to choose. who wants to discrimination against those who have no allergic reaction to it. some cannot all do it. others face religious view. others just flat do not want to do it,ot they're not comfortable
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with it yet and the problem is been as there's been so much misinformation ever since the beginning or lack of information since the beginning of this pandemic situation that there's not a lot of trust. by the people for the media are what the doctor dr. fauci is saying and other regulatory agencies soo with that there are thoughts of att process of gettg the injection of these different materials. and it got caught up in a mistrust that a lot of americans have. if they want to do it, that is find that is their trout and tried twice. but you should not be coerced in beginning it because they think they're going to get more access to normal everyday things pretty. >> i will give the school districts are the country requiring vaccinations for children in the public schools pretty. >> absolutely not. the evidence, to be able to gather out there, the research has shown that kids of the least
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susceptible towards getting the a negativeaving effect on them. but i'm not just talking covid-19 with other vaccinations required for the dissipating in pretty. >> we went through this in california.t: it's very highly debated situation with required vaccines for kids in schools. but were looking at, at hundred that is the parent's choice and something that should not be forced by the school system. now, on the debate on what kids are going to get in the schools. to have school choices to do otherwise if they don't want to get a vaccine. but i don't think the government should be forcing anything until in thatth sense. so i'm against mandatory compulsory vaccines. >> republican in california, the first district there in california this with her about the next 20 minutes or so. until that house comes in will of particulate their life from gavel to gavel coverage and we do do, enjoy this conversation
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printed two. independent lines and other lines as folks are calling income the congressman do you work in the transportation infrastructure, committee and the biden infrastructure planet and what is and is not being considered infrastructure. how you define infrastructure. >> that is certainly taken a wide open approach with this new flow around the plant construction conversation. i hear this were being used a lot to reimagine thanks. let's reimagine with the infrastructure is. this just kind of making everything a playground for federal dollars and generally you have a different pot of money for different uses as we budget for it as we appropriate it. congress of these are all the peoples tax dollars, he always have to remember that, such as congress crating money althoughs the new denver printed printed up, trillions and trillions of two debt, on the next
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generation, school kids were just talking about. so we have different pots of moneyct for healthcare and different avenues over the federal government has been involved in infrastructure in most people's i things like highways and bridges and it airports. a lot of infrastructure. with my own state of california, wein have in part a man-made drought and water has been misallocated is how it's been just allowed to flow out to the ocean because we could've been storing some of that water parties were in the second year of a drought situation. in 2019, all our lakes were jammed full of the situationally wotwo years later. so much water is being allowed to escape to our oceans based on issues of the bay and they think it will say fish, for the delta. but it really boils down to municipalities there be allowed to let your sewer and other untreated water get right into the delta and going into the
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ocean pretty messy kind of infrastructure we should be focusing on from a water storage and having water that is released from these urban areas from these municipalities be released cleanly instead of their overflow. there infrastructure is behind. that's what we need to fix much our highways again very lacking. how many of you have driven down right lane with trucks on the freeway is full of potholes, it's pretty terrible to drive on. we have flood control situations. one in california, we did a lot ofof good work there still more than he to be done pretty with the southern states, louisiana for example, frequently talking about us, much to be venturing up levee systems out there. so we have a flood control and we have thehe water storage prad in northern california can be raising another 18 and have feet which consider thousands of more get that will be put off because of somebody's idea of the environmental concerns. maybe we don't think we have the money. so there's been plenty of money
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in the infrastructure packages that they passed as is, the idea that the infrastructure package this that wess have anywhere frm two - 6 percent go to what people thank you so normally infrastructure pretty you're my home state of california for example still pursuing this ridiculous been dogging of the high-speed rail predict were sold that is taxpayers is over ten years ago 12 years ago i think it was. this was be $33 billion. now at least will be $100 million and going have all the parcels yet to make the think there still looking at this as of right now on that. always suffer without water in california and electricity grid, whether that should be a government project orro not, at least electricity grid should be able toot stay on the wind blows to be shunned because they're afraid it might cause a fire. this kind of real concern to because our national forest services not doing the job of taking off most of your due to
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covid-19. >> is there a number that you would be more comfortable with. >> a number focuses on infrastructure. lamalfa: the infrastructure while you're building it creates jobs in the local economy and things any be done because a commonsense approach to things evenneed to be done pretty though it's going have to be hard money at least we can see an economic return from the freeways a move raw materials and finished products and people are able to do services, have them be able to move more freely having the infrastructure that protects our areas of the flooding and having more instruction might have to do with other avenues of public safety that we need to catch up on. so infrastructure was like something that helps produce an economy and helps make people more safe and when turns out to be things that are on social services, you can debate the social services but thatn is a separate item so should not be talking with having childcare things like dad and
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infrastructure package. >> we have several colors telling them for you. mark is a first in maryland are quite you are on. >> consumer question albeit critical, universally economical, i just really help with both would you distinguish please, i don't know if you have a legal background just common sense, would you distinguish please that negative - from reasonable doubt. with a couple of examples. lamalfa: you talking about the trial situation in minnesota when you're talking about mark pretty. >> it could be that time, any file but as a state, universally applicable pretty could be applicable in a commonsense way to what you're discussing now. lamalfa: reasonable doubt, using reason and logic and available evidence you're having adding it
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up and partially naked out would probably be more emotional shoot from the hip time thing which is probably very productive. so when you're looking at talk about the issues ofal the vaccinations, or how our own cdc that dr. fauci still tells us to wear the masknc and take precautions because it doesn't actually prevent you from catching the coronavirus. some people may be reasonable doubt there whether i should get the vaccination or not. but again what i focus on what in the legislation is to not force people to have to get a passport because that would be basically mandatory vaccination. now again were talking about trial situation, reasonable doubt. i think the defense and the prosecution will have to make a case from reasonable set jurors. what is reasonable to the jurors on the evidence presented as well as watching the defense yesterday ins the airplane, they
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were talking about what is reasonable to a fellow officer thousand law enforcement of action taken with the informationat have, in this case of mr. floyd and what we saw in the shooting of the on 13 -year-old and that story this developing as well. when is a cop in a split second exposed to do one is trying to subdue somebody because he appears to be on some type of substance. it was reasonable in applying to make legislation or having an argument over a game of cards in our kitchen table. use the evidence. use things that are knowable and use that in your argument. >> will the responsibly is your roll in the member of congress after this decision comes down from the jury whenever it does come down. lamalfa: that will be debatable as to what the decision is what we all have to remember as you and me in c congress, we are in the room having the discussion
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that the jury does have come the discussions from the judge. the whole body of evidence that each side hase laid out and soi think you are wise to accepted as a people in the room who are the experts make the best case they could read and when they see my colleagues in california maxine waters, prejudging it and pre- determining the sentence of the outcome, edges causing mayhem is highly irresponsible for that to be happening the situation with people in the troom in response be the expers presenting to as much as possible impartial jury. the evidence that is there. it's a lot of it comes down to jury selection pretty know which we could drop more from people in the country the just have a sense of common sensedr and so sometimes those that really did the least good job of getting out of jury duty. >> would you vote maxine waters
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pretty. lamalfa: yes, i would've. it is highly insightful what she is doing. i think her previous conversation about generally 600 previous guest that they are still trying to keep the body of thought alive. with president trump said is team to what maxine waters is done with previous conversations were she said, go get into people's face and really having dinner somewhere. might be a member of the trump cabinet whatever. these are people trying to promotee anarchy. >> the golden state, tom good morning. >> hello. i do question regarding immigrant labor force created here is the question. givengr that california district like 1621, the california 22 california 23 are so dependent, i was wondering if by agribusiness and big gag stays
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out of the argument and what they want. every time this issue comes up, egg, is nervous and in june of 2019, the white house dispatch secretary purdue, two california 16 reassured that ice is not going after farm workers according to what the sun newspaper said predict it seemed that they would not stand on the fence and taken issue. lamalfa: thank you for that tom. it sounds like you're probably the central valley their work egg labors are desperately needed. and cemetery pretty was trying to keep the solutions following. lashley member of the group called the farm work modernization act and that is one that will help provide and keep what we have in the country
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and the problem is so much of the country relies on it that is come here illegally from the agriculture. i'm a strong advocate for strong border continuing to build the fence. have a staff personnel that we need to protect the border and coming in does not have authorization. in the situation where basically we have ignored the problem as people for years, ever since ronald reagan back and 86, in good faith to the last bill to try to solve immigration which have much stronger prohibitions of the illegal migrations and the democrats supported it back at the time not that many years ago and you can find video of president clinton in the state of the union talking about it and president obama many leading democrat members, little change when the political winds changed somehow that they want more illegal immigration. president biden even finally admitted they have a crisis at the southern border after weeks of a giant problem.
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we have a lot of farmworkers it did come here illegally. the farmers know them i am largely these are good hard-working people who wantt to continue to put them through process that the act would provide they could get to a legal status not getting them's legal status but those are some of the fears, some will say will is amnesty rated no not if you see the benchmarks are built into this legislation because again, to acknowledge that these folks have been here for quite a while a lot of cases. decades even. they are known to the farmers and their valued by there's farmers is a biologic good people. have bad actors and criminals, and we met them they need to be kicked out. but at this point, they need to stabilize that labor force give them legal status of the don't have sneak back and forth across the border are using this terrible coyote system and
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paying ten tens of thousands of dollars for their lives at risk. the women involved, horrific things that happen to them. we stillpa need to have the agriculture labor and i would challenge anybody and longtime american citizens that would want to come out and do some of that they say that they're taking jobs away from americans. then we say come out here do it pretty. >> were going to leave washington journal to to live coverage of congress. the senate is returning. they have the approval of the majority and the minority leaders. the presiding officer: duly noted. ms. klobuchar: mr. president, as a wait a very important moment for justice in my state today, our work goes on, and i am here today, first of all, to acknowledge the loss of


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