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tv   Rep. Adam Schiff on Kupperman No- Show  CSPAN  October 28, 2019 1:25pm-1:37pm EDT

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>> unit. any of the pentagon briefing watch it on its entirety, i had gone in the search box at the top of the homepage and commissioners with the ftc will be discussing agency priorities and privacy concerns live from the brookings institution in washington. in about 30 minutes, 2:00 eastern time here on cspan2 on capitol hill iris returns , the house start to work several bills putting one seeking to prevent the sale of e cigarettes the children. later in the week members will consider imposing new sanctions on turkey for the actions taken in syria and in the senate lawmakers gavel in at 3:00 work on a government spending measure.
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first vote is at 5:30 eastern time. watch the house on c-span and the senate on cspan2. earlier the chair of the house intelligence committee reacted to news at a former deputy national security adviser and refuse to attend a deposition on capitol hill related to the impeachment inquiry . here are thechairman's remarks . >> good morning. today doctor cooperman was scheduled to testify as part of the house impeachment inquiry or a previously scheduled deposition. and he was a no-show. this is a deeply regrettable. he was compelled to appear by a lawful congressional subpoena area just within the last few days of course the district court has ruled that the impeachment inquiry is perfectly valid. witnesses like doctor cooperman need to do their duty and show up. i want to complement the nine other witnesses who met similar opposition from the
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white house, who were instructed by the white house not to appear what on earth their lawful obligations and came forward area did their lawful duty. we appreciate the courage they had shown. and that other witnesses will show you are scheduled to appear. the lawsuit that doctor government filed in district court has no basis in law. a private citizen not soon the congress to try to avoid coming in when they're served with a lawful subpoena . we expect that the court will make sure short shrift of that argument. but nonetheless we move forward. doctor cooperman testimony, we believe would corroborate the allegationsof misconduct other witnesses have made . but we move forward and we will obviously consider as we informed doctor cooperman's counsel of his failure to appear as evidence that may warrant a contempt proceeding. in terms of where we are, we have had a full schedule.
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up until this point we got a full schedule from this point . i think we can infer from the white house opposition to doctor kupperman's testimony that they believe that his testimony would be incriminating of thepresident . it is also i think very plain additional and powerful evidence of obstruction of congress and its lawful function of the president that yet again and even after a court decision affirming the right of congress to proceed with this impeachment inquiry, the white house has obstructed the work of an equal branch of government. if this witness had something to say that would be helpful to the white house, they would want him tocome and testify . they plainly don't. after hearing the testimony or reviewing the written opening statements of ambassador taylor, one can easily see why the white house does not want further
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evidence to come before the congress. i found it remarkable i have to say that the republican members of our three committees including ranking members on oversight committees took a position effectively of endorsing the white house obstruction that the president in an impeachment inquiry or in any oversight inquiry into misconduct and simply instruct senior people not to testify.that is equally damaging to this institution and any congress ability to do oversight, let alone an important context of an impeachment proceeding. nonetheless we go forward. now armed with additional evidence of obstruction as well as additional inferences can be drawn that this witnesses testimony would further incriminate the president of the united states and i'm happy to respond to a couple questions . >>. [inaudible] do you think
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other witnesseswill do the same thing, wait for guidance from the courts ? >> i have more confidence in the witnesses we've invited to appear and will subpoena to appear that they will perform as the nine witnesses that have gone before half, that they will do their duty, honor their lawful obligations and show the kind of courage thatthese other witnesses have shown . >> you believe they will move forward, does that not mean you're going to pursue due process and mister kupperman, does that mean the inner-circle, senator bolton and peoplelike that , [inaudible] >> it's hard to say what other seniorofficials will do. i'm sure they will get like instructions from the white house and if they do and they failed to appear , they will be building a very powerful case against the president or
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obstruction . an article of impeachment based on obstruction so each time the white house steps in to obstruct congress from getting documents and of course, we know now that there are any number of very important relevant documents that the statedepartment is withholding from congress . by the time they withhold witnesses and force them to refuse to appear or attempt to ignore lawful process, they will merely build the obstruction case against the president. in terms of how we will use litigation or not use litigation, we are not willing to allow the white house to engage us in a lengthy game of rope and open the courts so we pressed forward . >>. [inaudible] know, we will not allow thewhite house to delay our investigation . any acts of obstruction like this, any effort to prevent
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the congress and therefore the american people from learning more about the president's misconduct will merely build a public casefor obstruction of congress by this president . and let's keep in mind what we have learned in two short weeks. thanks to the courageous testimony of many state department, defense department and other national security officials, we have learned that a president of the united states abused his power to coerce an ally that is fending off russian up and get occupation of its territory in order to get political dirt on an opponent. conditioned a white house meeting as mick mulvaney acknowledged, conditioned military support to fight off an adversary of the united states, conditioned those things on getting political help in the form of an investigation into one of his
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opponents. i can understand why the president doesn't want these witnesses to come forward but i find it harder to understand why the republican members of this body and this house don't want these witnesses to comeforward . where is their duty to this institution? where is their duty to the constitution? where is their respect for the rule of law? this will not be our last president . and as i underscored today, they ought to understand the imperative of congress to get information of the executive. without it, we cannot do our jobs, thank you. >> we are making it easy for you to follow the impeachment inquiry on search all of our coverage for video of all the congressional briefings and hearing as well as the administration's response to ring the impeachmentinquiry process .
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log on to our webpage at, your fast and easy way to what unfiltered coverage anytime . >> tonight on the communicators. >> when it comes to facebook, the ftc recentlyfind that company. how did you come up with $5 billion and where does that money go ? >> to take your second question first money goes to the u.s. treasury and in terms of the monetary fund, remember obviously a monetary fund is only one aspect of the relief that we obtain from facebook. yes, it's $5 billion of penalty but also brought injunctive relief that constrains the way in which facebook can handle consumer data going forward. >> watch our interview with fcc commissioner christine wilson tonight at 8 pm eastern on the communicators
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on cspan2. >> today the commerce science and transportation committee examining the boeing 737 max following two international accidents last year testified before the committee is boeing's president and ceo dennis mullen bird and vice president and chief engineer john hamilton . watch live today at 10 am eastern on c-span3, online at or listen live wherever you are with the free c-span radio app. >> thinking on participating in c-span's student cam competition but you've never made a documentary film before us and mark no problem. we have resources on our website to help you get started. check out our getting started and download pages on for producing information and video links of footage in the c-span
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