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tv   U.S. Senate Sens. Reed Ernst on Syria  CSPAN  October 18, 2019 12:03am-12:23am EDT

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needs to be here in front of the opposition and it makes no sense to give hospitality niceties the republicans and come together to ensure the administration understands the consequences of these actions. we have to do more to ensure that it never happens again. thank you mister president i yield the floor. >> i'm also discussing this so with myom friend mister romney for his very timely and important comments. and to state the case with the president to acquiesce with
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erdogan the president's decision is as disaster with united states foreign policy and while i welcomed a temporary cease-fir cease-fire, it does not absolve of responsibility of that betrayal to unleash violence it isn't clear if it made any concessions or if kurdish forcesot will comply but additional violence is likelyll to follow and we will have little leverage to prevent that in fact there is a quote attributed to the prime minister and she quotes the turkish prime minister to say this is not a cease-fire and
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we will only stop the operation of our conditions are met. and they may not materialize as a cease-fire. but the reality is that the blood of many kurds is on president trump's hands and those isis prisoners as a result of this tasty and uninformed decision. on those also strengthen the handad of erdogan and khamenei and assad they are not friends and in many cases adversaries. and with those turkish incursion that they made clear to give erdogan a green light.
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so with that withdrawal from syriamb that they certainly gave the turks the impression not the pricing he did. on the phone call erdogan was pushing he knew it and the president knew it. and that's when it came across the line. because of the long-standing grievances to be per trade with the national security interest with their own american ideals the white house statement released called erdogan and was criticized for that planned turkish incursion after
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bipartisan and international outcry with any concern while at the same time and furthermore following to distance the united states when those evil consequences with the humanitarian challenges. within we have the impulsive president making these decisions to the national security experts. they both expressed disdain forr those present challenges relies on with national security policy we once again see the
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ramifications was on full display over the weekend with the separate kurdish groups who we partnered with syria and iraq. so the end state that was consulted by the president on this decision. he did not advise the national security experts and those who advocated for standing by while the turkey military goes out against the kurdish partners. fact october 7th just before the phone call the state department special envoy to syria publicly warned we certainly think a conflict along the turkey syria border
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with the conflict in the surrounding region with the regime or what have you the president's capitulation runs counter to all the stated objectives. and then to his forced removal of iranian forces ofs syria it would then negotiate a political sell at settlement and those that was unleashed with trump's approval makes v impossible. to release 160,000 people with
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that humanitarian assistance with the escape of the unidentified without horrific killing of unarmed civilians including the secretary of defense cited as a potential war w crime just weeks ago at our urging removing personnel and destroyed defensive fortification even with turkish military buildup because they believe they agreed to aa security mechanism that cause bloodshed and it seems they were wrong to put their faith in this administration the turkish incursion has underminedyr years by the united states and international community despite the illumination of
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the caliphate isis was not defeated correctly warning over the weekend that isis will research and perhaps more damaging than the current situation is a long-term impact the ability to achieve the goals outlined in the national defense strategy the president's shortsighted abandonment is the fact among their allies and friends whether this president can be counted on with the sheer interest given us challenges that we face we must rely upon our interest to promote by with and through the approach especially with
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counterterrorism. since 9/11 we have built partnerships around the world in east africa across the pacific to go against violent extremist groups and that capability doing their preponderance of the fighting with our shared objectives to defeat such violent groups president to president trump's assertionsn that should be viewed as a moral hazard with a commitment of us capabilities which has strategic effects for a large number of us personnel and in syria with those forces on the
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ground approximately 60000 personnel to liberate millions of innocent civilians with the physical caliphate so the syrian defensese force made up of kurds and some arab syria lost more than 10000 fighters taking on isis it is true many joined who did so but even after the homes were liberated the kurds and arabs alike with the last remnant of the physical caliphate they were
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also fighting for us to be sure there was no more isis t directed attacks with this sample in san bernardino. with that territory firmly controlled they also gained controlen of more than 2000 foreigny fighters. so given the sacrifices it was for president trump that are now releasing isis detainees in the ongoing violence of northern vnc syria. so the partnership also with the trust between the armed forces show against a common
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enemy. and with those autocratic leaders and then to sacrifice and further that fight it is nothing short of appalling. before that call with erdogan they stated that quite frankly we have not carried out a national defense strategy it is significant and lasting damage to lose those variable partners with united states is a critical you national - - national security interest those that we do not condone that incursion and with that
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invitation to visit in the united states we should not indent in danger the troops on the ground in violence against e,noncombatants the united states does not need to stand alone our partners of the isis coalition of that turkish incursionhe at all humanitarian cost and then to hold down those efforts with those tragic consequences and also with the diplomatic effort
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that is consistent to protect those civilians under their protection. with the national security interest brings about an end to theheap conflict with the inability to grasp the strategic actions so with that i will yield the floor. >> mister presidents mimic a senator from iowa. >> i rise today to call attention to the dire situation that continues to unfold with northernrn syria.
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with a reckless and brutal intervention in october 2019 to clear northern syria of terrorist elements. ironically dubbed this operation that the departure prior to this incursion left nothing than the turkish military forces in the kurdish militia known as the syrian democratic forces to control that cease-fire agreement with the brunt of the turkish assault the kurds are stung by what they see as america abandoning them. this after a long hard and
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successful fight against isis. at the height of its power there was territory larger than the united kingdom to direct and inspire attacks on the homeland with kin on - - communities across the united states to face numerous attacks against our troops. those have unimaginable atrocities targeting christians and others who imposed their corrupt interpretation of islam. this one example of these atrocities with the brides
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that were forced into marriages with isis fighters repeatedly to decide where to make a mistake or to be inflicted on those with disabilities such as being suffocated or babies being born with down syndrome. together this coalition of c over 30 countries united states engaged in a campaign to witness the world of isis to restore peace and stability to the region those that are fighting against isis to take the fight to the heart of the caliphate.
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with a special s operations forces the stf liberated land imprisoned thousands of terrorist fighters for those who suffered under isis rule. in the vast moving and quickly changing world, it's easy to forget the terrible threat while they were at their most powerfu powerful. would be wrong to think we could now take our foot off of our enemy's throat. even now looking to take advantage of the chaos may constitute and once again pose a direct threat to america in
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our homeland. to watch what is unfolding in ensyria to have the security of her friends and neighbors the capitalization of isis is a threat to us all and the reason i have introduced a resolution to call on the department offe defense and department of state to provide a plan within 30 days to outline a strategy to ensure isis will never again threaten americans or our allies now or in the future. and with those ongoing threats and then to outline the plan with the isis resurgence to mitigate the threat it imposes
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to the united states and our allies. and that with since 2014 we cannot afford to take our eyes off but we must consolidate with that terrible organization that sound strategy to ensure our success. to many of our partner forces with our brothers and sisters those the must have fought and died and we must ensure that their sacrifices were not made in vain. thank you mister president i yield the


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