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tv   U.S. Senate Sens. Reed Ernst on Syria  CSPAN  October 17, 2019 6:13pm-6:38pm EDT

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mr. president, we need answers. what is happening syria should not happen again. we the senate, must take action to make sure that it does not. i yield the floor. >> i to arise this afternoon to stunt discuss the discs in syria. >> very important comments, we all recognize that the situation in syria is highly fluid. it is important i think to see the case with respect to the president his decision to act. offenses against the curse can the president his decision is the disaster. fighting is isis in the united states foreign policy more broadly spoken. while temporary cease-fire announced a short time ago, and hope that aac permanent cease-fe can be achieved, it does not excel president trump
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responsibility for his betrayal of our current partners in his role in unleashing violence and instability in syria. it's not clear, both of turkey made any concessions is part of the deals struck in the u.s. delegation or both of kurds will comply. if not, i am concerned that additional violence is likely to follow and we will have a little leverage to prevent it. in fact, there is a quote attributed to the prime minist minister, by the white house reporter cnn, she quotes the turkish prime minister isur staying this it's not a cease-fire. we report that the operations for hundred and 20 hours in order for the terrace to leave. we will only stop the operation if our conditions are met. so indeed even this cease-fire may not mature or materializes a
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cease-fire. but the reality is that the blood of kurds, kurds, is on president trump sands and thousands of isis prisoners could be let loose is a result of an informed. president trump his decision to abandon our partners also strengthen the hand of other ones. sod and convenience. this reference, in monday cases adversaries in and take notice. numbers of the administration claim that the u.s. government oppose the turkish and that the president his own actions and statements made clear that he gave them a green live. the president ordered the military to begin a phase from syria last december. an incision that prompted the resignation of former secretary david'sec. and surely give the turks the impression that he would fold when pressed by irwin, not surprising he did.
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on the phone call, on the one was pushing against an open door and he knew it and the president knew it. and that is why the turkish came across the line. stating that we should let the kurds fight it out because of their long-standing grievances, is the president said repeatedly, it betrays both our national interests and in the middle east and in our own area. he did not even criticize the planned turkish inclusion or word of the potential consequences if went forward. it was until the following day after a bipartisan and international outcry, the president began to express a concern about turkish plans. while at same time, we had a rating this invitation for irca one to be the white house next month. it is impossible to read the
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president his initial statement, is anything but accu isn't. furthermore, the president his statement over the following days distance from the united states from occurs, then the foreseeable consequences with isis and the humanitarian challenges in northern syria. witnessed over the last few days in northern syria, was a direct result of an impulsive president making decisions counter to the advice of our national security extras. president trump is often seexpressed that the career military and diplomatic nationals, to develop and security policies. we are once again, staying the ramifications of his incompetence. the president his stunning of the complexities of the middle east was in full display over the weekend in a tweet where he seemed not to have an understanding of the location or identity of the separate kurdish groups with whom we w have partnered in syria with.
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the secretary of defense and the state, both insist that they were consulted by the president on this decision. maybe so, but it is clear that it didn't either advice of that of our national security experts. i'm not aware of any security expert who advocated our standingan by, while the turkish military carries out against our kurdish partners. in fact, on october 2nd, just four days before the phone call between president trump and r1, the state department on voice of syria, joel weaver, publicly said we certainly think that conflict along the turkey syria border would surf the interest of all of the conflict and serenity ration, both of that is isis or al qaeda or the irradiance, or what have you. that was his words. the president his situation
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directly in counter to all of the administrators stated objectives in syria. the administrators stated strategy is to one, isis, is it too, first removal of uranian line foreign forces in syria, and three, achieving a negotiated political settlement with the syrian civil war in line with united nations resolutions. the security and the humanitarian catastrophe that president brca1 has unleashed with approval, will make achieving any of these goals nearly impossible. the balance over the past few days has led to displacement of the lease 160,000 people. the suspension of humanitarian assistance into affected areas, the escape of an unindicted fight isis detainees, and the horrific killing of civilians. including incidents that secretary of defense has described is potential war crimes.ti ago, at our urging,
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the fdf, remove personnel from border areas and we relocated heavy weapons and destroy defensive fortifications in northern syria. it is so even in the face of continued turkish military buildup along the syrian border because they believe that the united states and turkey, had agreed to a security mechanism in i'm going faith that could avoid bloodshed. it seemed that they were wrong and put their faith in this administration. in the turkish in his syria has underlined years of effort against isis for the united states and the international communities. despite the elimination of the so-called physical, isis it's not defeated. former secretary defense is correctly warned over the weekend, thatea isis will research. if pressure against the group is sustained. more damaging perhaps is the
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long-term impact the president his decision are setting the world and our ability to achieve the goals is outlined in the national defense strategy of his administration. the president his shortsighted abandon of the kurds, is a strategic disaster that lays out among our allies and friends about both of the united states on this president, can be counted on to defend our shared interests. given diverse national security challenge we face, we must attract and rely upon partners that share our interests. our militaries often promote the by with and through approach and especially when it comes to counterterrorism. 911, we have built partnerships with local forces throughout the world. north andro east africa to the middle east and across the pacific to enable efforts against violent extremist groups. we have saw it on to apply only
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possessed by the u.s. military to enforce local partners to do the fighting and dying in service to our shared objectives of containing and defeating such violent groups. contrary to president trump his distortions, we are not engaged in endless war in syria. in fact, the u.s. partnership with the fdf should be viewed is a model of how to leverage an economyo of force commitment of u.s. military capabilities to achieve strategic defects and thereby obviating the need for large numbers of u.s. personnel to to be put at risk. in syria, small numbers of u.s. forces on the ground, and naval the kurdish of approximately 60000 personnel, with our help, the fdf liberated million of innocent civilians in the oppression of isis and defeated the so-called physical database.
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some said that the fdf, the syrian defense force made up of kurds and some arab syrians, lost more than 10000 fighters taking on isis. it is true, monday who joined the fdf, did so to liberate their homes from isis. however, even after their homes of liberated, the fdf, kurds and arabs alike, continue to pursue isis all of the way through the fridays rivers valley. with the last reminisce of the we're ultimately defeated earlier this year. the stf wasot not only fighting for themselves, they were also fighting for us. they are fighting to help ensure that there we're no more isis directed her in spite the facts like those carried out in paris, if going full orlando and san bernardino, after the fdf, successfully liberated isis,
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they also made and gained custody of more than 10000 isis detainees. tcluding more than 2000 warren. even when monday of their home countries refused to take them back. given the sacrifices of the fdf, in the fight against isis. they were particularly unselfish for president trump to apply that they may not not be releasing isis detainees. in the ongoing violence in northern syria. is a military leader will tell you, our partnership with the itf, was not only built on our shared opposition to isis, but also trust established between our forces fighting shoulder shoulder with the enemy. they deserve more from the united states. given all of the fdf has sacrificed and further because they fighting is isis, and our partnership and our betrayal is nothing short of appalling.
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again, just days before president trump eight paul call with ardoin, the npd assistant defense of middle east publicly stated that we quite frankly could not carry out national strategies if it weren't for partners like the fdf. the abandon of the cards has beenhe significant and lasting damage to the standing of the united states and the world. shaken the confidence of our allies and losing valuable partners and p reaches with unid states is critical national security interests. congress and the international community must and clear bipartisan signal to the present that we do not condone the turkish encouraging into northern syria the president his decision to abandon the cards. president trump must resend in the invitation of president erling to visit the united states in november. we should not welcome him who was responsible for endangering our groups in the ground in
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syria. and release the isis fighters and the massive places of civilians and violence against nine commitments which it may amount to war. the united states it's not need it to stand alone. condemning the fight northeast area. our partners encounter isis coalitions share our concerns. inot our efforts to defeat isis and the potential humanitarian cost are high. united states should take the lead within the united nations and nato, to organize efforts to announce turkeys actions and restrain the actions. we must also the efforts to seek the syria war, that is consistent with un security council resolution 2254 and protect the equities of the fdf and the civilians leaving on their protection. unfortunately, the greatest impediment security interests, and bringing about an end to the
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conflict there, appears to be president trump his inability to grasp the strategic significance of actions. and that went out mr. president, i will yield the floor. >> mr. president, senator from iowa. >> mr. president i write today to call attention to the dire situation which continues to unfold in northern syria. turkey embarked on a reckless and brutal intervention on october 9th, 2019, offensively to clear northern syria of terrorist elements. they have ironically dubbed this
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operation piece. the departure of u.s. forces just stayed prior to this incursion, left nothing between turkish militaryh forces in a predominantly kurdish militia known is the syrian t democratic forces are fts. up until the cease-fire agreement announced today the fdf or, the brunt of the turkish assault. the kurds are deeply stunned by what they see is america abandoning them. this after a long hard and successful fight against isis. at the height of its power, isis controlled territory larger than the united kingdom. is monday americans know, isis directed and inspired terrorist
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attacks on our homeland communities across the united states, and staged numerous attacks against our troops overseas. isis branches across the globe have conducted unimaginable atrocities including targeting christians, the cards and other who have uphold their corrupt interpretation of islam. just one example of these atrocities is the heartbreaking story of so-called the bribe. they were forced into marriages with isis fighters. raped and brutalized repeatedlyo first to decide both of to abandon their children, or make an escape. or the multiple stories of isis terror inflicted on those with
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disabilities. such is babies being suffocated simply for being born with down syndrome. together with a coalition of over 30 countries, the united states engaged in a campaign to read the world of isis and to restore peace and stability to that region. but it was not a nationstate for the brunt of the fighting against a isis. the cards and the arabs to make it syria democratic forces, took the fight to the heart of the caliphate. with the help ofti united states special operations forces, and the airstrike, the stf liberated lands held by the chairs group, imprisoneded thousands of terrorists buyers and restored hope to hundreds of thousands
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who suffered on isis rules. in our fast-moving and quickly changing world, it is easy for some to forget the terrible threat that isis once posed while they were at their most powerful. but it would be wrong to think that we can continue now allow ourselves to take our foot off of our enemies throats. even now, isis art take looking to take advantage of the chaos in northern syria, to reconstitute and once again, pose a direct threat to americans rights here in our homeland. you cannot watch with upholding and syria that went out being fundamentally concerned about the security of our friends and our neighbors. recapitalization of r niceties s the threat to assault.
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if for the reason that i have introduced a resolution which calls on the department of defense, and the department of state, to provide enough plan within 30 days which will frontline a strategy and ensure isis will never again threaten americans a or our allies now or in the future. this strategy will be about the ongoing threat that isis poses regionally and locally and will frontline the plan to prevent and isis resurgence. and isis expansion and mitigate the threat that isis poses to the united states and our allies. and describe how our gains against isis since 2014, will be further protected. we cannot t afford to take our eyes off of this vital task of ensuring the last things and
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irreversible debate of isis. we must consolidate our games to rid the world of this terrible organization. and insist on a sound strategy to ensure our success to the end. is it too monday of our partner forces and indeed, american brothers and sisters and those that are shared in our arms, must have fought and died in this fight we must ensure that those sacrifices we're not made in vain. thank you mr. president. i will yield theou floor. >> thinking about participating in cspan2 student 2020 competition. we never mayday documentary number four. no problem, we have resources on the website to help you get started. check out our getting started in download changes on student can
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