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tv   Interview with Chris Stirewalt Every Man a King  CSPAN  December 25, 2018 1:34am-1:46am EST

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[inaudible conversations] the political editor for fox news and the author of this book every a short history of american populace. you write andrew jackson was probably the first celebrity president. why do you say that? >> the battle was a pretty big deal.
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on the back standing in front of the battle scene in new orleans there would be tens of thousands of over the mantle piece and if you were a scots irish american part of the farmer mechanic class, andrew jackson was the perfect hero for you what do you mean by that?
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to be victimized they have agreements and feel legitimate and that it's been inflicted by people in power and events and now they are going to take the power back. that's populism you could have it on the left with bernie sanders or the right but populism is about grievance. what andrew jackson was saying is he is a pure populist. he died penniless.
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he was part of the unforced migration of human beings to that point in history and it's probably a quarter million scots irish that come to the united states here is this class that returned the favor it is a perfect populist insurgency. >> tr is also on the cover of the book. how was he a populist? and what was the social turbulence going on at the time that helped him along? >> he became more populist as he got crazier. roosevelt definitely was a progressive band was and delete. as he starts outcom out, he's an accidental president, takes office but of course teddy roosevelt being the cockiest person that has ever lived to this mckinley conservatism, rips
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it up and throws it into his and he has ideas about everything. he has a plan for how the naval midshipman should do their anesthetics and every part of the government that is a technocratic progressive that is not a populist yet. what happens for him, he leaves william howard taft very explicit instructions about what they are supposed to b do when e goes and tries to kill every rhinoceros in africa so this is what you're supposed to do and please do this. as he travels he finds out the republicans are becoming conservative again and he's taking them back to their old way and they are not being progressive enough. when he comes back and launches his run for another full term in the republican primary key digs in his heels and the republican primaries of 1912 are amazing to study and to see if you think
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there's violence in american politics today we are talking about they had to hide barbed wire at the republican convention in chicago because they were pretty certain there would be an attack. when you read what he would say at the borders, thousands of them at the streets in chicago hwas talking about the battle of armageddon there had been violence anhas beenviolence ands around the country. the national guard had been deployed so that was definitely a moment we might recognize. >> host: teddy roosevelt's history is a little bit sterilized from what you are reporting. >> guest: we have not rushed more teddy roosevelt and by the end of his life he had sort of gone back but what he did in that election not only paved the way for woodrow wilson did they divided the republicans against themselves but also barack obama
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chose kansas to deliver his speech for his second term mandate of the things he wanted to do on the progress of front because that is where roosevelt have done his deal if you go back and read what roosevelt was offering it was very liberal, it was universal healthcare, it was all these things and he was doing as a populist. one of his ideas as you should be allowed to overturn judicial decisions. if we don't like th the judges decision we could have a referendum on the ruling and overturn that. that doesn't sound very republican. >> host: bring us up to today is donald trump a populist? >> guest: 100%, 110%. >> host: walk us through why he's 150% a populist. >> guest: i will tell you about the two donald trumps of the one we meet in 2000 running for the reform party is a
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populist he said he had to run against pat buchanan because pat buchanan was a nazi who hated blacks and jews and was going to run the state of ross perot's party. we are going to focus on trade and that was going to be his focus. that's when he was pro-choice. we've got to focus on this stuff, pat buchanan is crazy we don't want to talk about him than when we see him again when he emerges in the political world it is as a burger, coming after obama for allegedly forging his birth certificate and what he learned along the way is the same thing pat buchanan learned from george wallace which is on the right, social issues cut harder than economic ones. this is rough but this is
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manifesting itself around the world right now with what's going on in populism, social issues, cultural populism is of the right and economic populism is that the left. bernie sanders and a donald trump of a populist. bernie sanders is a little populist we need medicare for all and we need to do these things because the problems were income inequality and economic in nature. donald trump says they are cultural in nature with too many immigrants, people don't say merry christmas anymore, we have all of these problems. george wallace but he found out after leaving alabama, the most interesting chapter in a lot of ways talking about wallace going to wisconsin he'd been in wisconsin to get speech and he got all these people who were digging him, he was a controversial figure he'd already stood in the doors at the university of alabama it was
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a stunt and he knew it wasn't going to work but it made him a national figure and he was shocked when he found all these people who were interested in his message when he goes back and runs in 64, he figured something out, cultural issues transcend economic issues and a lot of things, people concerned about thabout change and that'st the direction of the country, that's powerful stuff. >> host: before the next event i want to make sure we mention one you mentioned prospero, but when i hear the word populism, i think immediately of huey long of louisiana. >> guest: i should have paid for the privilege of writing about huey long. he is the most awful human being just as crooked as a dog's hind leg, cruel, corrupt, awful but
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irresistible in his white double breasted suit shaking up the with a new yorker and i would just say this about populism there were plenty of people with new and voted for him anyway or supported him anyway because they believed he was a crook on their side. they didn't think he was a good guy and that is a powerful thing and if you are dealing with grievance and it's where you are asked. >> host: but to show the cover of the new book that just came out. every man a king a short colorful history of american populist political editor of fox news thanks for being with us here in miami. how has the reception been?
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good afternoon. please take your seats. find the dean of the honors college here at miami dade college and i'm delighted to welcome you to the session. first i would like to thank the sponsors the knight foundation, royal caribbean, the bachelor foundation.


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