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tv   President Attends Rally for SC Gov. Mc Master  CSPAN  June 26, 2018 12:29am-1:36am EDT

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report. watch live at 1:00 p.m. eastern on c-span three, or listen on the free c-span radio app. best-selling author brad will be our guest on inside edition. his latest book will be published july 3. his other books include use of force, alliance of lucerne, blacklist, state of the union, plus 14 thrillers. interactive brad thor by phone, twitter or facebook. our special theories, in-depth fiction addition with author brad thor sunday live from noon until 3:00 p.m. eastern on booktv on c-span2. president trump traveled to south carolina monday to campaign on behalf of the state governor henry mcmaster who is being challenged in the primary runoff tuesday by greenville businessman john
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warren. the winner of that runoff faces james smith in november's general election. this rally in west columbia is just over one hour. [applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm proud to be an american ♪ ♪ where at least i know i'm free ♪ ♪ i won't forget the men who died ♪ ♪ who gave that right to me ♪ i gladly stand up ♪ next to you ♪ and defend her still today ♪ ♪ but there is no doubt ♪ i love this land ♪ god bless the usa ♪ ♪ from the lakes of minnesota ♪ ♪ to the hills of tennessee
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♪ across the plains of texas ♪ ♪ from c-2 sng c ♪ from detroit down to houston ♪ ♪ from new york to l.a. there's pride in every american heart ♪ ♪ and you can't take that away ♪ ♪ [applause] >> hello everyone. hello everybody. it was a little rocky up in the sky. i have to admit. they said sir, would you mind going back. would you mind if we didn't stop. i said there's no way we
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cannot stop. [applause] were not gonna do that. were not going to do that for a man named henry mcmaster. [applause] i wouldn't have the courage to call henry. i said i was coming but i'm only kidding, it's raining out real bad and were not showing up and i wouldn't do it for you. thank you very much everybody. thank you. and, also, it is air force one. it is great to be with you. it's a very special state. i love the state. with so many incredible hard-working american patriots.
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[applause] before we begin, let's all take a moment to send our love to katie arrington who was badly hurt in a terrible car accident. someone was going the wrong way and katie was really badly hurt along with a friend of hers. someone else was killed in the other car. katie is a very special person. she was out there right from the beginning and here's the good news. she will be one 100%. that's the good news. so katie, we are all pulling for you and we are praying for your very swift recovery. she will be back grayson. she was with us, she was out there campaigning against the guy is never liked to much. i never liked him too much.
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i wasn't a big fan. it must be a beautiful place. unfortunately, heating go there. so i want to thank all of our south carolina gop leaders in attendance. we have a man who has become a friend of mine. it's shocking, isn't it. we went at it and he said i will defeat him in south carolina. i said i don't think so, but i'll tell you what, he has become a friend and he's a good man. lindsey graham and. [applause] that's pretty good i think. he's really been great. congressman joe wilson and tom
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rice. [applause] south carolina attorney general, a very close personal relationship to joe, alan wilson. [applause] good job alan. he's looking good. south carolina secretary of state mark cameron. thank you mark. and candidate for lieutenant governor pamela everett. pamela. thank you and finally, the person we are all here for today, a man who truly was with me from the beginning.
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there was no doubt about it. he was there right from the beginning. you know, we won the state of south carolina by a lot. [applause] both in the primary and in the general election. we had to run the whole east coast and we got south carolina and north carolina. we love north carolina. we got pennsylvania and we got florida. we started off at night, donald trump has won the state of florida. [applause] they went whoa. they just lost florida. and you know they said? don't worry about it. north carolina is a firewall. south carolina we have no chanc chance. so we won south carolina,
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thank you very much and the firewall wasn't much of a firewall in north carolina so i want to thank the incredible people of south carolina for everything you have done, and right from day one when i came down, henry mcmaster, i said why are you with me. he said because i like what you're saying. i like what he said. we have strong voters. [applause] [inaudible] >> he said we need strong borders, we have to stop
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crime, we want lower taxes, we love our military and we love our second amendment. other than that, i don't know what he said. [applause] i don't know what else he told me but that was enough. it was sort of this handsome guy with a wonderful wife, peggy, where's peggy. [applause] so henry was for me from the beginning. there is nobody else. it wasn't like i supported trump, i supported donald trump very early from the guys , yeah, after seven other people. after the defeat of nine people, they were with me and they never let you forget it. but henry was there at the beginning. he's a fighter. he's tough, he's strong and he's a gentleman. he is a gentleman. the thing with henry, i'll
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tell you what. he was up early in the morning and left late at night. i said you really are fighter. the beautiful thing is you don't even know it. he does it in a very elegant manner but he is a fighter. he's been here with us emma and henry, i would like to ask you to come up, this has been an interesting voyage. i have never taken. [inaudible] i have never taken a longer trip ever to south carolina. come here. [applause] thank you, mr. president. south carolina loves donald trump. we were at the airport waiting and watching these forces of nature. there was lightning and thunder and storm and rain and then it cleared and air force one landed and the real force of nature got off the plane
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and stepped into south carolina. donald trump has kept every promise he has made. we love him. were for him. he will make america great again. we will help him do it right here in south carolina. thank you so much. [applause] >> thank you. now you know, we have a lot of fake news back there. you know that a horrible thing happened and we were lucky enough to have henry. you know they won't talk about there is a donald trump suffered a major major defeat in the great state of south carolina.
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it was a humiliating defeat for donald trump. so please get your asses out tomorrow and vote. you've got to get out there and vote, and honestly, not for that reason. he's a great man. he's a wonderful person. he loves the people of south carolina. he loves the people of our country. you've got a good man or i wouldn't be here. believe me, i wouldn't be here. the last time i endorsed someon someone, as you know, with katie and i was in singapore. the results massive difference in time. i said let me ask you, we have a situation that's very interesting. i'm turning on the television and i see the race. i said what time is it right now in south carolina. they said sir, it's almost
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4:00 o'clock. i said i have to endorse katie. i said how many hours left and they said like three and a half. i said maybe i shouldn't do it because i won't have enough and i said i don't care, i can't stand that guy, i don't care. i liked her. she was another one from the beginning. she didn't talk about other people. we had three hours and i'm lifting off from singapore, 22 hour flight. that's not even fun in air force one. when we landing? sir were almost there. only seven more hours. oh great. and by the way, we had a great success. [applause]
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we are not looking up in the air. any rockets? japan is very happy they haven't had a rocket shot over them in seven months. there's been no rocket test or nuclear test, no ballistic missiles but they blown up their site. today it's got no coverage because the fake news doesn't cover it. look at all those fake news back there. that's a lot of people. this is a gymnasium. i said henry i don't work gymnasium anymore. he said please. i settle kale be there. go outside and take a look out side. so you people understand real estate well. but we have a call with the
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prime minister. so happy with the people of japan and their happy for the people of china and south korea and were happy. you know what? we did something that was wonderful. the world is soon going to be, and it is already, but the world will soon be a safer place in north korea will be a much better place. they've agreed to denuclearization. they've agreed to no more testing. by the way we got our hostages back. i got him back even before we (or getting the remains of our great heroes back. when i first made the
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announcement that were getting together, this was five or six months ago, it was in the oval office but i'll never forget it. they said unbelievable. you believe this? they came over and it started with the olympics when chairman kim. she said they wanted to go to the olympics. it turned out to be a massive success and present moon of south korea gives us the credit. they were not selling it. people did not want to be nuked in the stadium as they watched the opening ceremony. how long will this last for they were not exactly selling tickets. the moment that happen and he
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said he'd like to be part of the olympics, out of nowhere, it became a great success. could we have a good chemistry. it takes a while. it's not easy. they've been doing this for many, many decades. they took down science, and the united states signs all over north korea. there down. they took them down. we just want honesty. we want a little fairness.
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we don't get much of it. re-signed a beautiful piece of paper. they said a lot of things. we will not test, we will abandon our engine site. these are engines for ballistic missiles. we will do nuclear i. so you know the fake news said, donald trump has suffered a humiliating defeat because i agreed to meet. >> in other words, because i agreed to meet they can think of anything else. i will say this. at the beginning they couldn't believe it was happening. two days later they were
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saying hillary clinton could've done that. i don't think so. lock her up. lock her up. lock her up. >> way, did you see anyone so protected in your life? points after.after.and i did nothing and it just never ends. after the election i said let's go, come on, let's go. we've got to make america great again. [applause] she writes a book and she does it to her. how many reasons did she give
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for losing the election. every week there was a different reason. she blamed everybody for losing the election except for one person, herself. they were just telling me every other republican would have lost. i won. i won south carolina and all up and down the east coast. to win wisconsin which hasn't been one many years lightning 72, that's a long time. to win michigan which has a billboard in a long time and they give her, they say she was a bad candidate she was a tough candidate. she was in a bad candidate but they refused to say i was a good candidate. it's very interesting. i just picked this up. sometimes you have to to your own horn because nobody else
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will do it. certainly they're not going to do it. [applause] sometimes you have to do it. polls were good i would always talk and when they weren't so good i wouldn't mention it. they were good. georgetown steel just open their plant yesterday. they're spending a lot of money after many years of being closed. georgetown steel in south carolina. here's a story that just came out. david lynch puts down headline, trump could go down, he's a hollywood guide for the reason i do this, plenty of them voted for me. david lynch could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history.
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of course there goes his career in hollywood. veteran filmmaker thanks donald trump could be remembered as one of the greatest presidents in american history because of the way he has shaken up the political establishment. however, he now appears to believe that because he was a democrat or is a democrat or something, he actually voted for obama. he says they believe trump may have been the right choice after all. he goes on to say that som trump could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted this thing so much and no one has been able to encounter this guy in an intelligent way.
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by the way, they call them the elite. you know if you are, you're the super elite of changing titles. everyone here makes money, pays taxes, does a great job. you're smarter, you're better, you're more well. we have the greatest face in the history of politics. they interviewed ten women on one of the opposing networks, the enemy of the people. they said to the women, these are nonpolitical women that had trump here and there,
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wearing hats and badges and they said what can he do. you've heard me say this. what can you do when you're going to drop donald trump. perhaps a leader, perhaps not but they came forward and said there's absolutely nothing he can do. can you believe that? there is nothing they can do. his career in hollywood is officially over. did you see jimmy fallon? the guy screws up my hair, it's going back and forth, he was so disappointed to find out it was real. he couldn't believe it. that's one of the great things i got. everybody uses a my hair is phony, it's not my hair.
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they say i'm wearing a hairpiece. anyone here wearing a hairpiece? the one thing they never say that anymore because i've been caught in rainstorm and win but like 60 miles per hour. if it's not your hair, don't run for office folks. don't run for office because the gig would be up. jimmy fallon apologized for humanizing me. the poor guy. now he's going to lose all of us. if somebody would have a talk show, the guy on cbs, what a lowlife. there's no talent.
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there's not talented people. johnny carson was talented. this guy on cbs have no talent. jimmy kimmel would meet me before the election. i'm telling you a true story. no talent, but i go to his studio to do a shot. he would stand outside and say here he comes. he opened my door. i said does he do this to everybody. he doesn't for nobody. who knows. but he's waiting for me. two or three times i did his show. now i would do his show, it's terrible. i do his show is getting out on hollywood whatever boulevard, and he's opening up the door saying hello. i wasn't president, i was just a guy. a guy with potential.
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[laughter] [applause] he said sir, how are you. thank you so much. i also got higher ratings than other people so that was always good. to me fallon calls me up and he's a nice guy. he lost. he looks like a lost soul. he gets out there hey hey, hi. you know what, he's a nice guy. i agreed to do his show and because i guess i was running at that time, i think i was running, he got tremendous ratings and killed everybody. he should be thankful. he shouldn't be upset. when you apologize because you got somebody else letting go on the other show saigon the show, i agree on that was it.
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you have to years later he's now apologizing because he humanize me. he really hurt himself so i said jimmy, he called me up after the show and you said thank you for the incredible, you called the monster readings. they were very big ratings but i said thank you jimmy, that's very nice. don't hurt yourself by apologizing. i said to him today on social media, i said jimmy, be a man. just relax. it's incredible. some of these guys said cbs, nbc, i made a fortune for them and the apprentice and they treat me horribly. i think they're worse than cnn. that they wanted to renew my contract and they were doing everything. the top man came up to see me in my office with a group of
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people. please, please renew your contract. that's when i knew i was going to run because i turned it down. it's primetime show doing well, 14 seasons. it bombed in about two shows credit actually bombed in one show. it was so bad they didn't believe it. the only one who knew was my wife. she said you know that. [applause] she is very smart. she said you know there's nobody that can take your place. i said thank you darling, i appreciate that. how smart is that. i don't know if she believes that but she said there's nobody that can take your place. he will not be successful.
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i said it's arnold schwarzenegger. she said there was no one darling who can take your place. he will not be successful. how smart is she. she has a great style. we greeted the kind and queen of jordan and it was like a picture. i watched the three of them. the queen the king and the first lady. i watched. i didn't want to destroy that picture. i will tell you she has done a tremendous job as first lady. [applause] she had an operation a few weeks ago, a kidney operation and she's going to be great. she's fine. , but they had all kinds of projections. they said she got a facelift. no. i would let you know. they couldn't hide that one for long. they said she left me and moved to virginia.
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they said she left me and moved to new york. so the only thing they wouldn't say is what happened and that's okay. she's private, she doesn't talk about things, but really unfair stuff. you know what, we've never done better than were doing now. we've never had a time like we have. we never had higher poles than we have now. [applause] even gallup who treats me horribly. the poles are fake news also. what they do is false impression. they put out these herbal poles in the hope everyone will say look at my company's got no chance. suppression should be illegal. you want to check the pollsters. : : :
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>> and as i said the other day because as you saw with my last speech minnesota. great lakes exceeded 9000 they
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had 15 or 20000 people outside. just like you have a lot of people outside. if i ever come into an arena with empty seats. that's the end. i don't know henry what will i do if that happens? it's not going to happen. we are winning. we are winning now. like we have not one before. we are winning with our military that is now built up like you would not believe. we are winning on trade. we are defending our borders then you don't have a country without borders.
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t4 t4 it is not build the wall anymore but continue building that wall. we are building it and we are fixing it for miles and miles $1.6 million we are fixing the wall building the wall in san diego. nobody wants the wall until it in their backyard away like people coming across their front yard we are building and fixing and spending a lot of money we will get it done. but democrats want open borders and they don't mind crime. think about it. the last week they say i have
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good political instincts. who knows. some say i have the greatest political instinct in 50 years. i don't think so. but i have my own feelings. first of all they were using pictures taken in 2014 when barack obama was president. and what i learned is one thing. our facilities are cleaner and better kept and better run. i saw that. but the democrats want open borders and anybody they want including ms 13 coming into the country and the democrats don't like i.c.e. because they are brave tough people they are much to then ms 13.
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then like border patrol or the police they don't like anybody the democrats want to protect illegals coming into the country some of them are not good. some of them cause lots of problems in the worst possible way. they want to protect illegals coming into the country much more so than they want to protect you and that's not where we are coming from. so i decided the democrats want open borders and they don't mind crime. we want very tight and strict borders by the way saw with all the complaining i'm doing we have done a very good job and we have to get the wall built all the way across but they don't want that it is a symbol they are only good at resisting.
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it is the party of maxine water waters. this has become the -- become the party of maxine waters and nancy pelosi they don't mind crime they want open borders and we want people to come in. you want them to come in through the legal process what about the thousands of people that have gone through the process waiting to come into our country? we have no idea who they are but they come to me three days ago sir, we we would like you to sign this. we need 5000 judges on the border. judges? what other country has judges? how me do we have now? they don't even know. we have thousands of judges now we have 5000?
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now i did a good job recommending supreme court justice for such we are putting great talented people think he is the way it is written. but they say we need 5000 judges it takes weeks to put a judge on the bench were talking one person now 5000? i said we are you going to find 5000 people to be judges? how many do we have now? they don't know the number. nobody knows the number. we have thousands of judges already. if a person comes into our
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country and that's 1 foot they bring them to court and release and they go into the country and you never see them again. the craziest thing i have ever seen so i said today i don't want judges i want i.c.e. and border. agent -- border patrol agent and tell people i'm sorry you're coming in illegally that's it. it is over i heard a number today, we have 700,000 people waiting to go to trial. it was a disaster for bush although we very much appreciated laura bush's lovely letter it was a disaster for obama, in fact the head of his homeland was on over the weekend honestly he was very honest and said it was a tough time for them. but we will straighten it out.
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i got the job. trade deals were bad. how bad were trade deals? north korea they have they were going to war. you go to war with north korea between 30 or 15 million people i'm not even talking but doubt the canon aim three -- right at full korea. mom --dash so long korea there was a really good before i came to office you could have classed millions and millions of people so i got a bad hand. that should have been done years ago so now all these trade deals nafta is a disaster. mexico will make over $100
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billion off of off of the united states this year. canada. nice guy. the prime minister justin. i say what is your problem justin? laugh. [laughter] i like their national anthem zero canada but i like ours better. we had a wonderful understanding. we hug and kiss his enemies and changes in ridiculous thing everybody agreed to sign it was meaningless everybody was happy the prime minister said president trump was right they took a picture angela merkel two minutes later we were friendly i get onto air force one and he doesn't understand air force one as 22 television. they have clauses in areas
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that no place needs to have a television. on limited budget for the prime minister to say canada will not be bowling by the united states. what are they doing? canada has a 275% tariff on dairy products. their lumber is a disaster with the wire using our own? because we cannot take lumber from our own fields and grow it from our environmental and the old days you could not do that we had to go to other countries so lumber is a disaster, energy is a disaster and justin said we fought world war i together in world war ii that's true. i love canada but canada is charging almost 300% terra and it all works out great.
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i said if you want to do that we will put a tariff on your cars coming in. the european union we lost $151 billion $51 billion last year with your union. many of us originally came from somewhere in the european union. i had to parents european union. it sounds wonderful our country lost $151 billion they send the bmws and mercedes we tax them practically nothing we cannot send our cars and if we do they charge many, many times the tax that we stupidly don't charge. so i told them here is what we're going to do we're going to charge the tariff on steel until such time you straighten out your and let us have tariff. [applause] they don't let our farmers into the european union. it is very hard our farmers
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want to sell. they don't tell you these things but the european union has what they call trade barriers. the european union does not allow our farmers to trade it is very hard for them and if they do it is very expensive like canada essentially when you have a 275% tax now i understand it is higher. that is a trade barrier you cannot trade how can you do that we can't pay that tax i want the barriers taken down and our farmers to trade and sell cars to them like they sell cars to us and it will all work out. remember this. it's all going to work out. because we are the way they like to take from whether protection, look at nato. nato? we send 9% it is all wonderful like to help out but it helps
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them. they are in europe and help them more than it helps us we are far away. germany pays 1% of a much smaller gdp we pay close to 4% of a much larger gdp. that doesn't work. so i think we should pay the same as germany. [applause] so we are working on this but the fact is we were dealt a bad but i'm loving what we are doin doing. the people are loving we are doing peter navarro does like tariffs probably more than i do there he is. raise your hand so they all call they all want to make
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deals before they were not calling the obama administration in all fairness and the bush administration did not care that was not there thing last year on trade our country lost $870,000,000.817 billion the hell can do that? we don't have to be perfect we don't even have to get it down to zero but we cannot lose 817 billion. feel like sort of stupid. don't you? and the biggest of course is china depending on the way that you count between $375 billion i really like president xi so we build china and they did help border with north korea maybe not anymore
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and that is too bad but i have been as nice as i can as long as we can but we need some boundaries that we need fairness. i'm a believer of free trade but also fair trade. this is ridiculous. [applause] and a central demand in china how did he get so bad? they know the gig is up and remember this. i got elected we picked up tremendous work we picked up anywhere from nine or $7 trillion we are almost twice the size of china's economy. nobody knows that. [applause] so how did it get so bad? we would put on attack and in china if you sell the car into
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china from the united states they charge a 25% 5% tax if china sells the car into the united states we charge 2.5% to one half% versus 25% somehow look at this rich guy that doesn't work too well. i've you are very successful i can see it in your eyes. big success but that doesn't work to well does it? we have many cases like that. we will straighten it out and they all want to negotiate. honestly they have to negotiate it has to happen. it's not a threat is like the iran deal. that was so bad we paid $150 billion to settle an agreement we gave $1.8 billion in cash to pick up for hostages. the wealthiest hostages in the world with the highest net
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worth in history we paid nothing to north korea and he did a very smart thing because it was good will and we did before i even left a lot of good things are happening and it will all work out. it will work out because we have a big advantage because remember we are the bank they are taking money hand over fist but it will stop it will lower the taxes and give you the greatest tax cut in the history of our country 17 17b17. [applause] we have incredible things happening with healthcare. we were badly hurt then one gentleman early in the morning
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, he campaigned on repealing. perhaps he was grandstanding who knows. but he said no. what the hell happened he has been campaigning eight years repeal and replace and he did not do that now with the tax cut we have gotten rid of the individual mandate. [applause] [cheers and applause] by the way i have the stupid teleprompters you don't mind i haven't used them all night? every once in a while i look at it that is so boring. america is back bigger and better and stronger than ever you have heard that. i'm looking a keep looking but i see things they are true but not quite as exciting.
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so we are doing so well. we are lifting millions and millions of americans from welfare to work. from dependence to independence and poverty to prosperity. we are putting fire into the country and breathing new hope into our communities. the forgotten men and women of our country we are still trying to figure out who are all the people that came and voted two years ago? who are they? who are they? all of us. they are trying to find how do we get to the forgotten men and women? i said i thank you lost them a long time. because just like this producer from hollywood said we are doing a real job.
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now it is 511 days i don't believe any administration and we are partners with all of this it isn't just me it is a whole group of people i don't believe and i don't think it's close that any president has done what we have done in 500 days. [cheers and applause] not only the judges and the biggest tax cut, even and wall are in alaska one of the great drilling sites in the world nobody could get oil or gas or ronald reagan couldn't get it i didn't even want to until i heard everybody else wanted it so talk about tax form please give me the word cut.
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i want the word cut. so we cut regulation more than any president in history four years, eight years, 16 to. [cheers and applause] and more cutting to do. we want crystal clean water and beautiful clean air and we want that more than anybody and our air and water is now better than it has ever been and we will keep it that way. so as long as we are proud of who we are and we are very proud and what we are fighting for, we we as a country will never ever fail. we will never fail. [applause] we are 3.4 million new jobs in selection day if i would have
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said during the campaign that i was going to create 3.4 million new jobs you have no idea what we are going to do, countries are trying to hold back their companies that used to be our countries are moving back to the united states companies like chrysler so many coming back and want to be where the action is not only because of the tax that's but other reasons including frankly the regulation cuts that we have more jobs, the manufacturers of the united states said this is the single most optimism that manufacturers and country have ever had. small business owners the small thing. the most optimistic they have ever been they have never been
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this optimistic. [applause] and i will tell you something i would like to take the credit for this but i can't because it is henry. south carolina is doing unbelievable business. company are pouring in and jobs are way up and your numbers are through the roof, you are a real leader all over the country they work in south carolina. your governor is a man named henry you are doing unbelievable numbers. [applause] i didn't want to say that. i wanted to take the credit for myself but i figured south carolina would understand. but we are standing on the shoulders of a true american patriot who put down the railroad them builds up the highways to dig out the animosity now we have lost many lives doing they crossed
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the ocean and the deserts and scaled mountain and built the most incredible nation the world has ever seen but our nation was going badly in the wrong direction for long. of time $7 trillion are invested in the middle east. what do we have? other than death and destruction? what do we have? what a decision that was. i believe that was the worst decision in the history of our country and the way we got out was horrible look at iraq. the one of the worst decisions ever made with $7 trillion thousands of lives and counsel lives on both sides millions of lives in my opinion you don't hear that.
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our ancestors 12 world wars, defeated fascism and communism and put a man on the face of the moon and by the way nasa is now open for business to. [cheers and applause] and i put a great man a wonderful human being and friend vice president into office. [applause] and i had a meeting with mike and people running nassau. i said you have rich guys for whatever reason they love rocket we don't have to put up so much money let them put up the money you have people dropping rockets all over the place we would get the credit lease them the land in charge them a lot but do it that way we are like the landlord.
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so you have all of these rich guys i know what it is they love rocket. i said this is great because you cannot send rockets like that up cannot take down to the local walmart and send a rocket so these are meant exactly for this much of this infrastructure has not been used in a long time and we are back in business but i said to them and i think they were offended by what the rich guys pay for it. we have the real estate let them put their rockets up you thought you on must put the rocket up. after a while but what is incredible when the engines come back down. did you see that? they come back down. there are only two the third
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one is missing but that's okay but that is incredible. all these rich guys worth billions of dollars want to send money that's great. i told my people let them do it. because if they reach the moon with their money we will take all the credit. forget about it nobody will remember their name but they will remember our name let them do it. but to keep this momentum going, we need more republicans in washington and we need governor henry mcmaster as a continuation for south carolina. [applause] because with your help we will continue to remember the campaign? do you remember i would come to south carolina and say we will win so much will people
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will get tired of winning governor mcmaster we cannot stand winning anymore governor mcmaster go to washington talk to the president we cannot win anymore we will win remember i said we will win with trade. we will win in face. by the way henry, army navy air force marines. coast guard and air force. right? and what are we going to do? space bar. [cheers and applause] face force people love that. but in his defense is now largely based with the satellite and the problem is with the air force i don't think they want those planes flying and i think they are
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focusing on faith like facia so we will create a space horse and it will be great militarily we do need it also. so this week it is so important to go out and vote for country, vote for family, values and vote for victory" for henry. [applause] he does a great job. because together as a group we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong again. we will make america safe again henry. we will make america great emm emma -- again. thank you south carolina two.
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[cheers and applause] [applause] [applause]
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>> we send such confusing messages to young people so young women, i don't envy them. this was a story i put in the book about a number of women athletes that posed topless for sports illustrated and one of them i quoted said i'm proud of my body and i want to help young women who have body image issues and my feeling is that is a crock.
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women should be dignified and remember when you disrobe it is hard. a man looking at a picture of a topless woman will not say look at that fantastic athlete isn't that wonderful she has no problem with body image? no. he will think about sex and not think about her in a respectful way either so angela merkel the chancellor of germany would not take off her blouse to prove she has body image issues she wants to be respected if we want to be respected behave in a way to elicit that.
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the max good afternoon and the director and general counsel at consumer federation of america i also the body team of the coalition and this afternoons panel will focus on the deregulation of federal agencies specifically what types of deregulatory efforts are happening federal agencies right now? how are these efforts undertaken and how can we believe the regulatory system that protects workers in environment and consumers


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