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tv   All Options Are on the Table Vice President Says of North Korea  CSPAN  April 18, 2017 6:45am-7:13am EDT

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mk mk >> nowhere is that more evident than our commitment to the most dangerous and urgent threat to peace and security, the regime in north korea. since 1992, the united states and our allies have stood
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together to denuclearize the korean peninsula. we hope to achieve this through peaceful means that all options are on the table. in the past few weeks the world witnessed the strength and resolve of our new president and actions taken in syria and afghanistan blues north korea would do well not to test his resolve or the strength of the armed forces of the united states in this region. we will deploy the missile defense system as a defensive measure called for by the alliance and for the alliance which we will involve a comprehensive set of capabilities to assure this capability of south korea and as our secretary of defense made clear in south korea not long ago we will defeat any attack and meet any use of conventional or nuclear weapons with an overwhelming and effective response. [speaking in native tongue]
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[speaking in native tongue]
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[speaking in native tongue] >> strategic patience has been the approach of the last american administration and beyond was for two decades the united states and our allies have worked to peacefully dismantle north korea's nuclear program and alleviate the suffering of her people but at every step of the way north korea answered our overtures with will for deception, broken promises and nuclear and missile tests. over the past 18 months north korea has conducted two unlawful nuclear tests and an unprecedented number of ballistic missile test even conducting a failed whistle launch as i traveled here for this visit was the era of strategic patience is over. [speaking in native tongue]
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[speaking in native tongue] >> earlier this month, donald trump spoke with you to reaffirm the strength of our alliance which i reassured you today we will continue to consult with south korea and your leadership
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as we make decisions moving forward. we also call on other regional powers and the entire international community to join us to confront north korea and demand that it abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programs to turn away from hostility towards its neighbor and end the oppression of its own people. [speaking in native tongue]
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[speaking in native tongue] >> earlier this month, donald trump met with chinese president after 12. the two leaders noted the urgency of the threat posed by the nuclear weapons programs and each reaffirmed their commitment to adina gill arrived korean peninsula in that meeting. they also committed to fully implement un security council resolutions and increase cooperation to convince north korea to abandon its illicit weapons program. it is heartening to see china commit to these actions but the united states is troubled by china's economic retaliation against south korea, taking appropriate steps to defend itself. the better path would be for china to address the north korean threat that is making such defensive measures necessary. issues like that remain, the president and i have great confidence that china will properly deal with north korea
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but as donald trump made clear a few days ago, if china is unable to deal with north korea the united states and our allies will. [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue]
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[speaking in native tongue] >> today it is my privilege on behalf of donald trump to reaffirm the united states enduring commitment to the security and prosperity of south america and -- south korea and to assure the people of south korea of our unbreakable bond. we are bound together by our shared values but also by our shared sacrifice. a free and democratic south korea was forged in the fires of sacrifice by soldiers from both our lands. and my father was one of them.
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65 years ago, second lieutenant edward j penn's of the 45th infantry division in the united states army fought alongside brave south korean forces for the freedom of this land which he came home to raise a family, he had friends in uniform from america and korea who went home to eternity. so too the friendship between our two free nations is eternal. we have bled together, prospered together and on that foundation the people of the united states of america and south korea will face a future together. with courage, determination and faith, we go together. thank you, mister acting president, for your hospitality. it is a great honor to be with you today. [speaking in native tongue]
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[speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue]
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[speaking in native tongue] [applause] >> thank you very much. >> tonight, booktv primetime features books looking at life in the white house and beyond.
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8:00 eastern here on c-span2. this morning a look at how healthcare providers choose the best reasons for patients and the importance of research in making those decisions was the bipartisan center hosts at 9 eastern on c-span2. homeland security secretary john kelly speaks on security threats and priorities for his department at the george university -- george washington university facility, live coverage at 11:00 eastern on c-span. ♪
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>> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979 c-span was created as a public service by america's cable-television companies. and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. >> next, a forum on housing and finance policies. this examines how city revenues were affected by the financial crises from 2007 to 2009. the urban institute and lincoln institute of land policy cohosted this panel runs 90 minutes. [inaudible conversations] >> good morning. welcome.


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