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tv   Today in Washington  CSPAN  February 1, 2012 7:30am-9:00am EST

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parliament with this policy. >> rosy tuber. >> thank you, mr. speaker. prime minister come before the general election you told made wise that you would make their lives easier and that you would recruit 3000 more midwives. since the general election, nurses and midwives, working harder for less, and midwives and training had been reduced by 3% a year. will the british people wrong to take you at your word? >> i'm very sorry for the honorable gentleman judgment on the ladies diggers are wrong. compared with election there over 620 midwives working in the nhs and there are record numbers in training. we want to do more but we will only be able to do more if we keep funding the nhs and her party is committed to cutting edge, saint nhs funding increases are irresponsible and we will only be able to do if we keep cutting back on the bureaucracy which we're doing this successfully with our reforms, and making sure the
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money goes into the front end. but there are more midwives. there are more infantry on a freighter figures are wrong. >> mr. gregg mulholland. >> thank you, mr. speaker. on new year's eve of 2010, my constituents was killed by a drunk driver who is more than twice over the limit. and yet his family had to face the fact that the person who killed him continue to drive for further eight months until sentencing. will the prime minister agree to meet with the family and to consider their campaign that people who are services over the limit in a death by dangerous driving case should have as part of their bail conditions their driving license withdrawn? >> my heart goes out to my honorable friend's constituents for the loss that they have suffered but i think he raises a very important point about what happens in cases like these and what you can and cannot do with the bail conditions but i will certainly go away and look at the picket may well be something
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we can consider, alongside the recommendations we are considering about drug-related driving. i do think there's more work for the government to do in this area and i will certainly listen to his constituents concerned. >> we believe on these benches that the governments welfare cap is both fair and reasonable, and we -- [shouting] we will be supporting the government tonight but we also believe that -- cancer patients and disabled people are also fair and reasonable. not least because of the disproportionately detrimental effects on northern ireland which the prime minister to will be aware. why is it, therefore, we are so limited in time in terms of getting these crucial issues which affect many of our most vulnerable people? >> first of all, can i thank him for support and the lobbies tonight and look forward to seeing him there. on the issue of the cancer sufferers and the plans, let me just explain that the number of people under our plan, the
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number of cancer sufferers that will get extra long-term health through the support group is going to increase. we will reduce the number of people that have to have face-to-face assessments. these proposals have been fully supported by professor harrington we asked to look into this issue because we were not happy with the previous governments arrangements and the way these things would that would. the point i would make to them is there are two types of implement and support allowance. there's the support group who will always go on getting support, not means tested as long as they need that help they will get a. and then there's the work-related activity group, people with help are able to work and i think it's right to ask them with support to get into work and that's what we're going to do. >> mr. marcus jones. >> who does the prime minister think it was on the side of hard-working low-paid families? the conservative led coalition has taken the lowest paid out of the tax capping benefit. the party opposite to the way the tax rate and flip-flopping over the benefit cap.
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[shouting] >> i think my honorable friend is being a bit charitable. they are not flip-flopping. they are just flopping. [laughter] >> order. 10 minute rule motion. just before the honorable gentleman presents -- >> here on c-span2 we will lead the british house of commons now as they move onto other legislative business. you have been watching prime minister's question time aired live wednesdays at 7 a.m. eastern while parliament is in session. you can see this weeks question time again sunday night at 9 p.m. eastern and pacific on c-span. for more information go to, click on c-span series for prime minister's questions, plus links to international news media and legislatures from around the world. you can also watch recent video including programs even with other international issues.
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yesterday, senator rand paul was on the floor talking about recess appointments. specifically, president obama's appointment of richard cordray, to head the consumer financial protection bureau. ri him.ay >> mr. president, i rise today in defense of the constitution. i rise today to condemn the president for making appointments that are unconstitutional and illegal. members to the national labor relations board and to the consumer financial protection agency. he did so by saying we were in recess. well, this is news to us because those of us in the senate maintain that we were never in recess. this
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is something where the preses has upurposed a power never previously taken by a president and has decided unilaterally he gets to decide when we're in recess. these appointments are illegal and unconstitutional, and i'm surprised -- i am surprised that no member of the majority party has stood up to tell the president so. i'm not surprised that the president has engaged in unconstitutional behavior. his health care law is brazenly unconstitutional. his war with libya was unconstitutional. he got no congressional authority. so for a man who once gave lip service to the constitution, the president now has become a president who is prone to lawlessness and prone to unconstitutional behavior. our founders clearly intended that the president have the ability and the power to appoint advisors, but they also separated that power and gave power to the senate to advise
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and consent an his high-ranking officers. the president has done something that breaks with historical precedent of the it goes against the notion of checks and balances. in fact, the notion that underlies the whole idea of recess piments is mostly an -- recess appointments is mostly an historic relic. alexander hamilton explained in federalist 67 that the power was -- this is also done in a time when congress would go out of session for months at a time to return to their farms or return to their businesses. now congress meets nearly year-round. so in other words recess appointments should only happen rarely, in extreme occurrences, if at all. there also should be agreement that we are in recess and there is no agreement that we were in recess. there is a lot of talk about bipartisan cooperation on the other side of the aisle, but i'm
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disappointed that not one senator has stood up to tell the president that this sets a terrible precedent, that this is a usurpation of power that is bad for the country, bad for the idea of checks and balances. i am disappointed that not one senator from the other side of the aisle has stood up to oppose this president on this unconstitutional power grab. this is an opportunity for us to stand together in defense of the constitution. i state now unequivocally that if a republican president tries to usurp this power, in a republican president tries to define a recess and appoint people illegally, i will stand here on the floor and oppose him. this is not about being a republican or a democrat. it's about having respect for the constitution and these lawless, illegal, and unconstitutional appointments fly in the face of the respect
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for our constitution. this is an issue of separation of powers, of constitutional authority, and of senate prerogative. it is sad that not one member of the opposition party will stand up for the constitution, will stand up to the president. make no mistake, this is a huge breech of precedent. if the president is allowed to determine when we are in recess, nothing prevents him from making recess appointments this evening at 8:00 or on the weekend. if this is allowed to stand, if this precedent is allowed to starntiondz nothing stops the president from appointing a supreme court justice-to-tonight at 8:00. that the kind of lawlessness we want in our country? are we going to completely abandon the advise and consent role of the constitution and of the senate? i ask today, is there not one senator from across the aisle
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who will stand up against this unconstitutional power grab? is there not one senator from across the aisle who will say to the president that these illegal appointments set a terrible precedent, that these appointments will encourage a lawlessness, that these appointments eviscerate the advise and consent clause of the constitution? i ask my colleagues from across the aisle, where is your concern for the checks and balances? where is your concern for the constitution? i am greatly saddened by this, and i hope the president will reverse course. i hope the majority party in the senate will standed up for the senate will standed up for the >> at the united nations earlier, ahead of the arab league urged the u.n. security council to take action to reduce
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the escalating violence in syria. the resolution calls for serious president to step down. we'll hear from the syrian ambassador to the u.n. and secretary of state hillary clinton. >> the meeting is called to calle order. the agenda is adopted. the rules of procedure, i invite the representative of qatar and mr. in every public toar participate in thisin meeting. it is so decided. our behalf of the console, i welcome shaikh mohammed, prime minister and minister of the an state ooff qatar, chairman of te
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current session of the arab council. table. and rule 39 of the council representatives of his teacher and fight this excellent tea, secretary general to participate in this meeting. i wish you luck on the president meeting of the distinguished minister of the distinguished secretary general. the importance of the subject manner to be addressed. it will now begin the agenda. i wish you try the attention of
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council member 201271 from the general to the president. i now give the floor to the prime minister for the affairs of the state of qatar is the arab league. you have the floor, sir. >> thank you, mr. president. i was speaking. they. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: mr. president, allow me to congratulate your excellent the unassuming the presidency of the security council. i would like to express to you into the members members of the council our gratitude for convening this new thing to allow it to carry out the mission to which we are
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interested. mr. president, the council of ministers, the league of arab states adopted its resolution and anything held on the 22nd of january requested i say that i in my capacity as chairman committed unseriousness excellency the secretary general of the of arab states released the security council of the planet offered under that resolution and to request the security council to endorse as the top by the league of arab states count low. mr. president, at the outset of the plate to stress that our first demo that goal is to serve the interest is the area, which requires the protection of serious sovereignty, political independent and military victory in ensuring the stability. likewise, we stress the importance of ensuring holiday or he and unity of the people in
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harmony and protection of all its ethnic, religious and social groups with it to make social intellectual and civil authentic geek a mysterious visitor to the hearts of all arabs and i'm addressing you today to inferring that the resolution taken by the organization of all arabs. we meet today under watchful eyes of the orphans commit cds , displaced children, young people and women who continue to hope that they can support at the security council said they would live a decent free life that would be based not rights, justice and good governance. realizing the hopes of the syrian people is in your hand, it is part of your responsibility under the chart. in fact, we are entrusted with such irresponsibility by our humanitarian responsibility.
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i believe arab states have worked diligently and responsibly to find solution that would help us arrive at a settlement to the searing crisis. on 27 august 2011, the leak affair of state adopted an initiative aiming at ending violence in an inclusive national dialogue, with the opposition to prevent this recent situation in introducing reforms in a secular and controlled environment. the privations that the initiative and its mechanisms are very and their object gave was the only way to achieve a peaceful circumvents of the crisis to set up check this. on october 26, 2011, the league of arab states reiterated in its extraordinary secondhand in
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cairo, the air positions in the resolution called for an immediate and comprehensive and to ask them that killing the elimination of arms allen and come the rejection of security based solution and to avoid further casualties and activation of the conflict among the various components of this year and people and to preserve the national peace and protection of civilians as well as unity and fabric of the syrian people. the resolution called on the click of their states to establish during the session and her arab ministerial committee's mandate would stop all the violence. an included sudan and egypt to included sudan and egypt to get in contact with the syrian parties to put an end to all military presence and put a
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dialogue between the syrian people and the opposition to implement the response to the escalation of the syrian people. that is also for necessary contact with the syrian government and opposition for international dialogue conference at the league of arab states in offices to realize the message of the syrian people. on october 26, 2011, the syrian committee held discussions with president bashar al-assad. on 30 october 2011, the committee agreed on a line of action that was welcomed in the extraordinary meeting of the league of arab states at the headquarters in november of
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2011. this agreement was welcomed hand and next with the resolution. unconfirmed syrian approval of the following. to end all acts of violence. to protect the lives of syrian citizens. to feed detainees held as a result of current events. all military elements residential neighborhoods. provide relevant league of arab states agencies and international media for access. and the developments there and monitor the situation. the plan called on the ministerial committee to increase progress by the syrian government. necessary contact and consultation with the government and various parties of syrian opposition to convene a national dialogue conference within two
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weeks on the day of the resolution. unfortunately the syrian government did not fully and immediately meet its commitments to the league of arab states initiative which was adopted on second november. consequently the ministerial accounts have decided on 20 november 2011 to adopt a host of measures including imposing economic and political sanctions on the syrian government and calling all opposition factions in cairo in the league of arab states to agree on the upcoming state. in that meeting and after the idea of dispatching a mission to syria, not to give any side but to put an end to the
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bloodletting and violence, the league of arab states accepted the mission which was entrusted with investigating the implementation to resolve the crisis and provide protection to civilians favored by the government, by the syrian government, any violation of the provisions including ending acts of violence and the economic and social council of the league of arab states looking into imposing economic sanctions. this resolution was communicated to the secretary general of the united nations and take necessary action in accordance with the charter in support of the league of arab states. on 27 november 2011 the league of arab states in the syrian council adopted a message of factions including all slides to syria in a way that does not
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affect the syrian people or the ministerial committee in this meeting, december 3rd, 2011, on the sanctions and actions. it is worth mentioning the ministerial committee aim at following up the developments of the syrian situation on 17 november and in cairo on january of 2012. despite these efforts, including contact with the syrian government, to introduce one amendment after another to the protocol and asking questions to which the league of arab states did provide answers and education that lasted over a month. it was clear the syrian objective was stolen and to invade responsibilities and
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implementing commitments which affected political will by the syrian government to find a protocol and commit it in acting the arab plan. once the barriers came down and people started defending themselves in the face of acts of military and security agression the syrian government found the protocol on 19 december 2011. anytime thereafter the arab observer mission kind of the first experience of its kind in the league of arab states was dispatched not to be excluded at the purpose of the syrian government from finding ways to enforce the military solution under cover of commitment to the protocol. the fact of the matter is the syrian government failed to implement major provisions of the protocol notably the immediate implementation of the
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arab plan of action. i wanted to present this brief about the arab effort when i know you have full boat -- followed up the development of the crisis so the council would understand the reasons the arab state adopted the decision to which we grow to your attention. in a recent meeting i the ministerial committee, on january 22nd january, the tasks accomplished by the observer mission based on its findings. the meeting was unanimously resolution that included an initiative endorsed by all for peaceful settlement of the syrian crisis. a plan that would be accepted and implemented by all parties in good faith and without stalin. the resolution has been
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circulated to all members of the council. such a plan constitutes a federal map consistent with the charter of the united nations to find political and democratic solution to the crisis aimed at peaceful transition, internal growth and provide the formation of the government within two weeks chaired by mutually agreed figure that includes the opposition. one task would be to prepare for parliamentary and presidential elections under a law that stimulates such elections on international supervision. the solution extended the arab observer mission by one month despite the fact that the arab states and on 28 january the suspension of the observers, commission pending review by the council constitutes deterioration of security situation as the result of the escalation of the security based
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option. the league of arab states began discussing the syrian crisis six months after it started. we came to you here having tried for five additional month to push the syrian government to find a solution to the crisis with its own people based on the league of arab states resolution. in our efforts we would be keen on providing stability of syria as an important member of the arab family. our efforts and initiatives have been useless. the syrian government fails to make any sincere effort to cooperate with us and unfortunately the only solution was to kill its own people. the fact of the matter is bloodshed continued to and the machine is still at work. violence spreads.
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this approach has become clear by foreign affairs in the press conference of january 24th. after the league of arab states plan, qualified as n international is asian, the syrian government rejection plan, and security based solution was a necessity imposed on the ground. the important question is what would be the solution for people being slaughtered? the syrian government in folks violence committed by armed groups. it would not be then they are defending themselves after months of torture. could any leadership continue against the will of its own people for reform? we must not forget that the crisis we are talking about started in absolutely peaceful demonstrations by an armed citizen calling for rights
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guaranteed by international covenant. these have been faced with live ammunition and heavy machine guns and flagrant violations of human rights. the syrian regime is promoting the idea of an agenda that states harbor against it. this be traced the position of the international community regarding events in syria and the results of government policy. thousands of people have died and many detainees are in prison. government killing machine continues unabated. funeral processions have become scenes of massacres. children's schools have been transformed into military headquarters. even houses of worship have not been scared.
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such oppression reached unimaginable proportions with voice boxes of chanters brownouts. that is what the killers of ibrahim ashoosh have done. you may well know that the human rights consulate in the sixteenth, seventeen ten eighteen sentience condemned syria because of this flagrant and systematic violations committed by syrian forces that may rise to become crimes against humanity. in this resolution, 66/176 of 19 december, the general assembly condemned with a vast majority is a continuation by syrian authorities of the traumatic violations of human rights. the secretary general of the united nations called on the security calvinist to assume responsibilities and adopt a
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unified position. the killing in syria reached the nation's declared it was not to karen the -- not to count the victims of hundreds of thousands. a few days ago unicef confirmed the death toll among children exceeded 384. i do not believe anyone would accept such a number even if it were called collateral damage. i don't believe any of these were members of armed killer group. the council may well know that human rights organizations such as amnesty international, human-rights watch have condemned acts of aggression committed by the syrian regime. they have called on the international criminal court to
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investigate the crime. the international commission of inquiry in the fourth issuance on twenty-eight november that the syrian security forces committed crimes against humanity. they reported killings, arbitrary detentions, forced to appearances and torture, some of which were carried out in conjunction with sexual violence. mr president, security council took landmark position in supporting our attempt to find -- the conflict between the league of arab states in the war of lebanon -- we look forward in the same spirit to adopt a position by supporting the arab initiative on the syrian crisis.
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i came to you with a solution to the crisis that did justice to the occupied lebanese plans. secretly with the reconciliation process, today we come asking that you assume your responsibility under the charter of the united nations to address the humanitarian tragedy that is unfolding in syria by adopting a new resolution supporting the latest arab initiative adopted a resolution of the league of arab states, in cairo on january 22nd, 2012, with support of the celts will to undertake all measures based on the resolution, with economic resolutions in syria. we were not calling -- and
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bringing the syrian regime to understand the demand meeting the demand, the syrian people should decide. it is a threat to the entire region. sincere efforts to find a solution to the crisis and hope the syrian regime would be wise enough to realize the governors became obsolete. consequently, since the syrian regime continued adopting an approach that flies in the face of the international community which does not resort to a rational solution to the crisis containing the plan we have presented and we hope we might
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gain support. this is why we hope to do justice to the syrian people. we call on the careful to adopt a draft resolutions. of the what we would be sending your own message to the syrian regime that encourages it to continue oppressing its people which might have serious consequences for the whole region. >> [speaking in native tongue] >> thank you, mr president. allow me to thank you and the
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members of the security council for the invitation for me to participate in this important meeting. the security council convenes today, a spiral dangerously, this requires international efforts be concerned with the arab efforts for a rapid and decisive action, first to insure a immediate cessation of violence and protection of the syrian people. a peaceful, political solution, that rips syria of its grinding crisis and realizes that the aspirations of the syrian people for change and reform the move,
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in all its segments, enjoy dignity as called upon by every arab country. the situation is ever more grave and urgent in light of the security, continuing act of violence. that has filled many innocent civilians following the syrian government, in full contradiction with the commitments, a plan as well as a political sign by the syrian arab republic and the mandate of the observer mission in syria. the first priority is for the
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security council to adopt a resolution, all parties immediately cease fire, protect syrians and support the arab plan towards a peaceful political settlement of the crisis. today's meeting has been convened in implementation of article 52 of the charter of the united nations. i quote in english. >> specifics of the month of local disputes or by such region, on the initiative of the state's from the security council. it is in this very context that the league of arab states has come to the security council. i would like to thank you for having so quickly responded to the request from the league of
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arab states to in for your counsel -- the issue has been put forward in detail by his excellency and i will attempt to be brief. the latest decision taken by the elite was january 22nd. a road map for sp shall -- peaceful settlement of the syrian crisis. before taking the details of the initiative to stress fundamental principles of the arab demand. the fundamental objective of our initiative is an immediate cessation of all acts of violence and killing against syrian civilians as well as the realization of the aspirations and demands of the syrian people. demand for economic, social and
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political change. removed for the correct political life, improve democracy where all fundamental rights are maintained as well as the peaceful automation of power. arab states aimed at picking up the syrian crisis in an arab conflict. we are attempting to avoid any foreign intervention. particularly military intervention. 3. the arab endeavour proceeds from the need for a peaceful political settlement as stated, a rejection of military or foreign intervention. 4. all the resolutions of the arab -- league of arab states. all the resolutions have always pressed full respect of the security, sovereignty and territorial integrity and unity of the syrian people.
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we therefore have the objective for the security council to support our initiative, not to take its place. the arab plan is the fundamental mechanism for peaceful settlement of the syrian crisis with international support and agreement from the security council. in its approach to taking up the syrian crisis, we have taken up two pillars. immediate action for an immediate cessation of all acts of violence and killings against the syrian people while at the same time maintaining the right of the syrian people to peaceful demonstration and security forces not to confront further demonstrations. a roadmap leading to a peaceful political settlement of the crisis through a national dialogue that includes all
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parties, all sects, all current and all segments of syrian society in order to achieve and realize the aspirations of the syrian people for true democracy. in fulfilling that endeavour, since july of 2011, fought -- put forward a number of initiatives to the syrian leadership. the most important being on august 27th of last year and mandated by the council of league, i handed that proposal on the syrian leadership of december of last year, there after a ministerial arab committee mandated against by the council of the lead visited damascus and met with the syrian leadership on october of last year based on that initiative and those contacts the arab action plan took shape.
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the syrian government was implemented and it was thereafter adopted by the council on nov. second of last year. the plan includes and i quote, first, the syrian government is to put an end to all acts of violence from whatever source to protect the syrian citizens to the release of detainees and because of current events. withdraw all elements of all cities and urban centers for opening the door to all institutions of the league as well as herb international media to move freely to sustain on the ground and monitor such events. second with progress in the implementation by the syrian government of its commitment, ministerial committee of the arab league would undertake
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necessary consultations with the government and all parties of syrian opposition in order to hold national dialogue conference two weeks following that date. in order to ascertain implementation of the syrian government or commitment according to the plan, the league drew up a protocol that represents the legal context for the observer mission. observers were dispatched from all arab states and institutions. it began to deploy in syria stopping on december 24th of last year. it continued to deploy to all areas where demonstrations were in syria. the head of the mission presented his first technical field report covering the period from 24 december, the date the
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team reached damascus to 18 january of this year. this was the report that was conveyed to the secretary general of the united nations on the twenty-second of this month in order to inform him of the situation on the ground under cooperation to organizations. the council of the league decided on the conclusions of the report that partial progress was made in implementing some implementations taken on by the syrian government. progress was incomplete and insufficient. it was not what was required or indeed what was wanted. the resolution of the league, the protocol itself, immediate complete cessation of acts of violence or release of all detainees, and opening the
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doors, in this context to take of a fundamental point, in order to temporal and political context. the syrian government to satisfy its commitments before monitored so that the commission would verify such implementation. but since it did not fully implement its commitments the underground had to change. to demand full and immediate implementation from the syrian government. it also sought to confront some humanitarian situations. painful situations. situations that could not be
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ignored even though they were out side meetings and mandates and brought food to some areas. they regarded testimony of some citizens on some violations of human rights committed against them or indeed held in the exchange of bodies of the fallen. 2. the report covers limited short period of time. the report does not take up the previous nine months before the of rival of teams in syria or the events that had taken place ever since march 15th of last year until the 24 of december last year. during that period, many events took place. many violations. the team could not take up. it was outside their mandate. the was not required from the
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mission. this must always be taken into consideration when assessing and evaluating the interference of positive teams. the path of the mission was very specific, difficult and complicated. never in the past has the prime minister stated, never in the past with the team of civilian observers dispatched to a state facing escalating -- on the regime. despatched to ascertain the government of that state, implementing its commitment to cease violence and killing, withdraw elements from cities and urban centers at the same time. it must be clearly stated that the mandate of the mission was
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to ascertain by the syrian government of its commitments and not reach this engagement or truce between warring parties which is usually the case when missions are dispatched by the united nations to any conflict area in the world. the most important item is excessive use of force by security forces of syria since last march which led to reaction by demonstrating citizens or opposition elements, paragraph 74 from the report stated there was a situation of explosive tension, oppression and injustice needed for syrian citizens, the opposition
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reported to bearing arms because of excess of use of force by government forces since last march. this is a direct quote from a report. despite the presence of observers on the ground this did not lead to immediate and full respect by syrian forces. despite positive elements, assyrian people allowed the freedom in accepting its demands. this was clear in increasing numbers demonstrated in many -- many members found a direct mechanism -- to the mission. direct testimony and the mission was able to record much about the human rights situation in syria. commission was able to obtain
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detainee's through many contacts between the people and the mission in direct contact or through the west side set up for this purpose. in light of the conclusion of the mission's report, in studying the developments on the ground, the league began to deal with the crisis and mending the efforts and endeavors to reach settlement to the syrian crisis without foreign intervention without falling into a civil war while respecting the independent sovereignty and territorial integrity of syria, for resolution of the ministerial council was adopted on the twenty-second of this month and the following. a need for full cessation of acts of performance and killing from whatever source in order to protect syrian citizens calling
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on the syrian government to release all detainees and withdraw all armed elements from cities and urban centers. opening the way to arab international bv and withdraw the syrian army and any other arm forces of whenever formation to their original positions, ensuring the right of people to demonstration and not confronting demonstrators and allowing for facilitating the mission task and its equipment particularly communication equipment. the syrian government and all parties in the opposition to begin serious political dialogue in the league of their states no later than two week from that call in order to achieve the following. one, establishment of national unity government. two, two months hence where the
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authorities and the opposition and the leadership of an agreed person would take up the items of the plan, preparation, parliamentary elections and presidential, free elections in accordance to a law governing its procedures. i should like to stress that the roadmap adopted on the twenty-second of this month can in no way be interpreted as calling on the syrian president to renounce power. there is a precedent when i visited damascus on the sixteenth of july of last year, and in conversation with the president of the republic on the need for a true political dialogue, the president said i will go to my deputy and and trust him with the fundamental
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reforms that are necessary, he will supervise the political reforms. this is very similar to the league of arab states as of now. upon its formation the national unity government would declare its objective is to set up political democratic multi-party system insuring equality among all citizens regardless of breed, sex or face. i am assuring the alternation of this panel and national government would reestablish security and stability in the country and would reform the police forces to take up civilian duties with financing from arab states that are committed to coordinate with the league of arab states setting up
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an independent body to investigate the violations needed for citizens. the national unity government organized constituent assembly to be transparent, fair, arab international oversight for three months from the creation of the national unity government. mr. president, in informing the security council of all these developments are like to inform you that immediately before coming to new york i was compelled to take an urgent measure in suspending of the work of the arab observers in syria because of the deterioration of the situation in the country lately. after the syrian government openly declared that it is taking of the security option that led to the withdrawal of
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some observers until i take the matter to the council in a few days. as you see from the brief reports on the arab crisis, the league has always endeavored to find a peaceful political settlement to the syrian crisis that spares the life of the syrian people and realizes it's the man's and aspirations. furthermore the league fully realizes the support of the international community of the arab land as being the only mechanism to resolve the syrian crisis is a fundamental aspect for its success and for achieving these objectives. therefore, mr. president, allow me to repeat that the league of arab states looks forward to a supporting resolution from your security council, one that calls on all parties to immediately cease all acts of violence
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against the syrian people, one that calls on all parties to a serious national dialogue under the league of arab states and that takes up the arab endeavour and the basis for resolving the crisis and one that supports the mission of the league when it resumes. it is also my duty as secretary general of the league to stress the importance of speedy cooperation between the united nations and the relevant international institutions with the league in order to alleviate the deteriorating humanitarian condition of the syrian people. in conclusion allow me once again to thank the security council for having responded so quickly to our request as well as your support of the arab endeavour. i am hopeful that this support will give strong momentum to the league's efforts and will be a
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model of positive interaction between the united nations and regional organizations. mr. president, do not let the syrian people down. violence and killing must be put to an end. we need a clear resolution supporting the arab league's endeavour. and tiger woods seek your support of the resolution favored by -- thank you. >> thank you. i give the floor to the representative of the arab republic. [speaking in native tongue] >> >> translator: thank you, mr president. mr president, i too will speak in arabic. it is my honor to do so.
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mr. president, i did not say he predicted an arab poet known to all arabs and read by all arabs by the name of rabani. he imagine this situation years before is death in a very famous polling that starts as follows. damascus, the treasurer of my dreams. will i be known to you arabs or my fellow arabs? mr. president, my generation and myself remember the very
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well in their 50s and nearly 60s that we houston be in grade school at the time in syrian schools. and we used to sing to the anthem of the algerian revolution in the morning instead of reciting the syrian national anthem. we also used to give our few pennies pocket money that has a word in syrian dialect to donate this pocket money to arab liberation movements in the gulf that used to be struggling to be liberated. we the children, you still
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happily donate our pocket money, little as it were to assist our brothers in the gulf so that they would be liberated from the gridlock of colonialism. this was before the oil boom. at a time air abysm was distant from the way to which some view it today. mr. president, allow me to express my appreciation to south africa, personally wisely presiding over the work of the security council for the month. we would like to use this
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opportunity to stress once again the pride we feel for your people and the people of africa on this appetite and to question the positions of some states that pay lip service to democracy and human rights. we ask them with whom did they stand during your struggle that was crowned with success and victory? mr. president, syria is going through decisive challenges in its history. we want this stage to be, through the will of our people, not through the will of anyone else to be the point of determination to respond to the debt aspirations of the syrian people. and these events have broken the hearts of every syrian, imposes
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on syrians of different stripes and association to choose the road of wisdom and to be guided by their patriotic feeling so that the homeland, all of the homeland and not far there of to be victorious, the syrian people who presented the world with the first estimate, know that the scent of damascus rather than the blood, the syrian people were always capable of crises and internal problems and it has never accepted any form of foreign intervention in its internal affairs and affairs of its homeland, cerium. it stood proud, refusing,
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undermining its culture and national assets. the syrian people will do that once again by the participation of all syrians to lead them away from the crisis and to contribute to national construction. putting as the primary objective the interests of the homeland and nothing else. in an atmosphere of reconciliation among all, the homeland is the property of all. in syria we don't have a majority or minority. there are syrians in syria. the homeland is don't buy all and it is the property of all and it is a trust even somewhere if it is misled and even if some defied what is right.
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syrian patriotism rejects external intervention and syria's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity is a red line. syrian patriotism stresses syrians stand one rank against dissent. rejecting violence, rejecting resorting to arms while calling for reform. homelands are built by their citizens. we as syrians have the ability to undertake sincere national dialogue and expedite reform so that we can establish a genuine national partnership that reservists the security of the homeland and that of the citizen as the only way out of this crisis, one that responds to the legitimate aspirations of the
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syrian people without necessarily undermining of our homeland. future generations will hold everyone who lost this opportunity accountable. mr. president, the arab people would have very much hoped the secretary general of the league of arab states and current chairman of the minister of councils in the security council would have hoped this presence would have been for requesting the council to shoulder its responsibility in ending israeli occupation of occupied arab territories, putting a end to the israeli activities and killing. how strange it is for us to see some members of the league of arab states having to resort to the security council seeking support against syria.
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syria, that never thought twice in providing the ultimate sacrifice in the sense of arab causes. those who believe that the state's i am referring to and who have always stood in the face of just causes in the counsel and outside, those who look like being enthusiastic for the arab league out of respect for the decisions, those who believe that these states are with us are really falling into illusions. fact is that this enthusiasm is in the same context in the country for the instance of arab causes. what is new today is the arab league decided to take its decisions to the security council that took hundreds of
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vetoes against arab causes. they knew i would say that the arab league transferred the decisions, the unjust decisions it took against syria and syria's absence and resolve consultation with its leadership in a way that runs counter to the charter of the league of arab states and pave the way to a continued scenario of aggressively internal affairs of syria. these plans have crossed other plans and interests among arab states destabilizing it. this happen for no reason other than syria wanted to defend it norwood syria accept that its sovereignty would be compromised and because it consists on independence of its decision and
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the preservation of its sovereignty and interests and interests of its people. mr president, after some imposed on this international organization the policy of standards and -- even if it were undeclared or unwritten we are here that we are witness to another stage that is based on creating illusory terms of reference based on the policy of imposing false facts. some tried to convince public opinion that those who tried to defend the independence of their country following on the road of gondi, mandela and the george washington, and the and your and
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sultan benatar al fresh, those i say are classified as terrorists working outside international legitimacy. those who are trying to preserve their countries, safe from creative care and terror have become violators of human rights and killers of their own people. those who wins support of the majority of their people have legitimacy and have to step down. it is really strange behavior that some oligarch -- sponsored draft resolutions promoting alternation of power, freedom of assembly, promotion of democracy and protection and promotion of
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human rights and those very states, not even have a constitution let alone a genuine electoral system and exercise democracy through stations and fancy conference halls. those same countries resort to the security council to ask reform. the parliament in 1919, one year after the fall of the ottoman empire was lawrence of arabia was wreaking havoc with the destinies and resources of the state and trying to turn the clock back. mr. president, the protocol of arab observers because we were
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keen on keeping this issue under the arab roofed. syria, through its full and accurate commitment to the arab plan and protocol between syria and the secretary of arab states, the report of the observer mission already confirmed as paragraph 37, 39 and 73 are very important confirm clearly what was said in the past. it confirmed that there is a political, misleading, deliberate and systematic campaign to distort and fabricate facts. here i refer to paragraph 29, 68 and 69 of the report. the report spoke of the presidents of terrorist groups that used legitimate demands by the syrian people for reformists
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to destabilize syria and undermine its security to undertake terrorist attacks against the institutions of the states and against civilians and military personnel. paragraph 26, 71 and 75 and paragraph 44 of the report clearly indicates the french journalist was killed as a result of mortar attacks fired by the opposition. syria finds it strange that this tragic event did not move the french diplomacy to indignation. particularly that it established a committee of inquiry to investigate the details of this event shared by a judge and through participation of a representative of the french chinese in which the journalists used to work. the secretary general of the league of arab states, same
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paragraph, in his statement, i regret that he selected items from the report and left others. i would only like to read paragraph 26. paragraph 26 says in certain instances government forces use force as a reaction to attacks against its personnel. the observers noticed that there are armed groups using thermal bombs and anti armour bombs. end of quotation. the secretary general of the league of arab states was a dear
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colleague. objected to requests by members of this council to in the fight general -- invite general davi to this meeting. the report of arab observers was not sent to you. as part of the document that was dispatched from the headquarters of the league of arab states. mr. president, the decision by the league of arab states to go to the council is the attempt to bypass the success of the task of arab observers and an attempt to ignore its report. the report came against the plan by some arab and non arab parties who falsely claim
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attachment to the arab world in settling the syrian crisis and a time when they worked by doing things to avoid the mission of the observers and they wage a political and media war against some arab officials and some europeans have doubted the meaningful less -- meaningful less of the mission including the ambassador who visited new york, washington and other capitals only two week 7 the beginning of the work of the mission making statements that the continuation of the mission of observers is useless and ask the syrian issue be transferred to the security council. this happened while syria was fully committed to the provisions of the protocol despite the twofold increase in the number of those killed among
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forces of the government. and despite acts of aggression on public and private property. that is all due to instructions to armed groups from the outside to use the presence of the mission as a time for escalation. syria rejects any escalation of fighting arab plan as a protocol that it finds in the league of arab states. it considers the resolution adopted by the meeting of the council of arab states a violation of its national sovereignty, flagrant interference in its internal affairs and a blatant violation of purposes for which the league of arab states was established. it was also a violation of article viii of the charter of the league of arab states stating the league of arab states requested the syrian government to extend the mandate
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for to extend the mission of the observers for one month. damascus agreed. however, will be of arab states soon contradicted itself when it ignored the report of the mission and tried to transfer the crisis from an arab country to the security council and hosted the work of the mission of observers later on. mr. president, unbridled tendency by some foreign states to interfere in our internal and external affairs is neither sovereign nor novel. it has systematically occurred since 1916 and for a declaration in 1917. let alone the incidents provided to is really aggressive hostile policies and occupation of arab
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land. mr. president, we all know that the international legal framework in whose parameters states work is based on respect for sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs these two principals were consecrated in the charter of the united nations and not article lii of the charter to which dr. nabil el-araby referred. also in article viii of the charter of the league of arab states in this context we stress exclusive responsibility of the syrian government in the preservation of civic security in protecting from acts of destruction and sabotage undertaken by armed forces, armed elements and not peaceful demonstrators. in accordance with syrian law as
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well as international agreements to which syria is departing including civil and political rights, instead of respecting international law and in the context of feverish attempts to interfere in the affairs of syria by co-sponsors of the resolution against syria, some of whose officials who have suddenly fallen in love with the syrian people after an emotional hibernation through centuries, those who foolishly dream of the return of colonialism through these resolutions and concocting new terms to justify interference in syrian internal affairs. to misleading public opinion, exactly mimicking exactly what they did when they misled public
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opinion, when 130,000 libyan civilians were killed and 1 million iraqis were killed using the pretext of looking put weapons of mass destruction, under the pretext of fighting terrorism and establishing clandestine prisons and detention centers in guantanamo, of abu ghraib under the pretext of promoting freedom. we stress that syria drove strength from the strength of its people and time for confronting its enemies. we call all those who are fomenting the crisis and bent on exacerbating it to reconsider these policies and to end massacreing the syrian people. one cannot be an arsonist and of
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firefighter at the same time. we call upon them to support national dialogue and syrian political reform process implemented by the syrian leadership in response to the legitimate demands by the people. by way of example i say in february we will hold a referendum on a new constitution for the country that guarantees political pluralism as well as automation of power. parliamentary elections held in the first half of the year, leaving the final fate to the ballot box. in conclusion, we expect the security council to be a platform, encouraging dialogue as a way to crises. we don't expect to provoke or aggravates crises. we believe that exacerbation of
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the crisis leads to undermining international peace and security instead of preserving them. we welcome in this regard the recent initiative of the russian federation to sponsor assyrian dialogue in moscow to find a solution to this crisis. thank you, mr. president. >> i recognize the arab republic for a statement and give members of the secretary council -- give the floor to the excellence lee hillary rodham clinton. >> thank you very much. let me begin by thanking prime minister johnson and prime minister nabil el-araby for their thorough briefing. the arab league has demonstrated the important leadership in this crisis and for many months the people of the region and the
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world have watched in horror as the assad regime executed a campaign of violence against its own citizens. civilians gunned down in the streets, women and children tortured and killed, no one is safe. not even officials of the syrian arab red crescent. according to you and estimates more than 5,400 civilians have already died and that number is rising fast. the regime also continues to arbitrarily detain syrian citizens such as the activists al shairagi simply for demanding universal rights and dignity. to date the evidence is clear that assad's forces are initiating nearly all of the
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attacks that killed civilians. but as more citizens take up arms to resist the regime brutality violence is increasingly likely to spiral out of control. already the challenges ahead for the syrian people are daunting. a crumbling economy, rising sectarian tensions, a call for an of instability in the heart of the middle east. now fears about what follows assad especially among syria's minority community is understandable. indeed it appears as though assad and his cronies are working hard to pick syrian ethnic and religious groups against each other, risking greater sectarian violence and even descent into civil war.
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response to this violent crackdown on peaceful dissent and protest the arab league launched an unprecedented diplomatic intervention, sending monitors into syriac's beleaguered cities and towns and offering president assad many chances to change course. these observers were greeted by thousands of protesters eager to share their aspirations for their universal rights and also the stories of what had the fallen them and their families. but as the arab league report makes clear, if you read the entire report, the regime did not respect its pledges or the presence to monitor and instead responded with excessive and escalating violence. in the past few days the
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regime's security forces have intensified their assault showing civilian areas and homes and other cities. this weekend the arab league suspended its monitoring mission pointing to the machine's intransigence and mounting civilian casualties. so why is the arab league here before the security council? because they are seeking the support of the international community for a negotiated, peaceful, political solution to this crisis and a responsible democratic transition in syria. and we all have a choice. stand with the people of syriac and the region or become complicity in the continuing violence there. united states urges the security
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council to back the arab league's demand that the syrian government immediately stop all attacks against civilians and guarantees of freedom of peaceful demonstrations. in accordance with the arab league's plan, syria must release all arbitrarily detain citizens, return its military and security forces to their barracks, allow full and unhindered access for monitored humanitarian workers and journalists. we urge the security council to back the arab league's call for an inclusive cerium led political process to effectively address the legitimate aspirations and concerns of syria's people, conducted in an environment free from violence, fear, intimidation and extremism. i know that some members here
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may be concerned that the security council could be headed toward another libya. that is a false analogy. syriac is a unique situation that requires its own approach tailored to the specific circumstances occurring there. that is exactly what the arab league has proposed. a past or political transition that would preserve syria at's unity and institution. this may not be exactly the plan that any of us ourselves would have designed. i know that many nations feel that way. but it represents the best efforts to chart a way forward and deserves a chance to work. i think it would be a mistake to minimize or understate the
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magnitude of the challenge that syrians face in trying to build the rule of law and civil society on the ruins of a brutal and failed dictatorship. this will be hard. results are far from certain. success is far from guaranteed but the alternative, more of assad's brutal rule, is no alternative at all. we all know that change is coming to syria. despite its ruthless tactics the assad regime's reign of terror will end and the people of syria will have a chance to chart their own destiny. the question for us is how many more innocent civilians will die before this country is able to move forward toward the kind of future it deserves? unfortunately it appears as though the longer this continues, the harder


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