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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 5, 2009 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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>> as part of that community. it's contributed to our increased operational capacity to manage all types of emergencies. as you remember one of the challenges in katrina was not being able to move and release items until there was a declaration and the challenges of providing that assistance, that clarity has been brought because of the work your committee did and the findings that said we needed to enable the administrator and the team to support governors more proactively. we continue that work and empower fema to do that. we face a variety of hazards. we've also instituted starting this morning exercises to begin testing the team. we stimulated a major earthquake this morning at 6:00 am. no notice to the team to see and make sure that we are reinforcing these procedures so that as you point out we're n


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