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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  October 10, 2019 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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just a subway stop away are the best museums in the world. and i can fish right from the window of pam's pottery studio. and we can chat anytime we want. just like now. just like now. too bad schools are terrible, but what are you going to do about that? what are you going to do? >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show," everybody. thank you so much for tuning in. thank you for coming out! wow! so much energy. thank you for coming out! let's do it. let's make a show. i'm trevor noah. our guest tonight, our guest tonight is the only republican
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senator who is tuly willing to talk with us. senator rand paul will be joining us, everything. also, mutiny on a cruise ship. california goes back to the dark ages. and shockingly, there's a war in the middle east. let's catch up on today's headlines. let's kick it off with the big news out of california. last year around this time, falling power lines sparked major wildfires across the state. so with the winds picking up again, the electric company decided to play it safe and pull the plug. >> tonight, california's largest utility taking an extraordinary move, cutting power to hundreds of thousands to avoid wildfires sparked by a wind-blown power lines, but many are furious. >> the utility company pg&e just proactively shut power off across the region after power lines sparked a series of historically devastating wildfires. while residents stocked up on supplies, the lines crashing, leaving families like the
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garcias wondering how long they have to power through without electricity. >> i hope it doesn't last five days. that's kinds of insane. >> trevor: that's right, california has turned off the employer for half a million people to prevent wildfires. can may be smart for safety, but obviously it sucks for the people without electricity. because now they have to talk tow their families for the first time in ages. it will be so awkward. "so, tommy, how is fourth grade?" "dad, i'm in grad school." "oh, oh, man, when is touchdown coming back." you know what is not cool, the power company shut off power for 600,000 people, but they made sure silicon valley got to keep their electricity. everyone else has-- like, they should have done the opposite. they should have only shut down silicon valley. because we could use a break from social media. come on now. wouldn't that be nice? no twitter, no facebook. no one has to read their racist
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uncle's facebook status or their racist president's tweets. it would be so much fun. ( cheers and applause ) you know who is winning so hard right now, you know who is winning hard? amish people. archbishop because they finally get a chance to act smug as hell, just rolling into town on their horse and buggy, singing "old town road." just like, "well, well, well, feeling stressed art thou? would love to stay and chat with you light bulb-loving ( bleep ). my butter ain't going to churn itself. jeremiah out!" this story is a reminder we made too many things electricity that we don't need. when the power goes out, you're like, "how will i brush my teeth? oh, no. how will i smoke my weed!" they're like, "we could have sex." "i can't.
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my penis won't work without power. alexa? let's move on toes now from somewhere off the coast of norway. >> a boat load of people who thought they were embarking on an exciting cruise of the fjords of norway got a different kind of excitement. >> mutiny on a cruise ship. several say the toilet stopped working. >> the toilet does not flush. it smells. it leaks. >> passengers got into tense confrontations with the crew. >> there is nothing you can say! not one thing! >> they don't want any of the video going viral! there's no internet! they shut down the internet. >> norwegian cruiseline issued a statement apologizing for their guests' inconvenience, blaming weather for the change in itinry. they offered passengers a 25% credit for a future trip. >> trevor: instead of a refund, the cruiseline is
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offering 25% off another crews? that's hell-a-gangsta, man. imagine if the "titanic" did that? pulling people into the lifeboats. i'm so sorry your husband froze to death. here's a coupon for a frozen margarita next time. i get the vacation wasn't perfect but i'm not going to lie, some people were being extreme. the toilets don't flush, but you're still on a cruise ship. you have slides expendless alcohol. the toilets don't work. the ocean is right there, nature's original toilet. do your thing, over the side, back to the pool. you know how i know things weren't that bad is because people got together to make a group sign. that doesn't happen in a real disaster. ( laughter ) when shit is really going down, no one is like, "we're gog die! who has pen and paper! we're all goana die! we're all gonna die." wouldn't it be funny if the passengers take over. "i want to see the captain." imagine if they took over the ship and it became a pirate
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cruise, sailing around the seas attacking other cruises. "arrggh! take the buffet." to a fun time in the air gone really long. >> hot air balloon horror, flames erupting at one of the nation's largest festivals. >> fire falling from the skies. a hot air balloon engulfed in flames with a passenger and pilot on board. just one in a string of balloons in stress during one of the nation's largest festivals, the albuquerque international balloon fiesta in new mexico. authorities also rushing to help the passengers on this balloon after it goes flying into the cable line. and not frar there, a balloon crashed into a tree on a golf course and is ripped apart. >> trevor: okay, i am so happy everyone survived those crashes. and on top of that it is nice to see a story where i know no black people were hurt. ( laughter ) ( applause ) i don't even need to read the articles on this.
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so things didn't go as planned. what was the plan? they're balloons. you can't control them. imagine if you got in your car and it just went in the direction the wind was blowing. "all right, on my way to work. no! it looks like i'm going into the lake!" i don't know about you, but i'm not getting into any mode of transportation built around a basket. i've never been at a picnic and thought i want to do that in the sky. that's it for the headlines. let's move on to our top story. ( cheers and applause ) donald trump. president of the united states and joker understudy. ( laughter ) it feels like we say this a lot-- but the president is not having a good time. a new poll is out showing 51% of americans now support impeaching and removing him from office. and by the way, by the way, this was-- ( cheers and applause )
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this was a fox news poll. yeah. which must have hurt. it must have hurt trump. that's like if gayle said she was 51% against oprah. ( laughter ) while the ukraine scandal continues to engulf president trump, vice president mike pence is doing everything he can to stay clean >> i never discussed the issue of-- of-- the issue of the bidens with president zelensky-- >> what i can tell you is all of our discussions internally-- i mean, the president and our team in our context in my office with ukraine, were entirely focused on the broader issues of the lack of european support and corruption. >> but you were aware of the bidens being investigated and that being tied to aid to ukraine being held up. >> that's your question.
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let me be very clear. >> trevor: goddamn! ( laughter ) oh, mike pence avoided that question like it was a woman with her ankles showing. that was extreme. ( laughter ) i like how he says, "well, that's-- that's your question." yeah. and now you answer. that's how questions work. mike pence is out here trying to pull conversion therapy on a question. he's like, "let the power of jesus rule cast out the demon in that question." now, while the impeachment train is picking up steam, that's really not the big news today. the big news is turkey because earlier this week, president trump ordered american troops to step aside in syria, allowing turkey to attack america's kurdish allies in the region. and guess what? that's exactly what happened. >> turkey tonight wasting no time launching a military attack on u.s. kurdish allies inside syria just two days after receiving a virtual green light from president trump. >> dubbed "operation peace spring" by the turkish government. turkish forces driving deeper
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into northern syria, attacking u.s. allies, the kurds, with advancing troops on the ground, while pounding kurdish positions from the air. another danger: as kurdish fighters now rush to the front lines to defend themselves against turkey, they can no longer properly guard detention camps, packed with tens of thousands of isis members. >> trevor: what a shit show. thanks to trump's impulsive decision, people are now fleeing syria. the turkish are now bombing the kurds. and over 10,000 isis fighters could be back on the loose. yeah. which is bad news for everyone. i mean, great news for truck dealers because isis guys love trucks, you know. and that's the only people who are winning. as soon as they escape they'll be like, "we're free, just in time for toyota-thon. yeah!" ( laughter ) so in the midst of this unfolding disaster, donald trump is responding in the only way he knows how-- by being petty as hell. >> here is how president trump defended his decision to abandon
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the kurds. >> the kurds are fighting for their land, just so you understand, they're fighting for their land. and as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn't help us in the second world war. they didn't help us with normandy, as an example. >> trevor: wait, what? trump saying america shouldn't help its kurdish allies because they didn't help america in world war ii? i mean, to be fair, not helping in a war is one area president bone spurs has experience with, but still, this logic doesn't hold up. ( cheers and applause ) because the kurds are helping america fight isis right now. imagine if your boss used that logic, just walked in like, "bill, you've been a great employee for the last five years, but you shit your pants 30 years ago. we gotta let you go." "but i was a baby back then." "h.r. still thinks it's gross. i'm sorry, man." ( laughter ) oh, and just by the way, by the way, the kurds actually did fight with the allies in world war ii. so the next time trump wants to bring up history he should check
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with his friend frederick douglass. it's not a real thing. so trump clearly has no regrets about america abandoning an ally that has lost 11,000 of their troops helping fight this war. he also doesn't give a damn about what could happen if those isis fighters escape. >> the president pressed, too, on those isis prisoners. >> could isis pose a threat elsewhere? >> well, they could be escaping to europe. that's where they want to go. >> trevor: wow. so what? trump doesn't care about isis fighter because he thinks they're only going to go to europe? that's really heartless. and, also, trump, you realize you need europe, right, because without europe, there's no romania. without romania there's no vampires. without vampires, you don't have a lawyer. ( laughter ) ( applause ) who would the f.b.i. indict? i mean... secondly, it's really shortsighted, because if you let
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thousands of isis fighters regroup, they could come back bigger than ever. it's exactly what happened with the backstreet boys. we took our eyes off them, they regrouped, and now they're touring all over the world. ( laughter ) i'm just saying it might seen right now like a few isis prisoners, but in a few years we'll be like-- ♪ oh, my god they're back again ♪ ( laughter ) so, look, trump's decision to move american troops and allow this invasion could have truly disastrous consequences, and many people are wracking their brains trying to figure out why trump did this out of nowhere. but instead of guessing, maybe we should just be listening to trump himself. >> president trump's decision to pull troops from northern syria is once again raising questions about his business dealings. as "the washington post" points out, the first person to suggest donald trump would have a conflict of interest in dealing president erdogan was actually trump himself. here he is, back in 2015: >> trevor: "two towers negotiate
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>> trevor: two hours not one. it's one and another one. i call it two in istanbul." ( laughter ) yeah. i mean, this whole thing would make sense because for trump, it's always about real estate. people think he's playing three-dimensional chess. maybe he's just playing monopoly. but whatever the reason is, trump is now dealing with a major world crisis in addition to his impeachment inquiry. so that's two scandals, not one, but two. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause )
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the more things in your home you make yourself, the more it feels like your home. there's something just really special about putting in our own time, sweat, blood, tears into our home. we're learning how to do these things as we go. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it's really fun. we want to create a place for more people than just ourselves. i'm cándida. i'm jeff. and we're airbnb hosts. ♪
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this is an ad for a chip we don't need a logo. it's the three-sided crunch. you know, that cheesy, spicy, crispy-crunchy, flavor packed bodega snack that rhymes with. i need those. an ad with no logo? it's another level.
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morning fred. ♪ [bark] ♪ [silence] sorry, sorry. ♪ ♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is a physician and republican lawmaker from kentucky who has a new book
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called "the case against socialism." please welcome senator rand paul. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." >> it's good to be here. i can't believe more republicans don't want to come on. >> trevor: it's weird, right? >> it must hurt you right here. >> trevor: it hurts me so-- you know why? because more republicans came to the show than democrats before trump was president. and then trump won, and then all of a sudden, you guys, it's almost like you were afraid to come back. >> you think there's a cause and of affordable twfer are are effect between the two. >> trevor: wait, you're afraid of what trump will think if you come here? is that what it is? ( laughter ) ( applause ) no, regardless, can i tell you, i appreciate it. i appreciate it. i appreciate you coming here because i love having conversations. we're going to talk about the book "the case against socialism." but i would be remiss if i
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didn't talk about the news of the day, donald trump pulling the troops out of the region in syria. you supported trump's decision to withdraw the troops. why? >> as you and i have talked about before, i've been opposed to regime change and war in the middle east for a long time. i agreed with president obama's decision to come out of iraq. i never thought the iraq war was a good idea to begin with. i think it was one of the reasons he beat hillary clinton. i think it's also been one of the things where there could be some agreement between right and left. but i think people kind of got distracted with the things they don't like about president trump. but do we really want another war in syria? there are, like, five different countries fighting, and are 50 soldiers going to stop the advance of tens of thousands of turkish troops? >> trevor: but they did though. they did, and they were. let's argue it this way: there were 50-odd american troops in that region, right? and the turkish forces weren't attacking the kurdish forces. but-- >> no, they were gettiers my po- >> trevor: so you're saying president trump did that to protect the troops because that was about to happen.
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>> i think so. >> trevor: you think so or know so? honestly, i'm asking. >> i haven't had a discussion with the president about it. but what i would say is i think 50 troops are not what you really go to war with. so if you talk to our generals or you talk to our soldiers they're of the belief if america is going to go to war, let's go to war, but you don't go to war with the 50 people. right and left agree forward a long time regime change didn't help us in iraq. it didn't help us in libya. maybe it's not the job of america to always decide who runs every country. >> trevor: that's an interesting standpoint. let me-- let me ask you this with regards to news that is happening now, aside from turkey. the impeachment scandal is growing every single day. you-- you know, you've had your points of view, and you've said, you know, you think the bidens should be investigated. you think that america should be looking into what trump-- donald trump has said is a corruption that is happening somewhere there. so i understand your standpoint and i'm not ignoring it.
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that aside, though, do you think that donald trump was appropriate in the way he handled that? do you think he did it in the right way? because if he believed there was a corruption, why did he not go through the f.b.i.? why would he put pressure on a foreign leader with the promise of american aid? >> most people in america want people to be judged with the same sort of law. soy if it looks like we're going to judge trump with one law and we're going to judge biden with another law. some people are going to say that's unfair. some people retreat into a corner >> trevor: if you're with those people, would you support both of them being judged, if they have both done something wrong? >> no, what i would say is yes. i would say that we can judge what they did whether it was right or wrong. i think there are a lot of different viewpoints on this, i think whose going to happen with the impeachment thing is people will retreat into their camps and finally make a judgment is it fair to treat people differently? is it fair, or do we dislike other things about the president
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enough we're fine going on this. i think there is a danger-- i think special prosecutors have too much power. and when the democrats win, they'll go after republicans, when the republicans win, they'll go after the democrats. i think there's a real danger to become our country where everything will be criminalized. we're going to have an election in a year. can we wait a year to decide who the run the government? >> audience: no. >> trevor: i hear your point and while we think about it we'll go away fair short ad break and we'll have more with rand paul when we come bac ♪
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♪ this is an ad for a chip we don't need a logo. it's the three-sided crunch. you know, that cheesy, spicy, crispy-crunchy, flavor packed bodega snack that rhymes with. i need those. an ad with no logo? it's another level. introducing new vicks vapopatch easy to wear, with soothing vicks vapors for her, for you, for the whole family. new vicks vapopatch. breathe easy.
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halloween is awesome. [trick or treat] yes, yes, yes, yes. [screaming in fear] yay. [laughter] yes! thank you. this... watch... tells... time and takes phone calls. and communicates with satellites
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thousands of miles above the earth and tracks your distance underwater and tracks your activity and tells you which direction you're going and has an app that measures the electrical waves traveling through your heart otherwise known as an electrocardiogram. so just to reiterate this... watch... tells... time (among other things). [ song: johnny cash, "th♪sthese are my people ♪ ♪ these are the ones ♪ ♪ who will reach for the stars ♪ ♪ these are my people ♪ by the light of the earth, ♪ ♪ you can tell they are ours ♪ ♪ a new step to take ♪ and a new day will break ♪ yes, these are my people ♪
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." we're joined by senator rand paul. your book is self-explanatory: "the case against socialism." straight into it-- you are clearly against it. the question is why? >> when you look at the cases of socialism over the last 100 years, whether it be hitler or stalin or mao or pol pot or what you see is famine. what you see is a disaster of epic proportions. and i think we have to be careful that we don't somehow think, "well, it's going to be different this time."
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one of the greatest principles we didn't like a king, we didn't like a powerful president. and we still resist the idea-- and we promote the idea of separation of power and checks and balances. gll could one not argue that capitalism has gotten to the point in america where you do in fact have kings and rulers? you do have people who define how other people can live. let's talk about the medicine industry in america. we've seen opioids, they know how to get the people, you're in a word where you don't have a choice anymore. it's a corrupt system masquerading as pure free markets. >> when you have honest capitalism, people get rich based on merit and based on selling something consumers want, sam walton, for example. there are examples of crony
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capitalism as well where the system has been corrupted. but the system has been corrupted by people taking and using government to their advantage. big pharma and pharmaceutical industry has done that. i'm not a big fan of that. i think they have really corrupted the patent system. i think they have abused the patent system. and that needs to be fixed. that's not real capitalism. that's people using government to corrupt the system. >> trevor: i agree. when you look at america, let's just look at republicans in america. look how many people voted for donald trump. and why did they vote for him? they said because they haven't moved in their lives. their wages are stagnant. they have no money. factories have moved to country where's it is cheaper to make things. companies have found ways to pay less, and wages in america have been stagnant for half a century, essentially. >> but the interesting thing >> trevor: but is that not capitalism? if we go socialism bad, but is capitalism great? >> the interesting thing since president trump was elected the
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median wage has been up 4,000. unemployment is at historic lows. we have become so polarized people are unwilling to look at that. but thing are better. >> trevor: no, unemployment -- people have acknowledged. but in terms of wages in america. wages are stagnant in america. people are not better off-- >> they absolutely off. >> trevor: more people live at home than ever before. they can't buy their own houses. the. >> the statistics are overwhelming. 100 years ago if you were to take a certain amount of money, an average worker's pay and buy goods, you would get one basket of goods, one container of goods. you get seven times as much for the same price now. the amount that-- >> trevor: no, no, this is true. yes, that's true >> the amount of your income that you paid as a percentage of your income for food in 1919 was, like, 35%. >> trevor: right. >> it's down to 12%. >> trevor: but then the difference as well is the amount of income that you pay for medical care and essentials now
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has also gone up an insane amount versus that time. >> exactly, exactly. ( applause ) >> trevor: so then the arguments is basically having-- no, i'm with you. but the argument-- but the one thing i'm have having with you-- and we can't talk about it forever. we have the book. we want people to read it. i'm just asking you this then-- >> the next argument. >> trevor: i want to ask you this. >> but the next-- ( laughter ) before you get away from health care, yes, health care has risen. over 50% of health care is provided by the government now. the prices are fixed between big government and insurance companies. since we passed obamacare, the profits have gone from $6 billion tow $16 billion. they know how to play the system. >> trevor: the book is fascinating. i love having you on the show because we argue, we just go back and forth.
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i appreciate you coming on the show again. "the case against socialism" is in bookstores now. rand pau this is an ad for a chip so iconic. we don't need a logo. it's the three-sided crunch. you know, that cheesy, spicy, crispy-crunchy, flavor packed bodega snack that rhymes with. i need those. an ad with no logo?
11:33 pm
it's another level. take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. so you don't have to stash antacids here... here... or, here. kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. before we gbefore we go, you've probably heard trump say that he had a perfect call with ukraine's president. you know the call held with military aid in exchange for joe biden, that perfect call. well, we made it possible for you at home to have your own perfect call with the president. yeah, with the "the daily show's donald j. trump before call hotline." if you call 954-44-trump right now, the president is standing by. and you can have a perfect call with him. all right, now here it is, your moment of zen.
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>> we're back with the breaking news. energy secretary rick perry was just subpoenaed by the house impeachment inquiry chairman for documents related to the ukraine scandal. ♪ ♪ ♪ uno, dos, tres, quatro ♪ uno, dos, tres, quatro ( cheers and applause ) >> david: on their trip to armenia, courtney car dashon's 4-year-old son flipped the bird to fans. i finally have a favorite kardashian now. >> (~bleep ) you armenia. >> honey! no, they're friends! he's -- he's crazy. he needs to eat. ( cheers and applause ) ♪


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