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tv   The Nightly Show With Larry Wilmore  Comedy Central  August 13, 2015 11:31pm-12:02am PDT

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said my love for humans will never fade. a thumbs up for people from the hitchhiking robot. >> rage against >> larry: tonightly, obama writes a letter to the "new york times" asking congress to restore the voting rights act. mean while, former president george w. bush wrote... a letter. (laughter) jeb bush says hillary clinton is responsible for the mess in iraq. george bush whispers to a guy standing next to him, "is my name hillary clinton?" and a courtroom sketch artist draws a weird picture of tom brady. in the artist's defense, drawing tom was hard because crayola doesn't have a color called "dirty rotten cheater." this is "the nightly show"! let's do this! (cheers and applause)
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captioning sponsored by comedy central ♪ welcome to "the nightly show." i'm larry wilmore. i have been talking a lot about bernie and hillary and trump this week. but what's going on with jeb exclamation point? (laughter) time to check in on what's happening with the unblackening -- exclamation point! ♪ on tuesday night, jeb exclamation point gave a big foreign policy speech focusing on the middle east. should be interesting. jeb is a man of the world. after all, in half of his signs, he's known as "yeb."
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okay. hit me, unnecessary punctuation man. >> no leader or policy-maker involved will claim to have gotten everything right in the region, iraq especially. >> larry: oh, snap! jeb exclamation point is about to call out his own brother. this is like cain and abel! well, it's the bushes, so it's more like that time niles betrayed frasier by replacing his camembert with an underwhelming brie. (applause) all right, this is exciting. let's see how brutal he gets towards old w. >> yet, in a long experience that includes failures of intelligence and military setbacks, one moment stands out in memory as the turning point we had all been waiting for -- >> larry:... your brother leaving office?
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(audience reacts) damn, jeb, that's cold as ice. >> -- and that was the surge of military and diplomatic operations that turned events towards victory. >> larry: victory? i don't, uh, remember -- >> larry: revisionest history alert. history has been rewritten. huh-oh, guys. we're in danger of history being revised. that's our revisionist history alert. what are we in for? >> it was a success. so why was the success of the surge followed by a withdrawal from iraq, creating the void that i.s.i.s. moved in to fill? where was secretary of state clinton in all of this? >> larry: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! so george is gone, and it's all hillary's problem now? what kind of distorted reality are you living in? this is some doc brown marty mcfly time travel realness right now. "where we're going, we don't need facts!"
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(applause) >> like the president himself, she had opposed the surge, then joined in claiming credit for its success. who can seriously argue that america and our friends are safer today than in 2009? >> larry: oh, you want to play the "safer than" game? you want the play the "safer than" game? because i think most americans felt a lot safer in the clinton administration than the bush administration. 2009? if you're going to drop a date -- i've got september 11 right here in my pocket. you want me to take it out?! didn't think so. you were saying about the withdrawal from iraq, mr. exclamation point? >> it was a case of blind haste to get out and call the tragic consequences somebody else's problem. rushing away from danger can be every bit as unwise as rushing into danger. >> larry: no, it can't! that's not a thing!
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you don't run into a house fire and then take your time getting out. you do the thing you went in there to do -- save your collection of vintage pornography -- and you get out! everybody knows that. so then yesterday, when jeb was asked about his iraq attack on the democratic candidate, he said this -- "i'm not attacking her," bush "i'm just pointing out that the foreign policy that they have implemented was one that created a more dangerous world." yeah, "i'm not attacking her, i'm just pointing out that the foreign policy that they have implemented was one that created a more dangerous world." this is unbelievable to me, that jeb -- exclamation (bleep) point bush -- actually had the gal to make it seem like this (bleep) in the middle east was not started by his brother. and for the record, jeb even admits he would have done it, too.
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>> on the subject of iraq, obviously very controversial, knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion? >> i would have, and so would have hillary clinton, just to remind everybody. >> larry: no, no, no. stop trying to drag hillary into this. that's horrible. basically, your brother took a big stinking dump, didn't flush (applause) right? that's what it's like! hate to be graphic, ladies, i apologize -- broke the toilet, you admit you would have done the same -- and now you're trying to blame it on the nice lady who's deleting her e-mails down the hall. that's not right. that's not right! (applause) this is just one of many recent examples of the right trying to revise history. i mean, i love the genre of revisionist history. in fact, right now i'm reading...
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"ronald reagan: first man on the moon." it's number one on the republican non-fiction best seller list. the right is revising history all over the place. everything from changing history books to getting rid of words like "jim crow" and "kkk" to claiming the confederate flag is only about heritage. but the one that may actually impact our next election is the rollback of the voting rights act. >> for 50 years, the voting rights act helped minorities transform the nation's political landscape. the original act required seven states to get federal permission pre-clearance before making changes to the voting laws. the supreme court's 2013 decision eliminated that requirement. >> larry: this is going to be the first presidential election since 1965 with the weakened voting rights act. this is crazy. this election could be like the wild west. which, by the way -- if you're interested in that period, you should read "how ronald reagan won the wild west."
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this is excellent. this is fantastic. (applause) for more of my end-of-summer republican revisionist reading recommendations, go to's book club. (applause) let me just remind us of why we have the voting rights act. 50 years ago, lyndon johnson -- who, i've got to say, is definitely one of my top five lyndons -- passed the v.r.a., which prohibited any and all discriminatory voting policies. so no more literacy tests, no more poll tax. so what's changed? well, in this case, they're not so much trying to revise history as they are trying to revive history. >> the new rules reduced early voting from 17 days to 10, eliminated same-day registration, ended a program to pre-register high school students, and banned out-of-precinct voting. >> larry: they're making voting harder than bill cosby at a sleep clinic. (audience reacts) all right? that's right, (bleep)!
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i haven't foregotten about you! i have not forgotten about you! (applause) >> larry: three more women came out against you yesterday, you sick bastard. yep -- i've got a google alert set for this (bleep). in fact, the only reason i did this whole piece -- the only reason i talked about jeb and hillary and the voting rights act, the only reason why i woke up this morning, showered, put my deodorant on, tied my tie, spent an hour doing my hair, the only reason why i'm here tonight -- was so i could get to that joke and call you out. and let me just say -- worth it. asshole. we'll be right back. (cheers and applause) (cheers and applause) ♪
11:41 pm
who says families have to share data? these guys, that's who but at t-mobile you can get four lines with up to 10 gigs of 4g lte data, each no sharing and just $30 bucks a line 10 gigs for each and every one of you we'll even pay your family's switching fees up to $650 bucks per line so you can get 10gigs for all, today and it's only from t-mobile tsometimes you want tos, roll with the tide, instead of getting pulled down. that's why miller lite keeps you afloat with the only 96 calorie pilsner.
11:42 pm
happy sailing. it's miller time. pwhat've we got? 5. bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do.
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>> larry: welcome back. you know, i recently heard about an intriguing new federal program that's actually getting rolled out right now. >> a new plan to connect more americans to the internet. the obama administration announcing a pilot program called "connect home" to offer free or low-cost access for people in public housing. the program should help 275,000 americans. >> u.s. housing secretary julian castro joined mayor deblasio for the announcement. >> larry: free internet in public housing projects?! so, of course, i just had to ask "the nightly show" contributor mike yard to look into it -- for a new segment we're calling "mike yard's the "y" files". let's take a look. >> the white house and the u.s. department of housing and urban development led by possible hillary clinton runningmate julian castro wanted free internet in government housing
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projects. i heard free and government and i thought, hmm, i have to investigate. what exactly do you think this is? >> that's a modem. when i show you a box like this, what do you see? >> government. i think it's a -- don't look at me. don't make that mistake. have you ever been on the internet and think, are people watching what i'm doing now? >> i haven't thought about it but sounds like a good idea. >> any circumstances you would be against that? >> time warner. i don't like time warner. i will never buy from time warner. there's a time warner truck over there and -- (laughter) >> time warner cable? a billion-dollar company trying to infiltrate their p.j.s? how big is this? >> if the government had a webcam in your apartment, what would they see? >> i can't tell that to the
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camera. >> do you think they would use it as an opportunities to block porn. >> i don't watch porn. no porn? that's been going down to d.c. twhaiive doing that for years. >> this was driving me crazy, so i headed into the belly of the beast to confront the man once and for all. >> hello. y, secretary castro. i, mike. i need to see you, brother. all right. where? >> you know where! (siren) >> hey, mike. what is it this time? >> hello to you, too, secretary castro. word on the street is that you guys are putting in free internet here in the projects. what's that about? >> what we're trying to do is make sure that young people have a chance to get on the internet. the fact is that in the 21s 21st century global economy, access to the internet is not a
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luxury, it's essential. >> you seem pretty cool. that's because you have all the answers, isn't it? castro seemed cool but how come he had his people sweep the area before he could talk to me? got to be more than this. what is the sneakiest thing you guys are seeing happening in the projects? >> spying. on somebody's phone? holy -- that's bigger than i thought. this is a huge web of illuminat icon spiersy. >> no conspiracy at all. his words say no but his sweat glands say hell yeah! he's about to bring this whole thing tumbling down. >> one of the kids said they saw somebody with an illuninati symbol on their phone. >> no, but i stay moon turn red one time. >> in a movie? no, for real. when they faked the moon landing, did they shoot it in
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l.a. or new york? >> they didn't fake the moon landing. >> really? all right. i guess we're done here. porn, the moon, time warner, illuminati, that stern little boy -- it all comes down to this... no thanks, government, i'll get my free internet the old fashioned way, steal it from my neighbors! (cheers and applause) >> larry: thanks, mike!
11:49 pm
summer bucket list #49 play ball. ♪ ♪ the crisp, refreshing taste of bud light. the perfect beer for checking off your summer bucket list. ranking from top to bottom. car company of the year? luxury cars just seem like they would be top awarded. yeah. there better be some awards behind what you are paying for right?
11:50 pm
the final answer. chevrolet is the most awarded car company of the year. really? i was just surprised. i'm interested to learn more about chevy. let's check out these 2015 chevy's. it's like a luxury car. i was shocked. i mean, this is chevy? ♪ ♪ ♪ feget up to 48 months thrinterest-free financingain, on tempur-pedic. save hundreds on beautyrest. or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale ends sunday at sleep train.
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(cheers and applause) ♪ >> larry: welcome back! i'm here with my panel: "the nightly show" contributor mike yard.
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(cheers and applause) comedian and host of n.p.r.'s "ask me another," ophira eisenberg. (cheers and applause) and he currently co-stars in the drama "public morals," premiering tuesday august 25 at 10:00 p.m. on tnt, michael rapaport. (cheers and applause) all right, let's jump right in. i want to talk about hillary clinton and bernie sanders. this particular phenomenon in the democratic race. it really is amazing -- i would have never guessed he would be beating hillary in the new hampshire polls now. he's drawing 28,000 people to the rallies while hillary has 5- to 6,000. clinton vs. sanders. why do you think there is so much passion for bernie and none for hillary now? >> i think it's like a grateful dead concert and it's the hip thing the do. >> larry: the sanders? the sanders. hillary needs to hip things up, but bernie is like going to "the grateful dead" concert, the young people and the old my
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opinionies, they're all smoking weed and exchanging drugs (laughter) >> larry: all the young people exchanging drugs? >> trust me, i know this. i know this. i'm hearing it from both sides. >> he plays right into the hipster culture. he is artisanal, small batch, community garden. he's, like, hey, kids, want to get together and build a bridge? they're, like, yeah, we do! >> that's hilarious. >> larry: but it also seems to me they're going for bernie with the same kind of enthusiasm that the young people were going for obama in 2008. i would be worried about it in the bernie camp. >> she's going to turn it up, bill will come in with the blue-eyed swagger and she'll be back. i met bill clinton and the charm was real.
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you could see this guy -- >> larry: no! no, it was good. he never left the eye contact. but it was because of the blue eyes. they're so -- >> larry: hillary -- no, they're not piercing blue eyes. i'm just saying -- (laughter) and if he could do it to me... >> larry: i get that. bernie sanders just picked up an endorsement from rapper lil' b. >> i know him. >> larry: he was a huge hillary supporter. now hillary's losing the rapper vote! unbelievable! >> listen, you got to use that word air quotes. not everybody's a rapper just because they say they're rappers. the lil' b. -- >> hey, hey... i'm just saying --
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-- i'll back him up. i've never heard lil' b. >> just because it rhymes doesn't men it's rap. (laughter) >> larry: do you think young people really care about hillary clinton? to me, it feels like -- i don't know if she's the first lady, secretary of state, i don't know how much that means anymore. >> no, i feel like she would have to get them to vote for her by swiping right or something like that. i feel like she's disconnected to them. >> larry: why? because she's not authentic. she's kind of stern like the aunt that comes over that's weird at your dinner, that has weird chocolate in your bag that's, like, you will like me if you eat this! and you're, like, hey, this guy's got a v.w. bug and he's doing pottery -- >> larry: promise them drugs and -- >> hillary comes off like the principal, you know what i mean?
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and when you see the principal, you know, she cares about you but you're kind of nervous when she comes around. you see the principal in the hallway, it's, like, oh, (bleep), principal clinton, let's get the (bleep) out of here. and bernie is like the cool t-shirt you see him in the hall and it's like, what's up, bernie sanders! he's like, i dig the album you recommended. >> larry: mr. sanders, what do you have for homework tonight? it's free tuition for everybody! (cheers and applause) >> she comes off like a politician. young folks don't like politicians o. young folks want you to be authentic. >> larry: young people don't like politicians, they may get what they want this year. >> i hope it's not trump. that is real. >> you think that's real? look how far he's gotten.
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my man's got a strong, old-school slave-owner mentality, and he's not holding back! >> he's not lying. told the latinos, you're this, that and this and you're going to vote for me! that's slave owner 101, and people are like keep going! >> i think he's a hip-hop artist. (laughter) >> larry: you have lil' b. you have trump. >> b. trump. he's like a thug from the '80s that would take over blocks in harlem. >> and his piercing eyes. yeah. >> larry: so we really -- let me ask you, what's happening with the what can movement and bernie sanders? like, there's a black lives matter movement. there seems to be something with sanders and the movement. >> i feel like they're coming around. those women took the mic from
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him but he's also, like, yeah, let them talk. i think that's great. he's done some protests. he's done some sit-ins and marches. >> i think the black lives matter movement is not going to wait for democrats or republicans to get it done, they're just going to do it. (applause) >> bernie sanders is cool like bernie mac! (laughter) >> larry: all right, we'll be right back! (cheers and applause) ♪ >> if you live in the new york city area, grab free tickets to the upcoming taping of "the nightly show"! attention america. get yourself a free half gallon of dole classic lemonade with any 10 piece meal or larger purchase. because when you buy this chicken,
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there's free lemonade for the pickin'. it's finger lickin' good. who says families have to share data? these guys, that's who but at t-mobile you can get four lines with up to 10 gigs of 4g lte data, each no sharing and just $30 bucks a line 10 gigs for each and every one of you we'll even pay your family's switching fees up to $650 bucks per line so you can get 10gigs for all, today and it's only from t-mobile tsometimes you want tos, roll with the tide, instead of getting pulled down. that's why miller lite keeps you afloat with the only 96 calorie pilsner.
12:00 am
happy sailing. it's miller time. ♪cheesy bites! ♪with new ranch crust flavor! cheesy bites pizza is back! and sweeten it up with a hershey's triple chocolate brownie for just $5.99. only at pizza hut. it's time to bid farewell... to this booking incredible island resort. and it's incredible island staff. (father:) i can't imagine life without them. this is not goodbye. ♪ yes, it is. ♪ (father:) no, it isn't... ♪ ok, i guess it's not. ♪ you got it booking right. booking.yeah (cheers and applause) ♪ >> larry: that's our show! i want to thank our panelists -- mike yard, ophira eisenberg, and michael rapaport.
12:01 am
goodnightly, everyone! (cheers and applause) ♪ >> chris: it's 11q59 and 59 seconds, this happened on general today, since is with a kid wheaties stood for health, fitness and an active lifestyle. and to that they're saying [bleep] it, because now they're making beer, wheaties beer! (cheers and applause) >> chris: there it is. yeah. but fe-- hefe-wheaties will soon be available at a sad dysfunctional breakfast table near you. the cereal always had athletes on a, bo. i'm sure t


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