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tv   The Nightly Show With Larry Wilmore  Comedy Central  August 11, 2015 11:31pm-12:02am PDT

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it is, our moment of zern. >> things got off to i a rocky start with the oven >> larry: tonightly blood is spilled kwreut again on the streets of ferguson. to answer your quick, donald trump, no it didn't come from meg other thamegan kelly's wher. [laughing] >> larry: we ask the question does america have ferguson fatigue and jesse tyler ferguson awaits the answer. don't worry it's not years. netflix announced one year of paid maternity or paternity leave. it makes sense as long as they don't hire the captioning sponsored by comedy central
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[cheers and applause] >> will come to the nightly show. i am larry wilmore. what a great crowd. we have a good show for you tonight this. past sunday marked one year since the shooting death of michael and the uproar in ferguson. a year already. it's crazy how time flies when you're in con staopbt panic about getting shot by the cops. hraouf. >> larry: obviously it was a solemn anniversary. let's check in on ferguson and see how they're commemorating the anniversary. >> police deploying teargas. >> another shooting involving
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plainclothes officers after they were under heavy fire. >> larry: dre. >> hey, layer a. larry: dre, you got one clap. nice. it's okay. dre, i think you accidentally showed footage from last year. you know, all of that stuff. i wanted to see footage from sunday night. the peaceful stuff. >> alright. sorry about that. let me see here. >> angry protesters clashing with police. police deploying teargas. >> larry: okay, dre. dre, you played the same thing. that was from last year. i want something from sunday. >> this is from sunday night, larry. >> larry: oh, oh. >> ya, ya. i'm bothered by it too. >> larry: thanks. man, i can't believe this. are we really here again? there is suppose to be a chill ration and people started to shoot.
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>> three rounds of gunfire. one left protesters running foyer cover. >> larry: so in one year no progress was made. >> police being careful to sao *eu those part of the protet are not shooting. >> people have worked hard. not the police department but the community they have worked too hard to be undermind. >> larry: a cop has said the protesters weren't the shooters. i guess there was a little progress. alright. that's not bad. [ applause ] >> larry: normally when you think about it. normally shootings and protest are one and the same. as some two deb owonare black screen stars can be confused for each other like these guys. this one, ladies. well, hey, dre. not cool, dre.
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no. [cheers and applause] >> larry: i bet you're sorry. by the way not only do i have to give police credit. i have to give fox credit. they reported this. of course it was smith who is the marilyn munster of the group. >> larry: thank you forgetting that reference. i appreciate it it's a big deal for the media to see things this way. normally this is how the media sees a protester and this is how they see a criminal. alright. i give credit for being fare. let's not forget fox is also balanced. >> this is nothing more than a return to the big lie. the hands up, don't shoot. the black lives matter movement. a false narrative out of ferguson. [booing] >> larry: i don't know how you do it, fox. it's like you keep these brothers in a room. right. we need a black guy against black lives matter.
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ya, hey, hey. cops even better, bring him out. where do they come from. you know, regardless of what samuel angry jackson says, yes. the -- michael brown case did nothing wrong but they found this. >> what the doj report showed was a system that in fact really played on african americans and poor sittens. the court system is vigorously prog cuting people who were arrested last area. for instance for violations of noise during the protest. >> larry: noise violations during the protest in the point of the protest is to make noise. right. that's like arresting the kids on "so you think you can dance" for thinking they can dance. that's kind of the whole point, right. now in ferguson 2.0 obviously these absurd violation violatioe
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ceased after the doj report, right. >> the city has issued more than 2300 new arrest warrants this year. thousands face arrests foyer violations as small as owning tkhreufrpbgs cars, jaywalking or having a overgrown lawn. >> larry: over grown lawn. what the [beep], man. what are you in for? i killed a man to watch him die. hoy about you? i let the dadelions encroach on my walkway. [cheers and applause] >> larry: i'd do it again. i'd do it again. okay. for those plying along at home let's sum this up quick. police acted up. people protested. government took action. police ignored it. people are protesting again. or some call it summer time. to measure or progress in this first anniversary of ferguson we turn to mike yard.
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look how far we have come. >> i have a dream. >> we are equal in the eyes of god. >> god bless the united states of america. >> larry: very nice. welcome to the show, mike. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. so nice. >> larry: there has been some good. some bad. how far have we come? >> [beep], larry. [laughing] >> larry: okay. give me -- well, i know it hrao *bgd looks bad. it has to be better than last year. >> you know how so far we have come, larry. you take all of the media attention. the doj reports, the white officers, the officers fired or charged, factor in the other black lives take in this year. the officer that's did get off and the media fatigue and we have come about this far. that's it. >> larry: that's not a very big distance. >> no, it's not, larry. not at all. it's a distance the air moves
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when a baby bird flaps it's wings. >> larry: look on the bright side the baby bird will fly. >> you didn't let me finish when ray baby bird flaps it's wings after it's tossed out of the nest too soon and plummets to it's death. that far. >> larry: that's bad. >> we have progressed the same distance of a caterpillar. >> larry: caterpillars turn into butterflies. >> whose legs were cut off from a sick teenager. we're an ancient greek marathon runner inches from the finish line. hraoeufplt we're inch from the finish line. >> the finish line is in pompei -- hraeufrplt if they're greek -- >> it's a marathon, larry! it's a long run. >> larry: i understand. >> we challenge the same
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distance as a child's wish when the wish is to eat ice cream for breakfast, larry. >> larry: that makes no sense. >> i can't think anymore, larry. i have ferguson fatigue, layery . i thought it would be over. you think my brain can keep coming up with racial injustice metaphors for your show. it's exhausting, brother. [cheers and applause] >> larry: okay. i don't know if they're clapping for my stupid show. >> i don' don't know either. larry: mike, i wouldn't of asked you to report on ferguson if i knew it troubled you so much. >> it's okay. it's not your fault. i'm better now. you know, larry. it's this situation like a bucket of rain dance. >> larry: okay. mike yard, eufrb. >> like a dirty bowling bally
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everyone's heard of an ipa. but what about a white ipa? it's a fairly new style inspired by belgian whites and ipas. we're known for blue moon belgian white. so creating a white ipa really intrigued us. we started with wheat, orange peel, and coriander. then experimented with hop after hop until we found a rare german hop called huell melon that really brought out citrus flavors in the beer. hoppy. unfiltered. balanced. it's the best of both styles. who says families have to share data? these guys, that's who but at t-mobile you can get four lines with up to 10 gigs of 4g lte data, each no sharing and just $30 bucks a line 10 gigs for each and every one of you we'll even pay your family's switching fees up to $650 bucks per line so you can get 10 gigs for all, today and it's only from t-mobile
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get yourself a free half gallon of attention america. dole classic lemonade with any 10 piece meal or larger purchase. because when you buy this chicken, there's free lemonade for the pickin'. it's finger lickin' good.
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arry: welcome back. for years now. the u.s. government is under fire for a failure to give mandatory paid leave to parents. one american company is putting their money where the employees ovaries are. >> netflix now rocking the corporate world announcing a full year of paid leave for new moms and dads. [cheers and applause] >> larry: go ahead, netflix. guy this is is great for two reasons. first, good foyer you trail blazing the way for parents. second, now that more netflix employees will be stuck at home with nothing to do but watch
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netflix for a year, maybe we will start get something better viewing options. like -- [cheers and applause] >> larry: i mean seriously, stop trying to make lilly hammer happen. stop it. stop it. with netflix taking the lead other companies are following the policy. >> microsoft is following netflix's lead allowing more parental lead. they're upping leave from 12 to 20 weeks. >> larry: oh. [ applause ] >> larry: nice one, microsoft. so unlike you to copy a better company. folks, anyhow not to be out done blockbuster is giving mothers a coupon for a free sandwich at jimmy johns.
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bam. bam. for more we turn to a netflix employee, dana archer. how is it, dane. >> alanna: let me ask you, are you excited about the parental leave policy? >> hell no. i work in the shipping center. parental leave is only for sallied streaming employees. >> larry: wait, there is a difference. >> yes streaming employees are corporate. we are the part-time people here at it a.m. to send out copies of twister, nobody is watching. we don't get parental leave. >> larry: it looks like you do more than ship dvds. >> of course. i am. all the big wigs got parental leave now someone has to pick up the slack. i'm stuffing energies and stuck writing the new season of "grace & frankie." >> larry: ridiculous. way too much work. >> spoiler alert. i'm killing frank a in the first
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episode. >> larry: no, no. don't do that. no, no, no. lilly tomlin is a national treasure. >> dane a i need help cleaning out the air ducts. x files is down -- >> you need to help me stuff the envelops. >> larry: who is this. >> my co-worker. say hi to larry, mitch. >> larry: mitch, what do you think about the parental leave policy. >> i don't know. i think it's progressive for a company whose mailing dvds to peoples houses. >> larry: uhh, mitch, do you have kids? does it affect you. >> yes. me and the misses had a set of twins. >> larry: so is your wife home with them. >> no, she has to baby sit the cfos kids to feed ours. >> larry: that's horrible. netflix doesn't offer you any child care options ? >> kind of they offer me unlimited dvds.
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it's kind of a unlimited baby sitter. nobody watches them back. >> larry: maybe this is the first step. i'm sure the next step is you getting the same benefits, right? >> no. the next step is me figuring out how to become a ceo and then figuring out how to have a baby. >> dane a coy help with you the second part of that. >> aren't you married. >> i'm not happy -- [laughing] >> larry: wait. what is going on? >> they drove me to this -- larry: guys. oh, my god. this is terrible. terrible. dana and mitch, everyone. we will be right back. i don't know what isheineken li. you've ever tasted.
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ranking from top to bottom. car company of the year? luxury cars just seem like they would be top awarded. yeah. there better be some awards behind what you are paying for right? the final answer. chevrolet is the most awarded car company of the year. really? i was just surprised. i'm interested to learn more about chevy. let's check out these 2015 chevy's. it's like a luxury car. i was shocked. i mean, this is chevy?
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>> larry: welcome back. our very own nightly show writer. [cheers and applause] >> larry: very funny comedian, carry riley. and her new movie "people, places, things" opened this friday actress regina holmes. we talked about this. this is just in the news this. is netflix is starting this and other people are following. a paid year of maternity and paternity leave. >> wow. awesome. >> right. larry: does this sound like a good idea. >> it's b bologna. larry: bologna. >> i have two kids why does the husband need a year? >> larry: he did a little thing -- >> i carried them for nine months. you know and sat on a sit bath for ten days. am i right. after a year a lot happens in a year. i gained 30 pounds in a year.
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>> larry: you look great. >> thank you, thank you. larry: i don't agree -- >> maternity leave and paternity leave. agree with eternity leave. i love taking off right now. we just get on the radio flier and never look back. >> that is crazy . how do you make money? >> i said i would. it's a hypothetical. >> i can dream. >> i dream i could. larry: do you think the father needs that year off? >> are they, is it a baby daddy or are they together? i mean it can't be like -- >> larry: that could be one affidavit beauses of the whole thing. i just had a baby. >> larry, i would say i'm a progressive dad. >> larry: what does that mean. >> i need that year off. i'm getting over the trauma of child birth. my own child birth.
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also what my wife, you know, did. >> larry: it can be dangerous. if you're away from your job for a long time. i don't think that happens foyer a actor. actresses never take a year off who is coming up. >>who is coming up. larry: you're so afraid -- >> not in the beginning. larry: you're worried of someone else coming up. >> showing up with a baby -- >> i auditioned. >> i was pregnant with my daughter. i had my daughter. i booked pretty good rolls. my agent wouldn't return my calls. >> larry: really. >> yes. larry: because you had a baby. >> i said i had a baby i'm not dead. he said same thing. i never heard from him again. >> larry: do you think women are penalized in the work place for having babies. >> yes, complete ly. >> you're forced, expectation to snap back and regain your
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physique. >> yes. >> there it is. larry: explain yourself better. >> i think i said it all. yes, there is an unfair expectation for women to bounce back and look good. lose the baby weight. personally i, i also gained weight with my wife. >> that's very kind. larry: it always comes back to your experience. [laughing] >> no, it was a shaoeurd shared experience. >> larry: i think they should pass a law all fathers get a year off but jordan. >> no. larry: people ever think people having babies are lays thraoefplt is a recentment in the work place for someone getting a year off. >> when you think about it babies -- they have to eat. [laughing] >> i mean you can't leave them alone. for men they discover the study
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you're -- >> my pecs. >> the babies they lie on your body for half an hour every day. the men are doing that to bond. >> that's how they bond. right. [laughing] >> that's interesting. larry: that's just a kwoeus excuse to watch tv. >> yes. larry: no, the baby needs to bond. we're bonding. who did this research. >> the nfl. studies prove that men and their babies -- >> larry: i think women taking a year. i got no problem. i'm suspicious about the guys taking a year. >> no. i honestly -- >> my husband took six weeks. larry: six weeks. >> yes, he did. larry: what kind of a job does he have. >> he's in entertainment. not that kind of entertainment. >> we need you back at chippendales. >> larry: you left it at that. i have to rest with that.
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[laughing] >> yes. larry: okay entertaining. >> yes. the baby came, he went fishing. >> oh. >> i'm not kidding. he was regrouping. he was overwhelmed. it was like wow. >> men would get a taste of the challenges that mothers face if they're home. >> larry: men will completely a abuse this. if a guy gets a year off it's golf trips and the ba ham as. >> i would never go to the ba ham as. would i go to the south of france. >> sensitive. >> thank you. i try to be 50/50 with my wife. >> larry: meaning you lactate. >> no. it means that -- it means that if my wife needs a break i give her a break. she wants to go to yoga. she can go. i don't complain. >> larry: 50/50 -- hold on. >> yes.
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[cheers and applause] >> yes. yes. >> larry: so your idea 50/50 is you fill-in on break time. i want to be claire of your 50/50. not 10/206789. >> you want to take an hour yoga class, baby. i got it. >> larry: you're on for 23 hours. i got this hour. that's a 50/50. >> you make it sound so awful. larry: that's exactly what you said. >> larry, you are suppose to be on my side. i'm 50/50. i cook -- >> larry: baby, you need a break. we learned in the united states jordan carl hates kids and hates the baby. we will be right back, everybody. [cheers and applause] announcer: if you live in the new york city area or planning to visit grab free tickets to a upcoming grandma, this is the kids' table. and i'm young at heart. and look how big you've gotten. but you're just trying to manipulate me
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so you can eat my kraft mac and cheese. see, you're wise beyond your years. now get over there. move it. i love you. right. gooey creamy delicious kraft macaroni & cheese, you know you love it. scott dans♪aw was never afraid of a good dare. or even a double dare. a dare made him a legend at brunner valley high. and a pro basketball player for 10 seconds. scott danshaw, we have three more dares for you. mild chipotle, hot habanero, and fiery ghost pepper. taco bell's new $1 dare devil loaded grillers. try all three if you dare. [bong] who says families have to share data? these guys, that's who but at t-mobile you can get four lines with up to 10 gigs of 4g lte data, each
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no sharing and just $30 bucks a line 10 gigs for each and every one of you we'll even pay your family's switching fees up to $650 bucks per line so you can get 10 gigs for all, today and it's only from t-mobile early on, i noticed peoplealways serving our beer with lemons-- kinda like a traditional belgian wit. but we brewed blue moon belgian white with valencia orange peel for a subtle sweetness. that's when i got the idea for the orange garnish. so what i would do was bring bags of oranges to bars and show bartenders how to garnish our beer. people loved it. and when they realized it brought out the orange peel in the beer, they loved it even more. you could say the orange on top, brought it all together. >> larry: okay. that's our show. i want to thank our panelist.
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good nightly, everyone. >> chris: it's 11:59 and 59 seconds. this happened on today! last night, 73-year-old democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders held a rally in los angeles with a turnout so huge, you'd think lenny kravitz was going to take his dick out again. but while sanders' support is surging, there's just no getting around how 73 years old he is. >> we have more than 27,000! it's great, but it's like his defall tone is yelling at an exhausted diner waiter.


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