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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  May 19, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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delivered, right to your door, download the free breaking news hello, everyone. >> thank you so much for joining me this sunday. i'm for greek a whitfield, and we begin with breaking news that could have global implications iran's president ebrahim raisi has been involved in a helicopter crash in a remote part of the country. raisi's condition is unknown and rescuers are having difficulty reaching the exact site of the crash because of fog and bad weather iran supreme leader is calling for everyone in that country to pray for raisi's health and vowing there will be no disruption in iran's government. we've got full coverage of this developing story let's begin with cnn's nic robertson, nick, what are we learning about the crash and the search for the site
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conditions are tough. the fog, the rain, the temperatures. >> it's cold. but the search is going on into the night. we understand that army is being deployed. the irgc that's the elite military and iran, as well as the police. there already medics were dispatched to the scene. several ambulances teams of medics, mountain climbers, because this is a mountainous area, an area also have some of it has dense forest. so this is an effort that is going deep into the night the concern is that there has been no visible citing yet of the wreckage or the site according to official sources in iran it's not clear a tool to the authorities precisely what happened now the president had been right up there in the northwest of iran attending a ceremony for opening a dam, dam project that actually span the border with azerbaijan just to
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the north. a big deal. the president, azerbaijan was there iran's foreign minister as well as many other dignitaries were on the president's, on the iranian president, helicopter when it crashed asst it was initially discard described as a hard landing and then as a crash. but the problem for the search and rescue operation right now is the weather conditions are just too bad for them to put helicopters up into. we know that the european union has turned on its copernicus emergency monitoring satellite system at the request of the iranians to help them in their tracking but at the moment, the real question is, how hard do the helicopter come down could people still have survived? can they continue to survive in those conditions? and that's why we're here bring the supreme leader asking people in iran to pray for the president. it's clear that the leadership in iran haven't
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given up on their president at the moment. >> and so nick, if i can follow up on one thing that you said you said first it was reported as a hard landing and then a crash. are we saying that officials were saying that there was trouble on this helicopter? they tried to make a landing or is it the latter that somehow they believe it crashed into this mountainous region i think is really hard to tell i'm part of the reason answer that way is because iran is not very transparent and it, and it doesn't broadcast all the details those tweets public iran really controls the media that so it's very hard to interpret things as they say they may have been just putting a soft spin until they could find out more the helicopter was not where they thought it would be, had gone into dense fog. >> there were several helicopters that day. we just don't have enough information and again, you want one has to look at this carefully that
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iran, iran's leadership will be very careful about how they release information that they get about what's happened, right? >> well, at this point, it has been at least forthcoming for us to be able to have this kind of information in order to report it thus far, nic robertson, thanks so much. i'm gonna check back with you. let's talk about the weather conditions elisa rafah is with us in a cnn weather center. so already we have heard reports of the treacherous conditions, the fog that's what standing in the way of the rescue efforts to get under way. but what about at the time of the crash, which is roughly now five hours ago? yeah. so it's in an area that's a little bit difficult for us to get weather observations. but in nearby areas, we were able to see that the clouds were yes, hanging low. visibility was limited. you can see the clouds kinda coming through here on satellite when we put in the water vapor image, or how much moisture is in the year, there's a lot of it at the time wind speeds weren't that much. so when you have a lot of
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moisture in the air, not that much. when that's when fog can develop and it can get pretty dense temperatures have also been pretty cool. they're much cooler than their average, does look like foggy conditions could continue on the overnight. we're about to go into nighttime temperature jurors will be cooler, cooler temperatures are favorable for fog development. so again, not going into the best conditions by tomorrow that fog could burn off a little bit more with some of that date-time keep that's kinda how fog works. we're also coming off of the region's rainy season of april. is there rainiest month on on average, so we are continuing with some of these showers through the next couple of days as we are in the middle of their rainy season, like i mentioned, temperatures have been much below average and it will stay pretty cool as we go through the next couple of days tonight for nearby city, temperatures would drop into the 50s, but where they think that crash site is in the higher elevations temperatures could do towards freezing. so again, getting pretty cold with the limited visibility temperature staying below average through the next couple of days and those rain chances,
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fred, we'll stay pretty healthy. >> okay. very good. all right. elisa rafah, thanks so much. we'll check back with you. all right. cnn's can lip deck is traveling with the president, the united states president biden now, about to be in detroit for an nwa cp dinner. so kevin has the president been briefed on the situation and iran and if so, what are they willing to say? >> yeah, he has been briefed and we did learn that from the press secretary karine sean pierre, as the president, was heading here to detroit from atlanta. she didn't say anything else about the incident, but i can tell you fred the officials at the white house inside the state department across the biden administration are going to be watching this very very, very closely, just given the ramifications, this could have not only an iran, but throughout the middle east and really across the entire world. of course, this is a very uncertain moment and this just adds another layer of complexity to all of these crises that the president is dealing with including in
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israel, the war between in israel and hamas. the president's national security adviser, jake sullivan, is in israel now meeting with officials trying to broker a ceasefire deal that would include the release of hostages of course, president biden has been attempting to prevent this war from spreading into a wider conflict that would drag the us closer into conflict. with iran, us officials, a behind the scenes have had back channel discussions with the iranians about preventing this conflict from spreading, including as recently as last week. but i think one of the problems that the white house will have in receiving details about this is of course, the united states does not have diplomatic relations with iran and we'll rely on partners including in europe to get some of the details about what precisely has happened to the president and has happened to that helicopter president biden, of course, has a long history of trying to confront iran when it comes to its proxies in the region when it
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comes to its nuclear program things have been sort of reaching a tipping point in some ways around a space, sped up its enrichment of nuclear grade iranian. it has a sponsored proxies that have gone after american troops. and so this is just another added layer of complexity to that situation that the president continues to deal with. fredricka all right. what sound checks underway, right there? here i had of the president's arrival. thank you so much. kevin lived tack. nic robertson and elisa rafah. all right. still to come, president joe biden has just landed in detroit where i he will soon be in that same arena where you saw are kevin lipped dac. this comes just hours after commencement speech to add one of the nation's most prestigious historically black colleges of the president's message at morehouse. straight ahead more than 500 million in art stolen mae saw what turned out to be the biggest archivist in history. >> you can't help but wonder if this was some sort of thin side
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are the expectations about any political reverberations from this incident and the unknown of these incident yeah, i think the unknown of this incident certainly is a big factor in all of us. and i think it was quite interesting that the supreme leader actually came out and chaired a meeting of iran's national security council obviously showing that if anything, were to have happened to the president. and of course, also we need to remind ourselves of the foreign minister as well, was also apparently on that chopper that there would be that continuity and he came now it afterward and said, are short people there in iran that there would be no breakdown in the government, that there would be a continuity of the governing of the country. and i think that was something that is extremely important and for the supreme leader himself to come out and say that i think shows how urgent and how important situation is for the iranians themselves and certainly for those who are empowered in around the iranian government i think right now, they're all holding on and hoping that they find the president and the foreign minister. but if something were to have happened, if they were severely
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injured, if they were incapable of continuing their government work. of course, that would have reverberations in iranian politics. but in iran's foreign policy as well, one of the things that we have to keep in mind is that the foreign minister of iran, a hossein amir abdullah jan is extremely important for that country's foreign policy. he shapes a lot of that. he's very much involved right now and trying to revive the iran nuclear agreement. but of course, he was also someone who was very much involved after you have that big stand up between the israelis and the iranians to then come to terms with that situation. so as far as that is concerned, as far as all of the things that iran does have to do with the united states that have to do with their international policies all that would be very difficult to maintain for the iranians. and there could be some disruptions there. but again, right now, the iranians are hoping to find the foreign minister and the president alive after they originally has said that the helicopter, it had a hard landing, are now saying that appears to have been a helicopter crash. and of course
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with that area being so remote, it seems as though it's really challenging for those search and rescue teams to get to those people who are on that helicopter. and of course, one thing that we have to mention this is that right now already pretty getting pretty late there and iran in that mountainous area also getting pretty cold as well. fredricka. yeah. >> hey, fred, i'm wondering if you could elaborate perhaps on the kind of technology equipment that iran, its military rescue units would have for an accident like this, given this is a remote region now for the eastern the azerbaijan province yeah, i think one of the things that we have to keep that first equipment obviously wouldn't be the newest standards also, in light of some of the sanctions that are honore on one of the interesting things that i've seen is that the european union apparently opened up a satellite link to make sure that maybe satellite communication would be possible there, which of course versus closed off through the iranians because of sanctions normally the other thing about those search and rescue crews, the red crescent, but also especially some of those mountain nearing a teams. >> they are very capable. the iranians, of course, very much
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a mountainous country that you have very good search and rescue crews for the mountains one of the things where they're a little bit lagging his of course, helicopter because then those kind of things, they're the technology, not necessarily up-to-date also because of the sanctions as well, fredricka. >> all right. fred pleitgen. thanks so much. we'll check back with you all right. >> new today in this country, us president biden speaking directly to the next generation of american leaders, the president delivering the commencement address to graduates at morehouse college in atlanta. and black all men's college. biden, highlighting the achievements of morehouse alumni like dr. martin luther king junior while also addressing america's continued racial obstacles on america, we're all created equal extremis, close the doors of opportunity, strike down affirmative action attack the values of diversity, equality, and inclusion i never thought
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when ours graduated in 1968, as your honor, he just was we talked about i, never thought i'd be a president of time when there's a national effort to ban books not to write history about your race history they don't see you in the future of america but they're wrong to me we make history, not a we know black history is american history ready to be brad you don't know me, my check, my records. >> you know what i'm saying? i mean, from my gut we know black man are going to help us lead us to the future black men from this class. and this university? >> during the ceremony, a mix of celebratory applause and some graduates turning their backs during the president's speech. cnn's arlette saenz has more from morehouse college in atlanta fred president biden
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celebrated the next generation of black leaders here at morehouse college is commencement, but he also took time to acknowledge the concerns of many young people about his handling of the conflict in gaza, while the president spoke several students took their chairs and turn them around, sitting with their backs towards the president in a sign of peaceful protests. >> the school's valedictorian actually address the issue of gaza head on in his remarks, saying that there needs to be a, an immediate and permanent ceasefire in this conflict. now, president biden also took time to acknowledge the concerns, saying that he respects the right to peaceful protest us, that these students need to make their voices heard, and that he is hearing their concerns and he also tried to talk about what his administration has done to try to secure a ceasefire deal in gaza. take a listen. >> we're clapping in gaza and israel, it's heartbreaking hamas is vicious attack on israel, killing innocent lives and holding people hostage
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innocent palestinians caught in the middle of all this men, women, and children killed or displaced display in desperate need of water, food, and medicine it's a humanitarian crisis in gaza. that's why i've called for an immediate ceasefire. an immediate ceasefire to stop the friday bring the hostages home. >> the president, also, during his remarks that he's working towards a two-state solution, a moment that drew applause from the crowd, including one of those students, at least of who had turned their back to the president. now biden also try to use this big speech to appeal to black voters. there's a key part of his constituency back in 20, 21 that he is trying to rebuild support with as amid signs of some erosion in support, the president talked about efforts to try to fight back against white supremacy and racism in this country, while also calling, calling out extremists actions, extremist views, they've taken hold among some in the country. the president
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tried to tout efforts that he has put in place to help black americans, like lowering insulin costs, canceling student debt. but it's clear that the president was trying to keep the focus on the students this week with this commencement ceremony, he now is heading over to detroit. what will speak and then double acp dinner a little bit later this evening, fred. >> alright. arlette saenz. i thank you so much. so this commencement at morehouse, i came following the invitation from the university's president, david a. thomas. and thomas said he did so because he thought it was important to show this class of 2024. they matter. and are deserving of a speech inspiration, end time from the person in the highest office of the land. biden a laced political and personal messages last conversation was dad, i'm not afraid but i'm worried i'm worried you're going to give up when i go you're gonna give up we have an expression, the biden family
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when you want someone to know, give you a word, you say, look at me he was lying. miss a look at me, dad. look at me so give me your word give me your word as my father that you will not quit that, you will stay engaged promised me dad staying gaze. promised promise me all right. >> let's talk more about all of this. 20 me right now, host of atlanta radio, w abe morning edition, lisa ram also cnn presidential historian, tim natalia, great to see both of you thank you. so lisa, you first i mean, the president spoke with some displays of demonstration from the congolese flag that was being held behind him. a few students today with backs turned one with fist raised, but biden was also met with a lot of applause especially this moment when
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announcing a record 16 billion in federal funding and investments in historically black colleges and universities lesson i. >> addition to the original $7,000,000,000 investment hbcus. >> i'm investing 16 billion more dollars foreign are hurt because your vital to our nation so lisa, how do you assess how things went? well fredricka, thanks for having me again overall, it seems like it was mission accomplished for president biden what better way to meet students where they are, then to lay out the mantra. as you mentioned, one of the most famous alumnus, dr. martin luther king junior. he talked at peace when he referred to the csp fire, he talked about how important it was to communicate to meet people where they are to talk about differences in a peaceful manner. so i think it was mission accomplished for him with the students we've been
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falling very closely these past few weeks leading up to this so-called controversial visit by the president i think the students heard what they wanted to hear from the president today. it was important to them, but it was also important to his campaign, right? because polls are saying that he is lagging when it comes to, youth, young black men in particular, and older black men. so he had all of those ears in the audience today. so i think overall, it was a win for the president and tim, it's not unusual, right? >> four presidential campaign to acknowledge its shortcomings and reaching a certain electorate. this weekend, president biden is appealing to black voters. morehouse grads, their parents, grandparents parents and later on tonight in detroit at an end cp dinner. so did you see this president? we've both inspirational to the class of 2024 and policy
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commitment as in step with what previous administrations on reelection campaigns have done absolutely. >> and it was also a reminder of how this is not 1968. in 1968, lemon johnson wouldn't have gone to any campus to give a commencement address. but yes, the president today was looking directly at the challenge he faces though, last month of wall street journal a poll showed that only 57% of black men polled were intending to vote for president biden he got 87% of black men votes last time. indeed, his erosion has also seen around black among black women, again, in the same poll full black women indicated that they 73% indicated they would vote for biden. well, he was 93% of the votes from black women in 2020. so he can't afford this erosion of support among a core group of his
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coalition. so what he's doing today, both at morehouse college college and he gave a very strong speech, who was really good voice. and now in detroit is he is trying to communicate with key members of his coalition to say, hey, i've delivered and i need you to deliver for me in november and tim, this 2024 presidential race has a lot of distinctions, the right, but among them, this is only the second race in american history. you correct me if i'm wrong because you're the historian pitting an incumbent us president with a former president, 18, 92 incumbent president benjamin harrison and former president grover cleveland so it will also be write a reunion of sorts for biden and trump on the debate stage. and this is what 2020 debates look like. take a, take a watch what do you want to call them? >> give me a name, give me surprise. me to condemn proud
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and write i'll tell you what somebody's gotta do something about antifa, will you pledge tonight but you will not declare victory until the election has been independently certified. president trump is my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully because that's what has to happen. >> i'm the least racist person in this room abraham lincoln here is one of the most racist prejudice we've had in modern history. >> the question the question is just as brandeis, the left, would you okay so this race will be here at cnn later on in the month of june after the two agreed last week. >> so tim, do you expect a similar tenor? >> are you asking whether you were there? i think they're going to like each other anymore than four years big high and just i run for you.
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>> no, i expect fireworks, of course and i expect the the former president to signal just as he did before, in that case, he's signaled to the proud boys and they showed up for him on january 6 i expect a tough unpleasant debate and i expect that this will be very inefficient for both men. >> it's not that americans need to know who they are. americans know already who they are. >> the question is who they can be for the next four years? >> trump former president trump has to show a number of the independence that he's not just going to be vindictive and mean. and president biden has to show independence and some of the soft supporters among democrats that he's up to the, up to the challenge of being present for another four years. that's a tall order. and that we're going to watch four. >> all right. that debate right here on cnn, june 27th, buckle up so lisa, you you're nodding
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in agreement there at this wasn't getting about that pool of undecided and what president trump and president biden and trump need to know going into june 27, is that america is really going to be listening. we have a huge swath of undecided here in jordan, i imagined across the rest of the nation. so messaging is going to be so important as they kick off this june 27 today. >> yeah. and particularly lisa this is happening in georgia is also very notable. a swing stay with the cloud of 2020 upset and election overturned efforts. i mean, all that still lingering. so how do you see this debate potentially impacting the race or the electorate in the state of georgia well biden as piling up the forces here in georgia, opening up offices. this is a very critical state, always has been the debate making it all
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that more important. it's on the line here because if the poles are correct, its neck and neck. and both candidates know that if the poles are correct, they know that's the strength of the african american vote here in georgia is what's going to put them over in 2024. >> all right. you're looking at still pictures from the presence arrival in atlanta yesterday where large contingent of georgia leaders, including the us senators i'm jon ossoff and raphael warnock are there on the tarmac to greet them. alright, tim, natalia, lisa ram. great to talk to you. thanks so much you too. thank you. thank you. >> are we come back more on the breaking news out of iran a search and rescue operation is hampered by the continued whether this after the helicopter carrying iran's president crash, we'll bring you the latest assignments are
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need 775, 383882, or visit home i'm dr. sanjay gupta in london. >> and this is cnn we continue to follow breaking news at this hour. >> iran's president ebrahim raisi was onboard a helicopter that went down in a remote part of the country search and rescue crews remain unable to locate or even reach the crash site because of fog, treacherous conditions, and nightfall for more on what's happening. i'm joined by a trita parsi, author and executive vice president for the quincy institute for responsible statecraft and cnn political and national security analyst david sanger, a good to see both of you. hey, david lynn, begin with you because, you know, the near east immediacy and public possession of this crash is quite striking coming from iranian
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authorities. why do you believe that we are seeing this level of transparency from iran on this? >> well i think it's a mix of transparency and confusion. well, the president's helicopter took off, we believe that foreign minister was with him and they lost contact with it. apparently they haven't been able to reach any of the security or crew since that time? the weather reports that just the images we're seeing look like stream fog out there and it's, it's getting increasingly difficult to imagine anything other than sort of worst scenarios here now of course, when the sun comes up, maybe that will change for american officials, they're relying on what they're hearing pretty much from state television and other state media. i'm sure the us is trying using its own satellites and other assets to
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see if they can figure out what's going on here. but given the weather conditions and how rocky and eric it is, it may be a number of hours before we figure out whether president raisi survive. >> yeah, it's been some five hours, at least since the crash. reportedly happened, a trita. can you add to why you think iran is sharing as much information as it is well, i'm not really sure if that is really what they're intending to do, but reality is that there's a massive search going on. >> they could not cover this up. it was clear because he had come from a meeting from the leader of azerbaijan media it was there covering yet so it's quite clear that it would have been impossible for them to hide it if they had tried to hide it with further fuel conspiracy theories. there are some reports now saying that the helicopter has been identified, but it's not clear yet whether the president and the foreign minister are in
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that helicopter. and if they are alive or dead this will create some very challenging times for the iranian regime because according to their constitution, if the president dies, the vice president will take over, but there will be new elections within 50 days. this is happening in the context in which his regime that's extremely unpopular and participation in the elections i'm already been extremely low they had low participation record, no participation in the parliamentary elections that just took place a few weeks ago. >> at the same time, we heard from our own reporting that the supreme leader also issued information saying there will be continuity in the government as this is happening. why was that important to say and establish? >> precisely because of the rumors that will be fueling as to whether this will be a situation that will create certain degree of instability and division because it's not that this was a particularly
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powerful president. but because he was one of the leading contenders to take over over the position of supreme leadership. that's why this is very important, because it will fuel suspicion that they may have been fouled play, perhaps external actors, perhaps rivals for the very coveted position of supreme leadership and because of these factors, it is not surprising that the regime is going out and i'm trying to give the impression that everything is under control. >> and david, are nic robertson was reporting earlier that the mission the goal of this helicopter ride involving the president, the foreign minister, and so many other government leadership was about a dam being built in the eastern azerbaijan province and on the border. and that was that stress the importance of this kind of trip is it unusual
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or is this? you know, in step with a project like this to have so many government leaders on one aircraft at once well, it will certainly be in step that they would go out and celebrate something like that because i want to celebrate any joint project that chosen not as isolated as the american sanctions of lead them to be it's not clear to me what the protocols are for how they do the helicopters, obviously, when when the president united states with the president of many of the american allies are in a helicopter. >> there's usually a grouping of helicopters. it would seem strange to send one helicopter alone it would seem strange not to have a transponder on it that would be beeping out a location shouldn't maybe there has been one and it's not working for some reason there are a lot of questions to answer here, but i think the
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trick got an important point, which is even if this came from the most obvious of tragic circumstances, bad weather and so forth. >> given the level of injury internal turmoil in iranian politics, right now, there are going to be conspiracy theories that will come up out of this. there will be stories about internet seen battles inside iran. they will probably be accusations of outside interference either from the west or from israel or whatever because they're usually, are and so it's going to be a pretty fraud period and it comes on top of the time when the us has barely had anybody to speak with in iran, any case. and when they've done so, i've always had to do with who intermediaries. >> all right. david sanger, trita parsi. oh god trita, you had something to add there only thing i would add is adding to what david said, we're in a
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period right now which the united states doesn't have a direct partner on the iranian side to talk to, but there has been indirect conversations that actually has been somewhat helpful because neither side wants to see an escalation in the region jim so as a result of that, i don't think this is a particularly good time for the us over the vitamin station to see turmoil inside of iran that could actually unravel the little progress that has been made in terms of at least trying to make sure that you and syrian militias that are aligned with yvonne do not attack us troops all right, fantastic points from both of you. >> thank you so much. david sanger, trita parsi appreciate it thank you. >> okay. >> alright. up next sean diddy combs is now apologizing after a video exclusively obtained by cnn showed him kicking, dragging his then girlfriend inside of a hotel back in 2016, stay with us this is a secret
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war secrets and spies premier sunday, june 2, attack on cnn water would help us. >> it's dry spots. >> that's long disease but scott's healthy plus will curates lung disease going around. >> so like other people have it and it's not recover bag of the newscaster field are healthy plus lawn through today why choose asleep numbers, smart bad? can it keep me warm when i'm cold wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number. does that my side softer i make my side firmer squeeze number. does that can help us sleep better and better please speak. >> number. does that 94% of smart sleepers report better sleep? namdar say 50% of the speed number limited edition smart that plus 0% interest for 36 months shut down and sleep >> how do i love thee? let me count the ways love can get a little messy good thing. >> there's resolved love the
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instagram, cnn's veronica miracle is joining me right now, veronica, and he posted the apology on ig. what else did he say? >> fredricka, sean combs says he is disgusted by his actions and we'll get to his full apology in just a moment, but it's important to note that this is the first time that combs has acknowledged this event. he has always previously denied allegations of assault by cassie ventura, which is the basis of a now settled federal lawsuit which happened back in november. so let's take a listen to his apology that was posted this morning so difficult to reflect the dog is times in your life sometimes you gotta do that i mean, i hit rock bottom i made no excuses. >> my behavior on that video is inexcusable i take full responsibility for my ashes in that video gusty i was
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discussing then when i did it, i'm disgusted now i went and i saw it out professional help to go into derek going to rehab as golf for his her. >> see you in grace so sorry but i'm committed to be a better manager and every day i'm not asking for forgiveness truly sorry. and fredricka just moments ago, cnn's elizabeth wagmeister was the first to get a statement from casa ventura's team and she says combs, most recent statement is more about himself than the many people he has hurt when
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cassie and multiple the women came forward, he denied everything and suggested that his victims were looking for a pay day. that he was only compelled to apologize once his repeated denials were proven false, shows his pathetic desperation and no one will be swayed by his disingenuous words. this is a statement from cassie ventura is team back to you, fredricka. >> all right. veronica miracle. thank you so much. we're back in a moment we're here to get your side of the store. a fares bribery, prostitution. >> why do we keep ending up? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. now streaming on max right now, pet dander in sales mold spores, pollen and dirt are being sucked into your air ducts, get cleaner air and system efficiency. >> now, with stanley steamer, your air ducts aren't clean until they're stanley steamer clean? >> dan, the same water would
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there's a line i was stuck unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more for my antidepressant. ray. laura helped give it a lift, adding velar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall oppression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in real are clinical studies, most son no substantial impact on weight and louis dementia patients have increased it's the risk of death or stroke report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts
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antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults report fever, stiff muscles are confusion as these may be life-threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent, high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur, movement dysfunction and restlessness or common side effects, stomach and sleep issues of dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. >> i didn't have to change my treatment i just gave it a lift ask about rayleigh and learn how we can help you save we're in a limestone cave, letting extreme residue buildup to put finished gent to the test dishwashers are designed to use jet dry to defend against top residuesyou feel
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the wind jain? i'm katie ellis in washington and this is cnn closed. captioning bronchi by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer
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questions you may have called and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 it's been a two month traffic nightmare following the deadly collapse of baltimore's francis scott key bridge and now a step further in both the investigative and reconstructive efforts the dali cargo ship that crashed into the bridge may soon be floated back to the city's marine terminal as early as tomorrow, cnn national correspondent gloria pazmino, has the latest live for us from a baltimore gloria walk us through the process of floating that cargo ship well, friday, everything about this has been massive in scale from the very beginning, right? >> from the incident to the cleanup. and now to the effort to actually move this a massive ship back to port preparations are actually already underway as we are speaking, the crew, which domains onboard in the on the daily is working to prepare the ship, which will be transported back to port
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tomorrow. they are lifting the anchors, they are cleaning of the water that's been filling the ship in order to help balance it, they are making sure that the ship passes and inspect action because tomorrow morning come 5:00 a.m. at the peak of high tide. that's when they're going to try and move it five tugboats are going to come in and help escort the dali back to the port of baltimore. now, fred, this is going to be a long, a long process. it is expected to takae at least 21 hours. this whole time, the crew will remain on board and plans for what will happen to them once they arrive at the port are still being worked out according to an international union, which represents them. right? >> all right. sorry, pazmino from new york. thank you so much. we'll be right back this home-style chicken salad rafah
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12:00 pm
issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common side effects may not appear for several weeks i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift ask about velar and learn how abbvie can help you save


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