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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash  CNN  May 19, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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don't have to be scary. >> spraying flow net's daily gives you long-lasting, non drowsy really overdraft fees j
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me, it violin earth with the lea for premiers june 2, had nine on cnn warning signs facing dire warnings about his standing in the polls this weekend president biden makes his case to black voters, is not about me. it's about, the alternative well, why is it biden's message connecting with enough key voters? and is he doing enough to change it? democratic senator john fetterman from pennsylvania is next and, gave the trump trial starts to wrap up i've been stuck in here for four weeks as a cast of allies audition courtside to be trump's number two. what will the jury and odors think about what we've learned in the only trial trump is likely to face this year potential trump vp pick, former
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hud secretary dr. ben carson is ahead, plus bad blood, tempers flare in the house after a personal insult. >> your fake eyelashes are messing up that set off a late night committee fights hey what next democratic congresswoman jasmine crockett of texas joins me coming up hello, i'm jake tapper in washington where the state of our union is getting ready for the main event a momentous week and campaign, politics in a presidential race that polling shows is held fairly stable now for months, both president biden and former president trump will meet for a debate, right here on cnn on june 20. the very first televised debate between a president and a former president ever. on friday, that former president donald trump was on the trail in blue, minnesota trying to expand his
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electoral map. become monday morning, he'll be back in a new york courtroom were closing arguments could begin as soon as this week. and the only criminal trial that president trump is likely to face before election day. meanwhile, president biden is confronting a stubborn polling deficit. often tran, trailing his opponent in key battlegrounds. biden spent the weekend trying to shore up support among a group. >> crucial group, young black voters, who are frustrated over for the economy and other issues in georgia where recent polling shows biden has lost ground with black voters since 2020. >> biden brushed off broader concerns that he is trailing trump here's the deal. >> you hear about how we're behind in the polls. so far the polls had been right once now what look, we're all we're either tie are slightly ahead, are slightly behind, but when i look at is actual election results and election results
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are in a primaries joining us now to discuss is democratic senator john fetterman of the great commonwealth of pennsylvania. before we begin, i do want to explain to our viewers because of your stroke two years ago, it can still sometimes be difficult for you to process audio rapidly, sir, you are using a speech to text app to transcribe my questions in real time. that's what that computer peter screen is. so you can read them on the ipad in front of you let us begin so a new york times poll this week shows president biden earning support from only 69% of black voters in pennsylvania. the mayor of philadelphia, cherelle parker said, quote, i'm not satisfied with the margins that i've heard about. we need to connect the service the investment that the biden harris has made and its impact on people unquote. u1 91% of the black vote in pennsylvania two years ago, what did you do in 2022 that president biden is not doing now? >> well, i haven't done anything differently, and i really want to give a shout out
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to the mayor as well. to she's i think she's been fantastic so far and she has been willing to take on some really difficult kinds of issues like in kensington, you probably are familiar with that. so i really salute taking on that. and joe biden is showing up again and again and i can't speak specifically about the black votes and their own opinions. i can't speak to their experience but i do believe that joe biden is going to carry with those kinds of margins. and i think he is going to win pennsylvania, but it's going to be very close just the way it was in 2016, he actually one and in 2020, he lost. but i think he's going to prevail here as well again you've become famous or infamous depending on your point of view for your stalwart support of israel since the october 7 attacks, especially, but before then as well, israel recovered the body of yet another hostage yesterday. >> that's for hostage bodies recovered this week. the us is assessing that israel has
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amassed enough troops to launch a full-scale ground operation in the southern gaza city of rafah, despite biden president biden warning that netanyahu and israel doing that would cross a red line. you've said you defer to what israel thinks is best. so do you think joe biden is wrong for i'm trying to stop a major rafah invasion. >> yeah. >> i think it'd be unfortunate if it's being infamous to be supporting israel. >> and i've been very supportive, but israel from the beginning of all that and i think it's important that america stands with are very, very critical lie. there as well too. i'd like to point out that hamas as what started this, and hamas could surrender and send every or the hostages back and it could all end right now, in fact, they rejected the recent ceasefire deal that would have had six weeks there of peace and allowed everybody to be fed and to continue to move more towards peace. but now hamas is convinced that
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they don't have to. there's no, they don't need to take any kind of a deal except if anything on their own terms. and i don't think all of the capitulated and all those kinds of things aren't helpful. and i don't think that's going to convince anyone that is now think that we're not committed to stand with you're trying to have both sides on that the reason i said infamous is because there are a lot of progressives, a lot of people in your party who are mad at you for your strong, support of israel and for your continued condemnations of hamas. >> why do you think that is? i can understand why being a very strong strong supporter of israel would anybody would be upset with that if somebody is very much partying sub worrying the pro-palestinian view, i that's fine. >> it's reasonable. but i just decided to be on the side for israel on that all right. >> let's turn to the clash in the house oversight committee
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on thursday night just to refresh our audiences memory, here's a quick clip you know what, you're here for. >> well, you don't want to talk about i think your fake eyelashes are messing up if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad built butch body so you responded to all of this by saying in the past, i've described the us houses, the jerry springer show today. i'm apologizing to the jerry springer show democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez responded by saying, quote i understand you likely would not have stood up for your colleague and seem to be confused about racism and massage it being a both sides issue. but i stand up to bullies instead of becoming one congresswoman ocasio-cortez seems to be suggesting think that you're a bully oh, well, of course, that's absurd i was
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just simply responding to the kind of chaos and everything that representative green started as well. >> and if everyone on the committee was proud of what they've produced, there are to their opinion or if they feel that this is the kind of a video that you want to send to a classroom of eighth grade civics kind of students across america. again, that's their choice now, to me what i would, that's their choice, but if i'm going to push back against anything, it's going to be pushing back against hamas and not vote against israel i'm going to push back against putin. i'm not going to vote against the aid for ukraine the way representative green has done and then i'm also going to push back that's the tiktok vote is well and now tiktok is essentially a chinese communist government asset. >> the corruption trial for your fellow democratic senator bob menendez across the river in new jersey. >> there began this week the
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senator announced on thursday that his wife is battling breast cancer and she's going to undergo a mastectomy this this announcement came just one day after his defense lawyers effect deadly pinned the blame for everything on his wife in his trial there too, are being tried as separate defendants in two separate cases. what do you make of it? all well, i've been very clear on that. >> i was the first senator to call for his to resign. he is entitled to his day and court the way he's having right now. but he's not entitled to be a united states senator. he's certainly not entitled to receive and kind of classified briefings about egypt and qatar since he was essentially accused of being an agent for them as well. i don't understand why anybody would be okay with that. and i really can't imagine who either it was his idea or he was convinced that blank aiming your wife who is suffering from cancer is really an effective strategy or how that's gonna go over.
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>> supreme court justices samuel alito is under fire this week after the new york times first reported that an american flag was flown upside down at his house in the days after january 6. the upside down symbol of distress was used by some americans at that time to protest what they erroneously believed to be a stolen election. alito says his wife fluid to protest a neighbor's yard signs he said that his wife flew at, not him the chairman of the senate judiciary committee, a democrat, dick durbin from illinois, is calling for alito to recuse himself from any future cases that involve the 2020 election. what do you think? >> yeah, it's actually surreal adjust this to be even allow them to be even having that being interpreted in that kind of a way i mean, of course cds never gonna be able to he won't choose to recuse himself, but i just can't imagine the kind of judgment as a justice that you would flag something like that in your
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friend front yard like that if we are supposed to be impartial until we be a b away from all of the kind of the politics of that. it's absolutely bizarre. it's real. >> all right. senator john fetterman from the great commonwealth of pennsylvania. >> thank you so much for joining us this morning. it's good to see you, sir. >> yeah. well, again, now, you've used off the camera. you admitted that you actually ice sheets guy no. >> i said i was a wah-wah guy. >> oh, well, what's the caption problem with the captioning? indeed, if it said that i was a sheetz guy, not awhile, i got good to see you, sir, from the west side of the commonwealth there. >> but donald trump, vp contender, who has been flying under the radar, former our hud secretary, dr. ben carson, will be here next. >> and bleach blonde bad built, butch body. that's the quote, congresswoman jasmine crockett joins me on that exchange in congress coming up 13 million
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dogs, footwear. >> it's never been easier to put on your shoes and help pets and need at the same time with new hands-free skechers, bob's for dogs, sports living that's for slipping and goh and the already helped save over 2 million pets and welcome back the state of the union. >> i'm picked tab or this could be the final week of donald trump's criminal trial. and it seems likely that more of the former president's supporters will make the trek up to the courtroom this week. one who has not been to court yet at least, but who is on trump's vp list is my next guest. join me now is trump's former secretary of housing and urban development, dr. ben carson, who's been promoting his new book called the perilous fight overcoming our cultures wore on the american family. thanks so much for being here, dr. carson appreciate it. good to see you so i do want to ask about the criminal trial. he was yet again in the manhattan courtroom, mr.. mr. trump, president trump facing testimony from michael cohen and a lot hot of supporters of
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his have been there as speaker johnson vice presidential hopefuls like senator jd vance are governor doug burgum are you planning at all and going to see the case and express support for him there. >> i have a very hectic schedule, which is a planned foreign advance per the book, you mean for other things, all kinds of things. >> yeah president knows that. >> i'm supportive of his nothing that needs to be proven let me ask you about the black vote. >> if i can, because president biden this weekend is crisscrossing the country touting his record for black americans during his presidency. you've been very vocal about praising how good donald trump was for black americans and in particular, you noted that black unemployment hit a record low in september 2019, 5.3%. now since then, black unemployment hit a new record low under biden 4.8% in april 2023, though right now, it's up again to 5.6%. do you think the biden-harris ticket deserves any credit for that for the
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record, low under them i really have a problem with people trying to make everything oppositional we can build on what each other does and we have to recognize that we, the people are not each other's enemies. i have an acrostic, wayne who any we are not enemies and so there's no, nothing wrong with republicans given democrats credit democrats given republicans credit we're all americans and we need to work together to solve these problems. >> it's very interesting answer and inspiring. let me ask you though, obviously, because donald trump is really making a big play for the black vote. and he did, he got 12% of the black vote in 20 19% of black men. the highest percentages for a republican presidential nominee in years what percentage? let's do you think he might get this
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november? >> i think it will be higher than the percentage that he got before. i think black americans are no different than any other americans. they feel the pinch of the inflation you know, they know what it feels like when they have to go fill up their gas tank they see the crime that's running rampant, that people, repeat offenders are being led out of prison. and endangering them and their neighborhoods they slits happening with the border and how that's impacting their own communities how other people's issues are being put in the front burners and they're the being put on a backburner i think those are the issues that are pushing them toward trump. >> let's talk about something in the perilous fight, there are a lot of really interesting parts of this that you could spend five hours talking about. but one of them that's relevant to today's politics. in particular, has to do with abortion would democrats are really hoping that that's going to help them in november, former president trump has said he does not support any
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national legislation on abortion. he said, it's a good thing that roe v wade was overturned, but it should be left up to the states in your book and the perilous fight, you express support for national legislation banning abortion. do you think mr. trump's position on this against such legislation is firm or do you think you could convince him of otherwise what what are your conversations like when you talk about it? >> well president trump does not like to surround himself with yes, people. now he likes to have healthy discussions about things and recognize that in terms of saving the lives of unborn, he has done more than any other pressing so i give him much credit for that i am unabashedly pro life. i spent most of my career as a pediatric neurosurgeon trying to save lives. so you might surmise from that that i wouldn't be all that anxious to n lives and in many cases, i operated on babies that were premature. 26272829 weeks
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gestation same level at which people are performing abortions those babies had to have anesthesia because they could clearly feel pain now when an abortion is done, you reach inside of that uterus with a clamp and tear that baby apart. that human being it's very hard to even understand how people can do that but on the, on the policy of it do you think donald trump's wrong for not supporting national legislation? i think i agree completely with his idea of shifting it to the states and the reason that it should be shifted to the states because the discussions can take place between the legislators and the people. that's where it's supposed to be. that's where it should have been in the first place. >> we have a new series on my on my daily show, the lead aren't called homeless in america because as you know, homelessness is higher now and
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spiked more in a quick, quicker time in 2023, than ever before since they started keeping records, your former secretary of housing and urban development homelessness up 12% in the last year, including among all groups but veteran's, families, people with children, et cetera. >> i know that addiction is a big issue. >> i know mental health is a big issue, but when i talked to activists on this, they say the biggest problem is affordable housing. and people just slipping through the cracks and not being able to afford housing how do we solve this problem we've made tremendous progress in terms of being able to build housing that is affordable what we haven't made progress on enough is the regulations. >> when you add all these regulations to the buildings that's what really drives the price up so that you have places like los angeles where a unit should cost $150,000 and it's 600,000 and we're
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actually throwing that kind of money into the pot rather than focusing on decreasing the regulations that's what we need done. >> we are now less than two months away from the republican convention where president trump will need to choose a running mate would you be willing to debate vice president harris i would certainly be willing to discuss policies the differences we have a unique situation where you have juxtapose two different administrations with different philosophies and people can see how that one fill versus haunted the other field and i would love to debate with her or with anyone about that. have you talked with president trump about the vp position at all? >> i have not. >> dr. ben carson is always great to see you. thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. >> thanks. got personal and congress this week and now inevitably, yes, there are t-shirts, congresswoman jasmine crockett, democratic the texas
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coventry direct redefining insurance. >> this is a secret war and secrets and spies premier sunday, june 2, attempt on cnn you know we're here you're here for well, you don't want it, so i can about i think your fake eyelashes are messing up order mr. chairman i would like to add to move to take down ms greene's words that is absolutely unacceptable. >> how dare you have another person are your feelings, her words down? oh, oh, girl, baby, girl? >> really don't even play.
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>> i'm just curious, just better understand your ruling. if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad built butch body that would not be engaging in personalities, correct. >> what now? >> late-night committee meeting in congress when off the rails this week after congresswoman marjorie taylor greene republican of georgia insulted the appearance of my next guest, congresswoman jasmine crockett, democrat of texas. thanks so much for being here. i appreciate it. so you have since called her racist one agreement. >> and i want to understand your perspective of this. >> do you think her going after your eyelashes that in itself is racist. >> i think her specifically doing it to me. yes, that was the intent as has been stated women wear makeup. we were lashes, we were all types of things to beautified ourselves. but maga has historically been
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on social media doing the things where they're saying, oh, she's black with lashes and nails and hair, and so she's ghetto. and so to me this was her buying into that rhetoric and trying to amplify this for the mega crowd. and so, yeah, i absolutely think that she only did it to be racist towards me because it was towards you or because it was eyelashes. so in that sense, it's kind of like in your view buying into a racist trope it is buying into a racist trope, but the reality is that women of all colors were lashes, right? no, i know that's what i was asking. yeah. is there anything you think should happen here? do you think the congresswoman green should face any sort of punishment? >> i mean, she didn't fail if any, at the time. so i don't anticipate this will face any in general. i mean, i think that this weaker should be inclined to try to reign are in after trying to kick him out of his position. but they just let marjorie do whatever she wants to do. and i think this was the first time that someone
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actually said no, you don't just treat me whatever way you want to and get away with it. >> so just to explain to our viewers, she said what she said, which isn't a personal attack on your appearance. and then the republicans refused to take her words away. >> yeah. >> because they said it wasn't a personal attack and then you said something about you didn't mention her name, but you obviously we're talking about congresswoman green bleach blonde, bad built, butch body. >> very good. so it's tough to say, but but but you've really embraced what you said. you're printing it on swag. i think we have an image of the shirt here that you're selling to help raise money to elect democrats how would you respond to say it's inappropriate to respond to an attack on somebody's physical appearance and you hear the congresswoman aoc say you know, you shouldn't be attacking somebody's physical appearance, but then you did the same thing. you take so so to be clear, what i asked for clarification on the ruling if her words were taken down, that meant that she was going to
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have to leave the committee for the evening, which actually would have helped everybody out because the source of the chaos is always marjorie taylor greene. >> but the chairman was concerned about his votes. he was concerned about whether or not he will be able to move forward with contempt. and so therefore, attempted yeah for the attorney general? absolutely. >> so therefore, i'm like what are we doing? >> so what are the parameters? and i generally wanted to know so i did not state anything to her. i specifically asked a question and i didn't even mention her name. and so it was for clarification. and that's what i asked for. four and he obviously didn't hear me. okay. yeah. and i hear that. but she went after your appearance and then like you went out like you went back at her thousand-fold? >> i did as a very lawyerly way. but do you obviously she started at i'm not disputing that, but do you regret that at all? i don't. you don't? i don't because here's the thing. i signed up to be a
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member of congress that didn't mean that i was supposed to walk into a position where i'm going to walk in and be disrespected. it's already a hostile work environment being there and we do have rules. the problem with maga is that maga does not respect rules nor do they respect the law that is exactly why they're all running up to trump's trial because he's in trouble, not because of some big conspiracy by the biden administration. he's in trouble because he fails to respect the law. the reason that the supreme court right now is debating whether or not trump can commit crimes or any president can commit crimes. and then be led off is because they have no respect for law. the party of law and order is gone at this point in time. while i have you here, president joe biden is very focused on the black vote. this weekend. in particular, he said to detroit tonight to appeal to black voters, he's speaking at morehouse this morning. wayne county executive warren evans from detroit from michigan, told the detroit news, apathy is the biggest problem. if you look at the percentage of people who vote and the apathy
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of african-americans about voting. that's what we'll turn the tide, but you've got, you've got to get somebody to get them out and give them a reason to come out. i'm just not really seeing it. you represent an a large number of african american voters and constituents in the dallas area. why is biden struggling with black voters right now? >> yeah, i think it's about whether or not people understand what he has done for them it's, it's tough to kinda connect the dots sometimes. and honestly, this administration has done so much that is not a matter of, hey, i've got this one thing, this one thing, and just kinda continually hitting that one thing. they've done so much, but i don't think that the information has been pushed out continually. and so i think right now it's about making sure it's communicated as he goes to morehouse and speaks today that 7 billion has been given to hbcus more than any the other administration ever. people credit trump for supporting hbcus when in reality trump did not want to reauthorize the $253 million
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that was already signed into law. he actually wasn't going to reauthorizing it was dr. adams, a black woman, a member of the congressional black caucus, who is a former hbcu professor in a former hbcu students who said that's not gonna be good enough. so would it trump du he took a picture with all the hbcu presidents and made it seem as if he did something novel and great and it wasn't he actually was going to cut them off. and so i think the black folk need to know that this administration has actually invested in them when you start looking at student debt relief, it is disproportionately positively impacted black folk. we're talking about over 137 billion for over 4 million people. that means that there is a least 4 million people that now can hopefully start to get at that wealth gap and maybe buy a home because their debt to income i'm ratio won't be so bad. >> they need to get you out on the trails. what i think i'll be headed to detroit as soon as i can. all right. congresswoman crockett, thanks so much for being here today. i really appreciate it we have moved on
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now and see how much you can save i'm arlette saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn my predecessor is extreme maga friends are now going after diversity equity and inclusion all across america they want a country for some not for all.
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>> there's been no presidents as abraham lincoln that has done more for the black the vigil in this country welcome back the state of the union former president trump and current president biden, making their cases to black voters. >> my panel joins me now and there is a real competition for the black vote because this race will be won on the margins in big battleground states where there is a big cities joe biden, according to the exit polls, among black voters, got 87% to trump's 12 but right now in the new fox news ball from this month, joe biden, 72%, donald trump, 23%. what do you make of that? >> well, black voters are the most loyal continuously of voters to the democratic party. and so when we look at the vote in totality, having 72% of any constituency is pretty impressive. so it's not like the black you're trying to win the presidency, but, but yes,
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that's true. but it's still, i think that i don't want the narrative to be like a joe biden loses because the black people, black people are loyal to democrats. i do think though we're going to just do make it clear what i'm saying if joe biden doesn't get black people to vote for him, he's going to lose and that will be on joe biden yes. >> yes. okay. thank you. i think though what we're having right now is that joe biden has done a lot for black folks and he needs to continue to tell the story about what he has done. and it's not just on hbcus, it's on the economy, it's on health care, it's on housing, it's on a whole host of issues. but i also think black voters are saying my life is not amazing and they're allowed to say that and they want to know what else will you do for me and for years. and so that is the question they are asking at the end of the day. do i think black voters will turn out and support joe biden in the numbers that he needs to win? yes, because black voters also understand what a president's, what a donald trump presidency she is under
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and their lives won't improve under their, not just they won't unimproved, they will be under attack because donald trump is not trying to protect and enhance the lives of black people. so i know the numbers are not great now, there is an intentional effort that the campaign needs to have to make two black voters so that they are not just go away. we're gonna get and we deserve to be called by all politicians. but i also think that there is a case to be made in black voters will show so in addition to trump, there's also just apathy. the biden this fighting when it comes to a lot of voters, not just black voters, were talking about black voters right now because joe biden this weekend is particularly focused on them but latino voters, young voters, et cetera. cardi b the. famous rapper cardi b this week she endorsed biden in 2020 this now she told rolling stone magazine, she doesn't f with either of them before she had seen trump is a dire threat, been under biden. she's felt layers and layers of disappointment from what she sees as domestic and foreign mismanagement. the cost of living and it's too high, wages are too low and too
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little is being done about it. she says, quote, i feel like people got betrayed as goes cardiac i don't think it's problem was with cardi b or with any rapper. >> i think it's a bigger problem that's even bigger. joe biden and it's on religiosity right now. >> you say joe biden is winning people who never go to church by ten points. >> he's losing people, but who go to church by ten points. black voters or five times less likely to say they don't believe in god than whites are. they've read the bible more. they go to church, more. i think this is a bigger realignment trend and it's something joe biden himself may not be all fixed because so as we should note, his book, the moment fantastic this is my third or fourth plug for your book. i hope. >> yeah deserve that's worth five books five five. >> anyway, what do you say? thank at first of all, i love how we veered a religiosity from a question about cardi b that was new on i think that joe biden i think we're all analyzing this race wrong. so i think that this race isn't joe
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biden vs donald trump. i've said this into one blue in the face, but it's joe biden vs donald trump versus the couch. and i don't think the biggest threat to joe biden is donald i'm trump. i think the biggest threat that joe biden is people staying at home. >> cardi b, actually echoes that sentiment like look, i don't f with anybody. >> that means i'm just going to sit this race out. i'm not going to play a role. that is what we're seeing in the problem that we have is democrats like to talk about the things that joe biden and kamala harris have done that is knowable. they have done a great deal of things. voters are not necessarily feeling those things in their pocket. wages et cetera. but i think they have a more unique issue that the campaign has to tackle and have julie rodriguez is listening. i think that what they have to do is focus on a vision for the future. most of these candidates have a hard time talking about the future. and i think it's an an effect of age. i'm not trying to be ages, but i think joe biden at 83 has to be able to give sandi and stokely, who are my five-year-old twins, we need to be able to know what the country will be like for them. and it's hard because he has to give a vision and realized
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he may not be a part of it. >> well and listen, what definitely doesn't help with black voters is saying what does it have help with black voters is saying that you've done more for that community than abraham lincoln. i mean, some of the absurdity according but listen, i think that we can kinda look at most of the key people groups that either sayyed needs to turn out whether it's young progressives, whether it's black voters, whether it's female voters the top issues continue to be the same. it's the economy, it's jobs, it's health care, it's not some of these side immigration, border security. it's not some of these issues like gaza, which i think that the biden campaign is leaning too hard into and hopes of bringing back some of the young progressives. but what they risked doing is losing these swing column nikki haley, voters who very much could determine this lecture when you have 150,000 people casting a protest vote in pennsylvania suburbs against donald trump for nikki haley. those are the votes that joe biden should be targeting. and he could reach the most people if he's actually just talking about the issues were all screaming. we care the most about the new york times report this week showing an
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upside-down flag, a symbol that was popular are among the stop the steal crowd at the time, hanging outside the alito's home. mr. alitos, justice alito said to the new york times quote, i had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag. it was briefly placed by mrs. alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs what do you think about that response? >> i think the harassment of supreme court justices and their neighborhoods is out of control. i think it's a bigger issue than this. i think we saw at what's adopts decision came out i think it's a problem that for civility problem here in washington, the country spent so polarized washington cell parts. i can't even go to your own home neighborhood without it being attacked. i think that's the question about to ask her. i don't disagree with him about that, but i think if you put a period on that, you're doing a disservice because yes, we do have a civility problem. he does need to be able to go home and not be harassed. but that noise you just heard was him throwing his wife under the bus and he actually did that because he put a symbol in
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front of his house, which does what she did, which does not represent the faith, freedom, and values of this country. an upside-down flag is exactly what it is. the danger though, to tie it back in and what people are pointing out is that justice alito and clarence thomas are both 70 something and have donald trump is re-elected president of the united states. he will then become the most consequential president in the history. three of the united states of america, because for better or for worse, for me, it's for worse because he will be able to nominate five justices, including replacing justice. and can i just say, by the way, if after donald trump won in 2016, justice sotomayor hung a flag upside down on her republicans will be calling for her resignation, and it's i find it deeply disturbing and i don't think we can gloss it's also because of what the court represents. >> now, we already have a chord that people just don't trust as much. it's supposed to be non-political and to have such a political symbol in front of your house is not the best decision-making thinness or it's served because we haven't trusted to court for 50 years. this is not a new thing okay. >> we're going to take a quick break when we come back we're
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going to remember a dear friend that we all lost this weekend, stay with us how it really happen? tonight it nine on cnn don't know. >> i've got to go thank you you dream about it for years. >> we were made to help you book it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed palace. the farmers dog is fresh food made with whole meet and veggies. it's not dry food it's not what food it's just real food. >> it's an idea whose time has come on the left, your mouth wash with the burning sensation in on the right closest the
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began her career as a journalist and then she worked for republican presidential campaigns from arkansas governor mike how cubby to congresswoman michele bachman, senator rick santorum, senator ted cruz. back into that and 16, she was a spokeswoman for the crew's campaign. and she laid out something of her approach to politics we need to raise the tone of civility in the conversation here, we need to stay away from insults and focus on the issues as ted cruz has been doing from the very beginning and stick to policies that's what he's been doing. >> he is not there's been a lot of the candidates in this race that have exchanged insults and barbs at each other. ted has remained above that level obviously, senator cruz put that aside later in that campaign after months and months of being attacked. >> but that was always alice, always alice. and as everyone knows even people that you disagreed with new, very, very
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well. she was all about civility and all about kindness alyssa it's just an unspeakable loss, just such a loss. i mean, to think of alice, the first thing you think that she's kind, she's smart, she's savvy, but she's kind and to me personally, she was a friend to me and reached out when i was persona non grata on the left and right and she encouraged me to get back into the political discourse. and it was just somebody i hold than just the highest esteem and just really want to send love to her family. >> it's really awful and i think one of the things that people really don't understand is the extent to which she had really deep friendships with people. on the other side of the aisle. obviously, maria cardona and harb were best friends but you guys train for a marathon? i'm together. yeah. so when you sit at these tables, you often don't get to know the person before you get to know their politics. and alice and i did not agree on anything when it came to
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politics. but when i started here at seeing, we don't really have an onboarding, but alice was like, there's this there's that and there's this and she. was. always super friendly but one time in 2022, after roe was overturned, we were on television together and we had a heated exchange and i was shaking with rage and i was ready to pack my stuff up when we were over and leave and she said, let's go get a drink. and i was like now i'm good and she's like, no, come on. >> and that night we got to know each other for who we were and it wasn't about politics. >> and you rarely learn real big lessons when you're an adult. but that night alice tommy, it wasn't about politics. i say that a lot on this show it's about the people and she was a good person and i loved her and i'm really going to serve and she was so persuasive. she got me a train for 26.2 miles and it's a great loss.
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>> and i'm grateful for our friendship. >> yeah yeah. it's just awful thanks for sharing that ashley, i know it's not easy to her family watching. >> i hope you know how much we loved her. i hope you know how much we cared about her. and i hope, you know that we're grieving with you i may i'll storage. memory be a blessing. thank you for spending your sunday morning with us for riza carrier. will pick it up next next general deeply betray is joins for read on the state of war in both gaza. >> and ukraine in the face of a russian off fence, it how bad does it look on the ukrainian front lines for weed? zakaria gps next artificial intelligence is transforming agriculture, advancing life-saving healthcare and strengthening small businesses. >> this game changing technology is supporting every sector of america's economy. today america leads the world
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