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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  May 19, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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timers. >> cnn's chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta investigates in the documentary, the last alzheimer's patient for me, here's tonight. here's a look in the five years of making this documentary, the 20-year-old newlyweds i've met with patients all around the country who were diagnosed or at high risk for this devastating disease, do remember this time in your life, my it made me really start to think about my own brain i have a family history of alzheimer's as well sometimes i feel a little rusty but sometimes i worry that i make mistakes that maybe my friends family are too polite to tell me about your body composition. so that's why i decided to do something quite personal. >> your muscle mass, your body fat, quite revealing. >> that wasn't quite right. >> i went through a battery of tests to assess my own risk. >> it's like we get a cholesterol test every year and check your blood pressure the.
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same thing for the brain. >> and what did i find? >> i'll just say it sanjay gupta is full documentary. >> the lats alzheimer's patient for mirrors tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on the whole story. another hour of cnn this morning starts right now good morning and welcome to see it in this morning. >> it is sunday, may 19, and back-to-back. well, here with everybody. >> isabel rosales said urologist, at least coy wire got a lot going on for you this morning. here's what we're working on for your president. biden is just hours away from delivering a commencement address it's dividing one of the oldest hbcu campuses in the country, the live at morehouse college where the school's president is vowing to shut down the ceremony. >> if protesters go too far today and another round of
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fiery cross examination is expected when former president trump's former fixer, michael cohen, takes a stand in the new york hush money trial tomorrow is the star witnesses testimony enough to sway the jurors? we will talk to the legal experts severe threat is growing in the central plains today, nearly 30 million people at risk for damaging winds with could get up to 100 mile per hour and parts of kansas tracking that for you this morning hey, i'm world number one golfer scottie scheffler has had a whirlwind of the past few weeks. he won his second masters. he had his first child and then at this weekend's major in baha'u'llah, louisville, he has been the arrest arrested, continuing to play in fairly well until the third round show you how he did last. simone biles coming up to can't wait to bring that for you this morning as well. >> while a busy campaign weekend wraps up today for president biden and former president donald trump. president biden is set to
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deliver a commencement speech to morehouse graduates here in atlanta in hours after mingling with voters on saturday thank and trump address, the nra in dallas yesterday, urging gun owners to get out and vote. both took the time to deliver barbs to their opponents you know, i think it's fair to say i won't use the exact frehse as use still plant ball. my opponents. not a good loser but he's a loser. >> if you took the ten worst president in the history of the united states and added them up. they would not have done near the destruction to our country is joe biden. and the biden administration has done former president trump is expected back in new york tomorrow. his, of course, hush money trial continues. today. president biden faces the possibility of protests, maybe some unrest as college students across the country are protesting is policies related to the war in gaza we've got
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two of the best in atlanta right now. we'll go to cnn's nick valencia in just a moment, but we're starting with white house corresponded are saenz, are let i see you are near those seats where the president will be soon. what should we expect? what's the goal for the president? >> this is exciting development for students. >> well, victor president biden will be here at morehouse college to celebrate the roughly 470 graduating seniors. a moment that's really intended to be a moment of celebration, but also it coming against the backdrop of a bit of controversy as there has been frustration among some students and faculty on campus with the fact that morehouse college continued to invite biden to speak at the commencement here, that frustration stems from the fact that they oppose the way that the president has handled the conflict in gaza. that is something that biden and his advisers are very aware of that the frustration exists among young people, including on college campuses like this.
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now, ahead of the speech, the white house deployed a senior adviser hi, to steve benjamin here to morehouse college to sound out these students and faculty that was roughly a more than two hour meeting and i'm thrilled about half of it focus specific typically on issues relating to gaza, but the other thing that biden adviser insists to me is that he wants to ensure that he's making this speech about the student's. he understands what big moment it is for these students, for their families. i can tell you when i got here at 5:30, there were so many families already here. there's hundreds of people waiting for this speech. at this commencement ceremony that doesn't even begin for another two hours. and so the president has been seeking counsel from ms some morehouse alumni, prominent alumni, including a professor eddie glaude, cedric richmond, among others. and really the message that he's gotten is trying to find ways to celebrate these young men. of course, this is also a key voting for president biden black voters made up a core part of his support back
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in 2020, there have been some signs of narrowing in support among that group. so this will also be an important message those students have told us that they don't want to hear a campaign speech from president biden, but he very clearly faces a very delicate balancing act as he's trying to sell it labret, these students, even as there is frustration, discontent among some about his handling of the conflict in gaza. >> bachelor's degree in mathematics and neck. you told us about an hour ago the mood was one of excitement. i mean, this is a commencement. >> your outside of morehouse. >> what are you seeing isabel? >> it's been active here since even before the sun came up, a lot of excitement, this is a huge de, a big moment and auspicious day for so many of these families and these graduates. but of course, there's anxiety rounding this because of whatever lead as talks about the controversy surrounding the president coming here is opposition to a ceasefire in gaza has really gotten people here riled up, and we've seen one demonstrator here show up here. margo come on in here. i want
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to talk to you about why you showed up, what brought you out here so early this morning? well, somebody needs to stand up for the students who can't raised her objections. >> they've put the students in a very difficult situation and we're not okay with this. watching this, there's a lot of objections, so we don't want to spoil the state for the graduates, but at the same time, biden is not worthy if and honore from more house or any hbcu, what do you think of the message going out by student activists over the weekend to turn their back on. the president during his commencements they say, as he's turned his back on palestinians, i commend them. >> i celebrate our students. i'm glad that they're instilled with that that those values, so basically stand up for what's right and to show their solidarity meet with the people in gaza that we haven't forgotten them i found what you really, what you set off camera really interesting. >> you're a lifelong democrat. you voted for president biden in 2020, but you're not planning on voting for him in 2024 what do you make of the progressives and liberals who say a vote not for biden is
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basically handing the election to president trump. and that would be even much worse than their eyes well, it's not my job to vote for a candidate because trump is worse like it's their jobs as democrats or any candidates earned my vote. so if a trump presidency c comes to, comes into existence, but biden's decisions, this is the democratic party failure to give us someone to vote for, not just vote against trump. >> this is really when i'm at the conversation and activists right now in may november is a long way away. you think people are going to be taking this momentum into november. >> we've been protesting since october, november, december. they've had plenty of time to change course or find some other candidate. but there have been thousands of dead children each day since the first protests started so i can't vote for a genocide candidate for every dead child. i will not vote for biden, so i think it's their jobs to change course, correct. give us a reason to vote for them. >> thank you, margot so much
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for taking the time with cnn, a strong, strong message here from the first demonstrated, we've seen show up here ahead of president biden's commencement address, which gets underway here. just a couple of hours. isabel victor, a message, the white house in the campaign here is loud and clear. nick valencia, arlette saenz. thank you both meanwhile, former president trump, he was in dallas last night. >> cnn, steve contorno reports from trump's ninth address to the nra the national rifle association endorsed donald trump for president at their convention in dallas on saturday. but the former president's said he needs more than the backing of gun owners in this election. he needs their votes you gotta get gun owners to vote because you know what? i don't know what it is. >> perhaps it a form of rebellion because you're rebellious. >> people aren't you, but gun owners don't vote. what is that all about i've heard that i heard it a few weeks ago there for the gun owners voted we would swap them at levels that nobody's ever proceeding before. so i think you're rebellious bunch. but let's be
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rebellious and vote this time, okay trump went on to boast that he quote, didn't move an inch on gun laws when he was president and he has said the nation's gun owners have been quote, under siege, under president joe biden. >> he vowed to unravel all of joe biden's it's gone policies, if he is elected to a second term and said he would also fire the atf director, the nation's top gun regulator his appearance in dallas drew a strong rebuke from the biden campaign with this statement coming from vice president harris at a time when guns are the number one cause of death for children and teens in america donald trump is catering to the gun lobby and threatening to make the crisis worse if reelected, it remains to be seen how much the nra can assist donald trump this cycle eight years ago, they put upward of $30 million toward helping him defeat hillary clinton. but the organization it has faced a number of crisises in the recent, in recent years, including scandals related to financial mismanagement that have threatened its relevancy. and his coffers, steve contorno,
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cnn, dallas steve contorno. thank you. well, nikki haley may have dropped out of the race for president, but she is still the thorn and donald trump side as she racks up votes in the primary, despite not campaigning. so far, trump has made no moves to appeal to haley voters. and as-yet to contact haley to ask for her support while trump may not have haley support he does have plenty of gop lawmakers pushing to new york rushing to new york to support him in his hush money trial, closing arguments in that trial could start as early as this week. cnn's manu raju joins me now live mano. thank you so much for joining us. good morning to you. >> what can you tell us about who might be at trump's? >> trial this week? >> yeah. we expect more and more republicans from capitol hill to run up to new york, defend the former president of foreign presence, been eager to see that kind of defense, even though there has been enormous criticism, mostly from democrats, but some republicans do including one trump critic, mitt romney said that they are demeaning themselves by running
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up to defend the former president amid these hours ligations, these tawdry allegations of him falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to adult film actress whom he was allegedly having an extramarital affair with. but i put that question to some of those people who rushed up there to defend down drum, including one of them, senator rick scott of florida republican, someone who is up for reelection this year, about what he has any concerns about the underlying allegations in this case but what about just his conduct? criminal charges inside the conduct of allegedly having this instrument of charge that's not the charge here because it raised any concerns for you about his conduct? >> the i support person, and i think everybody are sportsperson mean. think about what's important order was here economy was good and we weren't at war and the absolute of happen under biden wrote about his character. >> does the raising concerns about the president's age person gets to make you, let's see what ethan question? >> and that's the ultimate
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question here, is that when this comes to a verdict potentially is early as this coming week, the jury could get this and there could be a verdict this week, whether kids, an acquittal, of course, whether he is convicted. that is a question. we certainly don't know the answer to. but if there is a conviction, how will republicans in particular deal with this? there's a lot of them are saying like rick scott, there'll be with the former president and the big question as we get closer to november is who will be trump's vp pick? there's been a lot of lobbying about that amman. and what are you hearing? >> yeah. there has been a lot of lobbying. in fact, law, those members potential candidates, have been up in new york meeting with the former president defending him. and what are those give members who was up? there? ralph norman, he's a member of the house freedom caucus, hughes, one of those supporters of nikki haley. he told me that he are personally urged the former president depict nikki haley as an effort to unify the party sure as well as exchanges nikki haley you can hate her. you camp hate her voters who else
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defeated what 12 others. so i told the presence this saturday and nikki haley is the logical choice. >> and if not her, who tell me somebody that can relate to the people like she can she there's no bodies and of course a big question of this election overall is where will those hq nikki haley voters goh in november's there are still a significant amount, small number, but still sizable enough in these early primaries, de to continue to vote for nikki haley, even though she's dropped out of the race for many weeks now, so so many questions here for the former president, as he decides who to pick and how to deal with those voters who may not be for him just yet. >> yeah, in a ego can be set aside for those logical choices to manu raju. thank you. tune in to watch inside politics good man roger, today at 8:00 a.m. eastern and 11:00 eastern, right here on cnn. >> a member of israel's war cabinet gives prime minister benjamin netanyahu amazing sure
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ultimatum. a new timeline for laying out a plan for israel's war with a mosque and what netanyahu is saying about it at the head, interlock report. >> plus an ally she you're auditing both the judge and prosecutor and former president trump's election interference trial right here in fulton county, georgia. they are facing each other the primary races on tuesday, how they're balancing campaigning and the court cases. that's up a little later we're trying to save the, planet with nuggets because we need the planet and we also need nuggets impossible. we're setting the meat problem with more meat make your first move
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bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn as, raleigh war cabinet member benny gantz is giving prime minister netanyahu and ultimatum lay out a plan for the war against hamas by june 8 or gantz will leave the government netanyahu's office responded saying that gantz demands would be a quote, defeat for israel. look at this in gaza the people rushing the aid trucks that have coming in from that new floating pier. they're trying to climb onto the moving trucks. >> the tape boxes of food in rafa united nation says 800,000 palestinians have evacuated the city, which was nearly half of the city's population just a month ago journalist elliott gucken is live in tel aviv hello to you first, take us to this ultimatum, and then would netanyahu's response has been this was an ultimatum laid down in a press conference last night by benny gantz. >> now, here's one of three members of the war cabinet,
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along with prime minister netanyahu and defense minister yoav gallant. and what he said was that if demand, if netanyahu doesn't come up with this six point plan that he outlined by june the 8th steps to fulfill this plan, then he would leave the government now to be perfectly honest, there's not that much different in ganim six point plan. things like destroying hamas militarily, demilitarizing the gaza strip, returning the hostages were abducted on october 7 to israel. there's not that much in his plan that differs from stated government policy. what i think he's really he tried to get at is that netanyahu's dithering netanyahu's way of leadership and the way that he is in gantz's view, beholden to the far-right elements in his broader governing coalition. this is what is hampering israel's gains in this war. netanyahu's response was more of a rebuke than a response. he said that what gantz we're was basically just not words that really meant anything. but if he were to adhere to gantz's instructions,
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that this would be handing hamas victory and also abandoning all the hostages. it's also worth noting, and this is key. even if benny gantz were to leave this all right, obviously we're having a technical issue with elliott is shot there, but elliott, god can thank you for that report. michael cohen will be back on the stand tomorrow to face more grilling from donald trump's defense team. will his testimony end up showing reasonable doubt in the jurors mine? that's next when the competition is a nuclear competition spying is extraordinarily important. >> the russians were trying to spy on us we were spying on them it's very difficult to determine you can trust in this study, frank everything got out of control this is a war. the
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light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. you feel good china. >> number one most loved banking app. >> i'm caitlin paul lands at the federal court in washington, and this is cnn welcome back from local political races here in atlanta. have national
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implications. >> both the prosecutor and the judge in the fulton county election interference case face elections this tuesday da fani willis and judge scott mcafee's are on the ballot. now the outcome of these races could affect whether or not the case against donald trump his dropped yeah, that's vague. >> cnn, sara marie has a look at what the challengers and incumbents are saying about their campaigns the criminal case against donald trump in fulton county, georgia is effectively at a standstill because of a variety of legal issues. but in the meantime, the judge and the prosecutor in that case keeping busy on the campaign trail, they are both on the ballot. this coming tuesday in the criminal case against donald trump in georgia, it's not just the defendant who's campaigning. >> want to give just mcafee in an election year oddity, both the judge when i got into this job, it wasn't for the spotlight and the prosecutor, i think campaigning as long great are also on the ballot their, campaigns, adding another layer of uncertainty to the
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politically charged racketeering case against trump and his co-defendants, what has taken place here is a travesty of justice. >> the incumbents and georgia are favored to win, but juggling reelection bids and the trump case is proving a high wire act for fulton county superior court judge scott mcafee district attorney, fani willis. willis balancing community appearances all nervous and they they might all season. and i say when i want to say and intense public scrutiny, i'm sorry that folks get mad when everybody in society can be prosecuted. >> the threat of being disqualified from the trump case still hanging over willis with an appeals court set to take up the issue. part of the continuing fallout from previous comments she made about the case, and our past romance with this former fellow prosecutor who was forced to resign workplace romances are as american as apple pie. >> i'll talk about that. >> willis faces democratic primary challenger christian wise smith on attorney who's struggled to gain traction in prior bids for office. now some democrats worry his bid to oust
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willis could endanger the trump case. >> what i'll drop the case let me say this. i think the case is in grave jeopardy, right now. we're going to take a deep dive. and it and look at the best way to go forward. >> judge mcafee also hitting the campaign trail, we honored by the presence just scott mcafee and his family and far out raising his opponent with help from several players in the trump case. >> former democratic governor roy barnes, a witness in the disqualification matter, appeared at a fundraiser for mcafee with governor brian kemp, a republican, and possible witness in the case. defendant ray smith, a former trump attorney donated to the judge before smith was indicted, the donations aren't banned under ethics rules, but mcafee is opponent defenses attorney and talk radio hosts robert padilla said, it makes it seem like we're running a kangaroo court. do you think there's been a fairness issue in this case so far? >> i think there's a public perception of that. and i think
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they wanted a public have the perception that there's not fairness of the trial. that's how you end up with system mean broken mcafee told cnn patella, miss the point of the fundraiser i believe it reflects a bipartisan appreciation for fairness he donated smith's campaign contribution to the boy scouts, patella, who's primarily running on criminal justice reform, also criticized mcafee for the pace of cases, including the trump matter. the judge defended his docket at a recent campaign appearance. >> it's not as simple as just setting a trial date there are so many things that go into pretrial. whoever prevails in the nonpartisan race is likely to inherit the trump case now that nonpartisan judicial race is going to be decided in the election on it may at 21st, as for the democratic primary for district attorney, whoever wins that, whether it's christian wise smith or fani willis, they will face off against the republican opponent gop, attorney courtney kramer. come this fall, but in deep blue fulton county cramer has an uphill fight, so it is really this democratic primary. that
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is the race to watch sarah marie. thank you so much. all right. now, to the ongoing legal fights for former president donald trump, his new york hush money trial is expected to go to the jury this week, potentially with cross-examination of trump's former fixer cohen, to wrap up. of course, that depends on what kind of case the defense puts forward here to talk about it. cnn and legal analyst and former us attorney michael moore. good to see you all right. >> so let's start with michael cohen because he'll be back on the stand at the start of this week. there was this big moment talking about that october 24, 2016 phone call, the text messages. he testified that the phone call was width from about the stormy daniels matter. todd blanche, the defense attorney, showed text messages to go in and of course, to the jury showed that they were talking about around that time harassing phone calls that he received, and he was asking for help. todd blanche made it big moment, said you lied. how much
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damage to the cause? yeah. i'm glad to be it was a big beaumont. i mean, i just can't get around that and it was it was a devastating moment against the government's case against the state's case here. the issue is that this call is has been played episode of the key call where trump approves everything he gives his stamp of acknowledgment and i know what's going on and the states so to play that up, what they didn't do was prepped a witness for this second reasoning for the call, and it's now got them into a position of having to debate what happens and how much information you can get in and 96 seconds, which is how long the college that's ridiculous. i mean, let's just nuts to that. that's where we what we're talking about. >> but nothing and then they didn't bring this out on direct examiner so when it gets brought out on cross-examinatio n, it makes it look like that there was a completely different reason for the call. so then you take that and couple it with a text messages where cohen is texting with the body man for trump's saying, i've been harassed by some 14 year-old, helped me out. here's the number, here's information and all that. it clearly makes it appear. and i
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think more than a here clearly shows that the call was something for a different purpose. >> and that's that's bad because it's trump, but is now one step removed from approval. they've corroborated certain things. >> they've corroborated him sign and checks. i've corroborated, you know, that there's this cheat sheet from weisselberg. the problem is, we used to sunday just kinda do the song and sunday school the foolish man built his house upon the sand right the question asked if they built their whole case on the sand and they're not planning to bring in weisselberg. and so you've just got cohen and they're having to rests solely on his credibility and that's this was a bad blow against that. >> how does the prosecutor repair the ability tate and cohen, once they get another shot at it, it'll be tough, but they're going to have a chance. what'll happen monday is either they'll continue with a couple of hours of cross-examination or if there's a possibility that i think that if fans could just say, we don't have anything else and try to catch the prosecution flat if that point they'll come in and try to say, well, but didn't you mean this and hidden it true you saw this
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document and they'll try to i bring some stuff up like that the problem they've got is that he's sort of get these known flaws in him for the lying and other things that he's done both in the case, i think and before the case. and try to clean that up is a problem that may be able to put a band-aid on it and nodded get some past the beyond a reasonable well, it out standard of did trump commit these business record falsification for the purpose of violating federal election law. that's going to be another thing. >> you know, the stormy daniel's cross-examination went on longer than the direct and a lot of the legal experts that i've spoken with and heard from zai that some of it for the defense didn't really lead anywhere. it seemed personal directed from the former president and this might be different where the more time you have michael cohen on, you are making some headway. how long do you think that they'll keep with him on this? >> yeah. i mean, i think two hours will be more than an f on monday if that's what they do. but i can also justify up our blanche issues let's just end
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it now. we've done so much damage and they get a chance to re-cross. the state will come and they'll try to rehabilitate goh and through redirect examination and then the defense gets another chance to come back and the re-cross on any issues raised during that redirect. and so they're not going to be finished with their moment sunday, at least. the first thing monday morning, they'll get their second shot. it maybe monday afternoon they're also trying to play the calendar because there's this question of when do we have closing arguments? when does a jury get the case? it's already a short week because of the holiday week and other things next week and that's going to that's going to come into play. michael moore. thank you. that'll be at rafah. >> a will have more on whether for us after the break good, lisa, what are we looking at? >> rehab, a severe risk. that's growing in the central plains, a level four out of five risk could be looking at winds up to 100 miles per hour the track that for you, that's coming up more than 500 million in art stolen me, saw what turned out to be the biggest dark heist in history. you can't help but wonder if this why some sort of thing job, how would really happen with jesse
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developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back, we can use less new plastic. bottles or date to be remade i'm sara marie and washington and this is cnn supreme court justice samuel alito says that his wife chose to fly the american flag upside down at their home just days after the january 6 insurrection. >> a 2021 image obtained by the new york times shows the flag upside down a symbol used by trump's supporters to believe the election was stolen cnn's justice schneider has those details this court is facing multiple ethics questions all while it's public approval rating is plummeting we heard a call from democratic senator dick durbin calling on justice alito to recuse himself from
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the trump immunity case. >> but so far, no sign that justice alito or justice time on his will recuse despite this mountain of criticism and questions. have you enjoyed your husband being on the court so far? >> well, it's been quite an adventure as you can well imagine martha-ann alito has largely stayed out of the spotlight since her husband joined the supreme court nearly two decades ago, and his far-right views came under attack during a grueling confirmation process that led her emotional and senator lindsey graham jumping to his defense guilt by association is gone. >> drive good men and women away from warning to sit where you're sitting. >> but now her husband is putting her squarely in the spotlight because of this picture published by the new york times showing an upside down flag that became a symbol of the stop the steal movement after the 2020 election flying outside of the alito's home in the days surrounding joe biden's presidential inauguration justice alito has laid the blame on his wife in this statement to the new york
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times, i had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag. it was briefly placed by mrs. alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs i have met justice alito, decent person. i think this is just beyond the pale at this point, you can have people doing this. i have a wife who has very strong opinions about things. i took some real shots when i was on the federal bench but you keep that in the house, martha and is just the latest supreme court's spouse at the center of controversy. ginni thomas exchanged texts with trump's, then chief of staff, mark meadows, pushing him to challenge the 2020 election results. >> we've got petitions pending before the supreme court, and she communicated with john eastman, the architect the fake electors scheme, and the man who pressured mike pence to refuse to certify the results. thomas has so far not recused and current cases being decided by the court. >> the issue here is not that a justices spouse can't do
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things. the issue here is that a justice is responsible to the high calling of the rule of law. >> justice thomas and justice alito, reliable conservatives on the court have also indicated they'd be leaning toward trump and hundreds of capitol rioters in cases this term, there have been many violent protests that have interfered with proceedings. as a government applied this provision two other protests in the past, the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent. will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country, isn't democracy and the decision from this court about whether or not trump has immunity from criminal prosecution could come any day now that will affect whether or not trump's criminal trial here in washington can and will move forward all while these two justices it seemed to show no sign of accusing themselves
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just like a schneider. thank you. a programming note tune in tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern for how it really happened. gardner org. stealing, beauty, which takes a deep dive into a half 1 ard hi should boston more than 30 years ago? >> today, general dpid betray is joins for read on the state of war in both gaza and ukraine in the his of a russian offensive. how bad does it look on the ukrainian front lines for wheat? zakaria gps this morning at ten start your day with nature me. the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin supplement brand. here's to getting better with age 50, the beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein, complete
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similar type of treatment. asked your retina specialist about i leah hd today? hey, for the potential for fewer injections after last month, mouse and solar flare added a 24 hour two the de, businesses are wondering what should we do again, company-wide power now
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check it out at filing earth with the lea primer premiers june 2 had nine on cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or. >> a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 the justice department is asking a federal judge to start former trump adviser, steve bannon's prison sentence now this move comes after a federal appeals court upheld ban in contempt of congress conviction. >> man who was found guilty in
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2022 of two counts of defying up to p tina by the house january 6 select committee is in the investigation, of course, into the 2021 attack on the us capitol he was sentenced to four months in prison. the judge who presided over bannon's strouhal is him until tomorrow to respond to the department of justice request. >> the los angeles police department says it is aware of a video appearing to show sean diddy combs assaulting has then girlfriend cassie ventura and 2016, the disturbance surveillance video shows diddy shoving, dragging, and taking venture during an altercation inside of an la hotel. the footage matches allegations and now settled lawsuit filed by ventura last year the la county district attorney's office has combs will not be prosecuted because that incident happened beyond the timeline where a crime of assault can be prosecuted miraculous, ending to a scary incident, no injuries reported after a plane was forced to make an emergency landing on a highway and
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spokane, washington listen to this. state officials say the plane ran out of fuel in one tank as it started being piloted by trainee. out, the plane landed on a construction site on the highway officials say there was no damage to the area or the plane and the plane had enough fuel in its second tank. take off from the highway and then returned to base well this morning 30 million people across the central us and southeast, they are at risk for severe weather with damaging wind gusts, hail, and possible isolated tornadoes. cnn meteorologist elisa rafah joins us now as a lot going on was the latest. >> yeah, we have a growing threat in the central plains that red bull bull's-eye is that moderate risk level four out of five includes much of kansas, including dodge city. that's where we could find a possible juror setting up or line of intense winds that could be upwards of 80 to 100 miles per hour. that's what really watching for could also have some very large hail to the size of tennis balls and a
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couple of tornadoes cannot be ruled out. we're really going to use up the atmosphere, lot of humidity with daytime highs above average getting into the upper 80s, those dew points surging that lets those storms really grow tall. and some of them can spin. you can see the storms really fire up. >> later on this afternoon, maybe not until after four or 5:00. there's book could be our duration. so again, it's a line of intents storms that organizes and pushes that damaging wind threat. that could happen across kansas with someone's up to miles per hour. we'll continue with the storm threat and parts of iowa as we go into monday's the storm system kinda lingers a little bit. so again, looking at a multi-day severe weather outbreak, looking at that slight risk, level two out of five press parts of kansas and nebraska and iowa on monday. and then already on tuesday, another big bullseye, that level three out of five and the orange from madison, wisconsin, down into kansas city, all from the same system. this is the time of year we are in the heart of severe weather season. >> april was incredibly active
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for us across the us, much above it average on average, we get 192 tornadoes in april. >> we'll look at may 275 tornadoes on average. and again, this is the month after an incredibly active april. we're already starting out may incredibly active. here's our tornado reports to date from january 1st, over 800 richard date would be about 640 so incredibly active and staying that way through the next couple of days. so please stay weather aware with us guys hey, soon enough, we'll be talking hurricane season. >> at least a rafah. thank you coy wire has more for us on sports this morning right after the break yeah. >> stay right here where us. we have your news highlights including simone biles, a jaw dropping performance, and our season opener ahead of the olympics, while that and caitlin clark getting another welcome to the w moment. but here how she bounced back yet again and whatever proponents had to say about or that end more coming up tonight on the
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whole story, dr. sanjay gupta for its own whole, for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing in something that seems so preordained. it sounds extraordinary. >> low whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on see, you know, what's brilliant think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bowl. what straps bold to a rocket and hurdles and into space oren does boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start off because it's smart, dependable, and steady all words you want from your thank you for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring. so you can be happy with the fill which is pretty unvarying if you think about it wow. >> life, diabetes has no slowing down each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose concerns to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue,
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right? gilbert. >> now up to 50% off that awkward inside politics sunday with manu raju next on cnn with all the uncertainty around his arrest and criminal charges, the number one golfer in the world, scottie scheffler, struggle saturday for a wire is where there's now. scheffler says he wasn't himself yeah. >> after a solid second round on friday the morning of his arrest there he scottie scheffler said that his head was still spinning from everything that happens. so by the third round yesterday, it appeared that maybe that emotional roller coaster got to him a bit after missing a birdie putt on the opening hold of world number one and reigning masters champ would go double-bogey. bogey and bogey over the next three holes. so he'd go from three shots off
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the lead to eight shots back by the end of the day, finishing two over par, while the rest of the field played ball hollow, really well with low scores pretty much across the board. here's a look on top at 15 under xander chappelet, he's looking for his first career major and two time major champion's pollen more calla. here's scheffler on a struggles i was definitely did not feel like myself today for sure, but yesterday happened and i did my best to recover from it and come out here and compete today. >> and i did a great job yesterday. it's coming out competing rotten the adrenaline and yeah, this morning was definitely not my usual routine for around does that make sense? but at the end of day, i came out here hoping to have a good round, wasn't able to get it done, which is pretty frustrating, but they'll come back and try get them off all right. >> we'll see. let's go nba playoff action now, incredible comeback in genes six between the top-seeded oklahoma city thunder and the dallas mask dallas was down 16. i'd have time, but luka doncic and kyrie irving take over tyrese 0.18.
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it was 22 points in the second half doncic dropping 29 points, finishing with his third triple doubles first straight, that fadeaway j there latent fourth gave dallas the lead, but the youngest team in the playoffs fight til the end mvp runner-up shai gilgeous-alexander with the value two, chet holmgren, thunder back on top game-high 36 points for sda, but this is what, remember, we thinking about it all offseason, fouling pj washington with just two seconds left. it was for a three-point or washington since we hit the first two free throws, them take the lead, any missed the third on purpose the thunder threw up a prayer, but it goes unanswered. maps stun the thunder. one they advanced to the western thank conference finals for the second time in three years wnba rookie phenom caitlin clark's putting up a team-high 22 points for indiana fever facing the liberty in new york. but our first week and the w continues to be rough when a blasted on this screen here set by reigning league mvp brianna stewart and the first the fever or owen three. now on
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the season clark struggling with eight turnovers in this one as the league's best, like sabrina ionescu, just continue to show clark how it's done, winning 91 to 80 singing in a league record $2 million in a ticket revenue though for this game showing that the caitlin clark effect is real simone biles start harding her season off with a bang flying through the air at the us glass. >> a good orenburg kinetic, it was saturday. look at this. that's the most difficult volt women's nas x you're chienco double pike. it's now named after biles. and then watch this in the floor routine, pulling off a triple-double first pack, it looks like viktor on a friday maybe dominated accomplish this and claiming the all around title by almost two points good luck. she's going to go for her thursday olympics in paris. she has to of course qualify. but it's looking like she is physically and mentally ready to take on a challenge and


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