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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  May 15, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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every day, hurry. >> there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% off shop dag today on inside politics, joe biden and donald trump don't agree on much, but they do agree on this. it's time to debate they both accepted an invitation from cnn to hold the first presidential debate. that will be in just 43 days. all the breaking details are coming up. plus round two of todd blanche versus michael cohen, trump's top defense attorney is trying to paint the prosecution's star witness as a sworn henchmen out for revenge. but will be moved who pass cohen's character tomorrow and get to the core question of the hush, hush money case. and can republicans picked up the us senate seat in the reliably blue state of maryland popular former governor larry hogan will test that after winning the gop nomination for senate last night, a top democrat in this date, jamie raskin will be here this hour. i'm dana bash. let's go behind the headlines and inside politics first up
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big. news that could reshape the presidential election. joe biden and donald trump agreed this morning to debate, including one right here on cnn, on june 27th. that will be the earliest ever general election debate, at least in modern times. the second face off, we'll be in september on abc cnn's kristen holmes is covering the trump campaign, but i want to start with cnn senior white house correspondent kayla tausche, who's covering the president's reelection. kayla, take us behind the scenes. >> well, dana, it's been several weeks now that president biden's campaign team and the president personally in an interview with howard stern, essentially laid the groundwork for his willingness to debate, saying that he would be happy to stand sayyed by trump and have that conversation. and then earlier today suggesting that he would be happy to debate the former president and his now gop rival, at least twice. and as early as june that is a detail
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that would allow voters to see the two candidates side-by-side in that debate matchup with several months before early voting begins. earlier today, president biden's team released this video on social media with the president himself trump lost two debates to me in 20 said he hadn't shown up for debate. >> now exactly like you want to debate me again or make my day pal i'll even do it twice plus pick the dates down. i hear you're free. i'm wednesday's and appearances on cnn today. biden's campaign official suggested that there was still a risk that trump wouldn't show up and suggesting that it was biden, who was the one who has been essentially driving the conversation in the parameters of these it's debates. there's still a big question as to whether there will be crowds present. biden's team has suggested there should be no crowds while trump's team has suggested that there should be. but either way, dana, one thing is clear is that both candidates are going to be trying to fundraise off of this new development. biden in blast
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message to supporters earlier today, billing the conversation as grassroots versus mega minions, democracy versus authoritarianism, revenge, and retribution. retribution versus a forward-looking vision for the future. and asking for $20 to support him dana kayla, thank you so much for that. now, let's go over to kristen holmes, who is reporting on the trump campaign and everything that is developing behind the scenes there. what are you hearing, kristen? >> yes. so this announcement from biden actually came from weeks of conversations, in formal between trump's campaign and biden's campaign over what it would look like if they had a possible scenario where they circumvented the presidential commission on debates. they had been trying to do that at least on trump's it's this kind of sparked conversations about what those debates might look gleick. now of course, donald trump has accepted as well as joe biden, this debate from cnn on june 27th. and this has been a key part of their general election strategy. i'll remind you, they were sending notes and
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memos weeks ago trying to get earlier debates from those later months, they believe that it could help or former president donald trump in a general election. here's what trump said himself on an interview with you, you at earlier today oh, absolutely and tried to get he's issuing it. >> i wonder whether or not he shows up because, you know, he also challenged me to golf so i'm a very good golfer. he can't hit a ball 50 yards. she said, i'll give him three aside, but he knows he'll never play this is sort of like that i think, but i hope not because i really think he has to debate in mice will get it over with probably should do it early. so that he can he's not gonna get any better in september 8, graze, it down factor for him that was the most trumpian way of saying that, yes, he's going to debate joe biden there. >> but just one other thing to point out here, one of the things that donald trump's team liked about what biden laid out for the debates was the fact that they also only want it to
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be one-on-one. they did not want him to get on a stage with a third party candidate. the other thing that we have now heard from donald trump's team is that they actually are calling for more presidential debates. they think there should be four in total, dana okay, chris and thank you so much for that. >> i appreciate it. let's talk about all of this with a great reporters here at the table. bloomberg and cnn's knee at malika henderson, cnn's jeff zeleny and or oberon lopez of the pbs newshour. happy wednesday it is wednesday, which is why we have a show. there is no trial and it's a great day for one, jeff, what are you hearing from your sources? >> well, look, this is something that the biden campaign was eager to get the upper hand on for all of donald trump's talk about debates. he carries a podium around him to the rallies that he has that says anytime any place behind the scenes, the biden campaign realized, i'm told weeks ago so several weeks ago. they knew they had to debate the sitting president in a strong position might try and hold off on this, but that is not where joe biden
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is. they realize that they knew they had to debate the president wants to debate. he's a very competitive locker room like old school athlete who wants to debate his rival. so now the discussion was when and how so they wanted to get on top of the timing of it and the reality is how voting is conducted in america has changed dramatically over the years so a holding a debate, the first one was scheduled to be september 16th the biden campaign thought that's way too late. the trump campaign agreed with them. so early june or late june, excuse me, that's the first time there's ever been a presidential debate, even before the convention. yeah, that's what's so extraordinary about how quickly all this came together. >> well, you mentioned the date so our team looked it up, north carolina males ballots to go out on september 6. right. so that's sometime after that is when early voting will start in a really important state and it continues from there right? one thing about this too is that
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the president's campaign remembers what happened last time. they debated he did donald trump, which was that joe biden looks a lot better than people expected. i remember watching focus groups immediately after the debate with undecided voters in 2020 and they were saying that donald trump's sounded like a bully, that he was unhinged. and a lot of them were swayed more towards joe biden saying that he sounded it and trump's campaign has set expectations so low for president biden. and so as fox news just blasting out over and over again, that he is not capable of leading the country. that's one of donald trump's biggest arguments essentially is that joe biden is being propped up by a bunch of other democrats and that he's too old to lead the country. and you hear from voters that when they actually go and watch the president's full state of the union speech. or they go and see him on the trail that they're surprise that he actually sounds a lot better than they otherwise would think. yeah. i mean, it's clear that they need these dates early impossibly
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often if you saw what happened after the state of the union, you did have reactions from voters that was like, oh, this guy can actually hold his own. he was kind of going back and forth with the folks in the crowd there, so they need this. if you look at the polls, we have the new york times balls of it came out recently, showed him bleeding support among latinos, bleeding support among young folks in behind in a lot of these very important states i'll like nevada for instance. so they, because you're bringing that up azure talking about it, we're going to put on the screen some of the latest state-by-state polls and some of these battleground states from the new york times square. so they need to shake up this race. you talk to democrats. there is a sense of like, is this race kind of hardening in with biden being behind at least according to these polls, i had talked to some democrats who do see a downside in this, right? this will be a circus. is this biden just playing into this circus-like atmosphere? can he actually win a debate with somebody like donald trump who's just going to throw
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everything at the wall. >> well, on that note, i want you guys to listen to what nancy pelosi we'll see you told are manu raju after hearing about these debates i myself would never recommend going on with stage with donald trump, but the president has it is decided that's what he wants to do. >> i think format he has suggesting is a good one. i think you all should have separate town hall meetings with them. let them challenge them with questions about the future and let the public make its decision. >> as you were saying, yeah, no, i think that's right. that's an idea. do you sort of elevate trump? do you give a platform to his many, many allies about everything by debating him, but i to jeff's point, he is the incoming president he's got it and they the right is an aide about that? yeah. like isn't this risky? they're like, look, not debating is even riskier because it looks like he's hiding out. looks like he's not up to it. and again, the president, i'm told and i believe i don't think this is spin he wants to debate he's
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competitive, he wants to show that he's better, but they think not debating is worse than showing up and having some type of a melee yeah. >> i mean, they're desperate for that contrast and they are aware of the fact that a lot of voters either especially young voters, don't necessarily remember trump's presidency. they don't remember what it felt like during that presidency. and even voters older than younger voters and biden's campaign talks about that a lot. thought, which is that they want to constantly every chance they get draw that contrast even if it means putting him in they arena with donald trump. i mean, there was a recent poll out. i can't remember if it's new york times or pew, but that found that 17% of voters actually blame president biden for the overturning of roe v. wade, which is just a stunning number considering that, right? yes. which no, information borders, which is sending considering what we all know, which is that that was done by the supreme court of which three justices were appointed by former president trump. and so i think that the more chances that the biden campaign gets to draw those contrasts, they're going
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to, they're going to take them. yeah. and meanwhile, we also have another set of data points that we're seeing today on the very important issue of the economy. also crime. the president is going to be speaking to a group of police officers on the hill later and of course, immigration, those are two, three big issues and i just wanted to put up on this screen some of the latest headlines. us inflation slowed in april. this, this happened this morning, providing a glimmer of hope for wary americans. npr, violent crime is dropping fast in the, even if americans don't believe it, the us sees a drop in illegal border crossings after mexico increases enforcement so again, it's about news consumption, and i think speaks to the point that you were making. it's maybe are getting their information, whether it's young voters on tiktok or other other forms of social media. and
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other people perhaps going to their echo chambers. >> so i think that's right. i think, the message that democrats have is a good one sort of the data suggests that americans are doing well in terms of the economy. >> the question is, is the messenger in joe biden given his age, issues that are mainly i think physical it has a slow walk at this point. >> is that causing the message to be short-circuited because people don't really have confidence in him because they see him as somebody who might not have the stamina to be the president. i think that is why the debate is going to be so important. he will be strong. i imagine that he is a good debater. he's a good talker. but i think his fundamental problem is that he physically seems much older than donald trump. >> there are a number of democrats that have said that democratic pollsters, democrat to say more privately that they think it's more of them
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messenger problem than a message problem, that there are a lot of democrats that like running on the message and the reality is, it's an inflation problem. it's a price problems. so there's no messaging around the fact that your groceries costs more. i mean, when i talk to voters, that is what even people who like the president are worried about. the prices of things. so look, a lot of these things are out of the president's control. but he owns us economy, but he wants to show a contrast everyday of the week, today's wednesday, that's why they did this today. and here we are all right. >> everybody don't go anywhere coming up round two of michael cohen's cross-examination is set for tomorrow. what will donald trump's lawyers ask next? but we'll michael cohen say next. >> we're going to talk about that after a quick break five good things. >> listen however you get your podcasts zyrtec, allergy relief works fast and last the full 24 hours, so they can be the deliverer. dance okay. dave
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explosive cross-examination so will the jury's see the prosecution's star witness as someone out for redemption or revenge. joining me now, former prosecutor, elie honig, and attorney robert hirshhorn, who is a jury consultant. nice to see. you both, gentlemen. robert, i want to start with you the big picture of how you take away by the first couple of days of cohen's testimony, particularly the cross-examination dana good to be with you so he did an okay. >> job, but he's being a little evasive and let me tell you why when he gives answers like sounds like something i would say that's going to bother these jurors just answer yes or no. sounds like something i would say is the beginning of the cracks of michael cohen. and so that's one piece. the other pieces look i think the defense lawyer had a great opportunity and i've heard me say this before. >> the defense lawyer should have started with ten or
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actually 11 times where cohen light to somebody because in closing argument you say, i'll tell you who the 12th was. >> ladies and gentlemen, he lied to you. so the idea is we'll see what happens happens tomorrow. but i think colin's in for a rough ride la yeah. i think the cross so far has been scattershot and sub-optimal that i think todd blanche is not at his best and the couple hours we saw yesterday as robert said, first of all, it jumps around a topic to topic. i actually went back after our live coverage yesterday, re-read the whole transcript. >> you need to be thematic. you need to be clear and strong and i would have started with the lies as robert just said, there is a lot of ammunition there. >> and then i would have moved on to michael cohen's over the top, personal bias towards donald trump. >> now some of these were alluded to are sort of brushed by. but then who were these odd detours, like what you like you talked about in the beginning, like the fact that donald trump and michael cohen have this long-term relationship. the
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fact that michael cohen used to really like donald trump fine. i think you hit that in a couple of questions and then move on to the hatred. but instead, todd blanche takes pages upon pages upon pages, having michael cohen say how many but she wants respected donald trump. i don't know how that exactly resonates with the jury so todd blanche has had a whole day right now to prepare. he's planning to spend most or all of the day tomorrow on cross, and i expect a different more pointed tone. >> let's talk ali staying with you for a second about what we heard that appears to be new in cohen's testimony. and the one one of the thing that you've pointed out to us that i want to put on the screen for our viewers is the question about the, uh, hundred and $30,000, of course, which is one of the core questions about the payment and how it was done this is cohen and he expressed to me just do it go meet up with allen weisselberg and figure this whole thing out. again, this is michael cohen on monday in the he here is donald
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trump yeah, i think that's the single most important piece of testimony that we've heard in this whole trial. >> because what it does is it links donald trump directly to the actual crime charge, to the actual false vacation of business records. michael cohen is well-supported, not 100% supported, but well-supported by documents, by emails, by text, by phone records, by photographs, things we've seen. but ultimately the prosecution has to hope the jury credits michael cohen's account of his one-on-one conversations with donald trump. and right there, that a sentence or two is where the jury's focus should be centered if they believe that beyond a reasonable doubt, they'll find donald trump guilty. and if not, then we're not gonna have a guilty verdict. >> and then robert, from yesterday, michael cohen talking about a phone call that he had with donald trump after thfbi rated his house ready to collins house, he said to me, don't worry, i'm the president of the united states. there is no nothing. there is
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nothing here. everything is going to be okay. stay tough. >> you're going to be okay. >> that seems like something that the defense would want to somehow poke holes in, but might be kinda hard and that's pretty definitive with dana. >> it sounds like cohen talking. it's cohen's his interpretation of what he claims trump said to him. and here's the thing the jury is going to have a really hard time with a guy that claims to remember everything that trump's said seven years ago. but the guy is hesitating on what he said himself seven weeks ago. and here's the last point i want to make dana the jury is going to be really uncomfortable relying on the word of a serial perjure, a serial liar the jury is going to want some person to corroborate and the corroboration comes in the form of allen weisselberg. and the question the jury is going to have is where is mr. weiser?
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>> elie? i mean, we know where he is. he's in prison, but terms of in terms of this trial, i mean, what about that la key question that's lingering over all this will be worked out in the next few days. the fact that otherwise were weisselberg is in prison is not the reason he's out available. the likely reason is he would probably take the fifth and what will happen at some point coming soon is there will be an inquiry made probably to allen weisselberg's lawyer by the judge, by the parties. would he take the fifth if the answer is yes, he takes the fifth that's it. he's unavailable to either side, won't hurt the prosecution. but if the answer is no, he's willing to come in and testify, then the prosecution has a problem because then the instruction to the jury will be you didn't hear from certain witnesses. you can assume the worst about what their testimony would have been. and by the way, there's no way the prosecution calls him in that instance because he would not help their case because we know who always sober against. so keep an eye on this. this is a looming problem for the problem that's accusers. >> and robert just before we
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go, i want you to look ahead to when the prosecution is done with colander witnesses, we believe michael cohen is the last one. do you believe that the defense trump's team should or will bring their own witnesses forward, or should they just quickly try to end this? >> well, it depends on what the resolution of the weisselberg issue is what i think it's a mistake for the i think cohen's got the government close to the finish line, but i don't think he's gotten him across the finish line because there's nothing that really links the defendant donald trump, to ordering these documents are falsifying these records. so i wouldn't put them on and i'm telling you, i don't believe trump is going to testify and i'm so convinced i have a ponytail. i'll have my son jayden, come on tv and cut my pony tail off. if i'm wrong, i just don't think that guy is going to i thank your ponytail. >> hello. is safe ellie i'll
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shave my head to well, that is not where i thought this conversation was going to go, but i appreciate both of you, your expertise, your insights, your experience, all of it. >> thank you so much. see you soon, llc morrow, like next. well, control of the us senate come down to one of the bluest states in the nation. maryland congressman jamie raskin is here to talk about how his chosen candidate whether she could beat a really popular republican, former governor, stay with us trump hush money trial hi, all gavel to gavel coverage. >> the weight only cnn can bring it to you. legal insight, expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn allergies with allegro. >> they won't stop me. nothing beats lag rob. it's the
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secret was secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2, that ten on cnn in maryland voters usually like their policy. >> it takes just like their craft hallux. but former republican governor larry hogan, thinks he can change that in a senate race that could determine whether democrats hold onto power in the in it. joining me now is someone who knows about maryland's love for blue crab, even though he just confirmed to me that he is a vegetarian. so we're not going to get deep into that, but you definitely understand your state. jamie raskin. thank you so much for being here on that note, your preferred candidate, county executive, also brooks will who won the democratic primary. she will now go up against larry hogan, who of course was a very popular governor how is that going to play? particularly given? the fact that he not only came in with a high percentage of support, but even
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left that way. when you look at polls well, thank you for that. >> i should say, i ate my share of blue crabs, before i became so i've helped to stimulate our state's economy in that way. look angela also brooks is someone who has been radically underestimated during her entire political career. she's undoubtedly an underdog going into the general election given that former governor, hogan ran statewide twice and she has never run statewide before in a general election. and yet she was all also discounted in this primary race, but was able to overcome an excellent opponent in david trone, who also spent more than 60 million so she has proven herself very adept at creating effective political coalitions that address the
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questions of the de. and that's really the critical thing here pro choice is going to be a catalyzing issue. in maryland. it's going to be on the ballot in a referendum and of course, the whole country is thinking about what donald trump in his party have done, which is destiel away from tens of millions of american women. their right to choose and consultation with their families and their physicians instead pudding the locus of choice in state legislatures and having been in this state legislature, i will tell you, i do trust the women of america more then the state legislators to be making these fundamental health decisions. so angela alsobrooks and said she will vote for the women's health protection act two codify roe versus wade in america the former governor hogan is not said what he will do about that. he is not said whether he will support me roe versus wade, the law of the land,
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congressman. >> i'm glad you brought that up because the former governor was on the show shortly after he announced his senate candidacy. and keep pushed back against democratic criticism on abortion. i want you to listen to what he said to self-described pro-life. you're really at adapt with your, that's not true no that's not really true at all. am i have a long, very, very moderate position on abortion. this is describe it but i i'm i'm personally not a proponent of abortion, but i said i'm not going to take away that right for others to make that decision for themselves. i i made a this is kind of a tired attack from the democratic party what's, your reaction? >> well, he would like you to be a tired attack. unfortunately, it's his political party that is made it a central issue in 2024 i'm going to trump is bragging all over the country about how he appointed the supreme court justices who destroyed roe versus wade and have stolen
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away the rights of women all across it's the country, but we will be looking at the former governors record his actual record in maryland because a lot of us were in the legislature and we remember what he did but the real question is, if and when you are elected to the us senate, will you stand with the democratic majority two codify roe versus wade? and to make roe versus wade the law of the land, again, which is what the vast majority of american people want. and hogan is never said what he will do about it. and of course, he has to pander to the trumpian base in order to get to where he wants to go. and the reason that they want them there is so he will be another brick in the wall of gop support for a right-wing trump agenda. look a marylanders node democracies on the ballot, freedom is on the ballot. this is a very high-stakes flexion. we are in the fight of our lives here and we're going to expose the real contrast and differences in the policy positions between these
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two candidates. and angela alsobrooks was a great state attorney, a great prosecutor, a great county executive, and she will go to the us senate to fight for the pro-choice rights of american women for the voting rights of the american people in for democracy against the trump party before darien's congressman, i'm going to switch gears quickly to what happened in new york yesterday. the house speaker join donald trump at that manhattan courthouse, came out and did a talk through reporter presented talked about the trial being a sham. you of course, just last week voted to keep johnson as speaker what happened yesterday? give you second off. >> well, i didn't vote for that. i voted to table marjorie taylor greene's resolution, but that's effectively the same thing. well, for for that day and that de only look never before have we had a speaker of the us house of representatives traveled to a criminal trial in
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order to vouch for in this case in adjudicated rapist, someone who has been civilly convicted of fraud in a hundreds of millions of dollars against one of our sovereign states state of new york. and he goes to that trial to speak for the criminal defendant, who's defending himself against charges of having cook the books order to cover up. hush money payments to a porn star. and that's just unbelievable for any speaker to do, much less a speaker who says that the bible as the law of the land. >> before i let you go, i know you wanted to weigh in on report from the washington post that talked about a meeting between donald trump and oil executives where he allegedly, according to the report, offered policy concessions if they raised billion dollars for his campaign, you want an investigation, you're pushing for an investigation what is in there is illegal. what do you think that he did that broke
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the law we know that the ex-president in pocketed nearly 8 million from foreign governments including china including saudi arabia, and other autocratic regimes in violations of the foreign a monument since clause when he was president. >> so this is a pattern for him, but now amazingly he goes to the ceos and executives of gas and oil companies and says, you guys should raise me $1 because you're gonna get a lot more back from me in everything that i'm going to give to you in terms drilling rights, and changing the pro environment policies of the biden administration, if that's not against the law because he's only cia candidate and not now the president, it should be against the law. in any event, we need to investigate what was very clearly a quid pro quo arrangement that was advanced by donald trump who remains a one man crime wave congressman,
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we will follow the investigation and see where it goes. >> i was thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me, dana coming up, us senate races. >> in other states have republicans grinning, will tell you why democrats i'm getting a bit nervous. say with us uri's head into a pivotal game, five on tnt garland the table temblors celtics, mavericks, thunder coverage begins tonight at 6:30 in the ugly else presented by google pixel would conference semifinals covers presented by way stop fireball. >> do i. >> actually have works for us he makes it last contrast so you can rise from pain. i see used car shopping two rows, two dogs. >> they're sold. >> oh, wow. let's are the facts like nearly half of all
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battle for the us senate democrats are defending nine toss-up senate seats. that's including arizona's kyrsten sinema, who is an independent, but caucuses with the democrats republicans have just two seats on the board that are considered at risk. and the red states of texas and florida tossing the typically bloom maryland into the mix as a battleground is pretty new territory at recent years for democrats my great friends and reporters are back here. you were just talking about when we were on the break about two things about the money spent to get to this point by democrats but also the money that democrats are going to have to spend now in maryland, whereas they have a pretty large map for sure. i mean, david trone spent what, some $60 million? yes. so a lot of it on ads, probably even more than that once the numbers come in and just like a rough back of the envelope, math it's one of the $300 per vote which was until the reason this matters is now
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the dsc. see democrats are likely going to have to invest pretty heavily in maryland which at the end of erase, it creates an opportunity for choices. is that money that they won't have to help save sherrod brown in ohio or john, if i'm i may, i'm sorry to interrupt you, but i just want to put up the numbers which at the beginning david trone according to our records, according to the fec 51.4 million her his opponent who won only 5.9 million, and larry hogan, 4.4. but that's the point you were making. he put so much money and by the way, he's a billionaire. so he could have added that money to the general election and that was one of the messages he was running. he said, i will fund my own thing, so it money complicates races. it helps if your messages there, but clearly wasn't ever him, but i mean, i think the bigger point here is, democrats are likely to have enough money, but they are playing in a very, very wide battleground and and what i had my eye on is some of
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those races that overlap with presidential contests. >> and there are a lot actually, i'm glad you said that. let's put the map backup and we can start talking about that because it really is striking when you see just how many of these competitive races to keep control of the senate, the democrats are trying to defend. and like you said, i mean, you can go through some of these states where the presidential race is going to dovetail because it's competitive nevada, arizona, wisconsin, michigan pennsylvania, and listened some of the florida yeah, in some of these sort of down-ballot senate candidates, more the popular than joe biden. so could increases chances in a state like nevada and you say like arizona state, like pennsylvania, he's going to need all those folks on the field boosting his numbers. it's unlikely. i mean, you see some of this in the polling that biden seems to be doing worse than a jacky rosen out in nevada. the idea that people will tickets split seems a little hard to believe vote for
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trump and vote for jacky rosen at the top and at the bottom. but we'll see they're going to need all of all of the money and all the attention on it. >> i feel like you were in our planning meeting because everything that you say it just like we're going to put up something to reinforce what you're saying. i think it's just because you're so darn smart nevada just talked about it donald trump is right now up to 12 points. >> jacky rosen, up to arizona and pennsylvania, also show that trump is up, but the democratic candidate or is only wisconsin, where biden is only up by two and tammy baldwin is up by nine. >> yeah. i mean, in one democratic pollster iso up to recently said that every down-ballot democrat that they're working for all the campaigns that they're on. their outperforming. president biden. now, does that actually help him? is the big question. i mean, when i was in arizona in 2020, i did hear some voters here's it, say they were really interested in kelly,
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who's now a senator and that may be made them a little bit more to voting for biden that they started looking at him a little bit differently. now, is that enough though in a state that's going to be one at the margins, especially if president biden is suffering with other key blocks, whether it's latinos, whether it's black voters in these states, but it's something that i think democrats are paying attention to, to see how much can these other down-ballot democrats boost him? and boost his message? and geoff, as you come in here, i just want to show another piece of data that our team put together, which is so interesting and it's what you brought up about ticket-splitting historically in 20126 braces voters tickets split, meaning that they were elected from the party the party that the opposite of the presidential. thank you. at 20:16, it was zero. and in 2020, it was only one. we've certainly seen a decreasing trend that they used to be fairly normal. there used to be a democrats from red states,
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republicans from blue states, at least some that really does not happen anymore, but we talked about those biden campaign offices a lot, the organization those are coordinated democratic campaign offices. so that is one thing that gives the biden campaign some measure of comfort. we'll see if it rings out. is that all those offices and wisconsin or michigan actually help? their candidate in places where tammy baldwin is strong? yeah, particularly like in the red area. and a michigan is so important and rachel vein yeah, exactly. yeah and look at minnesota if the trump campaign they've been talking a lot about minnesota. >> amy klobuchar is on the ballot in minnesota as well. she always perform as well in rural areas. does that help lift president biden? and as well, they're hoping it might so a lot of interesting over same thing and that's something i haven't heard resident minute. >> you mean minnesota? yeah. yeah, sure. yeah. it's the bluest it's the reddest blue state. that's how it's looked at in the trump campaign, is holding out hope for minnesota.
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well, he's gonna be here friday. yes. going they're friday, but with club a-sharp on the ballot, she brings more democrats and perhaps moderates out. all right. everybody you want to see this as we had to break, we all need to let our hair down sometimes if you're thinking, why do i know that guy? where's he from? he is from the secretary of state's office because he is a secretary of state. it's tony blinken who took the stage in kyiv to perform with that ukrainian band at a bar on tuesday night before he grabbed a red guitar and performed a rendition of neil young's rockin and the free world blinken told the crowd that the united states and indeed the entire free world is with them
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legal consultation. again, that's 1807123800 this is cnn news jerry selection just finished up in the bribery trial of democratic senator bob menendez of new jersey opening statements will begin this afternoon. >> and then does is charged with taking bribes, including gold bars at a luxury car in exchange for helping push us aid and weapons to foreign governments. cnn's jason carroll is outside the courthouse, which is in new york. jason, what's the latest well, 12 jurors and six alternates have been seated. >> that was that happening just within the past few moments?
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but dana, i can tell you one witness they will not be hearing from is a psychiatrist that the defense wanted to call to testify, but judge sydney and he signed saying the psychiatrists will not be allowed to testify. here's why that's important, because this is a psychiatrist who was going to give some reasoning as to why this senator had stashed the hundreds of thousands of dollars at his home in new jersey in the clothing that officials found there. this psychiatrist was going to say that because of the senators pass leaving cuba, the cuban government seizing money from his family, his father committing suicide, gambling debts this all led to what the psychiatrist called intergenerational trauma and a fear of scarcity and that's the reason why this psychiatrist said the senate hundred error had stashed all this money at his home, but this again, is something that is not going to be allowed to be heard in court because the judge overseeing this case, judge sydney stein
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and ruled that that is hearsay. so while we have a jury, an early blow to the defense in terms of this, psychiatrists not being able to testify but now that we do have a jury that's been sad opening statements expected sometime later this afternoon, that data is so interesting. the other trial and new york jason, thanks for that reporting thank you for joining inside politics, cnn, news central starts after the break hey with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day he physically it's clear that i'm the dad. >> okay. so which that is pain. >> you're maria and kalisa thought their life would never slow down then one day, it's you will made to find inner peace. >> we want to track flight prices too paradise allergies
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