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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 14, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices, new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so of today it's tuesday, may 14, right now on cnn this morning, michael cohen could face cross-examination today. trump's lawyers trying to convinced jury that cohen can't be trusted. plus president biden about to hit beijing with major terrify eggs on electric vehicles and other exports from china. and will this control blast be enough to free a trapped cargo ship from what's left of baltimore's collapsed key bridge all right, five hey, i'm here in washington, live, look at new york city where all the action goes down today in the manhattan courtroom. >> good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us.
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>> we do want to start with this developing story the secretary of state antony blinken landing a short time ago in kyiv, where he just met with president volodymyr zelenskyy. >> it has his fourth visits since the war began, but his first since us military aid resumed so once-key thanked president biden congress and the american people for passing the $400 million in additional funding for his country. in an interview, sunday blinken acknowledged the delay in getting aid to ukraine has been costly, but he also tried to send this strong signal of us support to ukrainians it's a challenging moment we are not going anywhere. >> and neither are more than some 50 countries that are supporting ukraine that will continue. and if putin thinks he can outlast ukraine, outlast its supporters, he's wrong all right. cnn's fred pleitgen joins us now, live from berlin at fred, good morning to you. >> so this supplemental funding was on top of the $61,000,000,000 funding package
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from last month, where are the weapons now? where does ukraine stand against russia, right now either case and good morning. >> yeah, right now for the ukraine, it's pretty difficult on the battlefield especially in the northeast of the country, but also in the eastern regions is, well. we really are seeing a big russian push, the russian certainly have drastically increased the number of soldiers that they have around ukraine n are also using some of those weapons more effectively because the ukrainians, for a very long time didn't have a lot of those weapons from the united states now, it's quite interesting because i was listening into what secretary state blinken was saying earlier today. he said that right now, some of the weapons that the us is now giving to ukraine are already in-country and more are on the way. he said. so certainly some of that artillery ammunition which the ukrainian say they definitely lead very badly, has already arrived in ukraine, but there's other things that the ukrainians are saying. they also need desperately as well and that they need quickly air defense missiles being one of them, air defense systems, are
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being another one of them, not just in the towns and cities to keep those sales, but also on the battlefield as well as the russians, much more effective now at using their air force, casey right? >> so what message do you think in particular blinken consent with this visit? >> well, i think it's really important message. first of all, to the russians that the us is back right now giving weapons to ukraine stands behind ukraine. i think that's one of the reasons why he also came there to make that abundantly clear, but then also of course, ukrainians themselves that the us is backing, that the us is now going to deliver a lot of eight. and i think two things are very important about out all that. first of all, sectarian states, but libeling presence in itself and her meeting with the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy. but then also the us saying get on top of some of the weapons that have been pledged last week. but there's another aid package that is on the way showing that now the us is trying to make up for some of the time that was lost in the past, getting weapons to ukraine i think right now, especially in terms of
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ammunition, the us is going to try and send as much as possible in a very short period of time, casey. >> all right. fled platkin, starting us off from berlin, fred, thanks very much. trig, grateful for your reporting all right. let's come back home now, turning to new york in just a few hours, donald trump's criminal hush money trial will resume. trump's ex fixer, michael cohen, set to retake the stand prosecutors continue questioning cohen he sat for an explosive day of testimony yesterday, putting trump at the center of the scheme to pay off stormy daniel's just days before the 2016 election and made it clear that this payment was not just about trump's image with his family. when asked about the timing of the payment, cohen said this, quote continue to coincide this quote continued to delay, delay the execution of the data documents, continue the delay of execution of funding because after the election it wouldn't matter according to mr. trump. today, trump's attorneys likely going to get the chance to cross-examine cohen. he is
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trump has denied all the allegations. he calls the entire case of form of election interference. and of course complains that it is taken him off the campaign trail. there were a number of republican lawmakers who joined trump at the courthouse on monday does any reasonable, sensible person believe anything that michael cohen says? >> i don't think that they should and i actually think that his testimony is going to hurt with any reasonable double juror, and hopefully we have a few of those it's worth noting trump currently under a gag order. >> those lawmakers, of course, not bound by any of those limits. ready me now to discuss some before politics reporter shelby talcott. shelby, good morning to you. >> so we had some explosive stuff yesterday from cohen around what, he had to say about melania trump and whether or not trump cared whether she learned about what happened with stormy daniels yeah this, was really interesting to me because obviously the emphasis was not on how melania trump
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and his family would handle this these allegations. >> it was how it would affect him publicly and his presidential campaign. and so i thought that was notable. and the other thing of course chris, that was notable was when michael cohen testified about this alleged meeting that he had with donald trump just days before he took office where according to cohen, donald trump approved this this hush money scheme so the question now is, do the jury's does the jury end up buying these allegations and we've seen how the prosecution has tried to not just rely only on michael cohen's testimony, but at every step of the way when available, they've used documents they've used text messages to try to backup those allegations yeah. >> and of course that potentially we're going to start to see the key test today as perhaps michael cohen will start to come under cross-examination. so shelby, you wrote this week about the
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parade of supporters. it's now turned into that's coming to the courtroom. you said this. >> and this is of course, about his choice for vice president in part, trump likes to treat his vip stake makes this a reality show production with all the jostling for his approval and speculation about strategy that comes with it with his public encouragement, candidates have spent weeks vying for his attention with joint appearances sunday show interviews, and ostentatious displays of affection. >> his manhattan trial seems like an obvious way to score points in that context. one that may be a especially notable to trump. and of course, we heard from jd vance there who is one of the people on that list. think we're going to see more of them. >> absolutely. vivek ramaswamy is going to be at the courtroom today. i was told that tim scott's team has had conversations about him showing up to the courthouse? not true that will be this week, but at some point, and really rick scott, who showed up at the courthouse last week and is not on the vp list, but that's
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sort of sparked this latest effort from trump allies and vp hopefuls to not only go on the sunday shows and not only be deployed throughout the week to defend donald trump when he is under a gag order, right? as you said, they can say whatever they want. he can't. but now they've taken it a step further and they're showing up for him in-person, which is something that he has complained about in the past. so in this trial first started, he privately grumbled that not enough people were showing up behind him and now we've seen him sort of add onto his entourage each day that this trial continues. when we sell them sort of standing behind him in a row eric trump et cetera, et cetera, were starting to ask this question about how voters might process a conviction. >> and my, my colleague, stephen collins and writes, quote, it's too early to assess how voters might process a conviction or acquittal, or whether damaging who revelations about trump's conduct will sway an electorate. now numb to
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scandals that would have doomed a normal candidate years ago. but fresh new york times-siena polls show trump leading president biden, and multiple swing states and underscore his very real hopes of a non consecutive second term these are the first kind of polls that we saw in swing states as this trial was ongoing and they seem to basically show the status quo. >> yeah and i do want to note like you just you never know, right. if if donald trump is convicted, who knows if things change, we've seen polls which indicate that if he did end up getting convicted, it would change minds. but as this as this piece notes, historically, donald trump has been emitted to all of these sort of allegations that would have brought down a normal politician and at the same time, voters do seem far more concerned of kitchen table issues of the economy, of the cost of gas. so will they be willing to overlook something like this? and sort of hold their nose and vote, or are they so fed up with joe biden that people just don't show up
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for the election, but it's been really interesting to see these poles and how this, this trial, which under any normal circumstance would do a presidential candidate has made no impact. >> i think maybe we are just living in the new normal right. all right. shelby telecom for our shelby. thank you very pretty much all right. >> just ahead here, president biden, hiking tariffs on electric cars from china, plus the us says is really troop movements suggests the military could launch full-scale incursion into rafah at any moment and heavy smoke from canadian wildfires threatening air quality in us cities central today and set him easter your skin is ever aging, take care of it with gold ponds, age, renew formulations of seven moisturizers and three vitamins. for all your skin's called bond.
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right, this just in president biden is set to announce new tariffs on some chinese imports today, he is trying to stop china from undercutting us companies and manufacturing jobs. >> the tariffs aimed at electric vehicles, steel and aluminum semiconductors, battery components, solar cells, some critical minerals, and some medical products and they plan to implement them over the next two years. this ranges from 100% for electric vehicles two, 50% for solar components, 25% for all those other sectors. cnn's max foster joins us now from london at max good morning to you. this is very and very interesting move from the biden administration, almost echoing the trump years, quite frankly. but one of the key ones here, this new tariff quadruples the 25% tariff on electric vehicles to 100%. i mean, we have not seen chinese evs become a huge part of the us market at the moment. but i
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know this is something that has really played out in your for up. i know it's something that elon musk, for example, is very focused on. what do you see going on here? >> well, obviously car industries to place like us, germany, hugely important, are they need to be protected? i think if you look across these terrorists, this is really about clean energy, which is i'll see a huge growing area of world economy china is really trying to own it and what the americans would say is that it's because they are undercutting us manufacturers cheaper, basically, like they're making the cars so cheaply that it's really hard for the american company means to compete on price. it seems, yeah, these, these are chinese commercial businesses. >> they might argue that we're setting our own prices, but the argument is the chinese government is putting pressure on them to undercut us carmakers. but not just in the so it's also in the chinese market where american companies are really struggling to
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compete when some chinese electric cars are being sold for $10,000, for example so this is what they're trying to battle and they're trying to do it in a way that protects us manufacturers. they're not squeezed out of the market as it were. so it's a big challenge, but it's across all of clean energy effectively. so it's a bold move. and as you say it does reflect what donald trump did it. but then you also have to look at the reaction from china when donald trump's slapped a load of tariffs on chinese imports so china in returns slap tariffs on $100 billion worth of us exports to china. and the brookings institute. so that actually impacted nearly 300,000 american jobs. so it does come up price. >> now, it does, and it is interesting, you point this out and the, there's a car called the seagull that the api says it drives well as put together with craftsmanship that rivals us made electric vehicles. the cost three times as much. and they note that it sells for
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$12,000 huller's in china, there's a shorter-range version that's under $10,000. >> we've seen some price competition on on evs here at tesla dropped its prices chevrolet is going to make something that's more affordable because i mean, honestly, i think one of the biggest barriers here to widespread adoption of these vehicles in the is the price of them it's just, it is interesting to me that they are trying to protect these american companies in this way max, do you get the sense that this is something that get european regulators are also going to be looking at. are we going to see kind of widespread a global push-back against the chinese in this, in this market yeah, i mean, it takes the power of america really to lead on this doesn't it? because this is an economic relationship. there are countries within europe who utterly depend on chinese, on the chinese trading relationship there are
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companies in germany, for example, that do rely on selling lots of china. so it's a big thing to try to go up against them. but when you have the power of america leaving the front, then i think it's more likely that european countries or would do the same perhaps in concert with the us is the only way you're really going to be or to take on the chinese who are effectively saying we're going to give up some profits for now in order to dominate the entire global industry. and at that point, we can push prices up. i think that's probably what economists in america worried about. >> yeah, i'm interested to see how volkswagen, for example response to this, max foster for us in london, max always grateful to have you on every topic under the sign, we can recover it all here. thank you. >> i really appreciate it. >> all right. just ahead here, more of donald trump's allies expected to join him outside the courthouse or at the courthouse for his new york hush money trial? >> plus governor kristi noem has been banned from entering parts of her own state. >> what's that about every
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does step counter those sport matt and wireless remote call. now i'm learning thoughts on capitol hill all right 24, minutes past the hour. >> here's the morning roundup. authorities using explosives to free the cargo ship if the collided with baltimore's first key bridge in baltimore and collapsed it, they're hoping to refloat the ship. this week and reopen the shipping channel by the end of the month at least he's 14 people were killed and dozens more injured after an enormous billboard fell on them during a thunderstorm in india's financial capital, mumbai. >> the billboard collapsed on the homes and a gas station next to a busy road, trapping dozens of victims and two more indigenous tribes, banning south dakota i wonder if kristi
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noem from entering their tribal land, the band's follow remarks from noem alleging the tribal leaders are benefiting from cartels and quote one tribal chairman calls gnomes comments baseless, and deeply offensive all right, dozens of wildfires are burning across canada right now. take a look after heavy smoke has drifted south across the border. there are now air quality alerts and it these four states from montana, minnesota we're also looking at severe weather in the south. a woman was killed after a tree fell on her mobile home and louisiana, that's the second death in the area from storms on monday are meteorologists, elisa rafah, tracking all of it. elisa. good morning to you. what are you seeing? >> good morning. another busy night with a plethora of storm reports, at least a dozen tornadoes reporter along the gulf coast, and then even up into oklahoma and arkansas, we have a tornado watch and effect a long the florida panhandle parts of southern georgia until 9:00. this morning for an
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additional round of storms that is packing a punch however severe thunderstorm warning there where that line of storms could pack a punch with some gusts up to 70 miles per hour. all of this progressing east as we go through the morning. >> and what's been an incredibly active severe weather seasons since january 1st, we've had more than 700 reported tornadoes when typically today, it would be over five hundred, so just incredibly busy storm season so far here's the risk for today. >> you see that yellow slight risks there from tallahassee down towards tampa, where we could have damaging winds a couple more tornadoes possible, and some large hail. we all signed the threat for some flooding as well. we've have found a good four to six inches of rain has really dumb from baton rouge rude over towards panama city. and that could continue as we go through the day today in an area that's already in an undated casey all right. >> at least a rough up for us. at least so thank you very much. >> coming up next year, five hours of testimony in the books, more on the way today.
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>> how much damage is michael cohen inflicting on donald trump club? lawmakers set to release what they call a roadmap for regulating artificial intelligence. >> three, that nothing dems my light, like a migraine with nortech ott. i found relief. >> the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. i see you for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don't take if allergic to nurture so dt allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common, most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. >> it's time, we all shine. talk to a health care provider about nortech ott i can't wait for this family get away. >> shingles doesn't care shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. there's nothing like a day out with friends that's not what she doesn't
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here is what trump said back in 2018 about the allegations 30 no, no well, you have to ask michael cohen, michael's my journey and you'll have to ask michael kahn i, don't know all right. join me now, former federal prosecutor, andrew szarkowski with more on this we're actually looking at andrew desk siderio, who is here to talk about ai. i don't know if we have andrew truck ascii, andrew, are you in there? we have to andrew is there you are i apologize for the case of mistaken identity. i've are andrews who are here this morning let's start. as you are our lawyer with what we expect to see today from michael cohen, we expect that his testimony will continue some, but that they might start the cross examination today. what do you expect from that?
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>> well, what we heard yesterday was certainly salacious testimony about the details of how the non-disclosure agreement was reached, and michael cohen saying that donald trump was aware at every stage of the process, both while it was happening, as well as the scheme to pay michael cohen back for fronting the expenses but we haven't heard from michael cohen. is essentially the defense to a donald trump is saying out in the hallway after court every day and that's the idea that when the trump organization or donald trump had the checks written and entered into the books as legal expenses that that was somehow incorrect or fraudulent. so i expect that if the prosecutors want to shore up their case, this is a major hole in their case. they have to present evidence that somehow entering these payments as legal expenses in the book was actually fraudulent or incorrect that it should have been something else and that donald trump knew that i think that is a difficult accounting
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decision to make. and so michael cohen is really going to have to explain for the prosecutors why that was a fraudulent or incorrect entry. >> okay. fair enough. i will see andrew just in terms of like the jury and how they may consider or think about this there is this question he said donald trump, they're being pressed by reporters of like, okay. you say that this didn't happen. you said that you didn't know why did you pay $130,000 then if it's something that didn't happen mitt romney, i keep coming back to this. but because he sort of, you know, just just it's cuts through it a little bit. this is what he said about the plausibility of all of this. a couple weeks ago i think everybody has played their own assessment of president trump's character and so far as i know, you don't pay someone $130,000 not to have i mean so how does this sort of
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like for those of us and the jury, right? >> they're not lawyers. they're like they're watching the case. that's being presented to them. >> but how did they get past that? >> ensures a few points on that. i think number one, the whole idea of the non-disclosure hush money agreement was so that it wouldn't be made public. now, that is something that i think people can have a negative reaction to. its lawful agreement to reach these non-disclosure agreements. the other ideas there's kind of this lying to the public idea that he did know about it, but he told media that he didn't know about it or he didn't know details about that. and that's certainly something that i think is a negative in terms of how people view him. and certainly something that's political as a criminal defense attorney, i will tell you that many of my clients find their way into a courtroom because they engaged in salacious or or condemn able behavior from a public perspective, things that people would find distasteful,
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but ultimately when i get in front of the jury as a defense attorney, i have to kind of get the jury to set that aside and look at the elements of the law. what what are the legal requirements for you can actually call this a criminal act. and so that's why i keep going back to this idea of some of these underlying elements like was the actual entry of legal expenses, was that fraudulent? that's a necessary element in order to find it illegal, as opposed to us discussing this from a moral or political standard. point, which i'm sure folks can do all day long vowels of the courtroom. that's where that's how i can pick apart these elements and look at whether there's evidence that attenuates to each one of the elements all right. >> andra tarkovsky for us this morning, andrew, thanks very much for being with us. i really appreciate it and i'm sorry about the case of mistaken identity well, thank you. >> it's good to be with you. >> all right. >> now this open ai just released a new version, its
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latest version of chatgpt. it's called chatgpt four. oh, and it is available. it's going to be available to everyone for free. it is supposed to turn chatgpt into a digital personal assistant that will engage with you in real-time spoken conversations. it will have memory capability means, meaning that it can learn from previous conversations with users and can even do real-time translation hey kiddo syllable, lana padlock, because what she did a better mike. >> she wonders if whales could talk, what would they tell us they might ask? >> how do we solve linear equations? >> comey, one, limb jati okay? it was all happening as a bipartisan group of senators led by majority leader chuck schumer are about to unveil a very long awaited roadmap to try to regulate artificial
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intelligence nearly a year after the democratic leader called for an all-hands-on-deck push to regulate ai here to talk to me more about this is punchbowl news is andrew desk siderio. >> andrew. good morning. morning. wonderful to see you so i have to say my sort of big picture view of congress and technology is that they tend to run years, if not decades, behind. i mean, we're just getting to the point where there's a framework for regulating some of the stuff around social media and social media has now been around for quite some time. time and we've seen the impact that that's had on our society. this potentially has the ability to make and change the way we live so much more even than that, did what are lawmakers looking at right now where do they even begin? >> yeah, i think first and foremost, right now, it's about election interference and the possibility that foreign adversaries could exploit the use of artificial intelligence to sow chaos and our political system. similar to what russia did in 2016 with the use of social media senate intelligence committee chairman
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mark warner, who led that bipartisan investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election, has said that ai could make that election look like child's play, which is a pretty scary thought when you consider what russia was able to do in 2016 so the goal for schumer here is to number one, mitigate the risks associated get it with ai. but also number to allow it to flourish and innovate and be a positive thing and society it's not just about this idea of the robots are taking your jobs and foreign adversaries are using this to try to sow chaos in our political system. he's trying to emphasize that there are some good some positive elements of it as well. >> yeah, in here was president biden talking a little bit? about this as well? and he used the same framework watch we have to make sure it's control. >> and that's, that's good. and how we how it is most significant. i think technological development in human history, one leader in
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the ai community said to me, it's going overtake human thinking and which is frightening, terrifying. but the other most think it can be used for everything from find cures for cancer two significantly increased productivity so how are they grappling with us in the context of elections to try to try to say, okay, we recognize this can be used for harm, but we don't want to stifle what could be good about it, right? >> so this week the senate rules committee is going to take up legislation related to ai in elections. one of the pieces of legislation they're focusing on here is requiring a disclaimer for any political ads that use the element of artificial intelligence in them that is something that is currently anybody can put a political ad on tv right now and use ai to because audio, video, number of like at the end of a message, the campaign financial says you say, i'm entered as stereo and i approve this message, something like that, right? >> something where you're disclosing the use of artificial intelligence in in the political ad. and one of
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the problems obviously that this is trying to tack, tackle is this idea of deep fix. these videos and audio just spreads on social media of drones so biden, donald trump, other major political figures, saying and doing things that they never said or did. but it looks very real because artificial intelligence is such an advanced technique ology that makes it look like they are saying and doing those things, even though they actually never did. >> right? and of course we had that the rope that robocall in new hampshire that was biden's voice as mentioned yeah. >> yeah. tough stuff. your desk siderio. >> thank you very much for being with us. really appreciate it. >> all right. up next just hours from now, vivek ramaswamy joints the lineup of trump's supporters are attending his hush money trial plus the golden set to make his tv broadcasting debut, featuring the team that be in the last game of his nfl career trump hush money trial gavel to gavel
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>> i think my head certainly turned when i saw him say this because it does seem to go and speak exactly to what the prosecutors are saying, which was that this is about the election perhaps in millennia came up later and he seemed to dismiss out of hand that he would be concerned about melania. >> he said, well, i'll be off the market soon, like basically implying he doesn't necessarily even need his wife to stick around. this is of course, in michael cohen's telling of it, but that trump was very concerned about how this was going to impact women voters in his election and that's obviously very important for the case of the prosecutors are trying to make you have all of the pieces lining up here. if the jury is buying it and if everyone on the jury is buying it, but you now have michael cohen's testimony, at least in de one, we'll see what happens today. you have stormy daniels testimony. you even have hope hicks talking about concerns about how this could impact the
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election. so there is some consistency here and that and that can help the prosecutor's case. but ultimately it comes down to what it has always come down to, which is are these witnesses including michael cohen? credible with the jury? and will they give the jury sort of the evidence to say yes, we agree with the case of the prosecutors are making it. that's what it's all going to come down to. >> yeah. >> so this window into how trump thought this was going to affect things. we have learned a lot about how donald trump is affected or not affected by various political scandals at since then. and obviously, he overcame in the case of the access hollywood tape, which we've also talked a lot about. he overcame that in the 2016 election. and none of this seems to have shaken his core support with his base. and we now, of course have seen some new york times, sienna polling out yesterday that shows trump
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seeming to lead biden and some these critical swing states. it's close, right? and it's some cases it's within the margin of error and there's no clear leader. but there are some warning signs for president biden this coming as this trial is playing out, as everyone is being reminded of all of these things that happen before the the election. yeah. what are the warning signs for biden here? well, the warning signs are that in a key number of pivotal battleground states, donald trump appears to be ahead sicily in a lot of these bowls and that, if that actually bore out in terms of who turned out on election day, if these numbers held and if they represented turnout it would be catastrophic for president biden. but the question is what do these numbers in may actually mean in november? will they carry over do they mirror what turnout is actually going to look like and but look to be sure there is a approval gap, a favorability gap between how women and men feel about donald trump and i'm not convinced that it's
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all going to come down to this hush money case. there are other issues donald trump, such as abortion that could really be pivottable. but if you are president biden and biden and his team, and we understand the president himself really are downplaying these numbers. they don't believe that they do reflect what's going to happen come november, but they do show pretty consistently that this is right now are for referendum against how people feel about the economy a lack of confidence in the current president, and a longing for the for some of the economic conditions that happened during the time of donald trump's presidency that americans are missing some concern about the border the silver lining for joe biden is that you can still see in this poll and in a series of other polls that most americans are not ultra focused yet on this election. so the question is, when it comes down to focus and when it comes down to who actually turns out, is
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that more favorable for joe biden? and they're pretty convinced that it's going to shifting. their or they have been at least that's at least that's the message that they're putting out. when people engage, they'll go with biden it is, but it's a heck of a bat. >> and so the real contest between now and november is absolutely going to come down for both gentlemen two. who can they turn out, who they want to stay at home and how do they advocate for both? >> get what they want. all right. margo talla for us this morning, margaret. thank you. i really appreciate it. >> all right. time now for sports, the thunder dug themselves into a 14 point hold before roaring back hence, the maps to tie up their series. andy scholes had this morning's bleacher report and good morning. good morning, casey. >> so the thunder, they were down 11 at the half of game four to the mass of four, just putting on a defensive clinic in the second half of thunder, holding the masses is 15 points in the third quarter, luka doncic and kyrie irving combining to score just 27 points, their lowest output as teammates and shai gilgeous-alexander, he was
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showing why he was the runner-up for mvp this season, just taken the game over in the fourth sga finishing with 34 points and chet holmgren and lu dort they both had clutched threes in the final minutes. now, look at a chance to tie this one at the free throw line with ten seconds left, but he missed the first thunder would hold onto and 196 even this series of two games apiece we just stuck to it. >> we just plug away to get possession by possession. and eventually the games charged for us you've been in this a lot. you've been down, but not double digits. i think we lead the league at double-digit. come back we know we've been there before and we just knew what it took and we got it done in the bronny james meanwhile, on hansen courtside for game four between the cavs and celtics, he got a big ovation from the cleveland crowd. now no donovan mitchell for the cavs in this one, he's nursing in injured cap cleveland. they hung in there without mitchell keeping the game tied behind 30 points from darius garland. but jayson tatum and jaylen brown, they can for 60 tatum binding brown for this three with just
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over a minute left to seal the win. 19102 was the final celtics can pose out that series tomorrow night game or wrong, how can we perfect every single time? thank it's a good thing. they go make shot. >> it's our job to figure it out. >> bannon before most of you guys absolute just say boys know whatever, i virtually we got to fight through we got by yet another double-header coming up tonight in our sister channel, tnt. >> the next is going to host the pacers at, at certain followed by the timberwolves and nuggets at 10:30 in the crowd denied him as his career garden opened for a better outcome than life last night, the raiders ever 20 minutes away from knocking out the hurricanes out of the playoffs, then carolina pulled off a rally for the ages. they got four unanswered goals in the third period to win four to one msg crowd was just stuck new york has now lost two straight after taking the 30 series lead. tom brady. meanwhile, he's gonna be back in our lives on sundays, this ballparks announcing yesterday that brady will make his booth debut on sunday, september 8,
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when the dallas cowboys had to cleveland to take on the brown braid is going to be a part of foxes number one broadcast team kevin burkhardt, full nfl schedule comes out tomorrow night. and finally, most baseball banjo, they a lifetime without ever catching a foul ball will get this. a fan and seattle last night, kotb not one but two. and he did it on back-to-back pitches. so we made the basket catch their to get so first one and then the second one comes right for him again. and he was able to dig that one out of the seats casey i don't know what the odds are for this to happen, but it's gotta be something like one in 1 billion i don't know what the odds are either, but it's pretty awesome. good for him. >> all right. andy, thank you so much for that coming up next here. >> gold bars, luxury watches, envelopes full of cash, the latest in new jersey, senator bob menendez is corruption trial as journey selection resumes there this morning.
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>> plus michael cohen's testimony continues as donald trump's former fixer becomes the star witness in his criminal hush money case. >> according to cohen, trump wasn't worried about melania leaving him saying, don't worry, how long do you think got to be on the market for not long. >> but it's true. he would be we aftermarket soon. i mean, he's clearly passed as expiration date you know, he'd be playing the field. i'm going to be all over the abs gender bumble seamless, grubhub, ladies deliveries free, but bwog has excellent i and moves fast so we partnered with verizon to take our operations to the next level with a custom private 5g networks, we get more control with production efficiencies and greater agility. that's enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your, the darkness of bipolar depression make me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love then i found a chance to let in the light, discover, capitalize
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