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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 8, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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make. >> physicians, mutual physicians, you chew well every weekday morning, cnn 5,000 has what you need to get going with. >> you're de it's the five essentials stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate ball
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may 8, right now on san& this morning, i'd tail to the campaign trail, a stark contrast six months out from election day plus y, the judge the tribes classified documents k is just postpone that trial indefinitely & a state of emergency declared in michigan after a devastating round of tornadoes all right. >> 6:00 a.m. here in washington, the sun coming up over the white house, washington monument, beautiful view down the national mall. good morning, everyone. >> the kasie hunt, it's wonderful to have you with us on this wednesday morning. >> it was a split-screen that told the story of two starkly different candidates and campaigns as president biden was delivering a speech against anti-semitism at a holocaust
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remembrance event in washington on tuesday, donald trump was seething in a new york city courtroom as stormy daniels described in lurid detail, her alleged sexual encounter with the former president testimony that made trump visibly uncomfortable. >> the judge told trump's attorney, quote, i understand your client is upset at this point, but he is cursing audibly and he is shaking his head visually and that's contemptuous. it has the potential to intimidate the witness and the jury can see that trump's attorney replied, i will talk to him than the judge continued. i am speaking to you here at the bench because i don't want to embarrass him from slaughtered lawyer repeated, i will talk to him and the judge said you need to speak to him. i won't tolerate that. >> uh, panels here. actually, senior contributor market talla democratic congressman seth molten, the massachusetts and mccormick, former senior advisor to tim scott's presidential campaign margaret
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tall, if i want to start with you because the details that the were shared that had trumped swearing and the judge actually saying like, this is too much including included silky pajamas in the lake tahoe hotel room she stormy daniels recalls joking, hey, does mr. hefner know that you stole his pajamas? >> she asks and then she remembers her hand shaking as she tries to buckle her shoes. >> as she's leaving this encounter, which he describes as well not coerced something that she clearly was very shaken by what did we see unfold yesterday? i mean, it's like on the one hand. it's something that seems to line up so much with everything we've talked about with donald trump for so many years now that i think there are a lot of people that are in nord to it that almost feel like it's normal, but like i'm sorry, it's not normal. what how are people going to view this i don't know
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how voters are going to view it, but i talked to a lot of money, but i don't want look now reinsert this thing that would have been a bombshell if it had happened, if it had been revealed before the 2016 race, but it was not until afterwards. it in outputs it back, front and center in a presidential campaign. and one of the political questions is, is that going to matter? we know that there are somewhere around 10% of voters who say they're truly undecided, which seems kind of crazy because like all this time with all these years with these two guys, you still don't know how you feel, but they're about 10% of voters let's just say there are undecided, there are about a quarter of voters who say maybe they are persuadable. so they're not that enthralled with either choice. they could change their mind. if even a fraction of those voters were if their decision were shaped either by stormy daniels testimony or by the outcome of this case? and the race were very tight in a key state that could make a difference. so politically it's possible that
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this will make a difference, but i think there's so many things going on. there is the kind of sorted lascivious, drama. and the details that have been recounted. then there are the technical parameters of the case the prosecutors felt that they needed to put her out there in order to establish the tenants for for what is a business crime case. right. >> then there is the question. it's a separate legal question about whether her testimony was over the top in a way that were trumped to be convicted. it might help him on a pyrrole not i think that is as we course towards november, that last part is sort of you may not be besides the point for prosecutors, but it may be besides the point for voters. yeah. sure. well, so one of the elements of this, of course, is that donald trump denies at all happened in the first place, right? so he's saying that they're swearing talking about this a lot hang these lines. let's just reflect on mitt romney had this to say about
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the whole situation. a couple of weeks ago, watch i think everybody has made their own assessment president trump's character and so far as i know, you don't pay someone $130,000 not to have sex with you? congressman do you agree with mr. romney? i agree with senator rob i mean, that's that's true. >> a lot of people have made their decision and you're right. we've know these people for these two candidates for a long time. it's even hard to imagine, as margaret said, that 10% of america hasn't made up their mind. i think there's a question as to who shows up? >> you know, people say those values voters, well i like what trump has done for traditional american values. >> we hear that this is not traditional american values. folks, are they going to actually show up in both for him at the end of the day. and then of course his question is being asked on the left. all these college protesters who were concerned about the situation in gaza, which we'll get into measurably worse. let's be clear if donald trump is present, again but will they
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show up to vote for biden? >> we don't know matt gorman. >> i mean, the valley. i feel like the values bonus question is probably asked and answered at this point, we i feel like we could transport this conversation back to 2015 minus the courtroom drama and have a very soon similar sort of conversation and look, there was a large swath of those voters who were out in iowa were bind desantis, whether it's bob van der plats are like who tried to get someone different they couldn't. >> look. i think you they will eventually consolidate because any goes we saw in 2016 they do want to win and i think to margaret's point i mean, this is essentially, i'm not a lawyer, but it's a business records case and sottile to the extent that this becomes a titillating sort of thing and it becomes very laura, i think democrats, but the prosecutors risk losing the plot of this whole thing. and that as we all know, what is donald trump love to be almost more than anything else as a martyr. and so does that paradigm flip a little bit too? i'm watching yeah, margiela, how do you think what we heard yesterday plays with women voters in particular,
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because they really are the reason why trump lost the election in 2020. and some of the, some of the lawyers we were talking to as we're covering this live yesterday, suggested that the women jurors may actually be the toughest ones. it's a crack on things like this, but i'm i'm i'm just interested in whether this doesn't do anything to remind them of what they don't like about trump, or again, is it just so baked in it doesn't matter i think there is a baked in element to this. >> there are issues on the ballot that are motivating the way a lot of women our feeling about turning out at the polls this year and abortion particularly in states where this has become an issue, but abortion is an animating issue for many women voters, they're women who are or not abortion supporters. there are women who are strongly pro-choice, and that is going to animate turnout, perhaps more than this because i think this element of donald trump is baked in with women. what you're hearing in
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terms of stormy daniels testimony yesterday, i think if it were going to have an impact on voters, it may go more to the question of voters who are trying to figure out whether to vote for donald trump or not vote ram. >> and i'm not sure how many of those are women voters whose views would be changed by this interesting, all right, margaret, thank you very much. first question, i is, i appreciate it. >> i come up here, are ruling and donald trump's classified documents case, it could delay the trial beyond the november election plus marchal taylor greene and how speaker mike johnson meeting privately again and wildfires spreading across arizona. >> one of the five things you have to see this morning you know what's brilliant think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps gold to a rocket and hurdles and into space? boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start off because
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appointed. judge aileen cannon has indefinitely postponed the former presidents classified documents, case setting, issues with classified evidence. it is a major win for trump because the move makes it incredibly unlikely that any trial would unfold before he faced his voters in november of 2024. last night, trump attorney alina hubba argued that the case should be tossed out entirely jack smith changing covers salafi with evidence that he's now trying to blame president trump when it was his hands in the cookie jar, let's be clear on what is happening. >> there. plan is falling apart. it's going in their face and frankly, all of these cases should be dismissed. >> however, former white house attorney ty cobb had this perspective. >> watch this is dirac, this is clear. >> all she's really done today though is make official what everybody including jack smith already knew, which was she had
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no intention of getting this case to trial, and she wasn't competent to get this case to trial all right. >> we're joined now by someone can or young's in your times white house correspondent who joins our panel zahlen, there. when when i have spoken to i am not a lawyer full disclosure, but many of my esteemed colleagues who are here at cnn have raised significant questions about how she has gone, about this when i talked to republican strategist, they would often say that they thought this classified documents case was potentially the most damaging to trump? i head of the election. what does this say to you about the judge and about the politics? >> well, so we know that a strategy for the former president, as well as his legal team in various this case is, or even in various cases, has been to delay has been to try and file and delay these cases much as powerful. i think it's important to remind the public that for this case as well in terms of the stakes, delaying this past the election, also
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does have a huge potential outcome here, because if the former president were to when the election, he could then order the justice department to dismiss this case outright. so the stakes there are huge there are also specific things to 0.2 when it comes to this, judge, now she's saying right now that we need more time here for it in order to litigate this case for the choices at hand. but also there's been specific choices. she's it's made here that have contributed to these delays having hearings for each of these decisions that are filed by trump's team, rather than having it just decided based off of a court filing and writing which would speed the trial up that you would think so there's also specific choices that you can point to here under scrutiny. >> yeah. i mean, then congressman, don trump repeatedly talks about how he thinks the system is rigged against him. do you see this as an instance where it seems to be raked in his favor absolutely. >> i mean, he appointed this judge. she's clearly working for him in that obviously doesn't have to be the case. but every step of the way is pretty transparent. she's been
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clear from the beginning. she's gonna underlay this until pass the election. that's exactly what she's doing. >> i mean, i should be clear. i mean, i think it's important that we all trust our system of justice, that it is not rigged, but the president has worked very hard at mac gorman to convince americans that the whole system is rigged against him. i mean, how big of a relief is this for them? i mean, it seems like it is exactly what they want. she's doing exactly what they want it's certainly went for them. i mean, this was always the weird bargain with someone with several of these cases, but you had the new york one where that's going on right now is one of the weaker and weirder cases of the four. but obviously finding a manhattan jury pool very hard to find one that was gonna unanimously a quick trump just because the politics of manhattan, him getting what i think 12% of the vote there on the other hand, this among the four is one of the stronger cases and i think you're those were looking strategies to talk new are on the right track here. >> but you're right, you're doing it with someone presiding who is a trump appointee. and so i think that was always the weird navigation of all of these four cases.
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>> jump in i look like i think i think that's right. >> but the thing is that even when people say the stormy daniels case is not the best case, it's still serious. i mean, all this stuff is serious and americans should be taking it seriously. and frankly, this judge should be taking it seriously when we talk also just about why this case worried some of those republican strategist as well. i mean, it's important to remind folks as well when we talked about classified documents, some of these documents reporting has found contains nasher sensitive national security information. well, that's why this has made so many around the trump camp and republican strategists and nervous this specific case. it also makes it even more again just to remind you about the stakes that pivotal of a delay that could go beyond the license i mean, it's pretty the republicans i've talked to you basically argued like this is very easy to understand. >> i would not be allowed to take classified information home with me. neither should the former president. >> all right, ahead here. president biden, taking on a ferocious spike, an anti hey,
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semitism in america plus tornado is taryn through southwest michigan. and there could be more on the way, plus a crash that could be straight out of hollywood. it's one of the five things you have to see this morning. >> qizan lightfoot, dr. sanjay gupta, listen wherever you get your podcasts hey there, brenda. it's carol. exactly. >> so which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm? >> it's all connected, asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you sure you're an orthopedist actually, i'm a sagittarius, especially when it comes to your finances. give a question are you a certified financial planner? yes. i'm a cfp professional. >> cop professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a cfp bind your cfp professional, and let's make a plan doubt work today at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. >> thanks to you. we're getting bottles back and we've
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ran off. they are searching for him now in the nba playoffs, the boston celtics, cruzi new again won victory over cleveland, defeating the calves 12295 last night, the celtics led by jaylen brown is 32 points connected on 18 three-pointers arizona's flying bucket wildfire doubling in size and 24 hours burning 4,000 acres west of merit coppa. officials believe it was started by people firing guns parts of michigan under a state of emergency after a tornado swept through injury, at least a dozen residents were mobile home park and trapping other 50 people in a fedex building nearby as it tore the roof off? and more that whether on the way across central and eastern parts of the us are meteorologists, allison chin char here to break it all down. allison, good morning. what are you saying good morning. >> yes, that line that triggered some of those tornadoes and damaging winds yesterday is still ongoing. you can see those strong storms stretching from upstate new york all the way back to our
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console log lightning with these some of them still strong at this hour. that's why you've got this tornado watch an effect here. you can see a couple. it's almost looks like it's split there that will expire here in about the next 40 minutes or so, but it's very likely will get additional tornado watches as we go through the rest of the de. and that's because we have yet another for threat for severe weather today. it just going to shift a little bit further east and a little bit further south than what we saw yesterday. >> the main focus point is going to be right here across the mid mississippi valley. >> so louisville, st. louis, nashville, back over into little rock, but really any of these areas you see here have the potential for the damaging winds. a tornado, and yes, even some very very large hail could also be an option for several of these areas. and that's just going to add to the total number looking at just the last 48 hours, we had 47 tornado reports, almost 300 damaging when reports and 138 hail reports, some of them quite large, larger than golf balls again, even just specifically tornadoes we have now had several days in a row, 13 to be
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exact of tornado reports for a total of 290 tornado reports just since april 25th. so it's been very active across the country and that's going to continue even to tomorrow as that main system continues to spread eastward all right, while still look out for allison chin chart. thank you very much for that. all coming up next here, president biden denouncing the rise in anti-semitism in the wake of the october 7th hamas attacks plus& indicted congressman refusing to resign. we've got your morning roundup. i had all new tebor adapt actress was designed to help me aches in pains. >> a thing of the past, because only temper material eases your pressure points in a way, no other mattress can for a limited time, save up to $500 on select temper p-adic adjustable mattress time, led to an ard lotto, singular dot,
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last night she went on the fox news and was asked whether she regretted including the story in her book, everybody on that story for years, that's what most people don't realize is that in south dakota they've used that story to attack me and my political campaigns for years. i wanted people to know the truth so let me get this straight. >> everyone who's heard the story has used it to attack you. so you make it the centerpiece of your book south dakota governor kristi noem, still taking heat for those excerpts from her new memoir. >> and now we're getting the sense she doesn't seem so happy about it. >> the dog storage conversation i talked to president trump all the time about the di, about a lot of things. did you bring up a now for steward with the interview? is ridiculous. what you were doing right now, i'd say you need to stop it is did you, kim jong un, some of them who are in the book and some of them are not in the book. clearly, if you're taking out of the book, it's because i'm giving you my answer, no. and that's not the answer. when you recorded your own audio book, you didn't notice i'm not
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going just about my meetings with world leaders. i'm not asking you to i'm asking you about recording the audio. do you want to talk about something else today? >> okay. matt gorman clearly, she has had enough of this. she's on a book tour still talking about this book. i mean, really it's, you know, it's one of the things was there was there was a lava see a lot of talk around the dog, but i think among conservatives, what is really kind of opened up was the kim jong un meeting, non meeting thing. and one of the things i took note of was he had a very tough interview on the conservative network news max and the host two, i know he's conservative, but he's not some sort of like lackey. and so he was obviously unconvinced with our antigen, really pressed her on it and it was i think another one of those clips. i look, there is a difference between bending the truth and not true. there's between spin and not true. and i think what jesus' simply can't explain is where that falls in it and it's becoming
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kind of current again, just remind everyone what she claims in the book. yes. versus what actually happened? yes. >> yes. so in the book in our audio book, she read that she met and essentially stared down kim jong un and the north koreans very reclusive and fino famously, yes. >> and it was randomly show up in the united states and meet with governors and it was a big deal when the president met with him, right? let alone a delegation that she claims in the house and. now, after there's been some scrutiny on it, she took it out of the book, even though she read it in the audio book. and now she's hiding behind this veneer of well, i don't discuss conversation about conversations implying that there's some sort of national security confidentiality around& not really addressing whether it actually happens. so she'll often say i i went to the dmv, but then when somebody follows up and ask yes. but did you meet with the leader? she will she will pause and say, i don't have conversations about conversations that fat and you're right. i mean, this goes towards i mean, these questions are pretty straightforward that she's being asked. you have to
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wonder and be a little bit surprised that did she not expect to get asked these questions by going on tv and doing all these interviews. but it's straightforward. did you have a conversation that you said you had in your book or did you not? >> and let's be clear, this isn't any old dictator. this is a dictator who's spent an enormous amount of his country's resources building nuclear weapons, which he says are designed bind to incinerate our cities incinerate parts of america and if you're someone who's competing to be a vice presidential candidate, you better be able to tell us whether you've simply met with this guy and look, i think one of the things is what reasonably see folks like myoblasts him, scott, jd vance, doug bergen do all these shows. there really look a part of any vp we are really nadp. you've gotta be able to defend the top of the ticket and being attacked. dog got to be effective at it. and so in a way, this was quite a trial balloon for her as she does this not really going a little bit of an interesting choice of wording there with attack dog.
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yes. >> that's a good point. no, no pun intended. >> but yeah, for cricket i'm so sad for cricket still. i mean, congressman like, can you just take a sense? i mean, what you're you're a politician. you think about how to present yourself in a book, right? that's what these books often are. right? you're selling yourself to people. i mean, what would lead to the set of decision-making that we are seeing from kristi noem. >> i don't know. i mean, i've never written a book, but you would think a book would be a way to open yourself up. you a little bit more honest help people who you really all about. so the whole point is tell the truth. tell the truth, that people not be, might not be able to see behind the political facade but then if you go behind the facade and making up things and you're not willing to be honest about what you've written yourself but doesn't go so well, the biggest testing thing in many times, whether its nascent vice presidential campaigns are actual presidential campaigns or what you can control a presidential announcement should go well, you can control almost all aspects of that. a book tour relatively should go well, you can control as much as you possibly can ken it's
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when you don't wake and you can control things that's when absolute things can turn for the worst. schick can control what you read some book all right. i really underscores the sort of that mistakes were made. yeah. shall we say? >> all right, let's turn now on a more serious note to this in a speech marking holocaust remembrance day, president biden left no doubt that he stands by israel despite tensions with prime minister netanyahu over israel's invasion of raffa. and of course, amid the pro-palestinian protests, roiling american college campuses, the president recalling the horror of the october 7th hamas attack and denouncing anti-semitism in all forms. >> toobin, people deny job plan rationalize and ignoring the harakat, the holocaust and october 7 including hamas is a paula use of sexual violence to torture and terrorize use it's absolutely despicable. and it must stop all right. zola, i
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mean, this was a significant moment for president biden, who often, as i know, you cover the white house, often uses addresses like this or this is kind of a preferred way of going about things, but this was a serious moment and the conversations that i was having with some more moderate democrats ahead of time, i'm gonna get a congressmen to weigh in on this in a second too. was that he needed to not both sides. it was how some people argued it in that he needed to take on the left of his own party and the way in which there is anti-semitism brewing there. what was the thinking behind the scenes in the white house about how to frame this. >> i think those concerns from some of the more moderate democrats are exactly the concerns that the white house has really been worried about leading up to this and leading up to the presence, comments. also last week you basically. look, i think it's worth reminding folks this has been an issue that the president and he talked about yesterday, sort of has traces his career both through the senate, but also
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with his upbringing in delaware. he talked about dinner table conversations with his father, talking about the significance of the holocaust and the need to not four get it as well. i know that white house officials, after some of the criticism they were getting last week around, where is the president on this issue of the rise of anti-semitism and protests on college campuses. they were definitely paying attention in terms of the calls to have him speak out, but also the reaction to the speech shows just the tricky political situation here you know, you had some republicans saying that it didn't go far enough. yes. of course it was praised by those who have been concerned about the rise of anti-semitic acts that are happening around the country. but you also had some on the more progressive wing for our left flank and pro palestine protestors saying that criticism of the israeli government shouldn't be conflated with anti-semitism so it just shows how difficult this is literally. but that speech is, i think exactly what the white house white house
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officials and many democrats want to hear yesterday. >> i wasn't what you wanted to hear, congressman? >> yes. i mean, i think is all on his right. this is becomes such a polarizing issue that we're losing sight of what should be shared principles. one, shared principle that everyone in this debate should acknowledge is that hamas is evil. they have the destruction of israel written into their charter and what they did on october 7 is despicable. let's start there. then we can say in this conflict at the end of the day, both peoples deserve right? is they both should be free and frankly, neither palestinians or the israelis are going to be safe until both are free and both have independent states. and then the third point that i think we should all agree on is henao has no place in this discussion and that's really what the president focused on. if we could start with those shared principles, we can have a real serious debate about what exactly israel should or should not be doing in gaza. but instead, so many people just retreat to their corners and have made this such a polarizing issue that they denied basic facts. and we do
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have this sort of both sides ism going on where they're not there are no both der know two sides to hamas yeah. >> matt, how do you how do you see what the president did yesterday and especially how it relates to i mean, honestly this is going to be a major issue and remember, i mean, i think it's kinda finally, i mean, you're right. he had a very fine people on both sides moment. two weeks ago when he equivocating and you had still don't know if i would go that far. it mean he was not talking about neo-nazis yes. okay was the continent very fine people on both sides in charlottesville. there were neo-nazis there. i don't think that president biden wins so far, but it was that sort of moment where it was equivocating instead of making a statement condemning like he did yesterday, about the people who are antisymmetric he was trying to buy also feel for these other groups. i think it was where he equip gatorade didn't have to. i think the other part of this is look, we saw on the reader you have folks torching police cars, right? there's a general sense of lawlessness and where the burden in this country right now in certain areas, certainly
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college campuses on people, not follow the people following the law, not the people in people who are encamped illegally or criminally protests are making it's anti-semitic threats. i think that's where those values are flipped and i'm glad he's finally addressing, it will say congressman, does it seem like the what obviously you have the war itself and the suffering of people in vasa as a political issue that's a problem for democrats. but these protests that have degenerated into violence, that does seem like something that could potentially impact it negatively for biden? no. >> no, that's right. that's right. but again, this is pretty simple. we start with a foundation of free press, freedom of speech. you're allowed to protest in america. it's one of our foundational values, but there are certain places where if you're protest goes all over the leyen, your intimidating or threatening jewish students, or a university says, we simply can't operate thousands of kids are to go to school and a few hundred or presenting them, preventing them from actually getting an education that's a problem, but that's pretty
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clear. yes. you have freedom of speech, but not if you do these things it is worth just on a last note noting that the backdrop to this speech, you do also have this situation overseas here's where are we now are having tanks going into rafah. >> it looks like that military operation is more probable, and this will become more tense as that incursion goes on. there are many arab americans as well that are part of the democratic party in the united states that are also hoping for the same kind of attention on the plight of the palestinians overseas as well. so this is going to become even more challenging, moving forward. >> all right, come on up next year, george's former lieutenant governor, geoff duncan, who of course has been a conservative republican. >> he's gonna be here to tell us why he's voting for joe biden in november plus rfk jr. challenging donald trump to a debate we can't just when
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represents mesothelial of victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with ms call us now all right 46 minutes past the hour. >> here's your morning roundup. protesters arrested this morning at george washington university as police cleared a probe palestinian encampment some of those arrested, charged with all assaulting a police officer and with unlawful entry, the dc police department also confirmed at least one officer used pepper spray near the campus, but it was not at the encampment site democratic congressman henry cuellar of texas refusing to resign after he and his wife were indicted last week on bribery and money laundering charges twice does he never accepted $600,000 in bribes in exchange for influencing us policy george's republican governor brian kemp signing a bill that changes the rules for challenging voter eligibility. along with a measure that would make it easier for an independent candidate to qualify for the
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presidential ballot and rfk jr. challenging donald trump to a one-on-one debate. both men will be speaking at the libertarian party's national convention later this month, kennedy says, he's spoken to the event organizers about adding a debate to the schedule well all right. >> this morning, former president donald trump is waking up at his moral logo resort in florida after that dramatic de, of testimony, it has hush money trial in new york, the adult film actress stormy daniels is set to return to the stand tomorrow after describing lurid detail, her alleged sexual we'll encounter with trump in 2006. >> chord is not in session on wednesdays, and this is the first time that trump has taken the one-off day during the week to return to florida while he's back home, president biden headed to battleground wisconsin to make his economic pitch joining me now is former republican lieutenant governor of georgia and cnn political commentator geoff duncan jeff,
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good morning to you. >> thank you so much for being here. i really want to dig into what you had said and britain earlier this week was that you would come out and vote for joe biden. can you just walk us through your decision and what you're urging others to do yeah i didn't get here lightly. i've been a lifelong republican. in fact, when i ran for lieutenant governor in 2018, i was i was accused of being too conservative tv, the republican nominee and but i think there's a distinct difference being conservative or being angry are two separate things, but donald trump has conflated that for republicans and look, i'm one of those republicans at one our party back, i want to make a difference. i want to use conservative policies to make a difference all across the country. but donald trump's not the right person to do it for us. and the quicker we take our medicine, but the better off we're going to be and to do that, we've got to beat him i've tried everything right. i've tried to support nikki haley i even considered running as a third party no labels candidate for president. but
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now we've just got to get donald trump out of our system, take our medicine and if that takes voting for joe biden and trying to work with their administration to to to adjust our policies to focus on the border, to focus on inflation then that's what i'm gonna do for the next seven months. >> why do you think so many people are still with donald trump after all this yeah. they'll, they'll do some sort of post-mortem analysis to this. i think some of its stardom, some of it is confusion, some of it is kind of a blood sport for some, just like to see the ten seconds of chaos play out on their social media. you put all that together, you get about 45% support. and that's what republicans keir missing. i mean, yes, donald trump is ahead in some of these polls and whatnot. but as these grizzly details continue to flow out of these porn star payments hidden documents, and all the other just nasty stuff that's plays out. it does not help them when the suburbs and at the end of the day this election is going to be all about the suburbs, whether it be michigan or georgia, or florida, or wisconsin, or
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pennsylvania, it's gonna be about the suburbs. and the suburbs is, does not want to hear anymore about donald trump sleeping with a porn star and trying to use hush money payments to keep it quiet. >> yeah. well, so let me get your reaction to what we heard at the trial yesterday. i mean, the details. look, the judge said he's at the top. i don't need that many details. right. and then he said partway through the middle, like we're getting too many details here, but i mean, the silk or satin damas he was wearing the way that he was dressed when stormy daniels came out of the bathroom and a t-shirt and boxers the details. i don't really want to repeat myself about what played out in the aftermath of that. i mean, what was going through your mind as as you heard that and what was going through your mind well, other than wanting to vomit yeah. look, you can tell a lot about a person how they act in private, right? and just
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watching this unpack for donald trump how he conducted himself behind the scenes in his personal life, whether it be is personal finance is whether it'd be as personal relationships, whether it'd be inappropriate relationships that tells me what somebody is gonna do in a real job. and donald trump's not prepared to be an authentic leader. i got i got tricked into it. i voted for him in 2016. i voted for him in 2020, begrudgingly, and i made a mistake both times. i should've found somebody other than him to put on the ballot but we did and we learn from our mistakes but look, this does not play out well for donald trump. he's not prepared to lead and think about this. if you're serious minded person that genuinely is concerned about the border, genuinely concerned about inflation donald trump's not your guy. he's a fake republican we spent years listening this talk about building the wall, what he built was a 20-mile wide selfie station for republican governors to show up at and take pictures at. but he didn't actually build a wall. we talked about inflation. he spent 8 trillion of additional debt just to do what just to
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get us in debt, just to just to pay off the american public to try to get votes. it's a dangerous proposition to think donald trump is a real republican for us what do you say to people who say, i mean, i think that's sort of the big distinction in terms of your kind new position here is that you do say you are going to vote for biden because i'm not look, i've talked to plenty of republicans who are anti-trust, but who will write in someone else. >> they'll write in another republican candidate. they'll write in some people well you know, they'll, they'll pick their favorite republican of the moment or their friend and congress to vote for you are saying, vote for biden, di, think that like how do you get over the hurdle with your friends and neighbors? about that particular piece of it yeah. >> look, i'm voting for joe biden because i want to beat donald trump, right? not voting for somebody or writing somebody else's name and does not do what we need to get done. and that's to be donald trump. and yes, it's intense.
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i mean, just look at my social media, go look at the names that they call my family, go have the conversation for stations around my kitchen table with folks being violent, visceral around. i mean, look, this this this feels un-american for somebody to attack somebody just because of who they're going to vote for. i should never do that as a republican. somebody should never do that as a democrat. but that's the spot we're in. donald trump has confused in hijack this republican party or at least an element of it to just create sow chaos and hatred and visceral. it's not, it's not fair, but it is what it is and i'm willing to stand up and do what i need to do to get this party back in back in place where it needs to be and i think it's going to take a number of bold, courageous leaders to step up and do it. i call on other folks of influence. i call on republican governors to stop trying to tow the party line and just say what needs to be said to save your personal politics. stand up and do it needs to be done. defeat donald trump, send him back tomorrow. logo forever, not just for the weekend, but forever because he's absolutely
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dangerous and he's destroyed are republican party from start to finish wow lieutenant governor, would you speak at the democratic convention if they asked you to? >> i haven't even entertain the idea. i'm sitting here focus on on trying to beat donald trump. i'm trying to focus on trying to win republican majorities in the congress. look, i encouraged folks to wake up to the brutal realities that donald trump has absolutely bankrupted the republican party all right? >> geoff duncan for us this morning. jeff, thank you. i really appreciate. i hope to see you what next time you're up in dc thanks, casey. all right. let's turn back now to stormy daniels testimony, which we were discussing there in donald trump's hush money trial yesterday and historic day in the annals of american law, because this morning, stormy daniels took the stand and do what she does best and that's bank donald trump stormy testify for three hours and 44 minutes today or testimony got off to an awkward start. the bailiffs were for an
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on rolled-up forbes magazine, adult film star stormy daniels testified today and former president trump's criminal hush money trial. so trump technically slept with her again the former president's legal team is trying to convince jurors that the adult film star had a vendetta against trump and was trying to extort him. trump's lawyer aster am i correct that you hate president trump? yes. daniels replied, the lawyer followed up. do you want him to go to jail, right? >> daniels replied, if he is found guilty absolutely after court, trump yesterday aired his now familiar grievances in the meantime, i'm stuck. >> i'm here instead of being in georgia instead of being in new hampshire, instead of being wisconsin and all the different states that we wanted to be in, we're not able to be there because we're stuck in this dr. and court resumes tomorrow
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i'm matt gorman. >> it does seem as though on this again, she's the middle of cross-examination. they did get her to acknowledge she said that she does hate trump. what impact do you think that has? >> again, i think it goes to that point at the top, i made where the more we talk about not the business records aspect of the case, which is that with the actual crux of it is and more about this kind of titillating sexual aspect of it. and more, we kinda get into the politics of it. it does could possibly make him into a martyr, which i certainly doubt come from. trump feels comfortable playing in that role. and it could be advantageous for him politically. >> you also saw the judge get pretty frustrated about it yesterday too you were mentioning this in your interview with jeff, but some of these additional details, while obviously we're going to talk about may capture the attention of those in the courtroom and the public the trial is about the money, right? it's about whether he falsified these records. it's about the payment and you saw the judge usually a stoic judge
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in this courtroom really start to get frustrated around what pc to describe as additional detail outside of the scope dope so i would watch that going forward two and there is a question as well, what impact will that have as well on the jury to hearing all those additional details and seeing the frustration of the judge in this case. >> yeah. >> congressman, when you talk to the women in your life, what do they think of this? >> i mean, it's just so pathetic i mean, how, how do people continue? how to colleagues of mine continued defending this guy. what we just saw from the lieutenant governor of georgia is actual political courage because there is a choice in this election and you may not like the choice. but it is a choice between joe biden and donald trump and let's put the legal details aside. you're seeing donald trump's character on display here. what the lieutenant governor said to you publicly on cnn this morning is what a lot of republicans say about thrombin private. they just don't have the courage to
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come out and say, yes, we need to make the right choice here. we need to elect joe biden, final thought, man, i thought it was interesting though he went after trump, not on stuff that happened after 2020, but on the border and immigration and we're seemingly kind of siding with biden on those things because i've never heard that among a republican voting for trump before essentially saying that it was an effective where you heard the argument republicans criticized chunk for that during the primary came a little bit, but he didn't build the law true, but it's a congress mont'e point, right? it's a choice between biren, trump the record is is stark and so that was the first time i've heard not a democracy argument like that, but more of a immigration and others argument. yeah. >> all right. well, we've finished. are you having more conversations about stormy daniels here in the future so for today, i will leave you with this get ready for 1 trillion of these guys to take over the us. >> it is the one of the largest arrivals of periodicals the
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khader, as in centuries. >> but it is this social media posts from dupage forest preserve. >> it's getting a lot of love and attention then after it's low informational video and cicada reenactment was released the males will go crawl up to the tops of the trees and start singing to attract mates if they want to show that a male is worthy on her, she will flick her wings at him and they will make say girl, if i was a fruit fly and land on you first oh god, comments ranged from wasn't expecting as the keita rom com today, two are those actors are real is a ketose because i can't tell even the president isn't immune from these bugs. oh dear all right that note, thanks to our panel. thanks to you. for joining us. don't go anywhere. i'm casey haunt the cnn new central


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