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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 24, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices, new every day, hurry. >> they'll be gone on in a flash. designer sales at up to 70% or shop today it's wednesday, april 24th, right now on santa and this morning president biden preparing to sign a $95 billion foreign aid package that finally made it through both chambers of congress donald trump seemingly violating the gag order last night while a judge decides whether he violated that same gag order, at least ten other times before that and a midnight deadline for protesters to disband comes and goes at columbia university. >> both sides agreeing to keep talking all right. >> 5:00 a.m. here in washington, here's a live look at capitol hill. >> good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you he with us later on this morning, president biden is expected to sign a long
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awaited foreign aid bill into law. if passed the senate late last night, after six months of delays from hardline, republicans the $95 billion deal includes funding for ukraine, israel, and taiwan after more than six months of hard work, many twists and turns in the road. america's sends a message to the entire world. we will not turn our back on. you. i left a message for president zelenskyy tonight, he had called me the other day and said, okay, we got it done now, go win the fight so shortly after the vote, president biden praised the bill's passage, saying the us will begin sending weapons to ukraine as soon as this week, the legislation also includes a potential ban of tiktok gives the apps owner bytedance that of course is that chinese company? >> roughly nine months to sell or be banned in the us. joining me now, nick johnson, his editor in chief at axios. nick,
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good morning. good morning. you look big picture here they finally got this over the finish line. it took months longer. it resulted in some setbacks for volodymyr zelensky's forces on the front lines in ukraine. but here they are. how do you think we got here? and what do you make of how quickly the tide turned here? >> yeah. i mean, i should we be shocked that something backed by the president supported by the leadership in both houses of congress voted for by a large majorities in both chambers of congress became law. i guess we should be shocked. i mean, that's where this day that's why washington. >> right at the end of the day, what we knew, what we expected, what happened when it was people wanted to happen did happen. i think it's very interesting how you mentioned that the amount of time it took, i thought the stories over the weekend about mike johnson's journey to this, about having to meet with get some of the very senior intelligence briefings to show like what kind of a threat ukraine was facing, how important it this aid was needing, how the tide really could turn if they didn't get this aid soon enough, changed his mind. i think what's
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interesting now is what happens next, right? johnson voted for that and will he be speaker in another week or so? the house is back in their districts, major taylor, marjorie taylor greene think that they're being yelled at by their constituents about how they caved on that. will they come back next week stolen a lot of that? energy for the motion to vacate. and remember the big leader of this in the republican sayyed in the senate, mitch mcconnell, he's on his way out. his leadership was split on the final vote of that. and so i think this is maybe the last of an old regime of congress will be able to do things that a lot of people want. but we'll see what the fallout is on the road. >> yeah. i mean, it's i'm just struck by the contrast that you present, which sit on the one hand, our government overwhelmingly supports this votes in the house, like most at, in the senate. absolutely. but to then say that the people that actually made that happen, that made the will, that sort of massive will of everyone happen. >> are leaving right as you make this feel like if maybe a last-gasp of just kind of thing, let's see what this fall out is. >> and i guess like a lot of the pieces of that when aid is required to further for ukraine
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is it's just a downpayment will just come back again. what will the mood for that if there's additional resources required for israel, what's mood for that? and then it gets the tiktok. think this sort of a clock we have nine months and the reporting that we have at axios, it's like what is going to happen next, will tiktok might wait this out. we have an election coming and donald trump has flip-flopped on this position, like treating out on when i'm tweeting out, i guess true thing out on his social media platform yesterday, blending biden. now for shutting down pick dog, but that was something that president trump said he was gonna do when he was president, right? repeatedly. and i'm glad you raised the tiktok ban because this was something that the senate had been approaching in a much more cautious way, right? compared to the house. i mean, this is a version of the ban that gives tiktok more time to figure out how to sell if that's what they're going to do, how much influenced you think the chinese communist party has on bytedance in this situation, once it gets set up, i mean, this is a a company owned by the chinese communist party. it's a state run
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enterprise and i think what was more to look for, i think before possible election is that they're going to be a lot of lawyers in this town billing a lot of hours for the next nine months, there will be considerable insignificant core challenges on this. and so this is far from away, far from being a done deal. >> how do you think? >> i mean, do you think it impacts the election you noted that trump has already saying, well, it's biden this banning tiktok. obviously, trump has seen some gains with younger voters who are the ones that are predominantly on tiktok can i mean, is you're going to obviously is going to try to make this an election issue, but it's not going to be banned in the united states before the election. >> numbers like you can look at the language that trump used on truth social when he talked about this old person, joe biden, hey, young americans, that the old guys who were doing all this, i want to protect the app that you like. i think that's definitely a politically shu and that, that's the way tiktok has been using to look at the way tiktok has been flooding the hill by having tiktokkers, by having young people who make their living on this, who are influencing on this platform,
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bombarding the hill with messages is really freaked out. congress, i think that's either didn't didn't totally backfire. i mean, every member of congress, congress said i talked to has said, well, to the extent that i was willing to be convinced when i can be concerned about their political influence but they can move that kinda thing. >> we know each one of those people. they're a voter, they have friends who are voters. and i think that the calculus that trump is making it that this is an issue that young people are on a different side of as opposed to members of congress. and if you can can you think make inroads with young people on that? well, then that's a position he's going to take. yeah. >> i mean, i guess young people would actually have to show up and vote in greater numbers though we're still waiting for the young people to come in an election i guess it's a pretty corneal reality. >> all right. nick johnson. thank you. i really appreciate it. >> all right. coming up next to your house republicans are scrambling to find a way to end their biden impeachment inquiry. plus donald trump waiting for a judge to decide if he's in contempt of court for alleged gag order violations and columbia university sending talks with
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building are babies next generation submarine they are giant and what they do because they worked in a place where they can grow. >> where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as we build giant because it takes to build one salman in new york cnn welcome back, new reporting here at cnn republicans scrambling to find a way out of their stalled impeachment inquiry into president biden some members telling cnn that the way out would be to send criminal referrals to the justice department. >> but others in competitive house districts, they say it's just time to move on. cnn, capitol hill reporter annie grayer joins me now with her new reporting. annie. good morning to you i love this story. >> i that you have up in terms
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of just the, the depth of reporting and the texture that you meet, you've put on the bone here you focus a lot on james comer, who's the person that's been really spearheading this inquiry. >> and you quote one lawmaker whose talked to him as saying, comer is hoping jesus comes. so he can get out explain why well, this is not where republicans thought they were going to be when they reclaimed the majority back in january of last year investigating the president and his family was a top priority a lot of republicans wanted this investigation to end with impeachment. that was the bar that was set. but there's been a series of missteps that have happened along the way. and as i reported out this story with our colleague, melanie zanona, really talking to over a dozen republican lawmakers and sources really just learn more about this blame game that's heating up behind the scenes about what went wrong and how they're not gonna be able to deliver on the top target for so many republican voters. and lawmakers. now, there are three
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chairman who are leading this inquiry. but james comer has been focusing on the biden family's business dealings, and that's come on what are the most scrutiny and the thing i heard the most was his allegations against the president were some of the loftiest claims made and a lot of republicans told me that they feel he over promis and under delivered and that reall hurt them throughout ts investigation, instead of developing a narrative behind closed doors things, comer was quick to put things out without thprer context or without just saving it for what it is. and that really turned a lot of republicans off in their very narrow majority, which is so nothey're left wherthey are now, which is they don't have the evidence to impeach the president and they don't have the votes when you say they don't have the votes, i mean, l's let's dig into the politics. the brs tacks of this. why don't they have the votes? who is not where comer or leaders that want to do this need them to be i mean,
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i think the problem is there's so many it's not just one or two. >> it's it's more than a handful at this point. and in such a narrow majority, you can't afford to lose even one or two. now, comer maintains his job was never to impeach. he sees investigation success no matter what, and he has a support of republican leadership in the house and the other committee. chairman he has really seen a the boost and his national profile as a result of this investigation and he's sources say maybe even wanting to run for higher office one day and this investigation, regardless of how it ends up, could help him. but i think one other thing that republicans saw that really just took impeachment off the table was how the impeachment and the department of homeland security, alejandro mayorkas was handled republicans have focus on the border as both an issue on politics and policy d they thought impeaching mayorkas would be something that they could deliver. they did so very
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narrowly. they even failed to do so the first time they tried and it was a debacle and then i had to try again. >> then and was delayed being sent over this edit for weeks. it finally gets sent over the democratic-controlled senate dismisses it very quickly. and so a lot republicans saw that and thought, okay, we know it trying to impeach joe biden is a much heavier lift and are very narrow majority if it's going to end up the same way in a quick dismissal in the senate. why not just let voters decide in remember, any does this mean that hunter biden is kind of off the hook at this point or do you expect them to keep trying to dig in on him? i think yeah. i think that's a totally different story. i mean, obviously there's an ongoing criminal investigation into a hunter biden and i think that comer and the republicans leading this inquiry have a lot of threads that they're pulling on. the president's son, but we have to remember what the intention of this investigation was, which comer when he came out and his introductory press conference as committee chairman of oversight committee was kyi wanted to investigate joe
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biden, and so that is where the scrutiny comes in because if you want to talk about hunter in his business dealings, that's one thing, but if you're trying to lay the groundwork to impeach the president, you have to have the evidence and the focal point of that, and that's where it seems like they've really fallen short. >> really interesting, great reporting. annie grayer, thank you very much for being with us this morning. i really appreciate it. >> all right ahead. here are donald trump potentially violating a gag order again last night while a judge decides whether to hold them in contempt for doing it before, plus a career course correction for congressman george santos, former congressman george same you have your anyone, you know, ever been stationed at marine
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angeles in this is cnn all right, 20 past the hour. here's your morning roundup. moments ago, columbia university announcing they'll extend negotiations with student protesters camping on school grounds university at issued a midnight deadline for the tends to be removed but says they're making progress in talks with the pro-palestinian demonstrators. and we'll give them two more days to disband the fda, discovering traces of bird flu in milk from grocery stores. they say it was a very small amount, likely remnants of the virus from cows the agency doesn't think it will affect infect people and tried to make it very clear it is still safe to drink milk secretary of state antony blinken, touching down in china for meetings with senior officials. he's expected to issue a strong warning to chinese leaders about the country's support for russia's war in ukraine and disgraced former congressman george santos. he's ended his independent bid in new york's first congressional district.
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he says, he doesn't want to split the republican ticket in handle when two democrats santos adding quote, it's only goodbye for now. >> i'll be back i'm now for whether severe storm threats on the horizon and the tornado alley from texas to oklahoma, those threats include powerful winds, large hail, possible twisters, and there's also fire danger ramping up in the southwest are weatherman van damme tracking all of it for us, derek. >> good morning to you. always wonderful to see you. what folks looking at today? >> yeah. good morning, kasie. so what we're going to experience over the next few days as a ramping up of the danger level for severe weather threat today, kind of a marginal outlook of severe weather really confined to a very specific location north-central texas, parts of oklahoma. but as i'll show you in a moment, pullman, this is going to expand an impact on portion of our population right across the central parts of the states. in the meantime, we do have this small chance of isolated hail damaging winds
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between midland and lubbock, texas and marginal risk extends all the way to oklahoma city. i just wanted to note that it will be a soggy start to the northeast today. there's a cold front is moving through, is going to impact places like new york, boston, all the way to dc. the i95 corridor, cold front presses through, cools are temperatures and then we start to focus on the large whether maker that brings are several day severe weather threat that really ramps up for the day tomorrow. and then for the de on friday. so thursday, about 15 he million people under the severe weather threat as we head into the first parts of the weekend, nearly 40 million people look at how this moves eastward with the progression of the system already an enhanced risk just west of oklahoma city, including dodge city. and then a slight risk from de moines all the way to dallas. so we need to keep an eye out of the sky on top of this severe weather threat. we have the potential for flash flooding. look at these rainfall totals through the weekend that could easily top four to six inches. of course. this is the breadbasket of america, so we
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could use the rein in some locations, but a little bit too much too soon and too quickly could lead to flooding, of course, behind the system winds pick up very dry conditions since then that means critical fire danger extends across parts of new mexico. and the texas panhandle from friday into saturday. so a wide range of weather and it really ramps up thursday and friday. kasie. >> all right. ry them in van damme for us, derrick, thank you. see you next hour. i have a great day. okay. coming up next the future of speaker mike johnson as a foreign aid bill for israel and ukraine finally reaches the president's desk. plus from fake robocalls to image as manipulated by artificial so intelligence disinformation could have a major impact on the 2024 election will take a look into efforts to combat those lies ahead riyad saves new album is breaking records can the riva
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as a beacon of democracy. and the leader of the free world yesterday, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell didn't hold back and explaining why he believes it took so long to get the bill to the president's desk what, took so long to get some of these other eight republicans persuaded to your position or bad to good question, you already know the answer. >> i think dreaming, of ukraine began by tucker carlson who in my opinion ended up where he should have been all along, which is interviewing vladimir putin mitch mcconnell unleashed joining me to discuss two michel washington correspond for the atlanta journal-constit ution. tea. >> he says, mitch mcconnell does not always say in public what he really thinks. yes, it's kind of stuff. i was i was surprised he was willing to go there and he went on to say that this was part of what convinced a lot of rank-and-file republicans to hold up this aid. what does this say? video number one, i think it says to us that mitch
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mcconnell is taking the gloves off a little bit more as he looks at the end of his tenure and washington, i think he's getting fed up and he's trying to speak out as something that he considers is part of his legacy. but i also think there's been a lot of talk about what members of congress were saying as far as the rhetoric and how that change as they received these high level intelligence briefings about ukraine. and so i think speaker johnson and speaker johnson, but i think if we're listening to mitch mcconnell, perhaps some of these senate republicans as well there's one thing to be influenced in the far right sphere of media, but it's another thing to actually do the process of governing and sitting in those briefings and hearing what's actually happening on the ground that perhaps challenged some of the rhetoric they were hearing from the echo chamber that the far-right echo chamber, that's
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insulated. and so to me, i think that also had an impact. you saw members of both parties in both chambers saying we got to respond to what the experts are telling us when it comes to foreign aid. >> yeah. i mean, and johnson in particular, in the way he's sort of framed because he obviously was elevated from backbencher all the way to speaker, kind of learning exactly what was going on really changing the game here. the other thing that this does, tea is set up a ban on tiktok, right? bytedance under this bill will now have nine months. basically two to divest tiktok that we obviously expect a number of legal challenges, but this is set up to be a significant political issue. >> yeah, it's interesting, you know, of course, a lot of what we've been focusing on is the foreign aid. but i think as that kind of gets settled, there will be a lot of conversation about what the
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legislation regarding tiktok how that's going to proceed because we know that tiktok bytedance has lloyd up lobbied up and it doesn't look like they're going to just take this lying down so there could be a lot of litigation. and quite frankly, i think there's going to be continued can you conversation in washington now they've got a lot of things that they need to do right away. you but i think there is a wider issue to be discussed that goes beyond tiktok, but i think tiktok is an easy kind of is it easy social media app to focus on because it is china owned but it remains to be seen if this is actually going to become law. because again, we expect legal challenge. >> yeah, a number of legal challenges. let's talk for a second about donald trump in all of this, because back in 2020, he signed an executive order banning tiktok. right? that was holed up in the courts. so just to be clear about that, but then he put this up on his social media
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platform overnight, just so everyone knows, especially the young people. he writes cricket, joe biden is responsible for banning tiktok. he is the one pushing it too close. >> and doing it to help us friends over at facebook become richer and more dominant and able to continue the fight. >> perhaps that legally the republican party he calls it election interference. so there's a lot in here. trump has this vendetta against meta facebook for how they dealt with him but the reality is like i mean, yes, he'll be correct that biden is planning to sign this however, trump also tried to do the same thing. >> yeah. what changed? >> well again, tiktok bytedance lloyd up in lobbied up and part of that lobbying in a messaging campaign, if you will, has been reaching out not just to those in office now, but we know there been outreached to donald trump and it looks like that may have had some impacts, but also we know that donald trump
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has often been squishy on policy. >> and so this would is just one example of many examples of him saying one thing. and then later saying something completely different. and it's not just i think the lobbying and the personal interactions he's had with people connected to tiktok has an impact, but i also think the fact that tiktok is now even more popular than it was when he was in office. it's popular among young voters. there is concern that a ban on tiktok could have a negative impact on president joe biden just because of the sheer popularity of the app. and i think trump wants to take advantage of that again saying, hey, young people, if you don't want to, your tiktok taken away from you, blame joe biden. and so it does put biden in a weird position. biden campaign is on tiktok, but yet he's willing to sign the legislation leading to a potential ban on one hand trump
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is not necessarily being being telling the whole story about his evolution on tiktok. on the other hand, it's politics, it's something where his opponent is vulnerable on. so you get the attackers, so to speak. all right. tim mitchell, tia, thank you very much. i really appreciate it. >> all right. today, we are also awaiting a gag order ruling from the judge overseeing donald trump's criminal hush money trial after tensions boiled over in court on tuesday, judge juan merchan warning the defense team that they're quote losing all credibility with the court at a hearing to determine whether trump violated in order preventing him from publicly discussing witnesses. witnesses like michael cohen, who is his former fixer. that's exactly what trump did in an interview with cnn affiliate wpvi, which was taped just before the hearing. >> michael cohen is a convicted liar and he's got no credibility whatsoever. he was a lawyer and you rely on your lawyers also in the spotlight,
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the prosecution's first witness, david pecker, the former publisher of the national enquirer, in his testimony, he described under oath the catch and kill scheme, saying that he would look for negative stories about trump by the rights and then bury them stories like the one about former adult-film star stormy daniels joining me now, trial attorney, former assistant de host, and legal analysts for the law and crime network, imran on sorry, amara, good morning to you. >> thank you so much for being here. let's start with the gag order hearing because this of course, the judge's not said what he's gonna do one way or the other. or here, but trump is continuing to go out and make these kinds of comments the losing all credibility remark that he made, what do you make of that well i, think the judge isn't buying the defense's explanations as to donald trump's social media posts and it's sort of a thumbing of the nose at the core by donald trump. >> and i think judge merchan is
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seeing that we saw a hearing go forward. we saw it not go so well for the defense, there. and i think we're going to the merge, sean sanction, donald trump, whether he reserves that decision for later in the trial or enforces it later in the follower after the trial that remains to be seen, but i do think that given the repeated violations by donald trump, the tone and tenor in the court the comments by dughmosh, sean that we're heading towards a section based on those violations of the gag order here very interesting. >> so what what did you feel like? you learned from the court hearing yesterday? it certainly was an interesting time machine that took me back to the time i spent covering donald trump's campaign and 20 15, and 16, and then his administration starting in 2017. i mean, the cast of characters was back the information was sorted the porn stars, playboy bunnies, a loved
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child, but wasn't you kind of had everything here, but we did learn some new information about what actually transpired. and then clearly the prosecution is going to try to show that this means that a crime was committed. what were you what perked up your ears yesterday? >> well, i think it was an effective setting the stage by the prosecution, you call him david pecker he's one of the less controversial witnesses in terms of you're not calling michael cohen prosecution wants to sort of set the stage for the jury get the evidence out there about the catch and kill those introduce the players like michael cohen, donald trump, and get the framework of what's going to support later. those charges a falsifications of business records. you have david pecker coming in to testify, lighthearted in the way he was testifying to the jury. there, and setting the
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stage or the jury prosecution asking those foundational questions, you're getting an idea of the framework of what was going on during the campaign. and donald trump and his fixtures around him, making sure that those stories were killed before they reach the public years. and i think that's going to build on the prosecution case, but also we're going to see he had the defense handle this on cross-examination because david pecker is a witness who was sort of complicit in this. he's turned state's witness, and i think that's going to be some mo for the defense to cross-examine him about his testimony. >> all right. in ron, sorry for us on all of this, imran, thanks for much for being with us this morning. i really appreciate your time thanks for adding are coming up next here. a new organization aimed at fighting disinformation. >> we're going to be joined by the former homeland security official who is back in the public eye to lead it plus the
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box trying to hold off the pacers without their big man or bleach or reports ahead white house correspondents, dinner, live saturday at seven eastern on cnn. have your anyone you know, ever been stationed at marine corps base campbell june camp lagoons water was contaminated by fuel leaks. if you had any water contact while it camp on june had been diagnosed with cancer or parkinson's? disease, you may be entitled to compensation as a marine who was stationed at campo june myself for four years. this cause hits close to home so if you've been stationed or visited marine corps base gambled june and have cancer or parkinson's visit kaplan june, morgan and morgan for the veterans those time in prison he then inside before? >> yeah. >> have you ever tried to tell anyone why did it was? >> meal story? >> he got one.
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extraordinarily important endeavor that was department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas, nearly two years ago, defending his agency's efforts to combat disinformation with what was then a newly established disinformation board. but if you blinked you might have missed it because just three weeks after that board was announced dhs was forced to abandon the initiative after an intense backlash. woman who wants ran that board, though, is returning to her promise to root out harmful kohn comment content, excuse me, online jacket. is the former director of the dha justice disinformation governance board, and she joins me now. she is the co-founder and ceo of the new american sunlight project. mina, thanks very much for being here, thanks for having me. >> i want to dig into you have this new organization you are planning to try to resume this work it has become a central piece of our political arguments, right? what is
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disinformation, what isn't disinformation? what is free speech? what is quashing free-speech? the fight itself has become political how do you view that in your work that you are unrolling today? >> yeah. hi. i think it's really unfortunate because disinformation is not something that knows a political party. it comes four people on all sides of the political spectrum. it can upset lives and frankly right now, we see this fight against disinformation researchers, we see this fight against social media platforms doing content moderation. and we see it empowered by congress and people who are powerful, people, elon musk, et cetera. >> and what does that do? that makes our nation less safe. we are in a point where we're about to head into an inflection point ahead of the election we've got supercharging ai. we've got foreign threats, write our foreign adversaries are looking at our domestic polarization and thanking them lucky stars that they have so much material to work with and in the meantime, disinformation researchers, people who are working on this threat, the
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canaries in the coal mine, they're being snuffed out by our very own members of congress. and so i think we're in a dereliction of duty going on. basically, we have seen some evidence that the republican party and certainly the sort of what i would just refer to as the reagan, the reagan throwback wing at this point of the republican party that they are starting to understand the depths of influence from foreign actors, including russia, that was almost it became very difficult for them to talk about it when trump was in office because he saw it as an assault on him. but you had mitch mcconnell at talking yes. just yesterday about tucker carlson going to interview vladimir putin and saying that was almost where he expected them to be the cover the new york post had moscow, marjorie on there talking about russian disinformation what are you doing in your group to try to include those kinds of voices? to try and reach the broadest and an appeal to the broadest set of people here. >> yeah. so where a bipartisan group, we represent people on
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both sides of the political spectrum. and i, in my career, although the right would, would prefer everybody forgot about that. i've worked with republicans, i've worked with democrats, i've worked across the aisle. and i'd say to anybody who cares about this issue, come to us we're a big tent here. frankly, we're going to expose and investigate every link in the causal chain of disinformation. and i think we're going to make the case to americans who care about this issue that frankly, it is something that is important to our democracy and our national purity. and, you know, it doesn't matter what your political party is disinformation. ultimate victim is democracy what did you learn from the experience that you had with this dhs board i can make a lot of funny comments, but i would just say there's a couple of things that make me really worried for our country. won the fact that they went after somebody just for doing their job. it's not like i was a senate confirmed appointee. i was i was the gs 15, right. i was somebody just a normal super going.
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>> people who don't know that language, you want to work every day, right? >> and my area of expertise and the vitriol that came after me in my personal life. that's really disturbing. so i want to return that sort of civility. i want to return that human any to our politics and remind people that online actions have consequences, right? that it's not just mean words on the internet. i got death threats, things like that, and that's really, really disturbing. but i would also say that in general, we need a lot more transparency in initiatives like this. i did not agree with how dhs ruled out the board. and so what we're doing with american sunlight project is really looking at open source investigations transparent, accessible work. and in all the work that we do, we're going to try to make it but so that anybody can understand it. a lot of stuff is technical. we want to bring it back to the people. yeah. i was going to say i absolutely the death threats, the personal vitriol is something that we have seen just absolutely invade our politics. and it's awful. no matter where it's coming from. but you did mention that you disagreed with the rollout. i
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mean, do you understand or how do you understand? i should say, the distinction between the government doing something like this, a board inside department homeland security, and a group like the one you're going to found now? >> yeah. well, i mean, i think first of all, the board was widely lied about people saw that it was going to be a ministry of truth and decide what was true or false often the internet. that's nonsense. it wasn't going to do that as you heard, the secretary saying and that old clip, which kind of gives me the willy is when i look at it now, i it was about coordinating best practices within the department. i didn't have any power to decide what was true or false online nor as tucker carlson said, did i have the power to send men with guns to the homes of americans with whom i disagree at the time is 37 weeks pregnant. i was just trying to do my job right trying to get up every day back in they're doing that backwards and in heels but what we're doing is very different. i think right where we're still bringing people together. we're coordinating, but we're shining a light on some of the informational harms that have infected our information ecosystem right now. i think
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the government has a role to play here, and that coordinating role is one that i hope a future administration can still play. it's one that needs to be done, frankly, from what i've seen in my short time in government, we need a little bit more coordination and communication between different entities. >> but i would say we're on the outside of that and there was a huge role for civil society to play in curing this informational ecosystem right now. >> all right. neither jake, if it's thank you very much for being with us. this morning. thanks for your time. >> all right. time now for sports, the dallas mavericks take away homecourt advantage from the la clippers is they even up their nba playoff series andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report. andy, good morning. morning case. these are the road scenes. finally, able to break through last night, the nba playoffs for monday, the home team's they were 11 to know, but the pacers and the mouths were finally able to stop that streak. now, guai linda returning for the clippers last night, he scored 15 and 35 in his first game since march 31. now, this was a tight game laid
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under two to go luka doncic here. he's going to come through in the club's to step back three, luca a game-high 32 is all pumped up navs when 96, 93, even that series of the game apiece we had to make. >> i know it's in the second game, you know first name wasn't are best game. so we had to come i'll here and go there. we can play with them. and it's playoffs is different. how here enjoying playing basketball that's fine, man. that's why i do. that's all i want to do my whole life. so i just enjoy doing that all right. >> i pacers me also evening. they're series with the box pascal siac and pouring and 37 points in this one, indiana pulling away in the fourth, when 1205 after the game, tyrese haliburton, who was born about 90 miles from the walkie and os cost wisconsin said, his younger brother was called a racial slur by a fan while sitting in the stands during game one my little brother in the stands, the other de was called the n word and so it was important for us as a family like to i'm.
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>> just address that and that was important for us to talk about because i just didn't i didn't say right with anybody in our family. and so just my important to have my family here a little brothers handled out the right way paces the box and may 3 on friday. >> now, one home team was able to protect their home floor last night and i was the timberwolves, daydan mcdaniel's with 25 points for minnesota, also plates up a down de timberwolves would win 105 and 93, not good for the sudden, they've never want to play off series after falling behind oh, now we have another playoff doubleheader coming up tonight on our sister channel t and t, you got the heat and the celtics getting things started at seven eastern followed by the pelicans and thunder at 9:30 are turning to the stanley cup y ofs games. do but three, the panthers and the lightning with the score tied late in the second period check out florida goal is sergei barofsky, an incredible save. here he dives with the actions who is back to stop the shot with his four
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harps. credible this is why this one would go into overtime and carter vr haigis, he ended scoring his fifth career boy off over time winter. that's the third most ever feathers went three to lead the best-of-seven series to, to nothing. now, game theory is gonna be tomorrow night tamp are and finally, dodgers slugger shohei ohtani making his first visit to national park. and well, i had a great dc debut. ohtani blast a hundred and 50 foot home run into that second deck and right-field. >> this was a six homer of this season. >> it was the hardest hit, one of his career exit velocity was 118 0.7 miles per hour. >> dodgers manager dave roberts saying, after the case, the only a few cuts get hit a ball like that. >> dodgers won that game four to one in case you were wondering, how would ohtani handle all that off the field stuff that was going on? well, quite well. got the best batting average in baseball and hitting balls like that. >> yeah, lucky for all of us, man it's so much fun to watch him play, andy. thank you. really appreciate it. see you soon. >> all right. coming up next
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here. the supreme court, just hours away from hearing arguments over one state's near-total ban on abortions, even in cases of medical emergencies plus donald trump apparently violating a gag order while a judge decides whether to hold them in contempt for doing just that so this is pickleball with e-trade for morgan stanley. >> we're ready for whatever gets served up. >> didn't get a living trust i'd rather work on saving for retirement poole college since you'd like to get schools. is pregel can the riva support your brain health very janet, hey, eddie know fraser, franck. frank bred. how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge done that messed around dumb, having fun, don't pull me down down. that'll let you with allegro allergies won't hold me back leg starts working two times
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