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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 22, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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bills on the floor and there was really serious doubts about whether johnson was ever going to do that. >> and so the conventional wisdom, at least at this point, is that democrats ultimately will throw johnson some type of lifeline. >> and what's greens next move so the house is out for the rest of this week, which means the earliest that she could force a floor vote on removing johnson is next week, but she still has not even recruited a replacement for johnson. >> so that's certainly could work towards his advantage. anderson, who are the others who are along with john? >> with green in this gosar, the other two republicans that's paul gosar of arizona and thomas massie of kentucky, all hardline members of the house, republican party. >> they are trying to build support. that is why green hasn't moved forward just yet on her motion to vacate. she does say that there's a couple more at least behind the scenes, but we'll have to wait and see whether anyone else this comes out in the coming days and weeks, anderson. all right. melanie zanona. thanks. the news continues here on cnn
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front next opening day of trump's trial. and it's getting ugly fast name calling, insults, flying between trump and what will be a star witness? michael cohen. >> this is the first witness is starting to testify with david how trump's case plus russia's new it girl state television now fawning over marjorie taylor greene, even though she tried but failed to sink america i can aid to ukraine. >> here what they are saying tonight about quote on quote moscow, marjorie and melania trump now selling more jewelry. >> is it to help her husband? okay. his legal fees. >> let's go out front and good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. we begin with trump's trials spilling out of the courtroom on a day when the prosecution and defense laid out their cases for the first time to 12 jurors and the six alternates it's in the room and it's on this momentous day, the former president trump and his former fixer, michael cohen, are now in a free for all know, it did actually start in the courtroom. it was during
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opening statements, trump was watching as his lawyers were tearing into the key wetness. they said, quote, his entire financial livelihood depends on president trump's destruction referring to cohen so that was all in the courtroom. but then after court when trump walked out and you could speak to the public, he said this about cohen what are they going to look at all the lives that in the last trial, he that joint line in the last trial. >> so he got caught lying pure lime well, insider cohen firing back. >> hey, von expletive in pants, your attacks of me, stink of desperation. we're all hoping that you take the stand and your defense let's public spat between a key witness and the defendant is remarkable in a court. and trump, of course, is under a gag order for been to speak about any witnesses in the trial. >> but this public brawl breaking out just hours before trump is back in court face-to-face with the judge, juan merchan for hearing on gag order violations. he faces
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fines and of course, violations could ultimately put them in jail. >> so this is really serious stuff and it comes as witnesses are already taking the stand, the prosecutors first witness was actually trump's longtime personal friend and the former chief of the national enquirer, david he was on the stand today for a brief 40 minutes, and he will be on the stand tomorrow and it's going to be much more extensive. we just barely started there is at the center of the hush money payment to the adult film star stormy daniels at the heart of this case. now, trump will be there for all of that testimony as he is required to be every single day of this trial. now, we've heard him so many times complained before that court dates are keeping them off the campaign trail that he has to be in the courtroom and is prevented from being in iowa or whoever however it is, except for it has not been true until now. now he is required to be there and it comes as the stakes are rising, a national poll tonight showing biden gaining steam in national poll. matt has trump concerned this is what took me off and takes
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me off the campaign trail because i shouldn't be in georgia now i shouldn't be in florida now. i should feel a lot different places right now, campaigning of course is our kristen holmes reports. >> context matters here on a normal week prior to this trial, trump was only campaigning two days out of seven paula reid is out front live outside the courthouse where you, of course, have been spending the day and i know sitting with you for part of the day, paula texting nonstop with your sources on those legal hello. teams what more can you tell us about what happened in that courtroom aaron, this was the first time in the history of our country. >> let a jury was sworn into here criminal allegations about a former president of the united states. and today in their first day on the job, they heard these dual narrations about events that transpired roughly eight years ago what's going on right here should never be happening is a
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very, very sad day in america former president donald trump's criminal trial kicked off today with jurors hearing competing accounts of why a hush money payment was made to adult film actress stormy daniels just weeks before the 2016 election matthew colangelo laid out the prosecutors theory of the case, which he said is about election fraud, pure and simple he says, it all started with a 2015 meeting at trump tower between trump, his former attorney, michael cohen, and the former publisher of the national enquirer, david the government alleges agreed to use the enquirer to help trump's campaign by buying and suppressing negative stories about him and by amplifying stories that were favorable to him prosecutors allege the salacious access hollywood tape on earth just before the 2016 election was significant because it turned the rest of the presidential campaign
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entirely upside down when you're stuck hi there let you do it. >> you can do anything, whatever you grabbing but they alleged that once the tape became public, trump's campaign went into damage control mode worried about what an allegation of an affair with adult film star might do trump and cohen arranged a $130,000 payment to keep store for me, daniel's quiet just two weeks before the election at the cia case as to bookkeeping which is a very minor thing. james of the lawn, and this is what they try and take me off the trail form that checks being made to a lawyer is a lawyer? there was a lawyer in the defense is opening statement. >> attorney todd blanche argued his client is innocent. >> thing president trump did not commit any crimes and call the 34 counts of falsifying business records against him, just pieces of paper blanche
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directly responded to the allegations of election fraud, saying there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. >> it's called democracy. the defense then attacked likely witnesses, daniels and cohen blanche called daniels allegation of an affair sinister and an attempt to embarrass president trump. he then shifted to trump's former lawyer, cohen, who he says this quote obsessed with trump& that cohen's financial livelihood depends on trump's destruction. david was the first witness to be called shortly before he took the stand. prosecutors referred to him as a coconspirator for helping trump tried to cover up his alleged affair tomorrow before the jury returns to the courtroom, there'll be a hearing about the gag order in this case. prosecutors alleged trump has violated this gag order over a half a dozen times. and this gag order prevents trump from attacking people involved in this case,
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like witnesses and the jury he is also barred from attacking family members of the prosecutors and the judge, though we can freely attack the judge or the district attorney, alvin bragg the app through that hearing will come back in the courtroom and david we back on stand. >> erin. all right. paula, thank you very much there in lower manhattan and our experts they're all here on set together right now. so joey jackson, let me start with you. opening statements are crucial. in some senses for many jurors, they'll say that's what made up their mind, right? they here at the beginning and then that becomes confirmation on what they heard when the witnesses go. so this matters a lot so let's start with the prosecution. they go first prosecution lawyer goes for 46 minutes. so i'm just going to pick one line, but it was 46 minutes. one operative line from the transcript, donald trump orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election. then he covered up that criminal conspiracy by lying in his new york business records over and over and over again.
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>> did they do a good job? i thought so for a number of reasons. let's talk about that to your point, aaron, i think opening statements are simply a preview of what the evidence will show, but you have to maintain credibility and giving that indicate occasion to the jury. most good lawyers will do with the prosecution did do and the defense, in some measure, which is under promise and over deliver. and i think what the prosecution's point of view was and they said it in terms of your theory of the case, conspiracy& a cover now, conspiracy is not charged. that has legal significance. conspiracy the two more people engaging in illegal acts. but it kinda is. and here's why what happens is is that from the prosecution's perspective, this was part of an enterprise orchestrated by trump to interfere with the election. and how did they do that? they did that by virtue of this payment that was indeed reimbursement it says the prosecution and they had nothing to do with a retainer agreement, and then they talk
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about the cover up. right. and so i think to the extent that they put that narrative out there, they being the prosecution, they did their job and wrapping up what they're going to show over and over 34 times again as to these fraudulent business records and the intent and purpose which was to interfere with the election. and 34 because obviously there was a payment to stormy daniels and that which michael cohen says he he made he did make and then trump this is how that reimbursement was broken up. so we've got every single one of those checks here as a former prosecutor in the southern district of new york, you really understand the players and what's at stake here. so this conspiracy that they're trying to talk about here with with trump they say it all begins with a meeting with michael cohen, donald trump, and david the three individuals that we're talking about today before trump even announced the campaign. and they say, in this opening statement that they quote, formed a conspiracy at that meeting to influence the presidential election by concealing negative information about mr. trump in order to get him elected. and then they continue. and this was
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interesting. we will never know, and it doesn't matter if this conspiracy was the difference maker in a close election. obviously, this all came to fruition two weeks before the election after that grabbed him by the pi and had this stormy daniels revelation, which we didn't know about at the time because of all of this. >> did they do a good job with an i think they have their purpose here is to present this roadmap and to present a few themes that the jurors are going to take with them throughout this trial. frankly, i think the research shows that jurors really don't retain much more than those few central themes. so they need to hit those particular themes over and over again. i think the prosecution had to explain the why the what is really not in question. both sides agreed to some of the basic facts of what happened here, but they had to explain the why and they did that effectively. i think 46 minutes was probably too long. i doubt they had the
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german pension. yeah, for that long and they probably could have done it in half that time. >> well, and 46 minutes does sound like a on time. when you tell people were giving your best man speech or whatever, you know, you a shorter is better in this case though, aaron, i mean, 46 minutes. >> i wish i could keep my openings 2406 there's a lot to get out there. i think short in the context of what they had to explain. >> all right. so jeremy, you were there. so what was trump's reaction during the prosecution's opening statement? it's at this point about being 46 minutes. how engaged was he? >> wow, what was most interesting with the press former president was just how much he was not reacting to what was going on we have the prosecutor, matthew colangelo. he was bringing up a lot of illicit things that trump is alleged to have done. i brought up the affair with a playboy playmate, the affair with the porn star. he brought up the access hollywood tape and throughout all of that, trump was not reacting it with sitting back in his chair, his eyes would close the time to time and i think it's felt like he was making a point not to react. you would pass notes to his attorneys. he was there a sort of a note passing thing. i'm particularly when the
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access hollywood tape we noted him and todd blanche, we're sending notes between the two of them but it's obviously different than what we've seen trump in other courtrooms. and even earlier in this case that morning, in the morning we had we talked about what the prosecutors would be able to bring into evidence if trump testifies and when the judge said that he would allow him to ask about the civil fraud verdict that came earlier this year, trump's shook his head at that. this was before the jury came in with the jury in there today. as these things were being brought up, was very stoic interesting. >> so it's almost as if you really does know that as the audience now that matters, it seems it's certainly seems that she's fasting. >> so stacy, you, a criminal defense attorney? and of course, you were a former contestant on the apprentice. so i mean, you've got both a personal and a professional perspective on this. what did you see on the prosecution? yes. so i saw it was a smooth and solid opening statement, but i think they missed a really big opportunity michael cohen is the elephant in the room in this case, and he's got a prior conviction. he pled guilty in 2018 in federal court, among other charges to
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illegal campaign contributions he said out loud in court i did this at the direction of donald trump and that admission is the key of this case. and i think the prosecution should have honed down on that here. and brought out to the jury. they said to them, here are all the bad things michael cohen did where we're letting you know now. but you're going to see at the end of the case that you should credit his testimony in this courtroom and what they missed out doing is saying to the jury people don't plead guilty to things they didn't do. so, michael cohen is going to bleed believable. he took a three-year jail sentence for this alleged scheme. trump is saying it's an alleged scheme. michael cohen was saying it happened so they could have tackled the beast because trump is going to come out and say immediately, michael, mike trump's lawyers. and when michael cohen gets on the stand& cross examination,
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you're a liar. you're a convicted liar. you've lied over and over again. the de needs to have michael cohen say what she will it's part of his testimony. i may have lied at other times, but i'm not lying here because i pled guilty to doing this. i didn't even go to trial. that's why is that? >> that's the one point i would make to that is i think they strategically in my view, avoided that and i think they were to read seasons that they did that excellent point you make and i get it, but i think they were in that room fighting. >> should we should we i think the first reason is you don't want to put over reliance upon his testimony. yes, he's the elephant in the room, but we're going to prove this case not because of michael cohen and the second thing is i think there'll be able to prove it up with other witnesses with text messages, with emails, with audios that are not relying upon him. so he doesn't behind the center rack. so i think they strategically wanted to pivot such that it's not all about michael cohen. so when he is ravaged, which he will be in his perjurer, are you lied to
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congress? you lied here. they're gonna be like so what about emails? what about the texas that's right. what about the audit? what about everything else that's why we're not relying upon which it's going to be fascinating what else they do bring to your point. and michael cohen, when i've talked to me, says they do have all that other information that he views himself in a sense as additive, not not the only way that you would get to this conclusion they do, but i'm sorry. >> i was just going to say that the linchpin in this case are the payments to cohen, aza, an attorney. and those clips we just how to trump's press conference today when he came out of chord, he's previewing to the world. this is what my attorneys are going to be saying. this is all worked out behind the scenes before we go to court, 's saying michael cohen was an attorney. it was very odd that he said at today, michael cohen, it was an attorney he submitted in an invoice and they put the payment to him othe books when he said they i think he was referring to the trump organization so could distance himself like he knew nothing about this. >> the problem with donald trump doing that is and this is
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in the indictment and the da said this in their opening statement, donald trumsigned the eckso michael hen and allegedly they came out of the dona j. >> trump account. so the whole presconferen was a bit of a i think a pr disaster because it's going to hurt him in court. eventually, the jury and he came out, he does that eight minus. jeremhe talking of course, in the courtroom what else did to you? i sought you i know you mentioned that he was ssing notes to his attorne at time that he was engaged you know, what? wars interactions like with his team. and with the jury. >> yeah. it's interesting because when his attorney, todd blanche went to speak, trump's demeanor, it's shifted. he turned his chair, he faced he faced him, which made him face the jury, and he watched planche as he went through his opening statement. i think the most interesting thing with trump today that was when david took the stan because trump, he was sitting very motionless, expressionless, really watching david closely. and there was a
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light moment in his testimony where he was asked to account the last four digits of his cell phone number it's for record keeping purposes, but he fumbled with the answer and it caused a laugh. david he let out this very big laugh that caused laughter in the courtroom and trump is attorneys were laughing, but he was sitting there expression and let's just stone face forward, looking at the witness. >> so i'll give you a final word on that. what do you make of that mean he is well aware now that everything i'm sure he's well aware of every comment people make on twitter about what he did, whether he fell asleep or anything like that. >> this seems to be that he is when he turns to the jury what he looks like very calculated yeah. >> i mean, if his lawyers are doing their job correctly, they are coaching him on that part of it and they are doing everything they can to try to control his demeanor, his facial expressions, his utterances has no passing all of that stuff in the courtroom. >> there. they will not be able to do that outside of the courtroom, but they're doing the best job they can to control that within the courtroom. right. >> and clearly, he's decided some his interests for now right.
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>> if he gets to be, quote, unquote controlled. all right, thanks. all of you very much next, trump once said the publisher of the national enquirer, david should win a pulitzer for his work next, we have a special so afford and the long relationship between trump and which is so central at this hour also outfront former close colleague what he says what we'll do on the stand tomorrow was marjorie taylor greene getting the celebrity treatment in russia. what they are saying tonight about quote, moscow, marjorie a new pictures tonight from yell university where hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters are gathering. and these massive protests are now getting increasingly intense and disruptive as we see them this hour i spent a lot of time thinking about dirt as three in the morning. and you what people don't know is that not all der, the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle we'll
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that benefited both menn may have been joe's friends from back in the 90s, more than fellow new yorkers on a quest for power and fame. david and donald trump were for decades a match made in media heaven so how did it all come to this? >> i don't think they even paid any money to that tabloid. okay. >> i don't think we made a payment to that tablet nobody except for me would be looked at like this. nobody for a long time. the relationship was good for both menn trump gave national enquirer or access to his fame, the tabloid gave him headlines, trump catches russia's white house spy. >> trump must build the wall. trump takes charge. the paper gave him its first endorsement ever. the president trump returned the favor. i've always said, why didn't the national enquirer get the pulitzer prize for edwards and oj simpson, and all of these things thanks with slashing and burning enthusiasm
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relentlessly posted false stories about political foes while reportedly suppressing embarrassments for trump, like the time first lady melania appear to slap his hand away on a foreign trip, but those who studied the two men did not see an equal relationship. >> really looked up to donald trump, still does. and he put his very important magazines to work for donald trump's interests. then some big names had went too far in 2019, business mogul jeff bezos, for example, said threatened to release compromising photos of him unless bezos publicly refuted claims that the enquirer was improperly playing politics lawyers called it negotiation. >> it's absolutely is that extortion and not blackmail but friendship with trump was already unraveling had himself admitted to prosecutors his clandestine efforts to help trump. >> he struck a deal admitting
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involvement in the alleged hush-money scheme. now, the two old friends are reportedly not speaking at all. aaron. >> all right. >> thank you very much. in front now, it's to zake. he was a senior communications executive at ami, worked closely with so still this is so interesting as tom is saying, now, reports or they're not speaking. >> but was called of course, by the prosecution is their first witness, but the context friends with trump for decades and today, he did say hi to trump's table as he left the stand what do you read into all this? >> what do you read into that when it comes to crucial testimony on trump? >> well david is very unique individual that he focuses on what is good for david and, he fully recognized that the eyes of the media, we're on him and interaction with trump while he was testifying and so he couldn't help himself both knowing him, not to say hi and
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smile a trump and leave the ball in trump's court to respond which he didn't know. >> he did that. >> and that in and of itself buffers fascinating. so you say just as the context that is so crucial here in terms of what packers is going to be saying on the stand tomorrow and trump, you've described to us as quote, unquote clones tell me what you mean. still well, they operate very similarly. >> just says, trump has been renowned as we saw during his it's eight years, unfortunately, as president, he pitted a lot of his colleagues in a circle against each other. he would say one thing to one and say one thing to the other. de how they communicated with david, operates the same way. i don't want to use the word bully, but that's certainly does apply to how he operates and as his communication since head i was there for a lot of those game-playing that went down. so it's no surprise to
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me clearly that these guys have been friends forever. they feed off of each other. they offer each other benefits that wouldn't occur. and then the other relationship and now we have a situation where david made a deal with the southern district of new york to testify so that he would not be held responsible for the role that the enquirer and my titles as a whole plane during the 2016 election and helping trump get elected, right? >> so as we're trying to, obviously, he had just started today. it was really just a few minutes of testimony. it's really going to be tomorrow. >> the prosecution in the brief time today, brought up a couple of items with do and i don't know if you saw these, but i'm curious what you think they established that he had in an email account? yes, i did. >> that he used for work that he didn't tell his assistant about and they went through a series of phone numbers to see if he recalled them, including some of his own with a couple of errors he did good when you take a look at just those two little threads that they
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started to put out there. what are you expected to hear from packer tomorrow well, i think he is going to actually take the unveil the magic, like the wizard of oz let me take you behind the curtain and show you what went down. >> once again due to the deal he made, which i'm aware of the specifics, but however, can only project with the southern district of new york to avoid being held responsible. he's going to tell everything. and as much as people were predicting that michael cohen testimony is going to be really influential. i think once people really see the extent that david use the properties of american media, not not just the enquirer but the ami owned a lot of other tabloid titles, not only that they own distribution in position spending at newsstands so you can imagine if you're commuter and you're walking through grand central or port authority
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or an airport and all the magazines are aligned up and you're going to see the image. whatever decided to put on that cover. and as he said today, the cover was totally his responsibility and i sat through many of those cover meetings so i can definitely say that was accurate. but the impact visually not that people are going to pick up the magazine and read and that's why the cover is so important. >> but if you walk buying, you see six or seven covers in a row, that basically reinforce the same message that is on the enquirer as the lead. >> it doesn't matter if you are pro or con. that image is going to resonate with you somehow. and that is the power that david offer trump to squash stories that he would feel were negative towards him or give him a heads up. and that's where we see what happened with stormy daniels and karen mcdougal. and a lot of other stories as a result of that. >> that's really fascinating what you just laid out about the psychology of the
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supermarket. i think we can all relate when you walk, you do see the same thing or the lack of the same thing. what that does to our psyche, whatever you think about a story. let's do thank you very much. i appreciate it. i'm so glad to talk to you well, thank you for having erin and i just wanted to say one thing as we celebrate passover tonight, i want to make sure everyone knows we are keeping the hostages from hamas in our hearts and hope that they are safe. all right, let's do thank you very much next russian state television going all in on what unquote moscow marjorie keeping praise on the republican congresswoman for siding with putin. >> let's trump ignoring questions today about where his wife, melania is as she reportedly called the trial a quote, disgrace lani of trump's former chief of staff, will be out for smile so
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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. idea's take back day, april 27, i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn tonight, moscow marjorie getting airtime in russia, kremlin propaganda showcasing congresswoman marjorie taylor greene in a big way as she fights tooth and nail against aid to ukraine russia seething tonight is that eight appears to be headed to ukraine as early as later this week fred
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pleitgen is out front tonight and kyiv russian troops advancing in a heavy firefight in eastern ukraine shot. this video from russian military tv blaming to show ukrainian soldiers having to surrender ukraine's howitzers often unable to support their frontline units severely lacking 155 millimeter artillery shells but now they hope that will change trump's that will defend ourselves and counter contractible. what kremlin controlled media seething after the house passed the ukraine aid bill, while praising republican representative marjorie taylor greene for trying to derail it leaving former republican congressman ken buck to give her the nickname moscow marjorie on outfront and moscow, marjorie is focused now
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on this ukraine issue and getting are talking points from the kremlin majid it they a little green congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, who new york post already dressed in a huge shank ahead with a star, officially putting her in the ranks of kremlin agents called speaker johnson, a democrat, elected by ukraine. >> but greene also said that johnson betrayed not only republicans, but the whole of the usa. >> nonetheless, the us military aid will be bigger this year compared to the past years. >> and of course, there is nothing good in that russia's foreign minister going even further. the nuclear confrontation, but he was epic western as a teetering dangerously on the brink of a direct military clash between nuclear powers, fraught with catastrophic consequences particularly that it's the trigger of western nuclear states that are among key sponsors of the criminal kyiv regime ukraine is in desperate need of lots of artillery ammo
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kyiv says badly outgunned by vladimir putin's forces but also air defense missiles with russia drastically escalating its missile and drone campaign against ukraine, cities, and power plants. ukraine's president saying he's grateful for the aid, but the weapons need to come fast. >> they just musa politician the time between political decisions and inflicting real defeats on the enemy at the front. between the approval of the aid package and providing the strength to our guys this should be reduced to a minimum and the ukrainians top us aid will arrive quickly and change the tune on the battlefield allowing key of spores has to stop further russian advances and fraud. of course, you're in kyiv and you have been there through this as ukraine has been just desperately hoping
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and saying their deed for us assistance now for months and months. now it looks like they can finally get it what about that point? so lenski was making, does it come fast enough? is this too little too late well, certainly it's no secret for the ukrainians that right now the russian is definitely are pressing aaron. >> it's happening on the eastern front is happening on the southern front as well. if you look at the eastern front, for instance, there's that town of chasiv yar, which is near bakhmut, which of course we reported on so much in the past years, really with a russians are, have entered. that's how it actually already in are fighting for it right now. so certainly for the ukrainians is a desperate situation right now but none of these russian gains have been strategic yet. they don't have any main towns yet. they don't have any larger cities yet. and the ukrainians do say, if that aid comes in when that aid comes in they believe that they're going to be able to hold the russians up and possibly reverse the tide and maybe even launch a counter offensive of their own. aaron all right. >> fred pleitgen. thank you so much. live in kyiv, as we said tonight and right now, i want to show you some live pictures
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from columbia university pro-palestinian protesters are gathering right now as i speak tensions have been boiling over on some college campuses in this country over the israel-hamas war. protesters camping out intense, they're at yale, nearly 50 students were arrested late today isabel rosales is out front from yale tonight i was assaulted in the middle of campus. this is an actual crisis and an imminent threat tensions boiling over at columbia and other top universities like mit, nyu, and yale, where at least 45 protesters camping on college grounds were arrested early this morning by the yale university police department, yale university, releasing a statement saying the university would not tolerate behavior that interfered with university operations are threatened, harassed, or intimidated, others. >> the arrest on college campuses coming as verbal confrontations between
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pro-palestinian protesters and jewish students because they could not going to have escalated into physical ones. >> don't like me. >> my friend on saturday night was full-blown, assaulted. he had he was shoved around. my friend. >> had it was it a flag stolen out of his hands and rock-star on his face. >> columbia, monday, resorting to canceling in-person classes and calling for a recent to de-escalate the rancor. >> a rabbi linked to the university urging jewish students to stay home saying the events have made it clear that columbia university's public safety and the nypd cannot guarantee jewish students safety. the hostilities at columbia rolling for months alongside peaceful protesters camping in this tent city, the encampment& the fear drawing criticism from business leaders like new england patriots owner robert kraft, who says, he will no longer be donating to his alma mater, though he financially supports
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a jewish hilal on campus. >> i just can't believe in new york city at columbia university, jewish students hi, are afraid to go to classes. >> the rebuke coming amid calls for action from congressional leaders who toured the columbia campus today. >> that is unacceptable for a university, that is unacceptable for an academic institution. and all universities have an obligation to maintain in the safety and security of their students from all backgrounds. >> we went to the nypd saying they're prepared to enter columbia's campus if they're called in and pointing to the heavy police presence just outside columbia skates any kind of violence snack can be tolerated. and that includes harassment an error. >> let me give you a sense of the demonstrators movement on campus that we've seen throughout the day of course,
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starting early this morning, we saw those tensions just reaching a boiling point between demonstrators and police officers who asked them to disperse. and those that didn't at a university plaza, just under 50 of them were arrested. now that area just in that direction has been blocked off with yellow tape. they are now gathered here in front of the library chanting and singing all right. >> isabel, thank you very much. as you said, on the campus of yale tonight. and next, melania trump back to selling jewelry. simon necklace a couple of hundred dollars what's it for plus the trump courtroom sketch artist who drew this sketch is next, and she's going to tell you why this moment stood out to her as so unusual we live our lives on our homes fabrics, and though we come and go, are odors stay, it's called odor transfer, left untreated. >> those odors get trapped inside fabrics and then really smells into your ehr. >> you need for breeze fabric
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can skew with a lot melania has avoided the courtroom completely thus far privately calling the trial a quote, unquote, disgrace, and that's according to the new york times i've front now stephanie grisham, the former trump white house press secretary and melannie is former chief of staff, and elizabeth williams. >> this sketch artists in the courtroom with donald trump today as she has been other days, we've had the honors speaking to elizabeth, stefani. let me start with you on the core of this, the stormy daniels situation, you spent a lot of time with melania when the news was breaking about stormy and you said this was very embarrassing for her that was before we found out today that david has a private email account, but could have even more embarrassing details about donald trump himself. >> is she prepared for that right now i can guarantee she is watching every ounce of coverage and when that came out, it picked her interests millennia is very much about proof show proof and so if some
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more damaging stuff should come out that she didn't know about because of course her husband continues to deny all of the details here about stormy, especially if some other stuff comes out. i think that'll be really interesting to watch because you can't really dispute things that are in writing. and that's something she always paid quite a bit of attention to. was was proof, right? >> and we don't know, for example, what's in that email account that was one thing dangled out by the prosecution when it comes to david, though elizabeth, you were in the room today and you were watching when he took the stand, if trump is there, you actually brought your as i say, first draft if history your drawing and it shows trump's avid focus here on david absolutely. >> trump we can hold it up while you're while you're talking david came into the courtroom a donald trump looked at him as he walked in and walked in-between the defense table in the prosecution table and took the stand. and from that time, he was raised are
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focused on the stir and indeed, you can see he's sitting up on almost on the edge of edge ecf. we can see you are and i know where as the other attorneys sitting behind, he's very, very focused on this, which was a complete contrast to what he was doing in the morning where he had its eyes closed during the judge's ruling and the judges and stroke objection to the jury. so it's it's quite an interesting comparison, contrast to the day. so that's why when i saw this and is a very important way, he is a stefanie saying, i mean, central to this amazing when you see this, what it's really about the relationship between between absolutely men here so when we there's another sketch of yours, i wanted to show today having this one was with but there was another one that you drew were trump's eyes are closed and you sort of gosh, i
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feel like i'm looking at make me think of mooc here. what was happening in that mode? well, what was happening was the judge was explaining his ruling on the sandoval order and whether it was what terms of whether testimony and other cases loud and questioning of trump exactly. >> and trump had his eyes closed, his head would sort of tilt back and forth however, then i would notice that all of a sudden he would hear something and he would snap to attention, take a piece, paper, write something down and hand it to todd blanche so he really wasn't asleep, but he hadn't his eyes close and he did the same thing through the opening statement of the prosecutor he closed his eyes the entire time. i'm just saying that seems to be from what you're saying a way that he's focusing i guess, but then when he then went his attorney gibbs, his opening statement, he sits bag. looks towards the jury he has a very different
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body language to that point in time. so i see that i've seen that a lot with defendants. defendants will tend to not want to look at the prosecutor when they make an opening statement. that's very typical. and when they're attorney makes the opening statement, they will then look towards them. but this was just so dramatic with i've never seen anybody close their eyes for all this period of time ever. and i've been doing dash off a note clearly paying attention. >> and stephanie, you say millennia paying attention to this just to sort of juxtaposition of how they're spending their time. she's out now selling a new jewelry line, a necklace for mothers stay $245. >> she calls it quote, her love and gratitude nothing on the website suggests that the money raised is going to charity or anything like that why do you have any sense what she could
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be selling the jewelry four, i mean, is this just money for ourself, money to raise money for the legal defense. >> we're trump's been trying left and right and center to raise money. what's it for so i try not to laugh at the thought that she would be raising money for his defense. >> i'm so sorry. that's absolutely not going to be at number one. they're using so many people who are contributing to the president and to his president or the former president and to his campaign for those things. but she's doing it for herself. had i've been advising her, i would have said a couple of things. number one, this is the first day of your husband's criminal trial and you're going to hawk some jewelry. probably not a very good look. and then yeah, i would have at least said, hey are we going to give this to some kind of an initiative for children or her mother did just pass. so perhaps it would go to some kind of whether it's also emerged cancer, something some proceeds, but instead it just says here you go by this for $245 and then another thing
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that you had said at the beginning of the of your segment is that she finds this to be disgusting trial or i forget what the word is. but if that were the case, she would at least put that out on x. she would say something melania trump absolutely does what she wants to do. and if she felt this was a disgrace, she would say something. >> all right. well, thank you both very much. much. i appreciate it. >> good to see you. >> next to politician seeking the presidency accused of making a hush money payment to a woman to secure her silence for their affair wait, are we leading our show? wait. no, no, no. this is a totally different case from back in the past it's not trump, it's john edwards and what john edwards case says right now could be crucial for trump's university of maryland global campus is a school for real life, one that values as successes you've already achieved, earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for right? 11 experience, and get the support you need from your first day to graduation day and
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to help them feel more calm, dr. peel away optimum tonight, a political star has a and tries to cover it up. >> jessica dean is out front donald trump claims the prosecution against him in the hush money trial is unprecedented assault. >> nothing like this. >> it's never been anything like it while it is true, trump is the first former president to stand trial against criminal charges another well-known politician had a similar story play out in the past. john edwards obviously was prosecuted for the same thing and justice department failed acquitted on one a miss trial and the others. >> but they decided not to proceed. >> in 2011, then failed democratic presidential candidate john edwards faced as six count indictment for allegedly accepting and using campaign contributions to cover up an extra affair and hide his mistress. and their child from the public while edwards ran for president, while i do not
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believe i did anything illegal or ever thought i was doing anything illegal i did an awful, awful lot that was wrong the jury acquitted edwards on one charge and split on the other five, leading the justice department to ultimately dropped the case. well, election interference and it's got to stop. it's a third world country. >> trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal payments made to hide an alleged affair with an adult film star and influence the 2016 election. trump denies the affair and has pleaded not guilty, but trump's former attorney, michael cohen, swore under oath that he made the payments in order to affect the outcome of the election cohen, though, was convicted of perjury in a separate case, the edwards case had its own star witness, a close aide to the former senator who testified to helping edwards keep that a fair secret. but prosecutors did not prove their claim. the cover up was about the alleged section the woman with whom edwards d