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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 22, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. mourn liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn and welcome to the lead. >> i'm jake tapper. this our nfl owner, robert kraft will be here. he's a columbia alum, the schools jewish center for jewish student life is named after him now, mr. kraft says he has lost confidence in the university coming up. his strong reaction to colombia's handling of tens. and at times harassing protests against israel, prompting questions about the safety of jewish students on campus. plus investigating how hollywood production work ended up on internet servers that belonged to north korea, that someone at a us studio unknowingly outsource animation work. cnn is following the trail and leading this our opening statements and testimony from a key witness today on the unprecedented criminal trial against the former president of
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the united states, donald trump. the prosecution's main message that donald trump and his allies were involved in a criminal conspiracy and cover up. cnn's paula reid is outside the courthouse paula, how did the prosecution and the defense leg out their cases today before the jury? >> we'll dig we heard doing interpretations of events roughly eight years ago. prosecutors said, look, this is election interference, plain and simple they alleged that these payments to stormy daniels were part of a conspiracy to influence the 2016 election then they walked through step-by-step, how they allege trump cohen and then publisher the national enquirer, david worked to suppress negative stories. and then in the opening statement, they briefly referenced the paper trail that will be at the heart of this case. >> but when it was time for defense attorneys to get up, they insisted their client is innocent. >> they said, look, there is no crime here because trump wasn't involved in this kind of paperwork. he is not involved with things like the 34 documents that constitute
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each of the counts he is charged with here now, they also emphasized the non-disclosure agreements or not illegal and interestingly, they took aim at michael cohen. that's very much expected. they went after his credibility. they suggested that this is someone who has quote obsessed with getting trump it was surprising jake, but they also went after stormy daniels now it's not a guarantee that you will testify in this case because her testimony is not essential to proving the charges that prosecutors have filed here, but it's clear the defense team expects her on the stand, which is part of why they decided to target her. and he's opening statements and then the jury heard briefly from the first witness, david it was pretty pretty light-hearted testimony questions about his age, his occupation, even got a few laughs that will continue tomorrow. it's unlikely though either side will be laughing for long. >> so last week in court, there was what's called a sandoval hearing, which basically addressing how much trump can be asked about some of his past criminal cases. if he
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ultimately decides to testify as he promised, he would. so today, the judge weigh in on which cases the prosecution could bring up if trump testifies yeah there were four big issues. the trump team was trying to prevent prosecutors from being able to ask trump about if he takes the stand and they lost on three out of the four. so the judge found that they can ask trump about the recent civil fraud trial against the trump organization. trump as some of his adult children. then they also said they can ask about violations of the gag order in that case. they can also ask about the e jean carroll defamation cases, but they cannot ask about a totally separate line of inquiry. lawsuits related to a quote, frivolous lawsuit that trump filed against former secretary of state hillary clinton. that kid come in, but the rest of it can. so that's only not the way the trump defense team hoped that would go. and it may give them pause about putting their client on the stand, but i'm not sure jake could talk with my sources. it does appear this is something they're seriously
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considering having trump testified at some point in this trial. >> all right. paula, let's bring in a renowned hello, mariotti, the former federal prosecutor and host of the podcast is complicated. we're not the opening statement by trump's lawyer essentially argues that trump was in the white house and had no idea that false business records were being created and he should not be held liable for the actions of others. how do you write that argument? >> i think that's the best argument that trump's team has available in other words, the hush money scheme itself is not what trump is charged with. its he's charged with false statements in business records. and i think is best argument as he wanted to cover this up because it was going to generate bad press but he had no idea how that was going to be recorded in the books and records of the trump organization obviously, there are issues with that argument. it's not a not a perfect argument, but i think that's the likely the best argument that they have for an outright victory. and what i think his lawyer is going to be focusing on in the weeks ahead.
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>> paula prosecutors opening statements referred to trump's actions as a conspiracy multiple times. for example, here's what they said about 2015 meeting between trump, david from a national enquirer& michael cohen, trump's lawyer. they quote, formed a conspiracy prosecutor said, at that meeting to influence the presidential section by concealing negative information about mr. trump in order to help him get elected unquote. and we should point out though even though there's calling this a conspiracy, trump's not facing any charges of conspiracy. why not? >> well, look, this is a difficult case and we know that because of course the justice department past it's been around for many years many legal experts weren't sure if this could be a case that we successfully prosecuted. so when you have a case like this, you have to go with what you know. you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt. and here they are. martinez is falsifying documents, but they're charging it as a felony connecting it to federal campaign election
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campaign interference, even though he's not specifically charged with that, the complexity of this case, the way it's being charged right now, jake this is going to be something that the defense will seize on and it's clear the prosecutors likely would not want to add conspiracy here because it would further complicated the case likely make it less likely that they would get guilty verdict. >> and that's something we should underscore for our for our viewers. this is not going to be easy for the prosecution this is going to be a left and renato, the defense is coming out swinging at two of the prosecution's three witnesses, three biggest witnesses. they're painting michael cohen is obsessed with trump, and they're casting stormy daniels as an opportunist. they're suggesting that they never had a sexual encounter. stormy daniels and donald trump. do you think that's effective? >> i don't think the attack has served me. daniels is effective. i actually think that's a mistake on their part. they should actually just say, you know, what they can they can dispute her her whether she's truthful or not,
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but i think trying to attack her is you know, not not where they want to go. there's going to be people on the jury who are sympathetic to her unlike michael collins, she's not a criminal in fact, she's been the victim of crime on behalf for our own attorney, committed. i think the technical and though are going to be very successful. i mean, is it convicted liar, convicted fraudster? there's a lot for the defense to work with with him, and i think that's why the prosecution is going to be focusing a lot on the documents and the inferences that they are going to argue can be drawn for the documents. >> paula, tomorrow morning, there's gonna be this hearing about whether donald trump has violated his gag order with multiple truth social posts that attack witnesses pack others that he's been told he's not allowed to attack. he is allowed to attack alvin bragg, the da and the judge he also claimed with no proof that undercover liberal activists were lying to the judge to get onto the trump jury. he's not allowed to attack the jury. >> do you think the judge is going to go along with
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prosecutors claim that trump violated his gag order if he does, do you think he'll find him? >> what will he do right now? >> prosecutors are asking for fines for what they allege, or at least seven instances of trump violating the gag order. they also want them to be put on notice that he could be sanctioned. so yes, i do expect that the judge is going to weigh in here, will likely she finds, but will that matter? a fine of what size isn't really going to make a dent in trump's bank account. a lot of issues here, but i think the most significant one for the judge to weigh has any impact of statements like that on the jury because we know that these people they're doing their civic duty, but they were taking on a significant risk for themselves and their families. and if we get into a situation where those people continue to feel under increased threat or their outed online that is something that they go through the alternates and start to get to fewer than 12 jurors that could create a mistrial so that i think is the most serious thing that the judge has to find a way to address and get trump to stopped doing. >> we're not i wanted to ask you last week when they were
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going through jury selection, somebody on a conservative channel started putting up d to put up details about one of the jurors that everyone did that put up details that we were allowed to have because the judge is trying to be transparent, but then started to suggest final know about this juror. i don't know about this one. donald trump then retrieved it on his social media post. is that a violation? >> i think it is and just be clear what he did jake is he didn't just press the button to reach truth or retweet he actually typed out the words that this host said, jessie waters worked for word. and i think because he did that, he read them. i think a the judge is more likely to find the adopted those statements i made them his own, even if you put quotation marks around them, i think the judge is going to find that to be a violation, but i agree with paula. i don't know how much or what thousand dollars fine. i'm going to do about that. but there's no question in my mind
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that the judge is going to find that he violated the judge's order. >> we're not before you go today after court wrapped up donald trump question by this case was even brought by this date to begin with, and not by the federal court. take a listen this work, such great case. >> why didn't he said the district bring it, looked at it? turgid down? >> why did numerous other agencies and law enforcement groups look at it? >> because it was shown to everybody. >> and very importantly, why didn't the federal hello elections do anything about this, this this federal, it's not state. they're trying to make a mistake case what's your response to that? >> ronaldo well falsifying business records is the state offense, not a federal offense. >> so the bottom line is that there is a state offense here that's very straightforward to prove prosecutors felt like they could prove this case and they didn't feel like the feds didn't feel like they could prove the more broader crime of election fraud. >> paula, are that are there
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members of this jury sequestered? are they in a hotel with no tvs and no internet or they allowed to go home, potentially watching or reading the coverage around the case? >> yeah, they are not sequestered at this point. this is something that you know, of course it has been considered at one point, but it's not something that's being done in this case. the judge has acknowledged at environment of sort of threats and intimidation that they will face, which is why they are largely anonymous that we can report i'm details given the gravity of the situation, it is unclear if that's something that judge would reconsider, but it's not expected that they will be sequestered, lob up to them to stay away from the news. now, we're staying away from this story. that means pride, no late night comedy shows, no talk shows. it's gonna be hard to stay away from this case. they're going to have to make a concerted effort, although i should know that one of the reasons these jurors were packed is because it seemed like a lot of them stayed away from news or at least forming opinions about
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news. so maybe they're uniquely qualified for this. we're not on mary odean, paula reid, thanks to both of you coming up. how trump's former fixer, michael cohen, found a way to troll his old boss is court wrapped up today. plus, will donald trump take the standard zone defense, as he said, multiple times now, he will we will talk about what he needs to say under oath. if so, and a crisis at columbia university's parking, one of its biggest donors to threaten, don't no longer give money to his alma mater for what robert kraft thinks needs to be done to end the spike, an anti-semitism on that campus. >> they with us every piece of evidence tells a story how really happy with jesse. oh margin. sunday at nine on cnn we can carousel my time patches she's improving the look of her fungus damage while she's only carousel patches work for up to eight hours to reduce this coloration and thickness.
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>> you're attacks on me, stink of desperation. we're all hoping that you take the stand in your defense, unquote. >> let's discuss with jaylene miles of consultant with expertise in jury selection, in witness preparation. >> so le prosecution has likely been working to prepare cohen four is expected expected witness testimony against trump should posts like this, worry the prosecution at all. i mean, pretty out there yeah. >> i agree. and thank you so much for having me. yeah. i think the problem is both sides are making this case about lies and to borrow from ted boutros, fame lawyer at gibson dunn, he said, you can tell a lie 1,000 times and it doesn't become a fact. and i think that both sides, it's almost like seinfeld is met the reality tv of opposite day and both sides are using the same themes, election interference lies. and i think these kinds of pumps most are tweets or what have you by cohen are i think could become a problem for the
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prosecution. >> donald trump is indicated multiple times that he would like to take the stand in his own defense. do you think that's a good idea if you were advising him, would you tell him that's a good idea and if he if he does because so i'm anticipating going to say no if he does take a take the stand, how will his defense team prepare him for what would likely be a fat, rather brutal cross-examination? >> well, i imagined they would do several mock sessions with him in advance. hopefully with somebody not on the trial team who he doesn't have any kind of prior relationship with playing the prosecutor and really putting him through his paces, just like when he's preparing for speechifying on the trail, the same kind of thing but yeah, you're right. i would advise him probably not to take the stand, but i think he believes he's the only way he can win this case, although i think it's very much a toss-up yeah. we should we should just really make sure that our viewers and our listeners and readers understand this like this is a
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heavy lift. this, this case judge, merchan decided that if trump does testify, he can be asked about several different cases in his past that his lawyers didn't want him to have to talk about, including the e jean carroll verdicts will that make him less likely to testify? do you think well judge merchan also though, kind of rein them in a bit, as i recall reading about the sandoval hearing that they can talk about verdicts. >> they can't talk about amounts of amounts of vertex which could make a difference so it's, it's hard to know, but i think trump he strikes me as somebody who's pretty fearless about those kinds of things and doesn't fear you having to answer questions about it i want to talk for a second about juror number nine, who called the court on friday with concerns understandable ones, frank equally over the media attention this case is getting. >> she met with the judge and lawyers today. she she's staying on the jury, but could
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this be an issue with other jurors going forward? and what happens if they decide they want out because it's just not worth the frankly, the threats to them. >> this dress yeah. >> with the stress. sure. >> but also, i mean, there are bad actors out there who might be prone to out jurors who don't want to be ousted if they ultimately come down with a verdict that they don't like yeah. >> agreed. and we already saw two jurors who were sworn in the main jury of 12, who then were dismissed because they came back and said, can't do it. unlike jurors who were dismissed during voir dire who went to the press afterwards because they were allowed to talk. who said, i didn't think that was fair. i'm fair. i could have i could have been a fair juror, but in this case you've got a juror who's already starting to feel the pressure and i was surprised, judge merchan only had six alternate selected. now, i'm not in the courtroom please. i don't have a crystal ball. i don't see what's going on,
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but apparently both sides were there and chambers and got a chance to talk to her and in other cases, and i've had over 500 jury trials a case like this. i was surprised there weren't maybe even 12 alternates for this very reason. >> i also want to get your take on one of the jurors seated in this trial. juror number to an investment banker with a masters who follows trump's truth, social posts, as well as michael cohen on, on twitter. he says he's seen quotes from trump's book, the art of the deal remember this, this man replaced the original juror number two, who was dismissed after she expressed concerns that part of her identity was made public by the media, not cnn& we even had somebody on a conservative news channel questioning, that original juror number two, and whether or not that person could be relied upon, did trump potentially get a break by ending up with this new juror number two, who's on truth, social it on the surface and again, not getting to see all the questions that were asked of the jurors, or if i'm assuming both sides used all their strikes but juror two,
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and then there's another juror on the main panel of 12, who also made statements during voir dire that seemed to be at least open to trump's side of the story going. and so i do think the government's got an issue there because it only takes one that's right. >> miles. thanks so much. appreciate it up. billionaire nfl owner robert kraft, who is also a major donor to his alma mater, columbia university, has strong reaction to the recent anti-israel protests and anti-semitic incidents at the school that i've left many jewish students saying they don't feel safe on campus, stay with us this service, but kaitlan collins tonight at nine jesse loves playing detective, but the real mystery was your irritated skin. so we switched to tide pods free and gentle. it cleans better and doesn't leave behind irritating residues and it's gentle on
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>> there's dinner live saturday at seven eastern on cnn internationally today, anti israel or in camp minutes are popping up across several us colleges groups from yale, emerson, mit, to name a few are joining in solidarity. they say with the protests happening at columbia university, where jewish students increasingly facing harassment targeted with anti-semitism, praise of terrorist groups, and more, according to jewish students, their skin and shimon procopius reports now from columbia university where many jewish students are afraid to even walk on campus right now where on the steps of columbia university there's a jewish group here that's actually giving out free mata as they get ready for passover. >> and just across from now is the encampment, which has stirred so much emotion here on
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the campus with some of the jewish students feeling unsafe. >> i consider myself a very brave person, but i won't deny that i've been physically intimidated and harassed i've felt why this is not a welcoming environment. i think it's a very difficult time for a lot of jewish students for judges 7th of october over the weekend, the protests turned rowdy, disturbing videos show some protesters harassing jewish students amid all this, a rabbi link to the university urged jewish students to stay home, saying recent events at the university have made it clear that columbia university's public safety and the nypd cannot guarantee jewish students safety this is the center of columbia university. what they're calling the gaza solidarity encampment. and an occupation here at the school as they want certain demands to be met by
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the school in terms of their support of israel. why is it important for you to be out here? sleeping out here yeah. just to show solidarity with the students that have already been arrested. >> and obviously, the people in gaza, this is the tarp area. this is where many of the medical supplies, the food there's coffee here, there's other goodies that just essential needs that many of the people may need who had been out here for several days. >> so i'm jewish. a lot of focus has been on like you know, supporting jewish students who have been facing anti-semitism but there has not been a wanna focus on palestinian students who have been feeling anti islamic sentiments. >> how do you have parents feel about good they're proud of me and i'm proud of them for that last week, over 100 protesters,
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including some students, were removed from campus by new york police at the behest that the university and arrested on suspicion of criminal trespass. the move stirred more tension on campus and by monday morning, colombia's president minouche shafik declare that all classes would be virtual for the day, and that a reset was needed. >> i am deeply saddened by what is happening on our campus she wrote in a statement, these tensions have been exploited and amplified by individuals who are not affiliated with columbia, who have come to campus to pursue their own agendas. many of the students here are saying who are graduating are saying they're not sure what graduation is going to look like. this here are those who are part of the encampment are saying that they intend to be here for graduation, that they're not leaving jake. >> i just want to now show you the scene outside. we're outside of school. we've spent a couple of hours on school grounds yesterday, but this is the sayyed and sort of the area
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where there has been some of the most confrontation and drop ahmad because what happens is people outside here, for the most part that are not students, they stand out here and they chant and they say some very hurtful things towards the towards the jewish community in this is where we see some drama and the confrontation. and i just wanted to show you here, you should see the nypd. they are out here. they're over here on this side. there's actually probably more officers out here than there are demonstrators. the nypd says they're out here every day they will be standing by. and if the university was to call on them to come inside and trying remove any of the protesters are the contentment which they did last week. they're willing to do that. but so far, the columbia university's just telling everyone we need a reset and then they're going to come up with the next steps. a big focus now is gonna be that graduation, it's just a few weeks. >> and how that's going to be handled? >> and what's going to happen
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inside jake or smell prokupecz outside columbia university in new york. thanks so much. let's turn now to robert kraft, owner of the new england patriots, founder of the foundation, to combat antisemitism, and a graduate of columbia university as well as a major donor to the university. the jewish center for students on campus bears his name. mr. craft, thanks for joining us you put out a statement saying in part that you're no longer confident the columbia can protect its students and staff. and you say you're not comfortable supporting the university until corrective action is taken unquote. what corrective action do you want to see taken? >> well, let me just clarify. still willing to support the graphs and that houses all over jewish students. they're under brian cohen's leadership and faculty that come that has been a haven and safety and look, i love columbia. they gave me a scholarship when i really needed it. and i had four
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wonderful years there and i just love morningside heights& to see what's going on there now. and i think we let it go way too far from at people did things that there was no accountability. you i think back when i went to columbia, the vietnam war was raging and people spoke out and they pay the consequences, but they were willing to do it they didn't wear masks and they had a and now we have to have accountability. and for me to see that columbia professor tsai, the vd his credentials were taken away when he was speaking out and trying to protect the students versus some of the other activities there that was sort of the turning point for me. >> what where do you draw the
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line on the speech that you think there needs to be accountability for because obviously universities have a rich tradition and the united states of america as a rich tradition of freedom of speech of protest what crosses the line for you? and is there something different when it comes to behavior on campus? we're universities have more ability to punish a student, then they do, necessarily off campus where there's free speech rights yeah. >> well i mean, i just can't believe in new york city at columbia university, jewish students are afraid to go to classes. it's just in the united states of american 2024. it's amazing to me in a horrible i just, you know, and there's some how the organization of non columbia students getting on campus
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coming there with their faces covered say by the way, they're both professors and students within the university who say things that i think cross the line. and there should be accountability, i believe in free speech, say whatever you want. but pay the consequences and don't have your face covered. i don't think that should be allowed. >> what are you hoping to see the university do in response? i mean, the president shafik has said this is a crisis. she's focused on the safety of students she made today virtual. what more do you want her to do? >> well, i don't it should be a secure environment where young people are. >> those weren't for the greatest years of my life, but i never felt scared or afraid or, not willing to speak my opinion.& have a certain
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empathy and people listen. >> and there was a sense of compassion not things that in hatred and you know, is sort of the reason i started are foundation to combat antisemitism five years ago, i saw the roots of what was going on in this country it, starts with the jews, then every other marginalized group is next, whether it's blacks, asians, hispanics, gay and i want to protect this country and keep the values of what makes america great. all of our ancestors who came here and live their dream and i certainly did. and i've never seen things quite the way it is and i think in some ways, college campuses throughout america are the worst signs of
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what i've seen. and so i, i don't like stepping out the way i did today but i think i'm saying what a lot of people feel and that's why i've done it where do you draw the line? >> because obviously in israel there are thousands of people who protest against the israeli military campaign in gaza and against the netanyahu government where do you draw the line at columbia as to protests against what israel is doing in gaza and that which you find objectionable well, no, the whole movie situation is something that's different and i think there's a lack of education on the situation as you can see from the different groups that come up and speak. so that's something that's on, i'm concerned about america and what's going on in this
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country. and to keep it open and free for all people of all backgrounds to do as they wish i mean, that's the foundation of the country, was founded by people fleeing england because they couldn't worship openly and fairly do you have confidence in the president of colombia, president shafik i don't know her, and i think she's very well-intentioned i think you know, i think what's going on on college campuses. >> you don't have people who have had operating experience with difficult situations and you need to take action and really not be afraid to have the courage to speak up. and when someone does something wrong, you know, there's accountability. i think we have
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to look at what goes on with faculty. i think the whole faculty, we have tenured and they're doing things in their classroom where there not educating people are all different opinions, but spouting their opinion and a lot of it is hatred today. and then they go home at 5:00 with no concerns and i think i think we have to look at this whole tenured faculty issue. >> robert kraft. thank you so much for your time today. i appreciate it coming up. is it a crime to sleep outside when there is nowhere else to go or is it cruel? pulling unusual punishment to ticket someone just for sleeping in a tent. those are the questions raised to the us supreme court today in a critical case, over homelessness in america, stay with us. we're going to bring you our latest installment of our series homeless in america. >> how, far would you go? is that the ambiance of your
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2:43 pm i had to go montgomery in tokyo and this is cnn is it unconstitutional to punish an american? for sleeping on the street outside with the blanket that is the question at the center of a landmark us supreme court case
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called grants pass versus johnson. and today the high court heard oral arguments from that small city and oregon, which began fining people for sleeping outside in public spaces when they did not have anywhere else to go the question is, does that fine constitute cruel and unusual punishment under the eighth amendment we're going to take a closer look at this issue now for our homeless in america series it's been called the most significant court case on homelessness in decades. now reaching the us supreme court at the center of the case is grants pass, oregon, a small town which like many others in america has an affordable housing problem. >> there is absolutely no housing. iran's password in there is no shelter available for anybody that's out there we have no place to go. >> hundreds of homeless people in grants pass began setting up in camp mintz in public parks in 2013, the city stepped up its enforcement of anti camping
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laws, banning anyone from sleeping outside with any kind of bedding, including a blanket, pillow, or even a cardboard box, penalties included find starting at $295 or 30 days in prison for repeat offenders, i have a lot of tickets from grants pass. i was almost $5,000 worth, but with extremely limited public shelter space and grants pass, the people affected by the fines sued, saying the tickets violated their eighth amendment rights against cruel and unusual punishment. >> we are human beings and we belong there too. just because we don't have everything that they had doesn't mean that we don't belong. >> people living outside like all americans have the protection of the bill of rights and the protection not to be criminalized and punished for your status is one of the most fundamental long state standing rights that we all have. >> the lower courts agreed blocking the city from enforcing the law. >> the eighth amendment prohibits cruel methods of punishment that have fallen out
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of use it has nothing to say about what policies cities can enact as a basic matter of health safety, and protecting everyone in the community and now the decision is in the hands of the us supreme court. >> and the court's ruling could impact how cities across the country handle the homelessness crisis republican governor ron desantis recently signed a law banning people from sleeping in public spaces and florida, this issue that is playing hey communities across the country where these homeless camps overwhelm just the quality of life. >> democratic governor gavin newsom of california filed a brief calling on the us supreme court to quote, establish a balance that allows enforcement of reasonable limits on camping and public spaces while still respecting the dignity of those living on our streets. >> people such as helen, who have no way of paying the fines say it ruins their credit, making it even harder for them to find housing. it's pretty
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much just destroyed my credit and, you know, when a person's so far down and are just trying to get ahead they can advocate say, criminalization is expensive and does nothing to provide solutions to the housing crisis as rentz become higher and higher, we will see more and more homelessness. >> and our elected officials need to respond with proven solutions like housing and services not with jolson fines the latest in our series on being homeless in america, the us supreme court is expected to make a decision in this case by late june. a shocking discovery from a cyber flip sleuth tracking north korean websites, how it is animating concerns where us companies and drawing attention to the rogue nations digital capabilities stay away i'll be honest by the end of the day, i floors but who has the time to clean that's why i love my swiffer wet jet it's a quick and easy way to get my force clean, wet jet absorbs
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i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. il to learn more. doc? i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. and this is cnn right with our worldline in a shocking discovery made by a cyber sleuths while perusing the north korean internet. a trove of animation sketches that may be meant for us based studios while there's no evidence, the american studios knew the work could have been outsourced to north korea. the us government does have strict rules against doing business yes, with the hermit kingdom
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cnn's alex marquardt speaks now with an expert who analyzed the files which offer a rare window into the hermit kingdom's animation and programming prowess invincible is a popular animated show streaming on amazon prime with a third season on the way your power what has got to be do any de now, it's based on a comic book about a superhero team. i wasn't ready before, while its main characters all american, some animation in the new season may come from one of america's biggest foes, north korea martin williams has an north korea analyst at the stimson center. >> i'll show you what we found when he shows us what was inside or recently discovered north korean internet server, there's a bunch of working files in haha files including sketches and video from north korea, which resemble the animation from two shows produced and streamed by american companies amazon's invincible, and another coming soon called ionic child of wonder, set to stream on max, which along with cnn is owned by warner brothers discovery.
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there's no evidence that the studios knew that any proprietary work was on a north korean server at some stage in this production process these files appear to be being worked on by the north koreans. >> there's a clip of ion, which hasn't been released yet. >> now, me, spare your life. >> williams says a lot of american production work is outsourced, particularly to china, where it could then be subcontracted to north koreans without the american companies awareness. >> it's very common chinese companies have been sanctioned by the us for working with north korea not just in animation, but in other areas as well. >> a draft of one animation has chinese instructions translated into korean. there's also this production sheet in english for invincible is there any evidence at the american studios knew about this? >> we didn't find any evidence that they had any direct knowledge of any of this we found the names of some animations. we found the names of some us companies, but nothing that concretely tie
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that back to the us companies using north korean labor would be a violation of us sanctions max and the producer vajrayana lion forge entertainment declined to comment unique studios which co-created the graphic novel series, did not respond. sky bound entertainment, which produces invincible told cnn it never approved outsourcing and would investigate and it's just something that's very difficult to figure out who you are working with because once stuff starts getting outsourced, once i've starts moving through the system, actually finding out who the person is at the other side of the keyboard is very, very difficult. the us government does give american companies advice and guidance on what to look for, how to do their due diligence to make sure that they know who they're working with and jake, that can be a lot of extra work, especially for smaller companies who don't necessarily have the bandwidth and need to outsource that production gen. that animation, that programming work. but no matter the size of the company, it is very high
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stakes because the treasury department can bring lawsuits against these companies if they violate those us sanctions interesting story, alex marquardt, thanks so much. appreciate it. we'll be right back. >> a heart attack. do they have life insurance? >> no but we have life insurance john, i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately, it only a few minutes. >> select boat down john, $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month. go to select now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can afford. >> select quote we shop, you say, can the riva support your brain health? >> mary janet, hey eddie, know appraiser, franck, frank bred. how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva
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spending all this little can i when your questions about life turned into questions about money, there's erica, the virtual financial assistant to help you spend save, and plan smarter only from bank of america. >> what would you like the power to do this situation with glitter? >> next one, cnn we've heard a lot about donald trump today in our law and justice lead. >> but here's a new one. plasmic echo. i asked mic echo, that's not the name of a new florida and so the machine song, it's apparently the fbi's code name for its investigation into trump's alleged mishandling of classified documents. case name was just revealed in an redacted court filings and special counsel, jack smith's criminal case against trump plasmic echo. whatever that means. >> in the sports lead, new york yankees manager aaron boone found himself injective from today's game for well for nothing i'm going to be to do
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a look at probably going to hit okay maybe take a look here so that was the umpire yelling towards the dugout. >> erin saying what we should note, it was a fan in the stands who first did the talker? boon just stood there and took it when a fan mouth on and boone w out of thamed no i'm nousually, warn that the fans, yankeeut still taylor swift's new album became the most streamed album on its first day across spotify, amazon music, and apple music on friday, the tortured poets department gotten nearly 300 million streams on spotify alone before we sign off this programming node, cnn will have special coverage again tomorrow for another big day. and the new york hush money cover-up