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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 22, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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borrow money and a lot of things, but nothing to do with me shortly after those comments, cohen tweeted that trump's attacks, quote, stink of desperation he goes on to write and i quoted, we're all hoping that you take the stage and in your defense, that trump, of course. >> wolf is under that gag order was ordered by a judge, merchan not to comment by any witnesses in the trial just a fact check. >> what trump said in that sound bite. cohen served time in federal prison after pleading guilty to breaking federal campaign laws when he facilitated the payment to stormy daniels which is directly linked to the charges right now against trump. that's where the taxi medallions that trump reference cohen was also sentenced for tax evasion related to a taxi medallion enterprise and lying to a bank in relation to a home loan aaron, thanks very much for joining me for our special coverage. always good to be with you and don't forget to our viewers, erin will be back 7:00 p.m. eastern for aaron burr burnett out front. i'll be
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back 6:00 p.m. eastern in the situation room. the lead with jake tapper starts right now the first witness has taken the stand and donald trump's hush money cover up, try all the leads, starts right now former publisher, david, first to testify today about what prosecutors are alleging was a criminal conspiracy and cover up of donald trump's alleged tryst with a film star in director stormy daniels. how strong is this case? here, the line of defense trump himself offered today right outside the courtroom, plus the first order of business when court resumes tomorrow did trump violate judge merchan's gag order? the fine line for the judge as he considers this ruling and a crisis on college campuses, perhaps most at columbia university in new york protests there spiraling into tense confrontations. jewish students harassed the atmosphere so charged in-person classes were called off today. can safety on
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campus be restored? new york city mayor eric adams will be here in minutes welcome to the liane on jake tapper and we start with an enormously consequential de, in our law and justice lead the people of the state of new york versus donald j. trump. the very first day of opening statements. and a key witness taking the stand in this monumental first criminal trial ever of a former us president donald trump, flanked by his defense attorneys today, watch just team attempt to defend their quote, larger than life client charged with what prosecutors say was trump's role in alleged hush money cover-up scheme to silence porn actress and director stormy daniels who threaten to go public with the story of her brief dalliance with donald trump's. you wanted to go public before the 2016 flexion during opening statements, prosecutors said the case is a criminal conspiracy and a cover up. trump's defense attorney argued, quote, i have a spoiler alert. there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an
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election. it's called democracy. the defense also previewed another key tactic, get our aggressively attacking and attempting to discredit trump's former fixer and attorney michael cohen not to mention and stormy daniels, after opening statements, former publisher of america, media incorporated, david, took the stand. he said to continue his testimony tomorrow, starting at 11:00 a.m. eastern. cnn's kara scannell was inside the courtroom for all of it. and qarrah trump's team really started to dig into michael cohen tried to attack him, discredit him. they even said he has quote, an obsession with getting president, president trump tell us more yeah, jake well, a key witness for the prosecution is going to be michael cohen. >> he facilitated east hey, miss, he will testify about a meeting in the oval office that he had with the former president where they allegedly agreed to the repayment. so the key part of the defense is also to try to discredit cohen trump's attorney, todd blanche, focusing on him today, telling the jury he's previously lied under oath, they shouldn't believe what he is saying today and obsess. he said that repeatedly that
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michael cohen one is obsessed with donald trump adding his entire financial livelihood depends on president trump's destruction. you cannot make a serious decision about president trump relying on the words of michael cohen. no prosecutors told the jury that. yeah, michael cohen has baggage. they told him to keep them keep an open mind and to look at some of the documents and other evidence that would corroborate cohen's testimony. no trump's team also took some hits at stormy daniels. she is also expected to testify in this case they said that hur testimony i'll salacious. it doesn't matter because she has nothing to do with how these records were allegedly falsified in treated on the books of the trump organization and donald trump's personal in a ledger. so trying to knock down what will be some of the key witness testimony in this case as they tried to defend president trump and get the jury to return a verdict of not guilty. jake tara, we also learn more today about how donald trump's defense attorneys are going to try to distance trump from this alleged crime. tell us more about that so trump's attorneys
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are saying that the former president was not involved with how these records were allegedly falsified. >> remember this is both the invoices we will cohen submitted to the trump organization, how they were accounted for as legal expenses pursuant to a retainer agreement on the general ledgers of donald trump's personal or general ledger? and then the checks that he had nothing to do with the commission of the checks, though he did sign nine of them himself and one of the things that they said to the jury today, as they said, you will not hear one whit in this case, testified that donald trump told them how to book these expenses in the company's records. and that is a key part of their defense to say that will donald trump about these payments, which they say we're not illegal, that he didn't know about how they were accounted for. and this specific falsification that he is charged with, jake. >> all right. kara scannell outside court for us in manhattan. thanks so much. we want to take a moment now to remind you of just hu, david is the first witness to take the stand today and explain why
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prosecutors consider him critical to the case. and was the head of ami american media incorporated publishing staples of grocery store magazine stands such as the national enquirer fire or us weekly, or in touch. my not on the stand because of the latest diet trend or alien abduction testified today, we used checkbook journalism, meaning they paid sources for stories and key to this case, the concept behind the term catch and kill. that's when packer or his publications would hey, people for their stories so as to purposefully not publish the stories, keeping them from the public met with trump in august 2015, pledging to be the campaign's eyes and ears prosecutors alleged he went on to pay $30,000, for example, to a former dorman at trump-world tower or the dorman had claimed that trump had a child outside. is marriage, the national enquirer investigated, found the claims to be false, but they still paid the dorman 30
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gran to keep it quiet in 2018, ami has admitted to paying karen mcdougal, a former playboy playmate of the year hundred and $50,000 to suppress her story of having an affair with donald trump. to quote, prevent it from influencing the election also contacted michael cohen than trump's attorney to alert him that porn star and director stormy daniels was shopping around a story of a dalliance with donald trump. today, prosecutors claim was, quote, non-active as a publisher he was acting as a coconspirator unquote. now has been granted immunity to testify in this case. he resigned from his position at ami in 2020. he will return to the witness stand tomorrow. we're told let's bring in criminal defense attorney bill brennan and former federal prosecutor at jennifer rodgers to talk about this fascinating day in court today, jennifer, let's look ahead to testimony tomorrow it seems like today all the process questions were asked and tomorrow we might get
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more substantial testimony about conversations that mr. may have had directly with donald trump you expect to hear, i mean, after all has been granted immunity well, i think we'll hear all of what was previewed in the opening today. >> i think he'll say he was the eyes and ears that they agreed that he was going to play the role of keeping an eye out for stories that might be harmful to trump's candidacy. also, they agreed to publish negative stories about his opponents to publish positive stories about him. so i think we'll hear all about that and including this 2015 meeting that he had with trump, where trump would have directly either asked him are agreed that this was their plan. so i'm expecting that meeting for sure. and then as things went on, when the karen mcdougal google situation came up, for example, i'm expecting to hear about more conversations about the catch and kill with that, of course, was stormy daniels ami ultimately didn't pay for that. but i think the original plan was that they would and so i expect that so he's going to
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take us from the beginning, i think all the way up to the stormy daniels situation, which is one why i think it was a good idea to put them first. he sets the stage for what ultimately happens with the daniels payoff. >> so bill, you have represented trump before. what did you make the defense's strategy today when defense attorney todd blanche said, quote, there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. it's called democracy, as well as quote, trump fought back to protect his family his reputation and his brand. that is not a crime unquote i think a low jake, thanks for having i think todd's right about that. >> i mean there is the conundrum in this case. you've got some publisher of a magazine. it's headlines are typically elvis raising alien baby on mars. and he is trying to suppress news, paying out of his own coffers people not to come forth with stories. >> he's testifying under a
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grant of immunity, so he's a polluted stores. >> you've got a disbarred lawyer with an agenda. who has what we call law crimes of crimen falsey. he's a polluted source. i think they're going to go after these people hard judge verjee likely charged the jury. there's a classic charge, jury charge in latin, it's called forces to know them and falses and omnibus means tell one lie in one thing and the jury can presume eli and everything. so you've got a cough of witnesses here that do not come in with clean hands, and i think the defense has a lot to work with. >> jennifer. i want to get your take on something. mr. trump said after court raft for the day, take a listen it's a case as two book-keeping, which is a very minor thing in terms of the law, in terms of all the violent crime that's going on i'd as we as we speak right outside, as we speak so it
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sounds like he's admitting that there was a bookkeeping error what do you make of that? >> well, it's interesting, jake, because i noted that a couple of times during the prosecution's opening, they made this point about trump is frugal. he's a penny pinch or, and yet michael cohen was paid more than double what he paid stormy daniels like, why does that happen? why would trump do that? and the answer is because he had to he really had to hush this up and the way it happened was with all of these invoices. so i think they're setting the stage for saying trump knew he knew he would never pay more than double. what was paid to stormy daniels if he didn't know about this scheme, the way that it was going back to cohen because it had in part to do with making sure that cohen was hold poland wouldn't have to pay taxes on it. so they're really setting the stage for undercutting that defense pretty effectively. i think i built this morning trump defense attorney todd blanche went directly after not just michael cohen, but stormy daniels, telling the jury, quote, leading up to the 2016 election, she saw her chance
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painting or as an opportunist saying that nothing ever happened between trump and stormy daniels. >> jim trusty, a former trump attorney, told me this morning, he might have been if he'd been handling the case more subtle in terms of his criticism of stormy daniels, so as to not potentially alienate probably agree with gm go ahead. >> i think you tread softly with that particular witness. look, you can't just attack everybody if you want to go after this national enquirer person who's immunized, you want to go after the fixer. and how's that from an epitaph, the fixer. >> who's got a bunch of criminal convictions. >> he attacked those people, but i don't think you attack ms clifford, i think is her name. i think you do that in a moral i'll steal a line from jim in a more subtle way jennifer, why didn't prosecutors charged trump with conspiracy if they're framing of this whole case is a quote crim criminal conspiracy and cover up yeah, that's a good
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question. >> i mean, the reason is that there's no conspiracy aspect here would have been a conspiracy to impact the election. that is one of the ways that they are enhancing the financial falsehood charge, but they decided not to charge it themselves. i'm not exactly why they so still haven't made entirely clear the ways that they want to enhance it into a felony. so i suspect they just didn't think that they necessarily had it, which is why they also have been a little bit vague with which crimes they're using to enhance the misdemeanor into a felony. >> all right. bill brown and jennifer rodgers. thanks to both of you are coming up new insight into donald trump's mindset because he's forced to sit in that cold, cold courtroom listening to the alls hush money cover up trial so had new york mayor eric adams vits the lead, how he's dicting this city police department to ensure sety for jewish students at columbia university, while also protecting free speech, stay with us how it really happy.
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stuck in that chile courtroom today mr. trump launched into something of a rant after the trial wrap for the day attacking michael cohen set to be the key witness. >> slamming the merits of the case himself, a sailing his previous civil fraud case, which was over him misrepresenting the value of his assets. and without evidence blaming joe biden for all of his legal woes. let's bring in cnn's jim again, gale, as well as former trump white house attorney jim schultz, jimmy. what's your reaction to how trump behave today? >> he behaved but it was de one and i think it was also a short day. i think the real question is going to be when we see witnesses on the stand, how is he going to react to that? >> but like michael cohen or stormy? michael cohen, stormy daniels, david we're going to say, and also if there are audio tapes things like that, i think that he gets triggered pretty easily if past is prologue. >> so let's see, i think his lawyers every day or reminding
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him to try to behave, he gets a lollipop today, though, pretty well-behaved yes. gym today in opening statements, trump's defense attorney todd blanche trump is something of just a regular guy saying, quote, he's a man, he's a husband who's a father, who's a person just like you and just like me can the defense successfully convinced the jury that trump is just a regular guy with regular reactions, regular emotions. i mean he is a rather larger than life figure so i think two things, a couple of things. >> one, you to star witnesses in the case for the defense in this matter and koan, right. >> both have a lot of baggage, right? for the obvious reasons stated earlier, cohen, because of his vendetta his alleged vendetta against trump. right. so that's coming front-and-center. you're going to see donald trump every day attacking michael cohen. michael cohen attacking the same, and they're going to trade barbs in-kind. you're going to see that every day and on top of that, then this portrayal that he's a regular guy, that he is a husband, that
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he's a father that feeds into the theory of the case, right? the prosecution's theory of the case is that this was all about an election. this was all about a cover up for an election which todd blanche says accurately, that that in and of itself is not a crime. so what is the crime? the underlying crimes relating to the felony charge here they're gonna look to campaign finance. there we're gonna look to tax and all of those things. and the prosecution's going to say this was about hit, yes, donald trump didn't want this coming to light, but he had nothing to do with how it was recorded and the underlying the underlying crimes here just aren't something that was charged by the federal government, charged by the state government, and the overall, this is a weak case. and i think that's what you're going to hear out of defense, jaime, it must be pretty difficult for anyone let alone somebody in their late 70s to sit in the courtroom every day for six weeks in the cold hearing, nasty things about you very cold not to mention like he's not in control. the judges and he has
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animus towards the judge personally, this must be frustrating for them we know that donald trump likes to be in control. >> i think it's beyond frustrating for him. the other day the judge told him to sit down, he did, but i'm sure he didn't like that. and he's not used to also. i'm curious to see if it takes the toll that he has to even show up at court at 9930 every morning. >> that's early for him. you may remember when he was president i believe we called it a executive time. >> he would not come down to the oval office until 11 or 11, 30 his behavior, how he reacts to this not being in control if the judge tells him to do something in front of the jury, i think is going to make him very uncomfortable. i also wonder whether it goes to what jim was talking about, about this strategy of making them a regular guy. he is larger than
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life. >> but you remember the other day, one of the jurors who is dismissed, two potential jurors said she went in there, she saw him. >> she's lived and she said he's just some guy just some guy and jim, former president trump repeated today that these frustrated this is this trials keeping him from the campaign trail. >> he is the presumptive republican presidential nominee. how hard do you think this trial is for him as a candidate? >> oh it's got to be really hard, right? he's he's someone who wants to be on the road. he wants to be doing his rallies. he wants to be out in front of people doing off the record, stops and pizza shops and other things. and in those swing states, like you'd like, he's done time and time again. he can't do any of that right now except for when he's not in cork. that's got how to be crushing. >> all right. jaime, again, go on. jim schultz, thanks to both you appreciate a testimony from key witness david is not the only big moment coming up in court tomorrow. the major question the judge merchan says
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healthcare to after care. community schools can wrap so much around public schools. ...and through meaningful partnerships with families, they become centers of their communities. real solutions for kids and communities at monday, raj on capitol hill in this is cnn continuing in our law and justice lead donald trump's hush money cover-up trial resumes tomorrow morning. >> and addition to former national enquirer publisher, david back on the stand there will also be a significant hearing on the gag order that trump is under in this case. let's bring in tom but dupri, former principal deputy assistant attorney general, thomas, start with his gag order hearing. we're going to hear tomorrow. it's going to start before they even bring the jury and prosecutors want judge merchan to fine trump for what they say have been at least seven violations of the gag order in which trump has been told not to insult. he can
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insult the prosecutor and you consult the judge, but he can't insult the families of anybody there of either of those two or the witnesses. how do you see it playing out? >> yeah. we'll look at your right. the judge has specified list basically, if people people who are possible targets for insulting people who are off & the prosecutors say, trump has just run roughshod over those limits. i think the judge is going to take the prosecutors allegations pretty seriously. are the prosecutors have put forward a bunch of tweets, some that trump originally posted himself, some that he reposted from, others that prosecutors say violated the gag order. i think this is a judge who is very sensitive instead of to the need to preserve the integrity of this proceeding, that means protecting witnesses from attacks, protecting jurors from its acts, and that he may well find trump. i don't think he's going to go so far as to try to throw trump in jail or anything like that, he may have stern language. she may have a warning. he may impose a nominal fine, but i think you'll make clear to former president trump that if this behavior continues he's going to up the possible you think they will get one last chance, got to cut it out now, but you don't think he's going to find
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them tomorrow? oh, he may find them, but i think there'll be nominal fines. i think that the purpose of tomorrow really is for the judge to make clear that in the judge's view, this behavior across the line and that he needs to maintain the integrity of this forum in this process. >> so let's go to the witnesses because david was on the stand for about 25 minutes today before they adjourn because an alternate juror had a dentist's appointment he's going to be called again tomorrow. david, what do you looking for? >> well, what i'm looking for is the way that the prosecutors see is fitting into this whole narrative. we heard today something we hadn't really heard a lot before, that in the problem computers view, there was a conspiracy which is significant because we hadn't heard that before, and it places at the center of this of trump cohen in an effort to catch and kill stormy daniels story. i think will be very interesting is to see how the prosecutors use testimony to build this story for the jury to really frame all the evidence that's going to fall follow to say that everything trump did everything michael cohen did was for the purpose of catching this story and suppressing it. so looking ahead to thursday as the trial
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continues, and trump is going to be in the near courthouse. >> some of his other members of his legal team are going to be before the us supreme court in what's shaping up to be a blockbuster hearing on whether trump has total immunity in the federal election subversion case. now, former congresswoman and co-chair of the january 6 committee, congresswoman liz cheney wrote an op-ed today in the new york times urging the supreme court justices to decide this case quickly. she weren't quote, if delay prevents this trump case from being tried this year, the public may never hear critical and historic evidence developed before the grand jury and our system may never hold the man most responsible for january 6 to account that she suggests there's key evidence against trump grand jury testimony from mark meadows is former chief of staff and former white house aide dance. give me you know that the january 6 committee did not have that needs to be heard. what do you think? >> look, i think the supreme court takes these constitutional issues very seriously. i don't i think they are going to go as far as former president trump is asking them to go. i don't think they are going to sign off on the broad scope of presidential immunity is advocating that's crazy.
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>> that he could do anything that's right. >> but i think the interesting question to me at least goes to congresswoman's cheney's point, which is to say, is the supreme court going to simply say no immunity here? let's get on but what the trial or are they going to say that there may be some immunity here, but the contours need to be developed and determined by the district court. if that's how the supreme court decides this case, it could well result in additional delay that pushes this behind the election as the district court has to wrestle with whether these allegations fall within the scope of this immunity. >> all right. tom pretty thanks so much. appreciate it coming up next. some of the more vile anti-israel protests at columbia university have led leaders there to question the safety of jewish students. i'm going to get the response of new york city mayor eric adams. >> live from the nation's capital, one of the most unforgettable night in dc. >> there's wonderful read back here again. >> is it biden and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner live saturday at seven
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birds when freedom calls, we're here to answer. this is cnn the world's news internationally today, while many pro-palestinian protest or anti-israel protests have been peaceful across several us colleges. others without question have become hateful and threatening over the weekend at yale university of jewish student journalists, documenting a campus rally says a protester assaulted her jabbing a palestinian flag near her. i a human chain then formed around her after she said she tried to confront the person at columbia university in new york over the weekend, an orthodox rabbi affiliated with the school urged jewish students to leave campus for their own safety others at the school said that was not necessary. the jewish students center nonetheless has nypd protection and public safety escorts for anyone celebrating passover. tensions are so high classes at the ivy league school went virtual today. the
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peaceful protesters have been overshadowed by anti-semitic ones. we hear in videos one protest or shouting out, go back to europe and much worse, praise of hamas praise of the october 7 hamas attack. new york city mayor eric adams says some protest, hate speech. protesters used hate speech that praise come out with chants of quote, we don't want zionist here i've seen anti-israel chance filled with profanities such as this could be heard one of those condemning the anti-semite submitted rhetoric at columbia university in new york city. mayor eric adams, and may are adams joins us now maire adams, thanks for joining us on sunday, you released a statement, part of which reads, quote, i have instructed the nypd to investigate any violation of law that is reported rest assured. the nypd will not hesitate to arrest anyone who was found to be breaking the law. but you also said columbia university and is a private institution on private property, which means the nypd cannot have a presence on campus unless specifically requested by senior university
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officials. do you think columbia is doing enough to protect its students, especially it's student, jewish students. and you worry that sending an nypd might actually inflame matters well before so i want to say that i know would protest is about participated in protests throughout my life particularly during the south african african calling for the dismantling of apartheid that is wanted to fundamental rights we hold dear as americans, right? >> hi, to protest what we are seeing playing out on minibar college campuses. and particularly columbia university is hate we're seeing bile language being used and at no time should we call for the destruction of anyone? should we call for violence towards anyone that it is not a word protesting is about. now, we have to go within the law in this country and in his of
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comments like that on its surface are not illegal. but if you use it to harass and someone are minutes, someone we're going to take appropriate action to stop them from taking place? and we will go on private property for imminent threat, even though it's a private property, this imminent threat or danger to someone, the nypd will go on that private property so obviously, as you know, protest is an important part of being an american free speech is an important part of being an american. where is the line? for example, i've seen video of somebody at the gaza and can't min at columbia standing up and talking about how great october 7 hamas attacks on israel was and calling the hamas terrorist, calling them freedom fighters. is that hate speech or is that protected free speech? where do you come down on that? >> and that is believe it or not, as, as vile as it could be, because hamas should destroyed from the axis. they
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did on october 7 and other actions but that does not fall into a crime if someone makes a comment that they want to join a terrorist organization, that's going to come on the investigation but the commissioner >> role and obligation. and when someone crosses that line, we're going to take necessary action. >> you you are also urging columbia officials, university officials to improve and maintain an open line of communication with the nypd. in your opinion, what areas does colombia need to improve so that people can have free speech rights? it's been also jewish students can live their lives without being harassed and attacked and told that hamas is coming to get them or told that they should go back to poland and it's
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clearly i could feel that of this moment, as i stated, i understand the pain that is playing out in israel and in gaza at this time, understand what palestinian new yorkers are going through in a peaceful way to display that honestly then what of these israeli experience. >> so on october 7th and soon to do duality of that moment is important, but also look back to little rock, arkansas and what it mean for men, for african americans, xubi exploded on campuses because they were afraid for their lives. and that is what i see when i see jewish students i'm going through this at this moment. there is no place for hate in his city. i don't care if it's antisemitism, islamophobia, anti-semitism. we don't have a place with that and not don't want to be and i won't be the mayor. we have to take off for your new job, your yamaka or your turbine when you
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enter a place of higher education? cation or use our transportation system or workout streets. so i just want to make sure that i understand something because i'm really i'm really genuinely confused. so we've seen video protestors saying alka psalm, which is the which is the armed part of hamas, the militant arm of hamas aka psalm, you make us proud killer but another soldier now, these are people chanting this in the streets outside columbia university. >> but right next to colombia, we say justice, you say how burn tel aviv to the ground. hamas, we love you. we support your rockets to red, black, green, and white. we support hamas is fight. it is right to rebel, aka, i'll kusama again, that's come on. give them hell it's right to rebel. hamas. >> give them hell. >> that is protected speech in new york. >> but my question is well, tell me what's your, what's your take on that? because that's that's one of the things that students are hearing i think his vow, i think is disgusting i think it
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is something that someone should not be communicated. but my my thoughts in opinion does not determine law. it is up to the deputy commissioner of legal matter and is up to the police department to see if a person has used using those terminologies to follow someone to threaten someone to arrest someone, then you cross the line. and that is what we are doing at this time. and i think the police department, after actually policing over 500 protests in the city, you're not seeing was playing out across the globe with the destruction of property. you're not seeing in massive psalters of individuals, this police department is the best at handling a situation is like this, and that's what we're going to have to do and continue to do. >> new york mayor eric adams. thanks so much for your time today, sir. i appreciate it. >> thank you. take these protests, columbia and mit and yale and michigan and so many campuses across the country are creating a moment that has lawmakers in congress reacting one of them invoked charlottesville in his
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reaction, we'll talk about that next. the most posted show, late night, that sounds awesome insane to be real useful thing currently such good daily show, tonight, i'm 11 tommy central it's odd how in an instant things can transform the thing out of balance in a free fall this is happening. >> people are there so few certainties is we navigate a future and no i'm glad i found stability and midst it all, go standing the test of time this making you uncomfortable. good. >> when you've got type two diabetes like me, you have up to four times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or worse
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mr. alvarez at the white house and this is cnn in our politics lead as protest against israel continued to escalate at
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columbia university and spread to other university campuses. >> they're drawing bipartisan condemnation from democrats and republicans yesterday senator john fetterman, fetterman, a democrat from pennsylvania, posted on x quote, add some tiki torches and it's charlottesville for these jewish students to columbia president minouche shafik do your job or resigned. so columbia can find someone who will and fetterman is not the only one calling for her resignation today. house republican elise stefanik posted on twitter, after months of a piecing radical pro terror professors columbia is leadership has surrendered the campus to violent pro hamas anti-semites. president shafik has failed her most basic duty. keep keeping students safe. she must resign unquote. let's bring in our political panel to discuss a rascal. then we start with you just to underscore the dilemma in which president biden finds himself, the white house came out very strong against some of the hateful antisemitism we've, we've heard of columbia, but this is what joe biden said today when asked about the protest i
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condemn protest. that's why i've set up to do that. i also condemned those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians i also condemned those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians you know, it's a difficult line that he's trying to walk because not only is he dealing with these protests that are happening on colleges, college campuses, his campaign and is being routinely protested wherever they go. >> large protests and small protests. but as a president, can you see this? you see people with their signs and you see that people are activated against you and that they are asking you to take action. and these are people who are mostly going to be anti-israel and anti the war and so are anti the war, i should say. and so i think that he is trying to do this balance where he is trying to be sincere let's move to the needs of those who are concerned about the palestinians while also standing up against anti-semitism. and i think it's gonna be a very difficult line to walk right now. i think
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that right now you have a country that is very volatile and that is very worked up and you're seeing that on these campuses and donald trump also weighed in on protests. here's what he posted on truth, social, amanda, the palestinian protests at columbia university, university have closed the college down. all caps, but the areas surrounding the courthouse in downtown manhattan is closed up like a drum with new york city's finest police all over the place why not send some coolant to colombia to protect jewish students and others? the university would then not have to shut down republicans want the right to protest in front of the courthouse, like everyone else somehow came all the way back to himself yeah. >> he he made it about him. i mean he was signaling at the whole time this is coming back to me yeah. >> yeah. i mean it's a difficult situation it shouldn't be hard for biden or trump or anyone to look at this and say this is unacceptable. you're blocking activity on campus. you were advocating violence against other
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students. i mean, point blank. that is unacceptable and it needs to stop that should be the focus. >> what did you think? the fetterman comparing what we seen in charlotte's i mean, what we seen in colombia in terms of some of the more viral anti-semitism pro hamas stuff with charlottesville with what happened in charlotte. >> i think he's right now. charlottesville went further. heather higher was murdered. >> write a peaceful citizen of charlottesville who was protesting for equal rights and civil rights that's murdered and that nothing like that has happened o'clock. >> i don't think center of fetterman is trying to draw an equivalent to that murder. >> but the statements that are being reported coming out of columbia university area protesters. >> and those protesters tried to sound very similar. here's the thing for me politically, the acid test of a liter it's how do you call out someone on your side of the great divide in america, right? so this has happened and i've got the, the president statement here. every american has the right to peaceful protests, but calls for violence and physical intimidation targeting jewish students and a jewish community are blatantly anti-semitic,
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unconscionable, and dangerous that's not what mr. trump said about right-wing protesters in charlottesville, right? he seemed to me when he was present to draw false equivalence between the peaceful folks there and these neo-nazis. so i think this takes, it actually takes some political courage for joe biden. those unlikely trump voters out there at columbia. but i i admire, i think voters ultimately, i think open it will pay off for him. but you have to call out extremism wherever it is. and that's, that's a true test to a liter biden passes that test. i don't think mr. trump does. yeah. i mean, one of the things that i've heard from some democrats is they say, jamie raskin is the one i'm thinking of. y is at stefanik the one leading the charge about this because she as you note is doesn't exactly lead the charge against the anti-semites on the right, here's what congressman raskin last december said. when it came to at least a phonic as the leader peter of this the issue with at least a phonic is that while
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she's posing as a great champion of the jews and opponent of antisemitism on campus and for college presidents, she won't say anything about presidential anti-semitism when it comes to the white house, the real president of the united states and that of course is a much greater threat to jews in america when you have donald trump, who says things like they're very fine people on both sides of it. >> in anti-semitic race riot called by neo-nazis in charlottesville, virginia every spent jamie raskin a great deal it makes me uncomfortable to watch people play politics with the issue of anti-semitic semitism i mean, it's wrong when it's wrong at least a phonic, sometimes she doesn't get it right because she is playing politics with it. >> and so if you want this to stop, you've got to say, i will stand up for the jewish people, no matter what side they fall on. i mean, it doesn't matter if it's against donald trump or were in colombia. it shouldn't be a partisan issue like this. and
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so again, i respect jamie raskin, but i don't think you have to use it as a wedge again, against the other side. one of the other things that's unusual about this is look, obviously most of the protesters at columbia are peaceful. >> yes. no one is disputing that. yeah. but the idea that somebody is upset about people who are not peaceful obviously most of them are not anti-symmetric okay, yeah. but the idea that somebody is upset about the anti-semitic ones, it seems like there's a great conflation by both sides on this. >> people who wants to portray any criticism of israel as anti-semitic, but in this case, i see a lot of people on the left saying, oh, i was just there on thursday and there was no anti-semitism. >> well, that doesn't mean that it wasn't they're in a different part of the university two days later. >> i mean, it's one of those things where we don't do nuance here, right? we like to paint a very broad brush, brush. everyone's bad, or everyone's good. and this is one of those situations where there are a lot of people who are genuinely concerned about the palestinians and they are not anti-semitic, but do you
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have people who are also making these very extreme comments? so how do you draw that divide? i mean, it could seem simple, but when you have people who are very worked up and feel like president biden has not done enough and that their money is going towards israel and they feel like israel is doing very bad things. that is a very difficult walk for the president well, it is, and it's only just beginning watch. god helped me chicago at the democratic convention. yeah, right. there were already displaced i know what could go wrong. >> now, we did have a convention there in 1996, which was wonderful, but we all remember the history of 1968. >> the democratic convention. i think there's, at least is a democrat lot of democrats very, very concerned if that, if that protest movement turns violent and chicago speeches, great speeches, great, even, even the most outrageous statements are in american tradition, right? but conduct could really be problematic thanks to one and all donald trump rightly pointed out after court today that the new york much money case brings up allegations that are nearly eight years old. why
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sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. mourn liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn and welcome to the lead. >> i'm jake tapper. this our nfl owner, robert kraft will be here. he's a columbia alum, the schools jewish center for jewish student life is named after him now, mr. kraft says he has lost confidence in the university coming up. his strong reaction to colombia's handling of tens. and at times harassing protests against israel, prompting questions about the safety of jewish students on campus. plus investigating how hollywood production work ended up on internet servers that belonged to north korea, that someone at a us studio unknowingly outsource animation work. cnn is following the trail and leading this our opening statements and testimony from a key witness today on the unprecedented criminal trial against the former president of