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tv   Inside Politics With Manu Raju  CNN  April 21, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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observing this sort of dark new front line between species hungry for the same space on this planet. and what that really shows for where we as humans are going, because those same tensions, you see there writ large between elephant and human. very much the ones that play out between people every day victor amara, fascinating luck. be sure to tune it to an all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper, one whole hour, one whole topic airs tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern and pacific only on cnn thank you so much for watching cnn this morning. >> i wanted before we go though highlight allison chinchar, who is always dressed for the weather these beautiful sues that have what on them pretty much every kind of whether you could imagine and are 30 tomorrow by the way. so governors of your sin, but you've got the raindrops on your shoes, everything show that we are having a rainy day here. thanks for being with us
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inside politics does next trump on trying rig drought, and the whole world is watching. >> is donald trump makes history in the courtroom biden's spends the week on the trail it's common for your money. >> your health care, and your show security. and we're not going to let it happen how will trump's case reshaped the rais plus an exclusive interview with vice president harris, and johnson in jeopardy. this is embarrassing. >> he's doing nothing but serving the democrats the slap in the face to america. new behind the scenes details. >> congress has finally getting its act together as speaker johnson takes on his right flank you did the right thing. so real profile in courage what he did, but really cost him his job plus end of an era are exclusive. sit down with two senate dealmakers you've got to
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lower the temperature, not raised, the temperature will they support biden or trump leading biden supplied to the border where we are today, the prices we have yet in politics, that's reporting from inside the corridors of power starts now good morning. >> welcome. exact baltic sunday or monday, raja, the stage has now have been set for historic week. the jury empanelment, donald trump's first of four criminal cases and opening statements set to begin in about 24 hours. all a first for an x president. now, in the thick of a hugely consequential presidential election, as he stands as accused falsifying records in a hush money scheme to silence is alleged mistress before in 2016 elections. trump, of course, has pleaded not guilty. the case as a dose of uncertainty to an already tumultuous and closely contested presidential race. now, trump is required to come to court whenever it is insertion& that trial could
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last five to seven more weeks. in the meantime, the former president has been on a rampage as he made clear more than about a dozen social media posts about presidential immunity and is ongoing trial. and that is just yesterday alone. now, trump's weekday campaign has not been relegated to as quick speeches in the courtroom hallway in front of the press, rather than in front of rally crowds. >> this is an outbreak at this case was brought political persecution. we think we have a very highly conflicted shouldn't be on the case. i'm supposed to be in georgia. i'm supposed to be north carolina, south carolina he wants to be in different places campaigning but i've been here all day. a judge wants to go as fast as possible. this is really a concerted very simple now rate remains to be seen if trump has violated his gag order with any of his remarks about the case that's what prosecutors are alleging in a hearing for that is set for tuesday.
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>> now, let's break this all down with our great panel this morning. seung min kim from the associated press john breath man from punchbowl news, and olivia nude see from new york magazine. morning guys digest lot to get through the course of this busy our olivia, i want start with you because you actually been a cover in the courtroom watching donald trump as they began the jury selection process. what has been your observation about but how he has dealt with this, especially as they're raising some of these salacious details and they've gone through the jury selection process. how has he been dealing with this in the courtroom? >> i don't think any criminal defendant is happy to be there and fairness, but he seems particularly not happy to be there. he seems to have a very difficult time sitting there and doing nothing all day long. and it sort of seems like he's chomping at the bit to get out of there to the extent that he was reprimanded by the judge when he tried to jump up and have a seat at the end of a session on friday and leave apparently, the judge leaves first. i did not know this and neither do donald trump and he seems very frustrated and
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depressed and it was interesting when he got to his word, he was circling his rally in north carolina last night, and he couldn't land and he told the crowd there that they would have to go home due to weather he kept apologizing to them and saying, i'm sorry, any sounded very sad and i thought i've never heard donald trump's say, i'm sorry before about any topic it seems like he's struggling emotional level. >> we got a lot more time with them. you have to sit in the courtroom. we'll see how he continues to deal with. then of course, there's how the voters will deal with them, which is of course the most important thing is we assess the impact that this can have on the election. want to get really deep into that through the course of this hour, the just a real sense of this from ap poll that came out just a couple of weeks or right before the trial began. how when we believe that trump acted illegally and look at the cases here for criminal cases, of course, the hush-money case is the lowest among registered voters about whether they believe he was acting illegally in the case and the question two, how much
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were you paying attention to trump's legal cases? 62% and say a lot or some paying attention to trump's cases. we'll see how much more than increases this trial really begins in earnest this week. >> and then what then? of course, the big question the outcome, the verdict, what happens if donald trump is convicted in this case here 22 percent of independent voters, he is fit to be present if he is convicted. of course, though, he could be acquitted the question i wasn't is positive is convicted. there could be hung jury. he could be acquitted. he this could be the only case that comes to a verdict before& that can have an impact. it just shows you the unpredictability of how this law play yeah. >> right. right. and another fascinating point about that, paul, you mentioned there's only about a third of voters who thought he did something illegal in this particular case, we're close to half of voters think he did illegal. on the other three cases. so you do see how at least in the court of public opinion this particular criminal case isn't
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seen particularly as seriously as the other charges he's facing and the district and florida and in georgia, which is i think partly why the prosecutors have tried to brand does not as a hush-money case before the election interference case, to try to bring the gravity of this of these charges of what trump is facing more to the public eye, but i do think it'll be really interesting to see what happens if there is a verdict and if that verdict is guilty, obviously, could go through a lengthy appeals process as well but of the pool that you mentioned, 47% of independents did say that this would make him unfit to serve the democrats and republicans are in their partisan corners even on that question. but we're really watching the independent it's here and 47, it should be a warning, should be at least alarming number for donald trump. >> and we'll his party abandoned him. that's another question till moment. there's really no indication of that. many of them are aligning themselves with trump has said that he is the victim of unfair prosecution. i put the question actually did a lot of republicans over the past couple of weeks, not just about
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whether the about the trial, but really about the underlying allegations about hush money payments to silence is someone who was allegedly having an alleged extramarital affair with. and will the enemy concerns about just the underlying allegations themselves? >> he's originally character issues with the former president i mean, it's it's nothing that i would engage him. it always bothers me when politicians our alleged to have done things that are unseemly to salacious trial. >> it makes for good television on this. >> this is a throwback to the clinton administration. if he gets convicted, we still support them. they you know, you're talking about a hypothetical that we can talk about if it becomes real at some point. in future. >> i'd made my views known about these and related topics a lot of the year. so i don't anything more to add, but thank you for the question at least thanked me for the class you very realize you know, yeah well. he is the one who does a
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poll those are not supporting down trump's not. yeah, but just breads. then you talked to all these republicans as well. will there be if he's convicted, how will they respond this you'll say tuple, say he's going to peel it is, i would guess they're gonna align themselves with trump's 100%. >> i mean, there, i mean for better or worse, they're they have to stay with trump through the election. i mean, their feet is his feet. so they'll just say, you know, if he's convicted, they'll say a partisan democrat district attorney, manhattan, pursued a case that the fed's wouldn't go out. federal justice department, when go after and they got a political verdict in a political case, and that's it. i mean, what trump has done, you have to give him credit in this sense tactically are politically. >> he's tried to make the new york case about brag, about album, the de alvin bragg and about about the process. instead of he was paying off a porn star in the white house as president united states. i mean we don't get to that enough. it's like then the other thing the other big thing for him
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that we've got michael cohen is the middleman and michael cohen is a very troubled witness. >> let's put it that way. >> you know it's a difficult case. you could see with the you can see with the jurors, what are these poor people who are going to have to sit in judgment of this? that's what was extraordinary to me from the house. >> yeah. >> and then i don't think the republicans are going anywhere in this. as we look at the campaign, the impact on the campaign, clearly this is having an impact both on this calendar and on his money, just on the calendar? >> that this is going to take potentially till early june. and so trump does most of his rallies on the weekends anyway. so maybe it doesn't really have an impact on the rallies, but this is where we're consuming his type. and then i'm the money just knew numbers that just came out from one of his packs about the legal fees that were spent 3.7 million as total spent as of the end of march on legal fees that's from his one of his packs. i mean, clearly this is having an impact on the campaign. >> it is. i mean, i've joked
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that it's sort of like the campaign in the court are sharing custody of donald trump. >> he's there on mondays and tuesdays. he's off on wednesdays he's awesome weekends and he's planning these rallies. i've met me see is planning something in the tri-state area? it seems like they're trying to maybe contained in a little bit. he's doing one in wild, but new jersey, you can go to the boardwalk after perhaps feel like it. >> and i don't know how he's going to have the stamina. >> and when your argument against the incumbent president is he doesn't have stamina and you are being witnessed hobbling out of court most days of the week. i think it makes it much more difficult to make that type of political argument against president biden. yeah, you're coming up. we have more to talk about what do play past trump voters really think about his legal troubles let's swayed their votes will heal for them and new reporting ahead on speaker johnson's maneuvering to steal a massive foreign aid package to the house the de you get your clear choice, dental
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>> the maga basin former president trump are in lockstep on this point, they believe is criminal cases are grossly unfair and that he is the victim. but what about other republicans and the wider electorate, many of whom he'll have to secure when two over to secure another four years in the white house. republican strategist sarah longwell is here to help answer that question. she's the publisher of the conservative website, the bulwark& the founder of republican voters against trump. and she's been holding focus groups of voters to hear their thoughts on all things. 2024, liivia, nude scene. it's still here to help us break us all down. good morning, sir. thank you for joining us so you've been running these focus groups can you just quickly explain how you're conducting these focus groups and just what your big takeaway is here. >> yes. so i do at least one or two focus groups every single week. i talked to swing voters. i talked a democrats and progressives. but i really focused on sort of two time trump voters and people who are either, they voted for trump before and they're out on him or swing voters who may be
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voted for biden, but are backsliding like i really tried to figure out who is part of this election is going to be the determinant voter and how they're thinking about things and the number one takeaway that i have is there's this group called the double-haters. the double doubters, are the impacts on both their houses, right? they are frustrated with biden. maybe they voted for him last time, but they are right leading independence soft gop voters and they're not loving the job he's doing, but also they do not want to vote for trump. and so teasing out how that voter is going to go is a deep interests. >> and that's hugely consequential. just wanted you to listen to arizona women who you talk to, your group, talk to on thursday march, need to know about trump. >> how many allegations, how many criminal suits have to come before he is no longer somebody that we want to consider as running the country. it's just a collective of all the cases. it's speaks volumes about his character. it's bizarre that
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he's going to be on the ballot. i exactly the same it in their son's me honestly now, again, these are trump 2016 voters, biden 2020 voter swing voters in arizona, arizona women, it's consistent with the national polling on this issue. >> new york times net sienna college poll recently said, do they believe the hush money charges are a serious menn, 45% women, 70% of women. i think that's serious what, do, you think he's so here's what's happening with women on this case is it reminds them of one of the things that they really dislike about donald trump, which is that they think he's gross to women and so four, i think menn and even sometimes just for the broader electorate, one of the reasons they take this case less seriously is because oftentimes when people talk about it, they're saying porn star. and so everybody's like well, that just doesn't sound that serious. sounds like one of trump's antics. but for these women, one of the reasons that they switched their votes from buy, from trump to biden back in 2020 is that they thought that trump lack had bad character and created chaos and
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was gross to women. and so this highlights and reinforces it for them. and so they take it more seriously and is the trump campaign when anything about the fact that there are so many women voters were concerned about these characters. >> they can't change his personality and they can't change his personal history that we're all deeply aware of. they are trying to focus it's on bragged. they're trying to focus on, quote, unquote witch hunt. they're doing their best to take the focus off of allegations about his sexual misconduct over the years. and in fact, at the hearing on friday, part of the conversation is about whether or not it would be okay if in the theoretical circle stands that trump does sit for a cross-examination, as he said, that he would if it would be okay to ask him about e. jean carroll about various things in his past related to sexual mr. hello to allegations. >> and so trump is martyrdom, messaging is cooling, working with a significant amount of republicans as something not to discount another set of focus group voters here to time general election trump foreigners for 2016 and 2020, but who voted for nikki haley in a primary this cycle. and
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what do they what did they think? about these charges in these various trump cases this is stuff that happens every day with larger companies and things like that. it seems to me like liberals in the country are saying donald trump's are criminal. let's find a crime dependent with, i think probably is the most serious is the classified documents one but then biden had classified documents and even pence ended up with quest's saying, oh, i found one in my house to which it makes me think they're all rather careless that's reaction to that. yeah i mean, these are people who look they're there, they don't love trump. >> they voted for nikki haley in the primary, but they're still it just shows how deeply the narrative has penetrated among republicans of all kinds that this is a witch on, that trump uniquely this is an attempt to take him down now that democrats are after him, there's a two-tier justice system. i hear this from republicans across the board.
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and so that is one of the reasons that trump has not some i guess, or maybe that is how i put it. he has some armor against these court cases which is just the general republican frame that these are just politically motivated, which ons against drunk and just looking at them polls about how voters, voters view this. but whether they believed these charges are some were very or somewhat believable, 73% actually believed that reuters, that's reuters, ipsos, paul, about in his hush money case, but then the question is, are they serious? and this is consistent with what those voters you're talking two, 64% still significant amount believers series, but it is lower than those other cases, those other three criminal cases, so much has to go right for this trial to continue to the point maria reach a verdict. anything could happen that could screw it all up, frankly, for the process to caters. but if it continues, if it continues for several weeks, i think day-in and day-out conversation about donald trump in the courtroom as a criminal defendant, him being kind of pulled off of the campaign trail i'll able. to stay on whenever his message he really
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hasn't message ever that he's sticking to. i'm still waiting for infrastructure week. >> but he's keeping him tethered to the subject of his legal drama. >> yeah. i think that's going to have a very negative effect and people will perceive him as someone who maybe is a criminal the question is, is this how voters will in a viewing this in november, if this is done by jill, well, i'll just say, you right now, there's been so many court cases. he has so many indictments that for the voters, a lot of it tends to be white noise. but as the case is separate out and people follow them individually, you could see these numbers start to shift as people understand this isn't about a porn star or even hush money. it's about the way he past the shuttered the big narrative that this is all sort of embroidery. it's not, he is someone who has no respect for the rule of law who thinks that there is a different sentence? standards for him. who gets away with things. a lot of his voters in his super base. would ever be able to get away with but, and so i think that is very troubling for him in near evenly divided bacteria, very, very unprintable, great
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discussion. thank you both. >> all right, cnn will have special live coverage of the opening statements and former president trump's hush money trial starting tomorrow in 9:00 a.m. eastern on cnn and streaming mean and macs house divided in the speaker's job in jeopardy, how mike johnson finally evolved on ukraine aid and what it could mean for his future with the gavel he's going to cause us to lose the majority at this point is completely de-motivated are based it was like an aha moment. this is what i love doing early-stage companies have this energy that energized yes, it's these are people who are trying to change the world when i volunteer with women entrepreneurs, it's the same thing i'm helping people reach their dreams i'm dabbing by having others thrive every day peoples who no, no video right now, pet dander skin cells in
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loved, thanking i'm sunlen serfaty in washington, and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ends this tiny homes trend now this is more like it. >> same goes for my foot work. well, i went hand three with wide fit sketcher slip-ups, dry wipe fit sketcher slip in mike johnson was not well-known when he assumed the speakership six months ago, as a staunch socials conservative and a skeptic of more ukraine aid hard lenders thought he would
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advance their cause. >> but if he faces the realities of divided washington gets acts as a top-secret briefings. his views and tactics have evolved. my new reporting this morning with any grayer, melanie zanona highlights how the internal gop battle unfolded behind the scenes and why johnson defied his right flank. all the while risking his job and a foreign aid package that includes 61 billion in aid to ukraine. and he was not afraid to call up house democratic leader hakeem jeffries to get the job done. and now hardliners are enraged i think every american in this country should be furious. >> this is the third betrayal by mike johnson characterized speaker johnson's handling of ukraine and all these other coordinate surrender, the way that they never prioritize center-right america begins. priorities, never and that's where we've ended up again. and i think it's it's it is it's. honestly, it's tough to
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defendant right now. it's a slap in the face two america. he's showing that he's out of his element here. >> well, what, what is showing is that that in my humble opinion, we are allowing chuck schumer to run the house of representatives and to me that's very disturbing now, johnson was torn between those loud voices on his right in the pleas of help from ukrainian president zelenskyy, as well as many in the gop plus sources say a recent classified cia briefing helped convince johnson as did some prayer what changed for him well, you went through a transformation, no question. >> but also i think he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders and it really was falling on him and i was with him the night before he made the decision. he preyed on it. and the next day, he said, i want to be on the right side of history and i think he will be now since hardliners are still pushing to oust him, he needs democrats to keep his job. >> but despite this move on, ukraine, some on the left say they should not help a
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conservative speaker i believe that the democratic base will have a lot of pointed questions for democrats who vote to keep mike johnson and the speaker's chair backlash. >> i think there will be a backlash i mean, this is really been fascinating moment. >> you really rarely see a politician or ball like this, just really in real time typically people have dug into. their. positions, escially in this year of politics. the one reason why he is in a bit of a pickle with his colleagues is the way the vote came down. the minority of house republicans voted to approve ukrainian. there's 101 republicans voted, yes, hundred and 12 voted no. all democrats voted for it johnson's deal-cutting over the last six months as speaker in raids, those folks on the right where there's government funding over on this issue of foreign aid bills, the foreign intelligence surveillance act and the national defense authorization act two, you've
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covered my johnson really essentially became a member. what is your takeaway from his handling of those? >> i honestly am surprised he did the ukraine bill i for a long time, i my colleague jake german, i would debate this is gonna do it is you're gonna do it. and we thought he wasn't going to do it. and then he would. but democrats in the white house all thought throughout this process that they were we're talking to johnson, they're talking to his top staff that they had a channel to him and that he was listening to them and that they thought there was a very good chance he would do is any ended up doing it. so i mean, i was surprised he did it. i do think there'll be an attempt to remove him now. that's clearly going to happen. a motion to vacate is what the technical term for it is. you had martin drew taylor greene has already introduced this. she has several named co-sponsors of this. and will democrats have to vote to really keep him in place? i think i was talking to one republican yesterday. it's very interesting to me the
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whole split inside the republican party, this republican said there will never be another republican speaker elected even if they are majority or at least in the next decade or two, without democratic support. and he just won't happen. there will be, republicans will have to have coalition governments because they can't govern and have me pure yeah. >> these guys want they want purity. they want to, they want, to, they want to fight it out in the election with their guides. there, there as angry as republicans, and democrats? yeah it's such a good point congressman is liter the house freedom caucus, bob guard, he'actually opposed t wagnerian forward to ousmike johnson, en though he was one of t eight who vot to oust kevin carthy in the fall. >>nd a lot of people blame that ve in the house republican conference for the chaos and dysfunction. it the pocy wins here i asked him about the the all and why he is not pushing for my secting a candidate who has
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failed us so tt doesn't mean that now you should take this thsame actions that you took in september when u are in a different situation. >> this is not the time to do it. that because of the much more narrow margin that much greater deee of ceainty want to select someone now that uld be in my view probably the lesson desirab, not the st option, perhaps that would be an incumbent goininto november now, what's interestg is that he is now being targeted in his own primary beuse of his actions anhis mos and one them is who is going after him is a member of his own coerence. >> theongresswoman jen kiggans it's who is actually in a swing distri herself i thk that there's there's a wholfraction again of our of kn whyhey're herfor the t right reason >>ecessarily. d you see what's ing the world right now. it's not safe. so it frustrates me when we have meers of our conference who are isolatiost, who don't believe in staing with our
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ales it's this debate over tactics and policy is the isolation is laying versus neil khan win whatever you wanna call it. and it's playing out in dividing their party, right? >> and you also wonder if the freedom caucus folks the rabble-rousing as a troublemakers, if you e also starting to learn the fact that when you go from rank-and-file member to someone in ldership, y are almost inevitably going to chan. and we saw that with mike johnson basically real time, he goes from a rank-and-fileember who oppose ukraine aid goes not only as a leader of house republicans, but the speaker of the house. this constitutional role, he gets access to all of this classified information. he learns over time that you have to govern if there is a majority of big majority of votes for something, you basically have to put it forward and i'm not sure there there might be a few house republicans who might not behave that way once they're in that leadership position. >> but i feel like most would at that point, but yes, that
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divide us certainly going to continue to play out. i mean, that is fueled largely by the views of donald trump himself. i'm not sure the opposition to you created will be that strong if trump himself warrant so strongly against it. >> but it is a long, it's a long way from party of reagan that we've been used absolutely trump actually did not come out opposed to the bill well, she's actually kind of interesting. >> and also we know there was all this sideshow that was going on. these angry exchanges i've never seen a conference devolve the way this has and on the floor of the house earlier this week, mike johnson was essentially pinned against the back of the wall. according to our colleague, annie grayer, a witness this he was taking fire from the members of the free get him caucus and then there was this exchange between derek van orden, who's a member from wisconsin, aligned himself with mike johnson on this issue in matt gaetz, the leader of the charge to oust kevin mccarthy we call them tbi actually kick rocks tobi. >> yeah. >> so there isn't being matt gaetz is appalling chip roy savoy bob good's a bully.
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>> and the only way to stop a police to push back hard that the majority of the majority, the vast majority of majority is sick and tired of these high school andrea the only thing i gleaned from it is that mr. van orton is not a particularly intelligent individual i mean, you where i, had to step away. >> this is laughing, this is today's business. today's republican conference yeah. i mean, and it's also you have to push push back harder. it's just the tactics. and now the belief on the people who align themselves with mike johnson is just ignore these guys, run over them, stiff arm them, push them to the side. >> yeah. but i mean, the point i've majority of republican conference voted against this bill. they voted against the ukraine bill. you had jim jordan you had jodi arrington, budget committee chairman. you had at least stefanik, who is the number four house republican, and a possible vp candidate i mean, there are going to be consequences for johnson here we had talked during the week, there was a there was a thought that they could change the house rules to protect johnson, but he again, he would need democrats and we
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thought he was going to do that at one end, you back off and then republicans who were angry with johnson for not doing it because they say, this is part of the chaos in the house. yeah. are not doing& question is, what does this mean in november this debate in the gop, whether it matters the one side says it does. once i says it doesn't what do you think just in general like the turmoil does to your ability to hang on to power here i don't think it really is going to matter folks back home are worried about the fact that the things i need for the family cost $15,000 more of this year because of joe biden and his policies they're not concerned about fighting inside the house. he's going to cause us to lose the majority this point. he's completely de-motivated, are banks disappointed us in the conference? >> it's a cost them the majority nod, mike johnson, but donald trump me, but my mike johnson is not gonna be the issue people call it, cost them the house or not? >> yeah. >> right. i mean, the house typically it goes on goes on
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the strength of the top of the ticket and i can't don't see why it wouldn't necessarily differ this year than in previous years, will say, maybe richard hudson house gop candidate pain arm chairman is right coming up. cnn's exclusive interview, vice president kamala harris, while trump's in what she invited, are all over the map, their strategy on the trail and what they are and are not saying about their opponent. next it's kubota orange days, chapter year's biggest election of komodo equipment. hey, get 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select gop back directors find your nearest dealer at kubota orange i thought we had a planned for dan. he was set to go to the senior living community, right by my house, then a friend suggested i talked to a place his for mom. >> they really opened my eyes. my advisor listened and understood his needs and showed us options that we're still nearby, but a better fit for dad now he's in. a warm,
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biden spent three on the trail campaigning in pennsylvania. it may be a preview the next five to seven weeks as trump's trial plays out and as biden avoided, talk of his rivals legal troubles, vice president kamala harris is following suit cnn's isaac dovere just spoke with her in an exclusive interview. joins me now along with sakmann, kim, isaac. thanks for being here. so what's your big takeaway from this interview will look i spoke with harris in las vegas on monday after swimming the ticker to tucson to talk about that arizona abortion law being upheld and really blast it. >> there is no question. there is a sense of energy and looseness. it's coming off for she said to me, i find it very the braiding to be out this way right then she's talking about that. it seemed what struck me in ways, her playlist at events is beyond sage freedom and then read the franklin respect, sort of get both out of her that she's been looking for. and that's what she is playing into here. she is trying to establish yourself obviously, in a better way for herself. but the biden campaign has seen in lots of research that
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they've been doing. and the way that they've been responding, the voters have been responding that on issues like abortion, on guns, and a lot of the things that are really important to the base legalizing marijuana, talking about student loans that actually voters want to hear from her more, even though they wanted hear from the president. and she's been playing into that. that's very interesting. and it's also, they have not been talking about this hush money case. it's been talking you mentioned abortion, you mentioned guns, you mentioned they talk about democracy. this is not about trump's criminal trials, even though that is consuming all the oxygen here and just getting a sense on the ads that they have been running in these, some of these swing states putting in pennsylvania targeting key voters, they've struggled with black voters. they're talking about the economy. this is one from pennsylvania, just a couple of days ago i love to tell the story about meeting president biden because when you meet him, this guy is as sharp as they have nothing else to attack because they can attack the things that he's doing better oh, good for this country. >> joe biden gets things done. that's just who he is but the
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question is, do they talk about in these cases, i put that question to one senator chris murphy i think most people in this country have already processed and baked in the fact that donald trump is a reckless idiot what this election needs to be about is the fact that donald trump is going to ban abortion in this country. in the fact that electing him will be another gift. two billionaires. a millionaire harris, who will get big regulatory and tax breaks. that's what this election has to be about right? right. i mean, if you've been talking with biden campaign aides for the last several months. they actually don't like talking about biden's legal or sorry to donald trump's legal troubles. they feel that the more effective contrast between the two candidates is what trump would do you actually an office should he be elected again? so that is why you saw president biden just really not engage in any sort of these questions. you didn't have biden campaign surrogates go out there and blast trump over his legal or his legal problems
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with the trial starting formerly last week there the campaign made some like wink, wink kind of puns in their press release. does, but that's pretty much the extent of what they had engaged in because they really want to focus on what biden himself is saying and what he's saying is, again, this is what trump would do an office. this is why my policies are better than the other guy and you're going to hear that a lot, especially on tuesday when he travels to florida to talk about abortion, it's gonna be a big moment. >> that's what when you were with harris, that's but she was trying to do as well yeah. >> and one of the things i get into the pieces that look, she has struggled with being vice president. we all know that it's years of this, but she has actually adapted better to running for vice president way that having a target, it's fits her way of thinking about things better. she's got to structures you've got to plan. she's got a goal and that fervor that's coming off of her now, i said her, are you ready to take on whoever trump picks as his running mate? and she said, i'm ready to take on whoever has the fill in the blank to do it. right? like that is where she is now. it's
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a much different. kamala harris that was there. yeah. >> interest such as a great piece. i hope you all read it says on cnn thank you guys. coming up. i come up with a caught up with former senator rob portman for his first sunday show interview since retiring& former colleague senator joe manchin, they have harsh words for their own parties in either says, if they'll endorse trump or biden, that's if you have graves disease and blurry vision, you need clear answers people with graves could also get thyroid disease or ted, which may need a different doctor, find a ted eye specialist at is-it when you're the leader is actually clean up and restoration. >> how do you make like it never even happened? >> happened brand whatever
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not seeking reelection this year, and he just launch a new group with his daughter called americans to get gather former republican ohio senator rob portman is working on his portman center for policy solutions at the university of cincinnati. now i spoke with both lawmakers after moderating a panel with them at the university of chicago's institute of politics they had tough words for their parties and the top of their tickets but we began by talking about the changing makeup in views of the senate gop, such as over ukraine portman, the staunch advocate, was replaced by republican senator jd vance, who is fiercely opposed we agree in a lot, we disregard some. and one is ukraine and we have a strong disagreement there, but i have a disagreement with other colleagues to on that just not just jd, there are more republicans now saying, let's allow vladimir putin to have his way and the consequences of that would be disastrous for our national security. >> we talked senators about just the changing nature the are you concerned that the moderates are being dropped out of your party what i'm really concerned about is if we lose the filibuster, you won't
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create any new moderns. >> you were not having middle at all? it'll be swinging from the left and the right. that's not who america is. that probably scares me more than anything. every one of us should be ashamed of what we're, what we're living through now and 118th congress every congress up until this 118th congress has basically produced about 500 bills that we could work on and agree on and passed some form of a piece of legislation 500 to five, 20 we've only passed 69 bills, when you look at this this congress on the outside, are they doing their job? well no in, the sense that congress isn't doing much legislating and they've been rather dysfunctional. the border policy i think has become sort of the poster child of what i'm talking about that it's hard to solve policy issues these days because both the right and the left seemed to get some advantage from things being unsolved that you clearly disagreed with senate republicans blocking that bipartisan secure border security deal. >> i think it was step in the right direction, incrementally
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wasn't perfect, no. but let's face it, we haven't done anything since 1986 in this area. it's a disaster on the border to deal with the asylum issues they did, i thought was incredibly important. >> did you think trump just wanted this issue? what that's why he killed us. >> yeah, i think that's part of it. part of it was some substantive differences, but here's the deal. it was incrementally good for the country. are you comfortable with him as the nominee? well, i stopped my decision to make urine ohio voter. >> yeah. i mean, he's he's definitely going to be the nominee. i i would imagine that he has a very good chance of being president to have you guys bought from well, i'm looking at the policies given position. i'm not going to vote for president biden. >> was it the right decision? do you think to impeach mayorkas? >> no. my problem with that. impeachment is that if you were to impeach somebody for following the policy direction of the white house rather than focusing on the white house, then you're going to have that happen again and again for tat, make no mistake about it. i think joe biden has been as a bad job on the border now, with that being said, and he's the blame for the border, you think
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biden sublimate, but the border he made the decision. it opened up and haven't closed it down. he has to take blame for what is wrong. but as accepting it now to fix it. and then it's not being fixed because of politics. that's what people don't like. >> you can have upper president biden i go about for president trump and i've known joe biden for a long time. and it's not a joe biden. i'm saying today the way he's being pulled so far left bys administration, i want to see him take charge again. i want the president biden to be the president when he was running in 2020. >> that's not a yes or no. i mean, yes. do you want him to win? >> i don't want trump to win. >> so then it gives you want biden and trump. >> i love my country too much. just you'd look back in the two impeachment votes that you had with trump and regret any of your votes to acquit? >> no. i mean, i would apply the same standard. in other words, press conference was not in office which i think is not constitutional, which i think is not what the founders intended is after january 6 one yeah have we reached the bottom of american politics i think that the fever will break here, and i think that the parties
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don't represent the country anymore, shouldn't you have zero retiring stuck around and try to fix the problem. >> i mean, 42 years, how long you want me to stick all right. >> that's it for inside politics. suddenly, you can follow me on x at mk raju can follow the show at inside politics. and if you ever miss an episode, of course, you can get ketchup wherever you get your podcast, just search for inside politics now up next state of the union, it would jake tapper and dana bash. dan has guests include south dakota governor kristi noem, and illinois governor jb pritzker thanks again for sharing your sunday morning with us. we'll see you next time the historic first criminal trial, donald trump, the jury three, has been selected. >> now opening statements begin. how will each side lay out the case bove cnn for special live coverage, opening statements, and the trump hush money trial. start parts tomorrow at 90 the day you get your clear choice dental implants, changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. >> it changes how you eat, how
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