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tv   Trump Trial Today  CNN  April 19, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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suffered a stroke on monday and yet you're sitting here tonight part of the reason you want to come in with to share that information, but also to talk about some real health concerns. and before i let you go, i do want to give you a moment to do that and to share with our viewers why that's so important. two because it's personal responsibility and i'm i'm supposed to act properly. i'm supposed to know what is right, what is wrong. i was very active in getting people vaccinated during covid. i've been very active in a nonpartisan way trying to teach people what's the right thing to do. >> and then i behave badly and i suffer for it. >> and so i looked people right what your doctors tell you to do. and we have to take personal responsibility in this country. we can no longer blame other people, no longer say it's their fault it's my fault. i got it wrong. behave properly and do the right thing. and we can save our country. let's see if this starts. i said maybe on a better track, frank, i'm glad you're doing well. pledge felt
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well enough to be here tonight. continue that road to recovery. thank you. thank you. >> thanks for joining us. the situation room starts now happening breaking news, opening statements now set for monday and donald trump's hush money trial after a new york panel of 12 jurors and six alternates is completed also tonight, we're keeping a very close eye on the middle east. after for israel launched in overnight strike inside iran american officials tell cnn, the us government was briefed ahead of the attack, but did not endorse the response. and the house speaker mike johnson makes good on his promise to advance a package of critical foreign aid bills. the vote on the house floor now set for tomorrow after the the measure is one broad bipartisan support welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, a urine. this room the skis, cnn
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breaking news the breaking news tonight. a full jury plus all six alternates. now sworn in for donald trump's first criminal trial. that ties up opening statements to begin on monday hey our senior justice correspondent, evan perez is outside the courthouse had been happened with all the late developments. evan, what do we know well well, at this moment, we now have a jury and the judge held a hearing after swearing in that jury that had to do with a number of things the former president's lawyers wanted to argue against the prosecution's attempt to use a certain evidenced in case the former president decides to take the stand to testify on his own behalf and during this hearing of a couple of hours judge i especially at the end, grew a little bit impatient
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with the width the trump team because they were trying to relitigate. >> he believed he was trying to relitigate some of the things that he had already decided. for instance, his decision to allow the prosecution to bring up the video from the access hollywood video, which the judge said you can't play the video, but you can make reference to it. the trump team wanted to relitigate that the judge grew quite friday traded saying at some point you have to accept my rulings on that. now, we expect that this will go to that on monday. >> the opening state statements will begin, but then there's gonna be a break wolf because of the passover holiday which begins on monday night there was also there was also a hearing of it before the appeals court dealing with trump's separate request to change the venue of the trial, tell us what happened there right. just in the middle of the hearing. that was still ongoing here. will up just up
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there was a hearing. but the appeals court where the former president's legal team was trying to ask for a stay. they wanted basically freeze the proceedings upending their request to change venue. now, the former president has made it very clear that he believes he cannot get a fair hearing in this in many patent, he wants to move the trial. the judge, their denied that stay the former president's legal team is still, of course, going to proceed with trying to make that tastes. they believed that this case should not be tried here in manhattan. but as we've watched, these proceedings would allow us four days. we'll it's very clear that this is a diverse jury. we have ten women, eight menn, a cross-section of new yorkers people who some of whom support the former president. and so it's clear that this is not a jury. the one that donald trump is trying to portray, that
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completely against him. this is a jury that is a lot more diverse and it is it clear that he can get a fair trial in new york city okay? >> hey, good point to evan perez. thank you very much. are chief legal analyst, laura coates, is also outside the courthouse in new york city. laura, as we heard as we head full steam toward this trial trump continues to rail against that so-called gag order. watch and listen to this again daughter has to come home people are allowed to speak about me and i have a gambling just to show you how much more unshared is laura, how much of an issue is this this gag order is not intended to sign helen's a defendant for the sake of silencing and defendant every defendant has a right to a defense, and of course, a presumption of innocence. >> the goal of a gag orders to ensure a fair trial that includes not only for statements made about and five, the defendant, but also savings that might intimidate,
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threaten, or otherwise interfere with a witness's ability to testify freely a juror's ability feet to feel they can be impartial or to not feel threatened or intimidated for a particular result, the judge has been very clear about sticking these parameters and an interest of the interest of justice here and now the manhattan da's office hoping to have and convince the judge that there should be sanctions are consequences. what they say, or at least seven different violations of the gag order to remind can people what it says the gag order bars trump from making or directing others to make public statements about any prospective juror or any juror in this criminal proceeding. it also goes on to talk about witnesses, and of course, barnard from it is not including the judge himself or of course the manhattan da, but it's hoping to ensure that there can be a fair trial. we are waiting to still hear more about that this coming thank tuesday. when after what are supposed to be opening statements on monday, the judge will still grapple with this. remember, is an ongoing threat anytime there is the prospect for a witness or a juror to be
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threatened or intimidated, and the judge wants to prevent that at all costs and one of the things that he wouldn't be pointing to most assuredly it's through social media posting. as you can recall, wolf back on truth social just on wednesday, the former president quoted and attributed to fox news host jesse water here's the following statement in quotation marks, quote, they are catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge in order to get on the trump jury unquote. now of course, there's no evidence to substantiate that particular claim. remember, the very next day, there was a juror who then said that she could no longer be impartial, did not want to be on the jury because she felt that some aspect of her anonymity had been compromised. now, these two might be tangentially related, but it's enough for a judge to have some pause over what is said. and this will be the key in part for that gag order motion hearing on tuesday or laura coates, stick around. there's more we need to discuss. i want to bring in our other experts to discuss as well a normal my isn't opening statements are now set for monday morning, as
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you know, if you were on the prosecutors team, how would you craft your argument well, if already seen a foreshadowing of what the prosecutors are going to do. >> i was in court all week and they kicked off the case by arguing that this is an important election interference matter, that they structured a set of evidentiary arguments to preview what i think we will see when i'll be back there on monday, namely, that voters were deceived by the payment to stormy daniels, that that was done to grasp presidential power to be elected. and then that there was a cover up and in fact, all those elements are in the technical building blocks for this felony falsification of business records because you need to have a criminal intent to
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conceal another crime for it to be a felony. and so they are saying criminal election influence alleged. so they're going to try to make it an important democracy matter, not just a minor hush money pick adela, a good point. so gym shorts you're one of trump's white house lawyers. how do you think his legal team is strategizing around opening statements so i think they're going to focus on a couple of things. >> one, this is a felony and it's charged as a felony. only because of the underlying alleged crime. and the underlying alleged crime is a campaign. federal campaign finance violation that was never charged, was never brought against i'll trump. there was a there was a plea agreement with michael cohen, but that does not the judge has been specific that you cannot tie that in this case. to president trump. so i think they're going to focus on that number one. number two, they're going to focus on the fact that
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they're going to try to bring out and make the argument that this is michael cohen vendetta against his former boss, that he's angry. he he was charged, he pled guilty to a crime, serve time for crime. and this is just all about a vendetta and they're going to tack the credibility of michael cohen all day, every day interesting, laura, give us your analysis of today's so-called sandoval hearing and explain to our viewers what that is a sandoval hearing is a fancy way of saying, i want to put the defendant on notice about what kinds of questions they might ask you if you do decide to testify in your when defense now, it is the prerogative of a defendant to do so or not to do so at an instruction to the jury that they cannot hold it against a defendant if they opt not to do so. >> but a defendant wants to know what is ahead of me. and so the prosecution has already told the court and press n the defense counsel the types and categories of information they will raise things like like the prior civil fraud trial, the e
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jean carroll trial, as well, to discussions that have happened in the past. it might be of a legal matter. all under the category of a prior bad act. now the issue here though and defense counsel always has an issue with it is because you cannot use what's called propensity evidence, meaning i'm going to bring up all the bad things you've been accused of doing, hoping that the jury will see that and say, because this person has done bad before, then they must have done bad now, that is not fair. it is not adjust process. so the judge is going to try to keep out that which would make that same sort of similar intimation. having said that though, if you open matt pandora's box, there's always a concern for defense counsel and you open the door to be able to be impeached. they call it by these things, not the political impeachment, but your credit bloody attack in front of a criminal jury. that's impeachment in this context that you do run the risk of having undermining your entire defense. now, one interesting point i'll leave you with this woke is that they raised the
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idea if trump was fair game than shouldn't michael cohen be fair game as well to bring up other prior bad acts he has been involved balden towards the judge, had one response. we're not going to start comparing apples to oranges and the end of the end of the day, this judge is not want to and i'm quoting him having a trial within a trial, and we're going to see by monday what the judge's decision will be as to what will be said. but the big question still we'll donald trump take the stand in his own defense in a few weeks from now, i'm she'll foreign dog norm. how do you expect the judge to rule on what can come up? in this trial i thought the sandoval notice was somewhat conservative wealth in terms of their even more information about donald trump that could have been included on cross-examination he has been very evenhanded and very fair, but the law of new york is that
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if donald trump testifies these issues which go to his credibility, which go to his prior bad acts on cross-examination, as laura says, for impeachment are fair game. >> so i think the prosecution will get more than half a loaf. they'll get most of what they want, like what the access hollywood tape. they didn't get the tape itself, but they've got the transcript of the tape. they can talk about it so i expect that the sand vol ruling will favor the people will favor district attorney alvin bragg and his team. yeah. interesting. jim. >> this all centers around trump's insistence i'm testifying during the course of this trial, would you put trump on the stand in this trial i think we have to wait and see what the judge says relative to what is able to come out with those prior bad acts until you hear what the judge says on those topics, it's really too early to make that determination as to whether donald trump should or should not take the stand and his
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lawyers will be looking at that closely when they're making that recommendation. but again, he's the defendant in the case. it's ultimately going to be his decision. and we all know whether his history of taking the advice of his lawyer here's some time to time. so stay tuned yeah, that necessarily a mixed history usually doesn't necessarily take the advice of his lawyers. >> everyone stay with me. we have a lot more to discuss coming up. we'll have much more in today's very dramatic day in court for donald trump but there are also new developments in another major story, we're following. the new details on what speed as a limited retaliatory military strike on iran by israel stay with us. you're in the situation there's new ally in the fight against climate change. this is e, car business blue carbon. >> we just need to protect nature will do the rest, blue carbon plus cnn filled sunday at nine transfer your ira or
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scalp play with us anymore. he has something called osteoarthritis pain. it's joint pain that hurts him all the time. what scale now? there's labriola, the first and only once monthly injection to control your dog's o.j. pain veterinary professionals administering libretto, who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self injection, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis i'm arlette saenz in scranton, pennsylvania. and this is cnn close captioning is brought to you by hands-free skechers, bob's for dogs, footwear it's never been easier to put on your shoes and help pets and neat at the same time with new hansberry skechers, bob's for dogs, sports but that's for slipping and go. >> and they have already helped save over 2 million pets norm eisen, jim schultz, and laura coates. >> they're all backed would be right now and norm, you've been inside that courtroom all week. take a step back for us. what
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have been your biggest takeaways and what stood out the most to you today? >> well, if i was struck from the moment we got to the courtroom with the forcefulness of prosecutors, the jury wasn't there yet. monday morning was supposed to be asleep. be a fair of some remaining evidentiary motions but they used those motions to present the case to preview the case for the judge and they did present it as an election interference case. it is not just a federal campaign finance that makes this falsifying business records of fence into a felony. they also pointed to the new york state election influence statute corrupt election influence statute& to tax crimes as well that trump was intending to misclassify the payments so they have belt and suspenders& duct tape to hold up their case. and then when the judge brought the jury
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and for the first time, he did a neutral summary. this is a very, very fair judge, but the first substantive words that he said to the jury and i wrote about this for cnn. opinion was that the prosecution alleges a conspiracy, criminal conspiracy to influence the 2016 presidential election. and i think you felt in the courtroom the stakes when the jurors started answering questions everyone understands the gravity of it. and when donald trump got a little out of hand and and was gesticulating, rolling his eyes and carrying on as one juror was being questioned, juror left the judge came down on him like a ton of bricks and wolf. i've never seen donald trump, so dejected he slumped in his seat he is head was dropping you staring and his lap. he felt the gravity as well certainly did laura, we've spoken a lot about trump railing against this gag order what options
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that the judge actually have to keep trump in line and do you expect trump to toe the line through weeks of trial well, certainly the average defendant, if they were to violate a court issued gag order, they would have realm of possibilities up to and including a monetary fine that could be graduated in scale per each violation, hoping perhaps at the lower end as a way two deterrent was a terror, but also to have some benefit of doubt extended to a defendant and into a graduate increasingly, so up to and likely including jailing the person they call it stepping the person back for the pendency of the action. now, there are some impracticality reasons involved and talking about the whether it'd be a viable option for this, judge to step back the present for largely the same reason. to the core question, whether if he were to be convicted, the 34 counts, which she is charged, that he would be able to be in jail. this is a nonviolent first time, essentially criminal offender in this aspect for the purposes of the judge. and so that'll be
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taking consideration, but the judge certainly has in his disposal, the ability to do so there was a moment as well, by the way, today, during the hearing where defense counsel again repeated their requests, frankly, they're insistence to get the witness information for those who if you testifying. you can recall well, that the prosecution did not want to hand it over because they were concerned about not only violation of the gag order, but about what this could mean for the juror, a witness since we might be testifying while the defense council offered well, could you if you ordered us not to tell our client knowing that they would essentially be admitting that they may hey, not have the same trust relationships even prevent that person from speaking was a really notable moment here. and so they have a lot of things at their disposal come to stay and we'll find out what the judge will exercise in the end what you're saying, jim, if the gag order is really so important, why is the hearing to determine if trump violated it? >> why is it not being held until tuesday look we've seen
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i've said this time and time again, he is going to continue his social, no doubt about it unless there's a real incentive him for him not to do it. >> he's going to continue to attack michael cohen. what especially when michael cohen attacks him on twitter, he's going to continue to real away on the judge. he's going to real away on the prosecutor as it being politically motivated and alvin bragg is an elected official. he's gonna, he's gonna come after alvin bragg with everything he has and the judge really doesn't have as much. he's got the authority to put them in jail, but i don't think all i think that does is delay the trial even further. the one thing the judge doesn't want is to delay this trial. i just don't think they're going to end up threatening the former president or someone running for president the united states with jail time. so it's going to be really difficult to put those shackles on donald trump. >> yeah, i suspect you're right on that as well. laura prosecutors say they refused to share the witness list with the
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defense, fearing trump will post about those witnesses on social media. is that normal to not share witness lists with the opposing side? >> one, can you blame them for having some level of skepticism on this very issue, often number two normally the prosecution when they call ready, they are under the obligation to present a witness list or someone for the jury to ask if they know certain witnesses who might in fact be a part of the trial and they know the general basis of those who might be called, but they're also asking for the chronology and the order of how the witnesses we call, which is part of a legal strategy the prosecution, we are all wondering about who will go first, knowing that primacy and recency is the method by which prosecutors and trial attorneys govern themselves. the first thing a jury hears the last thing they here are going to be the most resonant with the jury. and so they'd also like to know some aspects of strategy and for that, prosecutors are under no obligation to disclose that
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norm you wanted to weigh in now, just to agree with laura, she hit the nail on the head and the normal courtesies here, wealth are called into question by donald trump's extreme behavior and the case is normal and at the same time, the most extraordinary we've ever seen everywhere. in fact, you so so much it remember, you can see laura on her show, laura coates live later tonight, 11:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn up next to the look at an iranian airbase purportedly targeted overnight by israel we're going to show you the satellite images and have a live report from the region cnn saturday morning starting to morrow at eight on cnn nobody is born with grid roses, but really, it's something you build over time hi it's 21 for 88 years,
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summary up doc he said, i told you it was a dummy we'll. have? much more on trump's historic hush money trial ahead. but right now, we're also getting a clear indication of the impact of israel's overnight strike on iran. satellite images obtained exclusively by cnn show no extensive damage and an iranian airbase believed to be the main target. cnn's nic robertson reported where it's directed tax by the two countries appear to be over, at least for now ambiguity, not escalation iran's response to explosions in the sky near isfahan military base. several hundred miles south of tehran events under investigation read nothing to see here as the objects versus especially in our defense system acted swiftly thank god. >> there were no major issues. >> satellite images exclusively obtained by cnn appear to
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support damage on the ground was minimal. us officials informed of an unspecified israeli strike just hours before iran's air defense just went on alert in the early hours of friday iran's response anti israel rally manifesting on the streets of tehran where large crowds can only gather when sanctioned by the government. another indication for now it's anger could take to shouting no sending missile salvos as it did last weekend approximately 350 drones cruise and ballistic missiles fired at israel following a deadly strike on the iranian consulate in damascus. or most three weeks ago, mostly intercepted without major damage 20 maha node prime minister allies calls the take the win but vowed to strike back on. now ambiguity silence
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from israeli officials except for an illuminating online thanks, pat. hard-right. cabinet member. it tomorrow, ben gvir posting on x lame quickly lambasted by centrist position leader yair lapid. never before has a minister in the defense cabinet done such heavy damage to the country's security it's on forgivable much& on the stakes had appeared extremely high iran's for a minister in the moments before the attack, promising instant devastating retaliation i think we first started to get an indication that wouldn't be retaliation just a few hours after the strike, i spoke to a regional intelligence source at a time, well-informed well-connected, and his assessment at that time in the early hours of this morning, what even then that iran was, wasn't going to retaliate. and i think that's obviously what we've seen happen through the day. they're both sides seem to sort of taken a strategic
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off-ramp here. but the red lines that were crossed got both sides into the situation. now blurred and i think the war really fundamentally the tension between the two countries hasn't really changed what has happened is for a moment it seemed that the sort of the cost of an escalation or real regional conflict and bloodshed that came a bit closer that's perhaps receded, but i think everyone has had a much closer embed a look at just how quickly you could get to that type of escalation but i'm big ambiguity for now. and perhaps both sides can take a wind domestically out of this wolf. >> we will see nic robertson and jerusalem. thank you very much for joining us now, staff writer for the new yorker, susan glasser and new york times white house and national security correspondent, david sanger, his new book, by the way, is entitled there you see the cover new cold war's soucie. let me start with you. do you think this is the end of
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the retaliatory strikes between iran and israel, or do you think there are more to come? >> well, i suspect the sound you hear is the sound of a lot of people exhaling cautiously, right now in the region and here in washington, i think there was a lot of anxiety ever since last week is unprecedented iranian strike from their territory directly into israel. several hundred missiles, drones, as you know they were basically all shot down, but still an enormous barrage and israel did not seem to be listening to counsel from the vitamin is duration to avoid, take the win and avoid keeping this cycle going. but perhaps the muted nature of the response to this strike suggests that for now it's over, but frankly, i just feel like we're entering a new and very dangerous phase in the confrontation between israel and iran, even if this round is over hi, david in your important new book titled new cold war's, you argue the west
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underestimated both china and russia do you fear the us is also now underestimating iran? >> my biggest fear out of this one is that it was the israelis who may have underestimated iran oddly enough, given their fixation on iran throughout they did not calculate wolf that the killing of these seven irgc islamic revolutionary guard command commanders would provoke the kind of overwhelming attack that they successfully stopped and interceptive last weekend. and it's great that everybody's taking a breeder now, let's think about where we are now versus a week ago for the first time in 45 years since the islamic revolution we have seen a direct attack from iranian
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territory on israel and a small but direct attack in response. that's a new world and a new place. and while i completely agree with susan that everybody is now taking a breather, maybe scared by what they had begun to go do i also think that restraint, the taboo is now gone, and that worries me because i think there's every chance that the uranian reaction to this will be the double down on the nuclear program. >> yeah, we shall see that could be so, so disturbing susan and italian official says the united states was quote, in formed at the last-minute by the israelis about the attack overnight on iran. what do you make of that well, i was struck by how much the americans were not wanting to get into the middle of this story. >> they were not even providing, i would say the usual please background confirmation. two american journalists yes, indeed, these
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strikes happened. they really wanted the israelis. it seems to me to own this in a way, especially because they had been so public in the days leading up to it and they're advice to the netanyahu government to essentially avoid escalating the situation beijing even further and perhaps you've been holding off striking altogether. so i think there's a real desire here in washington on the part of the administration not to be in the middle of this round of retaliation and striking between israel and iran. but of course that's a distinction perhaps without a difference in tehran, which views the united states and israel as as intertwined partners. >> david jordan's foreign minister just told my colleague jim sciutto, the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu was quote benefiting from the recent escalation in the middle east. do you agree? >> yeah, there's certainly an argument to be made along those lines. we'll think about it. a
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week ago before this time, he was facing an angry president, the united states, who was threatening vaguely to put conditions on the aid and particularly the arm you sit the united states provides israel if they didn't open up more aid to gaza, if they didn't allow the convoys to safely make their way in, i think that killing of those aid workers deeply angered biden. >> this has completely changed the conversation important. david sanger isn't glasser to both of you. thank you very much. and once again, david's new book is entitled new cold war is there's a cover just ahead. heightened security concerns outside port in new york. after a man sets of itself on fire love a live report on what police are now saying every piece of evidence
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more now, and the. >> breaking news, a very disturbing moment outside the manhattan courthouse today, a man setting himself on fire not far from the venue where donald trump's criminal trial was taking place. >> police say the incident could mean security protocols need to be reassessed listen to this we're very concerned. of course, we're going to review our security protocols. the park was open to the public. but of course, we're going to look at everything and what the magnitude of what's going on around right here will reassess our security, what our federal partners, our chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller is outside the courthouse worse, he's joining me now. john, what are you learning? and what broader questions does all this race? well, what we're learning is this is a 36 year-old man from st. augustine, florida who has been prolific online with deep and complicated conspiracy theories, who walked into the park that is across the street
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from the courthouse where donald trump's trial was unfolding. and quite suddenly set himself on fire. after pouring some kind of accelerant over him to fuel that fire now this park as chief maddie said, is open to the public. it sits literally between three courthouses. the criminal courthouse behind me, the state supreme court has courthouse next to it and a family court are cross the street. it's a place where people would go. they might have their lunch or sit on the bench, especially as the weather gets warmer. the question now is, will the park remain open to the public? public? will there be an increased police presence in there? it was a smattering of demonstrators and members of the public today or will it become part of an expanded perimeter? the 30s are assessing all of that. >> john miller. >> thank you very much for that update. >> just to add, there's more chaos today up on capitol hill another republican now back in an effort to oust the speaker of the house after democrats health get a controversial bill
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mattress i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this today, the house voted to advance a key foreign aid package, a major step towards sending billions and to support both crane and israel. but in an extraordinary move, more democrats supported the procedural measure today then republicans. a move that has put the speaker, mike johnson's job in some jeopardy with a third republican now saying he supports ousting the speaker cnn's melanie zanona is joining us live from capitol hill right now. melanie momentum seems to be growing a bit among republicans to remove johnson what's the latest yes. >> speaker mike johnson's job is in real jeopardy, and that is because he has it had to rely on democrats throughout every step of this process when it comes to passing foreign aid, including four key procedural votes, which are almost always done. a lot on party lines. so that has really
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spark a revolt on the right and hit his field. new calls to oust him from the speakership. a third republican member that's paul gosar of arizona, announced today that he was signing on to officially co-sponsor that resolution on the motion to vacate the speakership. other highlanders not quite ready to go that route though, making their fear three with the speaker known, but speaker mike johnson has delivered a forceful defense of his plans on foreign aid. take a listen we would we would write if republicans were in charge of the house and senate and the white house this is the best possible product that we can get. >> these circumstances to take care of these really important and so we let look forward to every member conscience and their desire. and that is exactly how this process is supposed to work and how the house is supposed now, the house has adjourned for the de already. >> so the earliest that marjorie taylor greene could actually force a floor vote on the motion to vacate is tomorrow. that is the same day
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when the house is expected to pass this package of foreign aid bills before they send them over to the senate but given the math here and given that there are three republicans now backing the motion to vacate, that means if this were the come to the floor, that johnson would need to rely on democrats to bail him out. wolf and it's interesting, the house minority leader, hakeem jeffries, the top democrat in the house, declined to say whether democrats will save this speaker. what are you hearing from democrats yes. >> so most democrats are not making any commitments just yet, but wolf, in talking to democrats behind hi the scenes, they are definitely signaling an openness to coming in and stepping in and saving genc mike johnson's speakership. >> they really appreciate the fact that johnson fight his right flank and is willing to put this package of senate foreign, foreign aid bills on the floor, which vary. does closely mirror, mirror what the senate had passed earlier this year. >> democrats, just like many republicans are sick of the chaos there really worried about another potential motion to vacate and just what type of harm that could do on the institution long-term but of course, in this congress,
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nothing is guaranteed. >> so that is something we're gonna be closely watching in the days to come will. sure. we will are at melanie zanona up on capitol hill. thank you. i want to bring in our white house correspondent, raicilla alvarez right now, priscilla, what is the white house saying about these developments? >> while we'll president biden has thrown his support behind these national security bills, but to remind viewers, these were finds that the president requested last year and over the last several months. the way that the us and the white house has framed this as a matter of national security that it was a priority to get these funds across the finish line to not cede any ground to russia and especially in this moment, what we have heard over and over from us officials is that these funds are urgent and that they are necessary for ukraine. in fact, just this week in a wall street journal op-ed, president biden called this quote a pivotal moment. and earlier this morning, the office of management and budget echoed that saying in a statement, quote passing this legislation would send a powerful message about the
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strength of american leadership at a pivotal moment, the administration urges both chambers of the congress to quickly send this supplemental funding package to the president's desk. and it's worth noting that point about strength of american leadership. we have seen that this has been a currying topic of discussion between president biden and foreign leaders as he tries to make the point that the us will stand by ukraine even as this package has been stalled in congress. now, notably this week, the cia director burns also said that ukraine could lose the war against russia by the end of the year if they don't get the additional funds. so clearly a top priority for this administration and this white house. now, asked earlier today how involved the white house is going to be this weekend? to get this across the finish line. the white house press secretary said the white house officials have been in touch with members of congress and their staff over the last several days. there wasn't an expectation that president biden is going to jump on the phone with house speaker mike johnson we'll be watching for
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that. but clearly the white house really eager to make sure that this passes so that they can get those funds to ukraine. yeah, the vote in the house goes up tomorrow, then it goes to the senate where it's expected to pass. >> then the president will have to sign it into law. the situation though right now in ukraine is clearly dire. how quickly? does the white house think they can actually get the weapons to ukraine if this passes. >> well, the white house press secretary said they could do it quickly and it really is incumbent on congress to pass these bills so they can make that happen. >> of course, we have seen over the over time that when there are losses on the battlefield in ukraine, us officials have tied that to this stalled supplemental essentially saying that because they don't have those extra funds, those extra munitions, they're losing and ceding ground to russia and they've used that as data points to really bring congress along and make the 0.2 republicans that they needed to get this passing get this bills across the finish line. of course clearly a priority with
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president jumping on the phone with the house speaker. earlier this week when this plan came to fruition. wishing but for now, the white house saying that if they can get these funds and of course, as you noted, it will take some time for the process to play out. they will get those weapons to ukraine well, ukraine quickly, ukrainians really need those weapons. priscilla alvarez. thank you very much coming up all the key moments from donald trump's hush money trial are special. our the situation room, trump trial today. that's coming up next riyadh says two album is breaking records to me, harlem is all. >> but home is also your body. >> last one, everyone, i ask myself why does it pilates exist in harlow so i started my own studio get in a
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12:00 am
courtroom from gavel to gavel as the historic hush money case unfolds opening statements now set to begin monday a full jury and a panel of six alternates are selected and sworn in our reporters and experts are all standing by to break down all of today's most important development let's and look ahead to what's next. >> welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer with a special report in this room the trump trial today are special coverage this hour begins with the breaking news. the judge overseeing donald trump's criminal trial says, opening statements will begin on monday. jury selection in the case now officially complete. let's check in with cnn's kara scannell outside the courthouse in manhattan. kara, you were there inside inside the courtroom for today's drum. now kind of proceedings give us the latest


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