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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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home i will let you talk in dubai cnn closed, captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial mv victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 breaking news any moment, former president donald trump's manhattan hush money case is set to resume. >> it comes after an emotional dramatic, and productive day for of jury selection history was made after the court and panel the full 12 member jury along with six alternates. cnn
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chief legal analyst and anchor, laura coates is outside court for us. laura, we have a jury. right. so what happens when court returns from break because they're not expected back in the room until monday that's right. and of course, remember monday is also pass over to begin, and i believe at sundown and they're already been questioned when the jurors were initially questioned about scheduling, whether they would be able to not appear or they wanted to have some time off and keep in mind that wednesday is the scheduled days off as well? so it could be the case. and if opening statements began on monday, there's a probability that they would not return in front of a jury until at the earliest, perhaps even thursday. now, remember in-between there is a gag order motion that includes the asked for and request for sanctions or some sort of a punishment for donald trump based by the prosecution's accusation that he had violated a gag or they'd been in place. i would wonder now that the judge, the jury would have been in paneled, was where to conditions will also be placed
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on this jury in terms of what they can consume from media and otherwise, i want to bring in evan perez here though as well. this conversation because he has been following this quote so closely along and having you know that this is going to be a very big moment here to have a jury and paneled and the trial. and just moments ago on the fifth 15th floor of this building, you had to press the united states have a full jury in front of them, right? >> i made for but for someone who has been attacking the entire process to sit there very closely, paying attention it appears especially today, he was paying attention, especially when there were people who who had opinions about him positive or negative? a look, i think this is a pretty impressive process that we've just witnessed, right? we had some doubts during the week laura, whether we were going to be able to get this jury done, this jury selection process done this week and this judge has we have to we have to say that has it can full control. and has made move things along very well. and his
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intent is for the opening arguments to begin on monday, but you saw today though? >> he gave the both sides the chance to strike jurors to get people off the panel that they didn't want but it was a pretty impressive process that we saw unfold there jurors who basically, some of them who had views about the former president but also said that they could put the, put those things aside two the judge, this the evidence impartially, and that's the goal of any jury pool, right? the idea of defining a jury based on what the ultimate outcome is acquittal or conviction is not really the process for the american justice system is the jury of your peers and partiality as the goal and unlike the way in which the former president has approached this case, initially, he has been very clear. he thought, you could not get an impartial jury in manhattan that the political leanings that are assumed in manhattan being an overwhelmingly blue in their votes, that that would be the
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jury pool as well. and they'd based on decisions off of their politics. but we saw at least in today's it's proceedings, a number of jurors and only who are from out of state, but also who were leading in favor of him politically that was actually, again, a reminder that new york is not what you think it is based on what you see on television, right that new york is more complicated places a lot of people here who are republican that are conservative who support some of his policies. >> you heard that from some of the people on this panel today, and so he has to at least know even if he's not saying it to the public, he has to at least know that he has a shot. he's going to get some fairness from the from these people today. >> you're also lawyers on this panel are many people for surprised to find that i think there is just a general assumption that if you're a lawyer, you're immediately taken out of jury selection. tell that to lawyers who are so many jurisdictions, they tend to do. >> but and the reason for it,
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of course, is if you're the prosecution and the defense, you want your own words to be what's relied on. of course, the evidence there's a fear sometimes at a juror would look to a lawyer and give undue deference to what they think about eight case. also interesting here in new york, the alternates are likely aware there are alternates, yeah. >> well, that change you think their ability to focus well, that's the thing. i mean, one reason why you don't tell the alternatives that they are the alternate is big. is that this way everyone is paying attention equally and they don't know until the end, right? so in this case, these people already going in know this. and so that's the big, that's the big danger in something like this. obviously this is a case of historical importance. so i think everybody is aware of what's riding on this but it's going to it's gonna be a challenge you're gonna be, they're gonna be in there for weeks the living this case every single day. and of course, as you pointed out, i wonder as a lawyer laura, do you think that
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having that break after the initial so opening arguments, what additional challenges that pose because you have that break to a thursday for a couple of days that they're not gonna be here. yeah. as a prosecutor, i would hate to have my momentum broken up, but anyway, i want to add people can tenuously go through it, have their feelings and their emotions about it visceral or otherwise, and be able to stack the cases. >> certainly ways that you can do this. we know we have a press conference happening right now. there's i'm leaving that and disturbing event as a press conference right now, you've got took place, right? of the street from the courthouse today. we just spoke to the mayor, eric adams, and we spoke to the police commissioner updated. and today you're going to hear from our chief for department, jeffrey maggi, who will update you on an incident that took place. you're gonna didn't hear from the fire commissioner kavanaugh on the condition fishing of all the people that were involved in medical conditions, and then we'll have our chief of detectives, jo kenny, and he'll talk to you about the investigation of the incident
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today. so with that, i'll bring up the chief for department, jeffrey magic commissioner shop. good afternoon, everyone. i'm going to try to talk loud you can l hear me. but at 1:30his afternoon, right-hand collect pond park which directly opposite of new rk county criminal court a100 centre street, with a trial of former prident trump is current taking place reserve. we observe a male walk into the park he walks to the center of the parkhen he's in the park, he starts shuffling around his clothes. he's opens up a book bag from the book bag, he takes numerous pieces of papers, pamphlets out, his clothes, the pamphlets throughout the park a goodhe pulls out a canister, imports some kind of liquid on themselves. or liquid we believe an accelerant. and he lights and self on firehe male, he takes a couple of steps why he's on fire. then
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eventually falls onto police barrier and falls down to th ound he's on flyer. another area in the parkway. somebody accelerant spilt is also on fire civilians caught offices, members of the police department. they run into the park. they make efforts to put him out. they use their coats, they use fire extinguishers. eventually, fdny response we're able to put the male extinguish the fire and from that point, we remove him to cornell burn unit where right now he's there in critical condition i just at this moment, i'll let fly, commissioner talk about the condition of the male and the condition of people who also helped. and were witnesses over their commissioner as the chief mentioned, the victim is in critical condition, but is burn center this time, there l were four, three and my pd officers and one court officers. >> so for officers who had
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minor injuries from their exposure to the fire, they're all fine. they are stable and they are green tags, which is minor at this time. we were on scene as the chief mentioned, ems to treat and transport the patient and we do have a fire marshal's here helping with the investigation at this time good afternoon, everyone. so that the male that's involved in this incident, his name is gonna be maxwell as a real low right? he's a male, he's born in 1987, is driver's license indicates that he's from st. augustine, florida well, we know from speaking to other witnesses and family members, is that he arrived in new york sometime earlier in the week. we have his car being in st. augustine, florida on the 13th. so anyway anyway, between the 13th and today he arrived, we spoke to family members today, they were unaware that he was even in new york as a phi commission has stated he's at cornell burn center right now and likely condition the accelerant that was used at appears to be some kind of alcohol-based substance that's used for cleaning. and that's all we have right now well, as
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one we go right down the line, left to right. >> so will decide who's going to take what not security, obviously more officers but listen mark after every incident, we have after action, and we'll talk about if we've got to add offices or not. >> but just so you know we had a lot of officers in the area it is open to the public, is still walk through the park. and so there was no security breach shadow eric, thursday why this occurs? the pamphlet seem to be propaganda based almost like a conspiracy theory type of pamphlet. some information in regards to ponzi schemes. and the fact that some of our local educational institutes so our front for the mob. so a little bit of a conspiracy theory going on
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here. >> rod go now, we're gonna go through all august video. >> but what we've seen so far today, it appears that he walked from leonard street he entered the park, walked into the middle of pocket and committed the act. >> donald miles very preliminary in dealing with the family so far, we just me notification to them tt the incident had taken place right now yeah thank you we're very concerned. of course, we're going to review our security protocols. this gentleman did not breach the security protocols. the park was open to the public but of course, we're going to look at everything and what the magnitude of what's going on around right here will
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reassess our security. what are federal partners i like i said, we're going to go back. we're going to go back to the command, will talk to our federal partners and will make decisions if we need to tighten up security, maybe we'll shut down the park. this is something that will determine once we talked with all our partners with the court offices to make sure that with everything going on. the gravity of the event going on right now, we make sure we have ample security. >> i think it was the video minutes to get there, we get their hands on white presence here why it's a police officer fired. >> so i'll give i'll give peace
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out to the fire commissioner, but obviously, we're working in partnership with courts fdny all the city agencies sees that that need to be ova are here. but you've got to also remember the park's open to the public. so there was no reason for anybody who already have a fires thing or so on standby, nobody knew that this guy was about the light himself on fire. so two minutes is a pretty quick response time to be able to get to a vehicle, get a fryers, things sure. run around, get into the parking, start trying to extinguish this phi. all right. but as specifies at the wind resource, i let me see kevin, i just stole my wishy washy may want yeah. >> as they mentioned, you know, obviously we'll work with nypd to review what happened and if an additional resources are necessary, we'll replace them here. but typically for any kind of major 16 dirty event, which this is, we have additional ems resources on scene fire only sometimes they're usually is not a reason for that as you typically would not have next to a public park, but we will work within my pdf i would have to confirm what time they responded. we'll get back to you, but we do typically in any kind of high security event,
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have more ems resources on scene because there could be patients for any reason my name not everything that you see right here is part of the plant. >> there's a large security plan for this. and trust me, when we had our meetings before this took place, we met with fdny ems. we met with our core partners. we met would seek for service so i'm not quite sure what else you looking for yeah ems, ems in an idea why in the area doing it during this trial as well, and they've totally aware of what's going on. and i'll response down today.
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>> pretty, quick to the jury. >> during the incident as of right now, what we're showing is that he just walked directly into the park and began to the throat of pamphlets in the air. >> and then lit himself on fire was still that could be come out during our investigation, we have a lot of witnesses here, a lot of people coming forward, we hope if more people come forward, we can put a little more information together. but as of right now, we don't have that he was making any statements tim offensive? yes yeah. >> we're looking through his social media and what he did online prior and it appears that he did post something in regards to this event prior to the incident then readily take a walk something. like try on when you're gathering intelligence social media and
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obviously i think i wanted welcome back saying, i'm a man, young parent race, but it we don't have, that emily as of right now, he's considered likely, which means he's he's very critical. >> his condition is not good. but as of right now, he still alive where we're looking
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through that right now, as as five minutes go before we start just press conference, i didn't see any criminal history in new york i know has been asked yet, but i just want to listen to your tree to step in for 2nd. it just talk about what he did immediately after to make sure that the area is safe. >> thank you. thank you, commissioner shepherd immediately following this incident, i requested a bomb squad, the cullum. i wanted the bomb squad serves to syria for any type, any possible secondary devices they're actually doing this right now behind me with canine checking all the vehicles as the right now, there has been no additional devices found has been in devices found. i'm sorry. every glass that is sensitive so will be continuing to search this area. and as far as your question about enhance security procedures, or we're going to take that look into this. maybe we may have to shut this area down, but that's something that we're going to we're. gonna have a conversation when we get back to one police plaza. thank you. >> all right. last couple yeah.
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>> we're not going to talk about specific numbers, but obviously we're working on when numerous city hcs& our federal partners over in this area, obviously, we're working with courts, were working with the secret service. we're working with sanitation, whose ban them is right here. we work with fdny so there's a lot of city agencies that are part of this, but we won't discuss what number of personnel we have our last lesson, last two i didn't front we're not going to share a conversation that we had with secret service, but everyone involved in the trial inside is aware incident that took place outside today last one also, what do you want that's on the investigation by let chief, can you talk about as a right now on august camera, we have him walking to
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the park. that doesn't mean that he didn't need to take the train here. are called me in a car. we do have a vehicle identified that's connected with him well, currently searching for that car last one last question of what appear to be earlier. >> for trump supporters for a testing. i'm left as may notice that self on fire on the suborder. >> you have any reason to believe that it was targeting the border as as i think everybody who stepped up via said said earlier, we do not believe he is. >> this was targeting any particular person or particular group we just right now labeling it as sort of a conspiracy theorist. and we're going from naibe, but the investigation will continue. thank you. bye. thank you for your time and attention. thank you. >> we have been listening to officials in new york city gives us an update on a dramatic and disturbing incident outside of the courthouse where former president donald trump is being tried in his hush money case
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officials, they're confirming that maxwell as a relu born in 1987 from st. augustine, florida, would arrived in new york and just the last few days apparently walked up to an area not far from where the presses stationed outside of the courthouse opened up a bag that he was carrying, started tossing pamphlets into the air. those pamphlets apparently containing what officials described as a conspiracy theories related to ponzi schemes and mentioning specifically an institute of higher education as a relu at one point then removed a canister containing a type of accelerant believed to be alcohol-based. and then lit himself on fire officials, then say that a group of civilians and nearby officers rush to try to help him putting clothes on him using a firearm her extinguisher at one point to put the flames out it wasn't until the fdny arrived on the
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scene and were able to successfully get the fire out. and then help him get on a stretcher and get to cornell medical center where he is currently in the burn unit. officials revealing that despite this ugly incident, that man is alive and currently intubated, they relayed that he is in critical condition, though as one officer put it at the situation does not look good for him. officials were asked repeatedly if this incident would change the makeup of the scene outside the courthouse? officials made clear that this man did not actually breach the security barrier outside of the courthouse. but they say they are going to reassess security and potentially could shut down that area to public access again an update from nypd on that disturbing incident in new york. they also relate jessica that they are scanning the area for any possible devices, but so far they see no threat to the public. jessica. >> okay. we have some more breaking news to share with you
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sources telling cnn, a new york appeals court is now set to hear arguments in just a few minutes over donald trump's motion to change the venue in this hush money trial that hearing is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. last week, trump asked the appeals court to stop the trial so they could argue over a change of venue saying he couldn't get a fair trial in manhattan and appellate judge denied that motion. now, the full panel is hearing trump's challenge and all of it, of course happening as the trial goes on in a full jury has been empaneled in that new york city courtroom. i want to talk more about the trump trial with former us attorney michael moore and jury consultant and president of decision analysis, richard gabriel great to see both of you here former president trump just posted on social media saying, judge merchan is quote, railroading him and taking away his constitutional right to free speech because of the gag order michael, this doesn't violate the gag order, but could it
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have any repercussions? in court well, i'm glad to be with all of you it can have some replications and that is basically because you're accusing the judge that you're in front of him doing something at which clearly is not the case. >> and so i think probably this judge is smart enough to have now caught on to the fact that there's a lot of bluster coming from that side of the courtroom. and this kind of nonsense, it just going to be the norm for the next eight weeks or so. >> but i don't think it's going to do anything as it relates to increasing the gag order are certainly as the judge held is going to hold a hearing next week. >> we understand to dig into the allegations that trump has been violated in that order. he can make reference to this, but i don't think it's the kind of thing that necessarily increases or enhances the likelihood of any real significant punishment to it. >> and richard, they finished selecting those alternate jurors today. i'm curious if you think that there is a higher chance that in this particular case that those alternates will be used. we saw
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multiple people going through jury selection today, get emotional about the potential of sitting on this jury it is a very specific case. there's a lot of pressure around it. do you think? >> that that will impact these these alternate jurors and how we see them used i do. i mean, it's a long trial. i think there's the likelihood that one juror could get sick or have a family member that gets sick. and so a lot of times, you in a longer trial, you do use one or two alternate that's what compounds that of course is the pressure in this trial. we just had an incident with a guy setting himself on fire. we have a lot of political pressures. some of these people may get into this trial and they realized they may be identified somehow, and then get pressures. there's going to be social media searches. so there's a tremendous amount of pressure. all of this obviously created the opportunity for some of the jurors to be dismissed. and also makes it the rest of the jurors really have to
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concentrate to just focus on the evidence and the law and michael, i want to go back to that news. >> we were just talking about about this appeals court and trump trying to get a change of venue and he's argued he can't get a fair trial. interesting we've been hearing this reporting from kara scannell and laura coates and others, that some of these jurors support trump. they've read his book, they like is tax policy and evan perez making the point that new york city is, is more diverse than perhaps people like to think that it is. what do you think the odds of the court granting that change? >> venue requests are i think it's slim to none. >> if they grant the change and remember that one judge has already decided that the court the trial would go forward. and so the trial judge then continued on selected this juror with the lawyers and as you say, there was a great deal of back-and-forth during jury selection process about meet social media posts, feelings about the defendant, feelings about the government. so some of those things cut in trump's
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favor. so now there's panel of appeals court judges will be essentially saying, well, look, lawyers didn't you have a chance to find out, hadn't you? didn't you have a chance to use your strikes, didn't have a chance to talk to these perspective jurors. so tell me why you think this is going to be impact his right to a fair trial. look at the jury makeup here. >> so i just have a hard time believing that there's gonna be any change at all. >> this hearing was scheduled before the jury selection took place, and obviously this has gone at a quicker pace than we thought to get a fully empaneled jury. >> so it may have had more of a byte, had the jury selection process been mired up and conflict and controversy, but it hasn't. and so they've got a full jury in the box ready to go and i just don't think he's going to have a very welcoming audience on this type of argument at this stage. least in front of the appellate court. >> and richard, the former president, hasn't posted directly about jurors himself, but he has reposted people like jesse watters, who do comment on the jury how concerned are
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you or do you think that concerns are warranted about jury tampering or intimidation, that sort of thing. >> i think it's a big concern. i mean, these jurors have a tremendous amount of pressure. there's just trying to do their job. we already had a juror yesterday who said that she's been she'd been identified and all of a sudden said, i really can't do this. so the judge is done a good job of trying to make these jurors anonymous. he's he's actually monitor the press to be careful not to give physical descriptions of the jurors. so this puts that at risk and it puts the whole process at risk. so it does endanger the jurors. it does in danger. i think the process and i think there's a lot of concern that this could put the trial at risk. >> all right. michael moore i'm richard gabriel. we're going to leave it there, but thanks so much for giving us context analysis. they're good to see you both thank you. israel retaliates against iran as us officials say they did
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free fall this is happening. >> people were there so few certainties as we navigate a future unknown? i'm glad i found stability and midst go standing the test of time i'm sunlen serfaty in washington in this is cnn today. we're hearing a global call for restraint after israel reportedly followed through on his vow to written tallied against iran overnight explosions were reported. any major iranian airbase just south of tehran the satellite images attained exclusively by cnn show no extensive damage at the site. and american official says the us wasn't involved in the attack and the white house says that de-escalation is now while the focus, so that a broader rule, war in the region could be avoided. let's get
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some perspective on this latest back-and-forth between the adversaries we're joined now by retired navy officer kurt lip old. he's the former commander for the uss cole, sir. thank you so much for being with us. your reaction to this apparent israeli strike no noticeable major damage at this site. did israel would you say achieve its objective hi, good afternoon. >> bars and yes, i would say they did simply because by launching this attack, they demonstrated to a ran in the world that they have the capability to actually strike array indian territory just as iran tried to strike israel in the attacks last week. so clearly what israel did in launching this attack as number one, they learned from it. that's the most important thing. what defenses did they experience? where were they located? how are they able to take out the drones that were apparent? currently launched into the country itself. and determine what kind of reaction
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was there by the iranians, what command and control may have happened, what tied up early warning radars went up and were they able to detect where they were located, how they worked, and how they detected it. so this was very much a learning event for the israelis that would help them the future should additional strikes be required depending on what iran does to the question of what happens next. >> sources in the region of told cnn that they don't expect to ron is going to answer this with another retaliatory strike but i am curious about your perspective on how this changes the brewing conflict between israel and iran. because for years they've gone after each other, but typically through proxies. now this is a direct attack and it seems that it's shaping a precedent for the future boris that's a great point because what has happened is the veneer of a conflict between israel and iran has now been peeled away and the blood reality is
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while proxies were used in the past, as many people have noted. >> now what you're seeing is direct conflict, and essentially the a state of war. now exists, albeit undeclared between israel and iran and what it may end up signifying in the long run is israel may make the policy decision that we don't care anymore if it's a proxy if these proxies be at hezbollah, hamas, palestinian islamic jihad attack israel in any form or fashion israel now is going to green-light attacks directly into iran to hold them accountable, whether it is the facilities that have allowed these groups to be man trained and equipped, or whether it is after the government itself what do you think this means for us policy in the region i think one of the key points that us policy now has to consider is the larger context strategically that we're looking at iran has continued
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to move forward with their nuclear weapons program despite the veneer that we might he have for the joint comprehensive plan of action or the iran nuclear agreement. >> at the end of the day, the bottom line for the united states and the world is iran cannot be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons the last thing we want to have as a nuclear arms race in the middle east plus iran has shown that they still desire to destroy israel if they get a nuclear weapon that puts israel in the awkward position where they now have an enemy sworn to their destruction that has a unique capability that they've already demonstrated. they really don't care. rest of the rest of the world thinks they're going to continue to go after israel and the united states and consequently, you may in fact be igniting a larger war should nuclear weapons allowed to come to fruition with the iranians krater kirk liberal do have to leave the conversation there. >> i appreciate your perspective.
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>> thank you, boris of course. >> so opening statements could begin monday. any historic hush money case of former president trump, what happens this afternoon after a full jury and alternates? it's were selected. >> they would see on a new central everybody i'm forbes riley. >> i am thrilled that i found lu stop max. see their specialized formula helps provide fast. i'm soothing relief for both your joints and muscles. it's perfect for everyday aches and discomfort. so fine blue star at a retailer near a st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. >> it's a bold initiative to try and bump curates all around the world. >> but we should it is our commitment. we need to do this our pharmacy has been in business for nearly 100 years and wife and i have run it from the last 30 american technology is making it's more efficient and customer-friendly. we use online tools who's to fill prescriptions, process
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for free visit ai or download the app. >> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill, and this is cnn keeping a close eye on a manhattan courtroom court back in session for day for former president donald trump's criminal hush money trial.
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>> a so-called sandoval hearing now underway. that is a routine hearing that we'll address trump's criminal history and then assess it's how much prosecutors can ask him about it. if he decides to testify, jury selection ended before the lunch break, that means a panel of 12 jurors and six alternates have been seated on friday afternoon, opening statements could begin monday at the same time, a hearing is also underway now, on donald trump's request for a change of venue you in the trial will continue to monitor that as well. >> boris, we're also keeping track of drama on capitol hill. speaker mike johnson is fighting to keep his speaker's gavel the calls for his removal continue to grow louder though today, republican congressman paul gosar joined his colleagues, marjorie taylor greene and thomas massie in the effort to boot johnson from his job there, fuming over johnson support for the foreign aid package that includes billions of dollars for ukraine greene has said that, a quote, civil war has basically broken out in
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the house now, this morning, the house voted to advance the bill, setting up a final vote for tomorrow, and did a move that infuriated those republicans more democrats supported the procedural measure than members of their own party. so far, no steps have been taken to force a vote on a resolution to oust the speaker. and right now the house is adjourned. so at least for today, his job is safe. the earliest that could happen is tomorrow. let's discuss with republican congressman tim burchett of tennessee. he serves on the foreign affairs committee. congressman. thank you so much for being with us figure johnson says that this series of bills is a better outcome than having to, in his words, eat that previously passed senate foreign aid package just given the way that you voted on the rule today, i imagine that you disagree yeah, i do i felt like we've given ukraine enough money as you know, i'm a motive or any of their money borse and thank you again for having me beyond.
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that. i don't like the way that the rule was cobbled together and we should have had individual votes for individual bills such as israel funding, ukraine funding in taiwan funding, and there's all this rush to get this done. i'm not sure what the what the indo-pacific money taiwan and that's going against china. i wasn't sure the urgency there. and again, with the money that went to ukraine, there's money in there for legal fees. there's a few million. got you into the world bank. i wasn't sure what that was about, you know, and they blocked my amendment that would that would have prevented the president from forgiving being alone because that was the beauty of this one that was said it was about we are going to give him the money alone and yet now the unit party has blocked my amendment to do just so that that it wouldn't be alone. so i've got a lot of problems with a lot of it. it's hard to cover it. all right here, but it's a pretty in-depth bill
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and it's a whole lot of spending we're we add 1 trillion to our debt every hundred days, you know, i'm a fiscal hawk on this type of thing where we're at $35 now. and every hundred days, another trillion i'd just like to see some accountability and we're borrowing money to give to other countries. i just don't see the sense in that i do want to get into those numbers with you in a moment, but but there's some urgency behind the effort to oust speaker johnson from his job. >> i'm wondering if you support that effort, where you stand in that question now as you know, the previous ouster, i did support ivf thought we had grounds for that. then thought it was justified, but also know 100% that we would put a republican back in in that seat i don't have that those type of numbers on this. and as a matter of fact, as you know, we have several members that some out of new york and their in districts where biden won by 15. i think one, maybe
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16 points. so i'm pretty sure that we can lose a couple of votes there. and of course we're down to one person. we have a day that there's people that are out that are sick. life happens is, you know, weddings, things like that, deaths and families, illnesses. and we're out and then will we will we will actually and the gavel over to hakeem jeffries. and when we do that, i feel like this administration is gone so far hard to the left that that is where their base is. every other demographic there, there you've seen the polling numbers there you're actually diminishing and i'm afraid that they will try to appease their hard left and they will go through our constitution like grant through richmond. >> so so you would be supportive of ousting speaker johnson is just that the math doesn't add up and you're concerned that hakeem jeffries becoming speaker no, i would not be at this point point supportive of that. >> he's you know, when we elected mike johnson, he was he
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was against pfizer, he was against unauthorized searches of americans are using disguise of a investigation into foreigners. he was against israel and but all those except israel, he, he seems to have changed his position on. but i still i don't know that that's a and that's our calls foalasdair i think tt we're going toave to we ed to go ouwith him throughhe rest of this year and the election cycle let's just see what happens i promised you a queson on the ukraine funding and end-use some of your concerns there, but i wanted to sort of paint in an overarching picture of what this money looks like. >> because i've heard some folks say that they're opposed to just writing a blank check to ukraine. and that's not exactly what's happening. there's $20 for the us to replenish its own stock pile of weapons. there's a 11 billion
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that would help american operations in the region. some 14 billion that would by weapons for ukraine, most of which are made here in the, so the money would be spent here and then that loan that you mentioned is roughly $10 billion there's you were obviously upset that there's a provision in there that you wanted to make it so that the president wouldn't be able to just make that a cancel the debt. essentially. but there is 26 million that goes to oversight to accounting for all the money that's being spent in ukraine, which is something that folks that have opposed it i said before, might want to see. is that not worth it in your eyes to keep vladimir putin in check without actually putting american troops at risk? we don't have any real clear path to victory. and of that money that you mentioned the $23 i believe that's going to go 23 billion excuse me. that's going to go to our war profiteers. they, you know what
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eisenhower called the military industrial complex flax is that it's really a replenishing. i don't know about are replenishing is just going to give them more money to operate on. so i don't bow that and we've been why isn't that all 60 billion of it alone? why are we just given this money white and always remember though boris, i know you're doing your job, but we are borrowing every cent of this money to give to your crane, every cent. so your great-grandchildren, because i don't i don't think your grandchildren could ever pay it back or maybe you're great grandchildren, when this bill comes due, are going to be paying for this and yeah, i think boris i think i think i think russia is basically run by fog and that's all there is to it. you and i know that he's a murderer and thug, but again, their gdp is somewhere between canada and france. and i don't see them as the world threat that everybody tries to make him out to be i also wonder when china roles on
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taiwan, which we think they will under this week president's that we having this country are we, are all these people that are rattling sabers now, are they going to be out saying, let's go to war with china, then what's going to be the difference? so i hope we have this conversation again. and when they do that, because i would like to analyze what they're saying then as well. >> yeah you raised some really significant points, congressman i think we do have to go, but i think generally some of the concern is that this money even though it is borrowing against, our future and adding to the debt, as you point out actually saves money in the long term. and what could be a much broader conflict if putin decides to get more aggressive? potentially encroach into a nato country. congressman tim burchett, always appreciate having you on. thanks for joining us thank you, boris. >> it's always a pleasure, brother of course. >> take care, sir. >> stay with cnn. we'll be right back g into th
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intensely, isn't going to make me think that this person's prior bad conduct means that if they did it, then they did it now the judge wants to know in advance what will be presented before this jury. now, there hashing it out right now for a number of things. >> the prosecution wants to bring up things like the prior civil fraud trial and conviction. >> they want to bring up the e jean carroll defamation and sexual abuse case. they want to bring up any other instances of fraud as well. why? to show so some pattern or practice of behavior not to show they committed this crime, but that there's informative for the jury and the probative value outweighs. now, what's happening the court right now is the judge's saying, look, i'm not going to have a trial within a trial there. meanwhile, saying if you want to bring up any of those civil things, just know the jury might be confused between a preponderance of evidence entered besides a beyond a reasonable doubt standard. and interestingly enough, they brought up michael cohen and said, all right of trucks it was prior bad acts are fair game. why not? michael cohen's the judge, shut that down and said, i'm not going to compare
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oranges to apples. it's well underway. it's getting heated all right. laura coates, force in new york. thanks so much. and we'll be right back it's better outside with ninja cook outs, with master grills, be char barbecue smoke in their backyard bashes or better? >> pizza. thank you. krispy kreme, 700 degree high heat roasting and barbecue smoke. it's better outside with ninja. >> doctors recommend colias, stool softener, four, gentle dependable relief from constipation. it's so gentle. doctors even recommended during pregnancy and after surgery, polglase increases water in the stool, making it softer, switch easier to go. no harsh laxatives, cramping or straining cole lace now adt professionally installs google nest products they're all set on this system. we should go are the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt. >> ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power
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monday, sign up for free, visit ai or download the app there's new ally in the fight against crime climate change. this is new car business blue carbon. we just need to protect nature will do the rest corbin plus cnn filled sunday night a historic data we've been keeping track of this afternoon a full jury and alternates were in paneled in the historic case that former president donald trump is facing. >> he becomes the first former president to ever face a criminal trial. and right now, a sandoval hearing is underway. it's a complex legal process, but ultimately we are anticipating that opening arguments are set potentially for monday. >> all right. a big de on monday, there's also that appeals court about a change of venue hearing going on right now. a work keeping an eye on it. we'll be back with you on monday or you guys well, thanks for having me. yeah, it was


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