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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  April 19, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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welcome to all of us joining us from around the world in mexico. to live in london with breaking news. a us official confirms that israel has carried out a military strike in iran iranian cyberspace official says its air defenses successfully shot down three drones. iranian state media reported loud explosions near the city of isfahan. but military officials say there is no damage and the city's nucleus site is safe. the ram false news agency says an army base with fighter jets was likely the target. israel is being vowing to retaliate since iran launched a barrage of drones and missiles against israel on saturday, we begin with paula hancocks in beirut lebanon, who has more detail about what we're what we're learning here? then the messages coming from both countries will max, we'd been expecting some kind of response from israel hello, recent days,
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despite the fact that they had been encouraged by the us, by other countries to de-escalate, to not respond, and to try and calm the situation down. >> there are serious fears of but you have a wider conflict in the region. >> but what we know at this point, and we're learning from iranian state media is that the uranian military believes that it shot down three drones. >> it says there was no damage in the area. and tool excuse me, also saying that the nuclear facilities that have been untouched, they remain secure and in many ways really downplaying what we have seen overnight. there were concerns so that there would be a significant response from israel. but certainly for what we're seeing at this point ties in with what we heard from a us official believing it would be a limited response max. paula, thank you you go
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with that. now, join the us on the line. is cnn chief international anchor chris john avlon for, i mean, what is interesting within the last hour, christiana, these reports that iran is actually playing down this strike what's your 3d read here well, look much, i think that nobody wants to escalate this beyond a certain level, which is already massive compared to what's happened over the last, let's just say 45 years of the islamic republic's conflict with israel says never been in these kinds of direct officials strikes. >> again is not saying that it did whatever did overnight, but as you say, the important thing is, at the moment, iranian officials say that the source of this is a quote, the foreign source of the incident has not been confirmed. >> the in a says there was no damage, iran's nuclear size. and in addition, you've got an iranian official quoted by
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reuters saying that that it was playing it down very, very heavily & saying in words, we have not received he has any external attack and they believe that saying the discussion leans more towards infiltration than attack. and it talks about potentially no retaliation. this is, according to reuters& one particular official so that seems to be the latest our job, iran anyway, at the moment. and as you know, this all started with what's now being heavily described. this is chucked anyway, this new chapter started with what's being heavily telegraphed and describe as quite frankly and israeli miscalculation april 1, believing that attacking the iranian embassy, consulate, even despite being used for
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military meeting not react to it. they didn't think it was an escalation that's according to intelligence. and reporting about that. so we've got a series of miscalculations which frankly also is the story. because since the beginning off to the sorta on october 7, the international community called on all sides and all interested parties to exercise restraint because they did not want a wider war. so that's the situation we're in right now. >> so the suggestion of the sound we're getting from this is that iran may look counter-strike to this, but can we be sure that this is the end of the israeli strike on iran? >> well, you can never be sure of anything and they haven't even said that they did anything. so the israelis have not formally commented on it, but if in fact this is israel as the united states, it said &
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that it was relatively small even given positive israeli covert action in the slide, iran against senior officials. and obviously it's overt action, bombing raids in syria that led to the april 1 incident that they clearly trying to listen baby or understanding the us and other allied views that any major attack on iran would spin a situation out of control, and that they should just make sure that whatever they do does not spin a situation out-of-control& draw both countries which are the biggest, most powerful powers in the region. israel, and iran. israel obviously much more heavily armed and then iran much more heavily capable as you know? the nuclear power, but it has very sophisticated american weapons offensive and defensive so make sure that this doesn't spin out of control. and all my conversations, this past week including with the former israeli intelligence a military
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intelligence chief, with the former, you in colleges, sooth am i excuse. was that well, it was likely that something would happen from israel after last week iranian missile attack. that it needed to be very, very, very measured. and so this is what apparently appears to be happening right now. and the most important thing so far we don't know what the public statements are going to be. is that iran is saying it down and it's suggesting that there wasn't even an outside attack, but the quote, infiltration that's according to one official who has spoken to the voices news agencies max. >> this will be very reassuring to the people of iran because we've obviously been reporting on how nervous they are there how do you think iran is going to spin this if you like, to their people? and can you just explain a bit about the debates that go on within iran is not one cohesive. leadership and
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military? is it? there's lots of factions there who will be debating this right now more or less, but this is under the authority of the supreme leader of iran, whatever happened last week. >> and so there is a cone lessons when it comes to matters of national security national defense, but you're right, the actual people of iran have often far, far, far less in interest and secondly, actually, obviously they don't want to see a war. we saw that last week when up to the iranian barrage, they were a few which often some state managed crowds that come out wave flags and shot as fancy israel chance and slogans that was very small compared to what we were hearing from most iranians that they were in some instances panic buying. they were indicating that they were afraid of retaliation. and as
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we know, the iranian people or not, you know, baking for war, they, they've undergone decade the sanctions, decades of threats from the outside world, and the iranian people want something completely different than a constant state of heightened tension and danger around them. >> of course, it's also goes to, as i said, the hamas slaughter in israel on october 7, when it's interestingly, both israel and the united states intelligence basically telegraphed that iran was not involved in that. >> iran had not planted was not helping executed. and despite it a political& often other support for what they call the axis of resistance. they were not involved in this and iran kept saying it wasn't and hezbollah kept saying it wasn't in the intervening six months when you've seen these israeli counteroffensive on gaza and the massive mass the
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death toll, which according to all accounts, including the latest israeli generalized for at least two-thirds of the dead, 34,000 plus are civilians, women and children, and men who are non-combatants. >> and so this is the tide against israel, certainly amongst its allies and making it much, much more difficult in the region where people support the palestinians. obviously, and people all over the world have been very, very angered, upset, distraught by the constant from bodman. they've got as a the death in the killing of civilians, famine that the united states usa id says has set in the starvation the children's who's creatures receives it is a terrible, terrible situation. and the israeli general who i spoke to israel cannot suddenly turned towards another full-scale war with iran while it's still has
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to finish off what's going on in gaza. so it is a very complicated, multi-layered, multi-tiered situation that's going on and as we said, there's no particular guardrails or officials who can come to any kind of pick up the red phone line and de-escalate and d conflict between israel and iran so they've got to decide whether they have on either side established the differences, reveal they want to establish re-establish thank you very much more from you today as the analysis comes in. >> thank you a little more now in the reaction though to the explosions the senior american official, he said, israel told the us it would retaliate against iran in the coming days. so the us did not endorse the israeli response a second official confirm that and said the us expected israel would not target civilians or nuclear facilities in iran, which appears to be the case based on the information we've got so far at pentagon chief spoke with his israeli counterpart on
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thursday, but a readout of their conversation does not include any mention of plans to attack joining me now, from london, jasmine, i'll gamal as she is a former middle east adviser at the us department of defense and is currently a senior fellow at the atlantic council. thank you so much for joining us what will they be making of this in washington when they clearly advise israel not to attack it any way good morning. >> thank you for having me. well, first of all, even though the americans had been obviously pressing the israelis not to attack, it wasn't surprising that israelis eventually felt the need to respond as we saw a few days ago, the iranian response, although it was weld broadcast ahead of time, it's still wasn't a very pretty picture for the israelis. it really showed that israeli state as being quite vulnerable. it had to elicit the support of other actors in order to intercept
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iranian missiles and iranian projectiles going towards israel. and so of course, prime minister netanyahu, it is understandable that he, in weighing his options, felt that he had to do something. now, that said the thing that he did, although we don't have a verified reports of what exactly has happened and what the impact was. i think we can all agree that the israeli response was much more of a symbolic message than it really was an escalation, which was the best that we could have hoped for when it came to an israeli response. now again, we're still trying to figure out and hear more about what exactly happened. but what we do know most importantly of all is that the iranians are downplaying this israeli strike on iran, which is a big message. it shows us that the iranians even though they had said that they would be prepared to counter it. talk once again, are not eager to
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escalate this further. there were no casualties, there were no major infrastructure sites hit. the attacks seemed to have been launched from inside iran, which means that there weren't any there wasn't any need, for example, for israeli projectiles to cross jordanian airspace and get the jordanians involved once again. >> so all in all, it feels like a symbolic attack, something that the israelis could say, look, we did something we didn't just stay silent as the iranians penetrated our airspace, but not so much that it would cause another further escalation. >> in the region or any embarrassment to the arab states in the region to have to get involved once again, between the two there will be those on the right wing in israel who will say this just wasn't enough and they weren't like some of the language coming out from iran today that this was actually an embarrassment their messaging appears to be this is all israel could do in response to our much larger attack at the
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weekend right? >> and of course those right-wing voices are always going to be clamoring for more and for harder, but prime minister netanyahu doesn't have to listen to them now, the israelis did something which is basically they said there is a message that we're sending here, is that we can get to your nuclear sites if we want to, we know where they are. and even though we didn't hit them, this time, we can do it a, lot of this that has been going on over the last few days. both would the iranian strike. and israeli strike is messaging. it's posturing and messaging neither side obviously is willing or ready to escalate into an all-out war. >> the israelis in particular cannot get into an all-out war without the full port, both military and political of the americans, which president biden made it clear that he was not willing to give so a lot of this has been about messaging the iranians, basically saying we're not afraid to strike you
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and sayyed, we crossed that line and we're not afraid to do it again. >> israelis, are saying. and by the way, were not afraid either. we know where your sights are. we can strike them if we want. we're just choosing not to do so right now. so they both have a little bit of two different kinds of messaging that they need for their domestic public's right now, they're both able to say, we can do something if we want to, but we're being responsible and we're not choosing to do it at this time okay. >> i just mean el gamal. thank you so much for joining us from london with your analysis just ahead, we'll have more breaking news coverage of the apparent israeli strikes against iran. and later we live in rome for the latest reaction from the g7 foreign ministers wrapping up a three-day summit, there cnn this morning with kasie hunt today at pain means pause on the things you'd love.
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need to plant and we need to protect nature would be the rest corbyn let's cnn field sunday at nine let's have a quick recap bend of apparent israeli strikes on iran. >> it's state media projecting a picture of normalcy really, as you can see, following reports of attacks are several hours ago tv images are showing people going about their lives as usual in the city of isfahan. but earlier, it really media reported three explosions near an army base in that province. a us official told cnn, israel is behind that, but israel's military isn't commenting the un nuclear watchdog. so there's no damage to iran's nuclear sites. flight restrictions that were initially imposed across the country are now lifted. the big question now is what will around next. those strikes came after iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles, but israel last weekend, but almost all of them were shot down. israel's allies later i said a military response to that could escalate
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into a regional war. and just hours before today's explosions in iran, it's foreign minister had a warning for israel in an exclusive interview with cnn parcel mob our response tuesday regime was the limiter on short in that hollywood and have on this theme stayed within a minimum of frameworks whereas we could have given about how much harsher response to the israeli regime path following that, we announced that this response is within the framework of legitimate defense. >> according to international law we will not continue. however in case that that ambassador israeli regime bit hard embarks on adventurism, again and takes action against
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the interests of i've been around. four. then next response from us will be immediate and at a maximum level, it will be decisive get in levy is a columnist for the haaretz newspaper and comes to us from tel aviv. thank you so much for joining us obviously with warnings like that coming from iran in recent days, there was a big fear that an attack on iran would prompt a big strike back on israel but that doesn't appear to be the case today. some interesting messaging coming out from around absolutely. >> you see max, it's one of those very rare moments in which i can complement the israeli holy on israeli reaction. i think wisdom prevail this morning because they operation in iran, from my point of view, we could also not do it. and still hold our our power but the operational
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is very measured as it seems it left room for the iranians who keep some fog ovary to deny it in a way. end it will not take us into a crazy regional war. but we shouldn't forget that the situation is still very, very explosive. but right now, the right thing was done and i hope this round is over now. >> i mean, how do we know that? how do we know that this was a test by israel? and there may be more strikes to come if this will be the case, so we will face a regional war. >> no other way but i tend to believe according to the public expressions until now, that for israel, this was enough full. >> now and for iran it was enough for now. >> sure. >> you we go to already in
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israel, the right-wing guess. who reacts in a sense of irony and then even laughing. and this operation they want to see more. i hope that you will be strongly enough to stand this and to stop now because any more it takes will take us to a place that neither israel nor iran want to be there in terms of the, messaging coming out from this space. it's not just what happened is it obviously it's the reaction we haven't had any erection from israelis officially yet. the reaction we're getting from iran is they're not even saying that this came from israel. they're not sure yet. and it was very easily dealt with if it was from israel, then it's shows how weak they are because it was such a low level attack, but i think a lot of israelis would probably argue that this was a clear demonstration that they are willing to strike. is iranian soil if necessary. and
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they have the access to get past the air defenses as well finally all these vicious circle has a lot also to do with egos with egos of the generous, with egos of the politicians. >> everyone wants to show off. i don't say that this is the only motivation by all means it's not, but it is an important component in the final picture. so this operation able the israeli ego to show we are capable, we can do it just depends on us and for the iranian to say, we can contain it, we will go on from here okay. >> i didn't levy really appreciate your time today. thank you for joining us. we're gonna have more breaking news coverage on the israeli strikes on iran after this short break
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isfahan region the city of isfahan is believed to be home to iran's illicit nuclear weapons program, as well as the country's biggest nuclear research facility which operates three small chinese supplied research reactors iranian media say the nuclear facilities in the region, a secure while the us official says those facilities weren't the target is still no comment from israel's military nick paton walsh, our chief international security correspondent, is with us, are probably not going to hear much from the israeli zoe i would imagine probably not. you might do from a higher level for them to bear to establish internally that it was them that this was the retaliation that some hardliners have been demanding or there's a long history of israel's doing things like that and nothing the rest of the world essentially draw its own conclusions. you might argue, it's pretty obvious that these explosions from them, they've had long history of covert activity, assassinations blast over the past decade or so. it's only now that there's been this expectation of overt direct confrontation
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that the focus has changed. so now i think you might possibly here some kind of indirect confirmation or even a large public statement. but i think the general tone now is everybody is trying to move on. to the more pressing concerns rather than try and get into a direct war, everyone wants to know whether this is it or it's the beginning of an escalation, what do you think? yeah, luck. i'm in the universe is inherently unpredictable, but i think judging by how limited this has been, how telegraph this has been, how it's given the iranians, the great wonderful benefit of being an autocrine procedures you can create your own truth and so they're able to say nothing happened or the drones at targets have been shot down. and essentially sweep this under the target, the carpet as something which has been an israeli failure, potentially.& the israelis, for their part, get to say we've managed to do the retaliation. therefore, eye for an eye, you cannot hit our soil without us hitting yours back. so i think both sides could potentially claim a perverse. when out of this. and the broader picture
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max here is, i don't think any particular party right now wants to see a wider conflagration. we haven't mentioned the united states yet. they're the he party in all of this who are backing the israelis. most of the way increasing this content from biden, i think it's very clear. they don't need a wider middle east war as the election season picks up, their side the israelis, well, until i think they've dealt with whatever they considered to be the remaining issues for them and raffa and gaza i can't imagine them starting now is a good time to open a whole new front. remember, if they get into a direct confrontation with iran, it's unlikely to be as much slinging missiles over syria and iraq is more likely to be hezbollah to their north, but become a key player in all of this. i think probably israel, be keen to deal with it's pressing concern that was now in gaza before it opens some sort of front to its north. remember, people have been worried about hezbollah, israel confrontation for a decade now, both sides have been ready for it. if it happens, it will be catastrophic to both parties.
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there are many lebanese deeply concerned about that and many israelis to and so i think even if know who we want to be sure that he could properly manage that if indeed it did flare up. and of course, finally and all of this, iran does it run really need a larger conflagration now, i think there are some hardline generals who need us waging. but i think it's pretty clear. iran is fairly weak place as i've apogee of its regional power, i think is behind it. it's got proxies, yes, in syria? iraq, notably hezbollah, to israel's north in lebanon more widely. >> i don't really get the feeling that iran is looking for some kind of economically is still struggling. they've got a whole load of internal issues to do with dissent that they may not have entirely cleared up at the moment. and so we may be seeing this chapter possibly coming to a close, but it's the inherent unpredictability of all of this. remember, there's been reporting to suggest that indeed when the continent and syria was hit by the israelis, that they'd underestimated the iranian response to that. they
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hadn't realized the red line. they were essentially crossings this capacity for everyone to miscalculate here. but this does look like tonight has been calculated and that may have had the outcome people have hopeful if syria wasn't the clear red line, might we look back on this these two strikes really want on his israel and that one going the other way as significant, because a line was crossed there. >> they were direct attacks on each other and evening if it doesn't kick off now, it does play into the longer-term tension between the two countries. >> to boo is being broken. the whole notion of we're not going to do this is gone. they've done it although arguably the assassinations you've seen that have clearly been israel over the past multiple years yes, there's a fig leaf there, but it's still want to country usually attacking another. i think really you see large conflagrations when both parties want it, they're always off ramps. there's particularly in the middle east long practice channels to try and calm things down i think
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it's a stage here. yes, we're we're certainly a new chapter in that particular confrontation between israel and around but one important thing to keep an eye on max's flaring tension two israel's north with hezbollah that has been rumbling now for months, it seems to get worse periodically and then calm down but has been particularly bad in recent days. and so while i think it's possible to look at the messaging, look at the limitations of what both sides have done here. remember there's a lot of reporting suggests that the iranians indeed tipped off. many people in the region by what was going to happen before they launched that drone and missile strike to try and less than potentially the casualties or its impact or enable more interception. this so much capacity here for miscalculation, hot tempers. and remember, we do have pretty hard line people in charge in most areas here. so yeah, a lot that could go wrong. >> but looking at how tonight as play it out does seem that israel is calibrated this. >> and iran has accepted that&
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is now potentially going to pretend nothing happened and move on. >> okay. nick, thank you so much. well, we're gonna bring in the malcolm davis now a senior analysts it's that the australian strategic policy institute. thank you so much for joining us. is that your interpretation as well that for now at least these two countries are moving on. >> i think that's certainly correct. i think that israel's strike today on iran was very limited. it deliberately avoided one of the most provocative targets for tehran, which was attends an hven. it instead struck at military bases are around each for khan i think the iranians have responded in a way that suggests that they don't want to escalate things. they're basically saying the tech never really happened or if it did happen, it was completely unsuccessful. so i think we're both sides they're creating an off-ramp which allows them to step back from the precipice they're probably looking over that precipice and thing thinking. we really don't want to go into a massive war at
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this point. i think both sides, we'll step back in terms of how this worked internationally . >> is it a vindication of the diplomatic pressure that actually can be brought on israel if they were planning something bigger. i certainly americans and europeans are those key allies, do seem to been successful in limiting the scope of this israeli strike well, i certainly think if the americans had come forward and said to netanyahu that will fully support whatever you do. you would have probably seen a very different sort of operation today than what we did see. you would have seen a much larger strike that. would have been generated an iranian counter response that would have led to this for tat escalation cycle. we're all concerned about. but instead what the biden administration said was we're not going to support you. that's circumscribed. israel's military options to a degree because very, very little in the way of tanker or intelligence support to support
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the operation. but it also really undermine the political foundation for israel to be able to carry out a large strike so i do think that diplomatic pressure from washington probably did constrain netanyahu's thinking on how they would actually retaliate in terms of what happens. now, we still just discussing their with nick, the symbolism of this might be that it did mark a turning point in the sense that these were direct strikes between israel and iran that we haven't had before. it wasn't going by proxies or it wasn't going on outside those two countries. does that increase the fundamental tension between the two countries and change the game going forward absolutely. >> i mean, i think a precedent has been set on both sides now both sides have struck at each other's territory is directly from their own territory and so i do think that that means that it's not unthinkable now that this sort of thing could happen again in the future, either by
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iran launching attacks on israel or vice versa. and i think the real greyzone hear the uncertainty is if what happens, for example, if iran uses its proxy forces in brock or syria against israel all escalates the conflict along israel's northern border with lebanon syria, hezbollah does israel then respond directly against iran as it's done today? and that generates a counter response. so i do think to a degree the strikes by iran against israel and israel against iran have changed the dynamics of the middle east. and i think it does bear quotient that we could be in for a more unpredictable and dangerous future in the region has scaling down that iranian attack allowed israel to scale up the attack on rafah let's do early to tell, i mean, obviously we'll see what happens. >> we're rafah, it's very clear to me that the efforts
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towards a ceasefire and the release of the hostages envoy, maybe the hostages are no longer with us. they may have been killed or they're dead but if the hostages are still alive i don't see the hostages being released and i don't see a ceasefire happening anytime soon, so i do think a rough are assault is likely and i think that's the israelis will go in there very quickly, very decisively but at the same time, the israelis must be conscious of the fact that if they start causing yet fervor, civilian casualties in that area. and it's only going to pick the rest of the world against them. and undermine their diplomatic credibility in their support malcolm davis, appreciate your insight today. >> thank you. just to have g7 foreign ministers of wrapping up three days of meetings in italy. what they're saying. but the exchange of attacks between israel and the wrong
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successfully recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for thousands of clients, even if a family member has passed due to mesothelioma or lung cancer, you may still be entitled to a cash award if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call one hundred 208 1721. now cnn the world's news the latest, some are breaking news. >> a us official confirms israel has carried out a military strike inside iran. authorities. there say three drones were successfully shot down. a state media reported explosions, isp or khan. iranian state media say the situation in the city is normal and the nuclear facility is completely secure. iranian airspace is now reopen after flights teube and from major cities were suspended, the attack follows iran's unprecedented missile and drone strike on israel less than a week ago. now, just a few hours before we started hearing reports of explosions in iran,
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that cow cheese top diplomat warned of a decisive response to any israeli military actions. iran's foreign minister delivered that message to members of the united nations security council and in an exclusive interview with cnn's erin burnett the diplomat describes saturday's drone and missile strikes on israel as defensive countermeasures. but he says iran is capable of much more parcel hema our response to the israeli regime was limited in that hollywood and have honest themes stayed within a minimum of frameworks whereas we could have given about how much harsher response to the israeli regime so following that, we announced that this response is within the framework of legitimate defense according to international laws we will not
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continue. >> however, in case that ambassador israeli regime, for a bit hot but dome embarks on adventurism again and takes action shin against the interests of iran. >> the next response from us will be immediate and at a maximum level it will be decisive she, seven foreign ministers are meeting again today to discuss the back and forth between israel and iran already, the us and uk or slapping use sanctions on iran, the us targeting iran's drone program, the uk hitting iranian military leaders and institutions. >> here's the eu foreign policy if you said burrell we have to ask israel for restraint. nansha to the attack. we cannot escalate. you cannot go step by step ensuring every time. higher, to a regional war. i don't want to
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judge rate, but we are on the hedge of a wall regional war. they made the leashed which will be sending shockwaves to the rest of the world. and in particular to europe the strikes on iran, no doubt, are main topic of discussion as g7 foreign ministers meet for a third de, in capri, italy soon as barbie nadeau, following developments for us from rome, box i'll be so as europe gets into the morning, we're expecting reaction from around the world to this, and presumably they're all going to want to do the same thing effectively as iran and israel and play this one down. yeah no de-escalation has been the word of this summit, this three-day summit by the g7 foreign ministers and you know, one of the things that they we've been talking about, especially yesterday, we'll see what they come out today. they're gonna have a press conference about an hour's time. is sanctions of course, the geopolitics always come into play when sanctions when you're applying
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sanctions, especially in europe, because europe has a different relationship with iran than say the united states does. let's listen to what antonio to yani, at least foreign ministers said about how italy and the rest of europe, we're going to face sanctions against iran i load. this is not the place to formally decide what to do, because every country has its own rules for imposing sanctions the idea is to send a strong signal to iran so that what happened is not repeated. a political message which is then turned into concrete action, but here we've only taken a political decision and, you know, everybody is kind of stepping around what, what the language is going to look like. but at the end of the day, if not everyone carries out sanctions, the sanctions probably don't work very effectively. max in terms of the rest of the summit this does play into concerns about the middle east, doesn't it? and how in future countries like the g7 can actually play into that have we learned that
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actually the us, europe, and log language coming out from the g7 did have an impact on israel because they could have carried out a much bigger attack yeah. >> i mean, yesterday there was a lot of talk about urging restraint from israel and they're probably looking at this as a success at that, you know, that those words of caution chen were heated but it still doesn't take away the fact that the areas is really a tinderbox. and if you listened to what the un secretary general antonio guterres said as well. the words are are a stark warning. let's us and what he had to say the middle east is on the precipice recent days, i've seen a perilous escalation in words and deeds when miscalculation when miscommunication when mistake could lead to the unthinkable a
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full-scale regional conflict that would be devastating for all involved and for the rest of the world the moment of maximum peril must be a time for maximum restraint maximum parallel. those are pretty, pretty strong words and these leaders, these for these foreign ministers have spent three days talking about a lot of things, you know, obviously ukraine fell into the conversation and the humanitarian crisis in gaza. >> but the end of the day, these foreign ministers have to go back and try to care carry out the diplomacy that they want to take forward. >> all of this, this particular g7 meeting, of course, lays the groundwork for the big meeting that's when the leaders of these g7 nations, including president biden, will come to southern italy in the middle of june to discuss where things are gonna go from there. but there's a lot that could happen between now and then. of course, max. >> okay. bobby in rome. thank you so much for that report. so
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all the explosions in iran's and oil prices surging nilly 4% with us oil prices is climbing above $85 a barrel prices then recovered a bit as you can see. but now brent crude& the world benchmark outline there for you, they are about 0.2% meanwhile, the news drove us stock futures lower with the dow futures sinking 480 points earlier. but there's some improvement there as well a dow futures are currently down, but only about 0.4%. and you can see there the texture as similar as are the s&p 500 flights resuming of the two major airports in tehran, officials had suspended flights following the israeli airstrike that included flights to to iran, isfahan, and shear as due to reports of explosions, the number of flights bound for a run with diverted or canceled officials that also put a no fly zone in the west of the country. he airspace was also closed iraq, it's now being
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reopened as well. so you're seeing a general recovery across the board, focusing there on chance ball and financials. israel will be on the agenda of us, of the us house on saturday. that's when they're set to vote on a number of bills on foreign aid, including for israel, but also ukraine and us allies in the pacific. a source told cnn that if the by, if the bill, bill is approved in the house, the senate will try to pass them by the middle of next week. so very big moment for us politics the palestinian presidency has condemned the united states for vetoing palestine's bid for full membership of the united nations. be wireless statement from the presidency described the veto as unfair, immoral, and unjustified. it also called out the us for its contradictory policy which claims to support a two-state solution while on the other hand, you using its veto against palestine. meanwhile, israel's foreign minister is praising the us for vetoing what he calls a shameful
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proposal to recognize a palestinian state more than six months after the horrific october 7 attack against israel what we're going to continue covering the story in the fallout and the calming down really, we're seeing about the strike from israel towards iran. it did though, cross a line so there is lots to learn from this. i'm max foster in london, cnn this morning will pick up that story after this break i think the world with my tuesday and now i want to focus on what's happening to our planet i'm going to visit coastal communities that have a new column the fight against climate change. >> this is blue car business blue carbon. >> we just need to plant and we need to protect nature the breast corbin plus cnn film
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