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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  April 18, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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states is definitely fascinating. some of the messages that they've been trying to send. one of the other things that i picked up on as well, and i think also goes to a general hurtling was saying that the iranian should never do something for the first time in combat where he was saying that the iranians allegedly for this maximum strike, that. he was talking about that would happen if the israelis hit back, that the plans have already worked out and that they would they would take place as he put it on israeli territory. that's definitely something that stood out to me, jim, frederik, mark, thanks so much. >> aaron back in the chair following that incisive interview with iranian foreign minister all right thanks so much. and all of you in that conversation we are now back outside from that interview and thanks so much to all of you for being with us for this hour and our programming for that interview. and also course for governor ventura. and to our panel. thanks so much to all of you for joining us. that's handed off now ac30 60 with anderson cooper tonight on
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three 60, the trump trial moves forward with the jury chosen an opening statements coming soon. >> what we're learning about the seven menn and five women who will sit in judgment former president also tonight, the stakes could not be higher nor the politics more petty as house republicans fight amongst themselves and threatened again to alice, their own speaker and the kennedy factors barbara kennedy jr. gets on more presidential ballots and his best-known relatives endorsed joe biden. good evening. thanks for joining us. the first criminal trial ever of a former president. now has a jury. it's a big achievement considering the day began with the dismissal of two of the seven members selected earlier this week then this afternoon with trump looking on seven more jurors were quickly selected, plus one alternate. meaning that if the rest of the alternates are chosen tomorrow, opening statements could begin monday. former president spoke to reporters, stay reading headlines from a stack of stories he was holding this is
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from legal experts is mostly journal editorial all of these are stewards legal experts, sitting how this is not a case the case is ridiculous. >> a of course, will be for the jury of seven menn and five women to decide cnn's kara scannell is outside the courthouse for us and lower manhattan. so what was the scene like in court today? >> anderson, this all happens so quickly in the final half-hour of the de as the clock was ticking towards four, 30, the prosecutors use their four remaining painting strikes and the trump's legal team use their four remaining strikes and before we knew it, there was a jury of 12 seated and one of several alternate the first one that's been seated to hear this historic first trial of a former president we have our jury that from judge juan merchan late today, you world is watching this hoax you got to be the chatter control you
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have the judge is highly conflicted thing is a mess. >> trump aired frustrations after the full jury and one alternate was picked including a female physical therapists, a woman who works for a multinational apparel company, a man who works for an e-commerce company retired male wealth manager, and a female speech therapist. this followed a dramatic start to jury selection on thursday with judge juan merchan scolding press for reporting some information contained in the juror questionnaire, including specific employers that could potentially identify jurors. this after a female in khaliji nurse was excused after saying aspects of her identity were made public, saying she could no longer be impartial. she tells the judge yesterday alone, i had friends, colleagues, and family push things to my phone, questioning my identity as a juror. i don't believe at this point that i can be fair and unbiased. the second juror dismissed is an older man from puerto rico who says he finds
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trump fascinating and mysterious. prosecutors questioned if his answer about whether he had ever been accused of a crime was accurate, they identified someone with the same name who was arrested in the 19 for tearing down political posters the exact reason for this jurors dismissal, though, is not known. nearly 100 new prospective jurors came through the courtroom for questioning, at least half were immediately sent home for saying they could not be impartial at the defendant's table. trump appeared in grossed. would those left in the jury box? tilting his head, leaning way back in his chair and craning his neck to get a good view of each juror as they spoke and absolutely. days now, from morning until night and that freezing freezing. everybody was freezing and he even made a comment to reporters about it in the courtroom during a break asking, is it cold enough? trump's attorney asked if they could warm up the room and while the judge agreed it was chile, he said he'd rather be a little cold than sweat. both
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sides use their time to pro potential jurors in many responded candidly. one juror said she didn't like trump's persona and explain further. he just seems very selfish and self-serving. so i don't really appreciate that in a public servant. so i don't know him as a person. i don't know how he is in terms of his integrity. it's just not my cup of tea. trump's attorney, susan necklace that sounds like you don't like him and the juror agreed. she made it onto the jury another potential juror who was a business owner, told necklace that he's impressed with trump saying, i mean, he was our president. that's pretty amazing. he's a businessman in new york. he's forged his way he did not make it onto the jury qarrah, what are the just say about how much identifying information to expect about the jurors going forward yeah so after that first or raise the concern and the judge said he feared we lost a good juror in the case. he said that the media would be continued to be allowed to report on the inflation that
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the jurors discussed in the court. but he said that we could no longer report on where the jurors work. their employer because that could potentially help identify them, but he did say that it was fair to report any other descriptions that they gave and their answers, just not physical descriptions of them to try to eliminate any possibility that someone could figure out who they are. anderson first get out. thanks so much with me. harris, jury consultant jill huntley taylor, also former federal prosecutors jeffrey toobin and jennifer rodgers. >> geoff i mean, are you surprised that we have a jury this was a very smooth process. >> i thought that they would find a jury. i this was even faster than i expected. this was less than three days of voir dire dear is the process of picking a jury. >> and this seems like a reasonable cross-section of new york. >> it's a pretty upscale jury of two lawyers. you have an investment banker, but that's not uncommon in a manhattan jury and i think he's going to get a fair trial. jennifer.
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>> yeah. i agree. it is an interesting jury as jeff was saying, it's very professional. i mean, usually for jury service, you see a lot of retired people and you see a lot of government employees. this jury doesn't have that. i mean, this is a highly educated jury and i think that that is very different from trump's base, right? he his base is high school educated white men by enlarge i think prosecutors, even though some people say they're two lawyers on the jury, sometimes prosecutors don't want lawyers but these two lawyers, there's a civil litigator and a corporate lawyer. they're not criminal lawyers. so i think prosecutors like people who are analytical can understand evidence. this is a financial documents case. you do want people with a little bit of sophistical extension. you here there was one juror said she sounded like she didn't like trump. she's on the jury. >> yeah. and that happens all the time. i would say that in most cases, both sides are going to have jurors that they don't love, that. maybe said something that they don't like, and that's that's true
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here. and i'm sure that both sides exercise all the parameters three challenges. so there were ten people that they would prefer not to have had on the jury. and there are probably still some there that for each of them that they don't they don't love, isn't an unusual job that tab to cedars to jurors removed i mean, that is unusual. it's not unusual for jurors to be removed during process or down the line. that's why there are alternatives. they're i mean, they're going to be six alternates and it won't be surprising if there's additional jurors who go for some reason, maybe sickness or some other reason. i think the specific reasons that these jurors went and how early they went, and both of them going today. i think that's a little unusual. >> the one that really struck me is the woman, the nurse who was worried about her identity being disclosed, given the passions around this case, the risk of these jurors being identified by someone in public, the press the press is very big, including a lot of irresponsible people.
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>> it won't be that difficult to identify these people individually. >> and i think judge merchan is very concerned that more more jurors are going to be identified by name, and they may freak out and bolt from the case. >> it is remarkable that when you listen to what the juror said, how they answered the questions the number of people who just haven't been following stuff don't follow a stuff all that close. i mean, we are in the news business. think everybody's paying close attention to the minutia of news every day. >> yeah, it's amazing, i think for us to enforce so steeped in everyday events, right? to think about these people who just live their lives and they don't hang on. everything that's happening with the former president has four criminal cases since i'm in the oncology nurse who was it actually sounds quite lovely. it is i didn't even know that he had three other criminal cases pending. >> i mean but these these are a good cross-section of people to decide this case for that very reason, geoff, how risky is it for the former president to go in front of the cameras every day and complain like this. i don't i think it's that risky. this has been his
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strategy from the beginning. i mean he hasn't had to go to all these court proceedings in the four cases against him, but he goes and protests that that he's being railroaded, that that's a that this is an unfair all unfair the prosecution's this is how he's running for president. he's using this case as well. i think he's doing pretty well on the polls. that's about his presidential campaign. that's not really about this jury selection gender for the the foreign prison posted on social media site yesterday about a foxhole saying they're catching undercover liberal activists, line hi to the judge in order to get on the trump jury, geoff and made the argument that last night that it's one thing to trash michael cohen or a public figure, but to go after juror like this, does it matter that trump is quoting someone else? i mean, in in terms of a potential effect on the gag order? >> no. no, he's not supposed to repost things either that do what he's prohibited from doing, which includes
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intimidating, talking about the jurors. so he has violated this partial gag order multiple times with comments about witnesses. and with this comment about jurors, and next week, next tuesday, the judge is holding a hearing to figure out what he's gonna do about it. and that's really the big question. sorry for interrupting. i'm sorry. >> the judge is waiting till tuesday to do this. do you think you should do it sooner? absolutely. i mean, because he's trump is violating this gag order every day. >> and the thing about the jury is so dangerous because those people are the ones most worried about publicity and most worried that someone's going to come after them. the fact that he's letting this link and let trump continue on social media on this issue for another four days is dangerous to the process. she'll do you think it likely that maybe other jurors as sort of the realities starts to sink in of what they have are going to be seated for that they might try to get dismiss. >> i mean, i think that's a fair possibility that the jurors are paying attention.
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they already know that. they already know once they walk into the room, they know that it's trump. they know that they know that there have been threats against various people, judges, and people who've testified and so they know that walking in the door. but it sounded like the oncology nurse it did kind of sink in once she left and started to see things being posted on also send like relatives of her friends were reaching out to her saying, are you may identified her. right. and there's nothing the court can do. nothing. the court can do about that it's just that with social media and it's so easy for a name of a juror to go to go viral very quickly. that i'm just worried that's going to happen and i'm sure that judges worried about it but once it's done, there's not much you can do. that's why i think he's going to have six alternate and once i'm once they're seated, the trial begins, let me two weeks in if
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they if a juror gets revealed and they're upset, is there anything they can do about it? >> all all you can do is replace them with an alternative, but you can't come up with more alternates in it's over. yeah, it's a mistrial what could be a mistrial well okay jennifer rodgers. thank you so much of tubingen's well, jill jill hunt, like taylor. thank you. appreciate it. >> more. now on how the trial judge is conducting proceedings so far in the tempo, he seems to be setting for it all for that we're joined by johnny jones, the third former chief judge for the us middle district of pennsylvania. judge jones, how do you think judge merchan is handling? the trial? so far and the fact that the jury, aside from seven more alternates, has already several more alternatives that have already been seated i think he's doing a good job. >> anderson these are hard cases at the beginning because the lawyers tend to spar and there's a lot of kind of combat at the beginning and laurie here's tend to be two clinical at times in what they do and jury selection. and then after a while it's sort of collapses of its own weight.
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you may have seen that today and i have to say if they get the whole jury pick tamara than he's done a great job. job of getting it done this week. >> the two jurors were dismissed today as we've talked about one, because concerns her identity had figured out, the judge has the media to refrain from describing jurors by physical descriptions, not disclosed. their current and past employers what happens? do you worry that details will leak out? i mean, as jeff was saying, you know, it is very easy for some unscrupulous person to put information out there inevitably, i'm afraid that as geoff teube said, things will leak out and there's not much you can do about that other than pick alternate jurors. >> i mean, it's going to frighten jurors who are on this panel if things start to bubble up about them, given the tenor of the time i'm the threats the passions that are evoked in this election it could very
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well happen. and i understand why the judge excused and particularly the juror who felt that she was outed today. i think the judge is trying to thread the needle in terms of his admonitions and orders to the media and not everybody loves that, but i think he's doing the best he can largely. i think the media has been responsible. >> the prosecution's singing, they're not going to turn over their witness list and the defense doesn't seem like the judge is going to force them to does that surprise is that appropriate well, there's a distinction there, anderson because they've turned the witness list over, they have to do that. >> what i understand they're doing is saying we're not going to give you the order of witnesses which would start a tweet storm at the beginning of the trial. i heard jeff but say that the judge should have been monitoring trump's sooner. it's a balance. he's trying to get the jury pick that he doesn't want to have a sideshow but if if they announced the witnesses for
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monday morning, you can bet that there's a high potential that over the weekend, there could be tweets and other not just from trump, but from allies about a particular witnesses. and i think the judge is leading the prosecution, avoid walking into that sort of nightmare scenario. do you think the former president has already violated the gag order? you know, it's interesting as your panel just said, what he's doing is publishing what other people say. >> technically, yes. i think he is violating the gag order when he does it, he's going to claim that he's not he's entitled to as due process. i think what's going to happen on tuesday anderson is they're going to convene something that the judge is going to tie them get up and say, look, there's no distinction between you posting and you postings yourself, your own ideas, and you posting what someone else said. you're going to have to stop. so he's probably going to admonish him. i doubt that he's going to hold them in contempt but you know, it's it's he's going to he's going to draw the lines
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even in a clear way so that the former president understands exactly what he can and can't do. we'll see where he goes from there. >> judge jones. thanks so much coming up next to the former president's legal baggage, including the testimony at some believe lost him a civil trial and how prosecutors plan to bring that up if he takes the stand this time and later with house speaker mike johnson saying he wants to do the right thing on badly needed military aid to ukraine. i'm going to give you a status report on the insurgency that some of his own members are waging against him over it this source with kaitlan collins tonight at nine did you know there's no t in skechers when he told about he is always been scheduled t in these sketches slippery see in these sketches libyans isn't getting romo. >> think it's always in scale
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>> however, we do know what the prosecution plans to do if he does, they said so in a court filing yesterday outlining their plan to highlight his past legal run-ins to try to discredit him with the jury among them what they claim is false testimony he gave in his recent civil fraud trial, randi kaye has more in that this judge is a lunatic and if you've ever watched him and the attorney general may be worse, maybe where she ever watcher. i will get donald trump. that's just one of many comments in many lawsuits that may come back to ponte donald trump. he said it in february as his civil fraud trial in new york city came to a close in that case. judge arthur engoron found trump and his company liable for fraud by inflating the values of his assets to get better loan rates. trump was ordered to pay $355 million in fines and garan also fined trump twice for violating a gag order in the case goren has done a terrible disservice to the state of new york.
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>> guard, is a disgrace to this country. this should not be allowed to happen. >> and what about the e jean carroll case in may 2023? a jury found trump liable for sexually abusing carroll in the dressing room of a manhattan department store in the mid-1990s, and then defamed her when he denied the allegations and disparaged her the jury awarded her $5 million in damages. >> she's not my time. this is not politically correct to say it. and i know that, but i'll say it anyway, then in january this year, a jury awarded carroll 83.3 million in damages after a judge found trump liable for defamation for comments he made about carroll in 2019 as the trial kicked off, trump amplified his denials. >> they have no idea who she was and nor could i care less. it's a rig deal. it's a made-up fabricated story. >> on the day of the verdict, he posted this video. >> it's a political witch hunt the whole thing is a scam and it's a shame. and it's a
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disgrace to our country. >> if he takes the stand, trump may also have to answer for other legal entanglements, including his failed lawsuit against hillary clinton, trump sud clinton, as well as others in march 2022, accusing them of conspiring to undermine his 2016 presidential campaign by time paying him to russia. in 2017, he tweeted, there is so much guilt by democrats, clinton, and now the facts are pouring out the suit was dismissed in september 2022 for being frivolous and in bad-faith. a federal judge found trump and his attorney liable for nearly $1 million in sanctions trump has filed an appeal. prosecutors may also question trump about the december 2022 tax fraud conviction of trump's company. a case also tried before judge juan merchan in that case to trump organization entities were found guilty of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records. all part of a scheme to defraud tax
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authorities. donald trump and his family were not charged months after the conviction. trump was still ranting. >> i have a trump hating, judge with the trump-hating wife and family. >> there's also the 2018 lawsuit, trump's settled, which resulted in the dissolution of the donald j. trump foundation. the new york state attorney general accused the charity of using the foundation's money to boost trump's campaign. irs non-profit rules prohibit making expenditures to influence the outcome of an election the judge ordered trump to pay $2 million to settle the case in a statement after that, trump insisted every penny of the 19 million raised when two great charitable causes randi kaye cnn, palm beach county, florida. >> so i have to unpack there joining us now a cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig. so should what do you make? first of all, the prosecution's request to introduce evidence from past trials against the
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former president. >> so this is a warning shot. it is a legally mandated filing. the prosecutor just have to put in and what they're essentially telling donald trump as they would with any defendant is, if you take the stand in this case, of course, we will cross-examine you aggressively on your guilt in this case, but also, we're going to cross-examine you about these other bad acts that you were involved in. and the test of what they're going to be allowed to ask are not asked according to the judge, is whether those actions let's go to donald trump's truthfulness. it's not a question of, well, he's just a horrible guy. it's a question of has he done things in the past that show that he's a liar so if there are instances where he's lied under oath or laden a deposition, those would be things they could try to highlight exactly. so i'll give you examples from the filing. >> the civil fraud case about over inflation of assets there was a finding their by the judge that donald trump intentionally over inflated his assets. >> that goes to his honesty. that's an act of untruthfulness. by contrast, i think it's actually a trickier argument when you're talking about the sexual assault of e. jean carroll. now that's a
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horrific act but the question is, does that go to his truthfulness or not? and i think the judge is likely to keep that part out of it. again, all of this is if donald trump, alexa, take the stand, but the but bringing in evidenced from that from the e jean carroll case that would be used to show to claim that the former president was lying, right? >> so the way they could try to get the jean carroll piece& is donald top was also found liable for defamation, which requires in order to defame someone, you have to knowingly tell a false out about them. so that would be the argument. >> i mean, do you think there's a world war the defense puts down trump on the stand. i do not and there's a couple of reasons. first of all, if you just went based on movies and tv, every defendant takes us stand, right? it's great drama. it happens quite infrequently in real life. i think it only happened in one case i ever tried it's very rare because it's so risky and donald trump, he did take the stand as randy pointed out in her piece, in two of the civil cases, but it's apples and oranges because first of all, the, way he took the stand was this very narrow, sort of
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carved out bit of questioning he was on the stand and off in a matter of minutes. >> if he takes the stand in this case, it's on everything's in play. >> the prosecution can keep him on the stand on cross-examinati on for hours and hours and hours. and if a defendant takes the stand and you slip up, if you get caught in a tradition, if you get caught, an ally, it's over, but there's also i mean, there's what lawyers will tell the defendants do and then what defendant donald trump believes he's probably a good witness on the stand, even though he does not seem to appear to be very effective in depositions that had been released. >> it's a really important point. lawyers cannot force there our clients to do or not do anything. we sometimes say, hey, all i can do is advise it's ultimately up to him to decide. and if donald trump does choose to take the stand against his attorneys recommendation, then the judge may make a record of that because what he doesn't want to happen is for donald trump to get convicted and they say, well, my lawyer gave me ineffective if assistance. my lawyer gave me constitutionally
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ineffective. lawyering by letting me take the stand, you make a record. hey, lawyers said don't do it, but i'm choosing to do it anyway. >> it's really interesting how quickly once basically both sides are exhausted, their challenges to strike various potential jurors, how quickly the judge to move forward and pictures. >> it's a good indicator to me if we're thinking about how is this trial going to move and credit largely to the judge, he ran this process efficiently by all indications, fairly. he's kept it from becoming too much of a circus thus far. and i will say the lawyers on both sides have not been obstructionist and the fact that we got a jury picked here really amounts to about two-and-a-half court days. they'll finish picking the last few alternatives tomorrow. i think it's a good sign for the speed with which we can get this trial in. >> how many altermatt it's totally do they want? >> so they have one so far the law says you can have up to six. i think it's case. i would want all six because look, we lost two seeded jurors today. now gets harder legally once the jury sworn in, it gets much
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harder for a judge to release a juror, but jurors get sick. jurors get freaked out. some of them could be be spooked by a social media post. i they're gonna need all six. >> so if if the, if jurors who are actually seated start to freak out as you say, and just try to get off yeah those alternatives would fill in. and if the alternate settings are exhausted to an earlier point that jennifer made, it would be a miss drawing. yeah. then you got a problem there actually is some law that you can finish out a trial with 11 jurors. >> that's happened before the judge has a little bit as discretion here. i don't think we're going to cycle through all six alternates. i mean, that would be quite extreme, but i would bet going to lose one or two along the way. whether someone gets covid someone sees something on the news that are not supposed to see jurors do dropout once in awhile. >> elie honig. thanks so much. appreciate it. house speaker mike johnson today corner, both literally and figuratively, figuratively, by wright members far-right members of his conference, the reason why in the split inside the gop yeah there are precipitating events around from pepin, their stuff
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every piece of tells a story. how it really happened with jesse l. martin, sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn tense moments on the house floor today with far-right republican two rounding and essentially pinning their party speaker mike johnson to the back wall. >> that's according to our capitol hill reporter, annie grayer, all because of a threat from john since you use the already contentious foreign aid votes expected this weekend with tens of billions of dollars mark for ukraine as a vehicle to raise the number of votes needed to throw him out as speaker congresswoman marjorie taylor greene kurtzman, matt gaetz, and house freedom caucus members are against the aid hours ago johnson made his decision on whether he'll change the procedure for moving a house speaker amount of razo has that and more on the bruising fight inside the republican party hard right? >> republicans have driven out two speakers in stymie, the gop leadership's agenda. now
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speaker mike johnson is pushing back. >> this is a moment meant for moral clarity for everyone. the speaker is doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons as he relies on democrats to pass a $95 billion aid package by saturday, including roughly $61 billion to help ukraine battle russia. today, johnson ruled out making it harder to seek a vote for his ouster any one member can still call for such a vote even as angry swing district republicans say it is time to marginalize the far right. i think we got to do something protects us against five to ten people. their needs to start being repercussions for those who completely elie and eight, the will of of that coffee the infighting playing out on the house floor with republican congressman derrick van orden during hardliners to seek a vote to boot johnson and calling congressmen matt gaetz, hubei, gates's response. the
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only thing i gleaned from ines that mr. van norton is not a particularly intelligent individual, gates who opposes hours johnson confronted the speaker over his handling the foreign aid bill. >> he spoke to the speaker. what was that conversation like tense why because we don't want to pass this bill. do you have confidence in speaker right now? >> it's diminishing his johnson wade changing house rules to make it harder to remove him outrage built on the right this is the type of betrayal that republican voters are absolutely fed up with. >> all his, he faces heat ever designed to advance a foreign aid bill without attaching border security provisions to it, despite repeatedly making this vow if president biden wants a supplemental spending bill focused on national security, it better begin by defending america's national security, but facing just to, to vote majority in the house. >> johnson now recognizing the votes simply are not, there are literally don't have the numbers, don't have a way to merge it together.
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>> that answer not selling that's fine. many republicans, we have an integrity problem when we tell the american people that the border is the hill, the dayana don't believe that the speaker couldn't extract at least something. >> and so i think it's a missed opportunity. i don't have confidence in speaker, unfortunately, behind closed doors today, democratic leaders urged their members to keep their outer dry. it not to commit to saving johnson why aren't democrats taking a position on whether to save mike johnson's shab we're waiting to see if he is going to allow us to save our global security and make sure that america has its security in modern joins us now from the capital. >> so is there any sense of how many republican votes there could be two oust speaker johnson if he moves forward with this foreign aid bill it's a little unclear at the moment, anderson, i've asked that question to marjorie taylor greene herself. she continues to say that she's getting more support but really only publicly, there have been two members are and thomas
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massie, there are a number of others on the hard, right, who i've asked, will you support this motion to oust kevin mccarthy event comes up? i simply will not go that far like congressman chip roy for one air berlin and another one is more in davidson among those. so there could be some republicans massively please don't be more than the eight who voted to oust kevin mccarthy. but that's still unclear and it's also unclear. anderson, how many democrats will come to mike johnson's defense behind closed doors today? the message from the democratic liters is essentially keep your powder dry because they thought it. they think that could extract more concessions from johnson and potentially then after they get some more concessions, will can go and come to johnson's defense. so some of that has to play out here. but at the moment, there is a belief that democrats will ultimately come to johnson's defense after we move forward with this big aid package, anderson. all right. sure. thank you. perspective. now, from somebody who just saw in my news report, new york republican congressman mike lawler, who sits on the foreign affairs committee, congressman and good to have you on. do you believe this foreign aid bill
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will pass the next? it's few days. and if so, do you think speaker johnson will be speaker for much longer yes. >> the foreign aid bill will pass it must pass. the united states has a obligation as leader of the free world to support our allies at this most critical juncture and to make it clear to our adversaries that we will not tolerate their actions and what they have done to undermine in an destabilized the free world. this is not about partisan politics, this is about the future of the world to end america's role in it. and i think we have to focus on the task at hand obviously, i understand frustration of some of my colleagues. i agree about the need for border security. it's why i have voted for hr last year. it's why i voted for a continuing resolution that had her2 which i would remind folks many of the people complaining
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right now voted against that continuing resolution prior to vacating speaker mccarthy so some of these folks have nobody to blame but themselves for why speaker johnson's hand in negotiations has been weakened. it's their actions that have done that i look at this very simply. in october the house was thrown into chaos by matt gaetz and seven useful idiots that teamed up with him within the republican conference and 208 democrats and at this moment, when you see what happened in the aftermath of vacating the chair and israel attacked in a terrorist attack a week later to do that, again, would be detrimental to the country and global security. >> and i think democrats who are seemingly trying to hold
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out for some negotiation really should look at this from the standpoint of the institution especially when we talk about protecting democracies. let's start with our own undermining the institution. no matter how much it made politically advantage, one party is destructive. and so i think it's incumbent on everybody republicans and democrats to say we're not going to do this again congresswoman marjorie taylor greene posted saying, quote, the real damage happening to our conference and are countries that our elected republican speaker supporting biden& the democrats agenda not fighting for our republican agenda, stop making excuses and blaming others i know, you republicans don't like to give her oxygen, but are you i mean, in the gop conference at large, them near you fed up with her look, this is the agenda of ronald reagan peace through strength. america has a role in the world to play. and it is to lead the free world. it is to
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support democracies around the globe, and it is to take on those that would seek to undermine and destabilise the free world furled china, russia, and iran are not our friends. they're not our allies, and they are doing everything they can to destabilise the globe when you look at iran, iran is the greatest state sponsor of terror. they fund hamas, 93% of their budget. you know, where they get the money. anderson, china, china purchases iranian petroleum 80% of iran's oil sales or purchased by china, at $8 billion in increased revenue since joe biden took office my build the ship act, and the iran, china's sank energy sanctions act are in this supplemental one of them are going to target, they're going to target iranian petroleum, which is funding terrorism. so when people say this is joe biden's agenda and to know this is holding the biden administration accountable because they have allowed
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increase iranian oil sales, which is funding terrorism in the middle east. why is it so? so many on the far right seemed to be fine with vladimir putin winning in ukraine, or at least not wanting any involvement by the us in terms of sending funds but a lot of people have legitimate concerns about the path forward in ukraine. and we have asked the administration time and again for answers on how they are going to define success in ukraine what is the end game in ukraine? and how we are going to prevent vladimir putin from doing this on a continuing basis. and then there are some people who have bought into some of the propaganda coming out of a russia. they say, oh, ukraine is corrupt. >> well, no kidding. when you have russian influence in ukraine, in moldova, in some of these it's former soviet satellite countries for 30 years in the aftermath of the
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fall of the soviet union? yes, there's going to be corruption. >> but our job as the united states is to help lead the free world and get our allies he lies to a place where they are more in line with western europe. >> then russia. and to allow ukraine to fall will mean that moldova and other countries in eastern europe will fall with it. and that is not good for the united states. that is not good for the world. when, as i said, repeatedly, you have a relationship and unholy alliance between china, russia, and i ran i think everyone agrees china is a threat. i think everyone agrees. i ran as a threat. russia is a threat. they are engaged in this alliance and the united states must stand firm and resolute in this moment. as i've said many times, this is not a moment to be neville chamberlain. this is a moment to be winston churchill, and that is the objective from my vantage point. that is why it is so critical nicole, that we do the right thing. the speaker is doing the right thing in this
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moment, anderson, and it is incumbent on the institution. republicans and democrats to rally behind him and make sure that we get this bill across the finish line. >> congressman mike lawler. thank you. appreciate it. >> coming up. thanks. robert f. kennedy, jr. secures a spot on the ballot in michigan. present biden today it's a very public endorsement from the kennedy clan details next some things that were better together, like your workplace benefits and retirement savings lawyer provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. >> so you can reach today's financial goals. look forward to more confident future well-planned, well invested, well protected. wow, incredible, amazing my go-to is lumify eye drops. >> lumify dramatically reduces redness in one minute. any look at the difference, my eyes, the brighter and wider for up to eight hours, lumify it's kind of amazing. >> see for yourself with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day
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is within reach refi. so, you could save thousands and get to your goals faster. >> so far. >> get your money right neves night with abdullah. >> tonight at tim eastern on cnn with robert f. >> kennedy jr. security ballot access, and another key battleground state today, president biden took time during the end of his three-day swing through pennsylvania for an endorsement from many of kennedy's relatives, or let science has that the kennedy family coming out in full force not for one of their own, but for president joe biden, we want to make crystal clear or feeling that the best way forward america is to reelect joe biden and kamala harris took four more years what did
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incredible honors to have the support of the kennedy family. biden standing with six of robert f. kennedy jr. siblings in philadelphia, sending a clear message about the 2024 race without mentioning their brother by name. >> we are here because we feel obliged to do all that. we can we cannot stand outside in this election no american can stand aside. we must go in 2024. there are only two candidates with any chance of winning the presidency. >> the show of force comes one year after kennedy announced a democratic bid for the white house. candidate for the democratic nomination, before switching paths last fall here in philadelphia i'm here to declare myself an independent candidate that third party run now of direct concern to his family and many top democrats who worry, kennedy could syphon off votes from biden in
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november. >> and i do worry that bobby just taking some percentage of votes from biden could shift the election and lead to trump's election. >> any vote that is not for joe biden is likely to boost the candidacy of donald trump at times, the families nx over kennedy's campaign has spilled into public view. >> i've listened to him i know him i have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president what i do know is his candidacy is an embarrassment many family members frustrated after this super bowl ad from a pro-kennedy super pac used a song from john f. >> kennedy's 1960 presidential campaign. but kennedy trying to downplay the family tension. >> we could disagree on issues and we could disagree with passion and information, but we still love each other with a second term on the line, biden drawing the family close, inviting maria shriver to the
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state of the union and hosting the kennedy clan on st. patrick's day, writing quote from one proud irish family to another, it was good to have you all back at the white house. when we get to do it with president joe biden now kennedy's campaign announced it gained ballot access in the critical battleground state of michigan, really raising the possibility that kennedy could impact this rais come november, his campaign has also secured ballot access in utah, and it says that it's collected enough signatures to get on the ballot in some battleground states like nevada and north carolina. but the fact that kennedy has gotten on the ballot in michigan really speaks to the concern that democrats and the kennedy, kennedy family themselves have about the potential so the he could take votes away from biden in november and michigan was one of those states that biden narrowly won against donald trump, about 155,000 votes with both biden and trump acknowledging that this race
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will be incredibly close, including in a state like michigan or lead times. >> thank you for more in rfk juniors impact on the rais am joined by our senior data reporter. harry enten. so does rfk junior pulled more votes away from biden or trump in michigan? i feel like we have to have a fact check here. >> i don't know why the joe biden campaign is so concerned over robert f. kennedy jr. in the state of michigan because if you break down our last ponyo, say, okay, those folks who say they're going to support rfk junior, who do they prefer an a to a matchup? donald trump or joe biden? well, it's split pretty evenly. but if you see actually there's slightly more who preferred donald trump, then joe biden, if anything, in the wolverine in state, what we're seeing right now in the polling, i've seen it in poll after poll after poll, is that rfk junior actually takes more votes away from donald trump than joe biden. so everything we just heard from the kennedy family to me doesn't actually hold water in the wolverine state. so warehouses, rfk junior qualified around the country? yes. so he's on the ballot, right now. he there has collected enough signatures or his campaign says he has or his
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superpacs as he has an 11 states. now that's not a lot of states, but it's growing at this particular point. and more than that, it's not just the number of states that's where those states are, right? arlette mentioned nevada, north carolina. how about georgia? how about arizona? these are all important key swing states. how about michigan obviously? and in wisconsin and pennsylvania where he does doesn't have the right now the signatures necessarily reach the ballot. the ballot signature threshold is very, very low. it's in the thousands and wisconsin, maine biden only won by like 20,000 votes. that's exactly right. so this is, i think why we're so interested in rfk. i don't think there's anyone who really thinks he can win the presidency. i think what a lot of people are interested in, if, okay, if it gets 5% or 6% of the vote, who does he take away from at this point, it looks like perhaps equally from both.& is there i mean, how much of his board has some fascination with the kennedy name. it's hard to it's hard to measure, but i will say that the vast majority of his comes from younger people, people who were not alive during when robert f. kennedy were alive. in fact, the people who were alive and his support is significantly lower amongst them. it's about half the
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level than it is amongst those who are actually not when he were not alive, when rfk was alive. so i don't think this has to do with the kennedy. i do think it has to do with name recognition. and has this campaign goes on as more people learn about them, we'll see if it's support can actually still hold. ariane. thanks very much. thank you. appreciate it. more. breaking news just moments ago and the former president's trial here your new york, a new filing from the prosecution where they want the judge to do and why it could cause the defendant thousands of dollars add home yes. >> focus on an american home she had warranty. i can reject you're covered homes simpson appliances like this. when the repair or replacement? yes. thank you it's oh, i'm not home. >> yeah, it's pretty sure it's home american home shield. don't worry, be warren higher shipping breaks may be
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