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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 18, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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that that is being extended to the extent of the defense team has requested jake, i think this is an issue that they might bring up on appeal as they continue to pursue any issue, any objection gather them all for a potential appeal if there is a conviction all right. >> so they're not going to get tuesday off for the holiday early early dismissal. that's the best he's gonna get. >> the best is going to get well, to be quite honest, that's good enough. i mean, knowing a little bit about passover myself, it's not one of the major like high holy de holds lee days. it's, you know, you can you can get out at right. jamie, your passover enthusiast get off at lunch and yes, i believe what the judge said was 2:00 dismissal and that's fine. in mind, the jury that's brighter also, manhattan, right? you can make it home in time unless you're cooking and then it's a problem legally, it's not this is not a problem legally yeah. >> full stop back passover and also one of the attorneys one of the defense attorneys wants it off. >> there's a whole all of the
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above seder plate, defense attorneys with why is this trial not like any other exactly. but for any number of reasons, number one, the defendant has multiple attorneys who can handle the hearing. >> number two, the judge has made an accommodation by cutting court a little bit earlier that day look, there's many reasons why they're going to have bases to appeal later on down the road. passover is not gonna be one. no, i got it 99 problems, but passover one as has been said by no one let me just do while we're waiting for mr. trump to come out and we're told that he is he's on his way just a little thing about juror number ten, who we haven't discussed, elliott, he works for for retailer, says he doesn't really follow the news again, tofu, he does in your words, he does, however, listened to podcasts on behavioral psychology it's my little hobby there. he said during jury selection, he was born and raised in ohio, is unmarried, lives with another adult roommate he loves to spend less time outdoors and with animals. i mean, again, somebody not really interested in headlines. >> now, i'm based on the information we have. this is
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the only kind of person who was likely to get on a jury like this. so many people in their news consumption and their social media usage would have some kind of read or at least yellow or orange flags hi to them here. this is an individual literally a behavioral psychology is perhaps the least partisan political thing, i think in the world that would have been put off flags to either of these parties here. so i think it should not come as a huge socket. someone like this would have ended up on the jury. >> and for those who have been watching polling over the last eight years and wondering who is this 7% of people that don't have strong feelings about donald trump one way or the other. like the people who who strongly love him, love him, strongly hate him, hate him, who are these 7% that have no feelings there on the jury, right now, here's donald trump. let's listen in thank you very much. >> i wanted to just say that
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i'm supposed to be in action. i'm supposed to be the georgia i'm supposed to be in north carolina south carolina wants to be a lot of different places campaigning but i've been here all day on a drought rarely isn't very unfair child ease her whole storage. this is a realize view from legal experts, is mostly journal editorial but, all of these are stewards from legal experts sitting how this is not a case. the case is ridiculous this, is another one. the case is ridiculous trump indictment it's missing fraud. >> there is no fraud stories are stories of how i use the depth by the experts and editorials bragg false my business record and he
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falsified he's the one he's the fraud take a look at all of these are you see him here regs indictment even falls as an indictment all of them red cross is the rubicon indicting trump on that sense the lopping out, your age and trump's indictment is so whopping not regenerative and outrage. >> everybody is outraged you know, we had 18 da da type store, two lobes 18 or 19 or 21 counter sounds like and in the meantime, we have murders going on right outside new york look at this the initial review no review jonathan turley, greg jared andrew mccarthy everyone
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was saying they go to zap case seeing it is no case they say is it constitutional? >> they don't think in cases these are all stories that have taken place over the last few days other than this de a break wants us to believe that his pursuit of trump of course, was collected. >> and they don't want to get doing this for joe biden even though rolling stone, no friend of mine you don't, like it says, they don't like breaks, chances on this case as he disgrace that's that's a nice head gladly theory that one too. but everyone who lies about the case justices on hello world is watching this new york scam trial spective
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bill. again, just wall street journal it's expected of everyone to the americans that third world country daily caller magazine, even all it just came out these are all every single one. >> i haven't seen one that says it's a good draft. it's political is this is a wall street journal and it's a shame. it's a shame. >> and i'm sitting here for days now from morning until night. and that freezing room, freezing let me buddy was freezing in there at all for this and this is your result. each one had ever snow and is very unfair greg, bad thing. all right, man, they go world is watching this knows, you got
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to be the tadic control you have judges highly conflicted the whole thing is a mess and you have the leading candidate and leading proof viggo biden quite like he's the one that these are. you've got a group if president, you should be a drought with all the southeast done and his family, he should be a drought. but he's the one in charge. >> his top people are here working with the da's office to make sure everything goes right but it shouldn't go right because they have no case. and that's what this is. so it really is a shame this country is devolving into a third world country between having no borders having no justice. we have no but justice and having a press that doesn't want to cover the fact. so thank you very much the defendant, donald
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trump there after the breaking news, a jury of 12 have been seated and selected to adjudicate in the criminal hush money cover up case against mr. trump. >> all happening just in the last half hour or so. mr. trump, they're saying that this is not fair, that this case is going on, that it is an unfair case. he cited a number of conservative writers saying as much. he also cited a rolling stone article for more than a year ago, suggesting that there are people who don't like trump, but thinks think this case is week. let's go straight to cnn senior justice correspondent evan pettis, who's that's why the courthouse haven't quite a whirlwind of a day it is a whirlwind of a day. >> jake, look, we started pretty rough. where we had to jurors who had been put on the panel where we were excused from serving. one of them because she said that she no longer believed she could be fair. she was concerned about details about her but her life that made it out into the
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public and another one who prosecutors said, a person with a similar name. the only thing we know is a person by the with a similar name had an arrest record and so that person was questioned and in the end was excused. we don't know exactly why they were excused. then, as you pointed out in as half-hour, we now have a jury of 12 and one alternate. the 12 who had been seated the 12 jurors, seven men and five women, and is a cross-section of new yorkers who are now going to be sitting in this courthouse behind me for the next few weeks to hear this case on donald trump i'll tell you just a little bit about a few of these people one of them, the four men, the foreman to the jury, is someone who who's originally from ireland. he works in sales. we have an investment banker, we have a couple of lawyers who are on this jury and some of the things that you hear the form president complaining about what he thinks is the unfairness of this jury. you
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have people on here like, for example, an african american woman who said that cheap she believes that the former president speaks his mind and i'd rather someone who's, who's in office, who then someone who doesn't know, you don't know what they're thinking? but that's one of the jurors who was chosen to sit on this on this jury. another juror, who the former president his legal team, tried to remove from the from the jury she said she described him as he seems very selfish, very self-serving in the end, she said that she believed she could be fair. so now we have this jury is seated jake, we expect that tomorrow the judge will continue choosing alternates. we believe he's going to choose as many as six alternates. one has been chosen already. and so this process is going to continue again tomorrow, beginning at around 11, a.m. all right.
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>> evan paris and new york. thank you so much. cnn's daniel dale is cnn's resident fact checker. he's handy to have around the times like this, daniel, we just heard a little speech from mr. trump. what do you make of it? did he say anything? thing that was not true? >> he did. i mean, it was mostly unshakeable subjective opinion, but he did say a few things that weren't weren't quite right at very least. so he repeated his false conspiracy theory that essentially the joe biden is behind this case, which was brought by a locally elected district attorney. he said biden is behind it. he has this top people working with the da's the office to make sure everything goes right. there is no basis for that. that appears to be a reference to a former justice department official who went to work for the da's office, but there's no sign that that was anything but his own employment decision. in fact, this former official, matthew colangelo, had previously been a colleague of de bragg, so he rejoined his old colleague. he also claimed that biden is a crooked president, should be on trial. i think that's mostly opinion, but i think it's worth noting, jake, that we've had this extended republican house
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investigation impeachment inquiry, no evidence of impeachable offenses, high crimes and misdemeanors, let alone criminal offenses. and then i should note, as you did briefly that he read this this big pile of documents of articles citing headline biden's denouncing the case. i googled some of them as he was speaking, so he read one, uh, talking about the whopping outrage and trump's indictment. well, that's that's harsh criticism. where was it from? a fox news column. he mentioned the daily caller and other right-wing publication. i gould another headline from the right-wing national review. he mentioned, there are some liberal scholars, legal experts, publications who have a raise questions about this case, but that pyle he showed was largely his his usual friends, the usual suspects praising trump, defending trump in the conservative media. >> all right, daniel dale, thanks so much and we're going to have much more from our lawyers reacting to this breaking news, a jury has been selected in the hush money case. we're also going to talk to vice president mike pence, stay with us. we're back in a moment this situation with wolf
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come to you 808 to one 4,000 we're back with breaking news. the jury in donald trump's trial has been seated, but tomorrow morning, court will be back in session because they have to pick six total alternate jurors. let's bring back cnn's kara scannell, qarrah. what's the latest? >> i will jake, i mean, jury selection now is finished at least as far as the initial 12 jurors go, they also have seated one alternate juror, and that means that there are still as many as five more that they want to seat. but the jurors have gone home for the de think gives you saw former president trump has left. the building, as well, but we have moving along much quicker than it seemed that we were this morning. it looks like this morning we had a setback two jurors were removed out of the seven that had been seated and it appeared as though this was now potentially going to slow things down. but then just in the last hour or so of court things sped up very quickly and
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we'd suddenly gotten to the point where we seated this jury and the jury is made up of a bunch of professionals in manhattan. there is a speech therapist, someone who owns their own business. a couple of people who work in finance, uh, security engineer the foreman is still the iyer, the man from ireland who works in sales but now this initial jury of 12 is set. they will hear the evidence in this case. the judges expecting that opening statements could begin on monday that they will be happy today because of passover holiday, but we will now get into this trial with jury selection. i'm sorry, jury selection nearly complete opening statements coming monday and at the end of the heel during today, there was a suggestion that we could even get to the first witnesses in this case on monday, the trump's team had asked for the identities of those the prosecution said they were not going to turn those names over because of the tweeting that trump has made and the social media posts he's made about some of the witnesses in the case. the judge said they're
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not required to. so for now, the prosecution is not sharing the first witnesses that they will call in this historic case, jake. >> all right. kara scannell outside the courthouse in manhattan. thanks so much for joining us now, karen friedman, agnifilo, a cnn legal analyst and former we're chief assistant district attorney in the manhattan district attorney's office, and also joining us, stacey schneider, manhattan criminal defense attorney, and a former contestant on trump's tv show, the apprentice extenders also worked with manhattan district attorney alvin bragg's office and has appeared before judge juan merchan stacy, that when leaving the courtroom, mr. trump, the defense and in claimed that this is an unfair trial. he complained about how cold the courtroom is that he's not able to hit the campaign trail. he said that president biden's behind the prosecution. there's no evidence of that. you were a contestant on the apprentice. does any of this behavior surprise you? >> no, not at all. first of all, trump is great. thinking on his feet about what he wants to say to the media. >> he planned this one out though, obviously because he
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had that stack of news stories or op-ed opinions that this is not a valid prosecution and the de doesn't have evidence but that kind of rhetoric is going to fade away as this trial gets underway because of the particular indictment that was filed against him. >> this is a case solely about falsifying business records and the de has cited in the indictment actual physical evidence that they claim to have checkbooks checks, checks, stubs, receipts, entries into business ledgers. there's nothing political about the case, and i think the public will see that as the evidence is presented so karen, let me ask you i think mr. tropics breast surprise the other day on truth, social look, memory serves that he didn't have an unlimited number of peremptory challenges to dismiss individuals who couldn't be fair. >> that's obviously not the procedure. each side gets a limited number i didn't devise
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this legal system and i'm not sure that this is the way i would have done it juror number 11 during what de said about trump. he just seems very selfish and self-serving. so i don't really appreciate that in any public servants, so i don't know him as a person, so i don't know how we is in terms of his integrity he's just not my cup of tea or it's not just it's just not my cup of tea now, to me, i would think, well, that camp that person can't be fair, but i'm guessing that the defense ran out of peremptory challenges and she's on the jury. is that normal? does that alarm you at all? what do you think? >> so there's two different types of challenges. one that are called for cause challenge and that's the kind that you're talking about. somebody who expresses that they cannot be fair or impartial. those you do have an unlimited number of but when it comes to the challenges, just because you don't like the person, those you do half two. there's only
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ten per side that is statutorily regulated and so this particular juror clearly expressed that regardless of how they felt about about donald trump, that they can be fair and impartial. and that's important because jurors take that really seriously. think about it. you could have a murder case, for example no one's going to be pro murder or like a murder doesn't matter. it's can you be fair and impartial in this case, and evaluate the evidence for what it is so clearly that juror said that they could be fair and impartial stacey, what do you think? so every person believes that they can be fair and impartial. >> and the biggest danger in these types of trials from the defense, sayyed, particularly is someone can say those magic words and the judge, they won't be dismissed for cause. there's no reason to dismiss them. both sides run out of their peremptory challenges. those wildcard challenges that we're just described that you
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can just release a juror or have them dismissed for any reason without justifying it to the judge? but the biggest danger and in this case with somebody like donald trump, aza, the defendant are people who are hiding those biases or will have those biases come out once they have to make a decision and all the evidence is in even though they promised in jury selection that they can be fair and impartial and put those thoughts sayyed, the biggest threat in picking a jury is relying on people's promise to put their biases aside. and sometimes it's just impossible particularly when you have somebody as intimidating as donald trump everybody thinks they have a good sense of humor. everybody thinks they have good taste. everybody thinks they can be fair on a jury. state's each night hitter karen friedman, agnifilo. thank you so much to you. how all this from the trial today fits into trump's 2024 presidential campaign. that's next do you, want to close out should i normally,
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eastern on cnn continuing with our breaking news coverage, a jury of 12 has been selected and former president donald trump's criminal hush money cover up trial. >> it's bringing our political panel three after that, and much more. alice stewart of this big moment for donald trump, you heard him come out and say and i certainly understand his sentiment. i want to be in new hampshire campaigning. i want to be in south carolina campaigning instead. i'm here. he had this big ream of papers of op-eds, mostly from the usual suspects yes. but people backing him saying it's an unfair trial how do you how do you take his handling all this? >> well, i'll look. he's clearly going to stick with his message, right? he's going to continue to come out of court every day and go into court every day. saying that this is a witch-hunt. this is weaponization of the justice department. i am the biggest threat and opponent of joe biden and these district attorney. and this court system is out to get me. and as he said with all of the reams of
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papers, he put forth from conservative outlets, citing one legal scholar after another who said this is an unconstitutional trial. this is a zombie case. this is not right. he's going to continue that message and he's going they continued to re-engage his base as activists and say he's a victim of the justice department, the problem is his game right now and his mission right now is to appeal to independent and late decided voters. they're not concerned about what happens florida courtroom to the former president. they're concerned what happens in their pocket book to them right now. and so my advice to him, given that he has world stage, every time you walked in and out, talk about what he's going to do for the economy. talk about what he's going to do for the border in security. those are the issues that voters are concerned about, and those are the issues and the people he needs to sweat hey, his way between now and november, it's an it's an interesting suggestion. it would mean that donald trump would have to put aside his sense of grievance audie, and i don't know that he's honestly capable of it. well, it's also
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interesting because a few years ago he was able to say that joe biden was campaigning like from the basement, right in the covid era limitations of campaigns. and now things have flipped. biden is starting to open up offices here and there. and you also have trump now locked in place. and as you're pointing out, he doesn't know what to do with that with that space. he could be using it the way you're talking about because as you can see, we ran it, right. we're like, you're speaking outside the courtroom. you're under a criminal indictment. this is your space to speak, but he's still used it in a way that is in fresh are interesting or engaging to independent voters who will look up and go court in front of trump, in front of a courthouse. seen it. now the problem for him here is we've seen evidence that this message is not resonating it's not landing with people. certainly the way it did in 2016, i mean, you saw as he ran through the republican primary? yes. he he crashed his way to the nomination, but you saw
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significant chunks of republican voters vote for other candidates, vote for nikki haley even after she had dropped out of the race, there was clearly desire there amongst the republican electorate for someone else. and this is a race that's going to be won and lost in the margins. and so the inability for him to deliver a message that is directed at independence, and a message that's directed at growing his coalition combined with the fact that we do see some fatigue. we saw some fatigue in the numbers as he was running through the republic public and primary, he's not putting forward a message that is building his base and that's a preska be problem for him. i will say to his credit, i think what he does better than most people is understand the limitations of the situation. and he is boxed into a courtroom. now they're thinking outside the box and give his campaign credit the other day he went to a bodega in new york city where the store owner killed someone who was broken into the store and he used that as an opportunity to go there and talk about the situation of crime and justice and new york city, it was a quick tort off
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the record. visit, but he made a point of an important issue in new york case and orange. no point an important issue to his campaign, right? >> republicans have talked so much crime, right? and now you can use that stage to your event and it wasn't a massive rally, but it was a short quick opportunity. >> to make a point. also going into the chick-fil-a in georgia, use it as an opportunity to show that he has support amongst african american voters, a audie president biden and his campaign have pretty much shied away from commenting on this legal stuff. what do you think that's the right approach? >> well, i mean, i can't say if it's the right or wrong approach, but i think they're not involved in this process. this is a new york courtroom and i don't think they have any incentive to jump in there and limit themselves to a campaign in front of a courthouse. this is his time, i think for this administration to try and sprint campaign wise. and you saw that when kamala harris went down to arizona, right? instead of being scared of going down to the border because people have been saying it's a problem for
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them. she was able to go down there and talk about abortion. >> everyone stick with me because we have more to talk, discuss. there's a trump campaign and the larger republican party will, republicans tried to separate themselves at all from trump, the candidate that's next erin burnett outfront tonight. it's seven on cnn, you know, i spent a lot of time thinking about dirt at three in the morning. and he time but people don't know. is that not all der is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle grow everybody should have it, it worked great for us. >> this is as good as gold in any garden if people only knew that it really is about the dirt, your dirt nerd huge turret i'm proud of it do you want to close out should i normally i'd hold but taking the games as smart here right? >> feel more competent. what's dog ratings from jp morgan
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with freelance ai extra fiber closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 it's enduring with our breaking news coverage or jury of 12 of donald trump's peers have been selected in his criminal hush money to cover up trial court will resume tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. they will need to pick five more alternate jurors. >> they've already picked one that's bring back our panel and audie cornish, let me start with you, prosecutor josh steinglass is refusing to share the witness list with the defense. they say because of donald trump's previous tweets about witnesses, that's interesting and pretty telling when it comes to the special nature of this case. yeah, it reflects the difficulty for our legal system to figure out how
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do you have this conversation, not just with the former president, but with someone who is actively running for office. >> there are real questions here that we are going to be in counting, encountering step-by-step this is one of them. all of us know at this point, you can be docs, your life can be turned upside down you can ask the election workers in georgia what it can mean if your identity is revealed in a way that's disparaging and we're going to see both the judge, so prosecutors may be even the defense taking these sort of tentative steps here and they're trying to figure out how to manage this experience. >> you know, what's interesting about it also is, for instance judge merchan has given a donald trump a gag order saying that he's not allowed to talk about the witnesses. right? well, stormy daniels and michael cohen have certainly had some pretty fulsome criticisms of donald trump. some pretty personal ones in stormy daniels case that they haven't held back. and there are questions like, is that fair? >> but again, because of what
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he absolutely right to ask if it's fair. but there hasn't been a riot at their command either. >> so i think that's exactly i think the question and the concern here is in part the pushback from donald trump, whether you're getting a tweeted at are pushed out on social media. >> the question is, when he puts out a statement his followers act on that sometimes and their frustration and their anger and that's the concern is when he puts out something that might be critical of whether it is what is a member of a jury or a family member of those involved in the case. the concern is how well his followers respond to that. so i think it's proper to discourage him from speaking out during this case, and i hope that his attorneys urged him to use his discretion when he's tweeting alumnis, you know, in some ways politically, he should view the gag order as a gift. i mean, he should he should to alice is point as we were discussing in the last panel discussion. he should use this opportunity to talk about what he's going to do for americans if he gets a second term in office, he should not
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use the media tension to talk about how this impacts him, how he's the victim. i mean, he's essentially his message is all about him and that's not actually when people go to the polls and they are deciding who they believe should be present in united states. they want to know what that person is going to do for them. and so i think if he were smart, he would view the gag order as a political gift and say, you know what, i am not going to spend all my time talking about this trial. i'm going to talk about what i'm gonna do if i get a second term as president, i don't think he's capable of doing that. i think his his his narcissism won't allow him to do that, but it is interesting that he has this platform and he's i would argue he's squandering it, but as as was suggested, the idea alice, i think it was you that suggested that he take the opportunity. look. we add a fairness. we're covering this trial. the defendant comes out and speaks. we're going to cover that. right. just add them basic fairness. use the defendant. certainly most of the coverage about what's going on is not positive for him. given that opportunity, but instead he has a ream of papers and list of
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grievances. you're saying come out and say this is what i would do to lower your taxes. >> so that's what the independent voters and the undecided voters who are really his target audience. now, that's certainly what they want to hear and look the people that he spoke with when he came out. he's already got their support there. they're going to continue to support him. and the more he can use the opportunity for his limited time he has to get out there and talk about the issues that are important to them. look, he can look at these poles right now. we're seeing he's tied or in the lead in these key battleground states against joe biden on key issues. and we're people are concerned burn with the economy, the border, public safety, national security. those are things that he should be using this mega microphone to talk about because that's what voters are concerned. i think the biden campaign is being smart about how they're using this opportunity. i mean, they're kind of strategically picking their battles. you saw them put out this fundraising email week that included the word stormy and work was clearly sort of making a nod to
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the case, but was actually about abortion. and did it in a way that you can imagine probably riled donald trump up personally. but actually it's drove the conversation to abortion and issue that we know is motivated. democrats, independents, moderate republicans to come out. so i think they are using this moment in a way that i think is smart and trump is not. >> all right, thanks. one and all for being here and lest we forget. its audie corners. thursday on a new episode of her show disrupt today, it's podcast called the assignment with audie cornish. it is a must listen download it anywhere, you get your podcasts and happy, happy, audie cornish thursday. >> thank you. thank you. i know you copy. i'll send a check and there is no love lost between former vice president mike pence and donald trump right now. but we'll pence vote for donald trump i'll ask him next what's the greatest invention of all time, new hands-free sketcher slip ends. >> you just slip in and they're on it's like they have an invisible built-in shoe horn. so your foot slides into place without bending down or
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speaking on the danger of american isolationism there are those who think that if we continue to support the ukrainian military with resources that will somehow lead us to world war three. >> i believe the opposite is true. i believe the real lesson of history is when we falter in our commitment when we don't take tyrannical regime seriously. and we don't take dictators at their word and joining us now, former vice president mike pence, that mr. vice president, you've been talking to european leaders there in belgium as you travel across europe, what are you hearing from allied leaders about russia's war against ukraine? how dire the situation is there, there are fears about what putin will do after ukraine well, i think you actually use the word that i've heard most often. >> that is the situation in
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ukraine is dire today but the reality is that the there's a gathering storm that i think our allies here in europe recognized. that's what it's so heartening to me to see speaker mike johnson and the republican leadership moving forward on an aid bill. i think america is the leader of the free world. jake i think it's important in this moment that we accept that responsibility that we renew support for the ukrainians who fought against this unprovoked and brutal invasion. >> now for more than two years, give them what they need to make the fight because as i said here today, and i've said for many years i have no doubt in my mind having met vladimir putin that if putin were allowed to overrun ukraine, it would not be long before he crossed the border of a nato country. where our men and women in uniform, it'd be required to fight. so the situation is dire vladimir
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putin continues to brutalize the people of view crane literally fired a missile at a hotel that took dozens of lives and injured nearly 100 men, women, and children. now is the time for america to lead. and i'm encouraged to see the congress moving in that direction. >> they are moving in that direction. but it's taken quite some time and a lot of the protest against this bill is coming from the right-wing of the republican party in the house. some of donald trump's most stalwart supporters. what do you say to them when they say not more, not one more penny to ukraine, what's your response? >> well, i say to them from my years of experience as vice president, from my years serving on the international relations committee in the house that this is a real moment of testing for the united states. and we need to
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meet this moment as look i understand the frustration with the failed policies of the biden administration at home and abroad. i mean, literally the worst a border crisis in american history resulting from joe biden on doing all the policies we put into effect record inflation over the last three years. and that disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan that undermined the credibility in the confidence of the free world in american leadership. i think it all literally set the stage for the moment we're in today and i would just say to my colleagues on capitol hill old friends that now now's a moment where the united states of america needs to square our shoulders. we need to recognize we are the leader of the free world and we need to step, step into this moment, send a deafening message, not just a russian vladimir putin, jake but also renew our support to our cherished ally, israel, support
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taiwan, and also send a very clear message to the malls in tehran. and frankly to president gee, in beijing that america is going to stand firm for freedom. >> you say isolationism is never the answer that was the theme of your speech earlier today. the rhetoric of your former running mate donald trump has been a major driving factor in your party, the republican party is gradual shift toward a more isolationist view over the past eight years. maybe it's a minority view, but it's growing in power our and this helped create the climate for the foreign aid fight we're seeing today, which is also threatening speaker johnson's job. now, you have famously split with mr. trump over both january 6 and his views on foreign aid. but i wonder if trump's former vice president, if you ever feel that maybe you played any role in the erosion of the reagan ideology that you stand for well first let me not
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skip over the fact. >> i think speaker mike johnson is it a tough spot? look to very narrow majority and i think what the american people will witness here is nothing short of moral courage here, speaker mike johnson has decided to do what he believes is right and trust the american people with the outcome in this moment. and i commend him for that. but as to your question, it's a fair question, but i would tell you, i honestly believe that emergence of this new republican isolationism. i believe is something that has come forth in the last three years, particularly with the disaster at our southern border. the record inflation and the russian invasion into ukraine, i think you have many republicans that are falling back to the notion that we've got problems here at home. we can't solve every problem in the world when the reality is
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that anyone that says that we can't secure our border revive our economy, and be the leader of the free world has got a pretty small view of the greatest nation on earth. we, we've done both now for 75 years we can do both again and in our administration, i honestly believed jake that we built up our military. we stood with our allies, stood up to our enemies we didn't go looking for foreign entanglements, but when the moment presented itself, whether his fight against isis taking down qassem soleimani cruise missiles into syria. we were willing to use american force and that sets the opposite of isolationism. that's american leadership. >> you have said that you're not endorsing donald trump. you also have not ruled out voting for whom well, why not? >> well, i'll just keep my vote to myself i'd never vote for joe biden but i thought it was fair the many people that asked me what my posture was
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going forward and i based on the differences, the president, i still have over my constitutional duties on january 6, but also as you said based upon how i see the president's shying away from our commitment as leader of the free world, being prepared to ignore the national debt. now, even walking away from a commitment to the right to life at the national level. i just made it clear that i will not be endorsing donald trump in this campaign? but i'll keep my vote on my own and all of allah, all vote according to my conscience in private, just like every american will before you go, i do have to ask you about donald trump's criminal hush money trial, which is underway right now in new york, you've blasted the case that the district attorney alvin bragg has brought saying it's quote, nothing short of a political prosecution being affected by in manhattan da, who literally campaigned on bringing charges against one particular american unquote. surely you can't think it's okay to falsify business records and i don't think you what i know of you that you
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would ever sanction a married man? cheating on his wife with a porn star. so forgetting the trial for one second. what about the underlying alleged behavior well, look, the sorted details of this business, details of this i want to remind you and your viewers that every americans entitled to a presumption of innocence. >> so i want i want to maintain that posture as his criminal trial goes forward. but look there's a lot of people across this country look at a case like this. the two previous prosecutors rejected and the current prosecutor actually reject until he was pressured to bring it again, he changed it from a misdemeanor to a felony. and this just doesn't look like equal treatment under the law of mr. trump is absolutely presumed innocent until proven guilty. no question about that. i did say alleged behavior. do you think he's innocent of those charges, your personal view? >> you did i i wouldn't i
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wouldn't care to speculate about it. be honest with you, but i will tell you that the very idea of a campaign finance case being brought in state court as a criminal matter. someone that's lived under campaign finance laws for most of my career at the federal level, it jake, to be honest with, it, just comes across as a stretch vice president mike pence. thank you so much. travel safe, sir thank you, jack we'll be right back sunglasses lactate brand
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