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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 17, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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yeah. tickets from your inner child. what you really need live is some fricking torque was dodge hornetsaada
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luxury mattresses may the affordable on jeremy diamond in tel aviv. and this is cnn in arizona state capital. >> the republican control state legislature twice blocked efforts by democrats to repeal arizona civil war era near-total abortion ban there are defined calls from former president trump in arizona us senate candidate kari lake to take a more moderate approach ahead of the november election. >> just last week, you'll recall arizona state supreme in court ruled in favor of upholding the 800s 64 law, which prohibits abortions except to save the life of a woman abortion rights and phonons gathered outside the state house us today. a meer of the arizona chapter of right to life said, quote, this is not a political issue. it's a moral issue. abortion rights advocates were also on hand.
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they've been gathering ballot measure thawould enrine aboioacce in th state's constitutionp until fetal viability, which dtors estimate is around 22 to 24 weeks. >> the news contind it's right here on cnn i'd find next the breaking news face-f d mike johon on a colln greene course? i just johnson goes to war br new dails rht now wi bethla about at prosecutors want ask umife tas e stand in hisush money trial should his lawyers put hion the stanand biggerhan gold. thats one jor tech investors prediction about bitcoin is he righ all right. eveng. gout, findnd good >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. a breaking point. mik johnson and marjorie taylor greene on collision course and speaker johnn right now fighting back hard to keep his job if i orated out of fea
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over a motioto vacate, i would never be able to dmy what we do. thiss a ical us for timeightow greene id s will takdown johnsonver a high-stakes vote on ukraine aid. the johnson says, he is going to bring ta vote in days. it is a vote. the green says could eohnson's speakership. and this is it, this is the outline of 60.8, $40000,000 bill that johnson wants to bring to the floor? now, lookit should happen a lon long ti ago, it is still a big deal and it'a massive gamb for hnson. he'betting that he'll get this bill over the fini linon saturday, thanks to the help of democrats. and he's going against a major opponent who ds not want to give anoth sent to ukraine somebody who has russ's backing these alianza. khandra as a woman, marjorie taylor greene congresswom marjorie the us to withdraw from nato. she believes that americans
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shld help putin to win murkski. >> that's amazing. that's russian state telesiin fa, ever since marjoe taylor greene arted speaking t against helping you cre russian state television 't geenough oher look at all that. n't ju listen to us saying this. i mean, listen to what former republica congressman ken buck told me moscow, marjorie is focused now on this ukraine issue an getting are talking points from thkremlin and making sure that she is popular and she is tting a lot of coverage let's , marjorie, he calls that the nickname took on a life of itown d eene does have, does share frankly, a lot of putin's views on ukraine. >> take for instance, this tweet where she accuses the ukrainians are being nazis well, you've certainly heard that before, right? on russian state tv be u-shaped was a flagrantly brutal provocation
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by ukrainian nazis now this crucial bill to supply ukraine, it details here with more aid and look, as i said, it is crucial. >> they need it needs to be done. but in a sense, gosh, military n has the momentum in ukraine and the head the pentagon's european command just told congress, and i quote the army, putin's army is actually now larger by 15% than it was when it invaded ukraine. and just over the past 24 hours, if i'm 71 battles across the front lines, 43 ukraine d ukraine right now, does n have the rewer or to fight back. and that's how moscow likes it. and marjoe to like it 2s and she doesn't want any money goingo help ukraine manu raju was out front live on capitol hill and manu, you have been speaking to your sources. there is johnson really willing to risk his job over this bill? >> yeah, he is in short and
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fat. a lot of republicans do support him even as a question, his strategy, given that he, sheldon 95 billion foreign aid package that came out of the senate more than two months ago. but this ultimate product that could come over to the house as we can, is very similar to that, but even so, this razor-thin majority his speakership ship is at risk because of marjorie taylor greene's threats. that means that he may need to rely on democrats to save them speaker mike johnson, decision to set up a high-stakes center great night vote and rely on democrats to approve aid to ukraine. >> now, putting his job on the line, there's no other way to describe i didn't surrender. it's disappointing. >> i'm very disappointed. i just think the speaker needs to get home and lived to our base. >> i'm well past the point of i've given grace here, the time for him to get out of office i need i need a little bit more time today, but it's not good. >> give confidence in him. it's not good. >> will you vote? to vacate
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him? >> i haven't made up my mind yet and he's pushing us to the brink here. marjorie taylor greene, who is leading the charge to oust johnson, says she's still weighing went to force a vote it says support for effort is on the rise. >> it is growing at, i think some people are becoming more angry than i am, but i don't know how long people are going to tolerate this because he's doing but nothing but serving the democrats. >> johnson defending his plan. >> i'm operating with a smallest margin in us history. the only way to get a rule on the floor is that it requires a couple hello, democrats, johnson's move came after he shelve the sentence $95 billion aid package for more than two months. instead, he decided to split that aid package up into several pieces and to add to it other policy measures, such as a loan for ukraine, aid in a potential ban on tiktok. yet the house is expected to tie those bills together in one big package and send it back to the senate for final approval. the house will vote on a separate border security bill that won't be included in the final
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package. there'll be set and two, the senate, all of which a major rebuke to his right flank that includes congressman thomas massie, the second reblan to join the efft to oust ill strategy inot >> i think the sategy to fall on the sword, but would st two votes to spare, johnson will need mocrats to salvage bill, mething biden announci thisupport.ident now the qstion, will mocrat savjohns's jo does he still deserves to be saved if it comes to it? >> well, i've i've already itted to do that. bottom line is we have to show that these chaos caucus ds not have t power they think they have. >> i'll put it this way at the speaker is the thing as working better? answers to the american people. i would definitely consider all as many republicans warning hardliners not to seek johnson's ouster they want russia when sadly but they want to oust the speaker over it.
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>> i think they want to be in an already to everything now, democrats are divided over the idea of saving mike johnson's job. >> pramila jayapal, the progressive leader, told me she opposes that concerned about johnson's ideology, alexandria ocasio-cortez said that democrats to extract some concessions over the matter and everyone we watching hakeem jeffries, a democratic leader, what he says, the demo credit caucus plans to meet aaron tomorrow morning to discuss these matters further mano. >> thank you so much with all those new details and let's be joined now by the democratic congressman, mikey cheryl. she sits on the armed services committee, served in the navy as a pilot and russian policy officer so all of these issues right at the heart of what you do and who you are. you've just are two of your fellow democrats. so manu, they'd help save speaker johnson's job if it comes to that. but then you heard him talk at others who y they absolutely will not. whereo you stand on this? would you save speaker johnson? >> well, i think what's on the table right w is we'll speaker johnson get this
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suppmental package passed. that's what is most important to me is the substance of that and, then quite frankly, as my fathn-law used to say, you have to as k to get the speaker nor needs democr vote so nce until that time when he changes his mind, that doesn't seem to be on the table right now. >> well, of course it sounds like i mean, that's that's wishful thinking on his part. he's going to need democratic votes, but your sounds like you're not willing to say that you do it, but you're not willing to be like some of your colleagues and say that you won't support him i think it all comes down to what is this package is going to look like an are we gointo be able to pack pass it? >> it's it's gotten to the point of ridiculousness. i mean, here we have a supplemental president asked for it in october the senate passed it th a bipartisan majority in february. >> a now at the 11th hour, when you quoted general cobolli
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about the russians, it's not just that there personnel are up 15%. >> they are outgunning the ukrainians tend to one. so at the 11th hour, we're going to just split it up and then asset and that doesn't seem to be being sold to anyone on the right. we have to get something on the floor. we have to pass this aid, get it to the senate as quickly as possibleif they need to revote it and get it to the president. so can i just ask you about as a former russian policy officer in the navy fighter pilot, you're on armed services the reality that you just said that their militaries bit more soldiers now bigger now putin's military than it was before the war despite the sanctions, despite the war, all these headlines of the death that's where they are being outgunned ukrainians putin by ten to one, our fred pleitgen recently on the front lines was talking about like basically these medieval cannon balls a congresswoman that they're using that are essentially just smoke balls that they're lobbing over the ukrainians at the russians. obviously something it's crucial for something to be done. do you worry that this is
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too late to make a difference? >> no. i think the ukrainians have swn as time and time again that width our support, they can be incredibly successful. so you know, time is of the essence in fact, i have a large ukrainian american community in my district and a gentleman who came there for medical treatment, his story haunts me. he lost both his legs and both his eyes and trying to defend a town because he knew from seeing other towns that this happened to that when the russians went into the town, they would raise the town, they would rape women there, they would kidnap children and he felt like he had to stand in the breach and he gave up so much to do so the least we can do is support our democratic allies especially given what we know putin to do. so to watch a report and to think that there are these people like marjorie taylor greene on the right that are pro-putin? that, that our pro-russia, is really shocking. >> and i guess that brings me back to that point. >> you know, if she chooses to
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go ahead and move with the motion to vacate the speaker. if you don't save the speaker, you're helping marjorie taylor greene and whoever the kind of person is that marjorie, taylor greene and those who support her would want to be the speaker. is that something you'd ever be comfortable with well, i think first i have to see some leadership from the speaker. >> i've not seen that yet as i said, this has taken him too long. this has been going on for too long, and his solution at the end of the day is not to do anything different, but to do to break it up so that now we're going to have to revote it in the senate, which is going to take even more time i'm incredibly frustrated right now. if we can get this passed through the house and then if there is a aid for democrats to support him, all address that at the time, but i think right now the substance of this bill and getting it passed is the critical priority. >> all right. we'll congress from cheryl. i appreciate your time. thank you very much. i'm joined now by steve schmidt, who is the founder of the warning newsletter and podcast, former gop strategist who
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worked as a top campaign adviser for president george w bush, governor arnold schwarzenegger, among many others. so steve, good to see you. >> all right. so you hear garnish woman, cheryl, look, some democrats are closing the doors and they're not going to help johnson no matter what that might mean in terms of then therefore, implicitly siding with marjorie taylor greene. but it sounds like congressman cherelle is open to that. clearly once this ukraine bill passes, so do you think democrats bail them out? >> so i was listening to the congresswoman aaron and i was reminded of the old ronald reagan quote talking about mikhail gorbachev at the end of the cold war, he would repeat all the time dolby, i provide, which trust, but verify and i think that's what the congresswoman is saying. she wants to see some action on aid to ukraine and the larger issue here is be two ukraine at a really, really dire our yeah
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and mike johnson became speaker i believe he's an extremist republican, but history has placed him in a moment of dire consequence and very often it seems like that the debates that take place in the american congress or completely detached from the reality of what's happening in the world. and this is a momentous moment the russians have sustained half 1 million casualties. >> and they're on the march and the bet that putin has made is that the west america lacks resolve. >> this is the same congress that invited zelenskyy and cheered for him. yeah, not so very long ago. >> and the bet that, that putin is fundamentally made was perhaps best expressed by winston churchill in 1938 when he talked about the moral collapses democracies in the appeasement to hitler and checklists of aki. >> and he said, they'll aren't
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wade in the balance and found wanting and do not suppose that this is the beginning of the end. this is only the beginning of the reckoning and that's what this vote is about we have a lower, lowest common denominator majority that's held hostage by its most extreme and ludicrous members but the congress is an institution on behalf of the people of the united states at an urgent moment at the edge of a new era when the polish president says we're in a pre-war period, get ready we should listen and that's what this moment is. >> i want to ask you about one other thing, steve, since since i have you here, we just saw a letter was sent from trump's campaign to other republican candidates and committees. i don't know if you saw this, but the letter begins beginning tomorrow. we ask that all candidates and committees who
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choose to use president trump's name name, image, and likeness split a minimum of 5% of all fundraising solicitations to trump's campaign what are your thoughts about that? >> look, it's, always been a graft and it continues to be so donald trump is consumed by legal dad, by legal judgments, by multiple legal judgments. and so this is the tool by which much of this is all going to be funded. his campaign is cash-strapped up against the biden effort, right? right now to the tune that der on a trajectory. potentially if you just kind of on the back of a napkin, look ahead, that could be outgunned by 350, million. coming into fall election. that's a big number that could very much be determinative when this is likely to come down to tens of thousands of votes across three or four states and
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a handful of counties. >> all right, steve, thank you very much. nice to see you and appreciate your perspective. next, we have baking newsecausee've just are gettg in se netails about at exalyrosecutors std in theush money trial, e w've g tt for yo plus republicans. the bn runng aw from arizona's law that bans nearly all abortions the civil war era. so then why did theyt thank an effort to repeal it? they'd a chance. >>he governor of arizona will be outront and tensions boiling over in the middle east to top israeli official now calling for an attack that quote rocks tehran using the word erase. >> in the conversation about from ierwan exes its military might today the vietnam war. it, so you're john schutzpass not counterintellige nce sounds intense what are you
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my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. preferred better science, better results. >> i'm rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn breaking news. >> we have new details on what we could hear in trump's first criminal trial. this is really important because we've got a new filing from the manhattan da. we've just gotten it what it reveals is some of what prosecutors nt to k trump ifkes the stand as he's indicated, he wants to do. and is is coming just hours before jury selection resumes
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in the case out front. now, ryan goodman, upfront legal analyst, joey jackson, criminal rough is. the says he go wants tostion trump out oath in other recent cas on the stan what stan out to you about wh the da sayinge want to ask? yso full bi picture. ts is important because it will inform his judgment that is trump as to whether hill testify. so the system wants you to have a fair trial, but you can'hat bo ways. if you want to testify, wthe prosutor sion. will say and h said have the ability to cross-examine you abt prio things you did that may impinge on your credibility and they've listed tt is the mann da's office. what those things e. so the fact that your organization has been convicted of a crime that could be problematic. why you're the head of that. explain that, sir. if you want to talk about credit but ability, you violated orders before you were told not to, but you did it anyway, what does that say about you speaking about the issue of the half-a-billion well, listed as 300 something
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$9,000 the fact that there was his new york state conviction, explain and talk about that. and that dealt with falsity. it dealt with conspiracy, it dealt with things that your business did that were pretty unsavory. and so this is important because if you testified, be prepared to be confronted with those issues before the jury, it doesn't make you look too good in the jury's eyes. so those are things that are somewhat significant. >> so the reason this is filed this way, i understand right. is because the judge would have the ability to say yes, you can do these sorts of things. yes. you know, you can't. so where does this go from here to do you think the judge says yes, all these things that joe he's laying out are fair game we'll have to see the hearing is supposed to take place on friday. >> the judge has enormous discretion the judge also has to say no, i will not let the evidence in if it's trying to prove that the defendant is a propensity towards committing certain crimes. but everything joey said would be allowed in if it's about his credibility, his honesty, and things like that but the judge will have to decide is it maybe also to
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prejudicial to let it in against the defendant or is it very important information? but the jurors to have to evaluate his credibility. that's all up in the air and we'll see which way the judge cuts it. >> all right. so that's going to be crucial. that's coming on friday. jury selection, though we're hours away here. and 30 years of experience questioning jurors and criminal trials in manhattan. that's it's a perspective you bring to this. >> we had none then all of a sudden an hour-and-a-half, we have seven. >> it's like an agatha christie model think the full jury could be seated tomorrow. it's certainly possible for all this narrative about the judge's rushing. this is rushing that this is the way the process works. a judge is not rushing a thing. you have a questionnaire to delineate who can be fair. the judge is being overly fair by given the giving the indication, if you self-identify as this trial is not for me. you're done. in other cases, the judge will attempt to rehabilitate you and so you have a pool that's excluded right away. so i think what the judge is doing is moving it along it appropriate pace. and then when you have
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these challenges, these peremptory challenges inside baseball, which is where you could for any discretionary reason removed the jury. they are limited. and so what you're left with unlimited challenges for cause, those go away. so i think a jury will be empaneled. i think a fair jury will impact. and we could get the show on the one that his point about a fair jury trump is on his social media website. quoting a fox news host. so he puts in quotes on his post. they are catching undercover liberal actists line to the judge in order to get on t trump jury. so he puts it in quotes as referring to jurors. i want to take this from two points here. one, he's talking about jurors is in quotes from violation of the gag order, welcome back. jars. >> it is a vy, very clear violation of the gag order. the gag orders last provision says that trump cannot make public statemen aboutny pecte juror or any juror full stop it's not about his intent is not about making statements about jurors in order to interfereith a
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criminal proceeding, which is part of of the gag order,ust cannot make public stameabout em he just started listing whether he's quoting if foxnews know just put it in quotes and then say somebody else said it. i'm just pushing it out there. and this is going to come up next week. there is a hearing about his other violations or less such vlations of the gag order. three of them with the da saying to the judge, please time in jail if he considers to do this. all right. and so then the other point here is point tha's making aut liberal activists. there wer two two jurors that trump had wanted to be challenged. that that had moved ahead, but th the judge did end up dmissing thi'not saying they're undeoat'' just sayg is the stem working? >> thi the system works y'd ck a jy if there's t? any fabrications or people are t front, you cross them real, at's what you're doing tohe jury with fa wn you you have social e media posts thattr your answers and you're confronted with that. and e judge got rid of theirt.
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that's that erin is what voir dire dire isll about. all right. thank you both ve much. >> next breaking news, republicans just sink an effort to repeal arizona's controversial civil war. your abandoned almost all abortions now it's just months away from going into effect. they had the but you need to stop this and they chose not do tonight. and bitcoin worth more than a trillion before dropping. but now there are some insiders who say it could be about to skyrocket. it's a big question for many right now. should you get in there with susie warm and has to say merely to. turn off alarm. >> emilia, whether reason send emilia unlocked the door. >> i'm afraid i can't do that. >> why not? >> did you forget something i approaching shake the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. >> so dramatic amelia, by jan, 100 innovative companies, one
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jacob floor in brynn for certain, the white house correspondents dinner by saturday, april 22, at seven eastern on cnn. >> close captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one, four thousand breaking news. arizona lawmakers failing to move forward tonight on repealing one of the strictest abortion laws in the united states. this is a law actually from 18, 64 that bans nearly all abortions. and you know, we've been talking about this a lot lately because back to 18, 64 and
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because it threatens to jail doctors who even dare defy the law if the law does not get repealed, it could go into effect very soon, as early as summer in front. now the democratic governor of arizona, katie hobbs and governor, i very much appreciate your time tonight. i mean, this is incredible. what's happening in your state the republicans who control the state house are blocking efforts to move forward with a vote to repeal the law so what's the bottom line for you tonight? you have hoped that the law can be repealed before it goes into effect or not. >> well there is absolutely no excuse for them, for their failure on this. in 2022. many of these republicans voted for arizona's law that created a 15 week ban. that explicitly said this does not repeal the 18, 60 for law. they knew that if dobbs the dobbs decision went the way it did, that this law would be the law and they've had years to figure out the consequences of this
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and figure out a plan of action. and now they're just failing to act this law is so terrible for women in our state. it will have devastating consequences, which is why i called for them immediately to repeal this. they they went to the floor at last week. the democrats were ready to do it. the republicans blocked it last week, and they blocked it again today. they're only showing up to work once a week right now so i guess we'll see what happens next week when they come back. >> so once week they show up to work on this i mean, i guess what i'm partly very confused about governor, to be honest, is that the republicans have blocked this repeal vote from taking place as you point out, now, twice yet, many in the party including in your state, have come out against the 18, 64 abortion ban publicly, right? they've spoken out. i mean, here are some of them. >> yeah. >> this total ban on abortion that the arizona supreme court just ruled on is out of line with where the people of this
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state are territorial law needs to be repealed. arizona so again national, but also republicans from your state. >> i mean, if republicans are against this bill, saying it does not reflect where the state is, then what's the issue here? >> can you explain why they will not let it come up for repeal vote? >> no, i cannot. you'd have to ask them, but every single republican voice that you just played, they own this my, my former opponent was out on the campaign trail celebrating this law saying this is a great band that we have on the books and now she finds that it's politically and convenient for her. so she's encouraging its repeal the republicans in the state legislature who are now saying it goes too far, they voted for this ban in 2022 that explicitly left this law in place. they have sent fetal personhood bills to my desk
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that would have the same effect of this law. so they're just being disingenuous and they really owned a consequences of this. >> the reality of it is this, this fight has helped your party because it has galvanized those who've find going back to 18, 64 to be a polling when it comes to the abortion law, larry sabato is one of the most well-known accurate rais predictors in the country. today, governor, he actually changed ratings for two big races in your state, the senate race between kari lake and ruben gallego, which he previously had raided a toss up now has lean democrat and a house rais leaned republican. he now has as a toss-up and the anger towards us abortion law has clearly motivated democratic voters in a sense, it might, might make the most sense for your party, for for this to continue because you get more and more people who are going to go out and vote on it. are you worried that a repeal if it happened actually could hurt your party in november look, there's no
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question that this ban in this ruling is going to motivate voters up and down the ballot because arizonans are outraged about it. >> but right now today in the aftermath of this ruling, i'm not concerned about the political ramifications. >> i am worried about women's access to health care the, dire consequences that we will face in our state. if women don't have access to the health care, they need, this isn't just about abortions, it's about treatment for miscarriages. we've heard all kinds of stories from around the country and states with these kind of extreme bands. and we're headed down that road and arizona as well governor hobbes, i appreciate your time and thank you very much for being with us tonight thank you. >> well, the fight over abortion rights has given democrats a major boost. and biden tonight is facing resistance though, from college students who you would think would be among those who cared passionately about this issue. so what is going on there jeff
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zeleny tonight reports from the crucial swing state of pennsylvania for our voters out front series one stop after another, cries of protest, trail president biden even outside the united steel workers headquarters in pittsburgh, one of the many friendly venues, the white house selects in hopes of minimizing angry disruptions over the israel gaza war. >> a lot of quakes card whether or not the president can hear their message many demonstrators share a common bond they are students frustrated and furious at us foreign policy. there is indeed a will to stop this conflict. it can be stocks. >> kareem, sophia dean is a phd student at the university of pittsburgh, one of many young americans speaking now, there is not something that changes dramatically can you vote for joe biden? >> i do not believe so.
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>> and i do believe that many people will not be voting for joe biden and if this indeed does something it does open a debate, a discussion, the debate plays out most everywhere biden goes, as he tries to rebuild his winning coalition. one of the most resistant pieces of that puzzle is young voters on college campuses, a place biden has avoided almost entirely. i think he would be met with a lot of backlash, a lot of protest, because his policies have been have killed tens of thousands of people. >>alia sabha is a wisconsin graduate student who helped organize a protest votin the state's primary earlier this month,hestles at the notion of whether her opposition to biden could help donald trump. >> we reject the idea that the democratic party feels like they have to coerce people into voting for them by leveraging the threat of another candidate that is worse if protests raged until the election, biden could well become the first democratic president since the vietnam era on welcome to large
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crowds of students. >> he does have this problem of a kind of nagging protest vote on the democratic side because of his handling of things in gaza. >> very burden leads the elections research center at the university of wisconsin, where presidential visits to college campuses, thousands of people to seek kennedy have long been historically critical stop for democrats. you could feel the kind of youth energy behind the clinton campaign. this was just a very comfortable place for obama as a candidate and a very necessary place. for him to find votes. what do you make of the protest vote and how that could impact november? >> well, biden's certainly does not have the support of young people the way obama did. i think the vietnam war is the closest analogy that was also the period when we had the biggest generation gap between the parties, while pro-palestinian demonstrations are far more than a campus biden's advisers are studying and young voters carefully. but one thing that's surprisingly is the degree to which she's disregarding public opinion in a story all is a graduate architecture students at carnegie mellon in pittsburgh.
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>> she regrets her vote for biden four years ago. >> that was the first time i can vote in the presidential election. frankly, i look back. i'm embarrassed now these protests are coming from with inside the president's coalition air. and that is what worries that some campaign advisers so much. but one told me, look, if policy ticks was driving this, the president would have changed his view months ago the question is, what does this look like by november? and will the president able to spend time on college campuses? like this one? >> aaron, i say going to be crucial. thank you so much. jeff zeleny. and next bitcoin, bigger than gold, that's what one major tech investor is predicting. is he right? soucie is next. >> plus a massive military parade is iran shows off its deadly drones the missiles. >> ciaran, daring israel to attack when you're the leader is asked to clean up respiration. >> how do you make like it never even happened? >> happened whatever.
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than gold. >> well, those are the words of a top tech investor named anthony pump, leon, and roll pow and aid your head fund manager. he predicts bitcoin will go as high as 1 million by next year. i mean, this is after the world's most known cryptocurrency plunged this weekend is missiles rained down the middle east briefly falling to its lowest price and more than a month today it's a roller coaster ride you've got the plunge and then you've got investors like that saying such pie in the sky, things but it does have people wondering and asking whether to get involved and suzy orman is out front now, one of the world's best-known personal finance advisors and the founder of secure save and the host of the women and money podcast soucie, bigger than gold or big words. and you're hearing big investors talk like this at people see bitcoin in the center of all this, this weekend selling off when the missiles were coming down, how do you see bitcoin right now well, i have to tell you, i think there's some legitimacy in the possibility that bitcoin
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could absolutely turn around here and go back up. >> maybe two at thousand, 85,000. some people are projecting 150,000, but that's not what's important. because what somebody thinks it's going to do doesn't mean it's going to do it. you have to look at and what backs bitcoin it's people's emotions, it's not like a stock where are you have a company, you have a product, you have earnings, you have a solid thing. >> this bitcoin, the movement of it is simply based on the projections of people. >> and are they willing to buy, sell, or whatever? so if you are going to put money in bitcoin i still say this is money that you can afford to lose because nothing is backing it. remember, it was at 64, at 70, or 67,000 a few years ago when all the way down to 17,000, all the way back up. so it goes up and down. so why are you investing in? can you
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afford to lose it? and remember, there's nothing they backing it so just think about that. >> and then suzy, if someone really gets the point of taking all that advice and says i want to do it how do you even do it? >> yeah. i think the best way to do it for the majority of people out there is through an exchange traded fund yes, you can buy the actual bitcoin or do it on an exchange and own bitcoins are a little bit of a bit klein. i think you're far better off for ease of buying and selling to look at a very large etf, an etf that owns a whole lot of bitcoin. and that really is solid and i think if you could just do it that way, that would be the best way to do it. >> etf way, which is very significant. people do ask how it's just like when you and i talked last week about bowl gold bars and you're saying if you're going to do it, there there's a way etfs don't go buying a gold bar. it's, it's not what you think it is in
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terms of ease of sale and moving it around. >> i mean, but the reason susie bitcoin is in people's eyes right now a lot is because that unprecedented attack on israel, it moved so much this weekend that is, attack is just part of the anxiety out there. >> economic fears. now, you've got fears of war and all of this contributing to some pretty scary things. i mean, the average 30 year fixed rate mortgage today went to 7.71% i mean, i can remember what was it two or three years ago when it was in the 2s. >> i mean, this is unbelievable. what's happened. it's a very scary time for so many people is there a flip side to this anyway, for people to take advantage of these rates that keep going higher and higher yeah there's two things. >> it's when you want to borrow money and interest rates are going up. it's really bad than interest rates are going up. but when you want to earn money off of your money, it's
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fabulous for you that interest rates are going up. you say, when mortgages were 2% a few years there's a what were interest rates in savings accounts on a cds, 0.1%, whatever it may be. now, you can get a 5% rate in a money market account. now you can get a cd for 5%. now, you could probably a shortly here get a 30 year bond for five a ten year note for 5%. so those people, especially those in their retirement years, aaron, that are living off of their income. the high interest rates are fabulous for them, especially if they take advantage of locking it up longer term, because when interest rates do calm down, again, they're still getting that higher rate because interest rates eventually will come down again. >> and it's like gravity. i we spoke a few days ago and you had told people not to worry about some of the selloff that
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we'd seen in the stock market i'm wondering how you feel now susie, and what is it that keeps you up at night? i when you think about financial concerns i took two things, the stock market, most people are invested in the stock market where in their retirement accounts for one k for all 3b tsp ira and they put money in it every single month. >> most of those people aren't going to need that money for 102030 or 40 years. so who in their right mind wants to see the stock market go up? you actually want to see the stock market go down exactly like it's doing right now. so that every month when you put money into your retirement account, your money buys more shares. the more shares you ab eventually, when it goes back up again, the more money you make for the long run you know, just be okay with it and actually be happy if you have time on your side that the markets going down.
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>> all right, susie, thank you very much. we'll see you soon and thank you so much as always. next the top israeli official tonight pushing for an attack that quote rocks tehran. and iran is issuing new warnings against israel if you have this consider adding this an aarp, medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. >> medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare does and let you see any doctor, any specialist anywhere in the who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this consider adding this call united healthcare today for your free decision guy gonna bought the tape. i'll put it on my chase freedom unlimited call and i'm a cashback on a few other things too, dark let's say ounces that's step one more thing.
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israeli territory iran's president attending the event under tight secuty morning, israel not to strike back i got a cool checketting. >> if zionist gime makes the slhtest move we'veo thnational intests of the islamic republic. theyust unrstand that they will face ir trying to pilthe pressure on the israelis, saying it's ves of drones and miiles requiring israel eam up wh a , france, britain, and jordan shoot most projectiles down and hamas is attack on a toolbar senth last year called our access storm, show. >> israel is weak and vulnerable the al-aqsa storm operation and operation true promise crumbled. >> the zionist regime's aura of invincibility it proved that the strength of the zionist regime and his back as a comparable to the strength of a spider's web israel has said
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there will be a military response from it's sayyed, but the us and other western allies are urging limited action the iranians warning if the us and its middle eastern allies helped israel in any attack against iranian territory. >> they too will become targets, pretend ron's forces. >> i got how to kissy but had an iv if anyone wants to support the zionist regime in, anyway, in this confrontation, we will target that country and its interests tough talk as the middle east waits, watching and braces for what? >> could be a further escalation destabilizing the entire region and aaron more harsh rhetoric coming from the iranians today, the head of the revolution mary guard aerospace forces around that parade was asked, what happens if israel does attack. his answer was around, will strike back 100%. aaron fred, thank you very much. and outfront now, seth jones, senior vice president at the center for strategic and
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international studies. and you just saw from fred iranian missiles and drones showcase at that military parade today, president ron saying they could have launched a stronger response he says, we're nothing would be left of israel. >> so what are the facts? how how deep, how formidable is the iranian arsenal while aaron, the iranian arsenal, arsenal is the most formidable, i think in the, in the middle east, the iranians have a ballistic and cruise missiles, including the sumer, which can reach two to 3,000 kilometers. >> but i think just as important, the iranians have upwards of 200,000 missiles and rockets in lebanon right now that hezbollah has and could shoot from from lebanese territory. ed wood, frankly overwhelm israel's air defenses some the arrow, the david's sling, and the iron dome. so really both direct and indirect through partner responses. >> so you talk about the depth
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of the arsenal now, the finance minister from israel, who also is a minister in the ministry of defense, is demanding that netanyahu launch a counter attack that quote, rocks tehran, referring to the acts of hamas and others. they say that would do things like october 7 to be quote-unquote erased all we know we here that we know israel's considering a strike on iranian soil, but we don't know more than that. so what what does such a thing actually mean? what, what happens when a counter strike occurs? yeah, so this is just a another, although an escalated series in what is a long-standing war between the israelis and the iranians? >> i think in this case, the iranians do have a lot of options my understanding is that they are considering many of them. they could be to target a range of bases in iran itself, to those in places like syria or even lebanon itself,
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or y