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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  April 16, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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coalescing behind a potential successor which could work to johnson's advantage. and meanwhile, some democrats are signaling that they might be willing to step in and help save johnson. but other republic, other democrats, excuse me, have so far been keeping their powder dry with house it's minority leader hakeem jeffries saying they need to see the details of johnson's foreign aid plan. but they make any commitments about that, they're going to back the speaker, but really remarkable position that democrats now for the second time this congress could control the fate of the republican speaker, erin, i mean, it is absolutely incredible. and as you say, not fully tipping their hand and he would need them to survive. so ironic, a guy who has refused to give them their ukraine bill up to now, maybe someone they choose to save because they might get i mean, wow, the machinations thank you so much, melanie zanona and showing the power of marjorie taylor greene right now and the hill. >> and thanks so mucto >> all of you for joining us as well. ac30 60 begins right now
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good evening. from israel. i'm joining you from tel aviv or tension remains high and the government's war cabinet met again today for a fifth times still weighing how it will answer a ron's missile and drone attack over the weekend sources telling cnn, the united states is expecting it to be limited in scope. and this evening, national security adviser jake sullivan said the administration will impose new sanctions on iran in the coming days in new york. meantime, a busy second day of the first criminal trial ever former president seven jurors have now been chosen. the judge warning trump for speaking and gesturing in the direction of one potential juror and legal observers took note of his pretrial remarks this morning, which some suggest we're incriminating that is not all he said after the proceedings away from the courthouse, he was asked what his ideal juror would be anyone that's fair. he replied when he was asked this and the answer he gave was 100% in character do you believe after after
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>> so we begin with and productive and eventful second day in the trump trials kara scannell is outside the courthouse and lower manhattan and joined us. so as we mentioned, qarrah are there now seven jurors seated or are there proceedings moving along quicker than expected >> hey, i understand the judge kept the potential jurors here for an extra hour today as he is trying to move this along and keep this on schedule. as you said, he's seated seven jurors in the case so far on the quest's to get to 12 jurors. and as many as six alternates. >> he had push for them to answer these questions and put keeping the trump's attorneys on time. all of this came as we're now had a entire full day of questions >> it's this like massive of gravitas and important because you know that this is history in the making.
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>> the perspective from one dismiss potential juror as dozens more filed into a manhattan courtroom tuesday seven jurors have now been seated the seated jurors include an irishman and sales, a female oncology nurse, a female english teacher at a charter school, a female software engineer, a male owner of an it business, and to male attorneys the jury selection strategy for both parties taking shape. trump attorneys spending the afternoon digging into the social media post of some potential jurors two were struck for cause, one for a social media post referencing trump and quote, lock him up when a prosecutor asked the juror if he still believes trump should be locked up. the juror answers no. trump was seen craning his neck toward him and flashing a smirk. judge juan merchan issued a stern warning to trump after he visibly reacted to a jurors answers about a video she posted on social media. he warned trump's lawyer, your client was audibly uttering, i will not have any jurors intimidated in the courtroom
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that juror was questioned outside the presence of the others about a video she posted on social media showing an outdoor celebration quotes spreading the honking cheer around election day 2020. she said it was a new york celebratory moment. trump's lawyers suggested she was biased the judge said he believed the juror could be fair and didn't excuse her. trump's attorney, todd blanche, telling those in the jury pool, quote, is extraordinarily important to president trump that we know we're going to get a fair shake. one juror said he finds trump fascinating because he walks into a room and he sets people off one way or the other. blanche seemed amused with the response. another juror said she learned for the first time tuesday that trump has been charged in three other cases prosecutor joshua steinglass, address prospective jurors asking them to set aside any strong feelings. he asks each to consider if they would be able to look defendant trump in the eye and returning verdict. if the case is proven beyond a reasonable doubt, trump up here to look at the
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jurors, tilting his head once or twice as they were answering yes. according to pool reports what do you know about how engaged and alert the former president it seems today because yesterday, maggie haberman said he appeared to doze off yeah at times >> anderson and donald trump had his eyes closed. but at other points, he had the jury questionnaire that written document in his hand following along as a jurors were being questioned. and when his lawyers and the prosecutor's had the 18 jurors in the box where they each side had 30 minutes to pose their questions. donald trump appear to be following along, even turning his body to look at this to pay attention to try to get some sense from the jurors of what they were thinking >> kara scannell, thanks so much. showing is now two former federal prosecutors, jeffrey toobin, jessica roth, also jury consultant. alan turkheimer. so jeff, you predicted last night that this trial would move along and typical fashion. and here we are tonight. seven jurors already seated. does the
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pace even exceed what you expected? >> it does. this is >> really fast and the judge suggested he didn't say commit, but he said today that he thought opening statements could happen monday. and remember there's no court tomorrow. he doesn't sit with a jury on wednesdays so he thinks the jury will be will be filled out and in two more days as i said last night, you know, people don't follow these cases as closely as we think they do. they're obviously aware of who donald trump is. but based on the answers they did seem like a group that could listen to the evidence and reach a verdict not based on prior feelings about the defendant. >> just go what do you make a potential jurors who who seemed to be trying extra hard to convince the attorneys that they can be fair. would that raise a red flag to you or should that approach to citizenship be commended >> i actually think it is to be commended that people are saying that they think they can be fair and impartial, notwithstanding some statements
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they've made in the past, perhaps social media pertaining to the former president. i think what has to happen those that the parties have to evaluate whether they think that that actually is true, that the juror can put aside any previous feeling. but i think that it is to be commended that people are taking seriously with the judge's telling them which is that they would only be seated if they could actually put aside any prior consent captions and decide the case based solely on the evidence. >> but i also think it's good that the lawyers on both sides can look at the social media posts because that is an indication of people's true feelings. they obviously weren't posting on facebook or twitter. thinking that they were going to be on the jury it's a good insight into what they really believe and both sides deserve the right to know what people really think about issues relevant to this case. >> yeah, i would say the process is working as it should. i mean, that's really what we're seeing unfolding alan the foreperson is we know as a man originally from
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ireland, works in sales as he gets his news from the new york times daily >> mail, fox and msnbc >> what do you >> think he will bring to that post? and is it it's not unusual, obviously, in the city as big as new york to have to, have jury members and afford person who's from someplace else originally >> that's new york. it's a melting pot of people from all walks of life and a lot depends on what the personality is. now you might have jurors inclined to go one way or the other, but now it's really about the, influence that each side things are going to have in the deliberation. and what really struck me is not to minimize the contributions of other jurors, new yorkers are usually fully engaged. you have two lawyers that are already seated, and that's a risky proposition. for both parties involved, could cut one way or the other. >> but some might think that this is a jury of two right now. now, i'm not saying these lawyers are going to just dominate, but jurors, the other jurors will look to these
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lawyers for guidance and if something comes in a fellow juror makes an argument about something extra legal, it's on as an evidence a lawyer might shut that down and get them to focus or lawyers like to argue. if there's a sullivan to one or ten to two, if there's a contrary and personality by this lawyer, that lawyer might just keep the deliberation going. it's very interesting, you know, anderson, about a decade ago, chief judge judith k, created a system where almost all exclusions, all exemptions from jury service. were out. there. lawyers, we've both served on juries. i mean, everybody serves in manhattan in all of new york state now and so you get a much more upscale jury in, particularly in manhattan, which has a lot of high-income people in it can you used to be there's so many fewer exemptions from jury service >> just got i mentioned what would some some of the former president had to say outside of court today about the alleged
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hush money payments at the heart of the case. i just want to play a clip of that i was paying a walking down legal expense account. i didn't know marching down bill expense. that's exactly what it was. and you've been indicted over them >> so that's incriminating. yeah. so that was an interesting statement. i don't think we should overstate how incriminated get was his name? he signed some of the checks to michael cohen reimbursing him for these fees when he started i just say i marked it down as legal expenses. my ears perked up because it's been a little bit unclear exactly how the state is going to prove that trump falsified the records because many of these entries may have been made by the accountants for the trump organization and cohen was going to go apparently gonna testify that trump was part of the scheme to falsify. it seemed there the trump was saying that he marked it down as legal expenses and then it seemed like he caught himself and said the accountants marked
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it down. so he may still argue that he was essentially relying on the advice of the accounts or the accounts entirely on their own. we're marking it down as legal expenses but remember, the whole case is about the falsification of these business records and trump has potentially the argument. look, i run a multi-billion-dollar company. i don't know how the accountants how the bookkeepers record things. >> that's >> that's gonna be a big issue in the case. how how is the government can approve that trump? >> new >> and initiated or at least supported the idea that these payoffs were recorded as legal fees he said mark them down. now as jessica said, he sort of caught himself, but, you know, that that video could be played before the jury no question >> alan, i'm wondering if there was a juror who said that they were found trump
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fascinating that when you walked in a room, people knew who he was and we're kinda divided. is that somebody? and that person was kept, is that somebody you would have chosen >> if i was working for president trump? yeah, i probably would have. i think a lot of jurors who are excluded have the exact opposite view. and this jordan say that they find him repugnant or repelling or anything like that. he has this aura about him and i think a lot of his fans have a sense that he's honest. is this other level and they're an off him. so if somebody uses the word fascination, yes, i think that could very well be a good juror for phil. >> was it was it was it a mistake for the prosecution to let that juror on i can't say that there might have been other things about this jurors personality or other things and other questions that they thought might be that this juror might >> that might help them in the deliberation and some points so i can't say that on the surface, but generally, yeah. i mean, it's it looks like a good juror for trump, just knowing what no
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>> remember the prosecution only get the only get ten peremptory challenge and so you have to be careful how you use them up, because if you use up all your peremptory challenges on people who've you have some concern about, you may have not been left when you have somebody who you ever really grave concern about. so it may be also that the prosecution it's just st of holding on to the ones they have le her when they're really, really worried about somebody >> geoff are the former person's physical reactions in the courtroom going to be problem for him. i mean, today, we know he was admonished, as we said, for audibly murmuring, gesturing towards a juror you'd also apparently perk up when a potential juror mentioned reading one of his books or being a fan of the apprentice. >> but what i mean, this is so different from donald trump's day-to-day life where he is nothing but in control all the time and he's a very outspoken person to say, to say the least he is famous for interrupting think people, and he's got to sit there and only speak when
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the judge gives them permission to speak, which as the defendant will not be very often unless he takes the stand. so i think it's going to be extremely uncomfortable experience for him. he's been involved in many civil lawsuits over his his law occur long career, but he has not been in the courtroom for most of those lawsuits for any length of time. and i think sitting there having to be silent and behave himself is going to be excruciating for him geoff toobin, jessica raphael, intercom are really appreciate having you all on. thank you >> one other interesting courtroom note. these first two days, not a single member. the foreign presence family has been there with that includes his wife melania. the headline today's zero times when lani and trump avoids the courtroom but but it said to share her husband to anger more now from a randi kaye the wall street journal reporting that a lawyer for president trump arranged a hefty payment to an adult film star.
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>> why? >> because of an alleged sexual affair when news of donald trump's alleged affair with adult film star stormy daniels first broke. what did his wife melania do? she jumped on a plane and headed for mar-a-lago in palm beach away from all the drama that was january 2018, i spent a ton of time with her with a news was breaking about stormy daniels when those came out that he allegedly had these affairs she didn't take it lightly at all in the wake of the allegations, she broke tradition and drove separately from her husband to the us capital for his state of the union address later that month the white house at the time said the unusual move was so she could attend a reception with guests in the first lady's box but remember that state of the union was her first public event since the wall street journal first reported than an alleged hush money payment was made to stormy daniels before the 2016 election for her alleged affair with trump in 2006 that would
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have been just for months after millennia gave birth to the couple son baron. >> everybody. >> donald trump has denied the affair took place yet now finds himself in court fighting allegations that he made payments to cover it up. >> this is an embarrassment to him. four with his family and more importantly, with his wife, melania yeah >> like the former president, millennia believes the hush money trial is unfair. that's according to the new york times, which spoke with several people familiar with her thinking back in 2018 when the stormy daniels story picked up steam, former aide stephanie grisham remembers donald trump calling her from air force one to discuss melania to basically see how angry she was, and to see if we were putting any statements out, he definitely was worried or she's the one person that i think donald trump really fears >> she's also the one person abt whether or not to ke the stand at his trial i think behind closed doors as a husband and wife, she would probably say, look, if you have
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nothing to hide, take the stand type of a thing. >> this certainly wasn't the rsonalrama involvinger as husband nely two years before e stormy dan story, there was the accelye. i did automatically tracted to beautifjustissing them. 'like aagne >> when anderson cooper asked lania about th2005 tape in ber 2016, she dismissed it s just locker room talk. >> peoplthink and talk about me iwe melania oh, poor melania don't feel sorry for me. don't feel sorry for me. i can handle everything. >> randi kaye, cnn, palm beach county, florida i'm more head. tonight on this, including a fresh look at what voters make the charges across the country, but also in the single most trump-friendly county and the >> 2016 and 2020 elections, would a conviction in this case
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change their view? who and their choice in november and later tonight, the shape and israeli counter strike on iran could take, we'll hear from a former head of centcom ago potential targets and a ron's defense capabilities as our coverage from israel continues, plus more on the late word we got tonight from the white house, but upcoming new sanctions on iran >> whether you're doing it yourself from hiring the pro today, let's paint. >> maybe may bear exclusively at the home depot >> when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time >> turned shipping to your advantage expectations with
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>> go to deal right now and see how much you can save this source with kaitlan collins tonight at nine so seven jurors now seated after just two days, the former president's first criminal >> trial also say there's new polling and what voters make up the charges against him. it comes from the associated press and shows it fully half of all registered voters say he would be unfit for office if convicted of them. there's of course, as substantial partisan split. but even among republicans, 15% consider convictions on the new york charges to be disqualifying for the presidency the api numbers fall on your times polling over the weekend showing that 58% of registered voters consider the charges either very serious are somewhat serious with women being twice as likely as menn to say very serious. there's also the question of whether this trial has the potential of changing any minds among the former president's staunchest supporters which is why our gary tuckman went to texas and the trump is count county of the 2016 and 2020 elections in
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the 20 cover k and ron swart settled in along with us and they're living room to watch coverage of the trump three selection. >> what group went through the effort to make a large parade style banner reading. no one is above the law they've both voted for trump twice >> what is your feeling today about >> donald trump's moral character >> terrible, i can't get much lower than it is. >> they live on a hilltop ranch in roberts county in the texas panhandle, where 96% of the voters chose trump over joe biden, 2020 the highest trump percentage of any county in america. >> he continues to make crazy comments about being a dictators first day and repercussions against people who have, he tells have wronged him. >> we met this couple during a visit to roberts county last year they told us them they liked mike pence and ron
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desantis. but with trump, the only republican left standing. things have gotten complicated. it doesn't trump is found guilty of one of these crimes. whether it's a miss trial happening right now, are one of the trial future? do you think he's fit to be president of the united states >> i don't think he's fed but i'm voting for him >> i feel like we not going to be able to survive now four years over the democrats in charge, rhythmic dallas, someone else we met last year in roberts county. he told us then he liked ron desantis. >> if donald trump >> is found guilty the criminal charge >> do you think >> he's fit to be president of the united states >> he's as fit as the current president because nobody investigates joe biden, nobody has investigate joe biden. >> and roberts county. the current president is often prominently mentioned when you ask questions about the former president you think donald
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trump is of low character and poor morals and ethics? oh, >> definitely most, most definitely. you don't think he's >> fit to be present. it was found guilty yet you're going to vote for him. how do you address that conflict? how do you vote for a man who? >> feel so i feel like is wrongly it's going to be to have him for president. he still going to be a lot better presidents from the united states. then what we're going where joe biden and democrats here in roberts county in the 2016 election between donald trump and hillary clinton clinton received a grand total of 20 votes four years later, joe biden received 17 votes this is a 19-20 nine model, really was this actually use here roberts roberts county susan bowers is the cure of the roberts county museum and the county seat of miasma in 2020. harry roberts county. only 17 people in the entire county. >> florida for joe biden
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>> were you one of them? >> yes, i was. >> she says she has quibbles with some of what president biden has done and not done but unlike almost all of her fellow county voters, susan bowers has not giving donald trump any benefit of the doubt but when it comes to this trial, are the ones still become is a disease an ethical he's a criminal, he belongs on reality tv if that gary joins us now, are most of the people you've talked to paying close attention to former president's new york trial well, first of all, anderson, i should tell you that there are many people here in this county who don't think there should be any trump trials that being said, almost everyone talk to as well aware that these proceedings have begun this week, but that awareness would be at a much higher level here and elsewhere that the proceedings were allowed to be televised in court of course, not anderson >> yeah. appreciate it. thanks very much. perspective now from cnn political commentator list of foreign griffin, let's, it
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doesn't surprise you that some of the voters gary spoke to don't think trump is fit to be president, but still plan to vote for him even if he's convicted in a trial no, fascinating is always absolutely models conversations. i'm having with republicans. and if there's one thing donald trump has done incredibly effectively this campaign cycle, it's defining joe biden as the enemy. so he set out to create this vision of the hellscape of america that we can't survive four more years of instilling fear and voters so that they're able let's say something like donald trump is a morally bankrupt person, but it's still better than four more years of joe biden. and biden hasn't quite yet drawn as a stark of a contrast that i think has really locked in his voters in the same way that trump has. it's very, very effective there's this recent reuters ipsos poll showing that 24% of republicans would not vote for trump if he's convicted of a felony by a jury, do you >> think the trump campaign has taken that number seriously? and do you think that's even true? and people may say that two a pollster. but when it gets it down to be a binary
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choice, like some of the people there, they said they'll vote for him anyway. >> so less than this number models cnn and cbs exit polls as well from the primary that quite a large sum of republicans would have an issue supporting donald trump if he is a convicted felon but what i would be interested to see is if it was, um, when it's specific to the hush money trial in after we see this trial play out, because january 6 documents, case unquestionably. i think that would move a lot of republican voters and it's also why it's so important that at least january 6 be able to move and go to trial ahead of the election. but i'm already seeing if the movement of republicans saying hush money, the hush money case doesn't matter so even if voters say the idea of voting for a convicted felon goes against what i stand for. it's going to matter how republican elected officials respond to this case. and i expect we're going to see the usual whether it's elise stefanik, outside allies of donald trump so we're going to say this is a witch-hunt. this isn't serious. it's a wrongful case brought against him, and that will i think sway some public opinion with
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republicans even if he is in fact convicted? >> there was a new york times-siena college poll. were women were twice as likely as men, 40% to 20% to view the charges is very serious. that does the gender split at all surprise either >> no. and i actually would pay attention to that number. so the facts of this case is we know it's campaign finance, it's about business records but some of the more salacious aspects which i think we're going to hear about as the trial starts to get into motion, the allegations obviously of cheating on his wife when she was pregnant, things like that, stay in the mind at the voter and i think they sit worse with women perhaps than they do male voters. now, of course, the public has been familiar with this case since 2018 when it was on our radar but i think we may see some deeper details from it as this trial plays out that we're going to hear about. and that's where i think that there's going to be major movement. women are one of the biggest obstacles for donald trump heading into his reelection, were 50% of the population, but he's struggled
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in the primary women's split more heavily when given the opportunity for people like nikki haley. and this could definitely hurt him >> if this trial we're ultimately de in hung jury, would that be as good as an acquittal in terms of political benefit? >> yeah. i think donald trump would be able to frame it is basically a vindication and exoneration. that's what he does. he's a brand or if nothing else i think that he knows how to mark i'm trying two to his favor, especially to the core audience that he's trying to reach this republican voting block that he needs to win over >> well, as far griffin x so much. thank you. coming up more breaking news, new us sanctions plan for iran, plus the top is really general already has said iran's weekend attacks, quote, will be met with it the response, the question of course, is when and where the response will look like the latest next >> nick paton walsh reports on the growing turf war between humans and elephants in sri lanka feels bizarre to see this front line mentality out here are these giant and invasive
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species, or are they fighting for their own survival? the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday on cnn >> merely to turn off the alarm emilia, weather. reasons amelia, unlock the door. >> i'm afraid i can't do that >> why not >> did you forget something >> my protein shake. >> the future isn't scary. >> not investing in it is >> so dramatic. >> amelia, >> by jan, 100, innovative companies, one etf, before investing carefully we didn't consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses in more and perspective said invest >> doug, hello, ghostbusters. it's duck of doggedly moon. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual >> anyway we got a bit of a situation here >> sure. i can only pay for what you need ghostbusters,
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jesse l. martin sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn >> so important to elements tonight in the lead up to the possible retaliatory strikes by israel, honore for its weekend attack. first, the white house is showing a threat of new sanctions on top officials on others in a top officials and others in iran. what has correspondent or lead? hind's in pennsylvania tonight covering that side of the story. so what more do we know about these sanctions? what were they entail >> what andrew said national security adviser jake sullivan tonight says that the us is preparing to impose new sanctions against iran in the wake of that weekend attack on israel at the timing for that will be in the coming days. and sullivan said that the us is harrak target or ron's of missile and drone cyst operations as well as entities that are working with the irgc and iran defense ministry. this announcements from sullivan comes just a few hours after
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treasury secretary janet yellen said earlier earlier today that the us was prepared to use sanctions and other tools at their disposal to try to disrupt a ron's de-stabilizing activity in the region. now so much of this is being done in coordination with allies around the world that sullivan said that in addition to the us imposing sanctions in the coming days, they do expect allies will all also impose sanctions of their own. and he said, in a statement, quote, we will not hesitate to continue to take action in coordination with allies and partners around the world and with congress to hold the iranian government accountable for its malicious and destabilising actions. now the administration has signaled that they were working towards these sanctions since yesterday, but the speed with which they're working, the fact that they announced this >> so quickly that they do affect them to come in the coming days really highlights the sense of urgency that the administration is taking out this time to try to respond to iran's attack >> what else the white house
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announced today related to iran? >> yeah. jake sullivan also said that the us was still working to try to integrate air and missile defense systems in the middle east as they're trying to counter around drone program there. now, it comes we saw some of those defenses, missile defense systems in action over the weekend after the us allies, a worked with israel to disrupt around 300 missiles and drones that iran had sent their way. we also know that the president had a diploid of some naval destroyer ships to the region, and that there are missile defense systems used. a us vessel defense system used to try to target some of those missiles. but what we've also heard from president biden sources have said that he indicated to netanyahu that the us would not participate in in any counter-strike against iran in response to their attack. but what administration officials have continued to stress is that the us will stand ready to defend israel going forward. for it as well >> all right, our lead time to
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appreciate it. thank you. i'll to tonight, israeli sources telling cnn that the heated debate inside israel's war cabinet over how and when to respond to this weekend's attack by iran has delayed its gaza ground offensive in rafah, israel's war cabinet clue to this meeting earlier today, the fifth such meeting since ron's attack without giving any additional details about what may come and when exactly any retaliatory strike me. you may com our chief international correspondent, clarissa ward joins me here in tel aviv there's obviously we've been waiting now for four days for word of what may occur no resolution that we know of out of the meeting today. the still it seems like all options are still on the table yeah, it's so interesting, anderson, because yesterday i feel like we were having this discussion and it really seemed like some kind of a military response was imminent today. the emphasis seems to be very much on the diplomatic track we've been hearing a lot more from israel's foreign minister israel katz. he talked about having a flurry of meetings and discussions, particularly with
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european union foreign ministers ahead of their meeting tomorrow, he is pushing hard to sort of sees the momentum really tried to isolate iran diplomatically, trying to push for the iranian revolutionary guard corps the to be prescribed as a terrorist organization in a number of european countries, unclear if that will be any sort of traction around that idea. but certainly the focus seems today to be on this coalition building trying to come up with some sort of unified diplomatic response. the military piece is still on the table and it's still anticipated, but it seems that there is much more of a question mark as to the timing of it. and still of course, the big question mark as to the scope and scale of it with a lot of people in the region understandably nervous and anxious about what that would pretend, what direction that can potentially take this conflict. >> there's i mean, there's jordan there shortly rabia, which took part in the defense of israel, essentially
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protecting their own airspace during the iranian attack they clearly don't want to be putting the position of yet again, having to perhaps take part in the defense of israel if israel retaliates against get wrong, i think for them, they're walking this very, very narrow line, right? because on the one hand, they don't want to be seen as taking israel sayyed, they don't want to be seen as supporting anything that is right how does right now with everything going on in gaza, another drone strike today in gaza, 13 people killed seven children and they know that for the people in their countries it's impossible politically to kind of try and garner support around that. on the other hand, they view iran as a massive regional threat, and they are deeply concerned. so you have this kind of push poll, effect where they're trying to thread that needle of forming a robust response and deterrent to iran, while not being seen to condone israel's handling of its war in gaza, it does feel like
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there was a brief moment of sort of the potential to build some kind of a regional coalition, >> jaw the israeli daniel hagari, admiral gary last night in the program was talking about a lot of israeli officials are pointing to that even without naming jordan and saudi arabia for fear, of offending them. but, but pointing to that as saying that's a kind of a potential harbinger of the future, which is interesting. and then i think you've also seen not officially, but still the vibe from a lot of these countries has been a little bit of pushback on that, like hold on a second. from jordan's perspective, we were just defending our airspace. we are not interested in formally endorsing israel's don't the fence are participating in any way, shape, or form. even if we do see the broader threat of an increasingly belligerent iran, because award, thanks so much. >> perspective >> now from retard general kenneth f. mckenzie, junior, he's the former head of us central command which oversees us military operations and activities in a number of
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regions, including the middle east. he is also the author of the forthcoming book than melting pot, high command and war in the 21st century that comes out in june journal mackenzie thank you so much for joining us to senior biden administration official telling cnn that the united states believes that israel's military response to ron strikes is going to be limited in scope. what is limited look like in this context? >> i understand. i think the israelis face the delightful conundrum. how do you take advantage of a great victory? because what happened over the weekend was a significant victory for israel it's trends, united states and other nations across, across the region. and it was a loss for a ran. so how do you take advantage of that? and i think they need to be very careful and then need to think strategically about the long term. you don't want to waste the goodwill that's been built up by this surprise massive iranian attack that failed. you want to keep good relations with your neighbors because you need the access to basing the
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overfly that gives you your strategic depth. so based on that if they're going to respond militarily, and that's i don't know that that decision has been made. i think just listening to reporters before me, i think it should be something that is short and sharp with a clear sending a clear end. a very discernible understandable, objective. and it would also be something i think that needs to emphasize ongoing israeli technolog logical mastery over iran, which was illustrated to a profound degree over the last few days >> we've heard some threats already from ron saying if israel retaliates that, they will strike back bigger than before that they will do it in seconds. do you? >> i >> mean, is that saber rattling? is that bluster >> well, the readings always talk better than they fight for one thing. but i suspect if israel strikes them, i suspect that strike back. it will be harder for them to go larger than the effort that they launched over the weekend. they could probably possibly duplicated some elements of
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that. i don't know that it would occur in seconds. i think that's just hyperbole, but i'm certain that they would strike back. yes. i believe that they would. but again, i go back to the point that was proven this weekend, israel isn't very hard target. it's very hard target for ran to operate against and that was driven home in very, very vivid terms over the weekend and you think it is possible for israel to craft a response that restores deterrence without escalating to a wider war. >> so where we are right now is a the core of iranian deterrence >> in my view. and this is not shared by everyone, but in my view is not the threat of the nuclear program. it is instead, they're ballistic missiles. their drones, and their land attack cruise missiles, which over the last ten years they have built staggering numbers of, they've started there population to do that, they've actually functionally placed a higher priority and spinning for that, then i'm a nuclear program. so over the weekend, the weakness of that deterrence was laid bare. the iranians are
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in a bad place today. they need to recalculate the basic concept of their defense. on the other hand, israel's in a pretty good place. they fought a defensive battle well, they won the defensive battle. i will tell you by temperament and personality. they and many other people don't like to win defensive battles sometimes it's hard to walk away from that but again, to take the long term, the strategic view today israel is in a much better place in regards to deterrence then ran is a, ran is in a very damning jurors place and the highest priority for iranian decision-makers is now and has always been present. preservation of the theocratic regime. >> and they have to >> view that now is a little shaken by what happened because the principal tool they use to cow and threatened their neighbors, not just israel, but also the gulf states and other nations has now been exposed the other, the other fact that bears on the problem is everyone else in the region now knows and understands how to do aidefense. nowisrael has so advantages, geographic, a random. we shodn't rule the
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importan of th. but a lot of other nations and the rage e now increasingly intereste in a program that's been going on forome time which is increased air and missile defense in the region, all targeted against the principal threat which is ran retired general kenneth mckenzie, junior. thank you so much. also. i apologize. i think i mispronounced the title of your book. i will show it again. it is the melting point. high command and war in the 21st century, it comes out in june. we'd love to talk to you when it comes out. thank you. >> can we have next >> washington where republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene now has an ally in her effort to boost house speaker mike johnson and the former president has just weighed in on whether he'll help johnson keeps his job >> there's new ally in the fight against climate change. this is >> in car business, blue carbon we just need to protect nature will do the rest >> corbyn plus cnn filled sunday at nine
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placed >> i'm jeremy diamond in tel aviv and this is cnn on, capitol hill tonight, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene has won the support of another republican lawmaker for her motion to vacate the >> speakership of mike johnson is of course, the new congressional leader of her party after it took three weeks of chaos to elect him after the ouster of now former republican and house speaker kevin mccarthy possibly. here we go again, lot more than that right now from cnn's manu raju >> i asked him to resign republican congressman thomas massie, announcing today, he would support congressman marjorie taylor greene's resolution to oust speaker mike johnson, accusing him of betraying the conservative cause johnson firing back. >> i am not resigning. it has not helped the house republicans advance our agenda all in the aftermath of a series of deals, johnson cut wood democrats included to keep the government open reauthorize a key surveillance law, and now brushing aside warnings from his right flank as he seeks to
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vance billions and aid to ukraine. >> and now i >> seen is the attack >> there are others behind to massie as well. >> johnson's defenders, warning greene and massey, we'd be a very bad idea, or the concept of another motion to vacate is an utter waste of time. >> i think it would be horrible. i think be horrible, horrible four for our conference. i think it's horrible for the country to johnson. >> sun can only afford to lose one gop vote along party lines. meaning he would almost serp need democrats to save them >> i think it's unlikely i would support vacating. >> we'll see i mean, the big thing is i want to vote on ukraine. >> the gop revolt comes as johnson announced, as long plan to advance a foreign aid package. after sidelining the senate's $95 billion plan for more than two months johnson's new plan split up ukraine, taiwan in israel, aid into separate bills add to it other policy measures such as a potential ban on tiktok through
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an arcane procedural, the house could end up sending bills to the senate in one big package, angering hardliners who don't want to spend a dime more on aid to ukraine. >> i'm not a big fan of this well, i liked the individual. oh, it's not a big fan of putting them all back together. >> it doesn't make sense to display all these up and common all together >> in a word. know what >> are republicans getting out of this? plus anger on the right >> since the plant won't include border security measures, the speaker previously demanded >> the fact is not but having the border in this plan is a wholly unacceptable. i just it's not acceptable yet despite these words from donald trump last weekend mar-a-lago, i stand with the speaker. greene says, she's wants johnson out. >> his comments on friday, didn't change our approach. no no. and as a matter of fact, there's more people that are probably going to be angry from whatever happens asleep in modern german three now it's
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just figure johnson would just at mar-a-lago as we saw and your peace last week, trump back tim trump was asked about johnson today. what did he say? >> yeah his comments were a little bit different, little bit noncommittal. in fact, he was asked if he would protect mike johnson. he said, quote, we will see what happens with that. he did go on to say that he thinks he's a very good person. now, anderson, there's so many questions in the capital right now about whether mike johnson could survive in long-term as speaker of the house, especially if democrats prop him up, if he, that is the case, he would be willing to be winnowed very weakened position. there's already some expectation that even if he does survive as speaker to the end of this congress, that can certainly change at the beginning of next congress. and there could be a leadership fight to succeed and there's already speculation and some maneuvering behind the scenes over some of his top lieutenants who could potentially move it, run in any situation where there is a leadership vacuum. so just another sign of the instability in the gop ranks, six months after the ouster of kevin from mccarthy anderson
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legal team suggests the embattled center made defend themselves by blaming his wife. the couple, and to other individuals faced numerous criminal charges related to an alleged years-long bribery scheme involving the governments of egypt and qatar. the new revelation comes after a federal judge granted nbc news is requested to unseal two sentences in the filing about why center menendez believes that joint trial would hurt his chances at trial the filing states that if asked to testify, the center of quote, may in coal pate unquote his wife meaning he may accuse her. the reason he says is because she quote, withheld information from center menendez or otherwise led him to believe than unlawful was taking place and quote he also says that if there's a joint trial and he chooses not to testify against his wife. that would force him to hold back testimony that would exonerate him. now, the senator has denied wrongdoing, pled not guilty to all charges. the trial is scheduled to begin next month. the news continues. the source starts. now see you tomorrow