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tv   Trump Hush Money Trial  CNN  April 15, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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towards a lower manhattan and to court. i lastly, want to ask you what 500 jurors in the jury pool, hundred people a day. how long might this take two actually seat a jury >> it will take several days whether it goes beyond a week, i think is to be seen and will depend on. again, what the judge does. the judge has already said that he'll let anybody go without further further follow-up if they say they're impartial, that might read out a big chunk of people but it will certainly take several days possibly in next week. >> all right. lesly off. thank you so much. we are watching the motorcade of donald trump arriving right now to the court. you see all of those trucks. this is an unprecedented moment in our history. the first time ever that a former president has faced criminal charges. the trial begins today, it happening just in the next few minutes. a jury selection will
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be again, and you're seeing the cars pull up right there. obviously, we will watch and see if donald trump speaks. this has been seeing a new central cnn special coverage of >>istorynfolding live on cnn. yo'reookingt li making its wayey, to the manhattan courthouse where i seen leavi tmp tow just nutes o will become th first former prent. >>nd all >> 2 in e years of this reblic's tee to ever stancrimal trial, it happens is another story of major global brands. brands is playing out continents awa th hour it remains unclear if israel plans to respond to braising iranian aggression with payback now or later, israel's war cabinet is steps. i'm jake tapper you're watching cnn special live
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coverage >> and 'm kaitlan collins new york where we are excting that motorcade to arrive here the courthouse behind me and the former president is going to be spennghe de in side th courtoms this hisric trial gets uerway. >> excuse and start thtrump trial. just minutes by beginning to choose 12 jurorsnd six alternates,ho will ultimately deci if mr. trump is guilty of any of the 300 hundred i'm sorry, any of the 34 counts of faling busiss records are real. who ends up in the box will determine if trump is convicted of any of ose crimin counts connected to the alleged scheme. the jurors identit wi remaihidden from e public out of concern for r safe, but thr ultimate judgements will not be even before today, trump has on soal media and in speees, fired a barrage ofies and smears and threatsescribing the presiding judgand the district attory is conspiratorial it's an elaborate nonexistence sche
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run by his opponent, joe biden toersecute and punish him. nomany of those accusas are completely false. of course thtrial will also likely feure well-known witnesses, michael cohen, the former president'fixer, and stormy daniel whom cohen and trp allegedly tried to pay and staying quiet. and the final sth of t 2016 election we're going to start off our coverage with cnn's kara scannell, who has just aut to head inside the courthouse for jury selection, kick kara scannell, walk us through what we're going to see in just a couple of minutes >> we'll take we've already seen a number of potential jurors make their way into the courtroom. four then, 500 have been summoned for today alone. and once they are in the courtroom, the courthouse, they will begin this process. will they'll get ready to be brought into the courtroom? when the judge is ready for them, and that will mean 100 jurors at a time coming into the courtroom where they will be asked if they can sit in judgment of donald trump. the judge has already outlined how this is going to work. he said
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he's going to ask a broad question at the top, asking if anyone can now not be fair or impartial or for otherwise, another reason cannot serve whether it's a religious reason or the length of the trial which is expected to go as long as two months so the job judge said he will set it up that way and ask that question if anyone raises their hand and says that they can't, they will be dismissed. that can give you a sense that we could move through summit portions of this quickly, but other portions will not go a quickly. now, trp's lawyers have already teeup tt they he judge tseparate that questi into two different ones because they are still trying to get this tri out of new rk. they're ting to challenge the venue saying that trump cannot g a fr trial mhattan. but once the initial question is asked, then the judge we'll go to 42 quesons that he has already ouined and the way he described thathis will happen is that he will ask the jurors one at a time, juror number one,ecause ayou id, it is anonymous what of going through these 42 questions, some of the basics of ere did they grow
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up? where do they live? what do they do for a living? where did they get their news? but some very spefic to this case and whether th have erttended a pro-trp or an anti-trump rally, wther they've eve worked f donald trump either at when he was a real estate businessman or in his administration and whether the belong to any friends who's groups, whether th is the proud boys or antifa, to try to deine whher these jurors can be faiand impartial. if that they have ultimately, the al here is to get to 1 rors and six alternate how longhat takes remains to be seenjake. >> all right. kara scannell. thank you so much. let's go now toaitlan collinswho's also outside the court house manhattan. kaian, a g day for donald tmp and historic de, whatever you think of donald trump, whatev you think of the case and historic de, for this country yeah. >> jake and let tell u, we have been out in front othis courthouse multiple on multiple occasis as we've fally approached this de d, one of the start of this try you, to realize. this is actuly
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the first day because trump's team sought a lot of delays over the last several weeks and monthsthey were unsuccessful, ultimately, and getting a delayed any further pa today, therit is teeming with people outside e courthouse here. a lot members of thmedia here to cover this trial, give tell you for top of mind for donald trump right now as he is making qte clear osocial media today, is how his political fate is going to be shaped by what hapns inside that courtroom behind me, because of course they could ultimately determine what happens come november.hey can have a role in looking at the election, d that is something that dald trump is thinking about as he is eering that courtroom. he has just arrived here you're at 100 centre cnn's paula reid andristen got holmere with me as we are alys outside the courthouse and polytope getting up to this day, trump's te was trying delay, delay, delay. what is their actual strategy going to be now that this isn't getting delay, they are going to be inside this courtroom and is is going to be starting jury selection is going going to be challenging for them and they
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know it. they believe that they're walking into a process that is inherently skewed against their client because of the makeup of the jury pool. they believe that the system that is designed to weed out bias here is not sufficient. they would argue that we each have ten strikes, right? people that we can try to eliminate. >> but if it's just so my of the potential jurors of that pool of 100 who are pro trump. it'll be easy, right? for the prosecutors to wipe them out. but then you have all these other people who are against their clients. so what we're going to see is as they go forward, they're going to try to preserve every possible issue for appeal. you just heard qarrah talking about this issue of people who will be dismissed for cause. now that can be you don't speak or understanding lish or you have a vacation or you have a bias, you can't be impartial and the trump he really wants the judge to separate out these folks who are being dismissed for cause because they want to later on down the road be able to show a look. this is how many people we lost because they couldn't possibly be impartial. and as
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we go through all the jury selection and the trial, you're going to see them. you some folks say it's a delay strategy. in some cases it is, but he also has as legitimate constitutional rights that they are going to try to assert throughout this process. >> but when you say that, that means they think that they are likely going to lose this case and they're going to have to uveal it. i don't think there's a >> lot of optimism in trump world that they will win here. i think it is an open question. what you have to do before you can really answer that question? we're going to see how this is presented to the jury, right? this is really at its heart. it's a paperwork case. and you have some witnesses who are question marks. how does michael cohen play on the stand? how did they do on cross-examination it's not a foregone conclusion, but there's not a lot of optimism are underway and trump was saying last week, jury selection is largely luck. i mean, his attorney he's are gonna be hoping that that's not the case here, that they can find even just that one juror, because if it is a hung jury, that is a dream for them here, kristen as trump was out in public this week holding rallies, holding his political
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events, his schedule is about the change drastically. he is going to have to be in your unless he request a waiver of his appearance, which he hasn't done yet. how what are you hearing from your sources? who are talking to him this weekend about? where he's at mentally going into this. >> we look, came here from donald trump. alweere all won about him raging against the saying it's unfair. we can hear from this advisors saying tos that ty wanthis to happen because as this is actually going to give them a boost with fundraisers or with campaigning. but we really get down to the heart of it. one, we don't know if this would actually help them and neither do trump's advisers. they have no idea how this plays out. have not gotten to thetage before. viously this is unprecedenteand we are now i a general election. what not the me tng. tha's ry is going to happen in a genal election, but two, when it comes to donald trump, him so he does not want tbe sitng through this trial. weave to remember that this isn't deeply embarraing case for donald trump. we are likely to hear salacious details. been at the heart of this is an alleged affair with a porn star and then hush money payments to cover up. said affairs. that is
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not something donald trump wants on full display. a for everyone to see, particularly heading into this election. he is angry. he has been ranting, he has been talking to people about how it doesn't understand why they couldn't not get more delays. i think there was a hope these from him that ultimately ts wouldn't happen until after the november eltion. obviously, we're here today thou. >> yeah. and of course, jake we will likely hear all of that from donald ump. he's not expected told press conferences today, but he often speaks on his way inside the courtroom, his way outside the courtroom. and crystalline it's a good point there that this really goes to the heart of something that was personly mortifying for him. and, you know, a strain with trump has all of this was ania inside the white hse, jake, r nowe'll be playing out inside a crtroom. >> all right. kaitlan collins. thanks so much. we' come back to you soon. my panels here with me, jamiand got let me start with you again. i just want to reiterate whatever our ewers or listeners think
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about donald trump, whatever they think about the merits of this case. and there's certainly criticism district attorney alvin bragg, who is bringing the casand the legal theory that he's that he's using and we'll get to that in a second law. t whatever you erican history, no question. >> it is historic as we've been saying, he wanted t dela he didn't want any trials before. what now that he is here? >> ware going >> to see donald trump go into his classic playbook. he will campaign from the courthouse steps. he will call it a witch hunt. >> we >> know there is a gag order, but i don't think at the end of the day it's going to be much of a gag order because the judge isn't going going to want to slow this case down, explain the gag order part of it, if you would versa so he's the lawyers may be able to do this more effectively than i can, but there are things he is not supposed to say, but every weekend we hear him on at
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rallies attacking the judge. it's a he's a trump pair attacking the judges family. >> the >> reality is that does the judge want to call him out on that and slow e trial downr well, he just keep going one other thing to remember om the jean carrollase trump can be pretty intimidating when he's in aourtroom, the way he looks at jurors and i think it'll be something we need to watch and hear from our reporters in the courtroom. what his demeanor is as we go through this jury selection. >> so laura coates, as one of the lawyers at the table explain what these 34 felony counts are. >> and >> if you would also explain why some people find this the legal theory under which alvin bragg, the district attorney, is bringing these to be suspect >> well one of the reasons as she's mentioned, that we're going to have to look at this
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in a different lens that we don't have eyes into the courtroom, right? we don't have actual camp cameras in t courtroom, so we're going to have to glean is through the presentation of evidence, what the juror is actually fine. but the prosecutor fusion is gonna be really key here. there are 34 counts of falsifying business records. they've got to meet the burden of proving this is an intentional act by donald trump. this is important because it says it actually has to have the intent to defraud and intend to commit another crime and trying to cause a false entry of a record. what was that to entry that michael cohen paid money to stormy daniels and said it was for one thing, immense. actually it for quite a different matter of falsification of business records, trying to get reimbursement. but the idea of what was the other underlying crime as the subs is the issue people have with alvin bragg's case here. what was the other crime he was intending of committing? how can you prove it? >> and of course this dates back to 2015 when the original communist who had with david at ami, who is supposed to be the eyes and ears of the trump campaign. you're talking about really nine yes latehaving this case be brought. so there e a number of issues peopl
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find with thy the end of the day, he has burden of proof and he goes he can meet it fascinating stuff. and karen, let me let me talk about that's what today is the first day of jury section. there are 100 potential jurors supposed to show up to the courthouse today. we heard kara scannell desibing somef the questions. i mean, there a typical other typical what questions? where do you live? what neighboring neighborhood and you are who is your employer and then ones that i've never seeon a jury questionnaire before. and i've covered a few of these have you, a relative or a close friend ever worked for a volunteed foump presidential campaign? are you a member of e buddha little boys or anti, do you have any strong feengs about how ny mr. trump is bei treated in this case. >> this is going >> to be a rl challenge to find 12 jurors, six alteates that both sides say okay, we think that they could beair. >> that's correct. it isoing toe a challenge, but that's what jury selection is designed to do. 's design to weed out people whoan't be fair and impartial and look at just the evidence th's presented.
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people whoe biases. i mean, everybody comes to court with opinio, feelings. sobody presidtial election for one personr another. 's not a matter of o do you prefer what you're political leanings are? it's can you put that aside? and judge, the eviden from a fair and impartial basis,ot taken any of the speeches that are being made or opinions tt are being set out there, just all the l the stuff in the background, only whats presented to them in court it happens every single day in across this country, right? otherwise, there would never be an acquittal in a case if jurors couldn't be fair and impartial, nobody's pro murder or pro sexual assault yet they can still go to a trial and acquit someone if the prosecutor has not met their burden and that's what jury selection it's designed to do is to find the people who can be fair and impartial in this particular case, elie honig, let's go back to what jamie was talking about when it comes
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to the gag order. what exactly is the instruction? what exactly is the concern and has mr. trump abiding by the gagewa so now he's not going to find out by the gag order and we're gonna haven important moment sun to see wther the de e the judge does anything out it. so tag order is not has donald trump has been complaining about all the gag ordesays as he's not allowed to cment publiy about witnesses jurorscourstaff, prosecutors stf, or their families. he is allowed to compla, vociferously a the case itsf,bout jge bragg, and jt ov the lvin weekd, donald trumhas been publicly posng attacks on michl cohen, known witness stormy danls, knowas he called them, quotesleazeags his word. he commented earlier about marc pomeranz, a >>nd so itness. >> is the de want see you in the next feminutes. fir thing out of t da's now shld be judged heat violated. the gag order. if you tolerate this, 's likeaising a chd. if the chd breaks a rule and you let it go, you've
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lost them. and so one of the allenges for judging machine he is going to be enfoing discipline blend in this course, we're going to see an important moment othat soon. all right,ery interesting. you' looking live sidehe manhattan courthouse whe we e st minutesway from the start of mr. trump's historic first crimin trialomg next, 're joined by a expert in jury selecti of y i's called to take a look at how exactly y will play out d wh kind juror each side is hoping tfind stay wis >> 2024, stanley cup play? april, 20 >> why always the couch? doesn't need to get a puppy school, get his little puppet diploma know must have been
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fill sunday at nine >> welcome back to our coverage of this historic de, you're looking live inside the new york courthouse where donald trump is about to make history. welcome back to cnn's special coverage. i'm jake tapper, the entering the building. he just entered at moments ago that's where jury selection is set to art in less than an hour. what's called bloodier donald trump wi officiallbecome thfirst rmer president in the history of these united states it's to face a criminal laura coates and elie honig there at the magic while they're going to walk us through whatheury selection process wi look like now, let'walk through forit the dience's sake how we actually got here. remind the audience about this hush money trial. and where we are now yellow so our story begins way back in 20 presidential cycles ago when in the weeks ading up to the presidential election, stormy daniels, the adult film actress, allege that ten years before that, in 2006, she had had a sexual affair with donald trump donald
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trump's team then entered into what's sometimes called a hush money agreement with stormy daniels, where they paid her and she remained silent. now it's important don't understand how that agreement work. >> first of >> all, michael cohen, then donald trump's attoey and fixer, and a key player, a key witness in this trial. he paid stormy daniels $130,000. now, the second half of that because afr the election, rtant donaldrump and his businesses they then reimbursed michael several hundred thousand s dollars more and it's really important because thisets to the actual criminal charges to understand how donald trump reimbursed michael cohen, donald trump issued a series of 11 checks to michael cohen for about $35,000 each. some of them not all of them, but some of them signed by donald trump himself. there's that distinctive donald trump signature. and so that's really what lies at the heart of this. the payment of hush money is not a crime. it's the way they structured the reimbursements. >> and the reason they gave for
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actually doing it. right? tha's not havehe 34 counts of the falsification of business records. and specifically that's ere we're going next to the charges because yes. how the money was paid and why it was pay is ing to be crucial. their actual prosecution exactly the key here is that they ied characterize these payments, not as hush money payment, but as legal fees to the attorney. now, the actual charges, the actual charges und new york state law,ir of all, our falsifying business cords, not paying hush money,ut falsifying those records to say legal fees he's rather than i don't know, hush money payments or however they would truthfully be logged in order to further another crime. and the alleged other crime here is a violation of campaign finance law because the prosecutor's argument is these payments were intended to silence stormy daniels to protect donald trump at the election. therefore, they were actually campaign expenditures way in excess of the now, but i know many, many people to go back to for a second. people take issue with this idea. the idea why you would do so. it really another crime is it for a personal or a private matter or was it for actually the campaign's
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benefit? obviously, he has denied any allegations of an affair, right? he said that he is not engaging in this behavior, and so it's a personal matter for him and his wife. crucial well, issue that will be debated at trial. the prosecutors will say this was that campaign trump's team will say to avoid personal and family embarrassment. now, trump is looking at 34 counts, how they get to 34, those 11 checks are each their own count plus they added counts for each invoice and each ledger entry. it all amounts to 34 counts. put it all relates to the hush money scheme and the falsification if proven, these are what we call class e felonies in new york. that is the lowest of five classes a through e under new york law. and if guilty, donald trump will face a maximum of four years in prison. now, most first-time offenders in new york are convicted of class e felony, do not get prison time. time to get probation and finds but some do get prison time. it is unlikely, but possible if trump gets dark, but don't multiply four times. no, for at all, they merge together and mercenary for a maximum of 20 years. and of course, you've got also probation as a possibility for a non-violent
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offender. let's go back to jake all right. laura, nellie, thanks so much. i'm gonna go back outside the courthouse in manhattan now, we're cnn's kaitlan collins is live kaitlan >> yeah, jake and i should note we are waiting for trump to walk through those doors first that you see there he is. walk through them before when he was pleading not guilty, when he has been here for many of the hearings that have been underway, i should not one person given what laura and ellie we're just talking about the dynamics here. one person who is not accompanying donald trump on his trip down here to this manhattan criminal court. is melania trump. she is not expected to be here. it is. clara chel ever attend this and it's unlikely based on what we've heard from our sources, but she is not here today, just given the personal nature of what is going to be talked about inside that courtroom, in addition to the legal aspect of this, i'm joined here by lynda moreno, who is an attorney and an expert in jury selection. and lynda, as you know, this this is the only thing that trump's attorneys have been talking about lately, is jury selection because the prosecution has to convince 12
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people to be on their side to agree with that their case. trump's team only needs one juror to help them out here >> exactly how many times have you known 12 people to agree on anything but the truth is that mr. trump walks into this trial with a few advantages in jury selection. one of them is the rehabilitation aspect. and what i mean by that is the judge is going to ask the jurors the prospective jurors, if they can be fair and impartial they've heard a summary of the allegations and the indictment in the case. and they'll have to self identify raise their hand and they'll come up to the bench one-by-one the court reporter will be there. the lawyers, the parties will be there, and then they'll have to explain why they can't be fair at that time. the judge and only the judge will make the decision either to excuse a
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juror or not. and it's important because he's not going to allow either sayyed to inquire further about that excuse. if it's valid or one, i'm done. just one and done >> typically in trials the if if if a juror says i can't be fair, i think this person is guilty. i've read too much about it the other side, usually the prosecution can try to rehabilitate. we call it rehabilitate that juror to say while the judge will instruct you you can follow the law, you can put those feelings aside, can't you? that won't happen here. >> it's donald trump, you know, it's someone that everyone has an opinion on i know you've worked on a lot of high-profile cases and the jury-selection going into those people like elizabeth holmes, you've worked on terrorism cases when you're walking up there and you're that perspective juror, you're walking up in front of the former president of the united states, hadn't, had is trump's team know if they're
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telling the truth, you may see a juror on paper who looks like someone who would maybe be a a potential for trump's team. >> how do you know though? >> well, there's, there's, you know, it is in a way, a guest singh game. but but it's not very different from the human condition. let's say walk into an event. you walk into a gathering and you're listening to some, but someone talk about a particular subject. you don't know anything about them. you've never met them before, and you sit there and you go i don't believe a word out of his mouth it's that internal radar that you have the same is going to be happening here. i will tell you two mr. trump also has the advantage in this case of having had several campaigns super focus groups, for years. he's at focus groups. what i mean by that is all of these gatherings and paul's that tell him who likes him, who doesn't, who favors him. so so
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you think they >> could benefit it because his his legal team could use politically what they know and what they've determined about the electorate >> and yes, manhattan itself and the other christine unique thing about this jury selection is the questionnaire and how it's being disseminated usually typically questionnaires are mailed with the jury summons. so the prospective juror, those it out at home or the court will instruct them to come into the courthouse a day early and fill it out. >> here. they're going to be answering the questions out loud in open court one by one. this is i think very advent contagious for the defense and even for the prosecution because you're going to be seeing that person answer under oath because they're under oath all the this question is through the questionnaire and let me know that donald trump is now walking in to the courtroom, accompanied with his legal team. he
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>> we're going to look nothing like this has ever happened there's never been anything like every legal scholars said, this case, it's nonsense. it should never have been brought hey there is no case and they've said that people that don't necessarily follow are like donald trump said, this is an outbreak at this case was brought this is political persecution. this is a persecution like never before, nobody's ever seated. if i get and again, it's a case that you never been brought. it's an assault >> america and that's what i've heard throughout the bay here. this is an assault that our country and as a country that's hailing it's a country that's run by the competent man who is very much involved in this case. this is really an attack on a political opponent
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that's all it is. so i'm very honored to be here. thank you very much >> there is donald trump. he didn't say one thing that is accurate. this is a historic for case one like we have not seen in our country's history, a former president facing criminal charges and about to go to that courtroom as this case is going once you get underway, he was accompanied by his lead attorney here, todd blanche. she said several things that are not true that he has been saying repeatedly about this case. you've likely heard the fact checks of them before that this is a case that is politically motivated and being led by his opponent here, president joe biden, that is not the case. this was a case that was brought by the manhattan district two tourney, a jury indicted him in this case and agreed to that and signed off on it. that is why we are here where we are today. but all of this has a political lins is well and you heard donald trump mentioned that as he talked about his status as the presumptive to republican
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nominee in the 2024 election. he said he is proud to be here. and paul, of course, that goes back to what we have been seeing, which is how he's approaching this from a campaign in perspective. and what that's going to look like we've been talking about jury selection and how you've just his presence of the courtroom. >> he >> knows that he has that precedent since we've seen him talk out loud during proceedings before where the jury was in the room because he believes ultimately that he personally can shape pupil. >> he can't four good for bad. i'm told that he did learn some lessons in terms of how his decorum impacted the outcomes of the civil trials that we've seen where he lost and lost badly so it's going to be fascinating to watch. this is his first criminal trial. unlike the three civil cases, is the first time he faces the possibility of jail. and it will be fascinating to watch watch his decorum inside the courtroom. obviously, he likes to spar with the judge and prosecutors as well, but it's a different thing when you're in front of the jury, they can make all kinds it's of inferences from you. so that's going to be a big issue here,
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watching not only what he does outside the court, but more importantly, inside the courtroom, especially when jurors are potential jurors are present yeah. >> all of this is going to be getting underway right now. now that he has entered the courtroom, we'll be watching it all very closely with this jury selection. one of the first process is underway today in this historic criminal real quick trial for donald trump were also following the major international news that is happening overseas. we're going to go live to tel where israel's war cabinet is meeting to design hi, how to respond to iran, to brazen attack. that's next >> public i, don't know i've got to go by >> thanks john.
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>> cop professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a cfb find your cfp professional, and let's make a plan doubt or >> welcome back to cnn special live coverage just moments ago, we heard from donald trump he is set to make history in new york. >> the >> first ever former president of the united states to face a criminal chil, priorities, jury selection is set to start. >> and just >> minutes, we're also so following major news overseas and cnn's anderson cooper is live for us in tel aviv, israel. anderson >> jake, thanks very much. israel's war cabinet is currently meeting. they started a meeting about two hours ago obviously trying to figure out what kind of return, but what kind of response if military or otherwise or diplomatic to make to the attack that occurred over the weekend from iran. i'm joined here by cnn's clarissa ward what do we know about what is going on in this? war cabinet meeting? because obviously there is we
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understand it's quite heated. >> yeah. i mean, from everything >> we're hearing, it seems like there's a lot of back-and-forth, a lot of diversity of opinion about what is the best it's way to proceed. they met for several hours yesterday. they're meeting for a couple of hours today. yesterday, we heard the central us war cabinet minister benny gantz talk about the importance of putting together a region oh coalition. he said that israel would respond at the time and in the manner of its choosing, he came under a lot of criticism almost immediately for that from some of the harb right. members of netanyahu's coalition, ben gvir it tomorrow, ben gvir, the national security minister saying these were hollow western catchphrases >> and these are the right-wing elements which netanyahu, a very much beholden to an already is beholden to them. >> he needs them at the same time. they're not part of the war cabinet, right? so now today we're hearing slightly different story than agains is now saying that he thinks that there needs to be a response quite swiftly because you don't want to lose the momentum that israel has and its favor and the goodwill that israel has in its favor. i
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mean, think about this anderson what the conversation is today as opposed to what it was a week ago or two weeks ago, i think israel does understand that the world feels for israel in this moment to a certain extent, particularly israel's allies. and they also want understand that there aren't a lot of pressure from those allies not to escalate to find a carefully calibrated calming response that does not risk and all out, it seems hard to imagine though all these really is talked to say that there has to be some sort of response the given this, the unprecedented nature of this direct attack from iran, the question is when, what it gonna look and what does it look like? >> because there are so many different directions they could go and they could go for directive for tat, right? we're going to go for a military response targeting military sites directly from israel to iran. they could go for some kind of an asymmetrical attack, attacking iran's proxies to go for some form of a cyber attack, for example. >> so they
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>> have a lot of different possibilities that they can look into. but it really is a question of what that will look like. and when they go for it, because there is a window of opportunity ready here, right? it doesn't necessarily extend forever. i do think though that there is a broader realization from some quarters of the government that in some ways this is a lifeline for netanyahu. what are we not talking about today? we're not talking about gaza. were not talking about the near-famine stocking the people of northern gaza. we're not talking about the fact that hostage negotiations have essentially collapse. we're not talking about the fact that israel has been lambasted on the international stage. so perhaps it's possible that they will seek to try to capitalize on that in some way and pivot and reframe the conversation around this entire conflict. there are advantage in terms of, in terms of gaza, there had been belief that the operation in rafah, which the us and others have said they don't want israel to do, was going to start this
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week any word on that >> well, we have heard some reporting saying that they were getting ready to lay the groundwork for it to happen. other reporting saying that it's very much on hold for for the moment, the reality is from conversations we have had, the idf understands that they need to move 1 million people out of rafah in order to be able to carry out this operation and way that is not going to inflame tensions with close allies like the us. and that takes time, that takes effort at the same time, there are four hamas battalions according to the idf, that are pivotal in central and operational and rafah and they do believe and they continue to say that they will have to take that on at some point. but the question of whether their focus now can really be in two places at once, able to carry out some kind of response to iran and start a massive operation in rafah. it seems unlikely it would seem logical that they would want a handle one threat before pivoting to the other?
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>> yeah. clarissa ward, thanks so much. we'll have more jake from here all morning long. >> thanks so much. andrew serwer going to be following these these are developments out of israel today. but back in the united states, we're just moments away from a moment in history. donald trump inside a new york city courtroom right now, talking with his attorneys use just minutes away from becoming the very first former president of the united states of america to ever face a criminal trial. i'll be joined next by an attorney who previously worked on a major trump case for his insights on what he expects to see this see today, stay with us every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less. >> cnn's five things he's with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on macs >> lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now going like enjoying a
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jury selection and donald trump's historic criminal trial were told that the former president does now now inside the courtroom, where hundreds of potential jurors will be in and out today as prosecutors and defense work to try to come up with a way to find a jury to sit in trump's hush money trial. let's check in with cnn's paula reid. she's outside the courthouse getting live updates on what's happening behind closed doors in the courtroom, paula, what's happening right now >> so there are no cameras inside the courtroom. we are relying on our amazing team inside to give us updates and we have learned that former president trump is now inside the courtroom that will soon be filled with potential jurors. now, we've learned that he is sitting right now with his attorney lead attorney todd blanche, reading these updates from our colleague there, apparently having a pretty active back and forth and so far, he appears to be in good periods all things considered. i mean, he is now going to be the first former president of the united states to face a criminal trial. and unlike the three civil cases that we've
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covered over the past few months here in new york this is the first time that he will potentially face jail time if he is convicted. last week, he said that look dirty. selection is just a matter of luck, and you can be sure sure that who will be watching each of these potential jurors very closely as they go through this process over the next few hours. >> all right. paula reid, thanks so much. i'm joined now by bill brennan. bill brennan served as an attorney on a 2022 trump organization case in front of the same judge as this one, bill, thanks so much for joining us. so obviously you know better than i do. jury selection can make or break a trial. you've done jury selection in that very courtroom with that very judge merchan >> what are you going to >> be looking for? what's the best advice you could give the defense? >> well, i mean, when we had the case in 2022 the former president was not in the room, so there's a big difference there's security issues, there's people move in issues, but just the presence of a
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former president, i think impacts on people. and i i would say just take it slow, go through each individual questionnaire and focus on the prospective juror you're interviewing at the time and that's really how you have to do it. don't worry about how long it takes. it takes, how long it takes basically so obviously manhattan is and the surrounding burrows are not exactly known as being ground zero >> for support of donald trump. what's the best way to make sure you get a fair jury for a republican president in a largely democratic city well, jake, here's the problem with what you just said. most people i think the way even you phrased it, manhattan and the surrounding boroughs the bronx, staten island, queens, brooklyn people think that's where you pull from, but you don't. when the manhattan de a files a
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charges, you only pick from the island of manhattan. so you need that cop from staten island, you need that firefighter from queens to kinda balance things out, but you're subset is the island of manhattan. and i just can tell you my personal experience was that that's not a great demographic in this case, my thoughts from having done it once. >> so how are given? i appreciate the correction. i did. you're right. i did think that staten would be part of it. staten island obviously went for trump, the only burrow to do so in the 2020 election. so given the limitations of manhattan how do you do it? how do you find a fair jury >> well, i'll say jake, when we were doing it, and judge moore, john is a very serious man. he's very smart >> he's >> extremely courteous. i mean, i'm not getting into people's biases or prejudice. i'm not qualified to do that. i can tell you having spent seven weeks with the man, he's a gentleman and he gave us as
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much time as we needed however, he wanted to get a jury seat it so we had a lady phelie, i'm sorry to interrupt as a person, i've just one second. i apologize. we're just showing the first image of donald trump from inside the courtroom. it's acetyl photograph that we're showing there. just don't want to make sure our viewers know what i'm looking at, please continue. i apologize >> we had a lady come up as a prospective juror. i've been picking juries about 35 years. she looked good to me, a lady or mid 40s of irish extraction. she spoke with a broke she worked in an irish pub and in our questionnaire, questions 29 and 30 said, do you have any forward do you have any strong feelings about the former president and if so, would they affect your ability to be fair? and she checked them. so i said, well, ma'am, would they be positive or negative feelings as she says oh, i despise that to mine. and i said, i guess it was late in the day j and i said, i'll come on, don't sugarcoat things for me. speak your mind. she says speak me mind. i hate him and
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jake 3.5 decades since ronald reagan was president, i've been knocking around pick and juries. i was floored and i looked over a judge can expecting him to meet my gaze and dismisser and he said now, well, now, wait a minute, he's got his role blonde and the pomp and circumstance of the courtroom. if i instructed you on the law could you put those feelings aside and be fair and she said, like mt peop say, when they see the judge in that black robe. surejudge. so she made it tohe secd round. i got ar a dferent way, but it was like rows of sharks, george ache because she ng in answered the queions tt the juror who just answer's no estions and you just have a gut feeling and you say, if 's male jury, say, sarah, you seem to be the perfect you're on paper. there's nothing about the former president that gives you a now phi i can put me in. i'll be great. and that's the juror that i worry about. the juror who has some type of ulterior motive to get on that case to settle a score.
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thank yoso much. good stuff. let's check and now with our team outside of the courthouse, kaitlan, what's happening in the building behind you right now? >> we'll take all the major players are now entering the room. we're waiting for the judge himself based on what we've heard from our reporters inside the room. of course, there are no cameras, so we're relying on their updates. the judge himself has not arrived inside that room, but we know donald trump is in there. we also have the district attorney, alvin bragg has now arrived i've inside the courtroom. you're seeing the first pictures from actually what's happening inside the courtroom as we are getting this kind of a look inside of there. and obviously we'll be getting five dispatches once everything would the actual beginning of this trial gets underway. and kristen holmes and paula reid are back here with me outside the courthouse. and kristen, i think one thing korda is that trump is he's going into this and the way he camp to the cameras before he went and he came up closer than he ever has before, to my knowledge, when he walks it, typically he speaks from backyard door. he came up front center because he wants as much
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media coverage of this as possible. he wants his allies out on tv. he wants to be able to use this as his campaign trail just from being inside the courtroom, if it's an indication would have a senior advisers was posting a split screen of all the networks, taking donald trump walking up to the camera and saying full media core press here, they want that attention. now i will do want to point to those photos because one thing we know about donald trump, he knows how to work a camera. this is not just the face of a man who is sitting there stunned, angry. this is a face, it's been practiced. wealke abt thish the mug shot. he actually was trying different faces on but his advirs. heas a particular look tt s going r continually cause he wants to show this kind of stngth is kind of seriousness, always acticing in different essions for the mug shot. >> and whe did tt, a georgia and know that somethg that's really knows the cameraare onim. so he'practices to seeow his face is going gonnbe. >> allight. we're going to continue watching all ofhis. we have live coverage here a we are seeing donald trump
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inside that courtroom, just moments away from history here as jury selection is about two we and donald trump's hush money trial making him first former president to ever face a criminal trial more just a moment >> this, situation with wolf blitzer night it six, once cnn >> some people just know that the best rate for you is a based on you with all state because there's a right way >> and the speed limit definitely isn't million miles per hour. >> so why would you pay a weight on here? >> what a terrible save save a dr. wise and get a rate based on you doing good hands with all slowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer
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