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tv   Forensic Files II  CNN  April 14, 2024 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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they telegraaf from the beginning, it's what they said in their statement as these drones and missiles were launched from iran, it took several hours between the statement and the arrival over the skies in that region. they have particularly telegraphed over and again from their perspective. this is a retaliation for the attack on a diplomatic miss the diplomatic mission in damascus earlier this month, and they won't. the united states not to get actively involved in any offensive actions. i would assume that they have as you said, that's a fact they've talked through the swiss contact, which is the only contact officially between iran and the united states. i remember iran and israel have no diplomatic relations and notice iran and the united states officially, but they do have this contact all to say that these messages have been sent through the united states, knew to pretty much what to expect, maybe even the extent of it, perhaps it was bigger than they hoped it would be it
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is, of course, the first time in 45 years since the islamic republic was formed in 1979. and the mounting tensions between iran and israel that this has been now a direct attack, but 99% of them were stopped as you heard from israel itself, very, very little damage, sayyed, the one child has been damaged by, by by shrapnel, but it could have been different. they say they targeted specific he targets. i assume we're going to see the battle damage assessment once the israelis are ready to show it. and one satellite imagery can perhaps show it. but this is part of it's a horrible way to say it. but the cnr of the rising tensions in that, in that region since october 7, iran was deemed not to have had any operational knowledge or planning of october 7 both by israeli intelligence and security officials and by the
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united states. iran has been warned over and again not to get involved. if you remember, the very beginning iran practically bent over backwards saying this wasn't us, this with hamas but as this counteroffensive has mounted over the last six months, the pressure to do something has mounted and you've had certain activities of iran proxies attacking americans, attacking shipping in the red sea america dealt with the des, of three of its three of its personnel. and there's been no more direct conflict. now, it has to be said that israel has been waging a shadow war with iran for many, many years as you know israel as being either directly or through its proxies inside iran on the ground, taking care of various nuclear facilities, for instance assassinations of nuclear scientists and that lot. so it
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has been a very dangerous proxy and shadow more for a long time. the question is now, what is the response of the united states says that mustn't be a big offensive reaction. and the us has said, we're not going to take part in it i mean, if this action by iran was inevitable, how israel responds >> now is not that is your points. i think just how much pressure is the biden administration really bringing to bear on? benjamin netanyahu at this point, certainly there is no ceasefire, not even a temporary ceasefire in gaza at this point and despite the fact that the americans have been hugely supportive critically supportive, overnight in providing air defense it is still ultimately in the ballpark of the prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu is war cabinet and his cabinet that involves a number of very right-wing parliamentarians. one of whom is national security head ben-gvir, who has said today, we need a crushing response to iran >> well, itamar ben gvir has been on the record saying things like that from the beginning, whether it's about gaza leveling gaza, expelling the people, whether it's about iran, whether it's about anything he isn't three missed in that coalition as is described by the united states and israel's allies and the israeli opposition. so too is smart fridge. >> and >> these are the people who are keeping benjamin netanyahu in power. however, it has to be said that it is black and white evidentiary through netanyahu's conversations with his own people with different amounts. edison's, he was elected prime minister, which i
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covered in 1996 for the first time he has had it on for iran. and if you remember right after the first the second war in iraq, israel also has tried to get the united states to do what it wants to do militarily against iran and so far the united states has not done that. they don't believe that there is any currency in going to war against iraq certainly, sir. certainly not. now, when the entire region is really at its worst point in living memory, there's so much conflagration possible, so much catastrophe happening. but one more war in that region is going to be incredibly difficult. and that would definitely not be an easy war. so >> you heard >> your jerusalem post colleague yaakov talking about how israel might feel it needs to respond because otherwise, what message does that send on the other hand, if it does
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respond, it might fracture any kind of alliance. it has had. certainly overnight from regional neighbors as well as from other allies. israel says that the vast majority of the missiles and drones were intercepted by its own anti-air defenses. so it's well-equipped and it is obviously a nuclear power and it's the most important power in the region. but when it comes to the, i guess the arab and muslim nation, iran is the most developed part, doesn't have an air force to talk about, but as you've seen it really does have missiles and it does have drones our chief international inca, i don't come to you from london. thank you very much indeed for joining us. >> still to come the, un will meet knee coming hours to discuss iran's attack on israel and global reaction is pouring in our breaking news coverage continues in a moment
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>> the un council will meet later today in the wake of iran's large-scale attack on israel overnight it comes off it, israel's ambassador to the united nations, gilad erdan, wrote a letter requesting the meeting, quote immediately to unequivocally condemn iran. >> meanwhile >> israel's war cabinet is weighing its response. the aerial attack has strikes appear to have stopped for now the israeli military she says 99% of the more than 300 projectiles fired at israel. were by iran, were intercepted and only a quote small number of ballistic missiles actually reached israel. well, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, we have intercepted, we have contained together, we shall win and reactions to the strikes are coming in from across europe, for example, the european union's foreign policy chief, josep borrell, condemned the attack is unacceptable. the
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british prime minister rishi sunak says, uk will continue to support israel's security while maya yahya, director of the carnegie middle east center in beirut, she joins us now via skype from the lebanese capital. and as so, you join us, i am seeing unconfirmed reports that the idf is striking inside lebanon after hezbollah, those are unconfirmed reports as things stand at present. but let's just get your assessment to where we stand today. sunday morning local time after what was five hour wave of attacks on israel. this is unprecedented on the part of tech ron good morning, becky. thank you for having me as you were tightly standing at the edge of a dangerous precipice we haven't seen such escalation in a very long time, if definitely the retaliatory attacks by iran yesterday our
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game changer. will no longer and a shadow or proxy war between those two began obviously with the direct attack on the, iranian consulate in syria but what happened yesterday really upped the ante even further so we really are standing on a very dangerous precipice and much of it depends on what, how israel reacts and whether it will carry out a responsive attack. another attack on iranian territory proper which effectively means frankly, dragging the us almost everyone into an all our regional conflict. and this is something we've been morning around about for the last six months the calculation for israel at this point will be very difficult. i mean, there have been more than 300 projectiles lobbed towards its territory. 99% of those israel's defense
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forces and indeed the american say, we're deflected, defended against, but 300 plus projectiles for the first time ever at the hands of iran, projected thrown at, directed towards israeli territory is eight huge escalation model absolutely not, no, absolutely. it's a huge escalation, but frankly, i think the iranians new, that most of this would be stopped that the us, uk, france, jordan and others would help in bringing down to drones and those muscles effectively 99 i'm percent of the more blood down most of that was done outside of israeli territory, outside of his really airspace so i think frank i sold more. it's an it was a major escalatory moves, but it was very much of a light show and it's a drop in the bucket of what really have had all the other. as you saw, most
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the the drones and missiles are coming from iran proper and not from the iran's various partners and proxies in the region. they stayed pretty much out of the game to a certain extent. this is a drop in the bucket of what could really happen if this was to escalate into an all out regional war? yes, it was a major least on that northern israeli front, which is the south of lebanon, are currently where you are at present. and we know the firepower that has baller, the iran-backed militant group on the lebanese side of the border has there are obviously real concerns about an uptick in the conflict spilling much further because already we have seen that spillage, but spilling further on that northern front. my let me just read you what i've just got into cnn here. israeli finance minister bezalel smotrich on the very
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right wing of this. this is really government coalition. he had this to say just in the past few minutes, as i warned, giving up on israel's red lines and chasing after hamas for a deal. and he's talking about a deal in gaza, of course, only decrease the child france's of bringing everyone home. it is time to learn lessons, change direction, move on to refer. now, i'm restore full israeli control although over the gaza strip what do you make of. what you have? just what i've just read, the words >> smotrich >> this is expected. i mean, i would not i would have expected no less from smotrich but also from much of the israeli government, this government has been lead with, i mean, we've seen the horror, horrors of gaza we're talking 33,000 that i don't need to recite the
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numbers of gaza, 17,000 more than 17,000 kids, orphan children, orphaned, et cetera, et cetera, almost total destruction of off the strip so i expect no less from someone who's been driving much of this. we're seeing nobody's talking now about what's happening. and the west bank and the programs that are going on and the west bank so this to be expected from smotrich and also probably from other members of this particular government. quite honestly, they're unhinged in a certain way. they are there, there's they're driving for a military escalation at the time when only a diplomatic solution can walk us back from the precipice of an all-out war across the region and its support that they cannot win. no one can wait, sorry, let me be clear. it's award that no one can win. its war. that will wreck havoc. and destruction on everyone concerned, including israelis and palestinians and lebanese and everyone else gets involved and iranians so what
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needs what we really need now is for us to demonstrate its leverage, which now has become even more difficult and push back against any kind of iranian escalation by a sculpturing moves by israel, per say two don't bring the temperature down and start talking about a ceasefire. not only gaza, but frankly it has to be original ceasefire. we have a lot of concerns and lebanon, the once they're done with gaza, they might turn towards love yesterday, by the way, the midst of all of this, it wasn't covered in the news. there were attacks on lebanon happening as the drums were flying into, into israel towards israel, sorry. >> yeah, maha, it's good to have you and i have been speaking regularly throughout this past six months. and we continue to talk. there will be those who argue that the biden
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administration is just enhanced. its leverage on this israeli government by the iron clad support as described by joe biden there has provided over the last 12 hours what it does with that and how israel response will be keenly watched not just where you are in beirut, but where i am here in abu dhabi and right around this wider region, it's always a pleasure having you on. thank you very much indeed for joining us smile but is out of beirut for you today still to come, even though israel says it intercepted most of iran strikes along with its partners iranians are celebrating in the streets breaking news, >> coverage continues >> tomorrow and ninth of space for stoma whole story with anderson cooper. >> the >> james webb telescope. are we alone? >> followed by the two part finale, space shuttle columbia,
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president joe biden told israeli prime minister so benjamin netanyahu and the telephone call that he should consider, it a win biden is urging netanyahu to avoid further escalation. and it says the us will not participate in any offensive operation by israel against iran. biden and his national security team met in the white house situation room. we shed these photos saying, quote, our commitment to israel's security against threats from iran and its proxies is ironclad but in tech rahm, people are celebrating, waving palestinian and hezbollah flags iran's army chief of staff says the military operation has conc if israel responds, iran's next operation will be much bigger. >> well, >> iran's attacks on israel. tensions have been rising at the israel-lebanon border. the idf responded to a slew of rockets launched by iranian-backed hezbollah earlier on sunday, siren sounded in the israeli-occupied
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golan heights as the israeli military estimates around 25 projectiles were fired from lebanon the idf did not specify the type of projectiles fired or if they were intercepted. a spokesman says, israeli forces responded by firing more than 55 rockets over the course of an hour. and it's really important that you keep an eye on that northern front there are real concerns around this region that that is the next front to open up how israel will respond to these iranian strikes by retaliation with hezbollah. and over that border needs to be keenly watched. relations have been strained lately between the us president and the israeli prime minister but they seem to put that aside their differences during that phone call about iran's attack on israel, cnn's mj lee has
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details on what else was said >> president biden speaking on the phone with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the heels of iran significant attacks against israel saturday night, according to the white house's official readout of the phone call, it says, i've spoken with prime minister netanyahu to reaffirm america's ironclad commitment to the security of israel. i told him that israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend against and defeat even unprecedented did attacks sending a clear message to its foes, but they cannot effectively threatened the security of israel. we are also learning from a senior administration official that the president told the israeli prime minister that he should consider tonight, a win, that the us is assessment, right now is that iran's attacks had been largely unsuccessful and the reason that this is a us as
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assessment, right now, according to this official, is that almost all of the drones and missiles that iran launched saturday, including more than 100 ballistic missiles, were successfully you knocked out of the sky. we're i tools and no cruise missile made impact in israel. and we are told essentially that nothing of value was hit. again, this is the us is current assessment of the situation >> importantly, we're >> also told that the president told the israeli prime minister that the us will not participate in any offensive operations against iran. so very noteworthy that this is the president drawing a line in terms of what the us is not willing to do to help israel if it does. in fact, decide to potentially retaliate against iran in a significant way. now, the president's state and statement tonight also noting that no us forces or facilities
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were attacked tonight, but it did also say that us forces would of course, remain vigilant deterring. this was a very important goal for us officials. in recent days with the us actually directly communicating with iran and basically warning them that they should not come after us personnel and assets in the region the one thing that this senior official i spoke with would not get into is what, if anything, the president might have advised the prime minister to do in terms of how israel might retaliate or might respond in the coming hours and days. of course that is such an important question. and such an important space to watch given that the biden administration is very set on a trying to contain the situation and trying to prevent a wider regional war from erupting in the middle east mj lee cnn at the white house
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>> i'm beckham a in abu dhabi for you, cnn's alex marquardt picks up our coverage of the uranian strikes on israel. after this
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