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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 12, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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pictures coming in from that the lead with jake tapper starts right now >> cnn breaking news and welcome to the lead. i'm jake tapper and we begin today with multiple breaking stories. all of which will have wide-ranging impacts on the 2024 election and moments from now and florida, former president donald trump will welcome the house speaker mike johnson. to his mar-a-lago resort. the two men are holding a press conference in which they will discuss. they say election security, though we should note the last time the two teamed up on this issue they worked to try to undermine the 2020 election. so skepticism may be warranted. we are told the two republican leaders are expected to highlight the issue of non in citizens voting in federal elections. and if you're thinking, doesn't federal law already van, non-citizens from voting in federal elections, you would be correct. it is true but some municipalities allow non-citizens to vote in some local elections, like the
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mayor of tacoma park, maryland. but that said the republican party is seizing on this issue to try to make a larger political issue for the run-up to november. we shall see how allegiant to the facts of the matter, mr. trump and mr. johnson will be this one. mar-a-lago meeting comes as both men are staring down their own political challenges. speaker johnson facing a threat to his leadership from some of trump's most loyal followers on capitol hill, the maga caucus, and trump well, on monday, mr. trump is set to become the first former president in the history of these united's states to face criminal trial. mr. trump allegedly tried to buy the silence of former adult film star and director stormy daniels to cover up a dalliance. he tried to do that before the 2016 election. he's accused of. he denies this but after months of trying to delay a trial for falsifying the business records to cover up that payment. it appears that mr. trump and his legal team are running out of options. the biden campaign for its part, will also during our show today, go on the offensive. they say over what they believe will be a winning issue for the
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president who is struggling in the polls. abortion rights, vice president kamala harris today has been dispatched to arizona to slam a ruling earlier this week by the state's top court that revived a 160 year-old near-total ban on abortion. the period that this law was passed was a period when women could not vote, or in many places in the united states owned property, it's a period when historian say the age of consent in arizona was ten. we will bring you all of these events as as they unfold today. let's begin with cnn's kristen holmes and palm beach, florida and kristen donald trump and speaker johnson. they have a history of teaming up to push out falsehoods about the elections at least to the 2020. what can we expect from today's mar-a-lago event? >> jason you bring that up? and i am told that they are going to likely relitigate the election of 2020 in addition to talking about what you mentioned, which is this issue of non-citizens voting. and i will say it is not just the
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mayor of tacoma park, but also some local school boards across the country. they also allow non-citizens to vote but it is not a wide-scale issue and certainly not an issue in federal elections. something that are the kind of elections that someone like donald trump or mike johnson would be folks now, i did get some pushback after talking on cnn about this issue earlier. from his team, donald trump's team, where they said, this is also about preventing in the you char non-citizens from voting. but again, there is not much data that shows that this is a wide scale problem in any capacity however, we are looking at in an election year, an election year in which immigration is a top issue. and we know that donald trump and republicans are seeking to stoke fear around this issue. they are say that it is connected to both crime and now the election as well, donald trump has grown as far as to say that democrats actually want to have undocumented immigrants coming over the border so they can
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help them. in the 2024 election, all the republicans have put floors, lawsuits or legislation and various states and they don't want non-citizens voting. but again, jake, as we have said, it's not a wide-scale problem this does seem to be an opportunity for johnson to appear sayyed by side with donald trump at this time >> all right. and kristen holmes, we'll come back to you. thank you so much less the scope of their panel. and jaime, today's mar-a-lago visit reminds some of us of something this is not the first time a house speaker has gone down to florida and a display of loyalty is this event is kevin mccarthy for those at home who are not watching, are those in their car picture of kevin mccarthy with donald trump throwing him a lifeline. >> is this >> about johnson needing trump's help? so he can stay speaker more than anything else. do you feel? yes >> to quote? >> he era. i think we're back to deja vu all over again. you really have to wonder what
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kevin mccarthy is thinking today as he watches. now speaker johnson making the same pilgrimage down to mar-a-lago to kiss the ring and yes, there's this issue that they're going to have this press conference and bad. >> but the >> reality is at the end of the day, mike johnson says he doesn't want to talk about his private conversations with donald trump. but if you want to stay in power, you need donald trump. and that's why he's there today. >> but the key difference between that moment and this moment that was at a moment of weakness for donald trump. kevin mccarthy going down and yes, on bended knee, wanting to be in his good graces and understanding that trump's still had power in the party in the aftermath of january 6. but that moment of kevin mccarthy doing that actually helped build up donald trump in that moment here, i think the power dynamic is a little different. i think it is speaker johnson who's looking draft off a
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donald trump, who is actually sitting atop the party in a very powerful position right now within the republican ranks. >> and it's interesting, sarah, because right after speaker johnson won the speakership he had a press, conference with a bunch of house republicans and a reporter asked him about the fact that he had led the charge in the house to overturn the election. just for simplicity sake, let's put it that way. >> and >> they that reporter was, was heckled by the republican members of congress. they didn't want to talk about it. they wanted to move on. they didn't want to talk about the election of 2020. it was a new day >> so what's going on? >> if you want donald trump to appear beside you for an extended period of time and talk about how great you are. a good way to do that and say, you know, we should talk about, we should talk about what you like to call election integrity. and if you want to burn up how the 2020 election was stolen from you, i will stand next to you and i will support you in that. i think that this is a good indication
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of how much speaker johnson needs donald trump right now, i also think that there is a real possession and the republican party, there's a realization among members of congress, donald trump is not going to stop talking about this. donald trump is going to keep talking about this. he's going to talk about issues like non-citizens voting that are not actually real issues that are widespread problems when what republicans would really like him to talk about is mail-in ballots and how they're okay this time around and maybe republican should actually mail those back-ends so that we have a shot of beating joe biden this time around, spelling out what donald trump is going to say today. i think that there is a belief among republicans that this is just what life is going to be so there was a study in 2016 or the study was 2017 of the election of 2016, the brennan >> center, which is a progressive group, but they did an analysis of 23.5 million votes in 42 jurisdictions to look at what kind of a problem this was, because remember donald trump was saying that even though he won the election, the only reason he lost the popular vote by two or 3 million votes was because of
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all the undocumented immigrants that had voted. and the brennan center found that in this sampling of 23.5 million votes, there were 30 instance, 30 of suspected noncitizen voting. so that is a rate of 0.000, 1% of the votes cast. so what's not nothing, it's not nothing, but it is not a problem, but it is not a problem that is exactly right. and today they are trying to put forward if they have any solutions will see in search of a problem i mean, i think to sarah's point until interesting is yes, appeal to donald trump and say, hey, i'll come and talk about this thing. you love talking about not only that let's try to, uh, it in to the issue that you do that you talk about every day immigration, which is of great concern to voters. so if we can find a way so that we're not just talking about the 2020 election, looking at the past, but actually tie it to an issue that you're trying to fuel your candidacy with this time round. imagine how appealing
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that could be for trump, but jake, the statistics you'd 0.2 are significant and i think this gets lost all the time. when we're talking about voter fraud or vote problems in voting, what we should be talking about is where that is widespread and has actual impact on outcomes 0.00, 1% is not that, that's not an actual problem. that's just human error on the smallest possible scale. >> yeah, >> you're not, you're not upending somebody else's right to vote because those 30 incidents of 23 million filled bump extrapolated this out. so at the rate of 0.0, 1% that would mean in 2020, 200 non-citizens vote, right? good, not enough to throw anything, but also, there's a reason that you're not seeing a bunch of noncitizens go try to vote. one. it's against federal law to its against state law. three, if you ever want to try to become a citizen of the united states when you go through that process they check to see if you have ever tried to vote before, and they're
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going to hold that against you. you're not going to become a citizen of the united states. you can be fine. you can go to jail, you can be deported. these are all things that consequences that you can face if you try to vote as a non-citizen. and when you talk to places like the brennan center, which as you pointing that are more progressive, they say a lot of what we've seen in cases like this where it's non-citizens who do go vote, is that they have been misled or that they have misunderstood and for whatever reason, they thought that they were eligible to cast a ballot. >> so let's go back to what speaker johnson back when he was just congressman john on sunday, i did he during the period of december 2020, when donald trump was trying desperately to hold onto power the texas attorney general filed an amicus brief saying that for states that biden coincidentally happened to have one should have their electoral votes cast thrown out and speaker johnson, congressman johnson, i had an amicus brief. >> right. any rallied support for members of congress now you got an early exclusive copy of former congresswoman liz cheney's book she wrote about
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that moment and she said, quote when i confronted him with the flaws of his legalal argument johnson would often concede or say something to the effect of we just need to do this one last thing for trump. so i guess it wasn't just one last thing though. >> it's never one last thing. and that's what we're seeing here this afternoon. and it's never going to be just one last thing as long as he's in control of the party mitch mcconnell thought that trump would fade away. a lot of republicans did. that has not happened liz cheney said one other thing about my johnson, which i think is worth repeating. she said, the amicus brief episode reveal the side of mike. i had not seen before. he appeared a especially susceptible to flattery from trump and aspire to being anywhere in trump's orbit. so this is just going to go on and
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imagine if trump wins again, we should probably also know what the supreme court did with that texas ag lawsuit. >> they threw it away exactly what in an address. one other last question i have for you, david obviously the border is actually a problem in this country and there are too many undocumented people in this country. and it's sapping all sorts of resources and cities and counties, et cetera. so i'm not belittling that >> but >> how much does this play into this white replacement theory? >> that a >> bunch of people have put out there. this racist and anti-semetic theory that a bunch of dvz jews are in corp, bringing in brown people is this is not my view >> to >> replace the white populace of america. you hear this among racists in this country, you hear this from donald trump. in this country. how much is today's press conference? how much of that dovetail into it? >> well, sure it's dabbling in those waters, right? it's it's trying to have a little bit of titillation for those that want to put forward that conspiracy
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theory and that's what i mean by using this. as you said immigration is a real issue for millions of americans. and donald trump is going to campaign on it hard. but when you do this like narrow slice to appeal to all this fringe stuff or stuff that has been proven not to be true. you're trying to peel pieces from all the components of these waters of conspiracy that helped fuel the energy inside trump's support base of support, the crimes committed by an undocumented immigrants with ms 13, that is a serious problem. this bogus voting thing is not a serious problem. everyone stick around, we have a lot more to come. we're standing by for whatever comes down in mar-a-lago. we are also following fast-moving draw elements with donald trump's legal cases as he faces his first criminal trial. on monday, an attorney on his legal team is now gone and cnn's kaitlan collins, who broke this initial report will join us next to discuss cnn
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selection will begin in new york. and former president trump's hush money cover-up trial will officially kick off. it will be an unprecedented event, and unlike any other of his court proceedings thus far, and at the same time, trump's other criminal cases are still actively playing out this afternoon in florida. for example, trump's close aides are telling a judge what they know about the former president's handling or mishandling of classified documents. carlos de oliveira and walt nauta are accused of conspiring to help trump hide the documents and lie to the fbi. it's their first major test before that, judge elsewhere in trump legal lands, cnn's kaitlan collins reports a trump attorney who became a critical witness in that classified documents case quietly left the trump legal team and kaitlan with us now, caitlin, who tell us who this attorney is and how big of an issue could this be for mr. trump? >> yeah. so people will remember this attorney because he was often seen going in and out of courthouse in washington. he accompanied trump when he was arraigned in
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washington on the federal election charges last fall. but this is evan corcoran. and the reason this is such a big deal that he is quietly left trump's legal team without a lot of notice. is that he is not just a former trump attorney. he became a critical witness in the classified documents investigation. and that's because this was the attorney that was brought on to help trump tried to fend off charges in that case, but in turn, he was the one who was sent to the mar-a-lago storage room that was looking for classified documents after they got a subpoena from the justice department asking for those classified documents back. he went through all the boxes personally, he was the one who had found a few dozen of them. but what he didn't know at the time and what we didn't realize until the indictment came out was there was this orchestrated effort by trump, according to prosecutors, to move documents out of the room even before evan corcoran, this attorney, went through the room to look for them and we now, of course, later learned about that from other witnesses and co-defendants in this case. and evan corcoran was the one who
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also was notable because he had taken these notes. they were voice memos that were then turned into these notes. they went into meticulous, detailed jake about his interactions that he had had with donald trump and click putting moments where trump suggested they not cooperate with the subpoena suggested that evan corcoran lie to the justice department, and also suggested that he hide documents from them that he'd go to his hotel room. and if there was anything bad in those classified documents that he found that he just take it out from what they were giving back to the justice department. and so he is now a witness in this case. if the classified documents case goes to trial, jake, you can bet prosecutors are going to want evan corcoran on the stand, but now he is no longer in trump's legal orbit. you really couldn't obviously represent him and they classified documents case anymore. he was still representing him in the election case, but no longer is on the legal team. it all jake, fascinating, fast so knitting stuff back to the hush money cover up trial, which is scheduled to begin monday jury selection after three failed attempts to delay that case,
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what are your sources telling you about trump's demeanor, his morale in the lead up to monday he's basically accepted that it is happening on monday. they certainly were trying to delay it. i mean, they already succeeded in delaying at at least a month after they filed that motion about information that they believe documents they got their hands on too late and it's already starting later than it was supposed to, but i think that what trump has accepted now at this point is that it is inevitable that it is going to start on monday that has been really the main focus for his legal team over the last several days is preparing for what monday is going to look like. we know it's going to be a massive battle over just getting a jury in paneled for this ahead of the actual trial and of itself beginning and it's going to be a new reality for donald trump himself. i mean, he has been spending a lot the time a courtrooms lightly. this is the first time he's doing it for a criminal trial where there's going to be that jury in the room. he's going to be sitting there and i think jake, what we've picked up on from talking to sources, what's going to be the most difficult for him is seeing people like
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michael cohen and stormy daniels and karen mcdougal and all of these people in his past get up there and likely tests to fight. but also people who once were really close to him, people like hope hicks and other of his closest confidants and former aides that are also going to be potentially call to the witness. and i think that is what's going to be the most difficult for him. but obviously, you know, he'll be in that courtroom several days a week for at least about six weeks or so all right. >> kaitlan collins will be checking in with you throughout the show. thanks so much. you can also look out for caitlin tonight and every week night on the source, 9:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn great show. please watch. join me, racine special coverage of this trial. the hush money cover-up trial will be here monday morning, starting at 9:00 eastern. you can watch here on cnn and streaming on macs. we heard from president biden about an hour ago, he told reporters at the white house that he expects iran will attack israel, quote, sooner rather than later. >> his >> response when asked if
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american troops are at risk, we will bring that to your next class. but cnn is learning about the intelligence about this extra anticipated pending attack important, civil rights organization >> from the number one rated brandon cordless outdoor power, the ego zero turns writing, but we're with iste or technology drives they could call it turns on a dime and it cuts up to 2.5 acres on a single charge exclusive lows, ace and ego authorised dealer new projects means new project managers you need to hire any indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit slash higher get started today >> lag sunglasses brand lactate chances brann
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>> are back with our worldly. now, you're or ron's message to the united states do not get involved. the us is currently on high alert for a significant retaliatory attack by iran against israel this afternoon, president biden was asked how imminent he believes this attack is take a listen my expectation suitably later to iran in this moment. >> no then cnn's mj lee asked president biden this mr. president eisenhower, american troops at risk as well >> we are devoted to the defense of israel we will support israel, we will defend, help defend israel. and ran will not succeed >> now, iran is expected retaliatory attack is a direct response. iran says to what they also say was an israeli airstrike on an iranian
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consulate in syria last week, which killed senior iranian military leaders that get right to cnn's oren liebermann at the pentagon and cnn's jeremy diamond in jerusalem, oren were hearing that the us is moving additional assets to the middle east. what kind of assets the us won't be specific about what types of assets these are, but likely air defense because that's the critical need here and that is the expectation that either iran or its proxies will try to attack israel in all likelihood, either using some sort of missiles, drones, or rockets and to prevent that from happening, what you need obviously is air defenses and the troops to carry out that mission. it is worth noting that us troops in the region, specifically in iraq, syria and elsewhere, have already been on high alert for the past six months especially since the attack that killed three us service members in jordan. so they're already on the lookout for any potential risks here in terms of defending israel, we've learned from two us officials that the us will also do what it can to intercept any iranian launches or iranian proxy launches israel, we have seen some of that over the
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course of the past few months where us navy ships in the red sea have intercepted a houthi drones, or rather houthi long-range cruise and ballistic missiles targeting israel. it is also possible that us forces in iraq and syria with their air defenses, could try to intercept some sorts of launches that israel, depending of course on where they came from, worth pointing out that the commander of us central command, general erik kurilla, is in israel right now, meeting with senior israeli leadership. we have also learned that in the conversations between us and israeli officials, the us has urged israel in its response to whatever is coming from iran, the not be two escalator tori there and there you see not only the expectation of the biden ministration, but also they believe iran that there is a need, a desire here, not to escalate an already tense situation in the region jeremy, what are is officials doing to prepare for this anticipated strike >> well, jake, tonight there's no question that is really
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officials, israeli forces are at a heightened state of alert anticipating a possible iranian a response, to that alleged israel really strike on diplomatic compound in damascus israeli officials are preparing. we've seen the top general herzi halevi visiting troops today, meeting with top commander saying that the israeli military is prepared to respond to any potential threat from iran or from any he one else. what we're also seeing is israel working to try and deter the possibility of an iranian strike in part by projecting this strength, by vowing that any kind of iranian strike on israeli soil will result in a similar response from israel on iranian soil. and we're also seeing israeli officials tried hi and use that ally ship with the united states to try and deter iran as well. here's the defense minister. you have galanis who met today with the head of the us central command, general kurilla enemies thing that they
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can pull apart israel and the united states but the opposite is true. they are bringing us together and strengthening our ties. we stand shoulder to shoulder in our struggle and amid that uncertainty, jake, tonight hezbollah firing a significant barrage of rockets at northern israel >> 40 rockets all intercepted by is israeli air defense systems or falling in open areas, not the response that we're anticipating from iran and its proxies, but the latest in that batch i can fourth over that border, jake. >> all right. oren liebermann and jeremy diamond. thanks to both of you. we're going to listen to see if vice president kamala harris touches on this. she is expected to speak this evening. being in battleground state, arizona. she's focused on abortion rights. they're plus former republican congressman adam kinzinger is going to be here. he served on the now-defunct january 6 select committee. i'm going to ask him about 20:20 election lies still playing a major role in american politics today. >> he feel a little broken
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this situation with wolf blitzer didn't night it six cnn. >> we're back and awaiting today's joint news conference from donald trump and house speaker mike johnson at mar-a-lago. we expect both of them to repeat trump's lies about the election of 2020 and elections in the, in general. so many lives, so little time cnn's marshall cohen has been keeping track of them all at marshall remind us about trump's history of spreading false information about elections and what you anticipate he might say today. >> jake, it's hard to know where to start, but as we wait for the former president, we can prepare the audience and knocked relate them with the truth so looking back to 2020, the top-line question about that election it was a free and fair election. trump lost fair and square. it was not rigged, and it was not stolen. you're going to hear him say that just remember, it wasn't rigged. we're also expecting him to talk a lot about non-citizens voting in our elections.
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foreign nationals undocumented immigrants voting in our elections. that is extremely rare. it's only allowed in some small jurisdictions, some cities, but on the federal level, it's illegal. right-wing groups, left-wing groups. they have studied this extensively. i looked at a study where there was 1 billion ballots examined over 20 years and there were only 100 examples of undocumented or non-citizens voting in our elections. so it just doesn't happen. jake mail-in voting. furthermore, it's safe and secure lots of republicans do it all the time. it's just not a controversial way to cast a ballot. and also, jake downs trump's claim that democrats made a fake ballots in 2020. that's also just a total light. jake >> drop is going to be alongside speaker mike johnson, who played his own important role in attempts to overturn the election. what did he do? >> yeah, before he ascended to the speakership and became
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second in line to the presidency. mike johnson was not that well known, but he did make a name for himself in 2020, if you only remember one thing about mike johnson 2020, let it be this hours after the insurrection on january 6, he was on the house floor and cast votes to throw out biden's electors from pennsylvania and arizona. if he had his way, that would have disenfranchised 10 million voters. the will of the people in those two states would have been cast aside before january 6, jake mike johnson urged the us supreme court to nullify the results from four states that trump lost. he rallied his fellow house republicans to sign onto an amicus brief for the court, urging them to throw out the results from four states. the court said no. and also jake, it was mike johnson let's in promoting some of the wildest conspiracy theories, not just garden variety claims about mail-in voting, but those crazy claims about dominion voting machines, flipping millions of
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votes. it wasn't true then it's not true now. >> all right. marshall cohen stick around. we're going to need you bring in former congressman adam kinzinger, one of two republicans have served on the house select committee to investigate the january 6 attack. congressman good to see you so the chairman of that committee, the january 6 committee, congressman bennie thompson, called today's press conference about what they're calling an election integrity. he's calling it a sham obviously the proof will be in the pudding. but what's your take on today's presser? >> yeah, it's gonna be a sham. i mean, here's the interesting thing i remember when i was serving on the committee, my colleagues, my republican colleagues would come up. and of course, a lot of them would quietly say, good job >> i >> can't do it because of my district, but i'm glad you're doing it. >> but a >> few of them would say things like we just need to move on from 2020, we just have to look forward and move on. the irony of all of this is the ones that aren't moving on from 2020 right now is donald trump. and
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it's because donald trump is scared to death about these court cases. so it is in his interested, at least in his mind to continue to try to shift the public narrative to convince people that the election was stolen. the interesting thing, and of course it wasn't what you'll see is probably two different things between johnson and trump. trump will come out with all visits, outlandish comments as the prior reporter announced, everything from stolen election illegals, voting or whatever, what you'll see from other members and maybe this includes speaker johnson is like this concern about how the rules changed at the last minute and what they're doing. jake, because politicians are really good at signaling multiple things to multiple groups at one time. >> there >> signaling to the election was stolen crowd that oh, yes, i have concerns about the election but they're also doing it in a way that's not embracing full-on donald trump islam. and that's where they need called out, like do you agree with donald trump's statements? that illegals voted
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in the millions or are you saying something totally different? and they're throwing enough stuff at the wall that they're confusing the american people. and that's what they aim to do. >> well, this is the result of them throwing all that stuff at the wall. a fox poll? >> asked registered voters if joe biden was legitimately elected in 2020. that's a question by the way, that speaker johnson will not answer 67% of republicans in that poll, 67% say that they do not think. he will biden was legitimately elected. of course, biden was legitimately there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud as attorney general, bill barr said publicly in december 2020, and yet republicans continue to believe that the 2020 election was illegitimate because trump's, as it was, and it's amplified by the speaker johnson's and the fox news isn't all that how concerned are you that if trump loses again in november and who knows what's going to happen that.
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but if he does, how concerned are you? we can see a repeat of january 6 well i'm really concerned now, the advantages trump doesn't have the instrument of the instruments of power but he does >> have the crowds that can show up. here's the thing jake for democracy to survive for any self-governance to survive, all you need is this basic compact between americans that you'll vote, your vote counts whoever gets the most votes wins and has a certain amount of power. that's it. that's all you have to agree on. what donald trump, frankly, now, republicans have done, is convinced a significant amount of the party that even that basic compact that basic contract we have to have the self-govern is invalid and it's false. and that is really dangerous especially in a country that we're proud of, the fact that we were founded on revolution. we believed that we know taxation without representation. and now these republicans are playing with fire convincing their base that in fact their voice isn't
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heard. and i got to tell you if this goes on for a long time, what we will see will be violence. there is no other outcome of that. and that's frightening to me and that should be frightening to all americans. >> on another subject today, the house voted to reauthorize a two-year extension of the government surveillance power known as the foreign intelligence surveillance act, or fisa. despite resistance from many republicans including trump who took to truth social asking republicans to kill fisa he said it was illegally used against me and many others. they spied on my campaign unquote what would it mean for national security? do you think if republicans had ultimately killed fisa >> well, imagine the ability to understand what your enemies are saying when they're discussing attack plans each other, when they're discussing spine, when they're discussing all that kind of stuff, imagine having the irs to that and going through a legal process to get there and then all of a
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sudden you lose those ears and you lose that ability to hear it. it would be dangerous and terrible for national security >> congressman adam kinzinger. thanks so much coming up next cnn with exclusion who's have access at the border on how mexican authorities are going after people tried to enter the us illegally and why their methods are proving successful you are sarah roberts and your >> specialist subject is how do i find my best hotel deals using trivago on your time starts >> now, use >> your vargo and save time and money. cow it's often different prices for the same hotel, but trivago comparison prices from hundreds of bookings sites all in one place. so it's easy to others if he $50 a night. so over the week $350. so next time i need we all know what it's like to worry to non nowhere a dog has gone, say goodbye to that with tractive
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renters with self i'm lauren fox on capitol hill, and this is cnn >> in our worldlines. cnn is getting an exclusive look into how mexico is strengthening its border security at the us-mexico border. looking to curb illegal immigration, mexico is now building temporary base camps and spots were migrants are known to easily pass through cnn's david culver goes to mexico to see how effective this new, new border enforcement is >> you can see behind me here, there's a huge gap in the wall in this is where mexican officials tell us that a lot of the smugglers are either directing or bringing some of the migrants to so that they can easily cross, which makes these rugged back wrote that preferred and profitable routes for cartel back migrant smugglers. we're about an hour east of t1a driving with
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mexican migration officials along the border >> but we >> detour after learning a group of migrants has been rescued, has officials hearsay but is your neighbor we pull up and find about a dozen folks who described to me there were attempts to claim asylum in the and he said he tried to cross, but mexican officials stopped him from being able to go. >> that's because >> mexico is now stepping up its efforts to stop migrants from crossing illegally into the us we don't know if he wasn't following requests from the biden administration. next goes now, pouring resources like the national guard and mexican army in to help patrol and detain migrants like these. eventually transporting them. the southern mexico where we separate them by nationalities and then from them, we determined that the protect patient process, what's happening here goes beyond stepped up patrols in recent months, mexican officials have built base camps, deploying troops to some of the most
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popular illegal crossings sites hey smugglers van are there several of these vehicles just left abandoned and like seven vehicles in total in this area, the area. >> as we pull up, we realize we've been here before. we've seen so many people across through this property. this right here at this spot late last year, we met us residents fed up with migrants coming through their land. >> they can come to the front door our cameras captured hundreds each day and night >> that has >> stopped in recent weeks, and it stopped primarily because of what we're seeing on the mexico side of things. this is a remote base on the border. you've got mexican immigration officials you've got national guard and you've got mexican army who are here 24/7. >> we have our fridge, microwave coffee every, you have moved resources to live 24/7 on the border. it why is
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this important for mexico to be doing that? >> we want to prevent migrants to get in touch with the criminal groups. >> the number of migrant encounters reported by us border patrol appears to reflect the impact of mexico's actions jens dropping 42% from december to january alone, and seeming this stay low. >> but officials warn cartels and they're smugglers frequently adjust their tactics and keep close watch. they're watching us right now. >> they see when we are patrolling and when we leave us pod, it's a crisis that has also sparked uneasiness for mexican residents >> it's gotten >> so frustrating for these folks in particular that the community got together, wrote a letter to their governor petitioning for more resources and for that reason that you have where you can see right here members of the mexican national guard for now patrolling neighborhoods like this one to keep migrants from coming through. >> again, because i've got authorities here urge migrants to use the us is cbp one app rather than to risk crossing
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with smugglers >> mexican officials at this location even help pre-screen up to 500 migrants daily for the us asylum interview process. so he is in communication with us officials but on the other side and they're sending documents back and forth to make sure that they have the right information. >> while this >> is a more orderly way to claim asylum, it can take awhile to get an appointment. martha gilad says, she's waited five months for this day >> i get it >> thousand so i asked why they didn't go through through this smuggling route, which so many choose to do. my mock-up an icon or service and she said that for one it costs an extreme amount of money and the other aspect remember her, was they wanted to be able to enter legally through the appointment tried to build a better future. they're >> the road ahead is uncertain. for both the migrants hand for
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those protecting the border we see that firsthand as we leave the remote border camps >> the reason why he >> stopped and pulled over is because there are these spikes that we've noticed all along the different dirt roadways that take us to the border wall, evidence of a smuggler's desperate attempt to salvage their profits. there are dozens, if not hundreds, of these >> and while it slows them down momentarily, for now, they forge ahead and their efforts to curb the flow of a migrant crisis that's consuming resources on both sides of the border back here alive on the us, sayyed of the us mexico border, jake, this is one of the two walls that they have in this portion. you can see behind me there's actually a second one on the ridge and on the other side of that one in mexico. but just in the past few minutes, we've seen a handful are so migrants who have already made it to the us, sayyed and are walking up to be processed right now >> one of the things that we
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wanted to check in on is with the residents. we had met about four or five months ago who live in san diego county and who had complained to us about the surge of migrants. they do to tell us that in the past few weeks and they've noticed fewer migrants coming across onto their properties. so they're seeing a significant impact of these added resources from the mexican sayyed and particular also worth noting, we got in the past few minutes or so confirming the latest numbers from last month, that trend nationwide continuing downward there are two so the figures as of now, going the right direction according to officials, however, the question will be jake, how do you sustain this, especially as both countries? it's us and mexico are in years with presidential elections and politics could derail this at any moment. >> all right, david culver in san diego. thanks so much for that. >> this next >> hour is gonna give us a real snapshot of politics in america right now in 2020, for the vice president kamala harris is set to campaign in battleground arizona hello, the topic. she wants to focus on his abortion rights, then down in florida at
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mar-a-lago, donald trump, and house speaker mike johnson, i'm going to talk about what they call election security. we're going to cover the contrast, keep it here there's debris and this guy, parents, husbands and wives gone. >> i wish i could have done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn, every day, moore dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food developed with made from real meet and veggies portioned for your dog and delivered right to your door. >> it's >> smarter, healthier, pet food >> when these business owners need cash fast, they turned to bids to credit to fund what's next from fitness studios to medical offices and every small business in between. >> we've got you covered whether you need new equipment, funds to expand or need money to cover unforeseen business expenses, bids to credit is the
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five-star reviews women everywhere i breaking up with bad bros, five good things. >> listen wherever >> you get your podcasts >> cnn, breaking news >> welcome to the lean. i'm jake tapper at any moment we are expecting to hear from forming for president donald trump and the speaker of the house, mike johnson. they're holding news conference at trump's mar-a-lago resort in florida. they say they're going to discuss election security, though skepticism is it's warranted given the last time these two teamed up on the issue of elections, they were trying to undermine the 2020 election. cnn's kristen holmes is following all this for