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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 11, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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perhaps, or an adventure novel. three fishermen stranded on a remote tiny island in the pacific ocean have been rescued because they used palm fronds to spell out the word help on the white sandy beach of the teeny ireland, they survived for over a week coconuts and fresh water, well water after their scif sank the coast guard plane spotted the help sin and plot twist. one of the rescuers turned out to be a relative of one of the castaways. are you ready for it? >> taylor swift's music is now back on tiktok ahead of her upcoming album release next week her record company has that had bad blood with the social media app. it pulled that music from its various artists, dover licensing, fight, but our wildest dreams have come true just in time to make sure it's not a cruel summer for all the swifties around the globe. if you ever miss an episode or lead, you can listen to the show once you get your podcast as to the news continues on cnn with wolf blitzer in situation room. i'll see you tomorrowow
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>> career was eclipsed by his 1995 double murder trial and is highly controversial acquittal, die hi, after a battle with cancer, we'll look back on his life and the trial of the century during washington, the fbi director delivers a very stark warning amid republican infighting over a key surveillance law. >> i'll >> ask the house foreign affairs committee chairman michael mccaul, if speaker johnson can finally control his, unruly conference and stunning new developments in the scandal rocking the world of baseball. the former interpreter for shohei ohtani now charged with stealing $16 from the superstar's bank account. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and ure the situion room theitzer,
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skis, cnn breaking news, because let's get straighto the breaking news tot. oj mpso the nfl sr, who's 1995ouble murder trialnd contentiouacquittal captivated the nation, is dead at 76 after fighting ccer. n, stephanie elam has the latest >> tonight, oj simpson dead, leavinbehind a controversial legacy. >> if it doesn't fit, you must acit some only knohim for the so-called trial of the >> after r double murder. >> the infous low speed chase others recall ntence heyday, one of the best running backs and footballne. what a beauful de, it is in las vegas. >> this is last public statements simpson made on soci media in bruary, about he had cancer. ter announcing
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>> and good ment to say, thank you to allhe people who reached out me my health is good. >> i mean, obviously 'm dealing with submissions but i think i'm just about overwritten. i'll be back on a golf course hopelly in couple of weeks simpson died two months later. reaction from lebrating his on-fie of fame success as quote, the first player to reach a rushing marc many thought could not be attained. and 14 game season when he topped 2000 yards, i'd like to express my condolences to the children, keto, kaitlyn, who rose to fame as a witness. the murder trial put the focus on oj's ex-wife, nicole brown, and friend ron goldman, who were stabbed to death outside brown's la home in june 1994, nicole was a beacon of light that burden bright may we never forget her? others reflecting on the polarizing life simpson lead >> qarrah and everybody >> i'm not going to hurt anybody to foot star led police on a shocking low speed chase
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on live tvfter he was charged the muers with every freeway over crossing there began to gather more and more crowds people >> but simpson thought the charges in a trial that divided america it happened as racial inequality in the justice system was front and center following the 1992 acquittal of the lapd officers who at rodn king d the riots that follow the nation stopped in its tracks to hearhe simpson verdict read on live tv, orenthal, james simpson, not guilty of thcrime of murder. >> was he framed by the police or did he get away with murder? >> the >> debate raged at the water cooler and simpson capitalize on it, writing a book in time if i did it, which the publisher ultimately never released, those never close. >> ron is always gone. >> the family of goldman who won a wrongful death civil
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suitgainst spson in 1997 control of the book writes and released the book under the title, i did it confessions of the killer in 2000 i wasn't seven. >> i didn't know i was doing anything illegal. >> it wasn't until 2008. that's simpson would go to jail sving ninyears fo kidnapping, ard robbery, and assault with a deadly weapon. after he bke into a hotel room to retrve his stolen longin. >> what we have is sctio that that this monster is worri overshadowg whatad been a trailblang life >>ow have a statement from kim and fr goldman that woul be ron goldm, sister and father, and it says part quote, passing away as a xed bag of complicated emotions and reminds us that the journey rough grief is not linear for three decades, we tirelessly pursued juste for ron and judgme and his cfession in
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if i did, it the hope for true their message goes on to say that they will continue to advote for the rights of all victims and survivors and that they tnk pple for keeping themnd especially ron goldman in theirearts. and you can see, even though oj simpson's life is over, the legacy of e pain from all of the turmoil in his lifetime. still persist. >> well, payment deed are stephanie elamn los angeles for a stephanie. thank you. let's get some more from our experts, including some former cnn journalist, two extensively covered simpsons trial and i'll start with roger cost, second old friend here it cnn. now roger, you were here at cnn covering oj simpson's first criminal trial. almost what, 30 years ago, this case is often called the trial of the century. put it into perspective for us well, for me, itas someone who suddenly was thrust on televion to
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deribe this trial of the >> century, it was, of course life changing, but it was, it was a lture changingvent for the country suddenly, oj simpson, who we all had thought as wonderful football player and pitch man. >> no >> one could believehat he uld have done somethinlike thand there heas the trial, theobert shapiro that i always thoughtith a brliant thinwould not restnd he made a preliminary hearing, gold very, very quickly in that trial, went very, very quick. i've always thought that perha by doin that got to prosecution really wasn't ready for this case as well as they should have been. perhapthey just thought it was a slam dunk. but this changed. certainly changed the put reality tv i think on the air and i think change the way we viewed trials. and events ever since very important, jim morais, you also covered this trial for us at cnn. at the time, talk a little bit about how towering and controversial figure oj simpson was no go jay
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was a beloved figure. he could not walk down the streets of los angeles without being killed, met with accolades, people saying, hey you jay, how are you? >> he was >> luck, he was beloved by the kopan, beloved by expands, who was a pitch man. he was an actor who is an athlete. he was bigger than life and as roger said, it was hard to reconcile that oj we knew this oj that was being presented by the prosecution as a associate pastor, associate path-like double murder or somebody who could do something. so horrific and let me tell you something. having seen the autopsy photos, it wasn't horrific killing. make note who doubt about it, and you have to think about the victims families today more than anyone. but it was hard to reconcile these two oj's and the jury eventuay cid with j himself and said not guilty. >> let me bring laura coates into this conversation. laura, this trial came shortly after viewers to take look at this. this is the audience reaction
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when there was live coverage of the jury's verdict or during the oprah winfrey show, listen to the motor one of the information appear reported for this really gets to the deep blur racial division surrounding >> this entire case. >> it's not sure acts. remember watching that we'd recorded it in my high school. actually, it was when the verdict came out and were taken out of classes to actually see this all play out this really showed you not just that oj simpson was on trial, but through the lens in which people view the justice verge of a major trial this coming mony, a hh-profile case where the dendant says there are two syems of justice in this country, two ti one for the rich and e for the po. well, we also know there's one for black people. and those who are not. and i think one of the things that what this trial showed was how people viewed what was
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spare, what the input of the cops would be. remember the infamous part about mark fuhrman taking the stand and at first glance out of hijo casting the quintessential detective and police officer, only they can run it with his own racist statement and changing the tide of how the jurors potentially saw this. i remember thinking at the time among conversations and family and friends and community about how falling rodney king there were such distress for the police. and of course, here we're somebody with a lead two black defense attorney in one, johnnie cochran, you had a defense team that was built of the most statured of defense council and you had a very wealthy black man who had for all the reasons we talked about, had all the accolades and praise. and so that was the land which people's hard to view. the justice system. otherwise, it was fair or not >> bring jane velez mitchell into this conversation. jane, you also cover this trial for us. back then, take us back to los angeles at the time of the trial, what was the gotten a
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sphere like as this trial was actually taking place >> well, it was so charge wolf, it was all anybody could talk about and it was a divisive situation. you never knew who was going to say, what about this case, but i have to say the lessons of this tragic saga are still with us today. >> the >> prosecution had overwhelming evidence. it was well, as marcia clark said, it was a trail of blood right from the crime scene to oj simpson car to oj simpson's the state right into his bedroom and to his socks a blood found on his socks, but the credibility of the police department was at stake because the key detective collecting all that evidence was a man who had used the n word, something like 41 times, and that was caught on tape and he lied about it. so the lesson to police departments today
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still resonates. you can have all the greatest forensics you want. but if your credibility is shocked and the people don't trust you, then forget about it. it doesn't matter. and that's something that i think still is a lesson for law enforcement across the country today. the other thing is, there was tons of dna evidence and i remember i was a local news anchor, a working out of paramount studios and anchoring as hours and hours of this dna evidence came in. a lot of it very complicated people were not that familiar with dna the way they are today. so the prosecution thought they had an overwhelming my case because of the overwhelming nature of the dna evidence. but a lot of people really didn't get the dna evidence. and the final thing i will say is that some of the best witnesses, like the woman who says she believes she saw oj simpson in his car leaving the crime scene and the guy who said he sold them the
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night well, they never got to testify because they sold their stories. so the media madness played a huge role in all of this as well. >> you know, it's interesting. jim murray, i wanna get back to you, whether you've seen the trial, whether your sought or not, you've all of us have heard the phrase, if the gloves don't fit, you you must acquit how defining was that moment >> oh, is extremely defining. it gave the defense and opportunity to basically have oj simpson testify without the burden of cross-examination. oj simpson was controlling that glove. >> he >> could make it appear as if it was too small. it was the worst moment for the prosecution to allow that to happen, and it was a gift to the defense >> was interesting, jayne oj simpson clearly assembled a so-called dream team of lawyers for his defense team why did they get that moniker? >> well, they were very very clever. there was even
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allegations that they redecorated oj simpson's home for the jury tour taking basically what he had their out and putting in some things that might appeal to the jury. so they were playing fast and loose a lot of ways. and i really feel that by accusing the los angeles police department of planting evidence they were taking a huge risk. a lot of people might not buy it, but it turns out that, that argument, that all that damning evidence that was found, the blood drops here, there and everywhere was planted that did resonate with the overwhelmingly african american jury. and as you've mentioned, this comes in the wake of a sense of mistrust of the lapd. anybody who has seen that rodney king beating, which happened in 1991, leading to the rights and 92 you know, you could see why there was such a miss trial the important points in date everyone. thank you very much. important note to our viewers, stay with cnn for
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laura's program later toninight, 11:00 p.m. eastern. she's devoting her entire show. the special coverage, the life and death of oj simpson will all be watching just ahead, deep divisions among house republicans right now, putting a key national security bill at risk. the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee is here, live. we'll discuss plus how jury selection will play out monday in donald trump's criminal hush money trial. and what defense lawyers will be looking for? stay with us. urine the situation room debris, and this guy parents, husbands and wives gone i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow up space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn. i love your dress >> i splurged a little because liberty mutual customize my car insurance and i saved hundreds that's great. >> i know. right. i've been telling everyone
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congressman. thanks so much for joining us. thanks for our american lives at risk, at risk. if congress doesn't reauthorize fisa, the foreign intelligence surveillance act as the fbi director of warren today 100% i agree with director ray wolf in my prior life, i was a federal prosecutor after nine 11 counterterrorism i worked with the fbi on fisa warrants. we stopped a lot of bad things from happening. if we do not reauthorize fisa tomorrow and we go dark it will put american people in jeopardy and put them at risk at a time when the world is actually becoming more and more dangerous. where there'll be hamas out of the middle east and iran two the jihadist and afghanistan and the middle east this is the wrong time to play politics with this again by recognizing are you okay with the two year extension of fisa as opposed to five-year extension, which so many people were actually do want i would prefer the 5-years
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to give the fbi certainty however, i understand why speaker johnson compromised on the two year and that was to get enough republicans to vote for what's called the rule to them, proceed with final passage of the bill. so i think this was probably necessary compromise that will get us past the rule into final passage. hopefully tomorrow morning, we are just learning congressman that the holdouts on fisa, the foreign intelligence surveillance act appear to be warming whatley, some modifications, namely that the new version of the bill be that two-year reauthorization instead of what so many want that five-year authorization. are you you're okay with the two-year window, at least as a minimum, i will take it to your re-authorization rather than letting fisa expire that would be extremely dangerous to let that happen. >> by the way. well, if we have
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significant reforms over 50 in this bill, that deal with issues like we saw with the carter page incident into the investigation and the former president. that's what a lot of my colleagues were concerned about. i think father's concerns are taking care of by the reforms that are putting the underlying bill. >> you think the former president donald trump is right when he says he was once the target of fisa my understanding is in sort of reckless way that he in fact was now he >> came out yesterday saying that he wanted to kill fisa and then had to come back and explain that he was mistaken and that he doesn't want to kill phi survey. it's a fairly complicated statute that involves not just fisa, what's called 702 and i think he's corrected that error and obviously on my side of the aisle, that's a very important
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thing to know that he supports overall passage. >> yeah, it's interesting. these house speaker johnson, nice, easy scheduled tomorrow to give remarks with the former president down in florida at mar-a-lago, just days after trump helped deliver another blow to johnson's leadership is johnson taking his marching orders from trump >> well, i mean, he went forward with fisa in get criticized. i think i personally think wolf, he's committed to getting us a supplemental bill on israel, ukraine, and taiwan in the pacific i hope by next week we can get this done regardless of what the former president says. i hope the meeting down there that he has with the former president, he can get them on board with some other reforms we have to the senate passed version of the supplemental >> let's see what happens tomorrow we'll see what happens with that desperately needed military aid for ukraine. congressman michael mccaul. thank you so much for joining us.
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>> thanks for thanks for coming up. >> what donald trump is now saying about the judge in his upcoming hush money trial with jury selection. now, just days away means night with abby tonight at eastern on cnn. >> when bbs was the turbotax >> i wrote four generations of family tradition >> i want to make perfume so i mean barbers, new psyche, count by guaranteeing her maximum refund intuit's turbotax higher shipping >> rates may be the cost of doing business, but at what cost? >> turn shipping to your advantage with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service stay ahead of your child's moderate to severe eczema and they can show off clear skin and less with do pixels. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists
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to 50% over real stone >> sunday and ninth of space for stoma whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we alone? >> followed? by the two parts finale of space shuttle columbia of final flight. sunday, starting at eight on cnn >> with just four days until the start of donald trump's hush money trial everything appears to be on track despite multiple attempts by trump and his lawyers to delay the former president lashing out once again today the judge overseeing the case, listen >> another corrupt or new york judge, juan merchan gagged me. that's gagged like you can't talk but he gagged me with respect to a case that
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everyone, including the da fehlt should never have been brought only happens to me because i'm able to tell people what's happening at those people get extremely angry with what's happening this judge, should be recused and the case should be thrown out. >> our let's get reaction from our chief legal analyst, laura coates, and cnn legal analyst elliott williams. laura, what can we expect when this trial gets underway on monday with jury selection? >> well, in part, perhaps some more whining about woe is me, but this is going to happen by all accounts and we're going to have the wide dear process which essentially has jurors potentially will come into the courtroom, have to answer questions along this questionnaire. there are a lot of maria being run of the mill though wolf, about your views on police, about your views on justice, but they're gonna be a lot of targeted ones about your views on trump, where you get your news from ms while you're going to have the defense and the prosecution trying to figure out who's going be the the audience member that they can persuade the best to meet their burden in an approved or to defend the actions. it will be something that will have you thinking to yourself what would be the
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ideal juror if you're trump? it's going to be somebody who believes they can buck the system is anti, maybe the political establishment in some ways, maybe in pro favor of him for the actual prosecution though they want people are going to simply say they're going to follow the law la here's you're not going to have someone who is going to have no idea who donald trump is or the subject matter of this case. those people do not exist. >> is there a chance trump even at this late moment, could get another delay? >> anything is possible in this world, including the fact that he could very well try to get rid of his counsel now that could be a very transparent move for the judge has suggested hold on suddenly after three motions and three days failed, you want to have new council, but stranger things have happened. but if that were to be the case, i would suspect this judge would want to have a very quick turnaround for the next trial
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date because they are ready to go. >> yeah. certainly are ready. go, allie, you heard trump's say today he's under a gag order and i'm quoting him now because people get extremely angry when he tells them what's going on, what's his reaction? what do you think about that? it's >> a typical strategy by the former president to take a half-truth, spin it into a lie, and then keep repeatedly, repeatedly saying it until the public, or at least a segment of the public believes it. and this idea that the gag orders, because he makes people mad, is simply not true. the purpose of jaguars and any context, even outside of donald trump, is to prevent anyone from number one, impeding the administration of justice or nbetwo spiking threats to members of cot personnel or cou staff or anything like that. that's the sole reason.nde is getting his own ility get a fair l and trial with the kinds of speaking that he'doing now, ny people willelieve this idea that thiss all about donald trump, but know whenever defendants speak out on way that he does, they run the risk getti gagged as we know, laura, this is clearly a historic moment. the fst time in american history that a former president wilface a criminal trial right now what's your assessment? what are the chances that he will be convicted? >> well, too bad. we don't have cameras in the courtroom >> because they historic nature
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of this. we were countering what's happened in the oj simpson trial, months and months and watching people could actually see the justice system on full display. here we're going to be left to the devices i'm not only our own commentary and those who are in the courtroom, but donald trump himself coming out in the courthouse apps to give his version of it why that's so important is because you're going to want to understand the way the process works how the motion practice has come down, what comes into evidence and what does not. the demeanor of the judge did he is constantly attacking i think one of the reasons this judge did not include himself in the gag order is because he didn't want to take the bait. the idea of the here ducky, scenario that trump is trying to put in his plays. he doesn't want to follow because he knows full well that any iota of indication that he gives it somehow he has a personally vested interests or retaliatory a stance. could it be used against him? that's the real issue of not having the people able to have a camera, but at the end of the day, we're going to actually see a former president of the united states, a presumptive the republican nominee standing trial and he still has remember, the presumption of innocence
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certainly does. >> how do you see it? >> how do i say it? i think the trickiest thing and this is picking up laura's very first question about jury selection. >> how >> do you get 12 people who are palatable to both to all sides and the mere fact if someone has an opinion about donald trump in either direction, doesn't disqualify them from the jury. it's all about canvas person credibly say, i can put my personal views aside. and judge, this defendant honestly and openly, and that's a really hard exercise when the person on trial is literally one of the top five most famous people on the planet. so it's something i'm gonna be watching for very closely. what exactly do they get out of this group of jurors? and where do they get jury selection starts on monday and jury selection especially in the trial like this, is so so critical, so critical. and i've been burned. i'm sure laura coates has been better lawyer than i am, but i'm sure she's been burned. the jury selection because you're trying to there's pop psychology to it. it's law, but also trying to read can this person follow orders, not just
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that they loved prosecutors are cops, but how will they be in a group when working together? who's going to be the foreperson and sometimes you just mess up. >> we're gonna have extensive live coverage starting monday of this historic trial, elliott williams, laura coates, des both of you once again. thank you. head we'll have more on our top story with a closer look back at the lives and legacies of nicole brown simpson, and ron goldman >> 2024 stanley cup play. is it begin april 20 >> you know, if you are cashback and you could earn on everything would just one car chase freedom unlimited. so you're off the rockin or grabbed fracking. your cash back in, cash back on blackjack baby back for tacos at tacos? >> i'm working on my six pack switch to a >> king suite. >> silent. silent retreat he
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>> get your solar generator and free panel at four >> how solomon in new york >> cnn we're now on the, breaking news. oj simpson dead at the age of 76 after a battle with cancer, simpson's career on the football field was quickly overshadowed after the double murder of his ex-wife, nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman my entire is taking a closer look at the victims for us, brian simpson's acquittal in this case remains so controversial, went nearly 30 years later, controversial and still very painful wolf for the relatives of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman on a day when so many are talking about oj simpson,
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the sensational trial and his legacy. we also wanted to do a deeper dive on the victim items and what they left behind nicole brown met oj simpson when she was 18, working as a server in a beverly hills night cl they ben dating while the football star s still married to his first wife, marguerite a tempestuous beginning to a relationship that would become unstable and violent during their seven year marriage so we're reports of physical abuse with nicole calling the police on oj multiple times. there was also a disturbing 911 call in 1993 following their divorce with nicole sounding terrified. >> but if you look on >> i think you know, his record, they just stay on the line. you want to stay on the line is going to be nicole simpson was attempting to start a new life with the two children she'd had with oj simpson at the time of her murder on june 12, 1994. she was 35 years old. at that time, 25-year-old. ron goldman was an aspiring actor and model who also had dreams of opening his
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own bar or restaurant. he was working as a server at a restaurant called meso luna on the night of the murders and went to nicole brown simpson is home to return a pair of glasses that someone in her party had left at the restaurant that night. he was stabbed to death just a few weeks shy of his 26th birthday. throughout oj simpson trial, goldman's father, fred, and his sister kim, were in court just about every day. the expressions on their faces reflecting an anguish they seem to constantly be reliving. he's a sick >> man and he gotta be put away in an ortholog james simpson read and kim goldman broke down as the acquittal verdict was read for oj simpson. since that day, fred goldman's done everything he could to keep his sons memory ally, a family member of a victim of violent crime satisfaction doesn't get closures. that four stays with you in your head for ever. >> the goldman and brown families later filed a civil lawsuit against oj simpson. simpson was found liable for the deaths, but fred goldman has said they were only able to
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collect about $130,000 out of a judgment of over 33 billion dollars. still by using the media and the way that they did. i think it helps other victims who may be involved in a similar situations. i have a roadmap for how they too, can put pressure on law enforcement as well as keep the memory of their loved ones alive. >> since the murders, nicole simpson, sister tonya brown, has published books on mental health and domestic violence. and kim goldman works as a victim's rights advocate >> i'm going to just take it one day at a time and you know, this is this is the life that victims and survivors lead responding to the news of oj simpson's death today, fred goldman chose to not make it about oj at all, telling people magazine, quote, this >> is just a reminder for us of how long ron has been gone, how long we have missed him and nothing more than that. that is the only thing that is important today. and quote, woolf, >> all right. bryan todd reporting first, brian, thank you very pretty much coming off
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shocking new details today in a story involving baseball gambling, and now stealing or the fed say a onetime confidence stole millions from one of the biggest names in the game >> 2024 stanley cup play exhibit begin april 20. >> hi, my name is kim and i am 41 years old. i've been given the opportunity to work from home. so that means lots of video calls. i see myself more and i definitely see those deeper lines i'm still kim and i got botox cosmetic. i wanted to keep the expressions that i would normally have. you're right, you're on camera. and the only person they can look at as you i was really happy with the results. i looked like me just with fewer lines, botox cosmetic is fda approved the
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>> should i normally, i'd hold by taking the games of smart here right? >> feel more competent. what's dog ratings from jpmorgan analysts in the chase app, when
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to 50% over real stone >> blue carbon. >> a cnn films sunday, april >> 21 at nine in georgia, some democrats are hoping president biden can recreate a surprise victory in the state, not by making the case against donald trump >> but for his own record, cns begum marquez spoke with some of the president's biggest fans in a county that could decide the 2024 election? >> abscissa clark, retired marine master gunnery sergeant and a lawyer, joe biden, fan, supporter and super voted when i was right there. >> that's amazing. >> yeah >> with the country headed toward a highly competitive and hard-fought election, biden
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superfan voters like cecil clark, who made a critical difference in this battleground state in 2020 want to repeat history >> they've delivered us a clear victory. >> so you, a lot of democrats are very worried and motivated by your dislike of donald trump do you like joe biden? >> i like joe biden. >> do you love joe biden? >> well, i loved you. buy i think he's a great american. >> this is clayton county is suburb south of atlanta. and in 2020, a deep deep blue patch in jordan project where biden won by fewer than $12,000 prize battleground in this election, i remember actually watching residents lead is shrink on election night when the numbers were coming in and clayton county actually put biden over the time that was screaming holland at the television, like yes, yes. yes. i was just crying because i knew all the work that we did in this county, yet support for the incumbent president has faded
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since 2020 including from his own party. >> my biggest concern is people not voting. that sincerely keeps me up. >> so is this going to be more of a negative? you're concerned more about donald trump, or you're voting for joe biden. >> i think we need to focus squarely on voting for joe biden. people are still asking the question, how is the president and the presidency affecting and improving? my quality of life and i feel as though the moment that our president or the administration can answer that question for the everyday citizen that'll be the day that he's definitely on his way back to the white house, you get cards from the white house almost every year yeah. >> yeah. this is the latest one from democrats talking down joe biden it's really hard to hear. and you know, as passionate i am it does become
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a little bit disheartening. >> but if you could change one thing about joe biden, what would it be? >> when shuffled with >> just improving upon the messaging that gets down to the lowest of us. >> now, always be present for all americans. >> but we'll in his state of the union message, i was just like standing up in my bedroom clapping by myself oh, my >> goodness, zhao >> you've done i wish she could inspire the confidence of more people primarily just so you can get them to the poll. >> you know, he may have, you know, with his eight lots of stuff. we all lose a step. but the man's mind is still sharp. it is joe biden and donald trump. and i believe it or not, i believe joe biden is going to win bigger then he one in 2020 and look democrats and clayton county like democrats everywhere, realize that they're not going to win in november with just super joe
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biden fans in clayton county, they say they've identified 90,000 people who may have moved into the county or maybe new voters or haven't sat out the last couple of election cycles those 90,000 potential voters, they hope to turn to real votes come november. >> well, excellent report, begum marquez. thank you very much. also tonight, the us justice department is charging and onetime confidant of baseball superstar shohei ohtani cnn's nick, what has the details? >> baseball's biggest star walzer, according to a federal prosecutor, bilked, of over 60 million by his interpreter, friend, and confidant. >> mr. mizuhara used and abused that position of trust in order to take advantage of mr. ohtani ippei mizuhara today charged by the department of justice with bank fraud, which carries a maximum of 30 years behind bars. the biggest question has been, how could mizuhara have
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allegedly stolen that much money without getting caught? well, according to the complaint mizuhara helped to thani open a bank account and told all the stars other advisors that ohtani wanted this one which held all of his baseball earnings to be private. >> and we obtained recordings up telephone calls which once you horace spoke with bank employees lied to them about being mr. ohtani gave personal biographical information for mr. ohtani in order to impersonate him and thereby convinced the bank two approve large wire transfers of large amounts of money to the bookmakers. in just over two years, say investigators, mizuhara pced approximately 19,000 bets on sports some as big as $160,000 when he won. the money went into his account when he lost. he covered his debts from ohtani's. he lost over $40 in all this lawyer
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represents a bookmaker ippei mizuhara, used and ippei will tell you and matt will tell you that he was a terrible gambler, but he just couldn't help himself >> apparently, mizuhara never bet >> on baseball. soccer was more his thing >> just to kind of just go over the result. in conclusion ippei has been stealing money from my account and has told lies. >> mizuhara allegedly wrote in a text to that bookie in june last year, i have a problem. >> lol >> can i get one last last last bump? that's gambling lingo for a credit extension. >> so i never bet on baseline. any other sports or never have asked somebody to do it on my behalf >> texts also appear to prove ohtani had no idea. he has were told cooperating fully with investigators and while some suspicion did swirl these past few weeks or thani carried on doing what he does best one, playing baseball, logging a career-best five straight multi
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hit games maybe put that down to the untroubled mind. that when innocent man and his interpreter is allegedly right now negotiating some sort of plea deal that's according to new york times. he's expected to turn himself in tomorrow and make his first court appearance here in los angeles. >> both are nick. >> thank you very much. and we'll be right back with more news >> every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning five minutes or less. >> cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays starting april 15 on macs >> start your day with nature. >> the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin supplement brand >> it's a new day one.
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>> i draw like return, instrumentations know, so that's most nasa astronauts know exactly where they were and what they were doing when the columbia space shuttle disintegrated over texas killing all seven astronauts on board. >> i was actually in high school. and i was i was actually in the shower don't usually turn on the tv to watch landings with my family, but that day i did. and after a couple of minutes, i kinda shoot them, said, hey, you guys go outside and play. and it was clear something was not right. >> crew six astronauts and cosmonauts return home to earth. >> nasa astronauts steven bowen and woody heiberg returned to earth in september after spending 186 days in space, bowen, the commander of nassar's crew six mission to the international space station new the columbia crew. he worked the recovery operations and he was at nasa when the agency determined that it was a well-known problem with pieces of foam falling from the external tank and breaking the shuttle at launch, that ultimately led to colombia's
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demise >> that that moment really, really hit home >> since then, bowen has been to space four times, including three shuttle flights, safety >> over the past 21 years i think we've we've worked at it, but as a continuous process, one that's in when bowen who berg and two others attempted to launch for the first time in february 2023, on a spacex falcon nine rocket and crew dragon capsule they scrubbed with just two minutes it's left on the clock due to an issue with ignite or fluid, >> we later learned that it was actually a nasa person in the room who had made the call not to do that. and i looking back at it and thinking about that willingness to say no, to stop, to say, we don't need to launch today. we really appreciated that and that that's an example of where we've moved a little bit past, hopefully the things that have gotten us in trouble in the
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past three to one. >> now, nasa is attempting to return astronauts to the moon for the first time since the apollo program in january, the agency announced a ten month delay to the first crewed artemis mission, citing safety concerns. one area of concern, the orion spacecraft heat shield. the same protective tiles that were damaged on columbia yeah it, was the heat shield for columbia, but that's not necessarily the next thing that's gonna get us. you know, it might be something else that we haven't thought of. there is inherent risks and everything we do. and so we have to find ways to make sure that we understand what the risks are and mitigate them but then actually go fly >> kristin fisher, cnn washington and be sure to tune in this sunday for the finale of the cnn original series space shuttle columbia. it begins at 9:00 p.m. easter and to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in this room. erin


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