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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  April 11, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> are go for the birth possible thing i can >> thousands of >> pieces of debris i wish i could've done something differently. what i can undo that, you can just make it better, are those that fall hello. >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn >> you relied with the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington. good morning. we begin with the latest demand from former president donald trump to house republicans, quote, killed oh fisa, fbi director christopher wray is expected to deliver a sobering response to trump's decree. this is no time to mess around with the law known as fisa, the foreign intelligence surveillance act. amid the turmoil in the middle east to add, following an isis attack in russia that could inspire acts of terrorism here on us soil, the law allows us to
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collect the communications of non-americans overseas. it's up for re-authorization as it's due to expire next week. but the continuing chaos up on capitol hill in the house may doom it. 19 conservative house republicans have killed the latest effort to reauthorize it, defying house speaker mike johnson and obeying can trump his marching orders on truth, social quote, kill fisa. it was illegally used against me and many others. they spied on my campaign and quote that is false, of course >> we'll talk about that just a moment. but in the meantime, cnn's lauren fox is up on capitol hill for us. lauren does this create more headaches for house speaker mike johnson? sorry, i think i know the answer to that. and does this episode raised the question, who's in charge up on capitol hill? >> yeah, if it's a day that ends and why there's some chaos happening, especially in the house of representatives, gym and you are highlighting one of the biggest issues for my johnson right now, which is this slim majority that he has, which means every single vote,
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even the procedural ones like we saw yesterday on the house floor are very difficult to get across the finish line. now, there were 19 republicans who voted against advancing this legislation yesterday. it wasn't just one or two. it wasn't just a matter of twisting one or two arms. it is very clearly the a problem within his conference. now, we are getting new reporting this morning that mike johnson is optimistic that they can go back to the house rules committee try to rework this process restructuring in order to quell some of the conservative concerns that we saw demonstrated on the floor yesterday. it's still on unclear, however, whether or not that will happen today, whether that would actually resolve the issues that have been underlying since december when leaders had to pull this bill before christmas and i think that there's a lot of question right now, given the fact that there is an april 19 deadline and the senate still has to act on whatever the house does that this is
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potentially heading into a situation where this may not get done ahead of the deadline. meanwhile, there are a number of republicans who are deeply frustrated with the amount of tamul did they are seeing within their ranks, including representative troy nehls? >> periods >> all you have to do this, say we've got seven more months to the presidential election. >> that's trying to >> complete and to dan place down bernie place. now, let's just get down to trump. what's it? that's what we should focus. that's my or dysfunction we are it's come somewhat embarrassing to make bite us in the butt a little bit november. but my focus is donald j. trump now because we can't, nobody can manage his conference the lord jesus himself could not manage his gun >> and speaker mike johnson is expected to head to mar-a-lago tomorrow to meet with donald trump he obviously has a hold on the republican party now, he did have that post on truth, social yesterday, and certainly people like matt gaetz who were
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already planning to vote against the rule, said that that was a major boost for them, but we should note that this has been a division within the republican party for months, for years. this division in between those who want to protect the us intelligence capabilities and those who are more concerned about the surveillance of americans. but obviously donald trump and mike johnson going to have a lot to talk about tomorrow. >> all right. lauren fox. thank you very much. and let's bring an andrew mccabe. he's cnn senior law enforcement analyst was deputy director of the fbi andrew. thank you so much for being with us. let's cut through some of the noise on this. what are the consequences of this law being killed as trump would like to see it? >> yeah. so let's understand exactly what we're talking about here, jim, because what you're hearing on the hill and from donald trump is really confusing the issue. >> so fisa is a big law. it has a lot of different sections. part of it is used against people here in the united states, you go to the court for a warrant enabled to you to do
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electronic surveillance. that's not what we're talking about. section 702 is only used to capture the communications when people meet three criteria, you have to do that foreign person in a foreign place and the purpose of the collection has to be to get foreign intelligence. it is our primary vision into what tariff protests and spies and people who use weapons of mass destruction. >> and >> nation-states that use cyber tools against us. what they're doing overseas. it is an incredibly valuable tool, but what makes it different from regular fisa is there are no warrants. and the reason for that is you don't have to go to court and get a warrant because people, foreign people in foreign places are not protected by our constitution or our fourth amendment. >> so >> that's what makes it different. that's the thing that's expiring on the 19th. and is absolutely essential that we get it renewed. >> it's used to stop terrorist attacks full stop. i mean, that's the purpose of the law.
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and let's go back to trump's post on truth, social andrew, he's calling on house republicans to block reauthorize it saying, quote, kill fisa, it was used illegally against my campaign. they spied on my campaign end quote is there any truth to this? i know we're kind of back over is relatively speaking, some ancient history. and one of the trump's old complaints, or dating back to the 2016 campaign yeah so to be clear, no, there is no truth or accuracy in that post at all seven and to >> authorities were never used in the course of that investigation of donald trump and his campaign and some of his campaign associates >> he may be referring to the file isar that was used that is obtained to surveil carter page. there. we now know there were many mistakes in that fisa. those are all regrettable, but that is not section 702. totally different
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thing here. >> my guess, jim, is that it's not surprising that donald trump is against surveillance capacity and authority for the fbi because he is someone who has been investigated by the fbi but nevertheless, he is absolutely wrong on this count. >> but when you're commander in chief and you have access to the presidential daily brief. for example, you're you have access to classified information. we will go down that road. that's a different kind of for over donald trump. but you are aware of what this capability does in terms of intelligence information to make sure acts of terrorism are stopped before they happen on us soil. and andrew, i mean, i do want to ask you about this former attorney general bill barr spoke to cnn about this and bar was ripping trump for pressuring republicans to block reauthorize it. let's listen to this, talk about in the assign with the greatest shred to the
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homeland from terrorist attack. and our primary means defending against that. as far as and take that tool away. i think is going to result in successful terrorist attack and the loss of life is that possible? >> andrew it is absolutely possible. >> the former attorney >> general is exactly right here. and you're right, jim, some anyone who has been a consumer of the intelligence that section 702 provides us and that of course would include former president trump should to understand the significance of that. and then let's overlay on the time that we're talking about right now israel is at war with hamas. hamas we know has a presence here in the united states. >> the idea that >> we would turn off the prime vision, the prime insight that we have into terrorists who are
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overseas terrorists like hamas terrorists, who may in fact be talking to people in the united states and planning activities here we don't know that, but it's certainly top priority for the fbi right now. the idea that we would turn off that flow of information, which is entirely lawful and has survived every court challenge is just astounding to me, there is no one in the community and the intelligence community who would support such a thing. >> all right, enter the cave, but thank you very much for the straight talk. are always appreciate it. >> all right. let's discuss born out with democratic congressman eric swalwell of california is on the house judiciary and homeland security committee's congressman. thanks for being here. i mean, we were showing this a few moments ago, trump encouraging house republicans to kill fisa. and just hours later they blocked it's re-authorization over the objections of the house speaker mike johnson. johnson the speakers is sounding is though perhaps they can, they can resurrect this, but it sounds like donald trump is the real speaker of the
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house right now. >> jim, when it comes to your safety, the safety of your viewers as far as donald trump is concerned, it's just me, me, me. and so for speaker johnson, who has signed up to essentially run a law firm that represents solid trump every day in congress. that means standing with trump when it comes to national security means standing with terrorists. and we're not going to renew this ability to track terrace standing with donald trump as it relates to ukraine means standing with putin and standing with donald trump as it relates to the border means standing with chaos and disorder. that's just where he takes you. he's not interested in governing. he's not interested in solving any problem in your life. he's just interested in solving his own problems and he's now completely wrapped up. the house of representatives in that. and it's going to have real consequences. >> and the speaker is in a tough spot and i think a reflection of that as seen as reporting that johnson will travel down to mar-a-lago. he
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will appear alongside trump at what they're calling an election, integrity event what's your reaction to that? what did you think when you saw that? >> well, i'm happy that they're celebrating the most secure election ever, the 2020 election. but i'm afraid that's probably not what they're doing. they're going to seek to further undermine it. and johnson's budget by the way, has always proposed at the behest of donald trump to make us less able to track foreign disinformation that way but most likely benefit donald trump's. so there's no election integrity coming out of mar-a-lago. there's only survival mode because donald trump has a crescendo of court cases that are finally reaching the peak of accountability. and so he's just looking at how he can win an election by any means necessary. so he can avoid accountability. that's what this is about >> and i mean, johnson's speakership, as you know, is being threatened by the likes of congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. she says she will bring a motion to vacate
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to the house floor if he delivers some form of funding for the war in ukraine i talked to one of your colleagues congressman krishnamoorthi. he said he would support johnson during another possible right-wing revolt if he delivers aid to ukraine >> i mean, this is a tough nut to crack what, how do you make heads or tails have what would you do in that? circumstances that comes to pass. >> yeah. >> so i'm going to support, you know, whatever helps a hakeem jeffries become speaker or function as speaker. because essentially if you look at paying our bills to lift the debt ceiling, keeping the government open, crisis after crisis hakeem jeffries has delivered more votes than the republicans and never in the history of any parliament certain certainly in our congress have you seen the minority party provide the majority of votes on anything of consequence? so am i open to it? yes. we have to keep the government open. we have to fund ukraine. we need security at the border but i'm going to work with our leadership to make sure that our priorities, which are the american peoples
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priorities, as we put people over politics, are achieved here >> if you don't mind me asking a follow-up, congressman, does that mean that in the circumstance where johnson's speakership maybe going down in flames, that you might be of the mindset that perhaps that should go ahead and happen in the possibility that may come to pass that speaker jeffries, that hakeem jeffries could become the speaker of the house. that's a scenario that might actually emerge he's the functioning speaker. he may be the actual speaker. and as i said, we are showing that we want to govern will provide competence in the chaos and so was i stand ready to do that? i'm open to whatever delivers as i said, for the people over this crazy politics that donald trump and maga, mike johnson and his gang keep bringing us all right. congressman eric swalwell. thank you very much for your time this morning. really appreciate it. >> thanks, jen. >> all right. is still to come
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chaos in arizona republicans in. the state block of to repeal an abortion law from 18 64 before arizona was even a state. i'll speak to the head of planned parenthood arizona. that's next there's debris and this guy, parents, husbands and wives, sky i wish i could've >> done something different. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn bought the tape. >> i'll put it on the chase freedom unlimited call and i'm a cashback on a few other things to data with the sound system. all right, from day, that's thank steph, one more thing. >> the team owner gets five minutes, gay cash rows >> i like it. i'll break the clay back like a pro would
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shame on you after the republican majority blocked a vote trepeal the controversial banned, it came a day after the state supreme court revived the 18 64 law that was approved before arizona became a state and before women could vote. meanwhile, donald trump says, ruling goes too far just days after he declared that abortion should be left up to the states, the former president also claimed he wouldn't sign a federal abortion >> ban if he's reelected. that's a complete reversal of a promise he made as a candidate back in 2016. and stuck two while in office, angela flores joins us now she's the president of planned parenthood parenthood in arizona angela, what's your reaction to arizona republicans blocking that vote to repeal the abortion ban. and what happens next in arizona, it sounds like it's gonna be on the ballot this fall yeah. >> you know, frankly, jim air, arizona and really planned parenthood, arizona doesn't
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have time to think a lot about what happened on the floor of the house yesterday because we're focused on providing care for the patient shins as long as we possibly can. we just don't have the luxury to think about whatever, whatever chaos is happening on our legislative floor and i i do want to ask about how this is impacting women in your state, but to that point that you were just making a few >> moments ago, there is a video circulating online of some arizona republican lawmakers gathering and a prayer circle on the senate floor on monday, just a day before the state supreme court ruling on abortion that group was led by republican state senator anthony kern. and some of the folks in this group can be heard speaking in tongues let's take a quick listen to that. >> let it be
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>> i mean, i guess angela i think i can guess. how are you going to respond to this? but i mean, how do you find common ground on this issue when it appears i mean, this is a pretty clear example of how polarized things are politically in arizona. it does >> you're not going to get support from folks in that prayer circle there to come to your site on this now, let the press circle. i think showcases just the kind of chaos that we are experiencing post this this supreme arizona supreme court decision, right? that, is emblematic. i think of the chaos that our patients are experiencing when they're in our health centers, right? >> they >> need to know that they can receive care. and they're
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confused. there's a lot of chaos people want to know just how long we're going to be able to provide services i guess said we're very, very focused on ensuring that arizonans have access for as long as we are legally able to provide access and so what are women and your state doing right now if they need to seek an abortion, if they're in an emergency situation, they need to have this >> reproductive health care service performed what do they do now >> sure. so planned parenthood, arizona is doors are still open. we are still accepting appointments and we will be providing abortion services until the very last minute that we are legally allowed to do so we're not slowing down now. we're ramping up. in fact, we can't slow down because as you said, right. the people in our state who need abortion care
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are counting on planned parenthood, arizona, to keep our doors open and to ensure that they have full access to services >> all right. well, angela, please keep us posted on how things develop. i know other read lots of developments in the coming days. angela flores with planned parenthood, arizona. thank you so much for your time this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you, jim. >> all right. coming up, p allegedly stole millions from one of the best baseball players in the game. ahead, how investigators believe shohei ohtani's former interpreter hold this all off. that's coming up >> anderson cooper let me 60 tonight at eight on cnn >> i love shopping the real, real gucci, louis vuitton >> your name wrong, luxury brands, up to 90% off retail. >> thousands of new arrivals daily >> the realreal it's payback
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caitlin paul lands in washington and this is cnn >> time is running out for former president donald trump. trump tried and true strategy of delaying legal proceedings and get against him as running out of runway in the hush money case for the third time in three days, a new york judge has rejected trump's attempt to delay his criminal trial is set to begin on monday. let's discuss with cnn political commentator karen finney and republican strategist and former rnc communications director doug hi. i mean, doug but what are you thinking about? what are folks in the party thinking about as it looks like this trial is going to start on monday, they're going to start the jury selection process and it's happening. >> yeah. you didn't trump has been so effective at delaying this and pushing it back further and further. there was sort a sense that will maybe none of these actually get there but what we're seeing with new york is, and we've heard this to some extent from democrats this appears to be the weakest of the cases against trump that if his name weren't donald j. trump, they
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probably wouldn't be going through that process. of course, he still is and we know what his playbook is. he's going to trash the judicial system as he has been doing for years. he's going to declare himself both a victim and a martyr at the same time as he's done for years. what we don't know is how effective will that be ultimately? and what, what happens then within the courtrooms? >> yeah. i mean, karen is not the january 6 case, but it is it's sorted. it's unseemly, it's if you're running a campaign is not what you want in the headlines are no stormy daniels taking the stand, >> and here we also don't know what we're going to learn about. we've heard some of it for michael cohen over the years. what links was trump willing to go to? who was involved in trying to keep this information hidden from the voters before the election. that is really the crux of this case. and that is going to be the crux of what you're going to see. i think democrats pushing and i hope they do. because again, when we get to talking about what happened in 2020, there seems to be a pattern emerging in terms of a
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willingness to do and say anything to win >> and let's go back to the abortion discussion. i'm going to go back to real quick on this >> after years of saying he supported a federal abortion ban, trump has now changing course. let's do you think a doctor >> should be punished? >> performing >> let that be to the state's everything we're doing now is states on states rights. the states are handling it and some of handle that very well as the others we will end up handling it very well. >> the states are handling a very wide reminds me of covid, what he was saying. it's a miracle that's going to disappear, right? >> i mean >> the biden campaign is weighing in on this, say trump lies constantly about everything is one track record banning abortion every chance he gets and he's here and is talking about states rights in the case of arizona are we talked about territory rights came out when arizona was a territory, arizona was a
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territory. women were barely considered equal human beings. we could not vote, vote. >> black >> folks weren't quite worth still three-fifths, right? so let's go back to that law. donald trump is a fraud and he lies about everything. he has been reading the political tea leaves, not that hard, in the last couple of years he knows this is a bad issue for him. this is a bad issue for republicans he's clearly trying to pull himself back and i want to point out this sort of so i call it a pseudo fight. but these even having with lindsey graham, right where they're sort of disagreeing, >> that is such >> a setup because he's trying to show he wants people to talk about how oh, he's fighting with republicans because again, trump understands that's what some of his voters wanted here. and then others of his voters want to hear something different. he's trying to be a little bit of everything to everyone to win their votes. >> and doug me, there's there's such a thing as videotape and trump. i mean, i guess now it's digital video. >> i'm old. >> but trump has taken credit
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for >> overturning roe time and again let's listen is the fact that i was able to terminate roe v. wade after 50 years of trying. i was even i was so honored to have done and what i did by killing roe v. wade, which everyone who said was impossible, because for 54 years they were trying to get roe v. wade terminated. and i did and i'm proud to have done it. so i was proudly the person responsible for the ending of roe v. wade >> people wanted roe v. wade to get it back to it was an incredible regrettable an incredible achievement >> well, what we saw there was a series of clips of where donald trump is being consistent in his messaging. we often say he's all over the place. he can be a disciplined messenger. what he wants to be the situation is obviously changed with the dobbs decision and now basically state legislatures and judiciary's sort of legislating and maiko making judicial decisions out
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loud. and what we see then is it's not defined by what trump says is not defined in washington it's defined in arizona, is defined in texas, south carolina, certainly. and that's what republicans are finding themselves back on their heels on this trump is, trump does get it as, as karen says that this is a difficult issue for republicans when everything else seemingly is in their favor right now. but ultimately donald trump is trying to communicate with nuance here. donald trump doesn't do nuance very often he is a blunt force trauma speaker. and so this is an interesting space to see. will he be successful or not? and to >> that point, i mean, just go back to you about what we were talking about earlier in the program tomorrow. house speaker mike johnson he's gonna be holding an event with trump down at mar-a-lago on what they're calling election integrity, which we can slice and dice that what do you make of that? i mean, because johnson's in a real jam up on capitol hill right now, it's not just ukraine now. it's fisa. and trump is calling the shots. and so he's going down to mar-a-lago mar-a-lago allah,
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kevin mccarthy here >> it tough, tough framing. it. it is. >> and look, it's, it's not been a >> great week for the house i'll tell you anytime you have more than 100 republican conference meeting in the same day, that's a bad day and it's a bad week. johnson clearly wants to get on the same page with trump, make sure that they're on the same page. make sure that trump is on the same page as him. that's a difficult thing to do. but the need is there. what we saw yesterday was wasn't just that fisa went down. it's that and this gets into process political nerd, top congressional speak. but this was a procedural vote that they had no room for error in and obviously there was a lot of areas they've no room for just about anything these days and karen, i mean, when they say oh, we're going to have an event on election integrity sure >> okay. i mean, unless you're watching newsmax or oan and you're getting that drip. every who believes this bunk anymore? well, i mean, it's were like how many years out from the 2021. nobody does
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anybody believe yes. >> the core base except for >> the core base. so leave him they will follow him over the cliff. they are still talking about. so when most of us have had election integrity, we're talking about things like voter registration and people being able to vote when they talk about it, they're not just really trying to re-educate 2020, which was a free and fair election that president biden one, they're also trying to talk about ways that they want to actually make it harder for people to vote. we're already seeing republicans trying to challenge different like vote by mail, for example in this dates. but can i just say this another piece to this, right? so the whole event is going to be a sham really run down. it's going to go down there and basically say, dude, you killing me here. you got that right? >> but my johnson's he's looking for relief. >> he look he's probably going to say can you please call off marjorie taylor greene? >> yeah. but the truth is, this is an example. this is trump actually running the house. he knows that with such a slim
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margin if he put something out on truth social, than a fisa bill will go down and i will tell you if we have if they can't pass it and their god forbid, is an attack in this country that will be donald trump's fault if it meant that we didn't have the tools that we needed to be able to present, prevent it, but he doesn't even care. >> yeah >> oh, we'll be watching. all right. karen. doug, thanks a lot, guys really appreciate it coming up the biden administration makes a major move to close the so-called guns show loophole. >> talk about that next >> how it really happened sunday when did. nine on cnn, the all new godaddy arrow helps you get your business online and minutes with the power of ai, with the perfect name a great level and a beautiful website to start with the domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at slash arrow bleeding gums are serious, >> jamie dr. garcia
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colorado. head of that grim milestone, the white house is finalizing a new rule to combat gun violence by closing the gun show loophole, new rule will require online sellers and those that gun shows conduct background checks on potential buyers will also increase requirements for a federal firearms license. and now here to talk to us about this in an exclusive in the cnn newsroom. my next guest has been personally impacted by the horror of a school shooting and while oliver son joaquin was killed in 2018 at the parkland, florida shooting, he and his wife, patricia founded the gun violence advocacy organization change the ref they have a new short film highlighting a chilling fact that gun violence remains the leading cause of death for children in america. the film follows anna, a young girl who beats cancer and returns to school only to be caught in a school shooting. take a look at this exclusive clip that we have for you and then we got the news. >> just tell me it's over the
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battle against cancer is never over but at last anna was going back to school >> the answer is the third killer of kids in america >> and manuel oliver joins me now in well, we've talked to so many times. i know how passionate you are about this subject. this is a very important new film that we're we just shown to our viewers a clip of that. tell us more about this project >> well, you know what these things a result of six years of fighting nonstop in and not getting enough attention of the issue. this is like trying to get more and more people engage in something that is killing our kits. it is amazing that we needed to put together cancer along with guns just to explain, or society or country how bad the seas a group of a
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very talented group of directors and producers and creatives. not to mention the fact that patricia workings mother. she is in the film, she plays a teacher. so we are using every single aspect of our movement of four kings a way to empower us to put these together. >> the >> famous out there is a game changer. now it's about sharing it. now it's about getting everyone to see it. there is no debate behind this message. it's very clear and everybody should see it. absolutely. i do want to ask you a menn, what about this new a gun show loophole rule from the white house? i mean, it was thought for many years that this was going have to be done legislatively the white house is going to try to do this. what's your reaction to that? >> hi, i think it's a must-do like yesterday. i'm going to answer you with a very brief story. i will say able to go to a gun show in miami five years
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ago and purchase on air 15 with non-white ground check and, then made a sculpture out of it. so i know exactly how these gong show loophole works and it's terrible and i'm hoping that we will get rid of it. >> and i'm sure you've seen this as well, the tennessee tennessee state senate passed a bill this week that would allow school teachers and staff to carry concealed handguns on school grounds of bill to require public schools to teach age appropriate gun safety to children as young as pre-k ages that's headed to the governor's desk. i know. you see all of these different pieces of legislation happening in the states. what's your response to that? >> their response to that is a video that you showed at the beginning. those are answers and solutions are coming directly from people that will receive more money by selling more guns i mean, you're not fooling anyone else. its ally is a total lie. >> you're >> arming teachers for what? now you're going to have more
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gaussian side of school. how's that going to help house adding more gone is going to help. >> we need >> to put less guns outside there, but we also need to create a warmness jim this is about people understand this about people not being afraid of sharing the truth. >> and >> i'm hoping that leader and influencers and politicians will grab this video not being afraid of being canceled or not liked by majorities because, you know, who was canceled here are kenya, oliver, bucking oliver was canceled for ever from everywhere so it's time to put things and call things by their name this is a game changer and i'm hoping that this time patricia myself, and the whole people they bound number of people that is fighting against gun violence can reach a step forward >> another thing that happened in one of the states this week in michigan we saw the parents of ethan crumbley sentenced to ten to 15 years in prison for the school shooting carried out
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by their son. >> what did you >> think of that? >> well-deserved by their son with a gun that was given from its parents so it is incredible that i mentioned in patricia fighting against gun violence to save other kids. in the meantime, you have mothers that are given guns to their kids just because our culture and our system allows that to happen. well-deserved i hope that these marks a precedent because yes, there's more people behind the shooter. the kid, the 19 killer that killed joaquin, has a chain of people. there are guilty about these organizations, corporations, and people and everyone needs to be accountable >> meanwhile, oliver as always, it's always good to talk to you and our hearts always go out two units. it's so heartening to see you doing something so enormously positive with this film that
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you have coming. i hope everybody watches it. meanwhile, over. thanks as always for your time really appreciate it. >> thank you, jim >> we'll be right. good to see you. we'll be right back. >> 2024 and we kept play begin april 20 with fast create factory, great visual solutions to perfect your process that's sides. >> make your statement. what a theory and exposure right in your brokerage account, get it with the symbol e, the grayscale ethereum trust. the world's largest if theory i'm fund. >> the theory of investing begins here >> you should angie that you
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180501 3-6. 3-6 called now i'm on erasure on capitol hill, and this is cnn for me this morning the former interpreter for los angeles dodgers phenom shohei ohtani is in negotiations to plead guilty after being >> accused of stealing millions of dollars from the star player. this is according to new reporting from the new york times. cnn correspondent nick watt joins us now from la and nic, i should cautioned our viewers as i'm going to you, we may have to break off or breaking news in the next few seconds here. but what's the latest and this investigation >> well, the new york times is now reporting that three people
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say that this interpreter, ippei mizuhara, is in negotiations to plead guilty. it for charges relating to the theft of more than four-and-a-half million dollars that he allegedly stole from his bosses brand shohei ohtani, the massively popular face of baseball right now the story emerged when investigators noticed a taney's name on wire transfers to a bookie in orange county? 50 california. now, ippei mizuhara, the interpreter, came out and said, ohtani lent me the money to pay off my own gambling debts. so people came out and said, no way this money was stolen and they say they handed it over to the authorities. now, we are told, as i say, that this interpreter is negotiating plea deal. i spoke to his lawyer. he said no comment at this time now this raised eyebrows, obviously because anything to do with gambling and sport is a
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problem. and also this bookie had been going around telling people that ohtani was his client that bookies lawyer told me that was just a marketing ploy. he never had any contact with ohtani at all, but there were also questions as to how would this interpreter i've actually managed to take this money without a tiny knowing well, according to those sources who spoke to the new york times mizuhara change the settings on ohtani's bank account. so he didn't get alerts when money came out of his account. now, a tiny himself, he came out and gave a very strident press conference couple of weeks ago in which he called his former friend, a gambler, a thief, and a liar. and now with this report of this alleged negotiation, it does seem that this cloud has moved completely away from ohtani and meantime, jim, he's been doing what he does best, playing very very well at baseball. so it doesn't seem to have gotten inside his head.
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he has had a great start to his career at the dodgers here in los angeles, which is good. i mean, 700 million. they're paying and i will note that i was at his first game of the league season here at dodger stadium. the fans of the dodgers never doubted him. one bit. jim >> all right. nick watt, thank you very much. and before we go a rescue mission, turned family reunion for more than a week, three mariners had been stranded on this remote island out in the pacific to get some attention, the castaways spelled the word help in big letters on the beach using palm leaves after spotting the sign, the us navy and coast guard on tuesday carried out their rescue mission. once they arrived, the stranded men were surprised to see that this man, one of the coast guard rescuers that day i was micronesia and spoke their local language connecting the dots, the officer told them his name and they turn out to all be cousins. incredible story there
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all right. thank you very much for joining us this morning. i'm jim acosta, next our newsroom with booklets or starts after a short break, have a good day, everybody >> the fast sides signage that gets you noticed and turns hot lots into homes that's signs. >> make your statement >> so i went to experian. they actually helps lower my monthly bills, phone, internet experience at the work also subscriptions i forgot about experian canceled on for me, helped me take control of my money, >> see all you can do it slash safe now, i'm always shopping the real, real. >> they drop over 10,000 new arrivals everyday. >> gucci, rolex, prada, little cartier, tiffany, a to 90% of retail, endless luxury. the real, real shop now and get 20% off. but the real term it's a fly. >> a widely filter. it's well-designed, efficient
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>> call aag the country's number one reverse mortgage lender, call 806600 the way 600820 you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. today on capitol hill, the fbi director, christopher wray is due to deliver a very sobering message to the us congress, warning lawmakers that turmoil in the middle east and isis attack in russia could inspire terror attacks here on us soil. he will also plead with lawmakers to reauthorize fisa, the foreign intelligence surveillance act, which allows the us in certain cases to collect the communications of non-americans overseas. it's due to expire next week. but congressional chaos may doom it. 19 conservative house republicans killed one for two d authorize it define their house leader in obeying donald trump. his marching orders on
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truth, social said this and i'm quoting kill fisa. it was illegally used against me and many others. they spied on my campaign and glowed cnn's lauren fox is up on capitol hill watching all these important developments. lauren does this underscore the question, who's really in charge? on capitol hill >> well, certainly donald trump's influence here on capitol hill was seen by those who wanted to oppose the fisa rule yesterday as a major victory for their side. i actually talked to matt gaetz moments after that truth, social post went up and dates was arguing that he believed it was going to hell pam take down the rules, certainly that is what happened yesterday on the floor of the house of representatives. and we should just underscore how unusual it was before this congress for rules to go down. these procedural votes in this kind of fashion. usually, if you don't like a bill, you don't vote for the bill. but the tradition has always been that the majority party would help get the process started


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