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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 11, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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meeting >> some of the most important items should come out of this meeting is the two liters first of all, president biden and japanese prime minister kishida discussing joint cooperation on defense matters on exporting japanese defense materials to the medicine states and coordinating how the us military in japan can work closer, what the japanese self-defense defense forces, the japanese military. and this is all to prepare in case of a potential attack a potential crisis in the south china sea. in terms of the trilateral cooperation that the three liters will discuss. it's definitely going to be in maritime security to really ramp up the security around the philippines to protect and help the philippines in case of even more overtures from the chinese and also beyond maritime security, they will discuss economic cooperation technology technological cooperation to show that it's really more than just married our time, but that the three liters are
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working in lockstep to protect against china >> what do you expect him prime minister kishida to say he's going to be addressing congress what are you expecting him to highlight? >> prime minister kishida has been a very vocal advocate when it comes to the role of the russian invasion in ukraine and what it could mean to other countries, specifically in east asia, prime minister kishida has really coined the phrase, ukraine today could be east asia tomorrow. and by that he means that if there is not a strong response from western countries to the russian invasion of ukraine, then countries like china could take away the message that perhaps they could take aggressive actions and take over other countries or other territories like taiwan prime minister kishida is really going to try to send that message the underlying message there is that he hopes congress will pass but a us aid package to ukraine, and that he really hopes to see that come through. and secondly, foreign minister kishida is going to really
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stress the strength of us are penn alliance. it's been on a really strong point and prime minister kishida has been key in leading his country to that point. and he's going to want to celebrate the growth of the strip strengthen the alliance >> michelle, you, he that was really interesting. the idea of ukraine that could be asia next in watching what the united states is doing there thank you so much for your analysis. really appreciate it. the next hour, have cnn news central starts right now jesus >> himself could not manage this conference. that is what one house republican is saying as it will bolt threatens speaker mike johnson in short tenure. good a trip to mar-a-lago and a meeting with donald trump, help backlash and tennessee after lawmakers passed a law that would allow teachers to carry concealed guns there are classrooms and bad weather forces the delay in augusta. when will they be able to tie off at the masters? kate
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is out. i'm john berman was sarah sidner this is cnn news central >> we are standing by for a grave warning on capitol hill as donald trump's latest attempt to push his agenda, intent he's applies chaos and confusion in congress and beyond this morning, hard-right republicans are blocking a foreign surveillance tool that fbi director christopher wray said is critical in securing our nation. >> why? >> the on from told them to >> rate will soon appear on the hill to tell lawmakers he needs this tool to keep americans safe. and what is trump telling house speaker mike johnson as a republican revolt to oust him johnson now heading to mar-a-lago for a lifeline. cnn's lauren when house more on johnson's fight and what is happening today on the hill
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lauren fox, a lot of confusion, a lot of chaos, and trump in the middle of it. >> welcome back to congress being in session, it has been a couple of days. house lawmakers already thrust into this chaos, as you noted, sara and one thing to keep an ion here is what happens next with fisa. there is an april 19 deadline. this is exactly why republican leaders, were hoping they could clear the deck on this issue. so this first week, because it's going to take the senate a little bit of time to process this on their end as well. but already hiccups over this procedural vote yesterday, what you saw 19 republicans voting against even advancing this legislation because they are unhappy. they argue with the way that leadership went about trying to get this pill passed on the floor. they're arguing hardliners. are that this was a predetermined outcome that speaker mike johnson mismanaged this this is an episode we have seen in repeatedly on this
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issue of trying to reauthorize section seven of the federal intelligence surveillance act. it has become a problem once so again, what you're hearing from republican leaders is they are still trying to find a path forward. they are expected to have a series of votes later today, but not on this issue because they are still trying to iron out what they are going to do. they had an emergency conference getting yesterday at 4:00. meanwhile, members of the intelligence community are making clear that this is an invaluable tool. christopher wray, the fbi director, expected to testify on capitol hill later this morning and say, i'd be hard pressed to think of a time when so many threats to our public safety and national security were so elevated. all at once. we need all the tools, all the people, all the resources required to tackle these threats, and to keep americans safe. meanwhile, >> there is this looming question. what is my johnson going to? to do in order to
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keep his job there is still a lot of pressure on him to do something when it comes to ukraine aid obviously he has to get through this fisa fight before moving on to that next issue. of >> sara, there's so much going on. it's so much chaos. lauren fox, you are watching it all. thank you so much. cian. >> all right. with this now seen in senior national security analysts, juliette kayyem in this case, juliette, you need to be are human glossary section 702 of phi is what? >> yeah >> okay. so section 702 fisa is gibbs the federal agencies and intelligence agencies the capacity to have. and i'll be clear here, a warrantless search of a non-us citizen not in the united states. so this is someone is abroad. were worried about them. we want surveillance, we want basically a wire tap on it on them and we're collecting information in the past, there have been concerns that united states citizens have been captured in
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this communication. so let's say a foreign person calls me. we're talking and the fbi then is capturing my conversation without any chord because of that 702 was reformed to make sure that there's disclosures to a specialized court so this process has worked pretty well and has gotten tighter over the years. in particular, after september 11th this reauthorization should have been ayana, honestly, this is the kind of thing where like can we not do even the easy things anymore and has now become another political lightning rod because of course, donald trump is sort of, you know, has, has his opinions out or down south >> i don't think there's any dispute over how much it is used and how useful it is in collecting intelligence on potential terrorists, among other things, a huge number of the stings and stuff are using that. the criticism as you say, is the idea that people on us
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soil or somehow swept up to it in. there are people who say, well, we should require warrants, then to access the information about the americans on american soil. why is that something that the intelligence community doesn't want? >> so they, they, they address that issue through two means. okay. so one is what's called an required a minimization requirement. that means if they're calling me, that they've collected it, they have to either hide who i am or get rid of the information because it's it may be unrelated to any investigation or concerns. there's people are calling people abroad for lots of reasons. they don't know what that person is doing. so the first is what's called minimization. that is in the statute. it's a requirement. the second is of course, disclosure to a court, the federal intelligence surveillance court every year, the fbi and the intelligence community is required to certify that they are only focused on non-us citizens. the
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third and this is, i guess there is a third is the most important. it is unlawful unlawful for the federal agencies to utilize fisa. the pfizer regime to target us citizens as a root. so there's lots and lots of over site in this regard as we know, because a lot of this has been disclosed by bye fbi director ray and his attempts to keep to keep this moving. this is this is this is something that republican administrations and democratic administrations have utilized. it is something that civil nobody's groups have worked with the federal government to minimize the potential privacy concerns and there is a there is an established protocol and the only thing i have to say is if this thing does not get certain recertified, every enemy is now going to know this, right? so they're going to know that they are free to call whomever they want without fear of surveillance.
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>> juliette kayyem, thank you for explaining it so well, really appreciate it >> thank you >> al shifa hospital is unrecognizable. that is how some people inside gaza are describing the situation as they sift through the ruins. after the siege, their health officials morning that fake botox is making people sick now, people at least two states are in the hospital >> there's debris and this guy parents, husbands and wives gone >> wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part fanelli, sunday at nine on cnn, file 100% free with triple tax-free addition roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only see how a that's me
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specialized treatment go to know to learn? in more >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house, and this is cnn knew this morning, unicef says that one of its aid vehicles was hit with live ammunition. the convoy was stopped at a checkpoint as it was waiting to entertaza from t
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uth. this happeng gaza graveyafter is isra's twweekg serv theirn an intnation diplomatic test ral schffer? thlive >> t palestinian ahorities arstilgointhugh the uncoveringhe bodies and killed during isel's tw weeks big presen inside the hospital, the idf reported hey fighting in e area. what the mical workers say that they are recovering our bodies pieces of bodies somebody's they're unable to recognize because they say that they were run over by hi idf tanks. that period of two weeks while the idf was in our shifa hospital was a period of intense fighting. the idf said that they arrested hundreds of terror suspects, that this is
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not something but cnn has been able to independently confirm. but the recovery of the bodies at this hospital and also another hospital in khan yunis is an indication of the hasty way that people were buried it literally where an around they fell it's a large area let's being excavated. the video of the people and bodies being extracted is very, very gruesome. to watch. >> it is palestinians are now. trying to identify all the individuals who were killed in an it's a range of people, men, women, children, and give them a proper burial israel continues to say that it does allow aid into gaza and that a new checkpoint is opening that will >> allow much more to come in. what is the reality on the ground? >> tbd on that new checkpoint,
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the idf is saying they're ramping up aid supplies. it's a priority for them to help get it then to gaza. i'm over last weekend, the prime minister said that a new border crossing in the north of gaza vital of course, because that's where 300, 400,000 palestinians are on the un says some of them are close to starvation. the prime minister said that crossing would be errors come the start of this week. the cogat, which is the israeli body he that oversees humanitarian aid transfers into gaza, said that they were still working on the logistics of it. the idf now says that they're working on a new location we have an idea of where it may be he the idf says this is still a work in progress, but cogat, that body that gets helps get the aid into gaza, said over 300, 368 aid trucks went in yesterday, reaching it's very high figures earlier in the week, highest figure since the start of the war. but what the white house is saying is look, it's not just a matter of getting the a1, it's a matter of getting it to the people and to that point we heard from unicef
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unicef official today who was in gaza, add an idf checkpoint separating the south and the north of gaza. they had hey, that they wanted to get to a hospital for dying children in the north of gaza they got caught up in crossfire listen to how their spokesman explained it was shocking that this was happening to us on a coordinated mission in a designated holding area. we had colleagues outside the vehicle who very easily could have been injured or killed. i think this underscores that it really remains unsafe for humanitarian greene workers. and also it prevents us from doing our jobs because that mission didn't go ahead >> so this is the situation trying to get that a distributed in gaza the idf is saying the un isn't doing enough inside gaza to move that eight around. the un says the conditions aren't right and
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safe and places they don't have the where with all to move. this amount of aid he by the idf and indeed the defense minister said the plan is to flood gaza with aid. there's clearly still a lot to be done to achieve nic robertson forest and jerusalem, nick, thank you very much >> so records do not exist. that should exist. that is the message from the ntsb as it investigates boeing in a failing grade for some of america's most prestigious universities how the adl says that colleges are failing when it comes to anti-semitism columbia houston. >> you are go for the debris in the guy. >> parents, >> husbands and wives gone. if you work in >> spaceflight, this is where it's possible thing that can ever happen. >> thousands of pieces of debris are now pieces to a
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puzzle. i should have that test on day one. >> i wish i could've done something differently what i can't undo that, you can just make it better. are those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on scene. >> okay. everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy >> ensure 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein >> i love that my daughter still needs me, but sometimes that can help due to burning, stabbing pain in my hands. so why use nerve five nearby clinical doses? the ala reduces nerve discomfort and as little as 14 days of now i can help. we can give the difference with nerve five when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help because the right information at the right time may make all the difference and humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement meant insurance plan. that's why we're offering seven things every medicare
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missing communist spy sounds intense? >> the sympathizer streaming exclusively on macs >> all right. this morning, federal investigators say they now have key records from boeing that may shed light on why employees did not document certain steps while installing door plugs on a seven, 30 he seven max, you will recall that that door plug fell out during an alaska airlines flight leaving a refrigerator size hole in the plane. back in january, cnn's gabe cohen is following the latest from washington when this first happened, investigators ripped into boeing because the company said it couldn't find these key records when it comes to opening and closing the do club, plugso what happens now documents theum of ese oh, sarah, hopefully they re about the quality control it problem that federal investigators think boeing may
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have on its assembly lines and in its factories. i think it would be helpful the flashback a month you referenced at the head of the national transportation safety board, who is investigating that a door plug incident for back in january. january was on capitol hill, and really ripped boeing for not cooperating with their investigation, saying that they the company hadn't divided any records indicating why that door plug was removed, and then put back on the plane without being properly secured, which ultimately caused it to fly out mid-flight then it was revealed that boeing doesn't have any record of that repair and so now this update from the ntsb chair said and that they have now gathered all kinds of documents, records on other repairs, other instances where door plugs may have been removed and put back on to figure out if boeing is keeping any record of this type of work as federal regulators expect them to. basically they're trying to figure out if
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boeing's safety system, their quality control oh, is up to snuff or have they been performing undocumented repairs and doing a really shoddy job tracking their work, which of course could have more of these disastrous consequences like what we saw in january or even some of the maintenance issues that we have seen on boeing aircraft in the months since a one striking change those sara over the past month, the tone of the ntsb chair while talking about boeing's level of cooperation. take a listen to the difference between when she spoke a month ago versus yesterday boeing has not provided us with the documents and information that we have requested numerous times. it's absurd that two months later, we don't have that. they are equally concerned about the process here and the escape. and we are all working gather to figure out what happened >> so jennifer homendy clearly sounding a little less
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frustrated with the company yesterday and now federal investigators are expanding their safety probe interviewing more boeing employees. they may survey a larger portion of those workers to figure out if there's a bigger, more alarming divide here, sarah? between the safety messaging from boeing executives versus the practice on the assembly lines? >> and you certainly saw that the issues with safety in several incidents and the ceo stepping down, boeing facing a lot of criticism and investigations at this point, gabe cohen, thank you so much for them >> all right. >> here's where futures >> stand this morning, markets took a hit yesterday after the release of new inflation numbers you can see not so great dow futures, nasdaq futures down, down, down. we're gonna get another gate look though at ppi that is coming up in the next ten or so minutes, we will bring that to you as soon as it comes in plus, it's a tradition, unlike any other. but golf fans are going to have to wait just a little bit longer. when we can expect the weather to let up at the
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masters, that isn't it >> sunday and ninth of space, for stoma whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we alone? >> followed by the two >> part finale? space shuttle columbia, both final flight sunday starting at eight on cnn with car gurus, you can by or sell your car in person or online. if only you could do things your way all the time >> wouldn't that be nice get it with gurus >> i brought in a chore max protein with 30 grams of protein. those he tried be felt more energy it just two weeks here, i'll take that. >> i'm sure not to protein 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals in a new fiber blend with a prebiotic >> saigon 1975, monoprotic cheeses >> spy sneaker two faces.
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american college campuses are handling ai-mitism more harvard, mit, and stanford received a fling grade and her 53 god, cs or ds only two got an a from the adl brandeis and robertenned's mpaign, fire to staff or after she told me voters that preventing joe number one pority, she said e, ether you support bobby or p, we all oppose bid sheva untold kennedy supporters to volunteer forru in pennsylvania >> sara. >> all right. >> republican officials are urging supporters toote mail ts fall, even as the gop is involved in lhallens urse, nald trump keeps d of railinagainsvote by il whatoes show you some stateshere we know of publican challenges to vote by mail. sominvoe lawsuits and others, the gop is defending restrictions on ballot drop boxes those are playing out as the party is pushing its bank, your vote
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campaignurging republican voters to turn their ballots and early us earlyoting or vote mail. cnn's fredreka skeleton is joining us now. what exactly is going on? seems like these two things don't match >> well, they certainly have a conundrum here. as you mentioned, donald trump at the top of the ticket really does not ca for mail-inoting. he repeatedly denounces i peatedlyays that it is rife with fud and contributo hi20 los but at the same time, the party needs let's to reassure him at's his supporters, voters, that this is a good way to go. so you're seeing a lot of lawsuits that are emerging in places that sort of try to tighten the rules on mail-in voting. f instance, in mississippi, the republican national committee just filed aawsuit arguing that the ballots received up to five business days aer the ection. they can be postmarked on election day. but
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thatracte shou end that voti should happen oone day. su're seeing lotsf ckets this ound the country. north carolina's chand. and the the law has repuican-controlled legiature says no ballot knee to come in on election day. we n't count ose that arrive afterhat da >> for dring hasotten is fascinating to see this sort o talking out of both sideof rely appreciate your reporting on ts thanks. da >> thimorning, arizona republican leadersave blocked an effort to repeal the state's ban on neay all abortions democrats d some republantried to repeal the 18 64 law th was just upheld by the state supreme court. there a few minutes ago, asd south carolina republican nancy mace about this >> that's like pulling the pin out of the grenade today on the issue of abortion. that's wrong. and in the post roe v world era, the government needs to listen to t people. every state should put this issue on the ballot. i's in the hands
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of the people. let theeople decide for themselve >> with this. now republican strategist rena shaw and see an political commentator paul begala, rita, it is interesting, arizona had a chan the lislature there had a chceo change what the statsupreme court had done the y before. it didn't happ what does that tell you >> yeah. >> well, it tells me that hardline conservatives do't want what donald tru seems to want donald trump is saying we can fix it says gone too far in arizona. number one,hat's a there's nothing you can do when theegislature speaks the state's highest scores speaks. you realize what a problematic tuatn that arizona of women are in 1.6 million wen, th're of reproductive age. that's between the ages o15 and 49, of which 3re spanic and3% white. where are these women going too? we don't really have good empirical evidence to tell us how these women feel about this
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draconian move. now, i mean, this is not only taking women back in time, this is unsafe on every level. and when democrats message thathe fact that there's no exceptions r fetal abalits rape, incest, you realize what's at play here and donald trump is understanding that, but doesn't know what to do so like usual, she's going to say something will happen, but it will not it will go to the people. it will go on a ballot and reblans will lose its way too extreme. >> what ncy mace and donald trump of said, paul is it shou be up to the states to deci, but arizona's estate i me, it's the ste preme courts that decided their texas where u live is a state and that state does not have right now, alabama's a state, so is can donald trump find any success trying to triangulate to use an old clinton ish word for you. so you understand if paul is going to have any success triangulating there on abortion? >> no, he has he has made such a hash of this. i read make
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some, very good points when, when we watch, as you say, when we watched the state of arizona outlaws ivf when we watched the state of alabama, other outlet ivf, you statef arizona, go back to an 18, 64 law. the state of texas punishes abortion providers with 99 years in prison. after all that, who would say, hey, let's let the states run things. let's at the stasis and the states at least some of them are real the cracking down. and this is not going to get better for republicans because it's the real world. it's not just theoretical. this is what i mean the journal of the american medical association in january released a study in the 14 states that had the strictest abortion laws after dobbs 64, 64,565 women became pregnant by rape. and were unable to get abortion treatment in their state 6045065 as of january. now, they just stped counti in january tragically, the rapes
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dn't stop. so these are real women suffering in real states. and so when you say, gee, we're going to let the states decide this. i think those women are pretty upset about that so we're gonna mike johnson that the house speaker, the current house speaker of the house speaker today all these qualifications are sorted necessary because of how imperiled he seems to be >> every day is going to mar-a-lago tomorrow. he'll be meeting with donald trump there. how much does the speaker need donald trump in order to keep his job >> well, let's look at this rookie speaker for what he is, somebody who is navigating legislative minefields all the time currently facing perhaps yet another revolt from the hard right, from which he comes from his own friends. so really only two groups can save him and which they're not really groups. one group is the democrats the, other is former president donald trump's. so he's going to go kiss the ring. this press conference was speaker johnson's team's idea, and i don't mind it
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because look at donald trump has been saying, we need gop unity for a long time. he's almost tried to force that, but this moment demands in the republican party is in peril parole it is fractured. it is not where it needs to be i mean, even with these abortion decisions from the supreme court's in arizona and florida, would you see or even super republican voters upset this is not what they want on abortion. they care about biden's age. they care about the economy. they care about the southern border. >> and so maybe johnson and trump coming together to have a kumbaya moment and trump saving johnson is what's needed in order for the country to see things done in the house chamber. >> well, i want to ask you about some new reporting from the kfile team here that the republican national committee last week sent out a scripted call to voters on behalf of the new co-chair, lara trump, saying that there was massive fraud in the 2020 election leaning back in to some of the election lies about 20:20. i
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know that democrats some want to run on the issue of democracy, protecting democracy in 2024. does that tell you that the republicans have no fear of this being an election issue? >> that may be, but you know, fools rush and i mean, i as a democrat, i love seeing siobhan and roman and kendall taking over everything. the president, mr.. mr. trump, the former president, used to, i guess still has real pros running his campaign. i mean, it susie wiles, chris lacivita. these are serious professionals and they've been running a campaigns. why trump did so well in the primaries. but for reasons i don't understand, he is now giving the keys to the kingdom to his daughter-in-law, who maybe gifted in many ways, but it's not a professional political operative. and so she's doing things like this, purging staff than not raised any money it's not it's not what they need to do to win. >> i hate give free advice to mr. trump, but the truth is hire professionals don't hire
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your adorable sons. impressive life. hire professional, sir >> all right. paul begala speaking up on behalf of political professionals everywhere. rena shaw de well, thank you very much >> all right up next, some teachers and parents up in arms over a bill in tennessee that could allow teachers and staff members to carry a gun on school grounds, will talk to the bills co-sponsor coming up, plus the masters gets underway today and augusta national, but there's one golfers daughter who has pretty much stolen the show. well looks fine >> i've been told the world with my music. >> now, >> i want to focus on what's happening to our planet in >> carbon. a cnn films sunday, april 21 at nine, i brought in a chore max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i'll take that ensure not to protein 30
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l flight, two part finale,he sunday at nine on cnn >> n cnneporting ts morning, cnn has learned tt foreign diplomats are scrambli face-to-face meetingith allies to donald trump in washington dc to try to get some insight into any concrete planhe hashould he win cnn's kylie atwood, part of the team that bre th story, kyla, what have you learned >> yeah well listen these diomats inashington ar frantically trying to meet with anyo in trump's orbith includes folks at thinktanks, republican-leaning think takes here whoight have policy insights into where trump would go in a potential second term and also former trump administration officials who worked with him in the first term and would know the direction and that he would head in a second term. i think it's important to note, john, that this flurryf activity really wasn't happening when trumwas running in 2016 because the assumpti that was baked in was that hillary clinton was going to win. and
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so you talked to diplomats and they say thathey learn somethinbecause they weren't well-prepared when trump first came into office. particularly those diplomats who are here in washington for trump's have now learned that y relationships are critical to having a working relionship with a trump administration. and that is exactly what they're worki on now. but when you talk to diplomats who are new to town or diplomats from smaller countries, they're having a hard time setting up some of these meetings, but they are learning things in these meetings and particularly european tour worried about the future of naibe, what they're being told, i'm i'm told according to sources familiar with these meetings, is that hitting that two of gdp spending for nato countries is simply going to be a non negotiable for trump. they say, listen to what he has said. don't try and think that he's going to go in any other direction and one thing that's beg considered ia two tier stem of nato. those countries that hit the 2% spending they're covered by article five, which meanthat an attack
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attack ol that they're they'll defend those ply and countrthat don't meet the 2% would not actually qualify for that article phi, which would be a drastic tate change for nato. so th's mething that europeans are looking at talking about. and then the other thing that they are asking in thesmeetings with trump allies is what he's going to do on ukrai. and that is really a question that is alive and well oh, herin whington e of the things that tmp t would do either right tehe is elected or right afr he is augurated, would be to reach out to both putin and zelenskyy to try andetp conversations to try andome to somsort o agreent for the way forward to bring the ukraine war to as swift now we have arhim talk about t fact at he would d the war in 24 hours. of course, that wouldn't happenbut with these folks say is that he really wants to stt conversations and their concerns among europeans who
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are heing this, atthat might mean ukraine giving up territory. but those who are close to tmp's say that wouldn't necessarily be the case. you'd have twatch and e where those negotiations go. john >> it's important note th these are ople somehow connected to donald trump projectinghat ll happen if trump wins again, but the are the conversations that are happeng and what eopean diplomats are cong away with. kylie atwood reainterested? think porting. thank you vy >>ill the bill, not the ki. that's wh some parents and teachers are chanting about a bill and tennessee that allows teachers and school staff to carrns at school t bill justassed the senate states senate in a 26 to five voted now goes to the house.t allows tenssee teachers to cay concealed handgu at k throh 12 schools. the bill also puts e deba over armingducato, ght back in the spotlighcurrtly, 34 states ban teachers and the general public from carrying guns onto public school property, according to data from everytown for g safety, let's discuss this now wit
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tennsee state senar paul bailey. you will the spons of you think this will make do schools sar for childrennd staff? >> well, thank you for allowing me to be with you today so this bill came to me from the tennessee sheriffs association out two years ago, and they were concerned about a lot of rules, schools, and rural tennessee where the response time is anywhere from 15 to 30 mites for lawn for be able to reach one of tse schools and a mote area in the event of a hool intruder or an active shooter so they wanted to be able to have leglation in place to allow anyone that idelines of this legislaon would be able to carry on those school grounds you said the sheriff's associatioat the fofront of pushing thibill and an infence you certainly, we saw >> what happened though in uvalde wh people who are
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trained with weapons, police officers who did not respond in think that teachers under this kind of stress would be able to handle this with all that th already have to do well again, this bill has lots of guardrls and a pern has to have a tennessee handg carry permit the director of schls, as well as the principal of that school,hat the futures staff member is assign to the chf law enforcement officer, all have to agree. no one that someone can be in that school and be armed to carry concealed. they must go through a background check. the tennessee bureau of investigation will be conducting that as well as fingerprinting. they have to do a psychological evaluation and 40 hours of training alongsi make sure th this peon is fully qualified to be able to respond in the eve of a
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school intruder or an active shooter >> all right. i went on to play r you what lauren shipment dorians has to say about the bell she is a teacher in nashville. here's what she said. >> i really thought the lieutenant governor would listen to the voice of the people we know overwhelmingly so many tennessee and do not support legislation like this. stay in teaching role to be honest with you >> there was already a shortage of teachers. what do you say to her that she doesn't think she'll feel safe with other folks, staff members, potentially their teachers walking around armed in a school sure. >> so this bill is totally permissive as i mentioned earlier, if the directors schools and the chief law enforcement officer of a school district does not want to implement this bill once it goes forward and passes, then they don't have to. and if teachers and faculty in and administrators don't think that it's in the best interest of their school. they don't have
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to implement this policy. but again, i bring back the point of i represent a very ruled in tennessee. there are a lot of elementary schools out in remote areas of those counties and this was designed to bring about i line of defense, if in fact someone trying to breach any kind of security doors and enter into a school. and so i'm looking more at it as a help for those rules schools. and if metro areas, urban suburban areas don't want to implement this top policy, that's fine. it's totally massive. and it also gives local control as to how that they would implement this >> i'm curious if any of the schools talk to you about this and ask for this well, certainly i've heard from my local school districts. i represent six counties and middle tennessee and i've heard from a lot of my teachers, they are in fact, since this bills passed, those teachers have reached out,
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they've thanked me for for passing this legislation. i must say that in more of the metro areas so in the urban and suburban areas those individuals that have contacted me, they've not an in favor of it. but again, i have to remind everyone, this is totally a permissive bill, and that they if their school district and their chief of police does not want to implement this policy. that's totally fine. this is all about trying and to help a shortage of a school resource officers, we have over 1,800 schools, public schools in tennessee, 500 of those schools currently do not have a school resource officer because of the shortage able to legislation >> why not pass legislation to fund more school resource officers instead of putting this on the teachers or the staff members there who who as you know, are overtax they have to do so many things in classrooms now from being counselors to teaching math and science, and english why not
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just say, okay, let's, let's fund the resource officers who were trained >> well, i'm glad you brought that up because we had a special session last year and dealt with that. we provided over 140 million to go directly to the school districts for them to be able to hire school resource officers. and as of just at the beginning of this legislative session, at the end of january 90 $8 million of that had been drawn down into those local school districts for them to be able to provide sro officers but the situation is there's noenough qualified individuals be able to filthose positions. i'm also cing legislation that ll allow any retired law enforcement officeth wou like to go back foat least two years and be a school resource officer to be able to do so without losing tir retirement benefs we've been make sure that our schools are save as possible here in tennessee. >>tate senator paubailey.
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thank you so much for coming on and asking a answering the questis. areciate john ite happening now more tha milli people from florida new yk orer severe storm relet's get right to elisaaffa f the lest and wh' john andhat's an effect tch a, where this towards >>ine of storms uld pack 70 mile per hour winds and a couple of tornadoes. we haven't seen too many warnings yet, b when yoget orms to organize into a line le this bathroom where you can get that throhout of daging winds. and we surely saw that over the day yesterday. we also h another flesh blood warning for another bicity, charleston. and charleston has a problem withloing very easily inuntion. soe'll have se and watch that very closely. this storm system though, does sttch up to chicago, n york, where you've got the showers pretty much stretchi up and down the eastoast from this pretty wide srm, the severe threat today stretches from tampa oily up to
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pittsburgh. we have a level the out of five enhanced risk for the threat of additional tornadoes, damaging winds, and some luck large hail as we go through the day today, now, excessive rain has also been a problem with this system. it's packing so much moisture, especially for this time of year. so the downpours could be a threat up and down the east coast through today and tomorrow. i mean, look at some of the rain totals that we've had over the last day. i mean, we're talking about month's worth of rain that came down in just hours over six inches of rain in new orleans. that is more for them what they get an a month and they got that and only seven hours. john. >> all right bracing ourselves for a long day. elisa raffa. thank you very much. >> is there and that severe weather she was talking about impacting the start of the 88th masters tournament today at augusta national golf club, the first player is now expected to tee off at 10:30 this morning, cnn's andy scholes is there in augusta. andy >> well, i can see it's still raining behind you when my
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biscuits started >> well, is there as you imagine, it's very, as you mentioned, is it's going to start at 10:30 this morning and you're yesterday, we were really play worried that those thunderstorms we're going to wreck havoc on the first round of the masters. but as you can see, i'm it's looking pretty good behind me. it looks like we're in the clear now, those severe thunderstorms kinda skirted where we are here in augusta, georgia and it's looking like they're gonna get to play a lot of golf here this afternoon. play ended up only being delayed two-and-a-half half hours and the forecast for the rest of the weekend. i mean, it just looks beautiful here in a and you or someone looked really looking forward to that beautiful weather is tiger woods. he had to withdraw before the third round last year when he was going to be very cold and rainy. and tiger said earlier this week, you know, he still thinks he can win one more of these tournaments. but of course it's not going going to be easy for them >> i ache every day and i prefer warm and human and hot
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and i know we're getting some thunderstorm, so least it will be hot, won't be like last year, every shot that's not on a tee box is a challenge >> so >> yeah, one, once we start the whole, it's a bit of a challenge >> yeah, so tiger is now going to tie off at 3:54 eastern today. so he's not going to be able to finish his first round, but he is dry it makes him history and make his 24th straight cut here at the masters. now, this year's favorite for the tournament is world number one, scottie scheffler. and he's actually a huge favor get rid according to the oddsmakers, these the biggest favorite at the masters since tiger back in 2013 and scheffler has been playing great. he won this tournament two years ago and he's looking forward to try to compete for that green jacket here. once again i'm excited about having planned to begin this year i had two nice wins, which was obviously a bunch of font and then i was close to my last start as well, and


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