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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 11, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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mutual physicians, mutual >> i'm evan perez and washington. and this is cnn >> it's thursday, april 11, right now on cnn this morning on about-face for donald trump, who now claims he's opposed to a federal abortion ban downed trees, damaged homes, a possible tornado, devastating parts of louisiana, and a critical national security tools shot down by republicans after donald trump told them to kill it 6:00 a.m. here in washington, here is a vibe.
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>> look at capitol hill on this thursday morning, a place that is functioning, i guess the way we come to expect that it should function or not should function, but does function. >> anyway. good morning, everyone. i'm casey khan. it's wonderful to have you with us this morning. republicans in the arizona state legislature blocking attempts to repeal the 18 64 law, banning all abortion there with just a single exception for the life of the mother. as outrage grows, presumptive republican presidential nominee, donald trump is trying to convince voters that he doesn't support the arizona law. >> and >> now says he would not sign a national abortion ban if he is elected president. >> yeah >> straight down notes from that state's rights and we everybody else you can bring it back into recent and that will be taken care of, i think very quick
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>> no trump is trying to sound more moderate on an issue that has galvanized voters from ohio to kansas, to kentucky to vote to protect abortion rights but this arizona law and restrictions similar to it in other states, they are in force because of donald trump recall, how did he win the republican nomination in the first place? back in 2016, he released a list of 11 supreme court justices. he would consider a pointing to convince skeptical evangelical cool voters who are the bedrock of the republican base that he trump was one of them, or at least that he would act like one of them then to hammer that home, you picked the very publicly pious mike pence as his running mate then he was elected president. and he transformed the supreme court >> today i am keeping another promise to the american people
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by nominating judge neil gorsuch. i will nominate judge brett kavanaugh, judge amy coney, barrett >> in june of 2022, after nearly 50 years, the court struck down roe versus wade and trump, who is now trying to say that he doesn't support the strictest restrictions that have been exploding and red states across the country >> he has repeatedly >> bragged about how he made that possible. >> we ended roe v. wade, we terminate it. >> roe >> v. wade. >> i was able to terminate roe v. wade after 50 years of trying the results have been stories like this one told him the biden campaign ad, yes, but about a woman, a family who wanted their child wanted a child >> and were devastated by the consequences of the fall of roe the outfit she was gonna maybe
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where home from the hospital >> all >> this is the blanket that she would okay >> there's also kate cox. she's the texas woman who also desperately wanted a baby when she was told that her baby likely wouldn't live for more than a few days outside the womb. she sought an abortion to try to protect her ability to try again, to have a chance mild here's what she told nbc news and december >> it's a hard to hard time you know even with a being hopeful with the decision that came from the hearing this morning there's there's still we're going through the loss of a child there's no outcome
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here that i take home my healthy baby girl, you know, so it's hard call had to leave her home, state of texas to get the care that she needed then there was this woman hadley duvall, who told her story in a campaign ad for kentucky's democratic governor i was raped by my stepfather after years of sexual abuse. i was 12 anyone who believes there should be no exceptions for rape and incest could never understand what it's like to stay in in my shoes these are just three stories of countless stories like them, no doubt, unfolding across the country because of the fall >> of roe versus wade are panels here. let's bring in new york times white house correspondents olin kanno-youngs, republican strategists, dog high, and democratic strategist, megan hayes it's tough way to start the morning morning let's be honest. >> but megan, >> this is a scenario where we
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saw donald trump tried to say, say two cameras, he wouldn't sign a national abortion ban he did seem to say that the democratic governor of arizona would straighten out what's going on in arizona. but the bottom line is that reality that americans are living in right now is because of the things that he did when he was president in the united states? >> yes, that is correct. i don't think we should forget that and i don't think voters will forget that november. i also think he's just trying to muddy the waters and say whatever he can to get elected, which is not different than what he said and 16 or in 20 and what he'll continue to say in 24 >> doug hi >> what is your view of what? donald trump is trying to do and whether it will work to convince people that he is in a different place on this, then he has been well, what he's trying to do is muddy the waters are some extent he's trying to be nuanced, which is something that donald trump doesn't do very often, maybe doesn't do very well. >> trump nuance >> isn't one force trauma. he is not nuance i think he's he's showing that he's sort of gets the issue. but the issue can be defined by his past as
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democrats are clearly going to do not just in talking about donald trump, but in seeing inputting videos like you just showed over and over again, does that mean that donald trump can't win in november? no >> certainly if you >> look at where biden in is on every issue other than abortion, he's he's underwater often deeply underwater. but it does make it hard to win over. certainly those suburban women who aren't satisfied with joe biden's presidency, who were otherwise get double this makes it much more impactful. >> the difficult thing, even then, his attempt to find nuances the most recent since statement where he tried to defer to states on this issue. he's still opened up by also mentioning that he basically is responsible for the makeup of the supreme court currently, right? so people are going to notice those comments as well. and also his attempt to sort of meander this and pivot that goes up against videos and testimonies showing the human toll of this. i mean immediately once this statement was made by the former president, you saw the biden campaign initially start making
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statements distributing videos as well, liked, powerful ones that you just saw. so we'll sort of these quick answers trying to sort of both sides. it match up against some of the emotion and path those that's shown in those videos. i mean, that's that's really going to be the challenge going forward, at least for his argument. >> well, endogamy, one of the things i think that makes this issue different than some other issues you're right to point out, yes, republicans have advantages on immigration, and other things. >> but for a lot of people >> immigration is not something that is going to affect the decision they are going to make about themselves tomorrow, like this issue is in people's houses in a way that other issues might not be know. >> and i think i think that's why we've seen the responses be as powerful as they are and as impactful as they are in special elections, certainly in the midterm elections as well. but this is a race that is winnable by either one of these candidates or loses of either one of these candidates. the risk that republicans have in washington is that what's happening is state legislatures or judiciaries are legislating out loud. and you don't know which date is going to be next
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and what those rules were going to be. certainly we weren't thinking about when we're talking about south carolina or texas for instance, we're thinking about laws that went back to the civil war. so there could be other states that pop up like this as well, which make it very difficult for republicans to get to a safe place for where voters are >> well in every minute this is in the news, isn't minute. they're not talking about things as you mentioned, that biden isn't performing well on like the economy or immigration. so for democrats, it's a winning issue to keep this in the news. so every time now on trump gets out there, it's just more beneficial for democrats striving turnout. it's driving fundraising numbers. so for us, it's like every time a state is going to come back with a new line, donald trump's going to have to address it again, it's just continuing to drive home. the contrast between president biden and foreign present trump's. >> and you saw in this video that trump put out on truth social overnight, he's very much trying to make that argument republic's is look now you can talk about all these other things. you don't i'm talking about >> except they will. >> all right. we're gonna have more on this next is as democrats and arizona try and fail to repeal that century-old
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abortion law >> plus homes damaged by high winds >> and flooding as severe storms hit the south were get your weather and new inflation data causing problems for the biden campaign in an for your wallet >> i've been turned the world with my music. now, i want to focus on what's happening to our planet in >> carbon, a cnn film sunday, april 21 at nine one bbs was to turbotax. >> i wrote four generations of family tradition. >> i want to make perfume >> so i mean barbers, new psyche count by guaranteeing her maximum refund into interval texas >> correct. values are in blue
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me, i've given myself a small raise, join me at sunday and 94 stoma photo story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we alone >> followed by the two part finale of space shuttle columbia? both final flight sunday, starting at eight on cnn this law is so old that it predates the invention of the cowboy hat. the urinal, the paper clip, and the machine that makes paper bags >> should >> we really be enforcing laws from an era where the cutting edge tech was bag
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>> and >> paperclip. after the arizona supreme court upheld a civil war abortion ban on tuesday, >> civil war-era abortion ban on tuesday, democrats in the state legislature tried to open debate on a bill that would repeal the 18 64 law. but they were blocked by republicans who cut them off and quickly adjourned for the week. it led to this chaotic scene on the state house floor >> in favor of that motion both those drove know is how much our panel is back. so doug hi trump trying to say, well that they're going to fix it in arizona, the governor is going to fix it. they're going to make it better >> the issue seems to be >> for republicans that a lot of the republicans that state legislatures and supreme courts in these states are way more conservative than the
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electorate is. just look at alabama and ivf and look at what happened on the floor of the house. >> sure. conservative than where trump has been even though trump is the one who's put judges, not just some, the supreme court, but federal i'm just trying to be right now. sure. >> and and so when he says, well, this will be taken care of pretty quickly, it's very typical trump's speak. it's sorted, doesn't mean anything. it's a place holder that hopefully we'll move onto a different topic. you know, how many, how many inflation weeks did you are out infrastructure weeks as you cover actual number zero because they never happened we just kept being told in two weeks, it's going to be inflation week and it never really was, is a typical trump tap. get tactic. and he does it because he knows it can be successful form. >> well, zolan the bottom line here is that it is going to have to be decided at the ballot box in many of these places. the reality isn't, it will be in a way that could actually really impacts. and this is why i think trump is doing what he's doing. the presidential election. 100%. i mean, this will be one of the major issues that could determine the election going
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back to the midterms, you also saw that, i mean, literally like arizona electoral college, votes on election night and like 10,000 votes either way in arizona may throw the election absolute. >> i mean, absolutely, absolutely that's right now. you are seeing a former president makes statements with a main factor being politics in this election, trying to bag somebody with this lecture. it's not guided by, and it hasn't been for much for a long time by based off of like a strong conviction on this issue, it's playing politics here. and you're going to see he, that moving forward. on the other side, i do think it's going to be interesting. we know that the biden campaign, the biden white house, is going to continue to try to attach them to this issue and not let him separate himself from it. i do think it's gonna be interesting to see how something like the vice president's tour across the nation is going to be and how hard vague go on really he calling out the former president, not just local republicans and tying him to this issue seeing how, just how far this goes beyond just social media videos and
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statements, but also to primetime speeches will be something to watch. >> megan, how do you see this playing out in arizona? do you think the legislature takes any action? is it tied up in the courts? what's next? i think aside from the courts and i don't think the legislature, as we saw, it's going to take much action. i think it's gonna be on a decision on the ballot which is going to drive turnout, which is again good for democrats, because you're going to get these suburban women that are out there voting, you're gonna get people who are not necessarily happy with the president. and that now have a reason to go vote. so we were worried about voter turnout before, and people not excited about either candidate. this is giving people a reason to be excited in a way that could really, it's not only going affect the top of the ticket, it's also going to affect the down-ballot races. >> all right. >> coming up next year, inflation threatening to derail the biden economy. we're going to talk about it with former presidential adviser mark mckinnon, plus a potato chip commercial sparking ouage in italy so i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i'm >> taking over the company will rest assured companies in great
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call us now all right. >> 22 minutes past the hour, five things you've got to see this morning, at least ten people were injured after a tornado touchdown in slidell, louisiana. that storm also cutting off power to thousands along the gulf coast the neighboring mississippi. one person reported killed and at least one other injured by related storms. dozens of homes were also damaged by high winds and flooding in madison county police have charged a 26 year-old man for detonating an explosive device just outside the alabama attorney general's office in february. kyle calvert faces up to 30 years in prison the university of iowa announcing they'll retire superstar guard caitlin clark's jersey. clark will be the school's last women's basketball player to ever where the number 22 kaitlan. >> this >> that potato chips summary
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sparking outrage in italy. it catholic group that monitors italian radio and tv wants this tv ad pulled off the air because it depicts nuns receiving potato chips for holy communion >> okay. time now for whether those severe storms are heading toward the southeast and ohio valley this morning with a flash flood warning issued for tallahassee, florida or meteorologists elisa raffa. it joins this joins us in it's tracking the system elisa, what he's saying we're looking at this wreck continuing to spread east and northeast as we go through the date today, we're looking at some ef1 tornado damage in slidell. a lot of surveys need to continue through the day today, we have at least five reported tornadoes across the southeast that line of storms now rushing into the florida panhandle and it's been dumping ton of rain. we're talking about month's worth of rain and hours for places like new orleans and new orleans. and this morning, tallahassee, where we continue to have flash flood warnings as we go through the next couple of hours because they got a
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month's worth of rain in just two hours overnight since yesterday, they're looking at rain totals nearing seven inches, just incredible amounts the moisture in this the rain continues to move through southern georgia, actually delaying the start of the master's there and augusta, you see the showers stretching up into the northeast from chicago up towards new york will continue to find some of that rain pushing into the areas we go through the day today, the severe risk stretches from tampa through would up to pittsburgh. you've got that level three out of five enhanced risk in the ohio valley for a couple of damaging winds, a few tornadoes and large hail that flooding risk will continue as well. >> all right. elisa raffa for us at lisa. thanks very much for that. >> are coming up next, a critical tool >> that the fbi director says, keep america, keeps america safe was rejected by republicans on orders from donald trump plus fareed zakaria is here to discucuss th rising threat that iran poses to israel and the us with jake
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possibilities all around you thank you for coming together with >> capella university game changing flux path format, take courses on your own terms and apply the skills you learn right away imagine your future differently with compelling university i mourn liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn >> our commitment to israel's security against these threats from iran. and its proxies is ironclad me, say it again. ironclad we're going to do all we can to protect his security >> president biden vowing ironclad commitment to israel's security amid threats of a significant retaliatory attack from iran in response to an israeli airstrike that killed seven iranian military officials in domestic damascus last week. biden comments come just a day after he called for a ceasefire in gaza and criticized prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu's approach to the war. others in the president's party telling cnn, it may be time to save farewell to the israeli prime minister altogether you'll grow must >> yahoo >> must go. >> i agree that prime minister netanyahu must go. i mean, he's not the leader that's going to take israel forward. he is a failed leader in every respect he is in my view, in large part responsible for this massive humanitarian catastrophe that we are seeing >> joining me now is fareed zakaria. >> he is the >> host of cnn's fareed zakaria gps, and he also is the author of a new book, age of revolutions, progress, and backlash from 1,600 to the, to the present. it's already number two on the new york times bestseller list here in the, and it released since in the uk today for e. good morning. thank you so much for being here >> thanks for having me >> congratulations on the book. let's start with this news here. if we could.
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>> what do >> you make of how president biden is balancing what you heard them articulate their next to the job up and ease prime minister saying his commitment to israeli security is ironclad with the criticism that he's leveled at the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu i think you set the word he is trying to balance and it's very difficult balance >> to strike because he is, he is articulating unwavering support for the country at ford security while at the same time, he has and has had serious reservations about the manner in which netanyahu government has gone about this from the start. >> and you will recall >> that we are now many months further along than when building was saying this is going to wrap up in a few weeks so israel, underneath, who has gotten itself into a situation where it doesn't feel like this is going to end anytime
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soon the idea of getting rid of hamas entirely in totality every last fighter seems somewhat elusive goal and more importantly, israel as racking up extraordinary costs, humanitarian front, the radicalization of the arab street, the increasing efforts to criticize israel, even in places like germany the second largest supporter of israel after the united states. so i think private prime, i think president biden might have, might find themselves having to get tougher and maybe make more public his disagreements with prime minister netanyahu that here so far captain private because it's so whatever biden is doing is not working. it is not altering israeli behavior >> what did you make of the israeli defense minister coming out and saying that they are
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going to try to rush aid into gaza. did do you not see that as evidenced that what biden and team are doing is working saying do not believe him >> well, cindy mccain says that there's enough food to feed about 1.1 million people for several weeks waiting and trucks outside. and yet, so far, they have not been allowed. in other words, actions would speak louder than words. israel is in complete control here. so it can move those trucks and anytime it once. and so far, what we've heard is that assurance, but we haven't actually seen the aid going yeah, it's a very very important point for you. >> let's talk about the book. it's called age of >> revolutions, progress and backlash from 1,600 to the present. and i will say as someone who specializes in covering american politics, you
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write about all of the the various challenges facing the world and you note that there are plenty of reasons to be pessimistic, but you think that perhaps we shouldn't get that far yet, i guess i'm looking for you to open. we may have lost free though there he is. he's back. >> i'm looking for you to explain to me why pessimism isn't warranted in this age of what feels like a lot of chaos and dysfunction well you know, we are going through probably the biggest backlash history and but it comes because we've had >> 30 or 40 years of incredible revolutionary change. you're just think about globalization, the massive expansion of globalization, 3 billion people coming online fine if you will, into the global economy, the india's, the china's the brazils of the world think about the information revolution, which i mean, it's difficult to imagine what life
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was like before we had this complete new digital world, we have, and we'll gone around with these phones and pockets that have more computing power than by far than nasa had when it sent a man to the moon and back >> think about the >> social ad identity revolutions we've got through the status of women fundamentally being transformed in the last 40 years that's a lot of change and it's all happening simultaneously. so there is some backlash there are a lot of people but today, we'll forward. you >> don't mistake the other sorry. did you lose me >> your they're finished. finished your thought and then i don't mistake the undertook. yeah, they'll do understand the undertone for the wave we are, moving forward. there are problems and we'll make it. i mean, i think that what history shows in that 400 years survey,
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i tried to do is that there's only one path here and it's forward. there's no going back all right, fair enough. >> fareed >> zakaria, so grateful to have you on the show this morning. thank you very much for joining us and the book is called age of revolutions, progress and backlash from 1,600 to the present okay, now this republicans are accusing democrats of committing massive fraud in the 2020 election. we know that cnn's kfile reporting now that the rnc is putting out calls to voters with a decided shift in messaging under newly installed co-chair, lara trump. >> i'm sure you agree with co-chair trump that we cannot allow the chaos and questions of the 2020 election to ever happen again, we all know the problems. no photo ids, unsecured ballot drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots, and voter rolls, chock full of deceased people and non-citizens are just a few examples of the massive fraud fraud that took place if democrats have their way, your
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vote could be canceled out by someone who isn't even an american citizen. can you support us with a special election security gift of 50 or $35 today? >> okay. panel was back. doug hi this is an alarm. so just first of all, i think it's important to note that the trump campaign in 2020 litigated all of these claims in courts across the country. and there was no voter-fraud found that would have swayed the impact of the election, right? this really does feel like fear mongering are >> you >> surprised to hear lyric trump's say this? i honestly i'm not even sure what the question is. >> oh, but just last week, lara trump said, oh, we're not focusing on that anymore. that's in the past clearly, that's no longer the case because it's currently the president. well, and when you deal with donald trump, there's always the uk constantly have to be at his side and loyal every step of the way, because donald trump doesn't give points, you only takes them away one at a time.
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and that's true of family members as well. the problem is, we've already seen for republicans, we've already seen this play out. this is voter suppression it has republicans suppressing their own own votes. we saw it in georgia with trump's unsuccessful race there in 2020. and then we saw it with the senate races when donald trump was out there saying, your vote doesn't matter, it's been taken away from you. everything that lara trump just said there it's cost republicans, mitch mcconnell and republican leadership should know this and you talked earlier in the show about mail-in ballot now let's the second race i ever did. i would pinpoint are absentee ballot chase program on credit on the victory lock fair cloth beat terry sanford because we had an amazing job of mail-in ballots. we would send absentee ballots to people, and we would literally chase them on the streets until they returned it. it's why we want from the race. republicans have long headed advantage on this. and unfortunately, in deference to donald trump has always, they're just giving it away. >> well, let's remind everyone what donald trump has to say about mail-in voting and cheating. watch trump if you
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are a mail-in voting, you automatically have fraud. anytime you have mail-in ballots anytime you have mail out or mail-in d column, different names anytime the male is involved, you're going to have cheating so long has dug right? >> i mean, it's fast at what look i mean, i've talked to republicans in local races even looking forward to november that are trying to emphasize mail and voting. and then you have and trying to take advantage of a strategically and then you have comments like that kind of undermining that effort. we were talking before about how many republicans want to focus on she was like the economy, like immigration pressing day-to-day issues as we look forward to this election. but can we continue to see these statements that look to the past that make false or misleading statements good looking to the past election, right? i remember in the midterms to i talked to so many republican strategists that we're saying hoping that the form because it would just focus on the current white house in these issues facing people today but he can't help
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himself on this issue. he continues to look back. >> how many times are we going to say he can't help himself? >> was we covered >> unfortunately, this is also a case of though the republican party essentially doing the stop hitting yourself, stop hitting herself >> gosh, i have a four-and-a-half year-old. thankfully, we're not affect game yet, but and that's the rnc these days before and a half year old >> all right. that's an assessment coming up third time, not the charm. a judge denies trump's latest attempt to delay his hush money case plus no, moon agrees >> paul simon at last night's white house state dinner will show you more of the big moments and the big guests ahead. speaking a big guests? >> mark mckinnon >> joins us live next for those of you w are wondering if he would bring his trademark trademark cowboy hat. >> there you have it >> sometimes investing can feel like you're going at it alone
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>> all right. 45 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. donald trump's hush money trial is still on track to start monday. a judge, on wednesday rejecting the former president's third attempts to delay the criminal trial the biden administration moving to close the so-called gunshot loophole in an effort to combat gun violence, the rule will require people who sell guns online and at gun shows conduct background checks on their potential customers. the new york times reports the former interpreter for los angeles dodgers superstar shohei ohtani in talks to plead guilty we'll see you after being accused of stealing millions of dollars from ohtani gambling with it president biden toasting the close relationship between the us and japan at a state dinner hosting japanese prime minister kishida maybe divide it by distance, but the generations after generation, we've been brought together, the same hopes, the >> same values, the same commitment to democracy and
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freedom and dignity, dignity for all all right, turning out of this resurgent inflation is threatening to derail president biden's economic messaging around a key phase of his presidential >> campaign against trump. and now biden's former chief of staff, rahm clean, dishing out some pretty punchy advice about how the president shouldld be talking about these issues to voters according to audio obtained by politico, klain said this quote, i think the president is out there too much talking about bridges. you go to the grocery store and you know, eggs and milk are expensive the fact that there's an effing bridge is not, it's an ethane bridge like it's a bridge like how interesting is the bridge? it's a little interesting but it's not a lot interesting joining me now is mark mckinnon is former adviser to george hw bush and john mccain. he is also the creator of showtimes, the circus mark. it's wonderful to have you. thank you so much. trevino here >> hey, thanks for having me on case ron klain is one of the smartest in the biz and he's
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absolutely right. voters don't care about what you've done. tell him what you're going to do >> fair enough >> he he >> used some tough words here. i can't imagine they landed well and the white house, i don't know how you might have felt if you would have been advising a president at that time? one of your former folks have gone out and said that, but let's be real. we got the inflation news yesterday. it's not looking good or as good as many experts had hoped, where, where do you think biden should be on this? >> well, speaking of smart strategies case, you know, james carville, he was the first campaign manager, numbers campaign. i ever did when he did his first campaign, 40 years ago. and after we won that primary, he was such a mad man that we put them in a separate building because he was scaring the interns. but he said something recently on our show that i think maybe the only truth we think about the selection which is the era of strategic certainty is over so conventionally, you'd think with these two guys, it's a rerun and it'd be a really static race and really predictable. and yet it's not
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that at all. just think about the last 24 hours and all the things that have happened to shaken up the race including and especially arizona. so you look at that and go, oh, my god. well, maybe biden can win arizona now. and then you have the inflation is and you go, well, maybe the news isn't so good. so i mean, just every news cycle, we're getting more and more sort of washer and dryer treatment in this election. and despite the fact that we have a rerun, it's really unpredictable now, it's a really, really, really great point mark. how do you think? what have you seen in the way that trump has basically tried to rewrite his own past on abortion as he faces this moment with arizona well, it's just a reflection of what a cul-de-sac the republicans find themselves in on this issue. i mean, the republicans have caught the car for years and years and years. it was for them a political cudgel to use in elections. but once they had to actually set policy based on these issues let's become really tricky. and it's a
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tricky issue that's why it's been so troublesome for so many years in this country and there's no easy answer and that's where trump and republicans find themselves right now is because they're responsible now and trump is taking all the credit for the supreme court overturning roe v. raid. >> and now suddenly it's coming back in their face and there's just no good answers and it's a really a troublesome issue and i think it's really going to shake up that race in arizona. i think it does put arizona and firmly now and biden's column and i think it's thanks. kari lake's boc pretty quickly, but it sure seems like that's the case. i mean, her reversal on this has been even more stark and she was able to name the exact number. >> we have to take hi, now, that old law back from when dobbs was first enacted, mark one of the things i'm really interested to talk to you about because you experienced this the hw bush team experienced this when a third party candidate had a major impact on the 1992 election. and we're seeing that play out this year.
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there was a staffer for robert f. kennedy juniors campaign since fired, who said this. she was caught on tape and what resulted in the firing. but listen to it the kennedy voter and the trump voter. >> the >> enemy are mutual enemy is biden. >> if you don't get to >> to 70 if nobody gets to see 70, then congress picks the president. are they going to pick? who are they going to pick if it's a republican congress, they'll pick trump. so we're rid of biden either way. >> i have more >> trump t-shirts than i do. >> bobby kennedy t-shirts. i'm going to vote for bobby. however, if trump if i wake up november 6 and trump wins, i'm not going to be overly upset, but if biden wins, we're all going to be terribly upset. >> so there. you have it pretty straightforward. there. what is the impact on what rfk juniors doing >> well, it's potentially huge. i mean, think about it
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and 16 jill stein arguably, are in 20 well, you have two candidates. jill stein on the democratic side, taking votes away from biden, then you had joe jorgensen in 20 taking votes away from donald trump in either case, the margins were that trump and biden won by, were the same margins at those third-party candidates won by. so in this race, robert kennedy has already pulling at anywhere from 50 seemed to 20%. that's going to diminish certainly. but let's just say it's five in erase this close, it's going to make a huge difference and you can argue it either way. i mean, robert kennedy is an enigma and a mystery in many ways. but because he's to some voters easy anti-vax kinda trumping candidate another voter receives an environmental activists and very progressive. so you can kind of argue how the impact will be either way. but there's no question at the end of the day. it's going to have an impact and it could swing the race and almost certainly will. so that's why
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there's so much focus. and by the way, the democrats are doing a laser-like job, knowing like understanding what happened with jill stein before and in the past with third-party voters and they're really taking on these third-party candidates and tried to blow them up before they, before trying to kill them. but the cradle >> do you get the sense that i've been digging into some of the things that steve bannon, for example, has said about rfk okay. junior and there's been some reporting that he was involved in pressuring him to get into the race. do you think that's part of the story here with him? >> well, i guess i think that there's a lot of i think people, a lot of questions about why he's in the race. so what's really his rationale? it's, it just seems odd that this guy from legacy family would be running and what's the end game? so i think people have a lot of questions about what the motivation is. i think it's unclear. so the tape that
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you just showed is really i think problematic. and it's stories like the ban is story are true then i think that's again problematic, but again, unless he's out of the race, i think that no matter what kind of apple research comes up on him, he's going to be two or three, or four, or 5%. and again, and erase this close that could make the margin, it could be the difference. >> it could be all of the difference. mark mckinnon, so grateful to have you this morning. i hope you'll come back. definitely bring the hat if you do. >> you bet kick a case. he thanks for having me. >> thanks. see you soon >> i now this later today, fbi >> director christopher wray is expected to tell congress that the foreign intelligence surveillance act referred to as fisa, is absolutely indispensable. but a group of republicans or rebelling against house speaker mike johnson, and they just tanked the latest effort to reauthorize fisa after donald trump told them to quote, kill it. it is just the latest problem for a speaker who is fighting to fend off threats of
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ouster from within his own party. there are republicans in his conference who are perplexed >> like you prevented yourselves from voting on the amendment that she wanted that were on break concerned about >> i don't know what i don't know what the issue do i find it frustrating >> finding the logical not to pass, not being able tss means that we're running over oor the opposion. nobo can manage his himseluld not manage his conference >> panelback, do, hi, this >> jesus manage this comprende >>el i >> srt. >> yesyes. i have coidence that the lord jesus good. anody else? i n't ow i that's possible. and it's why it mak it very vy hard to predict 'going happen on this. i do't ow what's gonna ppen because t house republicanonference don't. and what wsaw is what often happens. there's a very small margin of error yesterday, there was zero margin for error. are they couldn't lose
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one vote. and members go in and when they vote, there are four panels that shows everybody's name with a green line there were a red light. and quite often people are looking and seeing what their pals, their buddies are doing, and they're going to vote with their pals. and that's what we saw yesterday. and that's been the problem for the past two years now? yeah. no one people >> compare congress like a high school cafeteria. it's that, that's exactly what is the peer pressure. >> but but they're voting with their pals, are they voting will help donald trump tells them to do like if you've a puppet master mutually exclusive, but when you, when you cannot lose one vote and the whip says, i don't know if we have the votes are not. that suggests there's a problem and you usually don't bring that vote. you don't bring that vote up because you don't want to lose out on the floor. >> you do have to wonder just how many times though, to your point, we are going to see headlines former president's sinks, this bill. i mean, for somebody who is out of is not in government, this is just the latest example of seeing the influence that trump has over legislative matters in congress. you can go back to that bipartisan border bill
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that got sunk by via trump's social media post. you can go to this example my it's, i mean, you have to think of trump as well when mike johnson talks about changing ukraine aid to be in some sort of loan which we know is also a nod to the former president. so we are seeing, look, there is also a policy debate with this package as well. and i think it's worth saying that you'd not just among republicans, you also among progressive dams that are wanting more assurances of requirements to ensure that any sort of surveillance of noncitizens that might be commuting noncitizens abroad, that might be communicating with americans in the country that there is a warrant and those matters we know that concerns national security officials, but the politics as well has to be mentioned here. and the influence of the former president when things go so wrong and house republican conference politics, patrick mchenry often quotes the talking heads same as it ever was same as it ever was. he sings that song a lot these days. >> right >> megan
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>> what are the >> implications here for democrats? is there do you think? world where hakeem jeffries decides that ukraine aid and getting money out the door of them is more important than letting republicans do this to themselves. i mean, obviously there's political damage that they're going to continue to do. it's likely to accrue to democrats advantage on the other hand, there's this massive worldwide challenge around ukraine. aid, like should democrats help johnson if they can? i think it's really important to get ukraine the aid that they need. i think that democracy is at stake. i think that the putins, number one friend is donald trump. and i think that everyone knows that, and i think that trump knows that, that he, it's beneficial. these two people are beneficial to each other so i do think that democrats are going to have to probably do some things that they're not going to be super excited about to be helpful here. but i also think that having another speakers, wraith and going into turmoil again is not good for anybody and it's not good for democrats or republicans. and so i think that they need to figure out how to work together and just like they did to keep the government funded. >> yeah, it does seem just simply bad for america erica,
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if we have a functioning piece of a major bridge far government okay, so on that cheery note, i'm going to leave you with something much more cheerful. there was a cuteness overload at the masters before the famous golf tournament gets underway, there is always the annual par three contests where families joined players on the court you can see on the course, you can see the pros accompanied by their kids wearing those masters white caddie jumpsuits. but no one shined like bubble watson's nine-year-old daughter, dakota. she knocked down not one, not two but three long plots. watch this. >> if you've ever played golf, you >> know, just how hard it is to sink a putt like that one >> look at her oh my gosh. also this that's also adorable not quite as successful as those long plots, but clearly following and her dad's footsteps, i love to see what she does.


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