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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 11, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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opportunity to shape it he helped turn reporters into a household names. dan rather morley safer, ed bradley, bob simon, steve croft, diane sawyer. the list goes on and on. the deals he made, the vision he had changed the television news business forever his wife carroll, became an agent two and a powerhouse in her own right. >> she still is. >> she >> agreed to represent me nearly 30 years ago when not a lot of people were interested in doing so. she changed my life too. and she's part of my kids lives now as well for carroll and richard, career success was important, but their greatest complement was, and is the family they built. their two sons, adem and jonathan, and their grandkids, villi melody le and jolie richard leave nar died at the age of 85 this week he was loved and he will be missed >> the news >> continues right here on cnn
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>> how bright next breaking news. oh, for three, trump rejected three times in three days failing to delay his hush money case, which starts afford aids. >> as he >> openly dares the judge to call them out for violating his gag order also breaking quote, massive fraud, are kfile uncovering a new robocall on half the rnc's new co-chair, whose name is lara trump spreading lies about election fraud to 145,000 people and andrew at the tape and an out front exclusive our oren liebermann takes us aboard a us bomber for one of the longest military missions in the world, one that takes orange the doorsteps of china, russia, and north korea you'll see for yourself, let's go out front >> and good evening. i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news, three strikes trump's legal team back in corp suffering another blow tonight with four days until trump's first criminal trial is set to begin. his team
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trying yet again to kick judge juan merchan off the case and while trump is trying every single trick in the book to get the hush money case delayed in new york. he is also daring the judge to call them out for violating a gag order. today, trump fired up a whole number of posts online, including one which was a response to the disgraced attorney, michael avinatan, who formerly represented stormy daniels avinatan road about michael cohen and stormy daniels, two likely witnesses in trump's case and trump responded to that by saying, thank you to mychal avinatan for revealing the truth about to sleaze bags, who have with their lives and misrepresentations cost our country dearly lai's this and sleaze bags according to outfront legal analyst ryan goodman, who is with me in just a moment. this is a clear violation of trump's gag order, which prohibits him from quote making or directing others to make public statements about known or reasonably foreseeable witnesses concerning their potential participation in the investigation or in this criminal proceeding now, both of the individuals mentioned there, stormy daniels, obviously that the center of
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this michael cohen as well, sleaze bag lives misrepresentation pretty obvious. there is the gag order that was put into place because the judge ruled trump's past attacks against jurors and prosecutors were quote, threatening, inflammatory, denigrating and all of this it has had a tangible, real effect in real life for some of the people who will be testifying in this trial, including stormy daniels, who recently in a documentary spoke about some of the threats that she's received at one point, you recorded the last well, yeah, i was completely sure that i was going to die. i'm desensitized to some of it. but they've also become more violent with me. i'm more prepared with my legal knowledge, but i'm also tired, like my soul is so tight so i mean i don't know if i'm so much a warrior now as as out
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of man. i'm out of the attacks against daniels have not stopped. trump began attacking her, michael cohen. and remember, of course, as i said, cohen central to this, he central because he was the person who set up the payments in order to silence daniels and other women >> i've spoken to alan weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up with a funding when you hear trump's voice in the background, that same alan that michael cohen refers to, alan weisselberg it's trump's former chief financial officer and is now behind bars. it's in prison. he was sentenced just this morning to five months in prison after he admitted to lying on the stand in trump's new york fraud trial so just to all of this, somebody went to prison today because of all of this, paula reid is outfront and all of the late development tonight and paula trump failed
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again today to delay his hush money trial. i said three strikes. they refrained from saying you're out because i know they'll try to try anything. it seems a cat if they can come up with it in these next days, what happened and what's his neck? let's move. >> there are and i also tried to stay away from sports analogies, but i can report that after seeing petitions denied on monday and tuesday, trump's lawyers were back before the court of appeals today arguing, yet again, that his hush money case should be delayed. this time, they said the delay would help them continue to litigate the issue of presidential immunity today and help them try to get the judge removed from the case. now, this was so extraordinary. this action on a day when the court was already really busy, that earn we learned that the basement of the courthouse had to be converted into a courtroom to hear these arguments are new york colleagues report this is the first time that that kind of accommodation has ever been made. but ultimately, this was rejected. and now the question is, okay what else could they try known a statement tonight, the trump team said, the former president quotes legal team
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will continue fighting against this biden trial and all the other witch-hunts of course, this is a case brought by the manhattan district attorney, has nothing to do with the justice department, the federal government, or president biden. but if they want to continue to pursue this, the next stop would be the court of appeals in the state of new york. that is the highest court in the state. no. if they failed there, then aaron, they would have the option to pop possibly ask the supreme court to pause the hush money case while they contemplate this issue of presidential immunity on april 25th, of course, the justices are going to hear arguments about that issue related to the federal election subversion case that is something they could try. but at this point, aaron, it's unclear if the trump team is going to file any additional appeals of this week week or before monday. >> all right. paula, thank you very much rocha is with me now, the former sdny division chief, ryan goodman are legal analyst and stephanie grisham, the former trump white house press secretary. so many, three days, three efforts, three failures, as paula said, unclear what
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else they could try to do, but she laid out one possibility they were could try to go to the appeals court fail, try to go to the supreme court, tried to get a state air on this case, while immunity is decided, is any of this realistic >> i think there's nothing that they can do in the new york courts that will stop this. i think the new york courts our repeatedly signalling both the judge, the trial judge, the appellate division has already done this and i believe the court of appeals will also ruling very quickly on these repeated motions and appeals. they are seemed to be a full steam ahead that this is a real trial date and it's sticking. i think the supreme court is always a wildcard here. i mean, we saw what happened with the immunity in the federal case. and so that one is a little bit harder to say that can't possibly happen if trump brings it to the supreme court if his lawyers do >> but >> i really try to stay away
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from protections when it comes to anything regarding former president trump. but i think the trials going on day. yeah. ryan, do you think that there's the supreme court wildcard is mainly describes it. is there any possibility that that that comes in, is that the but the final hair marry i think it is, but it's a real hail mary that's almost during the ball outside the stadium. i like it. we're using all the religious and sports analogies >> everything would go ahead. >> and partly because the immunity question that he's raising is not the same as the supreme court is currently deciding that he immune from actually being tried from prosecution. he's really trying to say because of presidential immunity, some evidence can't be used against me that's not the kind of case that the court would take a pretrial. so to have to be some things so bizarre for them to address it and it's not even a ruling on the merits. the judge actually just said your motion is completely untimely. you had a time to do it and then you waited until the last minute, even for me to suspect you have motives for doing it. so they actually have to be appealing like, oh, we should have been
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able to submit the motion, not the question. i'm immunity itself. so that just seems he should throw the ball, but it's very unlikely that it lands. >> all right, so so stephanie, the context of this obviously trump's legal team knows these, these don't, these aren't serious legal moos. theynow that they're dng obviously because wants them to do it. so epis last moment, there's this frenetic desire to have this case delayed. so why is trump doing that? stephanie so this case, many people have said is probably the least damaging against him. i don't disagree with that, however, this is very personal to him. this is an embarrassment to him. four with his family and more importantly, with his wife melania. and i spent a ton of time with her with a news was breaking about stormy daniels when we were in the white house. and then of course with karen mcdougal, who's the former playboy playmate. when those came out that he allegedly had these affairs and she didn't take it lightly at all. we went to the state of
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the union separately. she refused to walk out to marine one with him because she did not want to be like hillary clinton and standing by her man she's a very independent and strong woman and i might add there have been articles just recently that she's his secret weapon for this for this upcoming campaign. and so i would imagine that she is pushing him to make this stop. i would imagine that she will push him to go on the stand and defend himself because this is very very embarrassing for her. it's humiliating for her and i can guarantee you that she's not happy right now and that he's quite worried about that. >> all right. so him going on the stand, right. >> in this >> case, obviously, he tries to make it about whether he did or did not sleep with stormy daniels. this case is actually about hush budding payments, which were paid as to whether they were done to influence the election, right? it's about something else, but nonetheless, he, because of what stephanie said, is going to make it about that other thing, whether he did or didn't >> does he go on a >> stand? >> i think it'd be in deep trouble at one level. it actually doesn't matter whether
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or not they had an affair because it's all about whether or not they were trying to silence her writing. >> it's almost yeah, the decir didn't right? >> yeah. >> and then we've >> seen him >> operate kind of on the stand under pressure in a couple of situations in which it didn't go well for him. so the e jean carroll deposition does not go well for him. he actually attacks the women lawyer who's representing e. jean carroll and he repeats the hollywood access tape in front of her in a way that's just very bad for i'm very damaging for him. and then in the civil fraud case, the judge actually says that when trump was on the stand, he ended up being non credible. he hurt his case, so i think it'd be very bad for him for that reason. but for personal reasons, having to do with his wife trying to try to win public attention or the public story or narrative that's a different matter. but for legal matter, he'd been deeper in deep trouble and that is ultimately what i mean, what ultimately matters when it comes to the outcome, mimi, there's also the issue of those, those social media posts and i mentioned one of them were trump in complimenting just stormy daniels, former
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lawyer michael avanade, who has now gone full bore on team trump slams a stormy daniels and michael cohen, as what were the word sleaze bags and liars and things like that. there's a little bit more that happened here when i spoke to the director of a new document or we just saw stormy daniels speaking in that new documentary. i want to play more from it in terms of what stormy daniels described as to what happened happened to her after trump was indicted in this case and she was the name at the center of it. here's what happened >> back in 2018. that was stuff like liar gold digger this time around is very different >> it >> is direct threats. it is. >> i'm going to come to >> your house and slit your throat. your daughter should be euthanized they're not even using accounts. they're using their real accounts >> so in that context, today, trump comes out and mentioned, says what he says on social media, is that a violation of the gag order and he putting stormy daniels, who is
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obviously gonna be the witness at the center at one of the witnesses at the center of this in real danger? >> so i think the short answer is yes in my experience, when judges make orders, so specific as the judge did in this case, right? i mean, it wasn't just a you can't say anything about anyone which would be too broad. it was about the specific witnesses in the case and that you can't say things that will cause intimidation. and that will prejudice the jury. i mean, that's the other part of this. yes. >> this can >> lead to increased threats, which are horrible. the threat she's describing their against her, although i think those are going to happen regardless, but i'm sure there isn't likely attack in these after a post like this. but it also, i mean we are now days away from a trial starting. the judge is trying to protect the integrity of the trial with the order. >> right. the witnesses needs to be judged by the jury. that is starting to be chosen
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already it's the questionnaires have gone out the jurors need to judge the witnesses by their testimony in court with instructions from the judge. i mean, there's a process for a reason. and so trump coming out and calling them liars is about as stark a violation as you can get. >> and so stephanie trump knows that is he taunting the judge me? does he want to face possible jail and see if the judge will actually do it for violating these gag orders. >> he definitely does not want to face jail. i can guarantee you that, but as he talked to the judge absolutely. i mean, he's had how many gag orders already. i know we got fined $10,000 for violating it one time, but it's almost like some of these judges are bending over backwards so that he's not looking persecuted where i believe i could be wrong. the legal experts might know better, but other people would have been thrown in jail by now for so defiantly going against these orders from a judge. so he thinks he's not
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gonna get any consequences because he hasn't so far, which is how trump lives. think about his whole life. he hasn't had any consequences so far. so he's going to keep doing it absolutely. until there is an actual consequences like being put in jail for a day. >> stephanie, mimi ryan. thank you all very much >> next running for cover >> speaker mike johnson, heading mar-a-lago after suffering a devastating blow to his leadership today at the hands of marjorie taylor greene well, it stop her crusade to take him down. special four, we've got new reporting on her plans next, plus breaking news. cnn's kfile, uncovering a new robocalls all from lara trump, who is now in charge of the republican national committee >> we all know the problem. >> no photo >> ids, unsecured ballot drop-off math mailing of ballots, and voter rolls, chock full of deceased people and non-citizens are just a few examples of the massive fraud that took place >> hobbies so that's totally false. she knows it. >> and an
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checkout for >> in print four certain. >> cnn this morning with kasie hunt next >> tonight's speaker mike johnson suffering another major blow to his leadership at the hands of members of his own party 19 house republicans joining democrats to tank a bill that johnson had pushed, a bill that reauthorize is the us government surveillance power. and donald trump was the one who put the nail in the coffin today tweeting before the vote to kill the bill this comes as johnson is trying to already in the midst of a fight to keep his job is speakership is congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is leading an effort to oust him. and attends 70 minute meeting between green and johnson. 70 minutes. greene made no promises. she said to stand down under threat our melanie zanona is out front on capitol hill with new reporting tonight and melanie, another major defeat for johnson today in the context of marjorie taylor greene's effort to oust him, how weak is he right now?
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>> well, this is a major setback for mike johnson and also for the legislation itself. especially with johnson's leadership really under a microscope right now. and i, johnson didn't say that they were going to go back to the drawing board house. republicans did meet in the capital earlier this evening. they have not come up with a resolution yet. one potential option and as to just pass a clean extension with the support of democrats. but johnson has got to tread very carefully here because he is already in hot water with hardline conservatives and making matters worse pressed for johnson, is that this failed floor vote on that fisa bill you talked about has really only renewed the bidder in fighting inside the house republican conference. in fact, i'm told that one republican stood up during the meeting this evening and called for attributions for his gop colleagues who vote against key procedural votes. it's unclear what that would look like, but certainly gop leaders share in the frustrations right now. and it is just another example. how republicans have struggled to govern with their razor-thin majority. >> all right, so melanie is also just the whole cloak and
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dagger that's going on here, right? hours before that vote went down and johnson had that massive failure. >> he said in a >> surprise announcement that he's going down to mar-a-lago to hold a news conference with trump on friday. and the topic is going to election integrity, right? so, you know, trying to check every single possible box he could with trump, who was buying, killing the bill that hurt him, that hurt johnson today. and we don't know whether trump is behind marjorie taylor greene's crusade, dow's johnson or not, we know she said she spoke to him, but we don't know more than that. what's going on here as you yeah, everyone wants to get in trump's ear right now, my colleague, kristen holmes and i actually the first to report that johnson was going to head down to florida on friday to do this press conference on >> so-called election integrity pretty width, donald trump, we should point out that johnson was one of those members who tried to help overturn the 2020 election by signing onto a lawsuit to throughout legitimate election results, which was ultimately rejected by the supreme court, but clearly johnson is trying to stay in trump's good graces, show unity with him and highlight an issue that the former president cares deeply
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about, especially no coincidence coming amid this threat to johnson's speakership. and meanwhile, you have marjorie taylor greene, who also said she spoke to donald trump this week. she declined to say though, how he feels about her effort to oust johnson on house floor, but i am told that a number of people have asked trump to step in and support him, or at least say on the sidelines of this potential speakership fights. so clearly a recognition that down trump could hold a lot of sway in this debate. aaron all right. >> melanie, thank you very much. and as this press conference is coming up, a between mike johnson and donald trump on election integrity. we do have breaking news tonight on that topic say in quotes, massive fraud, because these are the words that actually went out in a robocall that was done on behalf of the republican national committee's new co-chair lara trump. there is, of course, former president trump's daughter-in-law. and the call was uncovered by our own kfile. listen to what he found >> we all know the problems. no photo ids, unsecured ballot
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drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots, and voter rolls, chock full of deceased people and non-citizens are just a few for of the massive fraud that took place if democrats have their way, your vote could be canceled out by someone who isn't even an american citizen. i'm sure you agree with co-chair trump that we cannot allow the chaos and questions of the 2020 election to ever happen again. >> just to be clear, obviously, those things that she lifts off not not the case. chock-full of noncitizens and we all know the debunking of the dead people on the roles and states like georgia. well, this is all at the direction of lara trump, the rnc is now aggressively spreading massive fraud claims about the 2020 election. despite these claims can see distantly being debunked it's a significant shift in messaging from the rnc tonight under new leadership, cnn's kfile, senior editor andrew kaczynski is here to walk us through his new reporting. so andrew, who exactly was the rnc targeting with this call and how widespread was it's receipt
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this call went out to 145,000 different phones i think it's important to note that this is somebody lara trump, who just two weeks ago was saying that vote by mail, republicans should embrace vote by mail. they should embrace early voting. and now we see this call where they are essentially feeding people lies about the 2020 election that dead people were voting that undocumented immigrants were voting that vote by mail is not safe. and lara trump, like her father-in-law, has a very, very long record of pushing these false election claims. we went through four years of her podcast aston campaign show, and we found time and again that she pushed these claims. i'm going to walk people through a few of them. she said, quote, the democrats cheated in the 2020 election. she urged congress not to certify the january 6 on january 6, 2021. she said she did not quote, believe biden got 81 million votes and then
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she made this rather odd claim in an episode where she said the odds of biden winning and all of the swing states in 2020 as the votes were counted, overnight was quote, one in 1 quadrillion to the fourth power, and she did not cite a statistical analysis for that. so this was really a common refrain for her take a listen to one of those comments on her podcast we cannot leave this to chance. >> we got to make up so much for all the cheating. we know that democrats love to do, that we need to go into this thing with such a big leave that they're like, oh, my god, we can't do a 3:00 a.m. spike with this. we're never going to make it. so yeah, we're going to be out there hustling. we're going to be out there working hard we're gonna be out there trying to save this country >> amusing when she says all that. and in fact, when you compare some of these comments and the robocall, right, with those false claims and totally
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focused on a stolen rigged election 15 days ago. she said the republican party is totally past disputing the 2020 presidential election. this wasn't going to be what it was about at all. and i know you found the important soundbite here. let me play that is it going to be the position of the rnc in 2024 that the 2020 election was not fairly decided or that it was stolen somehow. >> well, i think we're past that. i think that's in the past. we learned a lot certainly we took a lot of notes right now. we have 23 states that have 78 law students suits in these states to ensure that it is harder to cheat and easier to vote. and every single person, whether you're a republican or democrat, should want that. we want fairness and transparency in our elections. >> and as you pointed out, she was championing mail-in voting. she was doing all of those things and a few days later, she saying mail-in voting was part of fraud and she's telling voters election was stolen. so not at all saying we're going to move past it yeah. >> that's right. and it's not like trump is backing down from
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his false election claims either. and why is she doing this? i want people to take a look at this pole, right here, 71% of republicans in our september cnn poll said that they think the election was not legitimate but then you look at this other number here for moderates and it's almost, it's almost reversed, 70% do think the election was legitimate. so now they are stuck in this place where they've convinced their base that the election was stolen, they have to they want to say face, they have to go with these claims, but they also want to have some sort of legitimacy with the general public, which clearly does not believe this. >> all right. well, thank you very much, andrew kaczynski of kfile and outfront. now, andrew yang, the former 2020 democratic candidate for president. now, the co-founder of the forward party. and as seen as has reported, he was on on independent 2024 candidate robert f. kennedy jr. shortlist for the beep vp slot. so sitting here and hearing
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indications, files, exclusive reporting robocalls saying the election was stolen from the rnc, which now is headed by trump's daughter-in-law how do you make sense of all that >> oh, well, you saw the numbers a majority of republican base voters believe the election stolen. so if you're trying to get energy and donations, this is one way to go. i obviously disagree with that depiction of the 2020 election because anyone who is investigated has not found that those claims are true, but it's one reason why trump wanted her as the new head of the rnc and we're seeing the early impact already >> and so in part of the context here is, you talk about they want to bring more, they're trying to get raised money, get their base energized. okay. that makes sense, especially in the context of what we've seen with the money so far that trump's campaign is dramatically lagging the biden
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campaign in terms of fundraising. so $93 million cash on hand for trump, as i understand it, legal bills mounting every single day. biden has 192 million in cash on hand. yeah. i >> mean, that is an epic gap perhaps larger than than anything anyone can imagine. but you think that that lead is actually totally missing the point. >> how come? >> you have to see how the money translates into votes, particularly in the six swing states among independents and genuine undecided, which is a relatively small sliver of the population. and so the money can be spent on tv ads and we're seeing whether that's going to move the needle. the money can be spent on field offices, which they're starting to do in the swing states but really the question in my mind is whether the money is going to be spent effectively targeting the actual swing voters which tv commercials are kind of a broad brush like you're gonna get a lot the biden campaign is spending money right now is on the broader brush. >> yes and i was with a major company tech ceo and we all
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remember around the obama years, it seemed like the democrats sudden advantage in terms of technology, which now translates into the effective allocation of resources. and this tech ceo believes that republicans may be ahead this cycle based on what he's seeing, he is actually gone to the biden campaign, the democrats and said guys, let me help and he got a little bit of a brush off on let's leave, which made him very, very anxious and nervous. and one thing i'm here to say is like look democrats, some of you have my info and number does reach out to me. i'll connect you to this tech ceo because the money does not mean anything unless it actually translates into swing voters in the swing states in november. so >> walk me through how technology could decide biden wins or loses this november, i understand the point about television ads being an old school broad-brush way. totally get it. but what is the technology do? i mean, i remember even hearing with the trump campaign back when there were all those investigations into cambridge analytica and all of that about the fact that they were effectively targeting so the way technology can home
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in on individuals and test out multiple messages and say, okay, we'll try this, we'll try this, we'll try this. and as soon as you find a message that works, then you expand it. >> be i like whether people click on it or read or click on the donate button or something off of that, that it goes in an algorithm me, they can literally measure how long you're spending on the message. certainly they can see whether you're taking an action. so what they do is they take independence swing voters in wisconsin, they try out five messaging is as soon as they find one that clicks and they expanded. if it works, they expanded more than that. this is the most effective way to actually use your resources because you can actually move someone off the fence into your column in a place that's going to matter and the republicans seem to have an edge on this as far as micro, micro targeting, yeah, yeah. by the way, this is the most efficient way you can spend the money. i mean, i love tv ads i think field offices are great. but this could be the margin of victory or defeat in a close election. and we all know this is going to be close. >> i mean, 10,000 votes and georgia, arizona last time that
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rfk junior at play to razor-thin would would seem to be an understatement. all right. andrew yang. thank you very much. >> next and outfront exclusive. we're going to take you aboard the most powerful us bomber as it embarks on one of the longest military missions in the world >> year in japan, where we're overflowing at the moment and an area where we're meet up with several other countries here and carry out plus and outfront update tonight, see how trump's allies are now twisting arms as they raced against the clock to change raskin law, a nebraska law that could give trump the presidency >> introducing finish ultimate engineered for the toughest dry burn, tons stains, dishwashers, card water, new finish shelter with second sick technology helps deliver the open
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fighter jets tonight, basing off with a russian spy plane near or sweden, that russian plane flying near strategic island often named by russian state media as a potential target. if moscow invades the baltics, and incidents like the one on your screen, or why the threat of wider war continues to rise, and why, what are oren liebermann saw and this exclusive report on board the us flagship beef 50 do bomber is so important. here's orange report. first, outfront >> mylar one on paper and may 3, 3, 3330 under the shroud of pre-dawn darkness, flight, mile r11 roars that louisiana's barksdale air force base it's the start of what? the longest military missions in the world, non-stop, 33 hour flight by this b52 strategic bomber group des the other side of the world flying your russia, china, north korea korea and back you can see it's dark outside. the concrete has red light once
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again for the year, cnn is the first news crew ever allowed on one of these extensive b52 missions. >> all the are we one of the visible and flexible legs, the nuclear triad. we can have a beam and where you need when you need it with 48 hours >> these flights or intentions milley high-profile, two years into the war in ukraine as russia challenges the us and nato, the kremlin is meant to know about our bomber flight. so here's china with beijing pressuring taiwan, chinese coast guard vessels, harassing ships of the philippines, a us ally both the national leadership of russia and the national leadership of china >> what do they react >> two, we see that they publicly comment about our bomber task force missions, particularly when it involves others in very joint and public ways >> contact >> five hours into the flight, we hit our first of four aerial refueling off alaska's coast, taking on as much gas as we can attack your own >> i'd like for you after an
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hour of formation flying during this refuel, we aren't out over the pacific and towards japan >> important that we communicate to our partner we mean what we say when we say that we're committed to our alliances, that's an example of what the ppp2 dies. we show up on. >> this >> 63-year-old boeing beef due to stratofortress decades older than its crew shows its age, but it remains the air force's primary bomber, taking part in every us war since vietnam, with planned upgrades to its antiquated systems, it will see nearly a century of service this year, the us began producing its next-generation b 21 bomber. china is close behind, promising their age 20s strategic stealth bomber will be unveiled soon. >> as i can five to thank you. >> onboard mile r11, we passed by russia's east coast, closer meeting up with us and allied fighter jets our flight is unarmed. the mission is not to attack, but to prevent attack,
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to deter. but this is a bomber. of course, if we were carrying nuclear weapons, the force would monitor the flight from the joint nuclear operations center back in louisiana, seen here on news camera for the first time. >> it's >> a 24/7 operation, tracking all ballistic missile silos and airborne nuclear weapons on the ground. crews trained to turn the aircraft in the offensive platform. you initials teams or months as they're known on base, assemble weapons outside, loading teams, married bombs to bomber being can carry up to 70,000 pounds of bombs. >> if you'read, its a marathon of maraths to put the b52 and its crew virtually anywhere in the world the flight. we've been in the air more than hours is the ddle of the day. you're in japan where we're overflowing at t moment and we'll the mission area will meet up with several other countries here
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and carry out >> here on the edge of the east china sea fighter jets from japan and south korea take-up formation of four wings hours earlier for during are flight, north korea test-fired a mid-range ballistic missile reminder of the threats in the pacific. you want to be seen by both allies and adversaries. we want to be seen by allies and adversaries. it is still ahead, turner take it around the world. it is, but it's china that the us is watching most closely in october of chinese fighter jet intercepted a b52 flying over the south china sea at night, coming within ten feet of the bomber by number of ships, china has the world's largest navy soon have the world's largest air force according to the commander of us indo-pacific command beijing is rapidly modernizing its military, including its strategic forces. and they're not part of any non-proliferati on treaty obscuring their nuclear assets after 19 hours of flying and 14 more to go. a warning light signals trouble
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with one of the planes main engines the crew runs through the checklists, stato number five for >> five. >> they make the decision to shut down the engine. >> there is no >> panic, just a management of risks nearing the 30 hour mark of the flight, we see our second sunrise over washington state's mount rainier. >> and although the two is higher, they all noticed a critical task aheaand th is ground. that is e of those >> on fil approach, the b52, which has been ie r nearly 15 hours longer than the longest commercial flight and the world as one final surprise at one year, not down right man gear is not bound >> emotions >> flight, mile r11 touches down at three in the afternoon after 33 hours in the air, a mission, it showed the abilities and the age of a jet that remains critical to the air >> despite how many years cbp d2 has been running, she is a tough girl air force officials
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say there is now more of the man for these sorts of endurance missions as countries like japan, >> south korea, and other nations in the region want to see the b52 and their skies. not only because what it symbolizes to them about america's commitment because also what it shows adversaries like china, russia, and north korea sorry if i'm quickly say a thank you and arg2, my flight crew that took me through this mission omaha, nato vulcan, jet queen, swampy, and jersey. >> i was really incredible on so many levels. what you saw, what you revealed thank you so much oren for sharing it with us and everybody watching. >> thank you. >> of course. >> next trump and his allies are running out of time to change that election law in nebraska that could cause a fight in the electio an update the for next. >>ndrump >> calls this man a trump-hating judge. but trump's attacks d up? we have a special report tonight in-depth on the judge in the hush money case he was only 47
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>> i'm arlette saenz at the white house >> and this is cnn. >> tonight, the battle raging over one electoral vote that could decide the entire 2024 election. and the governor of nebraska get is under pressure from trump allies now says he may call a special session to change the state's election laws before november. this is a change that they know could kill biden's chances of winning the white house. jeff zeleny is out front omaha is a a sea of nebraska red. and that is precisely why former president donald trump and his allies are furiously trying to change state election law. >> we are going to keep on pushing and keep on pushing and keep on pushing until nebraska gets winner-take-all tonight. >> time is running short on a pressure campaigns seeking to block president joe biden from winning one of nebraska's five electoral votes as he did in 2020,
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>> that one relates horrible vote. it could possibly be the deciding factor whose president united states, precious mckesson was chosen to cast. nebraska is low in electoral college vote for biden four years ago. now, she's fighting to protect the states unique system of dividing its electoral votes. >> we've made able to give that historical vote twice. and so now i feel that they know that that vote is very, very critical and for some reason they want to switch the laws all of a sudden, many nebraska republican say changing the process one shared only by mane is long overdue, given that 48 it states award all of their electoral votes to the statewide winner. >> if you believe in the electoral college, which i do then why does it make sense for nebraska des not be following that same idea, becky >> rasmussen's study in line tuesday night at a rally to make nebraska a winner-take-all state, which would keep biden from claiming any electoral votes, were like one of the most conservative states. and for him him to win even a part of this state is just very disappointing if the biden
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trump rematches tight, both campaigns believed the race to 270 electoral votes could come down to the brassicas sprawling second district. and here's why. if biden carries wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania, and trump wins georgia arizona, and nevada, a single electoral vote in omaha could tip the balance and keep the race from becoming a two thai throwing the outcome to the house of representatives, unless nebraska just goes in fixes it, conservative activist charlie kirk of fierce trump ally, is pressuring republican governor jim pylint to call a special legislative session after lawmakers declined to act in the final days of the regular term that ends next week, pill in bach's the change, but said he would only call lawmakers back to lincoln when there is sufficient support. >> it's not about the biden or trump campaign, it's about democracy and whether or not we're willing to protect it. and nebraskan really care about this. it's why we protected it for so long and state senator tony vargas said he and other
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democrats will block any changes. they say undermine democracy. you >> better get me on the hod you understand that in 2016, trump carry the omaha area district, but lost it for years later. >> we call omaha the >> college omaha, the biden campaign is that it's on nebraska sending second gentleman, doug emhoff to open an office last month. >> he has got to continue to fight and let them understand that they can't have this blue dot it's not yours. >> it's not yours. it's not anyone's in the sense. i mean, this does not preclude foreign president trump from campaigning for it. >> no, it doesn't know. it's like you can campaign you wanted to come work hard for it. you know, but we're going to fight to keep it >> and another wrinkle here as well, erin, robert f. kennedy juniors campaign says he too will qualify for the nebraska ballot if those signatures are certified. that could make this race here in nebraska, particularly in omaha. and even more crowded one come november kind of hold to say, thank you very much, jeff next, trump
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calls him crooked and corrupt, but >> just who really >> is the judge overseeing trump's hush-money case about to begin? >> are you ready for all-star teams return for a waterfront redemption showdown? >> we're going to bring >> but only one will make us flash. i think we nailed it, rocked the bloc season finale monday night at nine on hgtv >> how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home? there's an easier way. dry air wake vibrant with two times more natural essential oils for up to 120 days of a easing fragrance per dual pack. now, that's a breath of fresh air >> so we decided to put in an in-ground pool. >> i literally went on angie and typed in pool and then gotten choices, getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids in kind of look at their reviews, look at what other people think of them. and it's nice to know that you're meeting with people who already are at a certain level.
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1:57 am in brynn for certain cnn this morning with kasie hunt. >> next tonight, trump calls him crooked corrupt, a partisan hack. >> but >> what is the truth about the man who is presiding over trump's first criminal trial? jessica schneider is out front >> i have a trump-hating judge with the trump-hating wife and family, >> donald trump has attacked the judge who will preside over his hush money trial beginning monday from every angle everything is politics in the city including decisions, uh,
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judges, and everything else. >> trump is called judge juan merchan, a certified trump hater, and has blasted his daughter, lauren, for her work as a senior executive at a super liberal democrat firm, lauren more sean has served as the president of authentic campaigns, a firm that handles online advertising and his broaden millions of dollars for work with democrats, including the biden and harris campaigns in 2020 and outspoken trump critic congressman adam schiff, it is unclear if she's still serves in that role. >> this is really seems to be like grasping at straws to say, because his daughter worked somewhere somehow that makes him by a small contributions from judgment for sean in july 2020, including $15 earmarked for the biden campaign and to $10 donations to the group's stop republicans and the progressive turnout project have also drawn scrutiny since he was assigned to the case over a year ago, immer sean is a registered democrat, but was previously a republican according to the new york times, karen friedman,
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agnifilo, who appeared before a judge, more sean for several years insists he is impartial, even if donald trump criticizes him bates him doesn't like what he's doing. he's going to be extra careful to make sure because of that. that his rulings are extremely fair and follow the law. >> monday, we'll mark judge merchan's highest-profile court case. so far, the first time a former president goes to trial for criminal charges, but merge sean has overseen cases involving trump before judge mark sean sentenced trump's close com i'm foot on alan weisselberg to prison, presided over the trump organization tax fraud trial >> kill >> me, and oversaw trump's former adviser, steve bannon. and it's criminal fraud case merge sean, who was born in bogota, colombia and moved to the us at age six launched his legal career in 1994 in the manhattan da's office. he worked his way to the state attorney general's office and was first appointed to a judgeship by then mayor michael
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bloomberg, then a republican in 2006, merced sean has been working as a state supreme court judge. the state's trial court since 2009. he's credited by his peers for his compassion. most notably, and his creation of the manhattan mental health court, or he counsels down on their luck defendants and tries to give them second chances, even one of trump's former lawyers has praised the longtime judge. >> i know judge merchan, i've try the case in front of him before he can be tough. i don't think that it's necessarily going to be something that's going to change his ability to evaluate the facts and the law in this case. >> and attorneys tell us that judge mark sean does not stand for disruptions or delays and is determined to teach to keep control of his courtroom even when cases have drawn significant attention, which obviously this one has erin, of course, judge, more sean has already dismissed trump's attempts to delay this trial and has imposed that strict gaps. like order. >> aaron, we shall say of course it is scheduled to begin on monday.