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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  April 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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2009. he's credited by his peers for his compassion. most notably, and his creation of the manhattan mental health court where he counsels down on their luck defendants and tries to give them second chances, even one of trump's former lawyers has praised the longtime judge. >> i know judge martian, i've tried a case in front of him before he can be tough. i don't think that it's necessarily going to be something that's going going to change his ability to evaluate the facts and the law in this case >> and attorneys tell us that judge more shawn does not stand for disruptions or delays and is determined to teach to keep control of his courtroom even when cases have drawn significant attention, which obviously this one has aaron, of course judge more sean has already dismissed trump's attempts to delay this trial and has imposed that strict gag order. aaron. all right. >> we shall say, of course it is scheduled to begin on monday. thank you so much, jessica, and thanks so much to all of you for being with us as always, ac30 60 begins right now tonight on three 60
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breaking news. again, a judge rules on the former president's latest in many attempts to derail monday's hush money trial also tonight where he now stands on i feel abortion ban after fallout from yesterday's surprise ruling by arizona supreme court. and now you've changed his position. and marjorie taylor greene's effort to unseat her boss the house weaker in the gop chaos that unfolded today. >> good evening. thanks for being with us. we begin tonight. keep them honest with breaking news on the perpetual machination machine that is donald john trump late today, a new york appeals court judge denied his motion to delay monday's hush money, criminal trial and apologies for not prefacing that width. stop me if you've heard this before because you have, here's the headline from just two days ago, appeals court denies and other trump attempt to delay trial. again, that was monday, seeking more time to pursue a change of venue motion. did yesterday and asking for more time to challenge the gag order. their client is under today. it got even richer with one on trump attorney arguing
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for more time to file more defense motions to which steven wu arguing for the manhattan district attorney's office said was simply not the way these things work. we're going to leave that for legal panel to sort out in a moment. one thing though is clear these last three motions are only the most recent attempts to delay or derail things last week, you follow the motion demanding the trial judge recused himself for the second time. the first was last summer. he has also tried to exclude testimony from his onetime lawyer and fixer, michael cohen that was denied last month. as was his motion to do the same for stormy daniels and karen mcdougal and motions to exclude virtually every piece of prosecution evidence, including on the catch and kill scheme, which at the heart of the case. and we should point out as a criminal defendant, even one who once told police and i quote, please don't be too nice to criminal suspects. the former president has every right to do what he is doing, every right to try to delay justice even while complaining as he did yet again today on his social network that he should have been charged three years ago instead of during the campaign. and
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even of course, though he's shown up for numerous pretrial hearings in this and other trials. none of which he was required to and raising money off them all the while so more on tonight's ruling from cnn's kara scannell, who joins us now. so what is the latest argument from the trump team? this violin? >> so today's issue, as you said, that you were other issues earlier in the week today, the focus was on trying to get the judge to recuse himself from the case. the same arguments we have heard in the lower of argument where they say that the judge is impartial because his daughter could potentially profit because of work or company does for democratic campaigns. the other argument was this, judge, judge more sean had denied trump's efforts to try to delay the trial until the supreme court ruled on presidential immunity in a completely separate case at the federal criminal charges. they're appealing that and they wanted the judge the appellate judge, to put the trial and hold for that. i mean, the the appellate judge asked a lot of questions here error, but trump's main argument was they just want another bite at the apple for some of this the da's saying,
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you're not even following the right procedure here. these are things you can appeal until the case is over. what was interesting is we actually heard from a lawyer for the court today who's speaking on behalf of judge more sean to this issue of recusal saying that there is absolutely no evidence, no proof that he stands to benefit because of his daughter's job. and the judge pretty swiftly denied this in there are some special accommodation made today in the court. what happened? >> yeah. i mean, the court's calendar was pretty packed this afternoon. they had oral arguments from other cases that have been pending for awhile. so in order to accommodate this given the nature of the case, the trial starting on monday, they went into the basement of a courtroom and rearrange tables and chairs to create a bench from the judge, including pulling out a puffy, big procedural chair for the judge arranging table so the lawyers had places to argue and then reporters were sitting on chairs and tables in the back it was really extraordinary. and what i heard was that as the first time they've ever done that, but clearly taking all of these appeals very
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seriously, even though they've all been swiftly denied, i want to bring in our legal analyst karen agnifilo and elie honig elliott, the tempo of this. what do you make of it? i mean, three hearings, three days, three defeats this is ridiculous. >> let's just say that straight up. i mean, we talked last week, henderson. i said next week, meaning this week, expect to see a flurry of motions >> but the >> pace and the nature of these filings, it's outrageous. and look, i have defended and we'll defend donald trump's right. any defendants right. to aggressively defend himself, but these motions, he's bringing, first of all, or completely out of time. he's already brought most of them, as kara said, they've already been rejected. now he's just trying again and there's just nothing to them. and it's interesting, almost borderline comedic, to see how quickly they're being rejected. we're seeing courts of appeals reject these cases in 20 minutes, 45 minutes. so they're trying to give him his say, but there's no appetite here in the judiciary to move this trial. >> and karen, i mean, is it done because there's only wednesday, so there's a couple
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of more days. >> yeah, there's two more business days. i think we're going to see more activity. this is desperate. the number of times he's been trying to delay this case the da's office said it was at least ten times. judge, more sean has even put in his orders that the defendant here is trying to delay this case. the judges and the appellate courts know that this is not just about whatever the motions about whether it's presidential immunity or a gag order, it's also an effort to delay the trial and not have it go forward. so they're gonna do everything they can to make sure that that does not happen. this case has been scheduled for a long time as elie said, many of these motions have been made already in many of these things have been decided. yes, he does have a right to do it, but at a certain point, they become frivolous and they become untimely, and they've already been and decided he has to watch that. he has to walk a fine line between making too many motions over and over again. the same thing. i think the wildcard here is if he goes to the supreme court, tries to get them to stop it because
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when you think about it and ten days, they're hearing the very issue that he wants to appeal. the issue of presidential immunity and that's being heard on an expedited basis. and so he could go to the supreme court and say, look, clearly the judge here, it is biased against me. i've already made several recusal motions about his daughter. he's gagging me, but he doesn't gag the witnesses and the president central immunity is an issue that you're hearing in ten days time, and he won't even give me ten days. i think he's going to potentially package it all up and see if take a shot there and see if he can get an ear or somebody who has no chance i would say legally know, but in this supreme court, it's hard to predict anymore what they may or may not do. i don't think legally there's a basis for it. this is state-court. this is not federal, and this is completely separate presidential immunity
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shouldn't apply here because this is all personal. this is his personal attorney >> yes. some of these were the checks were written while he was president, but they were personal checks about personal business. this shouldn't have anything to do with presidential immunity. so it shouldn't have any merit or shouldn't have any legs, but that's i think his last desperate process of following it out with the supreme court or gonen supreme court that would that automatically delay jury selection on monday? >> no, only if the supreme court were to step in and say, hey, put a hold on this. i agree with kara. i think if there's one more shot that would be it. i also agree that it will lose on substance. there's a legal doctrine called abstention, meaning the federal records including the us supreme court, are very reluctant to step in and pause things at a trial level, at a state court. and i have to say this >> when you're a >> lawyer, your credibility is everything and you get to a point where you start to lose it with the judge. it's like a boy who cried wolf phenomenon. if you come in every day to three times a day and say, oh, my gosh, we have this
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emergency. oh, my gosh. this is such an urgent situation. you have to pause it. judge, is going to start tuning you out and i think trump's team needs to consider that the former prison say shared the social media posts in defense of himself from stormy daniels, former attorney michael avinatan is in prison right now trump added his own commentary calling daniels is in form of trump fixer michael cohen, quote, sleaze bags. they both likely witnesses at the trial, would that violate the gag order? >> 100%? yes. and up till now, trump had been sort of crafty what he was doing was taking other people, saying things that would have violated the gag order and just re tweeting or retrieving that, which there's maybe a gray area. but now he says he calls the two main witnesses sleaze bags, and this is a moment of truth or the da the da needs to go to the judge first thing tomorrow morning, say this violates the gag order. you need to do something if you don't enforce discipline right now, it's going to get away from you. >> you agree with that gun? >> yes. and at the same time, it's clear that trump is
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trying to bait the judge. he wants more evidence to go to the supreme court to say he's biased against me and the judge is not going to take the bait. so the judge is going to do everything he can to make this case go. and so i think those those questions and decisions are probably happening right now in the deal his office, >> karen, elise. thanks so much. kara scannell as well more now, on the january 6 immunity decision to former president has been trying to hold up his trial for, as we said, supreme court oral arguments just two weeks away, growing calls for one of the justices, clarence thomas, to recuse himself the reason as randi kaye explains, his wife ginni is role in the events leading up to january 6 >> help this great president stand firm mark, the majority knows biden and the left is attempting to greatest heist of our history. that's a text from virginia ginni thomas to mark meadows, donald trump's former chief of staff since november 10, 2020, just days after joe biden won the election and about two months before the january 6 attack on the capitol, it's just one of
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the more than two dozen text messages. the two exchanged in another text she wrote, i can't see you americans swallowing the obvious fraud, just going with one more thing. with no fricking consequences. the whole coup. and now this ginni thomas also stood by lawyer sidney powell, who spreads long-debunked conspiracy theory that electronic voting machines had somehow switched ballots from trump to joe biden she wrote to meadows. sounds like sydney and her team are getting inundated with evidence of fraud. make a plan, released, the cracking, and save us from the left, taking america down her actions leading up to january 6, have democrats and legal scholars demanding that her husband, justice clarence thomas recuse himself from supreme court cases related to january 6. >> this is just one of the most classic textbook conflicts of interest. >> and >> it would frankly be a scandal if he did not recuse. do you think
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>> he should not >> be hearing anything relating to january 6 today? >> your wife, was involved in the big lie and claiming that donald trump, it actually won the presidential election. he absolutely should recuse himself. >> you need ginni thomas is a well-known conservative activist. she has said she briefly attended the january 6 rally, which preceded the attack on the us capitol, but returned home before the insurrection. >> the second reagan revolution is growing after the 2020 election. she also exchanged emails with conservative attorney john eastman who the house january 6 committee says helped devise a scheme to try and overturn joe biden's victory. it's unclear what ginni thomas said to eastman in the emails. but when she testified before the january 6 committee in 2022, the panel's chair said ginni thomas told them she still believed false let's claims that the 2020 election was stolen from trump and she testified that after
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the election, she'd hoped that state legislators could identify fraud and irregularities in a timely manner before it was too late. she also testified about her texts to mark meadows saying, quote, i regret all of these texts explaining it was an emotional time all of this a glaring problem, say democrats and justice thomas is simply refuse to disclose what he knew. and when he knew it about his wife's insurrection activities. >> as the supreme court's nine justices, including clarence thomas, will soon rule on whether trump as immune from prosecution related to january 6 democrats argue both justice thomas and his wife have an interest in the outcome of donald trump's prosecution? and in making jack smith's case against trump go away. >> there's a very direct conflict of interest if he can help get rid of the case, he can protect his wife from the scrutiny of having our actions be evidence for the
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prosecution. >> ginni thomas told the january 6 committee she was served hurt, and she never spoke with her husband about the legal challenges to the 2020 election. she also testified that clarence thomas was completely unaware of the texts that she had with mark meadows until she says the committee leak them to the press she also said it's quote laughable for anyone who knows her husband to think she could influence his jurisprudence for his part, clarence thomas has remained silent on the issue and has given no indication he plans to recuse himself love to spend time with my wife who's totally my best friend in the whole world >> randi kaye cnn >> with that as the backdrop, i'm joined now by jeffrey tube and best-selling author of the nine inside the secret world of the supreme court, which is an awesome book. so can you just explain? why justice thomas is not? it doesn't have to recuse himself. i mean, because what his wife has been saying is the deepest conspiracies just
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totally fake stuff, which is what this case that they are going to hear august 25th is fundamentally about it, which is what are the legal implications? as of january 6, the reason he is not required to recuse himself is that the supreme court operates by different ethical rules from any other federal judges. they have no ethical rules that are binding on them. and there is no enforcement authority on them. the only discipline that is available when it comes to supreme court justices is impeachment, which of course has never been a supreme court justice impeach and it's certainly not going to happen here. so clarence thomas can deal with this issue by ignoring it and there is no remedy other than impeach >> would it take take an act of congress to get some sort of rules in place for the supreme court. absolutely. and that and that has been raised over the years the justices have
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suggested there might be constitutional problems with congress imposing rules on the supreme court, but we don't. that's an academic question. this point, since there are not some >> of these texts from ginni thomas, are they appear delusional? thomas writes to mark meadows >> this is yeah. >> she writes helped this great president stand firm mark, you are the leader with him who's standing for americans constitutional governance at the precipice the majority knows biden in the left is attempting the greatest heist of our history. >> but look at the language constitutional governance her husband is in charge of what are one of nine people in charge of what constitutional governments governance is in this country. and this case on to be argued later, later this month is about the structure of the constitution as it applies to the january 6 leopard print loving sidney powell, she writes, sounds like sydney and her team are getting in with evidence of fraud. make a plan
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released. the crack in and save us from the left taking america down. i mean, well this is gleick boilerplate banana is, but it's more than that because sidney powell is not just a bananas conspiracy theorist. she is a defendant in the georgia criminal case, as is mark meadows, who is the recipient of this. so she is intimately involved with people who are under criminal indictment in connection with this very case >> it also >> raises the question what was she saying with sidney powell had what were the nature of her conduct? its context, it she did give a deposition to the january 6 committee, but they didn't really get the idea. the ginni thomas has never had a conversation with her husband about the banana conspiracy theories. i mean, that's just seems insane. what is pro-trump attorney john eastman, who used to be a clerk of thomas. how does he play into all this? well, he he is in the process of
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>> being disbarred and he is also a defendant in this in the georgia case he the he is facing consequences. it is unclear to me whether ginni thomas should face any legal consequences, but even if she was just exercising her first amendment rights, which she certainly has the right to do. it gravely implicates her husband in a conflict of interest that is just so obviously egregious. but as i said, no one can do anything about it unless thomas himself decides to recuse himself, which he clearly will not do because they granted certiorari in the case. he participated in that decision. so he's obviously going to participate mass decision supreme court justices talk about chernova collegial friendship feeling among justice. or do these people hate each other? >> they do >> not hate each other. i mean, there is a culture of niceness at the supreme court, perhaps
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to a fault. stephen breyer, who just retired. he's written a book all right, that's right. yes. yeah. and he wrote an op-ed piece in the new york times saying oh, we disagree so strongly, but we get along so well the question i have about that much as i respect justice breyer is who cares that they get along. i care about the decisions they come out with. i think most americans care about the decision since they come out with whether they get along or not is really of no cost. there's i mean, it doesn't seem like there's any way he's going to recuse himself. >> zero chance, zero, because she's >> he's already participated in the case bye, bye. in the certiorari decision that is agreeing to take the case. so there is zero chance he will recuse himself. and there is zero possibility that anyone can do anything about it, except impeach him, which obviously is not going to happen. >> geoff tube. and thank you. >> next, the former >> president's apparent shift on abortion, specifically the politics behind it and the surrounding it in the face of yesterday is stunning arizona court ruling taking this day
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back to 18, 64 and later yet another republican house speaker under fire hi, or from another member of his own party in this case, marjorie taylor greene. and the turmoil she is now bringing this source with kaitlan collins. tonight at nine always dry scope before you run >> hot dog died, gametes >> it's time. we listen to science. one de is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day science that matters. >> file 100% free with turbotax free edition, roughly 37% kind of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only. see how a that's me >> this is my favorite this one is going to be ready for the baby from design and products to removal and installation, rebound this with you through every step of your remodel. the color visit for your the free and home design
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30-day fit guarantee at honey, more fallout today from yesterday, shakur of a ruling by arizona supreme in court reinstating near total ban on abortion pass in 18, 64. today republican state lawmakers blocked democrats in both chambers from measures to roll back the law, you'll recall the week began with the former president saying that abortion should be left to the stage without really saying what he'd do as president yesterday after the ruling, he stuck with that line with the campaign spokesman saying, quote good president trump could not have been more clear. these are decisions for people of each state to make, which sounds like he was all right with the today, though perhaps sensing the potential political problems building, he said the court went too far yeah. >> straight down i should note it's all about states rights and we everybody else who can bring it package the recent and that will be taken care of, i think very quick >> the former president has
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already repeatedly boasted about appointing justices who overturned roe v. wade. so there's that joining us are cnn political commentators, both conservative scott jennings and on griffin, also kaitlan collins, swing here's the source coming up at the top of the next hour i mean, i don't know why i would even ask this question, but do you believe the former president's when he says he would never sign a national abortion ban. >> absolutely not. listen, donald trump's not motivated by any core ideology. he's guided by the political wins and what those around to muy six to get advice from, advise him to to do and what he thinks it's going to garner him the most political goodwill. so of course, if the tucker carlson's in the steve bannon's of the world, say you need to sign this and his base is telling him to, he absolutely would now reality is there aren't votes in the senate at this point for a federal abortion ban. but he would, if it were in front of him, scott, i mean, just the foreign prison. does this latest stance potentially help him with moderates? it's more than a hurts him with conservatives because we had pollster frank lines on last night. he seems to think nothing. the foreign president could do would cost him evangelicals import >> well, there's certainly banking on the idea that
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there's effectively two choices here. joe biden and donald trump. and if you're a pro-life evangelical and you look at the toulmin's records he gonna do go vote for joe biden. i don't think so. that's what they're believing. now, it is interesting. >> this >> whole question about a federal ban is alyssa said there's no way anything can ever pass the congress if i were him, i think i would be that honest about it and say, you keep asking me about a band, but congress isn't going to act. that's why i took my position, which is the realistic position. that the states are going to end up sorting this out. this is where joe biden, i actually think that says some things that are not true sometimes because he seems to intimate to his supporters that he can reinstate roe versus wade if you vote for him. well, that's not going to happen either. >> so the >> truth is, action is happening in the states. and now you see him laying out his preferences each state pops up, whether it's alabama on ivf for arizona on this deal game, how tough do you think it is going to be for the form present to portray himself as the person who feels proud about roe v. wade being overturned. but it's also
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critical of near-total bands and stays the trump team was feeling pretty good on monday about how his abortion announcement went, that how it was sitting with republicans who are in moderate districts that are gonna have a lot of trouble this fall because they felt like he had hit this middle ground and maybe it wouldn't be so much of an issue. well, i think arizona has dropped the bombshell that shows the whole state's rights. argument is not going to work and it's not going to be sufficient because what donald trump is saying is, hey, this should be left to the states today. he's criticizing how state that it was left up to is handling it. and of course, we're only in that position because of how he paved the way to get here with roe versus wade being overturned with the three justices he put on the supreme court. so i think it's become a real issue and it's a wrinkle and their plans for how they were going to handle what trump knows is a really sensitive issue. i mean, he does even say abortion in private, he calls it the a word because they know how bad this is for republicans and donald trump's a lot of things, but he is politically astute and he gets this and this is making it difficult for them and it's
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not totally clear how they're going to handle this now he's saying it should be up to the state's democratic governor. he wanted to republican to win that race. kari lake, obviously she didn't it's just kind of rich. i think that they're now turning to the democratic governor to fix this >> but also when i'm talking about kari lake, i want to play what she said in 2022 about the exact same civil war era abortion ban after roe v. wade was overturned i'm incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that's already on the books. i believe it's ars 13, so it will prohibit abortion in arizona, except to save the life of a mother she's now saying, reverse that. so you're saying she doesn't like this. things has gone too far and, you know that a lot has got to be extreme if kari lake is saying it's too extreme, this is a complete flip-flop and reversal. but to caitlin point, i think trump did the best that he could with the politics of this. i do think the only tenable place from tobii would be deferred a states. but i actually have a working theory that it definitely well heart republicans and the election. i
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think donald trump may be able to message his, his way and in a way that it's not going to hurt him as much. what i mean by that as we saw kansas, kentucky, and ohio where people came out and voted for republicans, but also voted to uphold abortion rights that signal something which is that people can separate the issue. and if it's on ballots, there's gonna be voters who are going to say great, i get to vote for trump and i get to vote for reproductive florida. it's going to be on the ballot, will be on the ballot in florida. and i think it's much harder for down-ballot candidates. this is i mean, this is a gift ruben gallego, this is going to be very hard for kari lake to try to message her way out of. but trump's kind of a master of saying everything to all people and kind of being on all sides of an issue. >> it's got him clearly formed. prison does not believe it politically tenable to support abortion bans without exceptions for rape or incest life. the mother do you worry about gop house and senate candidates running to trouble with voters in november if they don't agree with him on that, especially with control of congress on the line yeah, he absolutely has the correct political position on this. and my advice to republicans running in any kind of a district that has any kind of
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purplish nas at all. even not percolation is b for the exceptions, it's the old reagan position, it's what the republican party was four for years. it's overwhelmingly popular and trying to go down this rabbit hole all of picking and choosing the exceptions. i'm just telling you. people want the exceptions. alyssa mentioned kentucky. we did have some stuff on about in the last couple of years. we don't have the exceptions. we have life of the mother, but we don't have in kentucky where i live. the other two and voters noticed and they didn't like it. and so trump's instincts on that are absolutely correct >> i mean, caitlin the trump is a resident of florida, has is he going to take a position on the ballot >> i think it's a good question because he's been critical of the six-week law. he said it was too harsh. she believed the law that ron desantis got the florida legislature and florida which would basically do whatever he wanted a little over a year ago to push that through. he says it was their idea, but obviously, i mean, he was a very powerful governor at the time and they thought he was going to be president potentially one day. and so we're seeing how it didn't
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help him in the republican primary. obviously, he's not the republican presumptive nominee so i think it's a good question because i think trump has broken with his party on that and i don't think he has said how he would vote on that he's been very critical of the six weeks. yeah. kaitlyn, thanks so much. alyssa. thanks, scott as well up next the standoff between house speaker johnson and fellow republican marjorie taylor greene and her efforts to remove him from his post, mi the republican shrinking majority he's not our republican speaker of the house. he the democrat speaker of the house. mike johnson doesn't have the trust of the conference, and that's become very clear. mike johnson has made a complete departure of who he is and what he stands for and to the point where people are literally asking, is he blackmailed? >> what is it's wrong with him
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>> let's see an infill. sunday, april 21 at nine >> the republican house leadership is once again hanging by a thread. you'll remember it was only six months ago and the far-right members of the house ousted then-speaker kevin mccarthy, which then set in motion a wild three weeks with no house speaker and republic well, beginning fighting on full display what's old seems to be new again because right now congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is threatening to do it again this time to johnson. she filed the motion last month to remove him over, among other things, funding for ukraine, but hasn't moved to force a vote on it yet. she continues to threaten that though, which is complicating the republicans narrow house majority even further and causing division in the party with the number of republican lawmakers now saying that greene's efforts enough, seen as manu raju has more the frustration within the house gop is palpable. we don't truly have a majority at this point. you have a loosely aligned coalition government right now and it's an incredible challenge, a bitter gop infighting, derailing the gop
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agenda and now threatening speaker mike johnson's job resolution, ways, major decisions over the fbi spying power, and providing billions in aid to ukraine, all as a threat to oust him continues to loom as congresswoman marjorie taylor greene escalated her attacks and motion to vacate is real. we can't continue to be led by our elected speaker of the house. that's passing the democrat agenda our voters will not tolerate that. >> all of it in raging fellow republicans, this is incredibly reckless. this is nothing more than just look at me. no one else is paying attention. so here's my motion to vacate. >> now it's my time. i think senate 31, that's unnecessary. and frankly, it was a mistake. was congress allowed it to happen to kevin mccarthy. >> it's an impossible job. the lord jesus himself could not manage his conference for this, can't you just can't do it. >> johnson will soon see his razor thin majority shrink, giving him just one vote to spare. but the right wing continues to give johnson fits furious over his deal-making
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with democrats and warning him about his moves ahead. green outlined her anger in a scathing five-page letter attacking johnson over his handling of a funding package to keep the government open. and less 70 minute meeting with johnson today warning him not to move ahead with any more aid to ukraine or a bill to renew the fbi's warrantless surveillance authority, something former president donald trump successfully urge republicans to kill earlier today, latza members i'm talking to support the letter that i sent and they completely agret and that's the only feedback that i've heard. >> what >> johnson offering this warning, if queen moves ahead, it would be chaos in the house. he had several hardliners are open to greene's >> call for his ouster. i think she has some valid concerns. i'm not closing the door. >> are you ready to vote to vacate the speaker? >> we're not going to go down that path right now. i think that the republican conference as a whole needs to really figure out what we are about. if you he does move forward, any ukraine package. could that cost him his job? yeah. i think it'd be a real risk for the
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speaker to move a giant package. >> but johnson, who was holding afford a press conference with trump on friday, could also be saved by democrats, especially if he moves on ukraine. >> but whatever he does, i'm going to support him because he's trying to do the right thing. >> mono now joins me from capitol hill. so what are you hearing about how former president trump will come down the issue? >> well, that is one of the big questions right now about whether or not donald trump will try to tip the scales one way or the other. marjorie taylor greene told me that she spoke with down trump yesterday. she would not say whether or not donald trump was supportive of her effort. i asked her if he's starting to dissuade her at anyway, she said she wouldn't she suggested that he was not an add-on trump instead was fully because on his own reelection meantime, mike johnson has been speaking with trump, but he would declined to comment two, when we asked him today whether or not he has asked trump for his support. now we do you have learned also that trump is an johnson are planning to have a joint press conference on friday and mar-a-lago, there's wasn't talking about election issues. what exactly that
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means? is unclear and whether he actually gives johnson to support is also unclear. if he does, that could help him to significantly with the right wing of his party and will be uncertain whether marjorie taylor greene would change our approach if that were to occur? we do know anderson that lots of trump, but johnson allies were close. donald trump have been urging the former president to get behind. my johnson has critical time believing that a chaotic episode where the speaker has house and republican in fighting will only hurt is efforts to take back the white house. so whether donald trump has tip the scales in this inner-party fight remains to be seen on a raja. >> thank you. meanwhile, well, as johnson faces a serious threat of his speakership this friday, as manan just mentioned, he said to hold a joint news conference with the form president mar-a-lago on quote, election integrity. students kristen holmes joins us now with more. so what's the goal here with this press conference? >> well, it depends on whose goal you're talking about because i've not going to be impression that there's any goal for former president
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donald trump, that every, the big goal here of a law is just speaker dogs and just so you know, i've talked to one senior adviser to donald trump who called this quote, unquote johnson's thing. another one told me that it was johnson's team that was running point on this press conference. and if you really look at the hi me. hear you, johnson going down to florida to stand next to donald trump at a time when he really needs his support to talk about something that matters to donald trump, that donald trump wants to talk about. i'm madhu talked a little bit about this. there's actually number of drugs and allies who told me that they have encouraged trump to either support johnson on friday just stay out of this altogether and i will also remind you that marjorie taylor greene is very, very close to donald trump. the other part of this is that donald trump might not want to weigh in on top of that, he told one source of mind that he doesn't want to go through another speaker battle. so he might have to weigh in at some point, if that's what doesn't want to do >> and so what is the political benefit of anything for trump
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to help the speaker? >> the political benefit is that he gets to stay out of another speaker race and there isn't another speaker's. i will remind you that during this lengthy month long process of ousting kevin mccarthy i think and getting to mike johnson almost the entire news cycle every single week was all about the speakers. is that at one point donald trump actually said, when he was in court in new york, all anyone cares abt is the speaker'race. he said that donald trump likes to get media attention. he doesn't want the fixation to be on another part of this hey, arctic republican party. he wants it to be on him running for president. if there is another upset, if there is another weeks-long process that we all take to have it every news cycle that's going to take away from him being in court in new york as well? no. he wants to maximize those opportunities kristen holmes. >> thanks. up. next new details. i'm an israeli strike that. killed three children of a senior hamas political leader. that and how israel has responding to hamas's claim. they're currently unable to find 40 hostages that meet the
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criteria for the first phase of any ceasefire deal. >> how would really have sunday, april 29 on cnn, higher shipping rates may be the cost of doing business. but at what cost? >> turns shipping to your advantage with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service they need the lawn back fast, a unit scott's turf grass. it grows grass two times faster and you see the loan given you a stronger laws now let's play either way. >> it's got to rebuild a rapid grass today. it's guaranteed fee did not feeding >> so which like are we. operating asking the right question can greatly impact your future.
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>> back in the day but where did it come? from >> and how >> did it get all the way to you >> see for >> yourself that ancestry? >> there's debris and less guy that runs husbands and wives gone i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn tonight. two >> major developments in the >> conflict between israel and >> hamas, the israeli military today confirm they carried out a strike killing three sons of a top hamas political leader. the idf says the three were hamas military operatives who conducted terrorist activity in gaza, a cnn stringer in gaza also said three of the leaders, grandchildren were killed in the strike the attack comes amid ongoing negotiations for another hostage and ceasefire deal. but hamas has indicated they don't have enough hostages that would meet the criteria for the first phase of a ceasefire i'm joined now by cnn's jeremy diamond in jerusalem and senior military analysts, retired army four-star general and former
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nato supreme allied commander wesley clark so jeremy, what exactly this was saying about not having this hostages because the israel has said there's at least some 130 bleed held hostage will anderson, for weeks now, these negotiations have been trying to build towards an agreement censoring around two key things. first of all, a six-week ceasefire, and secondly, the release of some 40 hostages. the remaining women as well as elderly and sick menn. but now we're learning that hamas is informed the mediators that they eat there don't have, or that they cannot locate 40 hostages who fit those categories. and this is obviously a major potential obstacle to reaching an agreement because of how much and for how long the talks of focus on that very notion. and it also raises the specter frankly for the families of those hostages is that there simply are not 40 hostages alive who match that category, raising concerns for those families, of course, and for
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the prospects of a deal. >> general clark, i mean, if it's true that hamas doesn't have 40 hostages that fit the crime criteria. do you think they'd ever turned over other hostages even if they are younger and military aged, males >> the shirt on shrug, if they want the negotiated agreement to move forward. but now with hamas they know they're winning they know the weight of global opinion, including in the united states, is weighing in against the israelis against a continuation of the operation into raphe rafat they know that if they shouldn't play, hang tough continue to report casualties get the sympathy of the world on their side. there'll be increasing pressure against israel. and this has been really the aim of their war plan since october 7, he believed their winning they believe their winning and if you look at the measures of
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success, we can't tell how many hamas are commanders have been killed. and so forth. but the bottom line on it is if this fight is in the moss survives. it will come out and anything is done to rebuild gaza, give a palestinian to skate or anything else. hamas will claim that it's the victor and that it is the cause for the success of the two-state solution and the rebuilding of gaza and so forth and hamas has been an organization dedicated to murder a snitch laser terrorist organization. so it's a really bad thing for the whole region. if hamas does survive and claim success >> jeremy, obviously, hamas is violating all international norms. red cross norms about treatment of hostages and the identifying of hostages communications from hostages they haven't even put forward a an accounting of all the people that they have, have they no, they haven't.
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>> and that's something that israel has been trying to obtain four months now as part of these negotiations asking hamas for a list of the hostages that they have a list of the hostages that they have who remain alive and so far hamas is referred used to provide that they have repeatedly said that what they need is a ceasefire in order to be able to actually identify and locate all of these hostages, some of whom are not in their captivity, but in the captivity of other militant groups. and we know that these really government has a certain sense of which hostages are alive and in which hostages are dead. and we also know that the israeli government believes that beyond those some 30 hostages who they have confirmed to be dead, they believe that there are others who likely are as well, but there is a very high bar anderson in the israeli government for actually confirming and publicly certifying that certain hostages are dead. and so there is still a certain degree of uncertainty for those families. >> and what about this strike that. we talked about that killed three of the sons of
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hamas leader, who the idf says, we're three people engaged in terrorist activity >> yeah, it's my a hernia. hamas is political leader today, three of his children as well as three of his grandchildren, were killed in an israeli airstrike in on a vehicle in gaza. the israeli military says that it was targeting his three children who they say are hamas military operatives operating inside of gaza. hernia for his part of very quickly drew a connection between this airstrike and those ongoing negotiation suggesting that it was an effort to get hamas to back off of its demands. and he said that anyone who thinks that it will prompt hamas to softened its position is quote, unquote delusional, but i can tell you, anderson that tonight there is a scrambled by israeli officials to try and distinguish between them at airstrike on that vehicle. and those ongoing negotiations. an israeli official telling me
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that these two situations where essentially unlinked and two other israeli officials also telling me that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as well as israeli defense minister sir you have galanis. were not informed about this strike ahead of time, suggesting that this was not some kind of a politically motivated move but again, for now, hamas is drawing that connection and that could be yet another stumbling block. these talks, general clark, how strong do you think hamas to lose >> i think there's joel have command and control of several battalions. i think they're battalions are shown lower in strength and they started, but we would estimate three to 5,000 fighters are still in there there's still, an effective resistance to israel. there are still using the civilian population has hostages. they're still interfering with the delivery of humanitarian supplies, medical supplies and i don't believe for a minute that they can't locate hostages because
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these are underground organizations have long standing plans and rehearsals on how to maintain communications when israel does what's expected, which is cutting communications, bombing disrupting things, it's saying they can't locate it another way to put more pressure on israel through the united states, just like are jeremy was saying about the hamas claims about the three songs that were killed by the israeli airstrike. that was a legitimate military target. and israel executed it. and you know if it had been an american system, we would have looked at it. we might have said on others children there, but under the israeli rules of engagement, that's a legitimate target. those people were killers terrorists, and they were taken out had nothing to do with the negotiations. >> john clarke, thank you. jeremy diamond as well. just a head. we remember the man who shaped the careers of some of
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unparalleled selection at joy >> this is cnn, the world's news a legend in the news business, richard leaving her died yesterday after a long illness, leave nerve might not be a household name, but he helped make a >> lot of household names in the news business. he was an agent from any of the top television journalists for a time, but he was also a force of nature and i'm happy to say he was a friend. i'd like you to know a bit about him when richard leave nar was growing up in brooklyn in the 19, there was no way to imagine the things he would one day accomplish. >> his >> real life began in 1962 when he asked carol cooper out on a blind date they married two years later it was the first and best deal he ever made they've been together ever since richard became an accountant. but the vietnam war was escalating and a lot of print journalists were moving
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over to tv richard new contracts and was a tough negotiator. he became an agent and started signing up the best talent and tv he could find some people thought he was crazy, but richard saw the future and an opportunity to shape it he helped turn reporters into household names dan rather morley safer ed bradley, bob simon, steve croft, diane sawyer. the list goes on and on. the deals he made, the vision he had changed the television news business forever his wife carol, became an agent two and a powerhouse in her own right. she still is. she agreed to represent me in nearly 30 years ago when not a lot of people were interested in doing so. she changed my life too. and she's part of my kids lives now as well. >> for >> carroll and richard, career success was important, but their greatest accomplishment was, and is the family they built their two sons, adem and jonathan, and their grandkids,