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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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510200 coventry direct redefining insurance i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by ruler law. i kinda brands up to 70% off retail at roulette at
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rubella >> you never faithful sees the deals on top before they're car. >> shoppers thanks for joining us this good afternoon at any moment, president biden is expected to hold his first press conference of the year, sharing the stage with japanese prime minister fumio kishida in the rose garden. these two liters or set to announce a list of new defense and technology agreements all in an effort to counter china's emerging power in the indo-pacific. cnn's mj lee is joining us now live from the white house. mj, tell us a little bit more about these points of cooperation that biden and kishida are going to unveil. >> yeah. brianna and boris. this visit by the japanese prime minister says a lot about a key feature of biden's foreign policy and that is strengthening the us alliances with countries in the indo-pacific with the goal of
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countering china's strength and influence in the region. and that's going to be quite clear when we see the two liters emerged from this bilateral meeting and announced dozens of deliverables. and if you look closely a couple of those things at least get to this issue of countering china, for example, a further integrating the two countries militaries and strengthening the two countries defense, industrial cooperation. they're going to be a number of other announcements to that. just get at the two countries potential areas of cooperation on technology, artificial intelligence, even space cooperation. and now, as with any two countries, there have of course been other areas of tension between the two two countries as well. we know, for example, that the president opposes japan's efforts to purchase us steel accompany. that is based in pittsburgh. but interestingly, when a senior us official was previewing this meeting yesterday with reporters, they predicted that the issue probably would not come up because it two liters already
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know where the other stands on this issue. now, one of the ways in which the white house is making clear that japan is such an important alliance for the us is of course, by hosting the prime minister as part of a state visit featuring, of course, the state dinner coming tonight. we know that there's going to be he all of the pomp and circumstance that comes with a state dinner. there's going to be an ornate and decadent menu and decorations and entertainment that all pay tribute to the us japanese alliance. and also, i would be remiss if i didn't mention that in just a few minutes when we see the president come out with the prime minister in the road those garden. this is going to be the first formal press conference that the president is holding this year. the last time that he had a form of press conference was actually back in december when the ukrainian president was here at the white house yeah. >> it doesn't happen very often. mj lee. thank you for that >> we >> are awaiting the press
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conference. you see the rose garden all set up there. we're going to bring that do you live as soon as it begins. but in the meantime, let's turn now to arizona, which is the latest state to turn back the clock on abortion policy. >> president >> biden and former president trump are reacting to a ban on nearly all abortions that could reshape the political landscape in a crucial 2024 battleground state, the arizona supreme court revivim a law that dates back to 18 64, it bans abortion in all cases except to save the life of the mother one of the white house, putting out a statement shortly after this was announced, the president calling this cruel and extreme meantime, vice president kamala harris is actually heading to arizona today. and now, former president trump is in a bind because the day before this ruling dropped he took credit for killing roe versus wade and said that abortion should be decided by the states. today. he's actually saying that states like arizona may have gotten it wrong. cnn's natasha chen is tracking the fallout here. natasha abortion
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providers are now scrambling and republicans are scrambling to prevent backlash from this >> and boris and brianna, there is definitely a chilling and rippling effect, not just for the people of arizona, but also politicians who are up for election as you just mentioned, i spoke to eloise a lopez this morning. she's the executive rector of pro-choice arizona and the abortion fund of arizona that a group that helps fund travel for women who might need to go out of state for an abortion. currently, they help women who are beyond 15 weeks to go to nevada or california, for example, for abortion services. she anticipates that pretty soon that's going to have to be all women because this ruling yesterday essentially makes it illegal to have an abortion except in cases of saving the life of the mother. that's banning nearly all abortions. and while this ruling may go into effect in about two weeks, we anticipate there's going to be a lot of legal wrangling and a lot of
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confusion can she says already they're having to clarify for people that abortion services are still available right now in arizona, but she does anticipate the clinic appointments are going to fill up fast, that there is a 24 hour waiting period as it is some clinics and may not be open all days of the week. some may only have one provider so you can imagine there's going to start to be a little bit of that kind of panic. you see that map there, there are a lot of other states with restrictive bands. we're going to see if this one, how this one plays out already. we're seeing strong reactions from politicians including former president donald trump, who just spoke in atlanta on the tarmac saying that he will not sign a federal ban on abortion. here's what he said >> arizona states right?
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everybody else bring it back into and that will be taken care of. i think very quick >> so there you see trump believes that there is still more to come in this fight right now, the stay is for 14 days. if the parties want up to bring up further issues in lower courts, the person i spoke too with the organization abortion fund of arizona said to me it is angering, but this work is survival work for me. so there is a lot still to be debated and talked about, including that ballot initiative we're a group is gathering signatures to enshrine abortion rights in the state's constitution that may appear on the november ballot for arizonans >> natasha chen. thank you so much for the latest stare. let's talk about that way that arizona voters may soon have a say on abortion joining us now is dawn punish? she's a spokesperson for area the zona for abortion access. the organization leading an effort to let arizona's vote directly on protecting abortion rights on the 2024 ballot. don. thank
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you so much for being with us. so this 18, 64 ban is set to go into effect in two weeks is there a legal or legislative avenue that could realistically result in a reversal or a pause in that span of two weeks >> there is some talk coming out of our state legislature about some sort of repeal of the 18, 64 band. the governor, governor katie hobbs has called for that, so we are definitely watching at very closely to see if that's something that our state lawmakers will move forward in doing >> so, if that happens, then where exactly is arizona? considering that when you i just want to say considering when you look at this ruling, though, what the supreme court was saying here was the issue with the more recent 15 week ban. they said was that it was hinged on roe v. wade, which is obviously now irrelevant. so where would that leave arizona?
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>> so there's a possibility that if the 800s 64 band is repealed, then we could go back again to the situation we had on monday, which was the 15 week ban, which of course is nothing that arizonans can rely on as this as evidence of and so that's why we arizona for abortion access keep coming back to our measure to allow arizona voters to chime in on this themselves on the november ballot. and that would be a constitutional amendment which would stop all of this back-and-forth and political game play and give arizona and some peace of mind dawn. >> when will you have confirmation that it will actually be on the ballot >> are deadline to turn in signatures is july 3rd, then we'll move into a validation phase. there might be lawsuits from the opposition, and so by the end of summer, we should know whether it will be on the november ballot, and i will tell you that at the campaign we anticipated all of this.
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this is all very standard in arizona for citizens initiatives. so confident that we will get through the submission deadline, the legal challenges, and be on that november ballot for folks and are you confident that it will succeed? and if so, what are you basing that on >> two things really, we are very confident that arizona would be next in a long line of abortion access winds across the nation. i am out in the community every single well day. i can tell you from first-hand experience, very many people see us out there with petitions and come rushing over, thanking us for being there because they are so outraged even before this supreme court ruling at what has been done in terms of reproductive freedoms. but we also have many years of polling, including now in this this moment saying that arizona voters across the political spectrum, republicans and dependence democrats, support access to abortion. so we feel
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very confident that we will get this done in november don pennants, we appreciate your joining us and sharing your perspective. thanks for being with this >> thank you. >> we are keeping a close eye on the podiums at the rose garden right now, because at any moment president biden is going to deliver his first press conference of the year. he will be flanked by the japanese prime minister, and there are very important questions to ask both leaders. we're going to stay tuned for that and be right back after a short break. >> there's debris and this guy, parents, husbands and wives gone. >> wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn, the all new godaddy arrow helps you get your business online in minutes with a power bi with a perfect name great level, and a beautiful website to start with the domain, a few
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donald trump. his former money man, alan weisselberg, was just sentenced again, this time for lying to investigators and the new york attorney general's fraud case against trump. now, that was a civil case against the former president. and the new york criminal case against him his attorneys filed yet another appeal. the case is set to go to trial next week. there, the manhattan da as accusing trump of benefiting from a hush money scheme during the 2016 campaign cnn correspondent kara scannell, his life force outside the courthouse in new york qarrah, let's start with these new appeals. again, trump's team has been trying to delay this case on all the others for quite awhile. it's set to start with jury selection on monday. so what are they arguing now? >> right, boris, this is about third attempt this week to try to delay this trial today's finally, they're asking this judge, the judge here to have an emergency hearing and delay the trial so they can make arguments on two different fronts. one of the fronts is about presidential immunity.
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trump's team had filed a motion with the judge overseeing the trial. judge juan merchan, asking him to delay this trial until the supreme court rules on whether trump has immunity from prosecution in the jenin anywhere is case in washington dc judge merchan denied that motion, saying it was filed the way too late, just a few weeks out from this trial. and they also are asking if hill's court to allow them time to make arguments about whether the judge should be recused from this case. they filed a motion asking the judge to step aside based on work his daughter does for us political organization that works for democrats. the judge has not ruled on that yet, but already trump's team is bouncing to the appeals court to try to get them to get involved here and stop this trial so they can make further arguments on that. we are waiting word to see whether a judge will take up this emergency action today or if we'll be back tomorrow. but that is the most recent pending thing. and as you mentioned, this is just the latest effort earlier this week, trump's team came to this same chord and ask
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judges to stop the trial so they could make an appeal of a gag order that was put in place on the former president to limit certain statements he can make about possible witnesses, about the judge's family members that was swiftly denied. another motion that was denied. the judges the judge overseeing a different one about whether to stop at trial. so trump could challenge the venue because he's said that he couldn't trump cannot get a fair trial in manhattan due to all the pretrial publicity that was also very quickly denied. so waiting to see if this is going to be taken up today. hey, but it is the third attempt this week to try to stop the trial from happening in jury selection is still scheduled at this point to begin on monday, borse kara turning now to alan weisselberg, he's already done time and he's returning now to rikers originally it was for tax fraud back in 2020 why is he going back now >> last month, alan weisselberg, trump's longtime chief financial officer, pleaded guilty to two felony
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counts of perjury, and what he said he did was that he lied during the investigation into donald trump's financial statements that was by the new york attorney general's office what's that resulted in that big fine, almost half $1 billion of that trump is ordered to pay. well, weisselberg met with investigators during the course of their investigation. he admitted to having lied to them about what he knew about the size of donald trump's triplex apartment at trump tower and how that apartment was valued on the financial statements that the judge found we're inflated, weisselberg came into court today under a deal with the prosecution. the whole sentencing hearing lasted less than five minutes. the judge said she would honore the agreement that he had with prosecutors, so she's sentenced weisselberg to five months in jail at rikers island. now the previous sentence you mentioned was also five months. weissberg get up serving about 100 days. but in either case, he is not cooperating against donald trump and he is not expected to appear at the trial next week for us. >> when kara scannell alive for
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us it's outside the courthouse in new york. thanks so much caribbean >> now to a rare court decision in another trump case, this is one involving the federal prosecution of the former president for keeping hundreds of classified documents on his property. the judge has cited with special counsel jack smith and his rule that the witness list we'll stay secret. we have seen in chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid here with more on this. all right. paul, what does this mean for this case? so here, judge aileen cannon, she is the >> trump appointees overseeing this case. she's actually decided something that has been a bit of a log in this case, and that is whether to reveal the names of witnesses in this this case. she previously said that she was going to be more transparent in this case, but the special counsel push back on that, reminding her that if these witnesses some of their names are released, they could be at risk, they could face harassment as cnn has reported, some of these witnesses because or even low level staffers at trump's mar-a-lago club last night, she said that for now, the witnesses names will remain secret >> she sides with him in this.
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however, there is some tension between the judge and jack special counsel? jack? yeah. there's a lot of tension and you can sense it in these filings that he or she admonished the special counsel for not being more clear in the past about specifically why these witnesses needed to be protected. of course, there's about a week ago, they admonished her for now understanding the law. so there's clearly some tension. she's been under a lot of scrutiny for how she has handled this case. she still has over a dozen motions outstanding, and she still is not set a trial date. we were down in court in florida well over a month ago to hear arguments from both sides about how i'll far back to push this case. she's still has not decided that issue. no question. i get asked a lot is will the special counsel move to try to get her removed from the case if they're not happy, if they think it's either her inexperience or some other issue mean she's not handling this properly. there's nothing in their filings now to indicate that they're going to make that move. but if they were to do that, they would probably need more of a record and decisions like this where she sort of backtracks and
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other decisions where they believe she is wrong on the law that would all go to support that if that's something they do down the road the fact that there's this logjam and this sort of backup of all the motions that wouldn't factor into that. >> i mean, it's we have to have to speak to why she is so slow in making these decisions, right? some of these are complicated. this is an unprecedented case but other legal experts have pointed to her relative inexperience. i've been in the courtroom with her. i've been in the courtroom of judge tanya chutkan, the other federal judge, handling the other special counsel case. i mean, there is certainly a contrast in terms a judge who has been on the bench for two or three years versus a judge who's been on the bench for over a decade in terms of how how well you control your courtroom, control the trump legal team i control the special counsel prosecutors. they can be difficult to. there is a contrast there, so it would have to depend on which issues they would want to pursue >> there's so much pressure on this case and you've covered so many cases. i wonder how you see judges reacting, experience
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included as a factor here when there is such a harsh spotlight likeness. i mean, some judges sort of >> embrace it, right? i think judge tanya chutkan, she embraced it. she would speak through your hearing. she knew that the national press corps was there, would quote her she made her feelings on some of trump's objections, some of his defenses known, and her feeling also that she wanted to move that case along quickly as she insisted that it was gonna go in early march. of course, we know it's not it's going to be the issue of immunity is gonna be heard at this supreme court. but then you look at a judge, like judge cannon. she has only been on the bench for a few years. and you can tell when you're in the courtroom and she's dealing with the special counsel and defense attorneys, arguing with one another sometimes over substantive issues hands over petty personal grievances. she doesn't have as much of a command of her courtroom, but we also see just mcafee down in georgia. he's also an even eight even more novice in charge, right? but he has joan and we've been able to see everything in his courtroom because god bless georgia. those are televise he's done a really good job. >> it's been noticeable, paula. thank you so much for
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that. let's go down to the rose garden where president biden is about to have a news conference with prime minister because she did because she fumio of japan. here they are >> please have a seat. so not understand here today with the prime minister of japan, president could shape prime minister kishida. when i became president, i said that the united states would rebuild the muscle of our democratic alliances and we stand shoulder to shoulder their allies again because our alliances are america's greatest asset. the relationship with japan is powerful. proof of that, that investing in our lives and raising our collective ambitions, we yield remarkable results over the last three years. the partnership between japan, the united states, has been transformed into a truly global partnership that's thanks in no small part to the courageous leadership prime minister kishida. and i mean,
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that's serially together, our countries are taking significant steps to strengthen defense security cooperation or modernizing command and control structures and during increasingly interoperability and planning of our militaries that so you can work together in a seamless and effective way. this is the most significant upgrade and our alliance sensitive and it says it was first established. i'm also pleased to announce that for the first time japan and the united states and australia will create a network system of air missile offense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a trilateral military exercise, which japan and the united kingdom and our august defense partnership with australia and the united kingdom has explored and how japan can join our work in the second pillar, which focuses on advanced capabilities including ai autonomous systems. all told that represents a new benchmark for our military cooperation across a range. capabilities on the economic front are ties
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have never been more robust. japan is the top foreign investor in united states. say that again, japan is the top foreign investor in the united states. and we, the united states are the top foreign investor in japan nearly 1 million americans work in japanese companies here in the united states and to name just one example, a few months ago, toyota announced the nate billion dollar invested in a massive battery production facility in north carolina, which will employ thousands of people. prime minister is going to travel to north carolina tomorrow to visit that project don't stay don't stay. we need you back in japan they'll probably tried to keep you you also affirm the science and education ties between japan and the united states >> those >> tries tie stretch up to the moon we're two japanese astronauts will join future american missions and one will become the first non-american ever to land on the moon and
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they reach into the high schools and universities as well where the monetise ambassador, monetise program exist. name for our dear friend norman eda we're going to invest in new student exchanges help train the next generation of japanese and american leaders were also discussed developments in the middle east, including our shared support for a ceasefire and hostage deal an urgent efforts to deal with humanitarian crisis that exists in gaza. were also want to address the rainy and thread to lodge a signif. they're threatening to launch a significant attack on israel as i told prime minister netanyahu our commitment to israel's security against these threats from iran and its proxies is ironclad. we said again, ironclad going to do all we can to protect his security and finally i want to commend the prime minister himself. he's a statesman command in fact, is that you condemn
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putin's invasion of brutal regime ukraine when it happened you pledged more than $12 billion in aid prioritize nuclear non-proliferation at the united nations security council standards strong with united states as we stand up for freedom of navigation, including the south china sea and as we maintain peace instability across the taiwan straits. and taking the brave step amending ties with the republic of korea so we can all stand shoulder to shoulder together >> tomorrow. >> we will both be joined by another good >> friend, president marcos, the philippines for a trilateral summit. the first of its kind and threw it all our commitment to the defense of japan and our article five including this excuse me senkaku islands is unwavering mr. prime minister, through our partnership. we have strengthened the alliance we have, expanded our work
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together. we've raised our shared ambitions, and now the us-japan alliance is a beacon to the entire world. there's no limit what our countries can our people can do together. so thank you for your partnership, your leadership, and your friendship now over to you, mr. prime minister hi idea was giotto >> z no-go, so tidy can show mosaic was thank you, joe later today but i could have could automatically count. i don't see whether says yeah we are at crucial crossroads and that, you >> japan-us partnership is immensely important international community stands
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at a historical turning point. in order for japan, the us, the indo-pacific creation. and for that matter, the whole world to enjoy peace stability and prosperity lasting into the future. we must resolutely defend and further so defy a free and open international order based on the rule of law what is more with us again today >> i told the president that rule now is >> the time to demonstrate the true values that japan and the night and it stays skin offer as global partners that we must together fulfill our responsibilities to create a world where human dignity is upheld and that japan will always stand firm with the united states what i explained that based on our nationals
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security strategy japan is determined to strengthen our defense force three position of counters, stroke capabilities these are defense budget and other initiatives. and was reassured by president biden of his strong support for such efforts in such context >> week confirmed again, >> the urgency to further bolster deterrence and response capabilities of our alliance >> so we'll, >> we'll say and concurred. are reinforcing security the defense cooperation to increase interoperability between the us forces and our self-defense forces, including the improvement of our response active command and control frameworks >> we will >> be discussing the specifics as we plan for the next japan
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us to play let's do what this is the president. >> and i went on to discuss various specific challenges faced by the international community >> she >> got week confirmed that unilateral attempt to change status quo by force or coercion is absolutely unacceptable wherever it may be that we will continue to respond. resolutely against such action through corporation with allies and like-minded nations >> i can think of from such perspective, we agreed or two countries will continue to respond to challenges concerning china through close coordination at the same time we confirmed the importance of continuing our dialogue with china and cooperating with china on common challenges
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>> how young guy killed >> we also underscored the importance of peace and stability in the taiwan straits. and confirmed opposition to encourage peaceful resolution of the cross streets issue joseph, the situation in north korea, including nuclear and missile development, was brought up as well we welcome the progress seen in many areas of cooperation based on the outcome of the japan, us are rare case summit last august and concurred to coordinate even more closely as we face serious concerns under the current state of affairs president biden wants again, demonstrated is strong support towards the immediate resolution of the abduction issue
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>> hold what does we reaffirmed the importance of realizing a free and open indo-pacific based on the rule of law and concur to maintain close collaboration through various opportunities, including the japan, us, philippines summit, which is planned for tomorrow. regarding russia's aggression of ukraine. based on a recognition that you crown today dacia tomorrow the issue as our problem for japan. i expressed our resolution to come didn't you? with stringent sanctions against russia and strong support for ukraine. and we concur to maintain close partnership with like-minded countries the situation in the middle east. i expressed my respect for the
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efforts of president biden was the release of the hostage just improvement of the humanitarian situation and co coming down with a situation by then explained how japan is continuing diplomatic efforts to improve the humanitarian situation and to realize a sustainable ceasefire agreed to continue close the corporation towards the improvement of the situation. the realization of a two state. solution and the stabilization or the vision regarding the economy we firstly concord that for both of us to lead the global economic growth together, the promotion of investment in both directions is important. >> i explained, how a japanese businesses are making a significant contribution to the us economy by their investment
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and the creation of jobs to which president biden agree since i'm in order to maintain and strengthen the competitive edge in the area of advanced technologies and to respond appropriately to issues such as economic coercion non market policies and practice this is an excess capacities are to overcome the vulnerability of the supply chains and to lead a sustainable and inclusive economic growth we affirmed that the collaboration that japan and the united states is in dispensable in addition, we concur to advance our cooperation and the areas as decarbonization, a style would you believe chief meant for so
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in based off of the 1960s they have a space development in the united states those who were so excited in the by tequila challenge implementing diminishment has been signed on this occasion. and the provision of the law, take you you, in that rather by japan and the allocation of you guys two astronauts to flight opportunities to the service to japan were confirmed i just didn't kick under the artemis program. i welcome. >> she got a vehicle >> landing by a japanese astronauts as the first no, us astronaut goggia, also discussed efforts would cause a world without nuclear weapons visual g7 sciutto. he was my
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visual >> realistic and practical, and so nuclear disarmament including this joseph g7 leaders, hiroshima vision last year she balkan the participation of the united states in the mct friends, which was launched by my initiatives. lastly, in order to further strengthen that people two people bond, which is the cornerstone of our waiver in japan and shape >> we affirm to further promote people to people exchanges the outcome of our meeting today legal issue, the joint statement titled global partners for the future. >> what this is >> expression of the determination of japan and the united let's days to maintain and strengthen a free and open international order based on
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the rule of law that under the piece stability the pti and prosperity of the international community and states, the guiding principles with our partnership, we will defend for the future of japan and the united this the indo-pacific and the road they make that future all the more prosperous >> now, we'll take a few questions. jordan fabian of blue thank you, mr. president. >> last >> month, you predicted >> the federal reserve would cut interest rates thanks to falling inflation. but today, data showed that inflation rose more than expected for the third straight month. so how concerned are you about the fight against inflation stalling? and do you stand by your prediction for a rate cut? >> well, i do stand by my prediction of that before the irs out through rig cut, this may delay as a month or so. i'm not sure that i don't we don't know what the fed is going to do for certain. but
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look, we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% oh, close to 3% were in a situation where we're better situate we, where we took office, where we inflation with skyrocketing and we have the plan to deal with it. whereas the opposition, my opposition talks about two things. they just want to cut taxes for the wealthy and raised taxes on other people and so i think there, they have no plan. our plan is one i think is so sustainable >> mr. prime minister you've said that in the pons still acquisition of us deal is a private matter, but i'm wondering, did you discuss the matter today with president biden and do you believe that politics are influencing president biden's decision to oppose the deal. and i wouldn't mind mr. president, if you enter that one too. >> hey nothing on the issue
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that you have raised sure. >> we understand that discussions are underway between the parties we hope these discussions will unfold in directions that would be positive for both sides. japan beliefs that appropriate procedures based on law is being implemented by the us government japan is the largest investor to the united states. japanese businesses employ close to 1 million workers in the united states >> and >> investment from japan the us can only increase upwards in the months and years to come and we wish to cement this wing, wing relationship. thank you. >> i stand my my commitment to american workers. i can man of my word, i'm going to keep it. and with guard to that, i stamp our commitment to our alliance. this is exactly what we're doing is strong alliance as well
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>> prime minister's microphone, please >> joint authors in cookie sheet that's already you night sorry. >> to go. cannot scada you >> confirmed your strong objections against unilateral attempts change status quo by force or coercion by china and agreed on reinforcing response capable really these under current circumstances, it should japan and the united states bolster defense capabilities, china may become more preoccupied and military pension and intensify its coercive behavior. that is, the risk of dilemma in order to avoid divide and expand avoid the divide. how should the japan and us respond? >> let >> me then take that question first at this summit we
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confirmed that the united states and japan will resolutely defend and bolster a free and open international ordered on the rule of law and that japan in the united states as global partners, shall work together shubi for that purpose on challenges concerning china >> scada >> martha yacht, including the point you raised >> objecting to unilateral attempts to change status quo by force or coercion we concurred that japan and the united states global partners shout work close coordination >> i do. you need >> my sake. >> and also well, as i said previously, would work is obviously we will continue. our dialogue with china, kyoto and we will cooperate with china in tackling comment hold
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challenges and the president and confirmed that the importance of such dialogue as well based on the solid trust >> ally >> united states machine. i can't get to go we'll. >> continue, to call on china's to fulfill its responsibilities as a major power >> to stay two up to >> policy. okay? who do which i have consistently >> embraced is to comprehensively promote the mutual strategic relationship we have with china and establish a constructive and stable japan can that relationship through efforts by both sides has been my consistent position that i have upheld we will continue to the close communication with china at all levels
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>> by the scottish >> that's it for me >> first of all we keep improving our lines of communication is one another. that's the united station, china we met. i've read recently spoken at length president xi, and we've agreed that we would number one, have personal contact with one another whenever we wanted to discuss anything, so that we know nothing lipped as nothing slips be changed, they say between the kopan lip. so we know exactly what the other team is thinking. number one and so we had a long discussion last town, once i guess almost two weeks ago now. and the best way to reduce your chances of miscalculation and misunderstanding just number one. number two and our alliance we have with japan is a truly defensive in nature. it's a defensive alliance. and the things we discussed today improve our our cooperation and are purely about defense and
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readiness. is not aimed at any one nation or a threat to the region and it doesn't have any to do with conflict and so this is about restoring stability in the region. and i think we have a chance to doing that okay >> third, next question. who i call on next tiny on a second, i got my list here i. apologize >> really array of p >> thank you, my first question would go to both of you, mr. president and mr. prime minister is there a path for japan to become a full member of orcas? and i would have a second question for you, mr. president? you're now saying that benjamin met daniele is making a mistake in gaza. what are you willing to do to make him change his strategy and would you consider conditioning military aid to israel? thank
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you. >> hi >> thank >> deal question about focus. i will respond so my cheeky country we want to contribute to the pieces stability of the region and the fool, we we have consistently supported focus cutting said that the participants of orcas, us-uk, australia, such countries by bilateral relationship or in multilateral occasions, we have established that the various relationships, but for japan to have but direct cooperation with focus nothing has been decided at this moment. going forward with us, uk, with australia, with such countries
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are martyred bilateral or multilateral frameworks we will continue our cooperation that bagel continue to be considered the moment about the relationship between japan and orcas that's it >> with regard to my discussions with bibi netanyahu promised me that now, as well as our relationship with israel i have i'm very blunt and straightforward with prime minister as well as his war cabinet, as well as the cabinet. and the fact of the matter is that bbn i had a long discussion. he agreed to do several things that related to number one, getting more aid, both food and medicine into gaza and reducing significantly the attempts the civilian casualties in any action taken in the region and thus far. and we then as tied to the
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hostages, there are a number of hostages that are being held by hamas. and just yesterday were meeting with the vice president or national security adviser before that and they are american hostages as well. and they know how committed we are the whole team came to getting their loved ones home. we're not going to stop until we do the new proposal on the table. and bill burns led the effort to for us greg for his work, there's now off to hamas they need to move on. the proposal to been made. as i said we get these hostages home where they belong. long, but also bring back as six weeks ceasefire that we need now. and the fact is that we're getting in somewhere in the last three days it's over 100. trucks is not enough, but it needs to be more and there's one more opening and has to take place in the north so we'll see what he does in terms of meeting the commitments he made me
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>> the last florida mr. shimmies, a police >> and its can assume it's the >> most thank you. shimizu of nhk i lost the question to both of you as prime minister, kishida that i mentioned, the abduction issues north korea, i believe was a disgust prime minister, you have expressed your wish to have a direct engagement with kim jon they say that abduction is already result, which means that they are refusing during the meeting. what did you tell president biden about the outlook for a summit and what to engagement to do us president biden president biden, my question, what did you hear from prime minister kishida? and what is your observation and feeding your precedent and with a nuclear missile issues, what is your position do you support the summit between japan and north
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korea? thank you. first of all, if i may, start regarding my summit meeting with the president biden about north korea, including the missile and nuclear issues. we have discussed, and regarding the increasingly worrying attrition, we have agreed to continue close coordination and on top of that it will be concurred but that the window of a discussion with north korea is open. and we discussed that japan us, japan, us and rok will continue to work closely together >> i >> also ask for the continued understand i'm think and cooperation for the immediate resolution of the adduction issue and the president biden
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once again, it gave myself a very it is strong assurance regarding the recent announcement by north korea i will refrain from commenting on each and every announcement by north korea. but as i have been mentioning repeatedly based on the perspective that the establishment of a meaningful relation between job pan and north korea is in the interest of both japan and north korea, and that it would be hugely beneficial to the peace and stability of the region. my policy is to aim before a summit meeting with north korea to resolve various issues and with advanced high-level consultation directly under my instruction, and that remains changed. that is my response. >> we did discuss this issue. we both agree that dprk must must also address a serious
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human rights and humanitarian concerns of the mash community, including the immediate resolution of the reduction issue. but you know, the prime minister as just spoken to the potential what his plans may mean. but welcome, i welcome the opportunity. today. we welcome opportunity of our allies to initiate dialogues with a democratic republic of korea. i've said many times we're open to dialogue ourselves. at any time when without preconditions of vpr k, it's my faith in japan, i've faced in the prime minister and i think has seeking the with them is a good thing. it's a positive thing thank you thank why didn't everybody holler once >> on the issue of abortion? so what do you say to the people of arizona right now we're witnessing a law going paste that dates back to the civil war >> you elect me. i'm in a 20
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20th century, 21st century, not back then. we weren't even a state. i find thank you all very much. thank you >> this concludes the press conference >> the house, the war, and we crank comes nine by the house later, allowing a vote. there's overwhelming support for ukraine among the majority of democrats and republicans should be a vote. now i will say there are a lot of >> topics that president biden would like to talk about, that there weren't even enough questions allotted in what is called a two and two there. he took questions. there about abortion and about ukraine aid in addition to the critical topics that he had to discuss there in the process conference as well. but he was saying oh, that question about abortion and arizona elect me, i'm in the 20th century, but then he corrected himself you say the
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21st century? >> yeah. >> a lot of topics between president biden and prime minister kishida. the first question when it was opened up to reporters was about inflation directed at president biden. obviously there's a new report showing that inflation remains stubbornly high. the president responding by touting things that his administration has done to bring it down from a high of 9%. it's still close to 4%, about 3.8% year over year and that is going to be a consistent issue lingering into the next election on the focus of the partnership between the us and japan. a lot to tout in terms of a defensive capabilities and advancements in that regard. and also on the economic side notably though a lot of this has to do with china, right and when president biden was asked about it, he said that effectively the discussions between japan and the united states or defensive, he said something to the effect of this is not about a conflict, just bringing stability to the region very
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diplomatic language from president biden. >> he said it's not about one country, right paging china. is he didn't say china, but that is exactly what he was talking about. but no doubt this is a critical relationship ahead of this historic meeting between of course, japan and the philippines and the us, as he's clearly looking to consolidate in florence against china with its aggression in the south china sea. we have kayla tausche, who was there, i believe in the rose garden and she's there at the white house tracking this news conference. a lot of other topics as well, talking about military aid to israel in addition to that abortion decision by the arizona supreme court. and of course, this critical relationship and the us still deal that proposal by nippon steel, the fourth largest steel producer in the world, the largest steel producer in japan trying to purchase that iconic american parking company. kayla, tell us the highlights here >> well, briana, it was really a litany of a1 topics, both
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domestically and overseas that president biden was able to touch on in this press conference with the backdrop of an historic states state visit by a longtime ally of the united states. and as you saw, there there was a deepening of military collaboration of the co-development of weapons through a new joint defense counsel, a consultation to evaluate whether japan should be a member of the aukus partnership with australia, the uk and the us to develop nuclear submarine to deploy in the south china sea and across the indo-pacific prime minister kishida was asked whether there is a clear path for japan to join that alliance. and he said that that is what they're going to be discussing through this new consultation. of course, you mentioned the fact that china is not present here, president, she is not here at this visit, but he was the center of the discussion. he was sort of the resin d'etre for this summit, even taking place. and while the leaders went to great lengths to say
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that this is about readiness, this is not about conflict, it's about peace and stability in the south china sea and across the taiwan strait. >> that they condemned >> the idea of unilateral force being used to reclaim taiwan by china. but they still took took the opportunity to mention their alliance and mentioned the efforts that they were going to try to protect that peace and stability. well ensuring that the lines of communication are open and stressing cooperation with china as the key two essentially defuse tensions and avoid misunderstanding or a miscommunication. certainly that is also going to be the theme tomorrow when the president of the philippines joins the conversation, the three liters are going to be discussing an infrastructure investment were told where the us and japan will be funding a new rail and shipping corridor connecting to critical filipino military bases. while the philippines accuses china of harassment and some of it's
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critical economic zones. so china will figure prominently in those continued discussions even if they are saying that the goal is to defuse these tensions, brianna, boris i'm kayla tausche at the white house force. kayla police standby. let's get some perspective now with kimberly dozer. kim, you you we're watching very closely one of the things that strikes me about this two and two a press conference is the mention of so many of the other players in the region, obviously, japan is the linchpin of this effort in the united states to exert influence in the pacific. but there was mention of australia, of south korea, the philippines, obviously, it sounds a lot like biden is trying to reclaim the arena in the way that donald trump did not. donald trump blew up the trans-pacific partnership, which sought to do the very same things, right? yeah. that biden is doing now. >> well, these parties that you're talking about have just done a joint patrol because the message to china is stop messing in our territory.
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chinese jets have buzz japanese airspace the chinese coast guard has harassed the philippine naval vessels and coast guard vessels with everything from water cannon to ramming their boats. so it's this network gathering together, saying that you've got to stop the harassment in the south china sea, which the chinese consider their own. and in the east china sea and also, how about china start raining in pyongyang, you've allowed them to just fire and test missiles so at the same time, what you heard from that first question that kishida got from his media is the concern within japan that ramping up their defense is going to trigger more chinese aggression. you know that the chinese, sorry, the japanese constitution does