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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  April 10, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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lee filter or visit lee today. this source with kaitlan collins tonight at
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nine today on inside politics a strict law passed before we had x-rays and antibiotics. well, now ban virtually all abortions in this swing state of arizona republicans are rushing to condemn and arizona court ruling that rolls abortion rights back to the civil war era it's igniting a massive gop problem in november that donald trump thought he had just tamped down. plus president biden is about to answer questions from reporters. we're going to bring that to live this our as new economic numbers show inflation on key items, once again, headed in the wrong direction and it could all come down to one vote. that's why republicans are fighting to change the way the brassica awards. its electoral votes and what happens in that state and could be crucial in deciding who sits in the oval office next year. i'm dana bash. let's go behind the headlines and inside politics up first,
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whatever states decide must be the law of the land. that was donald trump's big announcement on abortion rights this week, the very next day, voters learned what it actually looks like ponte abortion rights to the states in arizona, it's a civil war era law that bans nearly all abortions in that state moments ago, trump responded to the arizona ruling for the first time. >> arizona go to write ten everybody else bring it back in and that will be taken care by the way, what do you think about four or probably maybe get she had told them what the people want. >> a perfect
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>> the arizona supreme court also puts the state in the same categories, 14 others that ban abortion with very, very limited exceptions in five additional states, abortion is banned within the first trimester. some of those states, namely arizona, north carolina, and georgia, could decide the election this fall. let's bring in my great panel, cnn's priscilla alvarez. cnn end bloomberg's nia-malika henderson, and the washington post mariana. so to my hello, everybody. let's first talk about what we just heard from donald trump on the one hand, he said, he doesn't agree with what arizona did. on the other hand, he's sticking by what he said on monday, which is the states should decide he also said something additional on row years, people wanted to grow the way to get it back to the state. we did that. it was an incredible thing. regrettably. >> we did that. and now the
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state's have it and the states are putting out what you want to, whether the people >> i mean, it's an incredible achievement that is going to be me. he said it before, but the fact that he's saying and in the context of what arizona just did i can imagine that the biden campaign is an already cutting that that's right. >> and you know, in the >> biden campaign has been been very proactive on this, right? kamala harris is set to go out to tucson, arizona. all this weekend. they had an add all featuring a woman from texas who had these horrific experiences because she was denied an abortion in texas, a cut, an ad cold donald trump did this. so donald trump thought he was being clever on monday with that statement and saying a avoiding whether or not he would actually sign a national abortion ban and then saying, listen, the status quo is the status quo. and here he is just outright lying the idea that people for years, one good roe overturned conservatives wanted overturned. but now if you look at the polling, even
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in a state like arizona it's 65, 35 issues, 65% wanting abortion rights and 35 a wanted either no abortion or limited abortion. well, the people who brought them to the dance initially in 2015 absolutely. wanted him to overturn roe and he did start out life self-described. pro choice. so he had to make a lot of transactions as wants to do in order to get the support of the evangelicals here we are well into nios point about where the biden campaign has been in all of this. they obviously seized on this early on. we can go back to the midterms, but even kicking off the year is when the vice president kicked off her reproductive rights tour in wisconsin and has been going to states since then, including visiting a clinic. but i spoke to you a biden campaign official earlier today, who told me they're now going to pour more money into
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abortion-related ads in arizona. of course, this was part of a big advice that they're doing across battleground states. but they do see the opportunity, even if they've already been in this space. and also in talking to democratic strategists, they see this as a continuation of the same story line, but another data point in that another moment that they can point you to say, this is the chaos and confusion that has unfolded since the dobbs ruling and trying to use that and fuel their messaging as they go across the country. but again, it's a space they've been in. it just adds more fuel to all of that. >> and let's just drill down on arizona how important arizona is when it comes to the electoral college 2016, arizona, it's 11 electoral votes went to donald trump as up until last year or last cycle tended to do go go on the republican side that did not happen in 2020. joe biden won arizona in 2020 by little more than 10,000 votes. it was incredibly close. and even before we saw this ruling, the
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stunning ruling this yesterday by the arizona state supreme court, there was already a move to get choice for people who want it on the ballot in arizona. that's not a sure thing, but it's hard to imagine. it won't get more energy into it. >> right? that would mean that there will be more people. probably going to the polls to vote in general and november. >> and what we have seen in the midterms and since when states have left this question up to voters, they turn out and they turn out in support of abortion rights that is what the biden campaign is before it's what a lot of democrats in congress are hoping for as the senate race is definitely one that can control the majority of the senate, keep control either for democrats will go to the republicans absolutely something that i'm hearing from house democrats all the time. i mean, there are a number of swing seats, just one in particular on the border. and it's juan ciscomani seat.
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he's a republican, vulnerable. >> and he put out quite >> a statement yesterday, just say this is wrong. and when he was running during the midterms, he was really squishy, literally ran away from questions to talk about his position on abortion. now they're trying to make it very clear where they stand >> it's funny that you brought up juan ciscomani. i went out to do a story. i think you did as well on his race because it was one of the titus rates, braces and one of the few places where a republican actually unseated an incumbent democrat, despite how energized people were on abortion. and i witnessed that he's very much open about being pro-choice, but he's kind of a crystallized example of somebody who wants to and i find a middle ground that's very hard to find on this issue. down-ballot. he's one example in arizona, the other, of course, is the senate race, kari lake. let's listen to both kari lake and juan ciscomani or excuse me, i'm going to read these. kari lake
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said, this is a very personal issue that should be determined by each individual state and her people. i opposed today's ruling and i'm calling on katie hobbs and the state legislature to come up with an immediate common sense solution and then marianna, to your point, here's what ciscomani said. today's ruling is a disaster for women and providers. i'm a strong supporter of empowering women to make their own health care choices. and i oppose a national ban. >> yeah, listen, i mean, we should point out the kari lake and 2022 praise this law of 18 64 law and said you know, it could be a model for other states. she's in a very different position now. she wants carrie katie hobbs would do something differently she's prevailing on some of the same republicans who were in the state legislature, who also pushed for that 18, 64 law. and what's remarkable about this is the justices in arizona had a choice. they could go with 18, 64, or they could go with 2022. the 2022 law being 15
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week ban vitro suppose 18, 64, right. you have democrats who really want to say that republicans or radical that they want to take the country back in. listen, they have been delivered a gift by the state supreme court because this is exactly what they want to do. they want to go back to before arizona was evening. >> it's just going to say >> not have the right to vote. >> black people. in some states were still enslaved and they are saying, this is the model. and then of course you had kari lake back then saying that this should be a model. this is hugely significant in this race is going to, i think turbocharge these efforts to get it on the ballot. some of the active is they are saying they already have enough signatures. they need it's something like 364,000. i'll by july 4th. >> so this >> is really i think up into this race, which was i think primarily about immigration. and now you have abortion added to the mix. >> well, certainly. and also, this is part of the messaging of the extreme. actually the
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democratic strategist i spoke with this morning pointed out exactly that now we can say, look, who's actually the more extreme party, but also framing it in health care and personal freedoms, right? this is where the overarching message of the biden campaign has been and down-ballot races two and so this gives them an opportunity to make headway where immigration was, is, is hitting arizona very hard. i mean, that is the part of the border section of the border that is seeing a record number of crossings. now they can pivot on the abortion. yeah. >> i'm glad you brought up the fact that arizona it's >> not as if they didn't have a more recent law on the books. and a law that i think probably i know has a lot more mainstream support, which is, you can happen abortion up to 15 weeks of pregnancy what the governor is arguing is that this isn't just about abortion, it's gonna go beyond abortion. listened to katie hobbs these extreme legislators sent a fetal personhood bill to my desk that i was able to veto
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last year. this is a bill that would have paved the way for an alabama style ruling that would ban ivf in arizona. they're going after contraception. this doesn't stop at abortion >> i think voters are starting to realize that as well, especially after the alabama ruling on ivf, when we have so many congressional republicans saying, oh no, we're not going to be talking about ivf or birth control we're seeing that happen and it could act salute lee happen in arizona. okay. everybody >> standby. democrats are hoping that this issue of abortion rights are top of mind for voters in november polls also show inflation and broader economy are even more important at this point, the president didn't get some great news on that front this morning, inflation rose 3.5%, the highest since september. americans are paying more for gas for food, and housing. cnn's rahel solomon is with me now. rahel, what else does this report show? >> yeah. well, i mean, dana,
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you laid it out pretty well there, but it's really gas and housing that we're the largest contributors here up to the price hike that we saw. so this was higher than we were expecting. it was higher than the month prior. and as you pointed out, it's the fastest pace we've seen since six months or so, so 3.5% to put that in perspective, dan, are the expectation was three even on a monthly basis, prices came in hotter than expected. so cpi or the consumer price index report, this is just one inflation report that the fed uses to help guide its decisions. but it's an important one. there are three inflation reports, but it is an important one. but what happens here really matters. i want to go through some components for you where we saw prices increase as we said, gas was a pretty big contributor, 1.7%. that's a pretty big deal. food prices only modestly, but still increasing a bit. and shelter prices. so shelter has been especially sticky and we have been actually hoping when you think shelter, you think rent inflation, rent prices, you think the price to put a roof
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over your head. if you want to put it that way, we had actually been hoping to get some progress on shelter inflation, but that has not happened. and so that's part of what we've seen.n. and if you're looking at the markets today you'll probably notice that it's a pretty rough day. and the reason why is not just because of what this report tells us about the path of inflation as it has been, but also the path of rate cuts in the future. and so the expectation had been dana, as you know, that we would start to see rate cuts from the fed, perhaps as early as june the door has practically been shut on that after this report because essentially what you have, this is the third cpi report after january after february. now you have march coming in hotter, which suggests that inflation is sort of stuck, right? and so it's really remarkable because we've gone from rate cuts are absolutely coming. 2024. that was the consensus. not along time ago. and then it became last week we heard one fed officials say, well, maybe we don't need rate cuts at all in
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2024, and that's set up some alarm bells. and now you're hearing after this report, one prominent economists pointed out maybe the next move from the fed. it's actually a rate hike is really remarkable what has happened, but essentially you have an economy that's still strong in terms of the labor market, in terms of consumer spending. but you have prices and inflation that appear to be stuck. >> yeah. and anybody out there who has been waiting for those rates to come down to buy a house does not want i hear what you just rahel. thank you so much. appreciate it >> coming up >> the lord jesus himself could not manage this conference and quote that's how one house republican is describing the battle within the party over whether the relatively new speaker should keep his job new developments on that story after a foot brake >> sunday a ninth of space story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope >> are we alone >> followed by the two parts of an leo
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to get all of our priorities. we will never get 100% of what we want and believe is necessary for the country cnn's lauren fox is on capitol hill. just write down the hall from where they're meeting lauren. what are you hearing? >> yeah, it's been just over 30 minutes since this meeting began. marjorie taylor greene having this conversation with this speaker or after they failed to connect during that too? week easter recess, johnson had said that he had planned to have a phone call with her. that phone call, according to our sources, never happen. so this is a very critical meeting for speaker mike johnson then it is also a meeting where it's very unclear what he could tell her that would assuage her concerns about his leadership. she has such a long list, dana, as you know, as so what her concerns about johnson our she's unhappy about the way that he passed several spending bills with democratic votes. she's unhappy with the way that he is moving forward with the federal elegance surveillance act renewal right now in the house of representatives and she's frustrated with the fact that he is looking to try and pass
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additional aid for ukraine, something that he has made clear is a priority for him is a priority for many defense hawks within the republican party. but something that badly divides the republican conference. and she's argued all of this without saying precisely when she's going to trigger a motion to vacate a vote to try and oust the speaker. so in many ways, johnson is trying to operate, trying to govern in this two-seat majority as he is facing this threat about his job and as he has coming to the realization that any action he takes, any action to govern any action to do his job could be met with this very important vote that marjorie taylor greene could trigger it any time to try to get rid of him, dana. so it's an impossible situation. meanwhile, other republicans deeply frustrated with the fact that they think marjorie taylor taylor greene is hijacking the conference here they are yet seen a possible job. the lord jesus himself could not manage his conference for this, can't you just can't do it. >> i think mike johnson has a
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great human. he doesn't lie like the last guy. i think people don't like to >> dysfunction so that's not good for our side. and with one seat majority does only take a couple of people to create >> i think speaker johnson is working his guts out doing the best he can with a lot a feral cats >> and the wildcard here is it marjorie taylor greene tries to take out speaker johnson, who would joiner in that effort. and then what do democrats? grant's do dana, i think that that's a key question here. y to table any effort to get rid of the speaker, but obviously they're not going to do that in the conversations i've had with them for free, dana? >> yeah. they're definitely going to try to extract some compromises out of him and that will put them maybe in a different situation very, very complicated it did let us know if you see any white smoke from that from that meeting. appreciate it. lauren, the panel is back here and marianna, you've written extensively about this, including i was just looking at, you said that according to
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one republican, these spoke to it is the silent majority now, and the republican conference that continues to move away from the speaker. we heard some different sentiment in those soundbites, but it's a very big conference. >> yeah. i mean, there are a majority i would say of republicans who do not want to vacate the speaker, but that doesn't mean that they aren't very upset with him. i mean, there are so many conservatives and i've heard from many privately who are literally questioning what it means to be a republican. and the reason why is because we have seen johnson have to rely on democrats because the far-right members of the conference just do not allow anything to pass. it's possible today, for example, on that foreign surveillance act that rule could fail on the floor because there's just so many objections johnson, as mccarthy had to do, had to rely on democrats to pass things and many republicans also upset with how they just wanted the government. that is what triggered marjorie taylor greene to drop this warning is what she's calling it but
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again, anything could trigger her too. move it forward, put it up for a floor vote and it is unclear right now just how many republicans could potentially join her because of just besides her, how upset republicans are, how much they do not want ukraine funding want a number of different things that johnson literally has to address and piece together. >> and then we just put some numbers up on the screen so our viewers really understand just how tight this is right now. it's two, 18 to two vacancies? it will be an additional vacancy after mike gallagher of wisconsin leaves. he's just leaving next friday. that that's how tight this is. and that is true for the legislation that you are talking about, which is most important. it's also true for his ability, mike johnson's ability to keep his job if it comes to that for the white house to pass its priorities mean that's the real consequence of this, particularly when you're looking at ukraine aid, the white house for months it's husband saying that they need
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to get those funds to ukraine in their war against russia. in fact, it's going to come up likely in the president's meeting today with japan's prime minister. this isn't something that just has consequences domestically. it is something that the president is having to acknowledge on the world stage nia, the crazy aid is what kevin mccarthy calls the eight people lovingly. yeah. the opposite of love voted to oust him, right now, let's just look at where they are. three, including matt gaetz opposes doing the same to johnson. there are four who are not saying what they would do. but on the subject of matt gaetz kevin mccarthy was a georgetown this week and he was incredibly blunt, candid, and sharp about matt gaetz give me the truth about that number >> and i'll give you the truth why i'm not speakers because one person, a member of congress wanted me to stop an ethics complaint because he
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slept with a 17-year-old an ethics complaint that started before i ever became speaker, and that's illegal and i'm not going to get the milk. did he do it or not? i don't know >> okay. before you jump in, i just need to say that the doj did investigate the congressman gates for sex trafficking. they looked into allegations that he had sexual relations with an underage girl. they dropped the investigation and february of 2023, he denies the allegations and gates responded to mccarthy san kevin is a liar, which actually is why he isn't speaker. just ask any of the 224 people who voted to remove him. >> listen. kevin mccarthy, obviously, still dealing emotionally with what it means please do not be speaker anymore. in effect, that matt gaetz is the one who dealt him that fate. >> it's also >> true that kevin mccarthy empowered a lot of these folks who he wants to call the crazy eight people like marjorie taylor greene, who's obviously causing problems for my johnson now, none of this is great for
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the republican brand. they are arguing two americans that they should be in charge, and they are demonstrating that they are having real problems of governing and coming to any sort of consensus at the root of the problem is that they don't really want to govern. they don't want to get anything done. there. a caucus that is full of obstructionist don't really see the government as a positive force and americans lives in so here they are in chaos. it's not surprise that we're here again with mike johnson. it this kind of chaos dominated mccarthy's time as speaker as well. >> can i >> think the saving grace for mike johnson is who else would want this job at this point? who else could get i can get the vote. yeah. who else? who want it? who else could get it in so that i think is maybe the only thing keeping him yeah. >> i mean, republicans can't agree on anything and they have a way narrow margin that they did when they elected johnson. there is no one else. there is no one else scale a live look at the rose garden. very soon president biden will be holding
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a joint news conference with prime minister. the prime minister of japan. i think we have a live picture the rose garden, if not, we're gonna give it to you on the other side of the break, you're going to want to see it. so stick around >> are you all-star teams return for a waterfront redemption showdown? bring it, but only one will make us flash. i think we nailed it, rocked the box season finale monday night at nine on hgtv file 100% free with turbotax free edition roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only. see how a that's me it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed palace. the farmers dog is fresh food made with whole meet and veggies it's not dry food. it's not i'm wet food. it's just real food it's an idea whose time has come
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together for a very important meaning. they first met in the oval office just in the last hour kayla tausche is live from the white house. >> why is the white house >> calling this visit the dawn of a new era in us chip in us-japan relations, kayla >> well, dana, the way that the administration puts it, they say that the two countries are taking their security alliance to the next level. thanks. in no small part. to changes that japan has made at the bureaucratic level to allow it to engage on a deeper level with the us and allow things like, for instance, the export of weaponry developed in japan, the export of military technology that will allow it to produce and sell military aid to other countries around the world. officials say that that in particular has made a very big change to this relationship. and so they're gonna be announcing a quite a few new items of deliverables on the military and defense
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front, but they're also expected to cover the waterfront of climate space, artificial intelligence and technology across a host of partnerships that the two countries say our first of their kind, here's how they said it in their words. earlier today >> i would assert our alliance has never been stronger. our entire history, but today i look forward to discussing how we can even deepen more including increasing defense and then technology and cooperation across the board. while can continue to enhance and ensure no pacific remain seems a free, open, and prosperous region of the world. with my standing together. >> now the purpose of this state visit now, and these deeper partnerships now is twofold. first the country's want to put up a counter offensive to china and it's increasing hostility in the south china in a see in the broader region that's why they're gonna bring the president of the philippines and for a first ever trilateral
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tomorrow where they're going to announce some military exercises and some infrastructure investments. but then administration officials also note the domestic element here, the need to put some permanent on the relationship between the us and japan because of what could potentially happen later this year, dana. >> okay. kayla, thanks for that report. excuse me. i'm we are waiting to see the two gentlemen in the rose garden when that happens, i know you will let us know the panel is back here >> just talk >> for a second. you also cover the white house about this kind of meeting. and back in the day, we are ronald reagan used to call it the rose garden strategy. this is quite literally in the rose garden on a, on a pretty day in washington. how does the biden campaign view events like this? >> they view it as a way to save the us has reaffirmed its position on the world stage. we're showing that to you and look what could be at risk if the president's republican rival were to take the helm
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again, i think this is an interesting moment for president biden to, because he does often pool on his foreign policy experience on the campaign trail. and we saw this play out with nato he harkens back to his history and background and foreign policy to make his case on the campaign trail and that is what we see in moments like this too. this is where he's most comfortable. this is where he gets to say, i when working on this relationship is coordination with a key ally in the indo-pacific region and this is what is at stake with all of the conflicts abroad. if we don't keep up these alliances for the campaign, if anything, the conventional is good here and they can use this as another example of the president showing that the us can still lead, whereas they can cast doubt on whether that was the case when the former president, that's really interesting and an important note another interesting thing that happened is the president's former chief of staff lawn klein, who was not
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just as former chief of staff he has been with joe biden since he was a senator in various incarnations, very, very close >> he >> had the following to say in an audio tape okay. still say tape. it audio obtained by politico i'm going to read this. >> i think the president is >> out there too much talking about bridges he does two or three events a week and they're where he's cutting a ribbon on a bridge and here's a bridge like i tell you, if you go into the grocery store you go to the grocery store and, you eggs and milk are expensive. the fact that there's a effing bridge is not inaudible wrong plane was famously the person who would drive to work specifically down certain streets so he could see what the gas prices were when he was
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working at the white house. he is i think understandably obsessed with those pocketbook issues. and the fact that he is so out there vocally criticizing what the current campaign and the current white house are doing. what does that tell you? >> listen, i'm sure he he's probably privately telling them this as well. >> the >> biden campaign, they have to figure out a way to go to these swing states and say to these voters, we delivered, we were able to get this big infrastructure deal done and look, there is a bridge and listen we understand how important bridges are particularly good happened in baltimore >> what my claim isn't >> wrong here, right? people experienced the economy people experienced progress or lack of progress in terms of the economy. at the gas pump, at the piggy wiggly, at the winn-dixie at the farmer jacks. and wherever you are shopping to get your groceries, or how many bags can you get? four, 50 bucks, right you know, that's
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how people experience the economy. and so the biden team has yet to figure out how to sort of change their trajectory, right? by non-mixed didn't quite work. you can't say, look at these great numbers. you certainly can't say look this great bridge. and so that's what we're unclean is getting at and they haven't quite figured it out yet. likely wigwe might be the best name for ever very good groceries. but on that note, our saying the president and his aides, but even the president maybe not out there as much as a lot of people in his party want him to be out there. but just yesterday, he did a pretty long interview with univision and in it he was talking about some of the things on home prices and on home affordability that his administration has tried to do. that, maybe haven't gotten a lot of attention and most importantly to me as point having sort of seeped in with the voters who are frustrated in this case, not being able to buy a house. he's talked about providing millions of new homes, rentals assistance, and
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things like that. >> i mean, that's the difficulty is how do you let people know convinced them that while yes, you are experiencing this with the economy when you go to the grocery store, there are other things happening. these are the things that we've been able to accomplish. i mean, i always think about the affordable care here, act way back when democrats are saying this is going to help you, this is going to transform your lives and americans just war thinking about it it just wasn't until they really were feeling, once they finally saw the eventually see that bridge in their community, they're going to say, okay democrats did this for me, but it's just so hard at this point in time for the president. i would even argue congressional democrats, they could go out there and say we're doing this for you it's just so hard to tap into that emotional feeling that voters, we're gonna have to take a quick break, but before we do just on that note, we have a headline from the wall street journal talking about biden pitching accomplishments that can't make it past the noise.
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his campaign is promoting the effort that they've pushed to fight climate change. $1 trilli voters don't care, but in that story, once they learned of what the president and his team were doing, they say, oh, okay, well, that's good. one example. all right. everybody coming up the presidential election could hinge on one single electoral vote in nebraska, we've got the latest i'm republican efforts to change the rules there to boost donald trump and independent presidential candidate cornell west just announced his running mate. we're going to tell you about after the break >> new ally, in the fight against climate change. this is new car this is blue carbon. we just need to protect. nature will do the rest in carbon >> cnn >> film sunday, april 21 at nine looking for a bladder leak pad that keeps you dry all of the things that you're looking for in a pad that is always discreet look at how it absorbs all the liquid. oh, my gosh,
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products. we also make proactive urinary tract health prop you korea is a life's they tried today at your core >> justin to cnn independent presidential candidate cornel west, picked his running mate. it is molina abdullah, one of the co-founders of black lives matters, who now works for pan african against as a pan-african studies professor at cal state university in los angeles west made the announcement moments ago on the travis smiley show. he said this about a doula she has a record of deep commitment and investment in ensuring that poor and working people are at the center of her vision now, to a potential change that could have enormous consequences on the 2024 presidential election. republicans want to change the way the state eighth of nebraska awards its electoral votes. which, which could be an election deciding boost for
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donald trump. the state's republican governor is now promising to call a spes special legislative session. when he says there is sufficient support in the legislature to pass it are jeff zeleny is tracking this from omaha, jeff, i'm sure it's nice to be back in your home state you've been doing a lot of reporting out there on what is going to happen, what are you hearing from your sources at this point? >> well, dan, it's so interesting, nebraska and maine of course, are the only two states in the country that divide their electoral votes. so come november, that is certainly something that is going to be front and center in this campaign. but both presidential campaigns have been watching this very carefully. this is not new for about 30 years or so. this has been done in nebraska, but suddenly it is gaining fresh attention. and here is why >> because of the >> closeness of this race and the sort of changing nature of the battlegrounds. if president biden wins, wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania, and nothing else he would win the
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presidency with this electoral vote here in omaha. if he does not, it could be a tight race that is sent to the house of representatives. so that is the back grab to all of this here. and this basically was going without much attention last week until conservative activists charlie kirk started raising attention to this. he was right here in omaha last night, urging nebraskan to press this issue >> we want to see and we're going to see the story come to completion. we are going to keep on pushing and keep on pushing and keep on pushing until nebraska gets winner-take-all. nebraska could pick a president the preska could pick a president >> so because of that campaign of pressure on state republicans here, including the governor of nebraska, jim pill. and now he is promising to call a special session of the legislature. so democrats are vowing to fight this as well. we caught up with the executive director of the nebraska democratic party, who actually cast the electoral vote in 2020
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for joe biden here. she said democrats are pushing back would they just didn't understand was is that we're we're small but mighty and there's people here that are ready to take up that fight. and we're going to do that and so i feel the past they maybe didn't see how valuable it is but i always tell people, i tell people all the time if people didn't know how valuable vote is they wouldn't be doing so many laws to try to restrict our vote >> and perhaps that is the irony here, dana of it, there's been a lot of talk about election laws over the past four years, while republicans now we're trying to change state election law for something they believe does not benefit them. there's also another subtext of the electoral college here. sure. many democrats, crowds have been opposed to that. well, that is also at play here. so this is just the beginning likely of this conversation. but the reason this one electoral vote matters is because of the tight race here. and the potential of a 2609 tie
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that again, would send this race to the house of representatives. so for now, all sides heads are digging in on this electoral fight. >> i mean, >> listening to revote here in nebraska. yeah, i'm listening to republicans after 20, you would be shocked to see that they're trying to change the law in a state benefit them thank you so much for that, jeff. appreciate it. we are standing by for a rare presidential news conference. president biden is about to speak to reporters along with the japanese prime minister, stick around >> there's debris and this guy, parents, husbands in f1 i've gone wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight two part finale, sunday, it now hi, and on cnn skin craving, next level hydrations, new neutrogena, hydro boost, water, cream of vital boost of nine times more hydration could boost your skin's barrier for clenched, dewy skin, that's full of life. neutrogena hydro
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oraa ring i'm arlette saenz at the white house, and this is cnn >> you are looking at live pictures of the white house rose garden very soon, president biden will hold a joint news conference with the
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prime minister of japan we look forward to seeing what they say and also the questions that we expect them to take from reporters. both the japanese prime minister and president biden thank you so much for joining inside politics today. standby, because we're going to bring that to you via cnn news central, which starts after a break >> the sinking of the titanic, how it really happens. it's special to wow lumiere sunday, april 28 did nine on cnn. >> i met with the turbotax expert because i had two full-time jobs, lawyering and miemie count on me, mia, i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy guaranteed.
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