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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 10, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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their time in a separate facility. aaron >> when you thank you very much. from chicago tonight. before we go and outfront update, we've been closely following the story of cosine of karelina 30 year-old dual us-russian citizen from los angeles. she's being held tonight in russian prison. she was arrested while visiting her parents and charged with treason for allegedly donating $51 to a ukrainian charity a judge now ordering her to remain bar behind bars for an additional three months at least. but karelina has been able to exchange letters with her boyfriend here here in the since her arrest. and tonight, he is giving us the very latest on her life in prison. and what she is enduring >> they get to shower once a week that breaks me she has no hot water. the hardest thing for these to fall asleep because they refused to put the lights off. >> i can >> tell you this from the
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lettuce and stuff. she's scared thanks for joining us. the newest continues right here on cnn >> it's wednesday, april 10, right now on cnn this morning outrage in arizona blowback for republicans after the state's court ruling effectively bans all abortions. there >> it remains astounding to me that the world is almost definitely silent when it comes to hamas >> secretary of state blinken questioning why there's so much outrage against the israeli it's rather than the terrorists who attacked them and house republicans delaying their attempt to impeach homeland secretary alejandro mayorkas all right >> 5:00 a.m. here in washington, it's 2am out in san francisco a live look there as hoekstra, the middle of their night. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt.
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wonderful to have you with us just a day after donald trump tried to solve republicans abortion problem, it got a lot worse for them. the arizona supreme court reinstating a civil war era abortion law the band's nearly all abortions in the state. it includes just one exception for the life of the mother arizona's democratic governor, katie hobbs vowing to fight the ruling well, areas on across the state are reeling from this decision that reinstates the most are >> carnian ban in the country this is a ban that as you said, was passed in 18, 64 before we are a state before women had the right to vote and it is a near-total ban with no exceptions for rape or incest. it requires prison time for doctors >> hobbs went on to underscore that arizonans will have the chance to vote on the issue in november that could present a significant political problem
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for republicans, arizona is a critical race in november, it could control, determine control of the senate, and that's before we even get to the presidential stakes. michael chanel, congressional reporter for the hill, is joining me now to talk more about this. michael. good morning. it's wonderful to see you. thanks for being here >> so >> the senate race in arizona again, just to score for everyone, the senate is balanced right on the edge, right? 50, 50 could easily go either way, republicans very much hoping to take it back, and it could hinge on this race in arizona between ruben gallego and kari lake. so kari lake, the republican very trumpian figure, if we remember back to how she conducted her politics last time how much he was running for governor she writes this, i wholeheartedly agree with president trump. okay. a personal issue that should be determined by a state and her people. but then she says, i opposed today's ruling. i'm calling on katie hobbs, a democrat and the state legislature to come up with an immediate common sense solution that arizonans can support. i
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think it's worth noting here. sure. that there is a 15 week ban in place that has exceptions in arizona. so there is what many politicians will refer to as a middle ground solution on this >> what does it tell you that kari lake >> is taking this position on this that abortion is throwing politics into whack, right >> kari lake right here. and she had previously endorsed this near-total abortion ban back in i believe it was 2022. now, she's turning around and moderating her voice. and this is something that we've seen. it's a common theme that we've seen throughout this arizona senate race in general, both ruben gallego and kari lake trying to be more of a moderate voice, but particularly on a board portion, it shows that republicans are nervous about how this is going to affect turnout at the ballot box, how it's going to affect ultimate results. i mean, we saw it in 2022. everyone spoke about that red wave that was going to come republicans, we're going to pick up a number of seats in the house and the senate that didn't happen because better-than-expected results
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from democrats blunted that red wave largely in part because of the dobbs decision which overturned roe v. wade. now this abortion politics is a winning message for democrats. they know how to run on it. they know what brings them results. republicans, i think the fact that is back in the news, arizonans going to have one of those ballot initiatives to try to enshrine abortion rights come november. republicans are nervous that once again, this could upend their momentum and this is also a strategy that democrats have pursued to try to put abortion rights on the ballot, not just certainly it makes sense in the context of each individual state, but it also has the potential to impact arizona is a critical swing state, is huge for president biden, let's put up on the screen what has happened in bates where abortion has been directly on the ballot in these ballot initiatives, it's happened in california, michigan, ohio, kentucky, and kansas. and if we can get that, we can show you. now, this is the one that has kind of shows across the country, the state of play for
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each of these states. but there is another one. there it is that we'll show you the light blue is where people rejected a measure to restrict rights and the darker blue is where it was explicitly protected. and you'll notice that states on this map include kansas, kentucky, ohio, which has historically swing has not been a swing state lately. so what does this tell you about the possible fully for the ballot initiative in arizona, which has become a very purple state. yet it could really affect turnout at the ballot box. and of course, turnout doesn't just matter for that ballot initiative, but it'll matter if you get more democrats voting, that could help president biden, that could help ruben gallego, that can help with all these down-ballot races. so when you put this balance sheet of on the ballot, well, it in an up for grabs come november that could galvanize a lot of democratic voters. again, it's the dynamic that we saw back in november. so i think that a lot of democrats, while they're not happy with the substance of the ruling yesterday, of course, they don't want to see abortion, abortion rights being curtailed politically speaking,
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this is going to give them the momentum and it's going to be able to soup for charge their messaging as we get closer to november. >> let's talk about trump himself for a second because he did a lot of sort of public hemming and hiring. he >> would say 15 weeks, 16 weeks will say, oh, this is what people think benny, all of a sudden he said out loud, i'm going to make a statement on abortion a little bit to the surprise of his team. he did it on the day of the clips and the unsc doublet men's championship, maybe trying to vary the news a little bit variant >> coincidence. >> there, fair few coincidences and politics >> but the bottom line here is that the biden campaign was able to put up a tweet. now that says this is what leaving it to the states looks like there is a state with a band that is literally from the wild west. and the civil war era. for trump himself, what does this mean? because on the one hand saying he didn't say one way or the other in that video, whether he would or wouldn't sign a national abortion ban. >> but >> that saying you'll sign a national abortion ban hands a gift to democrats. and in this
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case, you can hold up an example of, hey, this is what a state would do how what is his next move here? >> and again, this is why democrats are happy, because republicans still haven't figured out their messaging on this issue since 2022. they still have not figured out how to thread that needle to pick up support and have a winning message there. look, this is not a good scenario for trump because as you mentioned, he said that this should be left to the states. he said that whatever stasis so that'll be the land of the states essentially endorsing those rulings and democrats, the biden campaign beforehand were already pointing out those states and those specific rulings and decisions in those states. now they're going to do it even more with this civil war era law. now on the books, of course, there's the 14 day waiting period to see if there'll be some appeals likely to be appealed. right. but again, this gives the biden campaign ability to say, well, donald trump essentially endorse this because he said that he supportive and he said that this is the blood the decision of states and whatever states decide that's going to be the law of the land. well, this is a decision and arizona a key swing state, when that
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could determine some could determine the balance of power in the senate next year. so were democrats are really going to run on this and say, well, is this what you want if this is what happens when it's left to the states. >> all right, michael schnell for us, starting us off this morning, michael, thank you. great to have you. >> all right. just ahead here. why republicans decided not to move forward this week with the impeachment of homeland, the homeland security secretary plus former senator doug jones is here with a warning for states that still protect abortion rights plus, and next on, antony blinken not holding back the world is almost definitely silent >> when it comes to hamas >> carbon, a >> cnn film, sunday, april 21 at nine. here's to getting >> better with age here's the beaten these two every thursday help fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition, you need >> without the stuff you don't so here's to now >> paula's choice, known for its iconic 2% dha liquid
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secretary of state antony blinken, showing some frustration with the international response to the >> war in gaza during a joint press conference with a uk foreign secretary yesterday, blinken condemned israel's humanitarian efforts in gaza, and also passionately called out the lack of outrage toward hamas department in washington. we were >> it would also be i think important that so much of the understandable passion outrage and anger directed at israel for the plight of palestinian civilians in gaza. >> but. some of that might also be reserved and directed for hamas it remains astounding to me that the world is almost definitely silent when. it comes to hamas where's the outrage? there >> where's the outrage? he asks cnn international acre max
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foster joins me now, live from london. max, good morning. always wonderful to see you. what do you make of blinken's remarks? there, especially as president biden's seems to have been intensifying his criticism, or at least his harsher words toward netanyahu and the conduct of this war >> well i think has been quite definitely silence. has those been a huge amount of criticism of amass around the world here in europe as much as any other place. i think that was a bit confusing to a lot of people. the other thing that was confusing is that you have this defense of israel in the blinken speech, but then at the same time, you've got president biden saying, what are the basic, his sharpest rebukes really of israel's handling think of the war in gaza i'm just talking from an outside america point of view that there are as ever so many more, so many conflicting views on israel and gaza and hamas.
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and a lack of clarity really about where america stands on a lot of these issues arms issue is still a really live one here supplying arms to israel. is that right or wrong criticizing israel at the same time as supplying arms to israel. i think a lot of people are getting really lost in a little the language here yeah, i have to say as i watched blinken say what he said, i couldn't help but thinking of his family history and his stepfather was a holocaust >> survivor, and you saw a lot of that in the early days of the war and after october 7 from blinken, i kinda wonder if that wasn't at play here, but max, i also wanted to ask you thomas freeman calmness in the new york times historically influential former mideast bureau chief for them, he writes this about israel. if israel is not going to partner with the palestinian authority and moderate arab states to create different governance in gaza and create conditions for normalizing relations with saudi arabia israel needs to get its hostages back the
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humanitarian crisis in gaza get out of gaza, have a new election and do a deep rethink please. israel do not get sucked into rafah and permanently occupying gaza it will be a disaster. this is an interesting reminder to me of the state of play before october 7, which was that saudi arabia was on the brink of signing this normalization agreement. with israel. israel was potentially occupying a very different place in the region. and on the world stage, what's your view of the implications of all of this >> while i think the point there is still with what's happening in gaza right now and then build those diplomatic relations afterwards. i don't want to put words into his mouth, but there are two things going on here, isn't it what's actually she gave me on in gaza right now and the immediate strategy and whether or not refer as part of that. and then broadly what happens after all of this and whether or not cheap stay within israel, for example saudi arabia will obviously have a say as a major, our country in what of structure should be rebuilt their, and it'll be really important one for saudi
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arabia to be working with israel so that was a really important piece of progression and the middle east, the wider middle east peace process but there are two different elements here. the long-term, the short-term, and the short-term challenges we spoke about yesterday. for netanyahu, is that the extreme right. insist that he does go into raffa or they will topple its government >> yeah, very very central driving force behind what is playing out here. much, of course, with the people of gaza caught in the crossfire. max foster for us in london, max thank you. i really appreciate it >> up next here, independent candidate cornel west, about to announce his pick for his vice president. plus upheaval in the house speaker mike johnson, still struggling to keep his job >> there's debris in this guy parents, husbands and wives wish i could've done something differently you can just make
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save an average of 5%. learn more at ramped >> i'm zachary cohen in washington, and this is cnn 22 minutes past the hour. here's your morning round up. the state of missouri executing convicted murderer brian dorsey after last-minute appeals for clemency to the governor. and the supreme court failed the 52 year-old died by lethal injection just after 6:00 p.m. central time six white former police officers from mississippi known as the goon squad will be sentenced in state court today for torturing two black men. they've already been sentenced to lengthy federal prison terms. independent presidential candidate cornel west is set to announce his running mate on tatas smiley show at noon today, critics say both he and rfk junior won't win but could put donald trump back in the white house our time now for your morning, whether 30
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million people faced severe storm threats from texas to georgia today, jackson, mississippi was hard hit on tuesday with a confirmed tornado just west of the city and more flash flood warnings this morning are meteorologist allison chinchar, tracking the system for us, allyson. good morning. what are you seeing >> good morning. already some ongoing storms even at this hour, we've got a very strong line. it's just starting to push into houston and galveston, texas. you've also got some strong storms sliding in from eastern louisiana in towards mississippi as we speak a lot of lightning with these, but also the potential for strong to severe thunderstorms. you've got a severe thunderstorm watch that includes houston. we've also got this new tornado watch that includes a good portion of louisiana and that's valid until 9:00 a.m. central time this morning as these storms are expected to continue to slide east, we could in turn end up seeing additional severe thunderstorm watches for even tornado watches, put out later on into the de, the main concern for all of these areas you see here, regardless of the color, is going to be strong tornadoes. the potential for
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damaging winds, and even some large hail. but the real focus point is going to be the closer you get towards the gulf coast, especially when we talk about tornadoes because this hatched area you see here has a pretty decent chance of ef2 tornadoes or even stronger. so again, not just some of the smaller ones, but some of the more potent tornadoes as well. here's a look at the storm's once we get towards lunchtime, the bulk of those really strong storms are really focused over areas of mississippi by the evening rush hour commute, it's focused more over alabama at birmingham, montgomery one huntsville likely to deal with a very soggy commutes by the evening time that's when we really start to see those slide into places like atlanta. and then eventually into charlotte during the overnight and the morning hours tomorrow. so this is going to be a multi-day event. there's also going to be a flood threat and take a look at this. they're already significant areas that have seen four to six inches of rain already, more on the way so we also have the potential for flooding is we go today and tomorrow >> all right. allison chinchar forrest. allyson. thanks very much for that. >> i had here the >> political implications of the arizona supreme court's
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decision to uphold a civil war era ban on abortion and former democratic senator doug jones of alabama joins me to talk about donald trump's latest loss in court >> king charles denied it on cnn >> itch scratch must not stop the if sanity with cortisone ten for bug bites, poison ivy and other riches, cortisone ten is number one. doctor recommended. it works fast and lasts for hours. cortisone ten rows sparks engineered for the spontaneous. a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra. and see alice faster acting and long-lasting grabbed the moment get started at slash sparks with verizon business unlimited. i get 5g truly unlimited data, unlimited hotspot data so no matter what,
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philadelphia. my city of brotherly love. good morning. thanks for being with us. i'm kasie hunt the arizona supreme court has just taken the state's abortion laws back to the wild west quite literally yesterday, the court ruled that the state must adhere to a near-total abortion ban written in 18, 64 before to two ruling by a conservative majority revived a law that had lain dormant until the us supreme court struck down roe versus wade in 2022. after the decision was announced, arizona's attorney general made it clear that she does not plan to enforce this civil war era law >> today's decision to reimpose a law from a time when arizona wasn't a state, the civil war was still raging, and women could not vote we'll go down in history as a stain on our state and on the supreme court as long as i am attorney
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general of the state of arizona >> no >> woman or doctor we'll be prosecuted under this draconian law >> all right. joining me now to discuss this, elizabeth da she is new york times religion and politics reporter, and it's also the co-author of the fall of roe, the rise of a new america, elizabeth, thanks very much for being here. thanks so much wonderful to have you >> you >> spent so much time obviously reporting on this issue in the wake of the fall of roe in 2022 how do you see what we saw play out in arizona in the context of this fight, right? >> well, i think the first thing to say is that because this is the first presidential election country, has, had in half a century without rows the foundation. and so it's just the dynamic of how politics is usually done, what republicans normally do, democrats normally do the basis for that has totally changed and we're seeing this in arizona.
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there's probably not another state right now so distills exactly what america is up against >> this law >> in a place that such a battleground state means that the voter said, i've been talking with the leaders of the anti-abortion groups and the democrats putting forward a push to really enshrining abortion rights in the state's constitution. >> this clash >> shows the ways that abortion, as we show in our upcoming book is about so much more than politics mean this gets at the deepest most the closely held beliefs that americans have about religion. abortion is, of course a law, but it's it's about health policy but it's a symbol of religion, race what it means to be a woman really fundamentally. so i think when we're hearing people talk about their big reactions to this law, you're also hearing
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they're feelings about their future as women, about families, and just what life with this next-generation of the national even look like right on the level of control that you have over your own life as a woman, for sure. >> so this obviously >> from a political perspective, has sent the republican party scrambling in arizona. you have, of course, the presidential race and about initiative that as you rightly point out, may have significant implications. you also have a senate race in that could determine control of the us senate. kari lake, who of course, lost a bid for governor, very trumpian figure came out and said she opposes with the supreme court did here. but i will just note this is what she said, i believe right in the in the wake of roe falling, this was june 24, 2022. here was kari lake i'm incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that's already on the books. i believe it's ars 133603. so it
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will prohibit abortion in arizona except to save the life of a mother so she called it a great law that is already on the books when the rubber meets the road. i mean what is that going to mean for her? >> well, it shows just how planned in many ways, the anti-abortion movements goals have been for just how far they want to go and what they were thinking about two years ago even before then, about what can happen now in america without this, this foundation of roe. and we're think when we've been hearing about what is the plan for enforcement for the arizona hello. there's the two-week waiting period, right now. there's probably litigation, but the lawyers through who pushed to get this victory yesterday for the anti-abortion side. they're already saying they fully expect this to be enforceable
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in about two weeks. they're not thinking about anything beyond that. they're saying that decision actually about enforcement isn't with the arizona attorney general. it's with county prosecutor's, which is of course not what they're saying. and if she said she's not going to enforce it, so it's i think it's very important to remember to not underestimate the power growing power of the anti-abortion movement especially in the states like the dynamic has absolutely changed at a national level, there are weaker than they've been in years since the fall of roe? >> yeah. >> but at the state level, they have power and state legislators, they have power in courts and that is where these decisions really end up mattering in terms of what's potentially going to happen. so it's up then two democrats to mobilize their voters. new voters a lot of suburban women, especially who are unhappy and arizona, a lot of people from california who moved over during the pandemic and so
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while yes, democrats have this great organizing asset at this time the right isn't it for a long game on this issue? >> and so you're arguing that while because i from a national perspective and everything we cover here in washington, it makes a lot of sense when you say the national anti-abortion forces are seeing the reaping what they sewed in terms of they got what they wanted, and now they're getting backlash for it. but you're saying that at the state level, they're actually still getting stronger. >> well, in these key states, i mean, look, they were able to do this. they had, they had the arizona state supreme court. they had a legal strategy in place, an order to move forward. >> and it's >> the where there really vulnerable as the ballot initiatives of course and the push by voters directly and by abortion rights, reproductive rights groups to enshrine russian rights protections in
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the state constitution. >> and of course, we've seen every time abortion rights have been on the ballot, people have either voted against restricting them or they voted in favor of protecting them. >> elizabeth diaz. thank you so much for being here. hope you'll come back. it's gonna be a huge issue this whole election. yes. thank you very much. her book, the fall of roe and the rise of a new america comes out soon now this house republicans holding off, sending impeachment articles to the senate until next week. that's of course, against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. the delay comes as senate republicans are trying to make a public argument for a full trial >> since >> democrats are expected to quickly dismiss the articles from the outset we have asked and i understand the speaker, i understand this is public now, the speaker we asked him to delay sending over >> the articles until monday to at least give us a full week. we'll see if senator schumer honors the extra time. >> we're going to try and resolve this issue as quickly as possible impeachment should never be used to settle policy
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disagreements payments. >> all right. joining us now to discuss. so if you're kind national political reported for axios and andrew des, the dario senior congressional reporter for punchbowl news. good morning to both of you. if thanks for being here. andrew, what is really going on here? i mean, what does the senate gonna do with this right? >> so this is >> essentially delaying the >> inevitable, right is still very likely that they're going to vote to dismiss this it's trial really at the outset, everybody who works in the senate covers a senate knows that the closer you get to 1:45 p.m. on thursday means it's more likely that senators are going to do whatever it takes to get the heck out of dodge for humans as we call them, started wafting through the hallways as they race to catch their planes. you heard senator really say the entire it's occasion of the jet fumes overcomes people. write and that is true, right? but delaying this next week will not necessarily change the result. it will give republicans more time to talk about this as an issue. but democrats are still expected to move forward with this motion to either dismiss or table the
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trial at the outset, and they could do it actually with some republican help because you're seeing republican senators mitt romney and lisa murkowski for example raise issues with this impeachment process and say, look, we have more important things to focus on on the senate floor. i'm >> just to clarify for everyone how many votes to democrats need to basically put this in a situation where we don't actually see a trial play out on the floor, they just need a simple majority, democrats currently have 51, 49 majority in the senate. so really they can do this without any republican help or resistance really, if there's one democratic defection and that becomes a 50, 50 vote that is a failed vote. so the trial will proceed in that case. we do expect democrats to be together on this, but in the event that they are not as i mentioned before, senators romney and murkowski, their votes are in play for this really interesting sophia, how do you view this and how do your sources talk about this? for example, in the white house, as this obviously has become an instruction that we don't use impeachment for policy
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disagreements. this is really about house republicans trying to send a message about the border to the country at large. >> yeah. i mean, i think democrats are saying, look, if you're using something like this schedule and what day of the week it is to decide when you're going to send them over, then it's clearly they know the real getting is on the wall. republicans note themselves that there's not really going to be a lot of legs for this impeachment. and that's what democrats are saying they're ready to get this over with. they've already told speaker johnson you're done with all the impeachment. you're done with your your your attempt to impeach president biden as well, and they ready? for this to be over. on the other hand, republicans know that this is a winning issue. i mean, you just talks about abortion immigration is more of a winning issue for republicans. that abortion on the campaign trail, and that's why they've tried to keep it in the limelight >> so speaking of house speaker mike johnson andrew, he is having as much funniest he's ever had in this job currently. he's facing the threat from
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marjorie taylor greene motion to vacate here are what some of his other mike johnson's other constituents should we call them that his other members of his conference as they tried to describe the difficulties he is facing right now in his job, take a look. >> it's an impossible job the lord jesus himself could not manage his conference or this can't you just can't do it. >> i think mike johnson has a great great human. he doesn't lie like the last guy. >> i think people don't like to dysfunction so that's not good for our side. and with the one seat majority does only take a couple of people to craig dysfunction. >> i think speaker johnson is working his guts out doing the best he can with a lot of feral cats >> true? some color there from house republicans who are willing to support the house speaker. what do you think is the way, how do you think that this plays out here coming up in the next? couple of weeks as
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johnson muscles with whether to put this ukraine aid on the floor? >> yeah. he's got ukraine aid. he's got re-authorization of the foreign intelligence surveillance act, which is another deadline he's got to face next week and he's got warring factions within his own party on that issue and speaking of impeachment is impeachment effort against president biden really is sputtering at this point. it's losing support among republicans losing steam, it's losing credibility to be frank with you as well. but ukraine is really going to be the issue that defines his speakership. he says he wants to put a ukraine aid bill on the floor, but it's becoming increasingly clear that such a move would imperil his speakership because marjorie taylor greene and other concerns are seriously flirting with this idea of putting forward a motion to vacate. now the question is, what do other republicans do? what do democrats do in particular, do they try to save him? mike johnson does not want to be a speaker who serves at the behest or having been saved by here are the democrat exactly. yeah. but by a member of members for the democratic party. so that's another
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consideration for him. so really there's no good option for him on this issue in particular, and ukraine has been a problem for him. four, mitch mcconnell or kevin mccarthy before him, right it's just really that unsolvable issue on capitol hill right now. right. well, and we've just >> seen it gets successively >> worse for each republican speaker trying to control what is really, i mean, it's, it's the evolution of a single thread since john benner basically drop the mic and left town. all right, so if you andrew, does scenario. thank you guys both very much. i really appreciate it >> are coming up next here. we're going to talk about arizona's abortion rights fight, and special counsel jack smith's latest win court with former senator doug jones. don't miss that. plus, tiger >> woods says he has a formula for winning this week's masters zyrtec allergy relief works fast and last a full 24 hours. so dave can be deliverer dance okay. >> dave, let's be more than
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donald trump's classified documents, case will remain secret according to a new order by judge aileen cannon resolving one of the long-standing issues that's created a logjam in the case witness names will be removed from court filings amid concerns about harassment, although their statements will remain public, the ruling is a partial win for special counsel jack jack smith, who was expressed mounting frustration with judge cannon over her decision making, and the slow pace of the case. attorney and former democratic senator from alabama, doug jones joins me now, senator, thank you so much for being here morning. thanks for having good morning so let's talk about this, judge. in this case, aileen cannon. this was something that the special counsel, jack smith was very frustrated with the pace of this decision. sure around masking these witness names did she do the right thing here? and what is the overall big picture on how she's handling this? >> well, i see certainly did the right thing here. i think under the circumstances, and all that, the former president says, and the rhetoric and what i call dog-whistles. i mean, clearly you see it time and
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time again at court after court. judges, everybody attack. there threats. so i think the decision today was certainly the right decision. i can certainly understand also, jack smith's frustration. this case appears to be on a slow walk to make sure it does not get to trial before the election in november. and moreover, some of the things that she's i think the way she's handled some of this and some of the order her she's issued is giving a lot of people some concern that all she is doing is waiting until she sees the evidence. let a jury sit in the box, close the evidence, and then grant a judgment or motion for acquittal, which would mean double jeopardy would have attached. it's not appealable. and this case over that may be a little presumptuous right now. and i like to give any judge credit for hearing the evidence that objectively and letting a case go to a jury. but there's obviously a lot of consternation out there about the way the case is being handled. >> how is it that one judge has
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that much power? >> well, that's the case in every criminal case. in every criminal case, the prosecution puts on the case. they have the burden of proof, so they go first, they put on the burden of their case and at the close of the government's case. and again, at the close of a defendant's case, if they elect to put on evidence, they don't have to then the judge must rule initially as a matter of law. is there enough evidence here to go forward to let a jury decide you look, you're supposed to look at the evidence in the light most favorable to the government not and not make credibility choices. you're supposed to look straight at whether or not there is enough to go to the jury if there is, then the jury gets the case and decides ultimately, if not, then the court grants a motion for judgment of acquittal. and because the juries in place jeopardy as attached, and it's not appealable by the government. >> and is there any talk or in the legal circles, a high level legal circles that you run in
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of potentially replacing judge cannon here based on what is your view overall of whether she is favoring trump or not? well >> it seems to me objective, looking in, i think anybody would say that she's tending to go bend over a little bit backwards for the for president trump however that doesn't necessarily rise to the level of being recused or being removed. i think we're still in a process that the prosecutor jack smith has to put continue to put his case forward, hit his legal arguments forward. and depending on how things go, it's still possible, but that's a long bridge to cross. to get a judge removed from the case. yeah. >> let's let's talk about the other story dominating the headlines this morning. and that is arizona returning to a ban that was put on the books back in the civil war before arizona was a state, before women had the right to vote. you've seen kari lake, the senate candidate there. we showed earlier in the show she was out there, right after the
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dobbs decision was made saying that calling this a great law, now she says she doesn't agree with it. what is your view of what happened in arizona and how it's going to affect the presidential election, the control of the senate, everything across the board, you know, look, i think that the arizona decision was simply a logical extension of what we've seen from the dobbs decision own over alabama decision on ivf was a logical and legal decision. that was a logical choice and interpretation based on the law as it stands and no one anticipated this on the republican side of the the legislatures in arizona the legislature's in alabama did not anticipate these kind of far, far extreme rulings and all of a sudden there nobody knows what to do republicans like kari lake and others never anticipated this. they never saw this coming. they didn't think through the ramifications of what they're doing there are pandering to a base of
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voters. and that's exactly what this has been. they have pandered to the base of voters and dobbs decision took away their backstop. it took away roe versus wade, which was always the backstop for anything absolute withstanding >> far as they needed to with no with no ramification since to it because they knew roe versus wade was there. well, it's not there anymore. and so that's what i think we're seeing all of a sudden it's catching up and the fears that the pro choice movement has had over years. and politicians and others to say, think about what you're doing. this has implications beyond just simply a medical procedure. it goes to contraceptive, it goes to ivf, it goes to any number of things. and we're seeing that play out and it's going to continue to play out. and that's what happens when you have these control states. that way and they have pandered to folks, as i think we're going to see more decisions like the alabama decision, like the air zona decision, and it's going
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to be a big issue in 2024. >> all right. senator doug jones, you're gonna stick around, join us at the top of the hour. very much. >> all right. time now for sports, steph curry and the warriors were in platform last night as they beat lebron and his laker there's andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report. andy, good morning. yeah. good morning. case, you know, sometimes you've got those nights were just everything is going in and that's what the warriors add going last night again the lakers, they were just red hot steph curry, he went six per six from three-point land draymond green, me well, he started the game five for from dallas sound for the first time ever in his career, klay thompson also made five. the reason i mean, it was just a shooting exhibition from the warriors. they made 26 and the game, they would beat the lakers 1304 to one 20. and it's a plan started today, wars in lakers, they would play in that nine, ten match up. now the last thing and nba team wants right now, and the final week of regular preseason is an injury to a star. and unfortunately for the box, giannis just running up the court and the fourth against his celtics last night and went
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down holding his calf. doc rivers said afterwards, giannis was going to undergo an mri on that cap and asked for his level of concern and docx said, high flux would be the celtics and that 1104 to 91, it was really weird for game because get this, there were only two free throw shot all game long. it was nba record, the celtics, the first team ever tonight, even take one pretty thrown again game took just an hour and 57 minutes to complete the incredible tiger woods meanwhile, said, see it up at the masters tomorrow's looking to make a record. 24th straight cut there and augusta, but this one may be more challenging think that any before since returning after his car wreck dagger is withdrawn or missed the cut and four of his six stars. now, tiger made the cut last year at the masters, but withdrew before the third round, but he thinks he can still get a six green jackets >> if everything comes together. i think i can get one more scribe any more than i
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tell you what >> i mean, it would just be incredible. tiger is somehow in attention this weekend whether it looks >> awful tomorrow for the start of the first round, thunderstorms are going to be so they're probably going to have a delayed start, but the rest of the weather for the weekend looks absolutely incredible. albi live there for you tomorrow morning. >> i'll take it. i'm andy. i'm jealous of your life, generally speaking, but especially on master's week. thank you very much. which hopefully we'll see you live from there later on this week. all right. >> i had here a new plan for online data privacy and how it impacts you cser take allergy relief works fast and last a full 24 hours. so zaid can be deliverer, dance okay. dave >> let's be more than our allergies seize the day with zero >> at morgan stanley old school hardware meets bold new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities. and
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