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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 8, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> capitol hill, and this >> is cnn >> it's monday april 8 right now on cnn this morning, a record fundraising haul for >> donald trump, the former president, also. now, again, comparing himself to nelson mandela an engine cover coming loose on takeoff, forcing a southwest flights man emergency landing and the countdowns on. are you all set for today's total solar eclipse >> 6:00 a.m. >> here in washington, alive. look at the washington monument on this monday mornings that son still hasn't made any appearance here in washington yet today, it's going to be the star of the show throughout the afternoon. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us former president donald trump. this weekend. both comparing himself to nelson
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mandela. again, and also telling wealthy donors, according to the new york times, that he likes immigrants from nice countries like denmark and promising guests at the palm beach mansion that he was speaking at, that they were safe for now from undocumented immigrants living across the river in the more diverse west palm beach. you trump campaign claimed that they raised over $50 million at the event, doubling president biden's record hall in new york last night. last month, excuse me trump, according to the times, was defending his remarks as president when he had lamented that immigrants were coming from s whole countries. you may remember that the times also reported that trump said that president biden has, quote, soiled the resolute desk in the oval office trump's said, according to the times, i mean that literally which is sad, the times then writes this the attendee who witnessed the moment said that dinner guests laughed and that mr. trump's remark was interpreted as the former president saying that mr. biden had defecated on the desk this of course, is the same guy who again posted on
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social media this weekend comparing himself to nelson mandela as he did back in october >> if you want to challenge the result of an election they hound you. look what happened this weekend with to good people they hound them and they scare them and they've, but we don't get scared, we don't get scared. >> i'll tell you what >> i don't mind being nelson mandela, because i'm doing it for a reason. >> okay >> with that, let's bring in mali ball, senior political correspondent for the wall street journal republican strategists might gorman is here and lulu garcia-navarro of the new york times also joins us who would like to go first know why. >> there's so much no, but in seriousness, molly, this is these are not necessarily things that we haven't heard from trimming the resolute desk situation is kind of a new one if anyone wants to >> touch that, please be my guest. >> but he was >> literally rehashing remarks that he made as president when
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he talked about nice immigrants right? >> well, tell me what ties all these strands together is the beginning of the general election and the lack of a pivot, if you will, from trump rhetorically, right because he is saying a lot of the same sort of polarizing shall we say things that he brought to the primary campaign? i chiefly this theme of victim hood, right? and the way that he talks about his relationship with the biden white house, with the justice department in particular, his criminal cases and so on. this was a major theme of the primary campaign, and it was six likley in the sense that it drew his followers closer to him and reminded them of their allegiance to him. but will the general election be a different story, right? he's now in his supposed to be in persuasion mode, trying to bring in skeptical voters whether they're republicans who cast a vote for nikki haley in the primary or independence and even conservative democrats are they interested in an him
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comparing himself to nelson mandela? are they interested? did in his continued complaints about the 2020 election that's something that i think remains to be seen, right? >> i will actually say i think they are interested. i think one of the powers of donald trump, if power it is, is that he has this ability when he's 20 says things about nelson mandela. >> he flips the script, right? he's trying to mask himself in this, in this aura of these very famous people, of these people that are revered. and it's trying to put himself in that mold. and i think we're toric cli we might look at that because we obviously know the history of south africa. we know the history they've apartheid and in the same kind of brushes vilifying immigrants, people of color, and also trying to say that he has some kind of hero of civil rights but it does have, i think, resonance to a certain demographic. and we are seeing him do well with people of
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color when he talks about immigrants, when he talks about vilifying the blood of this country it's still managing to resonate with latinos with african-american men in particular i mean, it is actually having an impact. >> you know, you're not wrong. i think about a year ago in trump's started this campaign. i think going off to reframe, we often said was who is he going to convince that voted didn't vote? for him in 2020 to vote for him in 2024, lulu is exactly right in this point. i think latinos, especially african american men, specifically, are becoming those folks who do fit that demographic. >> and >> look, i will say this too. i think i've worked on campaigns that have run against him twice and here i am and there is campaign is right now. so one thing, one thing i've learned, wonder basically on the outside. yes, exactly. i'm sitting here >> but we'll go place to sit. yeah. very good. >> very >> happy. i don't it's very we don't have to be slips, don't exactly them in a
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>> minute. but >> chocolate just keep coming down the conveyor belt. you fix things. >> and >> if you're the dnc, or the biden campaign, you can go and chase these rabbit holes wherever. but in my opinion, the most impactful thing of that clip was the fact that he raised $50 and we'll see where things end up but the fundraising gap between biden and trump, it for the long haul is going to be the most impactful thing. >> though. hillary clinton outraised trump in 20 and we know where that ended is also now, you can you can lose by about 10 million, 20 million workers were hillary and trump. but mccain obama mccain, 84 million and then obama did about 120. there's a gap where it's impossible to come back from when he's raising by one-half to x. >> so let me show you one other thing that happened in the last over the weekend. that's sort of plays into it. but earlier discussion you're having about
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the kinds of varied types of voters he's trying to play too the rock dwayne johnson came out and said he's not going to endorse anyone for president. watch this >> the endorsement that i made years ago with biden was one i thought was the best decision for me at that time. am i going to do that again this year? that answers no. i'm not going to do that because what i realized what that caused back then was something that tears me up in my guts back then. and now which is division so there's obviously a reason i'm showing us yeah. >> there is a reason you're showing it. obviously, a man of color sort of stepping away from the democratic party. i mean, he's emblematic. there are others, by the way, there are a lot of people in the hip hop world that have either endorsed trump or recanted their endorsement of president biden. i mean, i have to say this is slightly from me ridiculous that the rock would say my endorsement caused
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division in this country. i mean, this seems a little bit real quick. there's tea on the table. he's a business guy. we see this across corporations, we see this crest celebrities. they don't need to get in involved in political fights, don't have to write. fair enough. all right. our panel is going to stick around up next here. health-wise flight forced to make an emergency landing after the engine cover ripped away during takeoff. plus former capitol hill police sergeant reacts to rfk juniors controversial take on january 6th, you won't want to miss this conversation plus millions across the country hoping for clear skies as they prepare to witness today's solar eclipse. >> nancy reagan says, >> i'm a fifth grade teacher in southern california. we won't see much, but our schools purchase glasses for everyone to head outside and be part of whatever we can see the kids are excited, can't wait. all right. we'll be right back >> there's debris in this guy husbands and wives gone >> wish i could have done something differently. you can just make it better. those that follow up space shuttle
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columbia, the >> final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn, customer and helps us motivate our students with custom gear we love how customer takes care of everything we need, so we can focus on the kids customer has hundreds products to help you feel connected. upload your logo, or start your design today, had custom file 100% free with triple tax-free addition roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only see how a that's me >> the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea. and now becomes a future where you grew at into a reality >> we all >> knew godaddy arrow put your business online and then minutes with the power of ai. my crimea film on your >> teeth, dr. g >> actually the >> buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. >> most toothpaste quit working in minutes, but cresco helps
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everyday million say, i use splenda >> this special to our titanic premiere of how it really happened >> sunday, april 28 and nine on cnn >> nothing powerful as it can talking about my god, it's the eclipse for the eclipse is only supposed to last like four minutes >> we're just going to feel like an eternity when you're staring at me through a shoebox >> our countdown to the eclipse across america continues. later this afternoon, parts of our country will be temporarily plunged into darkness the last time a solar eclipse passed over america was 2017. that was when then president trump infamously stared at the eclipse from the white house balcony without eye protection.
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>> something i >> would really advise against later today in honor of this year's solar celebration, trump posted this video on truth social okay. the panels back, we're also joined by former nasa space biologists, keep kali, who is the person we really want to talk to today about the eclipse. thank you for coming in. my pleasure. >> to talk to us a little bit about why these eclipses are actually such a big deal for science. i mean, it's the things i have learned about this. i've been fascinating. the things i didn't know before. >> well, for science, you can
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use a telescope and temporarily blocks the sun. a little thing, telescope, but these things allow people everywhere with their scientific instruments, whether they're in colleges and universities are in the backyards or nasa to get 4-5 minutes of a really sharp image of the moon covering the suns. he only see the sun's atmosphere. >> but if you get an a jet plane, like some rich people are >> like nasa, you could lie along that path and it's an unprecedented opportunity to really get a nice sharp look. >> wait, okay. hold on. backup because our friend and main told us that they have nine private jets that are now flying domain to try to view it, you're saying that the real way to do it is to stay in your private plane and take the plane along the path. >> i wouldn't do that, but these somebody apparently is the best place to be as right in the middle of the totality path with nice clear whether with the glasses you must wear glasses. looking up at it. in my opinion, i would take that over a jet. really. wow. okay. that's fascinating. any other tips for viewing or things that people should be thinking about is that you have so it's such a
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short period of time. >> it's yeah, but it's cool if you're in the right spot. and you can put your mind in the place of your on a planet. i mean, we just had earthquake last week, so now the earth shakes around a bit, no connection to the eclipse. but if you can just imagine yourself in a big ball and another one going like this in front of another. you might get a little bit moment of zen where you realize you're on a planet. it's fleeting, but some people, i remember 1970, there was a partial eclipse and i was a young boy doing the whole projection thing and that sort of spurred by interest in astronomy and space. so out of the millions of people watching, maybe a couple of astronauts will be spawned. >> ask you a question because i was in the path of totality in 2017 and i thought it was amazing. but here on the east coast, or at least in dc, we're only gonna get about 80% or 90 ish percent. i'm gonna, i was going to be maddock. will that be well for me? i'm gonna be out with the spaghetti. my wife will be just rolling her eyes, but i'll be looking for something. this is no leaves in the trees to do. that thing. >> but it'll be enough that it'll get dark and i don't
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think the animals are quite reacting to the seasons yet, but you might hear the bird stopped chirping for a minute or two and it'll get cooler. >> so even if you're not in the path, you'll still notice that it'll still, if you're paying attention to it, it's like the earthquake. >> but you said something. >> you said you're going to be looking down, you >> are not going to be looking up and walking glasses. >> yeah. i'll be doing that too, but okay. this i've seen these. i'm just interested in the colander thing where you get the spaghetti strainer. i'm just interested. i'm sorry, explain this to get a >> colander and you do what with it. >> you hold it just right. and all these little holes is a pinhole camera and you can see all these lu, versions of the eclipse. or if you had leaves in the trees in your backyard and you've got just the right angle coming through the leaves themselves will act like little lenses. so you just google, it's i mean, it's funny to look at the sky, watch the moon and the stars through that, right? this is kinda owl diy astronomy with stuff in your kitchen. see you put like a white sheet under the colander for the best view? i do it on the street and the street. yeah. >> i create those little like
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crescent i think. >> i mean, it's cool, but again, it's this idea. it is not difficult to be a diy scientists do something to actually see the eclipse in a way that maybe a scientists might do without the glasses over, you should very much have these glasses. must you have welders, goggles that are like grade 12, as i understand it. >> well, so we're going to do that. >> okay. yeah. i mean, i will say you put these on and you can't you can't see anything. like i'm in theory. well, let's read something. what were there for a moment, there will be a look that robo with 3,040 million american space nerd. so this for us space nerds. >> yeah. well, look, you've given a given me the best activity four. i've got a four-and-a-half year-old oh, but had to convince them to keep these on who the pi anyway the hardest thing where you put it in a pie plate like that and then you put it on and it looked like that idea that's an excellent idea. yeah. my one-year-old, i think she's just going to have to stand side because otherwise, your eyes forever shall never keep. >> yeah, you don't want to do that? yeah. all right so whether you're in the path of
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totality or not as we were just talking about here, because we're not we're in partial totality here in dc. but you can celebrate the solar eclipse with plenty of limited edition snacks and treats all weekend, you can order a total eclipse of the hut that is a large pizza special from of course, pizza hut moonpie will sell its signature marshmallow cookies and special boxes that it calls a solar eclipse survival kits. think you can survive, but eclipse without that, let's be real, but sunchips has created a new flavor, pineapple habanero, and black bean, spicy gouda. and these sunchips will be available online this afternoon during a window for just four minutes and 27 seconds. that's how long, neat totality is going to last in any single location? and then there are these, they're delicious krispy creams, eclipse doughnut topped with an oreo cookie. i just had to try it once i found out we were going to be able to have these for the morning. you know, i don't kansas side, if it's actually breakfast or not. but there you go. plenty of things. what do you guys think >> you so much that they have stuff all over my face apparently. so that's what that
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was really good luck, good. >> keep going. thank you so much for coming. we learned so much from you. it's great and definitely trying that join to cnn special live coverage of the eclipse across america. it starts live today when pm eastern, you can also stream it on macs, coming up an engine cover falling off a southwest airlines jet forcing an emergency landing. plus awaiting house speaker mike johnson's big decision on ukraine aid. i'll talk to democratic congress dan kildee ahead >> he clips across america, is brought to you by american home shield. don't worry be warranty now go to slash eclipse to follow the latest news and good viewing and photo tips to experience the rare solar eclipse >> home home >> talk yes. >> focus on an american home she had warranty. i can reject your covered home systems and appliances like this ac when
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south door blows captioning brought to you by feel away, optimum enhanced calming for cats. >> have your cats sprays >> outside the litter box, fights with other cats were scratches the furniture, they could be telling you they're stressed to help them feel more calm, dr. feel away. optimum the faa is investigating how an engine cover fell off a southwest airlines jet striking its wing during takeoff and >> recorded air traffic control audio, one of the pilots said that several passengers and flight attendants heard something loud hit the wing just in boeing houston-bound
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boeing plane made it to 10,000 feet before turning back and landing safely in denver the south carolina gamecocks, finishing a perfect season and taking home, they're third ncw title posting and 87 to 75 victory over superstar guard caitlin clark in her iowa hawkeyes in an emotional moment after the game, south carolina coach dawn staley, thank caitlin clark for lifting up our sport if you haven't heard by now, there's an eclipse today. how much of it you're going to see depends on exactly where you're going to be. our meteorologists allison chinchar joins us now with the forecast allison, what are people going to show? what should they expect today? >> right? maybe a little bit of everything and that's going to entirely depend on where you plan to view it. look, there are going to be some fantastic spots to view across the country, especially across these areas of the mississippi and ohio river valley keeps radome, missouri, carbondale, illinois, evansville, indiana, all looking to be very nice spots. and another goods section farther off to the
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north, basically typically from burlington, vermont up through caribou main, also going to have plenty of sunshine there. now there will be a couple of troublespots, namely say, for about erie, pennsylvania up through rochester, new york, and most of the eclipse path for texas and the bulk of arkansas as well. and the main concern there is the fact that we expect some strong to severe thunderstorms, that the bulk of those storms are actually going to come after the eclipse. but we all know those clouds billed ahead of time. so you're going to really start to see that increasing cloud cover's we go through the day today and then as folks are leaving, they may have to encounter some of that large hail damaging winds and yes, even potentially some tornadoes as we spread eastward into places like shreveport and even jackson, mississippi. so for folks live home there but maybe you're traveling, they may encounter some of those thunderstorms on their way back >> allison, are your son earrings for the occasion? >> they are as is my shirt. yes, i think it's aware of this every couple of years, baggage of it. >> well, you can hang it up for 20 years after this. it sounds like chinchar. thanks very much. i really appreciate it. >> all right. live coverage of the eclipse across america
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starts today at 1:00 p.m. eastern. and there's also an eclipse pre-show at 12 and college gameday coverage here at cnn. >> don't miss it also coming up next here, robert f. kennedy jr. saying has some doubts about whether the capitol attack was really an insurrection former capitol police sergeant who was there that day joins me to respond next, plus a suspect arrested in the arson attack on senator bernie sanders office will tell you about that. and we're just hours away from the total solar eclipse over the weekend, i asked some of our viewers how they're preparing. we've got this from tracy. she says but got the last pair of glasses of the library today versus trying to move some work meetings, get outside to watch. good luck, tracy >> get your viewing glasses ready. >> eclipse across america. live today at one, i look at my daughter's still needs me, but sometimes that can help do to burning, stabbing pain in my hands so why use nerve vi your vice clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort and as
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garnish stay twice and get a free night when you book direct blue carbon. >> let's see an infill. >> sunday, april 21 at nine you can rebuild a capital. >> what's the worst thing that could happen, right? i'm in, we have an entire military pentagon, a few blocks away. >> what's the worst that could happen? that was independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. speaking about the january 6 capital attack in interviews last year, we are sort of learning more about what exactly kennedy thinks, about what happened that day. after his campaign sent out fundraising emails last week referencing january 6, activists kennedy was essentially forced to put out this statement on friday, clarifying his stance. quote, i have not examined the evidence in detail, but reasonable people, including trump opponents tell me there is little evidence of a true insurrection. they observe that the protesters carried no weapons, had no plans or
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ability to seize the reins of government and the trump himself at urged them to protest peacefully. kennedy later retracted the claim that there were no weapons there that day. you can see here that is quite obviously not true kennedy also appoint a special counsel if elected president to investigate the prosecution of january 6, defendants, writing that quote political objectives and quote, maybe to play former capitol police sergeant aquilino go now joins our panel. now to talk more about this, sir. thank you very much for being here. >> thanks for having >> i was at the complex that day. you were protecting all of us so thank you. again. and you were injured in doing so? kennedy questions here, whether this was a quote, unquote, true insurrection. can you tell us what actually happened that day or anyone who take that position is clearly not what this are to be present especially a candidate because he's used perotin, what donald
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trump i said in the past he probably watch it on tv. i lived in a survival and we defended the capital these people were not there to set up care for pinckney. that we're trying to hunt down the lateral fissure. we're doing a duly elected proceed with the constitutional procedure. two of the truffle of power that time, when you hear him talk about the idea that there should be a special counsel to investigate how these pressures, prosecutions take place. what does that mean to you in terms of trying to overthrow justice that has been imposed on these people who attack the capital. >> i mean, it's something absurd because these people have been processed through the court system these are individuals who were arm on that day
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>> they >> made threats. >> now only to ourselves, the police officer and for uniform what to the members of congress, the lateral fissure serve the staff and they have gone through the court system and found guilty and by the judge and by the peers. and that's one of the reason why i continue to go the core. i was assaulted by more than 40 people that day. and to this day, i've continued to go at test what happened to me, to my colleagues into our country we want when kennedy of course, says that they had no plans or ability to seize the reins of government, no plans. they were one part of their very extensive a plan that we learned about in terms of what donald trump was trying to do here matt gorman, can i ask you about the politics of kennedy himself? what is going on here? and the fact that it really does feel like this is how we actually feels he has done this in a couple of different places. he'll say one thing when he's speaking to friendlier audiences are places where he's not being challenged. that seems to be as
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two views he he's done this on vaccines and then when he is coming under more mainstream scrutiny, he tried to do this to me, tried to say that never said that the vaccine was not safe. in fact, obviously that wasn't true. it seems like the same thing is going on here why is it that kennedy is where he actually is? it seems to be on january 6 and then trying to clean it up a couple of things that kennedy's doing as well as any third party candidate has since ross perot and 96, i think people don't talk about that enough. he's on the ballot in arizona, which is i wouldn't say a must-win for biden, but it's close and he has real electoral consequences here. and i think what we often talk about is the horseshoe theory of politics, where on the far left and the far right often kind of meat and share a lot of similar views of you talked a lot of folks in 2016, you'd ask them who their first choice was, either say bernie or trump, and their second choice please was the other one. so there's a lot more ideological similarity and i think whether it's the right and the left and some of these outer edges. but you're right. i remember that interview very well. and he does try to have
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it both ways and this is seems to be one of those times well, no, this is i think for kennedy, this all goes back to his father, who he believes was assassinated by the cia. and so there's no conspiracy theory that he isn't interested in whether it's alternative explanations for what happened on january 6 or all of this stuff about vaccines, which he does selectively try to paper over but what you very much believes he has funded basically the entire american anti-vaccine movement for going on a decade now. so this is someone who is very sincere in his belief in a lot of conspiracy theories. and it's not that surprising, i think to hear him rhett counting the history of january 6, seeking alternative explanations believing that what we've been told in the media and what's actually factual, believing that there's something else going on and that we're being lied to by the elites. >> this is this is a threat to donald trump. i mean, when he takes these positions, this actually means that he will be
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taking more voters from donald trump. >> all right, so speaking of donald trump, i do want to get this in maureen dowd run in the york times over the weekend about donald trump's blood soaked language, including this quote, apocalyptic vibes stirred by trump's violent rhetoric and talk of blood baths, an unspoken trump threat is that there will be a bloodbath again, in washington light january 6, if he doesn't win she ties us to shakespeare in macbeth. shakespeare uses bloody imagery to chart the creation of a tyrant. trump's rob power, ghraieb after his 2020 loss might have failed. but he's in planning his base with language straight out of macbeth trip to hell blood will have blood. >> as macbeth says let's listen to some of the language trump is actually using >> it's gotta be a bloodbath for the conscious, the carnage, bloodshed, and killing biden's border bloodbath kept poisoning the blood of our country bloodthirsty criminals. that's what it is. it's a bloodbath sgt. canal. what do you hear in
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trump's language when he talks about blood baths >> me, it reminds me of when i was in the tunnel, both my hands were bleeding that day and those are because of his people were attacking mean a ton or end the truth of the matter is i was doing my job, was defending the capital. i protected the members of congress who will, regardless whether political views or ideologies we're the rhetoric, continued to escalate. and that's where he seeing what happened. the last time and that's when the guard rails were in place. now, those people who are defending that institution, the elections that judicial of people in placido position of power that, that violence was not a mean to achieve any success and politically allow those people are not there anymore, including officers who had to retire because of the rhetoric, the violence that we know how
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we've been treated the matter of the fact is that i protected nancy pelosi just as much as i protected mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy on that day. but yet they had neighboring they had i even consider awarding are putting the name a plaque that they congress pass a law on the one boss two years ago. >> yeah. and they hadn't even done that to support as a show of support for police officer on that day on jerry six. >> well, thank you. again. and for everything you did that day and thank you very much for being here this morning. i really probably get it >> all right. we're just hours away from the eclipse across america. millions of americans have descended upon the path of totality. >> me, >> eclipse will first hit the us in texas, and then we'll see at travel northeast and up through new england cnn correspondent rosa flores is in carville, texas, this morning with more at rosa. good morning to you. what kind of crowds are you expecting? how are they preparing there kasie.
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>> good morning. we're expecting about 100,000 people to descend to this little town of carvel welcome to carville, texas in the heart of the texas hill country everything here as texas size, the food portions that crowd sizes and yes, the eclipse glasses, the ones that you see behind me, there are a size small, but here's the thing. so this town has about 25,000 people. that's the population according to the mayor, but they're expecting the crowds to be 75 i've thousand or 100,000. and so this town is preparing, but here's what makes it so special. i want you to look at this map from nasa. you can see that there's an x on the map. one of these paths of totality that's from an annular eclipse that happened in october. the other path of totality is for today's eclipse. and you see that there's an x will guess we're carville is right in the center of that x. that's why people think that there's just
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something special about this local patient and that there's going to be special energy. i'm kinda getting goosebumps right now. >> one of >> the businesses in town that's buzzing with people is a business called zen and alchemy. and we have video of it. they they have merchandise earrings, they have glasses, but one of the things that people go there to see if they could get healing or pre eclipse alignment of the body and mind. so we asked him about worry about the weather because everyone's worried. are we going to be able to see the eclipse even though x marks the spot. and this is supposed to be amazing. will we see it or not? the good news is this is what we heard in an alchemy. take a listen hoping for good weather, leaving for good weather. but even if it's not the energy is still there it's still going to get dark >> and whatever fee at all because i potential cloud cover, it's still there you're going to feel it absolutely.
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>> so that might be the big price for the de, brains, or if it storms or whatever you might still get the energy from the eclipse. absolutely now casey, i'm really hoping to ward off that evil, whether with this evil >> lie that i got there at an alchemy. >> look, i'm >> trying to do my part here is that these 100,000 people can enjoy the eclipse and carville because x does mark the spot and i do thank this is going to work and just i just did it. maybe i should do it one more time. >> we got to get you a good be good. and then you can just watch it clear >> rosa. thank you. >> you're awesome. as always >> send me a clip. two of your your, your, your glasses live shot when you get to that part in your day i appreciate it >> good run >> right >> thank you for the teas, casey? >> yes, for sure. >> all right. coming up next congress is back in town.
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congressman dan kildee is here to tell us if the house speaker can continue in that job, we're looking forward to that. >> it's falling no, no, only falling apart nothing i can do a tour of the clips bonnie tyler 1983 hit rediscovered courtesy of the eclipse once upon a time, there was >> the most posted show in late night that sounds insane to be real the unifying thing >> good daily show tonight. i'm loving company central. >> the all new godaddy arrow helps you get your business online and minutes with the power of ai, with the perfect name great logo and a beautiful website to start with, the domain, a few clicks and you're in business make now the future
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still love janice and now soda. my neighbors >> see you central next closed captioning brought to you by are firm only represents >> mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelial call us now all right. >> 47 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. today's solar eclipse will be visible to millions across north america, including 32 million who will watch it along the path of totality. canada's niagara falls region, even declared a state of emergency ahead of a flood of visitors. live coverage of the eclipse across america begins at 1:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn, you can also catch the pre-show at
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noon. so i would just stick around all day. okay. and honest. >> egypt's state media rerting significant progress in tatesceefire and hostage talks. the us, israe hama and qatar have been negotiatg in cairo since sunday police arrest a california man for allegedly setting fire to senator bernie sanders office in vermont official safe. chance to go manichean was caught on security cameras spraying liquid near the door and then lighting it on fire. president biden may have a hard time getting on ohio's valid unless democrats make changes or the state legislators steps in ohio has an august 7th deadline to certify a presidential candidate. but this year's democratic convention, where delegates officially select the party's nominees it doesn't start until august 19. >> that's a wrinkle. >> all right. congress is back in town this week. house speaker mike johnson, in a pretty harsh spotlight, he faces an ouster threat from inside his own conference as he considers bringing forward legislation to provide
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additional aid to ukraine johnson will need a significant number of democratic votes for any ukraine funding to pass one option pairing ukraine aid with funding for israel could be even more complicated after world central, kitchen aid workers were killed and israeli airstrike last week, dring me now is michigan democratic congressman dan kildee, a congressman the morning. thank you so much for being here. let's start with this threat against the house speaker mike johnson, coming from marjorie taylor greene. is your expectation that he will move something forward on ukraine aid. and do you think you might be able to support him keeping his job if he does that. >> first of all, he has to do his job and that means meeting the needs of the american people. and that means supporting the people ukraine. so we should move forward on ukraine aid package, regardless of the politics i mean, that's what political courage requires. having said that, one of the easiest people to talk to in congress is hakeem jeffries mike johnson ought to have a conversation with hakeem specifically about this subject
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i'm not going to happen yet. i don't know that it's happened specifically on whether or not democrats would provide some support to speaker johnson if in fact marjorie taylor greene makes us move. as you may recall, we made a similar offer publicly to kevin mccarthy and kevin told us basically to jump in the lake whereas kevin mccarthy right now is in the league you'd somewhere in the lake if mike johnson wants to govern he has to recognize the logic that the functional majority of the house of representatives is comprised of democrats and republicans we're willing to be a part of that functional majority, not just out of the kindness of our hearts, but because we think it's an interest of the american people, but that will mean having a conversation it could lead to some democrats being willing to support speaker johnson chaos is not good for the country, but he's got to be willing to work with us and like i said, hakeem is one of my closest friends in the house. yeah. he is also a
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really easy person to have a conversation without a subject such as this and i would encourage speaker johnson if he's interested to make that call. very interesting. okay. >> congressman, in the wake of the killing of the seven world central kitchen aid workers at president biden has really ratcheted up his, you know, they say that personally he's very angry. he had a very tough call with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. is president biden in striking the right balance here of his personal outrage and the policy of the united states >> i think he's getting to the place where i would like him to be his where which is a much tougher position when it comes to conditioning us support for any ally i'm the principles that we adhere to. i spoke with the president about this a few weeks ago at length, and encouraged a different approach. i'm glad to see that that's taking place. it's never too late. i think to do the right thing this is a situation particularly after the way we've seen the prosecution of this war go
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beyond what the us would typically tolerate, where the us has not only an obligation, but clearly a right to say that if we are going to be asked to be a party to this effort our principles and our values are going to have to be considered in the prosecution of this war in right now, the way netanyahu was prosecuting their war on hamas does not comport with american values. my opinion. >> do you think that president biden is at risk of losing michigan in a general election if he doesn't make a even though president trump is clearly former president trump is clearly to the right and more in many ways, could be considered more staunchly supportive of israel. i think it could have an >> effect on the outcome of the election for sure. but i also have encouraged president in anyone else? they're not look at this question through the political lens. it's, i think it's a a difficult position to be in these jobs are tough elections have some the policy
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decisions we make. obviously has an impact on the election but this question transcends the four-year election cycle. this is really a question about where the united states stands going into the future, how we want to stand on principles that says that every human life is sacred israeli labs are sacred every single palestinian life is just as sacred so if he, if he pursues that approach i think in the long term michigan residents and people around the country will say, look, this is a reasonable approach. i don't agree with everything that the president has done in this bayes but i think he's clearly moving to a place that michigan residents myself included, will be aligned with him before we expand this conversation out to the table, i do want to ask you about robert f. kennedy jr. who put out a statement late last week? questioning whether it said it wasn't a true
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insurrection on january 6 at the capital what's your response to him? >> i was there i was trapped in the gallery. i saw the interview did with sergeant use a personal hero to me and my family? robert f. kennedy jr. o's and apology to sergeant canal and every other officer who stood there and defendant, not just us as members of congress and members of the media who were trapped but the democracy that we hold so sacred it's an insult to our democracy and it's an insult to those officers that a person who purports to be a candidate for president? robert f. kennedy jr. and donald trump both owe an apology to those individuals >> congressman dan kildee. thank you. i also want you to know that we've been personally thinking of you and your family on you've had some a tragedy happened. i really appreciate it. i appreciate you coming and doing this in a time that's been difficult for you. i know. thank you >> all right. now, this can president biden bank on baby boomers and his reelection bid, a new report shows a shift in polling politicos, steven shepherd reporting biden is stronger with seniors this time
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around, baby boomers, seniors. now we're going to ask this one the next me here in a second about that reading quote polls show former president donald trump is ascendant with the youngest block of the electorate, even leading president joe biden in some surveys as less engaged young voters spurned biden. meanwhile, biden is stronger with seniors, then he was four years ago, even as his personal image is significantly diminished since he was elected last time, shepard notes the last time i'm a democrat carried the senior vote was al gore back in 2000 congressman, i think you're the only baby boomer at our tables, so i feel like i'm going to have to ask you this question first >> just to be the youngest person at the table and then one day i was the average.ow, the oldest person will pay you, you're a good sport. what's going on here? >> well i understand it. i just think at this point in time, and i think a lot of it has to do with the way younger people consume information. it's i think distorted them sort of reality on the ground. okay. in the long term, i hope the, during the course of the campaign messages, i think we'll get through this is
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really about our future, more about the future of those younger people than it is about some of us whose futures may not have the longevity >> here. >> i've got a lot of years ahead. >> i hope it's it's a challenge for us and i do think it means that we have to think about ways to communicate with those younger voters so that they can see themselves helps in the conversation. >> what do you see here, molly? >> well, i mean, if this trend holds up, it's actually more of a blessing than a challenge for the democratic party because old people are much larger swath of the electorate and they vote much more than young people. and of course, everybody's vote counts and everybody is precious and important in our democracy. >> but you'd rather have that older block of voters than the younger block of voters in terms of how reliably they show up to the polls and to your point about having once been the youngest person. this is all about generational replacement. >> the baby boomers are have >> been a more liberal generation than their parents going back to when they were kids out in the streets protesting. and so now they have aged into being the senior vote they have remained more liberal than the generation
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that came before. >> they've actually kinda >> booked that the trend that they save, usually people become more conservative. what do you see here, matt, i see what certainly gives rise to the explanation why biden has really been keen on attacking trump for social security and medicare. he's really been hammering that legally. >> and look, i think if trump wins is we talked about a little bit before. it's going to be younger voters, specifically younger minority 30 voters will be the reason he wins this election. latinos, african american men can't say enough. >> there'll be >> the folks that might not have voted for biden last time. trump that last time would from this time. but i think that's why you're seeing biden >> actually making a real play for college debt and trying to forgive a loan forgiveness because that is something that pulls what's very well with young people it impacts young people and people want to see money in their pockets. it's something that really resonates also into my party of voters. so i mean, this is still, we're still, you know, seven months away from this election. am i think that's about right. and i think there's still a lot of things that are going to happen here. >> all that cento, the >> big thing that is going to
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happen, i do think is that we are going to see a shift in minority voters. i just think that black and latino voters, at the end, we are going to see some shift very, >> very interesting. all right. >> i will leave you with this no, i'm only falling apart nothing i can do a tour literally clips it's bad time again, people rediscovering bonnie tyler's 1983 hit total eclipse of the heart. the song now has more than 1 billion views on youtube. during the last solar eclipse, seven years ago, sales of the song jumped 500%. and our own john berman was able to talk to tyler about her classic song back in 2017 can you. >> give us your favorite verse from the song
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>> need you we'll be >> this is why berman is just the absolute best, the longest duration of today's eclipse totality is four-and-a-half minutes, which happens to be he exact duration of bonnie tyler song. >> could this be a coincidence? >> i don't think so. no, no cost. >> so weakly aligned. this is where we are. come on. what are we all doing for the eclipse day? you watching it? >> absolutely. i'll be at work, but i'll try and go outside and going to the bridge over the anacostia river because i know be able to see something i think they cool. >> roof of a building somewhere building. and finishing this donut. >> yeah, i have to say i think this doughnut like has the amount of sugar that i normally consume in a whole week in one single >> byte, it's time for me to


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