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tv   The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper  CNN  April 7, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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today anderson cooper 360 weeknight today on cnn welcome to the whole. story. i'm anderson cooper. it's been six months the day since hamas launched the october 7 attack on israel. more than 1,200 israelis were killed that day and about 250 people were taken hostage the attack triggered and israeli bombing campaign and ground invasion and gaza, which of course continues even now, we're than 33,000
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palestinians have been killed since then, according to the hamas-run gazan health ministry with the two sides at war negotiations for the release of israeli hostages has been an uphill battle. more than 100 captives had been freed so far, but israel believes that around 100 people are still being held in gaza over the past six months, we spent time with for families in israel, all of them still waiting for at least one family member to return. some have been fortunate enough to see some of their loved ones freed but those former captives are still struggling to adapt to their new reality. cnn's bianna golodryga brings you, their stories >> this is almost every morning. i'm getting into his room i'm telling him good morning in nine. praying the
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left the room like this when you come back. i will give you a big hand and then i will kick his and i will tell him go to who enjoy 20 one-year-old o'mara shim >> tob is the youngest of shelley and mulkey shim toves, three children omar is very soft. >> everybody loved him he likes very much music >> he loved the life there are videos that dana did that you could see is full of joy full of joy
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>> the true he wanted to be a dj. >> yes. >> it likes very >> much all these kind of festival balls every saturday, friday, you go to all kinds of music parties and festivals that saturday, october 7, omer was at the nova music festival in southern israel with his good friend, my regev >> bit >> and her 18 year-old brother eat regev the music suddenly stopped >> after sirens were >> heard and rockets were seeing launched from gaza omer seen here in the yellow shirts with maya, an e tie behind him, was heading out as missiles exploded in the distance it was one of more than a dozen
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locations in southern israel attacked by hamas terrorists six months ago one, killing more than 1,200 israelis and triggering the war that would eventually devastate gaza and claimed tens of thousands of palestinian lives >> we've got war new video coming in showing the carnage after hamas militants rated a peaceful music festival in southern israel near gaza well are used to all this kind of saron. >> but >> this time i call them immediately because i knew that is in the south. he told me that the year the syrian as well. and they see the rockets it told me that is going to look for shelter or place where two hide and then i called him again. he called me again. >> it >> was running and issam very panic and hysteric >> so did maya just before 9:00
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a.m. while trying to drive off the grounds with omer eti and another friend. >> she >> made this call to her dad >> import them if you money >> maya was unable to send their location, but omer sent it to his family live location. we saw that the point is not moving to the right place. >> where >> was it moving to the border and my daughter started to cry. she said something is wrong i tried to call me again. the phone was ringing but he didn't answer 8:00 p.m. and got a phone call from one of his friends. he told me, chalian, sorry. i need to send you telegram video that hamas
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posted then. >> i saw on the video, ohmar floor on a pickup truck handcuffed >> that's e tie regev next to him. my regev was put up front when shelly got the call, her husband, mulkey, was at a hospital looking for his son >> shirley told mega this video was published by the hamas i got it and then it's like someone troll and very big tick, black curtain on your face i drove back home here and there were already friends over here they're all crying panic and we argue each other. and the first words that we say we are going to do everything to bring on our back let's bring on our back home there was one
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of more than 250 men, women, and children, kidnapped that day among the hostages 19-year-old naama levy, taken from where she was staying at kibbutz nahal ours this is norma's room. guess. waiting for her like o'mara shim to of naama is a young adult, but inside her bedroom. it's a girl's room. it's clear. she's still more young than adult. >> and they squishes. these were hers? yeah like this pink one is our favorite now, as an athlete and triathlon for awhile and then play tennis always, just wanting to do good and make the world a better
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place. >> if you don't know norma's name by now, you have likely seen the disturbing video of her kidnapping >> now let's father called me to let me know. there's a video of naama being dragged out of the jeep in gaza now remember, i just i stood up and i said what what she's being dragged by her hair out of the trunk of a jeep. she's handcuff barefoot. there's a lot of bloodstains pants are staying and then shoved into the backseat what did you do then >> i assume that she would be rescued. i thought, you know what she's in government and then go getter >> we got an official notice of her >> being kidnapped by hamas the following morning officers came to her house in today, offer you any advice what you should be doing, what they're going to be doing with tight her work
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doing everything we can. but after some time or we can have pretty much we understood we needed to do something. we didn't know what, but nothing was being done or we didn't know of any efforts that were being done to bring them back the family of 36 year-old yard dan >> roman god, realized they needed to do something after they stopped getting texts from her it's 10:00 a.m. she stopped replying to my messages hour after an hour not answering we are becoming more nervous. >> on october 7, yao gen, her husband alone, and their three-year-old daughter, geffen, were staying at yard ends in laws at kibbutz be'eri, three miles from the israel gaza border rocket sirens are a
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usual occurrence. there it was third of a routine they started the alarms. i can send us the picture of hair with geffen in the shelter room playing with dogs and we were just waiting to see that everything's gone back to normal >> it never did >> barry was being attacked. hamas terrorists kidnapped yarden, her husband and daughter, put them into the back of a stolen vehicle and drove toward gaza there was this moment of the terrorists went out of the current that adjusted drivers started to turn around into accelerate. this was the only moment that token we could since to jump. so we did sorry. and then told me taking geffen and i did. and i just ran with her in that time, there were shooting at us and they felt voice, like hitting really close to me kept running for another 600 fits
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and this is where i found kind of a ditch in the ground so i put gef nan and me on hair and started to camouflage us with some they're at and wishes and we just stay there for eight and off hours for me, 11:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and when it was dark, i to give finland back welcome back to the kibbutz and other the next day >> just the two of them, yarden was now missing i don't know what's going on. i just feel them slashing my house south of barry hadassah calderon survived the hamas attack on kibbutzim neurons by barricading herself in her safe room >> in the dark no water, no food, no nothing and god eight
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hours full six, 30 in the morning till 3:00 afternoon two of her four children, 16 year-old, so hard and 12-year-old errors were at their father's home nearby >> the last message i got the jump from the window in hiding in the bush and then we lost the connection >> she later learned they jumped because terrorists were tossing explosives into their home but they stayed hidden watching the h4 for two hours. >> and then a younger man, like 19 years old, was just jump on the window and make lakes jimmy and olympic sport one of doing pull-ups? yes, something like that. and then he saw them. if just behind the bush, you know, like a blob and then this young boy called the hamas terrorist in my sarlin, she couldn't run away because her legs fell asleep she couldn't move
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>> it was very clever. it tried to get up to the roof, but then they saw him. they show the gun and they said go out or we should har areas and they're 53 year-old father. oh, fair calderon. were caught when i went out. >> i saw all the burn houses. i was sure they've been murder. and then we got the movie problem >> the >> movie is this video posted social media showing areas being led away by terrorists >> i realized that giving up, i knew they've been altogether so you assumed that saharan of error. what does they are alive >> keep loves, life >> wow it's a miracle i told to myself, you know gives their
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a time for us to pick it up and hey, you on the spot >> carmona zell, your car. the easy way with carmona >> been shut >> i thought frustrated by more than a month of no movement on a hostage deal and thoughts it's a her kids in dark tunnels. hadassah calderon decided to make more louder noise >> she set up >> a protest site near the israeli defense forces headquarters at a major intersection in tel aviv i miss them >> i miss him so much they can't stay without them anymore >> by this point. so let's
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only for israeli hostages had been released and palestinians living in that war zone were suffering unimaginable losses he lost health ministry says that more than 10,000 people have died in gaza >> a deal for a temporary ceasefire would >> help gazan families made desperate by the israeli bombing and it would allow for a substantial number of hostages to safely leave the war zone and returned to israel. but negotiations had been unsuccessful. >> the government job is to protect the citizens, to make sure they safe. they felt in 7 october and now they felling second time >> let me are you i let after
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weeks of negotiations, a deal was struck between israel and hamas breaking news, as many as 50 israeli hostages expected to be released in the next several days in exchange for 150 palestinians and a >> four to five day pause in the fighting. >> the majority of hostages who would be released in the steel are children >> agreement, a plus but we still don't have the list for the one who is going to be released. they don't have the list yet nobody knows who is going to be released. >> they don't know who will be released. but the plan calls for at least four days of hostage releases and a pause in fighting with the possibility to extend the deal 24 hostages
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have been released by hamas terrorists >> among those released that first day, 13 israeli women and children. but not errors and sahar calderon i almost lost my hope. i was so helpless, really >> know mulkey and shelley shim tob knew their 20 one-year-old son, almere, would not be freed on that first day of releases it's very emotional situation i may happy for the family we'll see in a few days. there love >> back home i'm >> jealous no >> on the 50th de of war as tens of thousands of israelis gathered near idf headquarters
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a second day of hostage releases got underway. among the 17-3 do that day a surprise for the shim toves not omer but his friend, maya regev it was the happiest day of my life. i think she arrived with news for this shim toves about what happened to their son >> the nova festival. we were the big stage. it was me, omega a tie, my brother like nine terrorists, started shooting at us sprayed us with bullets, one bulleted my leg, my left leg, and it crushed me wrong completely. >> they tied he time the omega and put them in a chunk. and i was inside of the car sitting
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between all the terrorist and then they drove to gaza. >> maya also told the shim toves omer was still alive and not injured. >> i had a note from omega he worked me don't worry, it will finish soon. be strong and i gave them that note. so when there are little said or having a hard time, they could look at it the third group of hostages released by hamas is now safe in israel >> o'mara and eti, we're not among those freed on day 51, the third day of releases neither was naama levy yard, dan roman god, or oh, fair calderon also missing the children. oh, fair. had with hadassah calderon so har and areas children were supposed to be a priority for these releases >> they must be released people
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think i've strong, i'm not i'm very weak. >> i can click without which you >> then hadassah finally got the call i got the message >> wow >> wow. >> i'm shocked. >> the coming back >> but, you know teams. the moment i saw them, i didn't believe i could. i was show something going to happen. >> so tell me about that moment when you finally saw them, they come in as with a big smile like in fall, immediately she's to cry and then i just you know, i cry and some more,
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families were about to experience this joy >> over the next few days, there would be more reunions if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved. >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres tonight at nine on cnn >> give me a hot cosmopolitan and some drama with a twist that i've given you an early morning tea time in a bloody mary was kettle on bond. >> you make up to with cattle and vodka introducing allison black psoriasis thanks. are flaky gray patches are all people see
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>> anderson cooper 360 weeknight today on cnn closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you >> 808 to one 4,000
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>> as hamas began releasing hostages, yard dan roman, gods, family members were climbing walls literally this was, an, event to honore yard, an avid climber, as well as remind the press, the public, and politicians that jordan was still being held captive, awaiting release. >> today, we already know the idea was born here. >> the >> roman family home turned into a sort of control room for the efforts to get yarden back. >> our assumption is that you will hopefully be among the extra ones really breaking news 12, four hostages are now back here in israel heading to israeli hospitals. >> on de 53, when the four de,
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a hostage deal was extended for at least two more days? you're dan was not among the released but the next day >> it's really happy moments thank hair in brahms and he didn't hair and we talked all night. it's like the pure joy you can imagine >> we found her the family is chanlost following a split-second decision. >> i gave gifts and toll on because he is a fast runner. it was that's very simple. they were shooting at us what your dan gave her daughter two alone because with him, geffen had a better chance to escape and i just flat out on the floor. i
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just played that >> and >> very quickly they decided i'm not that they just drag me back to the car. i was in my pajamas barefoot and everything. my whole underwear and pants, just came off >> like >> partly i >> was not naked, but partly naked. and i was like it's like an invite fortunately it didn't go that way and it just put me back to the car eventually i got to house like civil house most of the time i was there. >> no other hostages were held with her and with someone with you, a terrorist with you every day >> every second? all the time >> recounting her experience is not easy >> it's a very difficult feeling to explain
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>> okay. let's stop for a while. i'm sorry >> what. is the meaning of being hostage you cannot speak out there is no certainty. you have to be alert. all of the time. so very deep aspects of humanity that are taking away during your time. did you know that there were many others? >> i knew there was i was exposed to television in some point and to the radio and another point, there was a point they showed me like a picture of israeli paper with the faces of people captured from barely then i got the news that coleman was also their
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carmel got her sister-in-law had also been kidnapped from barry can erode, got yard dan's mother-in-law seen in this october 7 hamas video? >> was murdered >> did you know that geffen and along we're safe in israel at this time >> it took awhile, a few weeks, like three weeks into but data. vd >> so that must have been a big relief >> yeah >> aid was, but it was also devastating everything that. is personal, that you find out 20 or captive it's cracks your shield because you tried to keep it together as long as you can one day before i got back, was the first time i saw other hostages was a big relief.
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>> but >> it was devastating to hear what they in through. >> worse than you. >> yes really >> the >> worst of evil >> your dan hope to see her sister-in-law that day, but carmel god never appeared >> someone who did >> eti regev remember he is the then 18 year-old, kidnapped from the nova music festival with his sister, maya and her friend, >> omer shim tov the sibling spoke soon after the crossing a short time later he hugged me and it was like the best moment >> one phoenicia flotilla tomer
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i'm sharon. i didn't causing by tsca. and even online who came under to him, america's any losses or can i like to another edition, surveillance hello, honest about it will ambulation has alberta, you were so attached to omer couldn't imagine being separated from him >> cash ocean, you build off each. >> i said they barely knew each other before october 7. omer was mayas friend, not e ties my guess, shock more oxygen >> soon after the omar's
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parents, we told them everything about what happened since october 7, de the moment that he thai got home because it was with omer 4502 days >> such as what o'mara was eating or not eating. did they give you food? >> water >> everyone on the line everyone on them all. rama speak leganto, shangla solver >> the siblings also described omar's living conditions how big was the room >> i think i'll have all my love mullin my work item, his own chalet. shalom hello i'm somebody nothing for him. shannon? >> he. tai also explain the ritual that helped him in omer
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stay strong. >> you celebrated shabbat together it's. known away i'm by my thought there should share yes kiddos. i don't know. maybe much i'm like they did key douche and they prey on the bread. and you tie told us that that's was something that gives them a lot of strength a. lot of power i know that omer knows that we talked to his family and i think that that's the thing that's keeping him alive. the teeth family knows what's happening and we're fighting for him >> what's happening, it's a
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free text 369369. today space >> shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres tonight at nine on cnn israel and hamas have agreed to extend that truce for another 24 hours. israel says hamas must release ten hostages a day to keep the guns silence. >> what started as a four-day truce to swap israeli hostages for palestinian detainees and prisoners injured. it's seventh day on november 30th less than 24 hours later negotiations fell apart the releases stopped and war resumed >> the war is on. israel bombarding gaza again and hamas once again firing rockets now
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deep into israel or the 130 hostages still in gaza, including several women in their 20s and 30s among those left behind >> naama levy >> people made this for her. yeah, >> we made thiwith our friends. wmissed you y are our sunshi dr. ayelet levy shewhart didt get numb abac but she did learn how r 19 year-old daughter was coping and >> capvity from released hostages who said they saw her from what she told them, she was alone for over 40 days alone with her captors, moving from one hiding >> place to the other. he told them to kintun eight much may described her injuries. she has a lot of shrapnel wounds or levs, a very swollen and she has burns burns on her legs from what probably from a grenade then went off in the attack just before she was
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kidnapped >> a reminder that this is the extremely unsettling video of norma's kidnapping she treated at all. >> she >> received antibiotics for some time and she told them some of the shrapnel she picked out. her son, moved herself you're a doctor when you hear that, how does that make you feel >> now i'm worried about the shrapnel wounds that are deeper in the ones that can enter into the bloodstream and put her in her life at risk. >> and the doctor worries about whether nama and the other female hostages are suffering abuse >> what is a scientific fact is that the young girl's, the women are most vulnerable for any form of violence and sexual violence. in particular
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>> musicals happens two lungs to take action. >> norma's mother traveled to new york to fight for her daughter's release and to spread awareness about the suspected abuses i thought it was really important to speak to whoever i could in the un and other places that were silent. and even when they started to speak or say something, it was very it's often not loud enough, not out there, enough. >> five months after the october 7 hamas attack following a visit to israel and the occupied west bank. a un representative said this we found clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, cruel, inhuman, and degrading >> treatment has been committed against captives we also have reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may still be ongoing against those still held in captivity >> hi worry moos that she worked to spare she was stopped
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fighting from inside stop hoping this is what i keep telling her in my mind >> don't stop just stuck. in there hanging there >> don't darken. >> keep the hope and keep moving. you're physically and mentally keep moving you're dan roman, gods family is doing yoga moos >> to keep her sister-in-law is captivity be in the spotlight >> this >> weekly event is called yoga for carmel released hostages, say carmel god taught yoga and meditation to two young captives to help them get through unbelievable right >> in the >> darkest place and the harshest conditions she was able to find this resilience and tours to cope
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>> but her family is worried about how long that can continue >> the first worry the fundamental that are alive the second worries her. so we cannot know in what state cheese if she's going to come back herself. how fractured will she be what kind of rehabilitation she will need to go through to manage to be in a good place so very profound impact that captivity take on humans souls that profound impact is ahead
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plus what to hug mv it mission new, some a chevy dashing develop my should go them holds. also name >> after being released from hamas captivity 16 year-old, so hard, calderon spoke on camera for the first time telling her story to the new york times i'm willing who's elderly sale chaleff knee and it bit too harsh amateur cleanly atom over a bagasse. it come on game, you finish your vote and with love, i don't i think we've got some hollywood cutting if code remedy that's me shifa hardest your kid, artesian naval so her and her younger brother, erez, spent 52 days in hamas captivity >> they saw things that chill sheldon, lots of polls to see
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how are they doing? now, we're afraid they're going to be keeping up again and they were thinking that behind any door there is a terrorist in the house they don't feel safe. it's like it's like the basic safety of filming is gone. >> the whole family has been in trauma therapy and erez has found comfort in playing the video game fortnite >> why >> do you like to play it? >> so how much can hadassah says the therapists have >> told her it's okay for him to play even though the game reminds him of the tunnels in gaza. >> that's what it was like afforded game i hate this game. you know, what it keeps playing and i think maybe it's trying to possess what's happened to
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him. it's like, oh, maybe it's to feel powerful so har has struggled with the absence of their father, ofer, who reigns in captivity. >> they they worried for way missing him. they can't see their life without him. >> my lab sheet each again. >> in >> february after israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu dismissed a new hostage deal. >> we have carveout tissue and it's a whole lot. who are yaqiu? >> she spoke at a press conference beside four other former hostages. >> and i'm on yoga, but you should i not call a few today. no money but if it's needed we commissioned in touch him, think of that column with her
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now if haley for head back and move, it can be two has orpheum nano, so t, because i'm out of here with adversity, but coalition in session with a program of thumbnail one, think, when their father will come back it's the best medicine for them. it's a cure >> omer shim tov brand to e tie and my regev also remains in captivity. >> the hardest part is that we both black kidnapped with omim and we are both here and he's not since returning home, maya has spent five days a week in physical therapy, re-learning how to walk the bone in her left leg had been crushed by a bullet on october 7, matt rempe
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maya eti, and the shim >> toves have continued their fight to bring omer home. >> we are in the mission of our life now and we don't see any obstacle we have a big rally every saturday about 50,000 in this rallies. and every week we say, this is the last time in january, yard dan roman gods, older brother, spoke outside the un >> to mark 100 days of captivity for those still held by hamas we asked many times, why did they want yellen says the repeatedly say, just one cause gihan, a world of g, haydn and muslim empire, their aim is to get the world to be
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islamic. the whole world. >> your then understand some arabic and spoke with her captors in english she says, they set it all the time, but israel should not exist at all no, no two states >> islamic state yeah, like a world of islamic state >> while hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the us and the eu negotiations have been ongoing to get the remaining hostages released. >> we need to get to a deal. and i think the way to do that is to put more pressure on hamas and even though the united states is doing a lot. and other countries are doing a lot on getting to a deal somehow it's not enough >> no ceasefire deal meant more days in captivity for these rayleigh hostages devastation
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for the palestinian trying to survive inside a war zone >> the gaza health ministry says that the death toll since october 7 is now more than 29 thousand >> the un morning that more than half 1 million people in gaza are one step away from famine after nearly five months of war and. six months of war, nearly half of the population of gaza is at imminent risk of famine. the death toll there is more than and according to gazan health officials and around 130 israeli hostages are still being held by hamas, include building maya in eti regev, friend, omer shim tov. >> i know there are lots of things that needs to be achieved and we need to destroy hamas, and all of this. but first, i think that we need to put on the top of the list all
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the hostages on them is the most funniest person i know he has, the biggest heart i don't know one person can say anything bad about him. he's like the most pure thing sorry >> i'm sorry, launched and charge over its own hello, mostly >> our life stop that october 7 stopped and it's a long, long, long night i don't think i will ever be the same in october 7, i got an inside gaza one, maya and i came out a
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different one. the way that i look at the world is different. i know things now that i don't want to know, why do i need to know about these pure evil? there is in my world that i live in. how can i raise my kids? how can i have kids knowing that there are people this evil, that this might happen to them


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