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tv   Fareed Zakaria GPS  CNN  April 7, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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this is >> gps, the global public >> square. welcome to >> all of you in the >> united states and around >> the world. i'm fareed zakaria >> coming to you, live from new york on today's program israel. the jewish state is widely believed to have been behind this week's attack in damascus. that killed two led iranian military commanders and it has accepted responsibility for the strike that killed seven aid workers in gaza on monday. i'll talk about the state of the war, the fear of widening and bibi netanyahu's political future with a special guest, former prime minister naftali bennett also finland has been the new drill since world war ii, but russia's invasion of ukraine spurred it to join nato after all, it shares an 800 mile border with
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russia i will talk to the nordic nation's new president, alexander stub, who was in ukraine this week but first, here's my take reporters have been noticing something new about donald trump's campaign events. this time around they often resemble religious revival meetings. the new york times notes that way his rallies will once improvised and volatile. they're finale is now feel more planned, solemn, and infused with relief the gym the closing 15 minutes evokes an evangelical altar call filled with references to god trump is a shrewd reader of his supporters and is clearly seen what the data show. white evangelicals who make up about 14% of the population, made up about one-quarter of voters in the 2020 elections. and about three quarters of them voted for donald trump. even more striking of those white voters
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who attend religious services once a month or more 71% voted for trump in the 2020 election even similarly religious blacks by contrast, voted democratic by a nine to one ratio >> the key to >> understanding trump's coalition is the intensity of his support among white people who are, and who claimed to be devout christians this phenomenon must be viewed against one of the most significant shifts in american life over the last two decades the dramatic and rapid secularization of america as i write in my book, age of revolutions, america was long and outlier among advanced industrial countries in that it remained religious. but around the 1990s that began to change and the numbers plunged after 2007 as the scholar ronald inglehart has shown, since that your religious decline in america has been the greatest of any country of the 49
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surveyed by one measure, america today is the 12th least religious country on earth. in 1990, according to the general social survey, less than 10% of americans had no religious affiliation. today. it's around 30% why this is happening is not easily understood, but some of it is probably that the onward march of science, reason and skepticism has fueled secularism in most rich countries but it might also relate to certain choices that american christianity has made over the last decades. in his important work, american evangelicalism, james davison, a hunter points out that evangelicals grew then numbers by adapting to an america that had become much less religiously observed. he went and devout. >> the old >> protestant fundamentalism had been filled with warnings against sin, heresy catholicism, adultery, divorce
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materialism, and any deviation from strict christian morality but preachers like jerry falwell made the religion more user-friendly and less dark finally, demanding. what filled the place of religious doctrine was politics. over the last few years, this process has been extended even further with those who consider themselves devout christians defining their faith almost entirely in political terms by opposing abortion, gay marriage, and transgender rights this in turn has led to a great democratic d churchill, according to gallup democratic church membership was 46% in 2020 down from 71% two decades prior the scholar david campbell of nostradamus, told the ap increasingly, americans associate religion with the republican party. and if they're not republicans themselves, they turn away from
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religion this phenomenon of the right using even weaponizing religion is not unique to america or christianity. you can see it in brazil, el salvador, italy, israel, turkey, and india, among other places. secularization may be inevitable, but it does seem to coincide with a sense of loss for many a loss of faith and community that might be at the heart of the loneliness at many people report experiencing these days in my book, i quote the political commentator walter lippmann, who presciently identified this problem in 1929 >> men >> have been deprived of the sense of certainty as to why they were born, why they must work, whom they must love what they must honor where they may turn in sorrow and defeat. as i write in my book into this void, steps populism, nationalism, and authoritarianism. these modern political forces offer people a
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new faith, a new cause greater than themselves? to which they can devote themselves. hungary's prime minister express this articulately to tucker carlson in an interview last year, there are certain things which are more important than me, than my ego family nation, god this is the great political challenge of our time liberal democracy gives people greater than liberty than ever before. breaking down repression and control everywhere. in politics and religion in society but as the philosopher kierkegaard wrote anxiety is the dizziness of freedom modern society gives us all wealth technology, and autonomy but for many these things cannot fill the hole in the heart that god and faith, once occupied >> to fill it >> with politics is dangerous. >> but >> that seems to be the shape of things to come go to
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slash fareed for a link to my washington post column this week. and there is another link there for my new book, age of revolutions do go out and buy it let's get started >> as his remarks, the >> somber six month anniversary of the horrific october 7 attacks today, this week is one that might prove we have changed the course of the war. on monday seven iranian military officials were killed in syria in what was likely an israeli airstrike iran has vowed revenge that same day, israeli forces killed seven world central kitchen aid workers in gaza in what israel later admitted was a grave mistake in a subsequent call with prime minister netanyahu president biden threatened consequences if steps were not taken to improve what he called an unacceptable humanitarian
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situation in gaza. israel has moved to open more routes for aid to get in and just announced it has withdrawn its massive 98th division from southern gaza joining me to discuss all of this is the former prime minister of israel, naftali welcome pleasure to have you on the show on this table let's start with iran, because it does seem to be a major escalation. what do you think was behind it? because it feels as though israel has enough on its hands right now, trying to deal with how to conclude this war, what to do in gaza? what do you think motivated this strike >> well, obviously i can comment on the strike itself. what i can say is iran is an octopus of terror. its head isn't tehran. and then it sends its tentacles all around israel and the middle east in lebanon, they have hizballah in gaza. they have islamic jihad and a bit of hamas. the hoodies all around. and they've been pounding israel using their
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arms while their head was sort of immune so the age of immunity for iran's head is over it doesn't make sense to keep on fighting just the tips of the fingertips of these arms while letting iran itself get away from it. >> but is there a danger that this escalation then triggers an iranian reaction in israel has to get does not distracted, but has to now donuts focus on that issue. >> you see iran is already in full-fledged war against israel, starting october 7 and amd before. but it's a one-sided the boxing match. their up hitting us and they've not been on the receiving side. they just hit us with their octopus arms so if anything this sort of move is, is the right approach, but needs to be done in a persistent way because it turns out that iranian leadership is much
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softer and does not want to pay its own price they love using other people's lives, right? then they're proxies. but when it's iranian lives at stake, suddenly they become much more timid, even hezbollah has been fairly cautious in terms of a view, listen to nasrallah specie, he wished hamas well, but it was clear was i'm going to help them in any way i think that's fairly good interpretation of nasrallah. he understands that if he were to enter war on behalf of iran against israel the people who would pay the price or the lebanese. and since nasrallah pretends himself, portrays himself as the protector of lebanon. in fact, he would become the destroyer of lebanon. if he would make that mistake to go to full out war with israel. let >> me ask you about israel's war strategy itself because you, early on outlined a very different approach than what bibi netanyahu did, which i certainly todd was very
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interesting and innovative, which was flush out hamas siege them, forced them to come out of their holes rather than this very massive essentially ground invasion do you think at this point at least they could, they could move to that strategy in the remaining parts because it feels like to get at these last thousand or 2000 hamas militants step the pain and enormous price in terms of radicalization of palestine's radicalization of the arab world well first of all, it's tray presented an alternative strategy, but once my government, the government of israel, adopted its >> strategy, i stand behind it. at this point. >> there are >> basically two options. the way i see it, one is to flush out commas or actually have the citizens of rough leave and then you're left with hamas in rafah can can deal with them isolated seed-based atactic or
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go in, i'm not going to comment what the government is going to do. both options can make sense. yes, it's stuff. it's involves a lot of friction that we've been seeing over the past half here. >> do you think there are a lot of people who believed that bibi netanyahu is prolonging this war because he knows that the majority of israeli public, vast majority of israeli public say the minute the war ends, we want netanyahu work, which means i mean, he has an incentive not to have the warrant well, the war takes time for the very fundamental reason that we have thousands and thousands of >> hamas terrorists, militants imbedded within civilians. and because we're not cavalier about civilian lives we have to be very selective and very cautious and slow and it takes much more time. and we have a huge undertaking of dismantling
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the underground tunnel, a terror tunnel operation that hamas built for 20 years. so it takes time. i do think that we need to speed things up. we don't have an unlimited the clock out there and if it were up to me, i would move much quicker on the various phases. >> but do you think prime minister netanyahu is prolonging the war because he knows his political future is at stake >> i think he's not alone in the war cabinet, so i think that the decisions are being made for the right reasons. one can disagree with one decision or another, but by enlarge the goal is to defeat hamas. we can't finish the swore. when hamas is standing, we can have an organization that explicitly said that it wants to destroy the jewish nation and has done
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the worst thing possible and said that it's going to try and do it again and again. so we have to eliminate commas all right, stay with us. i'll be back with former israeli prime minister enough thani bennett. i'm going to ask him whether he plans to be the next prime minister of israel when we come back fareed zakaria gps brought to you by fisher investments. clearly different money management i'm for sure investments. we may look like other money managers, but were different. >> you can't be that different. >> we are we have a team of specialists, not only in investing, but also in financial and estate planning and more, your clients rely on you for all that? yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first, but you still saw commission-based products, right? no, >> we have a simplple managemen fee is structured, so we do better when our clients do better, he we're more different than i thought at fisher investments were clearly
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has resulted in the destruction of about 60% of gaza. it has resulted in 35,000 civilians dying. it has resulted in more aid workers dying then in all the gaza wars combined is it resulted in more journalists dying than in all the gaza wars combined? at this 0.1, 0.1 million people are on the verge of famine >> surely this is, this has been counterproductive for israel, but you're still i understand you need to outside of israel, put support the government, but i mean, it seems like the strategy has come with huge costs and i'm not sure the benefits outweigh them there's one goal and/or two goals actually, one goal is to bring the hostages home and the other goal is to >> fully eliminate hamas, which is genocidal terror organization and there's no easy way to do it. i you know, regardless of the fact that i
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presented a different strategy, i'm not sure my strategy was better you never know what does it mean to understand people keeps saying destroy hamas. you've, you've, you've destroyed tens of thousands of fighters. ultimately, what is hamas? it is the idea of armed resistance on two radicalizing are two creating, as donald rumsfeld would say, undo creating more terrorists than you kill him no, i don't think so >> people always >> say it's an idea of what can you do with an idea, but also nazism was an idea and once you eradicate the regime, and there's no territory where that regime controls. and then it becomes an idea that can fade away or they're still are some nails well nazis, but we don't think that nazism right now is a problem likewise, here look, they were radical enough under a much more generous period and regime. yet they conducted the october 7 attacks
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and unfortunately, i have to say that vast majority of gaza citizens support those attacks. this is not to say that we're going to try and target citizens. we don't it is to say that the basic necessity is to eradicate hamas. and what does it mean? it means to either kill the combatants or to capture them. and then move them out to qatar or something. so i could envision and thousands of these terrorists getting on a ship going to qatar, and that would spell the end of the war. >> but then what do you do in gaza? because at that point again, you've so radicalized palestinian because they're not gonna be willing to ride on the back of israeli tanks. and the ph is not going to come in and govern the, this is what i hear from arab countries. we're not going to be willing to touch that. so you've created a situation where israel went after occupy gaza again? >> no, i disagree. i think the
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key to success is to take away the hope of hamas resurgence. once that hope is gone then there is a process of deradicalization, which means that we'll need that the education and media in gaza will stop teaching the little children in gaza that jews are the satan and pigs. they've >> just been bombed for the last three months. so it's dresden. so as berlin, so hiroshima and nagasaki and toba, you didn't have to move side-by-side japanese you guys, this palestine is an ongoing and which all the more means that we have to get the job done. all right. i've got to ask you before we go, >> are you going to run for prime minister? >> decided yet, i had planned on a decade off from politics after my decade in politics it's a very tough occupation. but my country is not in great shape right now. so i'll think
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about it and i'll let you know here on this on this show, fareed, is that a promise? almost >> naftali bennett pleasure to have you >> thank you >> next on gps, nato mocked its 75th anniversary this week, i will talk to finland's new precedent about the future of the alliance. russia is one, ukraine and much more. when we come back >> check, we hear nothing >> the space shuttle accident, it's using one thing, it's a series of events >> is that part of the wing coming apart >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres tonight at nine on cnn. >> my name is marie and 49 years old, and i'm a business owner. i owned a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my line fans have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. >> i've still murray and i got botox cosmetic.
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an outbound ukraine but also the western alliance faces the prospect of a second presidency of donald trump, who is an avowed nato skeptic how can you deal with these challenges? joining me now is finland's newly elected president, alexander step, his country and neighboring speed, sweden are nader's newest members. both have joined since the ukraine war or after decades of non-alignment mr. president welcome >> congratulations. you're just back from ukraine, so let's start with your assessment everything that we read and hear and see tells us the war is not going so well for ukraine, it is on the backfoot. the russians have regrouped. they are much better supplied russian drones are swarming in the skies. what's your sense? >> well, i spent about one hour one-on-one with zelenskyy and then another two hours with him
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and his team. and i think there was this sort of sense of calm and determination but also urgency. so of course, the war is in a stalemate, but it's a little bit calm before the storm. so we're all expecting a spring offensive coming from russia. and i think the message of presence, zelenskyy was loud and clear to us in the west. he needs more ammunition, he needs more weapons. and that way he can stave off russia and is it your sense that they have do they have internal problems morale problems? you hear about true problems. they're lowering the age at which people can join the military no, not really. >> i mean, when i was there, of course president zelenskyy was asked in the press conference bringing the h down from 27 to 25, but that's what happens in a prolonged war. you simply need more menn, need more women. i mean, of course, war
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fatigue hits in, but it's amazing when you're in a big city like kyiv, people continue their life as is. and the only thing that disrupts it's in kyiv is of course, air raids. and these kinds of things, but other not they go on. it's normal. i did talk to a lot of people around and they seem determine that they're going to win when i left zelenskyy and said goodbye, i told him you're going to win this war i sort of looked at me and said yeah, we don't have a choice, do and i think that's the mentality, the ukrainians have >> do you think that the europeans would be willing to do more and faster in light of the facts that you're outlining. given that b american aid is held up for we know we can we can decry all we want, but we are where we are. and is there a plan b that europe can get more aid faster to kyiv?
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>> well, i guess the first point to make is that we must and you can do it in so many ways. i mean, finland were fairly small country, but we're actually gdp per capita. the sixth biggest donor we've given 2 billion euros in military aid and 700 million in humanity it's area and development aid. i went to kiev with a package of 188 million euros of military stuff actually, including air defense and heavy artillery. these are the practical things that the ukrainians need. so what we need to do is we need to find a part of different streams that come into a river. and the streams can come either bilaterally, they can come from the european union as they're coming right now, they can even come from nato, and they certainly need to come from the united states and fried, you know me, i'm avidly pro-american and i just call upon the american congress to release the sixth 60 billion it
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is urgently necessary. what we're basically playing with here is ukrainian lives and i don't think our domestic politics should be involved in ukrainian lives. they need the help and they need it now let me ask you another tack. your predecessor have famously had a very good relationship with putin, though he of course became very, very tough on him after the invasion. >> but do you think >> it's time to start? talking to the russians because it does feel like these lines that were at are roughly where things are going to end up i understand. maybe you can't say that publicly, but is it worth talking to the russians? see if there is some eventual settlement >> well, i've been involved in peace mediation over the years, and of course, when immediate peace it begins with dialogue
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and after dialogue, you start setting parameters. but i think the cold truth in this particular case is that the only way we can achieve pieces through the battlefield. the only thing that putin understands its power, and in many ways, this war is too big for him to lose. and i just sometimes wonder whether piece is almost impossible from his perspective. now, having said that, i think there's a shift in the language coming from the ukrainians and president zelenskyy. and that is torque of a his forum. we need to have that. obviously the swiss will be hosting that at some stage in the near future. but peace has to be two-sided. it's not only a one-way track, you need the tracks to meet at some stage. but when the conditions for that are suitable i don't know to be honest right now, we have but absolutely no political dialogue with russia. and i don't think we can, nor should we
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>> that's a very sobering statement that the war is too important for ukraine to lose and it may be too important for russia to lose that leaves us in a tough position. stay with us more with finland's new president, alexander. stop. i will ask him about, of course, donald trump when we come back >> the greatest they talk about reese well to champions have tbs >> it's a new day one. we're our shared >> values propel >> us towards a more secure future through august, of partnership built upon cutting-edge american, australian, and british technologies we'll develop state-of-the-art next-generation submarines build something stronger together. securing decades of peace and prosperity for america and our allies. we are going forward and staying
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president, you, you know, what everybody in europe is talking about donald from said he would let russia do you tell russia do what you have to do? are some words to that effect? about nato members. if, if they hadn't hit the 2% mark what do you do about a president of the united states, the leader of the western leader of nato, who says that assuming trump is elected well, guess the starting point is to say that the president of finland will ovulate, see, get along with whomever is >> chosen as the president of the united states, whether it's joe biden or donald trump. we also know that former president donald trump is a transaction list and what it's trying to do is to push european states to increase their defense expenditure to 2%. i think he's right, actually in doing that. and we can already start seeing it happening because 20 out of 32 nato member states will have
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reached that limit by the washington nato summit i think we, in finland usually stay cool, calm, and collected in these kinds of situations. i think it is very useful for the united states to be a fully fledged and core member of the alliance, especially if and when the united states wants to remain one of the biggest players in the world >> but is it is nato entirely are kind of transactional organization. i had roddick sikorski, the polish foreign minister on and he pointed out that when poland sent troops to afghanistan and iraq for wars, that bolen had no, had no involvement in really, they felt no threat from poland did not send washington and invoice for those wars that there is this is meant to be a community of democracies and you would defend people who were attacked or do you do think it is
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appropriate for united states not to defend, not to come to the aid of a nato member if it's below 2% and is defense spending now, i mean, roddick is of course, right? and of course i believe in article five and what it stands for. and security guarantees that nato gibbs, it is a alliance of values. it is a political alliance. it's a military alliance and its defense alliance and we pledge to help each other in difficult times. and i am sure that the united states will continue to do that. we have to also understand that the us has obviously taken the lion's share of the alliance. now, adding onto that, of course, finland didn't join nato until well, exactly one year ago. but before that, we who are already involved in naibe operations like k4 in kosovo or isf in afghanistan. so we always thought so as not only a security guarantee for us, but
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a value-based alliance, which we wanted to be a part of. but i am sure that the united states will continue to be a steady fast, and the most important member of nato, we have to remember that one of the key deterrence is that we have in the alliance is of course, the united states, and its nuclear umbrella do you think that this ukraine war and perhaps i would add to it and asked you if you have thoughts on it, the rising challenge from >> china will this be able to bring the west together? will it be able to bring europe together to do something that europe has not been able to do, which is really joint defense joint procurement, joint deployment >> definitely. i mean, i think i'll sort of answering two parts. my first part is that we are looking at a post-cold war order which you and i have talked about previously. and this means that we're going
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more towards an ala carte world where you do these strategic alliances and for the united states, that has meant go in, for instance, the quad with japan and india are orcas with the united kingdom and australia. or for the brics countries for that matter, to do these sort of unholy alliance since, but at the same time, we're seeing a regionalization of power. and that regionalization of power is actually to the benefit of the european union because we've been doing that for a long time. the second part of the answers to say that where nato takes care of the hardcore defense of the alliance, the member states are responsible for their own defense. the european union can certainly give a value added and that comes with investment in defense procurement, with pooling their defense purchases on ammunition. and on weapons. so the european union needs to become more geopolitical. but in my mind, it's not either or it's actually both. and by
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both. i mean to say both the eu and nato with a strong transatlantic partnership. but the core mr. president, a pleasure to have you on. thank you so next on gps, why did chinese social media users spend so much of march railing against china's richest man i have the answer when we come back get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies, eclipse across america, live tomorrow with one on cnn or streaming on mac okay, everyone. >> our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition are strengthened energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein >> did you know that if you
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technology fabrics, skechers >> slip in pants we all know that social media can be very toxic and china's censored version of it is no different among the >> targets of online are in the country in recent years, foreign brands like nike and h&m, and foreign personalities like the argentine soccer player, lionel messi those single dot are often accused by hyper nationalist social media users of insulting china. but last month and unlikely target raised a sustained furor for his alleged lack of patriotism china's richest man, jiang shan. shan. he's the owner of the chinese beverage giant nongfu spring. let's dig into the controversy and what it may tell us about china today joining me now is cindy, you are close china observer, who is an assistant editor at the spectator, and the host of the hi these whispers podcast. >> welcome, silly. so first let
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me ask you about that. 2021 online campaign again, against nike and h&m what was that about? >> so in march 2021, a group of western countries basically united in their sanctioning of some of the chinese communist party cadres that were involved in oppression and singer, as we found out, ever more, evidence of the systematic in terms of the uyghur people there in response to that, a lot of retailers with international supply chains were asked the question, what do you source cotton from scene down because that's most likely be made with forced labor from the uyghur people nike and h&m were among those who said, we will look into that if we do, that will be a problem. and basically made a statement that would have been well-received in the west but it wasn't well received inside china. and so you had government associated social media accounts such as the communist youth league, basically criticizing these retailers to basically say these are foreign companies. i
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have no business coming here, but they're going to criticize the way we do things. so q basically, months of kind of grassroots, but also top-down campaigns against these retailers which have taken them a while to claw back in terms of market share. and there were real impact on sales later that year so now, what do you make of these new attacks that seemed to be directed at you in a chinese businesses and businessmen >> yeah, well, for read as he point out your introduction, this is probably the most high-profile. first case where the target has been a chinese company. but the, but the rhetoric, the dynamic make as much the same, the netizens than online nationalists who are targeting georgeanne. can i basically say that he's not chinese enough? they're pointing to rather business up as are things like his packaging on some of his tee branding, which look a bit more like japanese pagodas, then chinese pagodas, the pointing
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to the fact that his son let me well, have american citizenship rather than chinese citizenship also has a name that sounds a little bit japanese as well. so finding reasons to be offended and it's actually also had a real impact in the sense that non-food has lost 4 billion off its market valuation since this rally began, about just a month ago. a very talking about stories like these make me a bit embarrassed to be chinese, to be honest, because we talked about snowflakes in the culture wars in the west. but there are a lot of snowflakes in china two, well, that's, that's the interesting question, cyndi, which is this about just crazy online behavior with gardeners. we have enough off here or is this government encouraged or government sponsor that's always what we're trying to understand in china because there is a >> narrative that says the chinese people are actually more nationalistic than the government that the government reins them in on issues like taiwan, on antigen japanese
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behavior, even anti-american behavior when you look at something like this, what, what, what do you think about, what do you think, what lessons can we learn? >> i think that's really interesting hypothesis in the sense that we simply don't know what the chinese people would be like if you gave them democratic rights to put in their own politicians, would they be really, really populace, would they be really, really nationalists? they would they be even more anti-japanese are anti-american. it's possible, but it's an interesting counterfactual for now, we simply don't know for sure in the sense, in the case of non-food this time round, it actually doesn't seem to be government directed to your question of how representative it is. i think it's really difficult because social media is crazy. it draws your mentor. but in the chinese case, the scale is so much larger. either china has 1 billion active now users. so just think about that when things go viral, they really, really go viral. and when things they even go viral, they still have maybe tens of thousands, hundred, thousands, or millions of views and people
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discussing it. >> now there is a kind of clickbait incentive that is built into chinese social media companies which are like american social media companies, combined for sure, they are trying to make money. >> so how much of it >> is that what goes viral is outrage. it's snark, it's negativity yeah, absolutely it's engagement, right? negative for all positive. because you take politics out of the equation you people can't debate whether or not they thought that economic policies when the two sessions recently are a legitimate whether or not they think zero-covid has legitimate. a lot of the energy is spent into what might seem while the trivial questions, like the non-food scandal so i think, i think that commercial incentive really has to be remembered here. if a influence on weibo, which is quite similar to twitter. now we call x >> you want people to follow you, you want, you want a fan up, flare up things in the same
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way that any influencer does because that's how you get more advertising revenue, more name recognition. it's incredibly lucrative, wild to be tapping into all of this is a reflection of the strange mixture of capitalism and leninism that as part of china today cindy you pleasure to have you on as always >> thank you >> thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week, i will see you next week >> tonight new interviews with the return israeli hostages. >> what is the meaning of being hostage? reasonable certainty, and the fight for the room? leaks of those still in captivity. the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on cnn >> what's push of a button constant contacts, ai tools help you know what to say >> even when you don't constant contact, helping the small santo
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