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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 5, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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know vice and no, i'd never been to canada. i ended his sword instead of a driver's license. i wanted to go to canada twice in the early odds, but there was playing problems both the times and maybe i want it thank you, victoria, in the early odds, the early 2000s, i mean, look, it's 2024 and there's sandwich, the early ots now, it's almost near back as far when i was born, it would've been like the 1950s. >> all right. >> ariane, thanks the news continues right here on cnn >> front next, breaking news, a new handling new york and new jersey after aware northeast earthquake, residents told to remain indoors, entire region on edge at this hour and more breaking news the us is pairing for a significant attack by iran targeting american and israeli asset. plus only on outfront, a startling morning
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from a former russian minister thank putin is so desperate to get biden out of office and he's looking to do something in summer or early fall to harm biden's reelection chances. let's go out front good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news, there are new aftershocks, just rocking the northeast, the tremors following what was the strongest earthquake to hit new york and 140 years, buildings across america's largest city were shaken by the quake. it was four the tremors, so powerful at one point that you can actually see the statue of liberty swaying. good, certainly feel them through your body, but just move that statue. it gives you a signal of the power, the epicenter of the quake was just west of the city, and that is where some of the most dramatic pictures are coming into cnn as of tonight, there have been 11 formal aftershocks prompting officials in new york city tonight to advise people to remain indoors. call 911 if injured. in new jersey, some people have been forced to evacuate their homes over fears of structural
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damage today's earthquake also disrupting transportation across the northeast for hours of flights. were grounded, flight circling in the air, unable to land during a ground stop at newark and trains along amtrak busiest line, we're delayed while crews inspected the rails to make sure there wasn't serious damage and tonight, officials are warning the aftershocks are not over adjacent carroll is live in new york for us, chad myers is the weather center tracking the aftershocks as we are feeling them. and i want to begin first with you, jason. we all did just experienced a 4.0 aftershock where you are where i am what was that like? where you're standing >> well, it's pretty much been business as usual. here in times square, but that's not to say there haven't been a few rattled nerves. you mentioned that after a shock we heard from other mayor's office, there's spokesperson said that they felt the aftershock where they are aftershocks bought something that's pretty common after an earthquake, just not something
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that's commonly felt here it shook pictures off walls and in this home in middlesex, new jersey and had many dogs and at least one cat running for cover and had some east coast residents like this one named bridgewater, new jersey questioning exactly what had happened the magnitude 4.8 quake hit at 10:23 a.m. according to the us geological survey, it's epicenter near lebanon, new jersey, located about 50 miles west of new york city. it was the strongest to hit new jersey since before it was even a state 17, 83 the year the us defeated great britain. and one, the revolutionary war serve quake. >> the quake felt as far north as maine residents also reported feeling it in
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pennsylvania vermont, new hampshire, connecticut, and washington dc better the tremor temporarily caused a ground stop at all three major airports surrounding new york city, three homes and newark, new jersey had to be evacuated due to structural damage, though no reports of major damage or injuries in the tri-state area for new yorkers should go about their normal day first responders are working to make sure the city is the event anything but business as usual, for people in a city and region of the country, not accustomed to the ground suddenly shifting beneath their feet. >> menn my colleague were on the 83rd floor of 30 hudson yards and so we've got a pretty good shape, but they're trying because let me those very weird to feel given the vast critical infrastructure of the region new york's governor says structural engineering >> teams, dissonance batch to inspect the city's bridges, tunnels, and subways.
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>> we are going to be reviewing all potentially vulnerable infrastructure state sites throughout the state of new york his critically important in the aftermath of an event like this. >> and while the quake didn't last long, ten seconds or so by some accounts it left an impression with those who felt it aaron, it should be noticed that so far there have been 11 after sox, most of them too small to be felt like anyone. but again, it's another other reminder that there are fault lines on the eastern seaboard and they do move. >> aaron. >> thank you very much. jason carroll, chad myers, as i mentioned, standing by a forest as well. so chad 4.8 magnitude after shock is coming, eight hours after the initial 4.8, which was felt as as, as many of us felt it right throughout the northeast >> so >> could more aftershocks becoming and could they be big? >> i think four is probably as big as we're going to get the rest will be likely smaller,
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but it's not out of the question that we could go to 4.5. and then if we go higher than that, then this doesn't become a in an aftershock, it becomes the fore shock here, because obviously now it could be larger than this. we get 4.8, but it was only three miles deep. it means that earth really shook. this felt like if you weren't there, it felt like writing an old wooden roller coaster let's try. it was just a violet little shaking and that rolling thing where buildings are really swaying. this was truly a shaking, like dry grabbing you by the back of the neck and just giving you a big shake. but tell you what world why we get so many thousands of earthquakes that are this large every single year, like 13,000 even on this map, there are 765 between 4.0 and five hi 0.0 on my map right now, in the past 30 days. >> but >> look where they are. the ring of fire. and then all of a sudden there is one little guy there in new york city. so that's a rare, rare event,
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even though we get thousands of these a year not here in this area. and it was the largest for a very long time, the third largest, although i'm not sure back in the 1700s, what kind of equipment they truly had a lot of people felt some shaking >> an important important point to make chat. all right, thank you. and i liked the roller coaster analogy from chad. i described the chat is sort of to me it felt like it's sitting on top of a washing machine when it was on spin? yeah. >> you know all right. one rug in it, right? yeah. right. right >> exactly. all right. >> chad, thank you very much. i want to go down to maureen long a seismologist and maureen as chad was pointing out, it appears at this point that he was like you could get an aftershock up to four or five mostly they'll get smaller and that if something really comes along bigger than what we experience today would have been a for shock which makes people watching pause. i would think what is the possibility of something like that yes. so the us geological survey put
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out a forecast of aftershocks this morning shortly after the magnitude 4.8 at the time they were predicting there was about a 50% chance of an aftershock of magnitude three or larger. and as we saw about an hour ago, we did indeed see a magnitude 4.0 aftershock, the most likely scenario is that we will see some aftershocks continuing in the days, maybe even weeks to come. the most likely scenario is that that four point oh aftershock that we felt just recently will be the largest one. however, there is a small chance that there will indeed be a larger earthquake, an earthquake larger than that 4.8. that is not the most likely scenario. the chance of that happening is less than 1%, but it is something that folks in the area should be aware of of, and we should all know what to do if we feel strong earthquake shaking >> so let me ask you about something else that stands out about this because when you say there's a less than 1% chance
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people look at that map of the ring of fire and then there's one random dot and they say, okay, well something really unexpected that really shouldn't be happening like this just happened. so what what should i think? i mean, obviously by global standards, as chad pointed out, this is not a big earthquake, right? it's nothing compared to what they just went through and taiwan as another example. but you also have one today, there was midst all this people may not have noticed and tanga in the pacific, there was a five-point six earthquake at some people are linking all of this together is there any reason to believe there's any connection between any of it? >> well, let's >> certainly a good question and a very natural question to ask. but the answer really is no as you've noted already, the earth experiences a lot of earthquakes. >> and >> this was not the biggest earthquake in the world today, not, not by a long shot. but it is of course, unusual for this region, which is why for those
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of us who live in the greater new york area, i felt the earthquake myself and new haven, connecticut. yeah, it feels very unusual because it is unusual for us, but on a global perspective a magnitude 4.8 earthquake is not unusual and certainly in places like california or taiwan, as we saw with the magnitude 7.4 earthquake earlier you're earlier this week, those are places that are used to more earthquakes than c here at eastern north america. >> absolutely. and i wanted to play something for you that the seismologists, margot a bryanna, his from the university of attack go in new zealand before this happened, but recently in the past couple of months, he did an interview with npr and he was talking about whether the severe weather events that have become what you're going to have severe weather out west. you had severe weather this week in the east whether there's any relationship between that and some of these other events. and here's what he told npr >> increasing recurrence. psaki
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weather events might be subconsciously increasing natural disasters like quake some locations, but it's totally different system what do you think marie >> well, this is a question that scientists certainly are studying. but as yet, we do not have strong evidence are really much evidence that whether directly affects tectonics. and this this really, this event was a tech talk on iq event. and we would expect there's really no indication that that weather affects that. they're there are some mechanisms where weather and climate can affect earthquakes, for example, in places where we are pumping groundwater out of the earth very, very quickly, say that can sum sometimes change the stress state and trigger small earthquakes. however, for this particular earthquake that we saw today, there's every indication that this was a tectonic earthquake and was not
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affected by the weather or climate i met >> all right. well, maureen, thank you very much. it really fascinating and learn a lot. just having the conversation. so thank you. >> of course, good to be with you. >> all right >> next, we have more breaking news. trump's legal team has just come out with a new file. trying to remove the judge in his new york hush money case, which is set to go to trial and just days. there's specific reason he's trying to do it. we're going to explain and also breaking this hour, we have new reporting that the united states is preparing for what they are calling a quote significant. that's their word and also their word inevitable attack by iran on attack that they say could come within days. we have new reporting on that. and another major setback in efforts to three hostages being held in gaza. hamas now rejecting israel's latest proposal the parents of an american who is still being held by hamas and gaza tonight will be out spatial colombia,
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>> again for another two decades boris sanchez and brianna keilar hosts special wide coverage as reporters and people around the country. dakin this spectacle in this guy's eclipse across america live monday at one on cnn, or streaming on that >> breaking news, a new court filing by former president trump just made public. trump's it's team arguing the judge and trump's criminal hush money case should be recused. among the reasons judge juan merchan's daughter, who trump has been focused on for more than a year now i have a trump-hating judge with the trump-hating wife and family whose daughter worked for kamala >> harris. and now receives money from the biden campaign a lot of it a merchan's daughter has been employed by a company that did work for democratic political candidates. it is unclear what role she played
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out front now, ryan goodman are legal analysts, basil, michael, former executive director of the new york state democratic party, and david urban trump's 2020 senior campaign adviser. all right. thanks to all of you survive. let me just start with you because you've had a chance to go through the exact allegations that are being made by trump as to why juan merchan should be recused because of his daughter >> what do you make of it? >> i think the motion is on a road to nowhere part of the reason is that the core of the motion is the idea that it's not achieved directly financially benefits, or even unrelated to a party to the case, but rather per company's clients sent out solicitations for money that refer to the case. so not even her company, but their clients companies >> client? >> correct. just to make state the obvious, >> that's something her company does not control what they do. >> yes, there's no direct link and the motion second is all of those almost all of their solicitations occurred way back in 2023 the lawyers actually in
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mid-2023, already tried to get the judge to recuse and they said in that very motion, oh, the clients of the company could refer to the case. so they've made the argument, the idea that there would now make the argument on the eve of the trial about to start again i think the judge would refuse it out of hand almost. in fact, they have to make arguments as to what's changed, what are the circumstances that have changed, and they don't refer to the fact that the solicitations are new or their discovery is new because they can't. >> so all right. so you're saying it just simply doesn't add up and it doesn't add up under new york law are near precedent nonetheless, david trump is making a play, right? that this will his effort to do this, will matter, at least in the corner republic opinion >> yeah. let's i think ryan's probably perhaps correct on the legal aspects here. but let's not forget what judge marsha and didn't do in the past that he should probably recuse himself force three donations that he made. and i just want to make sure i get them correct. is there gordon one to the progressive turnout project to biden for president and then three to an organization, stop
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republicans, which describes its purpose is resisting the republican party. and donald trump's right-wing legacy, right? so he did make those three donation. he didn't now, hold on one point, david. let me just let me just add just for the full thing is in there. i believe they were $10 each for progressive voters and i that's putting the numbers out there. go ahead. go ahead. >> okay. so under the aba model rules for judicial conduct as well as in new york state ethics roles >> any >> political activity is forbidden and requires recusal. any, it doesn't say $10, it doesn't say $100, doesn't say thousand. it says any un is ryan knows and as basil nodes because he's smart guy when these things are written, they're written purposefully and that word any was in there, didn't say there wasn't $1 threshold. so he should recuse himself because it gives if it's not facially a conflict, it gives the appearance of a conflict. and i'm sure
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there's another judge in manhattan. they could try this case without presenting such a blatant appearance of a conflict, right. >> hold ryan. i'm gonna give you a chance to respond. what what do you make of that >> so some of these arguments have already been made before there might be something of a good argument on either side, but the new york state committee on judicial ethics weighed in and they actually said, you've got to greenlight here. you do not need to recuse yourself, including for the company and for the judge's daughter so the judge side of that before in august of 2023, so it needs to be something new here. and the brief, like trying to make something new says, oh, well, something news that the judge just recently gave an interview, but the quotes out of the interview or the judge saying things like, i will try to abide by the law. i've really prepared myself for the case. >> all right. so basil all right. >> what about the appearance portion? the appearance portion? >> that's not an appearance. so if the committee for judicial ethics, which is made up of saying the appearance of a conflict, ryan, right. but if the >> committee for the judicial
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ethics says that these things don't create a conflict than it's hard for you to come around and say, well, the appearance of their mic created conflict at the actually if the relationships we're true, right, but i guess basil want to give you a chance to weigh in here. i am maybe david, you correct me if i'm ron, but you're back to the court of public opinion >> right >> point >> they're separate from the fact that there's not a conflict and that the ethics of waiting and all of everything, you know t's, are crossed and the i's are dotted basil, the perception in the public eye >> i think i listened. i understand the argument that you don't want any political activity, but to me, this all of this is about accountability, right? so if you, if you're saying and as ryan said that there's a committee that looked at this and said, you know what, there's not a problem. i've been a government worker. i've had committees of ethics look over my work and the things that i may be involved with outside of that specific job. if they look at it, see
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there's a problem. i get reprimanded or removed, and i think that level of accountability is really what we're talking about at the heart of all of donald so trump's, donald trump's cases. it's always been up accountability. i don't think that this rises to the level of recusal in fact, i think it just really goes into donald trump's constant tactic, which is delay. and in part intimidate and as we said before, this trial was about to go forward. so this is seems to be a last ditch effort to try to extend that time >> here. and what you want, listen, this is such a high profile case, right? what you telling me? you can't find a judge in manhattan. it doesn't have a daughter who is a partisan political activist, who has it made political donations. there's gotta be one, right? and so i would think that if you're basil or somebody on the other side of the eye and say listen, let's find somebody. so these guys can't complain about anything. let's find somebody with a stainless reputation who has no political activity. maybe it's
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impossible. amana, i don't know what if i what precedent. >> but i do that >> i >> kind of thing. >> go ahead and write and then i'll give you the final >> work very quickly. i think that's actually what the committee on judicial ethics is worried about. they would be worried about the idea that we would even think that judges are political because of what their family members do. that's part of the bright line. they actually say but a family member wants to do. they can be involved in politics. and that shouldn't impune our courts. it's wrong to impugn are core to even to suggest that is an appearance of impropriety or politics. it's not the judges doing his job and a quick final word is promised. basil no, it's actually that it's exactly the point i was going to make that what we're doing here is digging into the judge's family. this is really not just about the judge. this is more of a dig into the judge's family and that to me is where
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this territory gets really dangerous, really shady really problematic, and that's why i feel like even if you want to say, is there another judge out there that we can look at? >> um, i'm >> fine with the judge. what i'm not fine with this going after the judge's family. that's the that's the bright line that i don't think we should cross. >> all right. well, it's a thought-provoking conversation. was thinking. thank you all very much. and next the breaking news on iran, cnn is learning that the united states is preparing for what they are calling a significant attack by iran in the coming days was only on outfront a former russian minister warning tonight that putin is so desperate tab byd lose that he's looking think the harm is reelection this summer or early fall with specific action >> next stop during this stage and all those points this is what dreams are made of >> they talk about for a lifetime. we will see you
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180501, 3636. that's 18005, 0136 3-6 called now spatial colombia, the final flight, premiere sunday at nine on cnn, glows captioning brought to you by feel away, optimum, enhanced calming for cats >> have your cats >> sprays outside the litter box, fights with other cats or
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scratches the furniture, they could be telling you there you're stressed to help them feel more calm, try feel away. optimum >> we're breaking news. the united states is bracing for a quote, significant. that word is the quote from the government also inevitable. they say attack by iran as soon as within the next week the source on this is a senior administration official telling our own mj lee officials believe both us and israeli personnel and assets in the middle east will be targeted iranians have been promising retaliation for that strike in syria, in which two of its top commanders were killed, including one who replaced the one that was killed in the strike authorized by foreign president trump, mj lee broke this story or as i said, and she is out front at the white house, mj. these are very sobering words to talk about, but this is inevitable that it is perhaps imminent. >> what more are you? learning? >> yeah, aaron, we are alerting tonight that the us is on high alert for what could be the significant attack by iran, and
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that it could come as soon as within the next week. now, this attack, as you said, would be in response to that israeli airstrike that killed in damascus, that killed a number of top commanders, iranian commanders. and of course, us and israeli officials that we're talking to say that they are fully preparing for what might be coming, but that they don't know exactly at this moment in time what four from that attack would take place. now, as of friday, we are told that officials don't know exactly what is to come, but that it could come in a number of different forms and that it is both us and israeli assets personnel in the region that are potentially at risk. now, a direct strike on israel would of course be incredibly worrisome for the us, especially because it would have the effect of a escalating a situation in the middle please, that is already so tumultuous and what the us has of course, wanted to avoid for so many months now is a
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situation where the israel-hamas war ends up broadening out into a bigger regional conflict. now the us, we are also told has directly warned iran that it should not come after us assets in the region. aaron. all right. thank you very much. mj lee also tonight, the context here is more questions than answers still about the israeli military strike in which seven humanitarian aid workers were killed in gaza. there are still questions even after the release of an internal report by israel that tried to explain what happened nic robertson is outfront >> the idf's timeline, a catalog of errors unfolding over 45 minutes. miss identification of the vehicles miss of the event culminating in the deadly strikes at 11 9:00 p.m. 11. 11 and 11, monday night, these >> operational miss identification misclassificatio n was the result of internal
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failures >> this the >> idf's first >> public report explaining why they killed seven world central kitchen aid workers admitting a grave mistake. the soldiers conducted the strike without any awareness that these were in fact wck vehicles at the time >> they were certain that they were targeting hamas, >> the investigation found that the forces identified a gunman on one of the aid trucks following which they identified an additional gunman after the vehicles left the warehouse where the aid had been unloaded, one of the commanders mistakenly assumed that the gunmen will lose catered inside the accompanying vehicles in a separate briefing, adding more detail and specificity to the public report the idf told journalists that they had
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missed identified something slung over the shoulder of one of the passenger's mistakenly thinking it was a weapon. on closer examination, they discovered it was a bag. they also described in harrowing detail how the aid workers he fled from the first vehicle when it was hit to another vehicle only to be killed seconds later world central kitchen have described the report as cold hold comfort for the outrageous killing of their staff, whom they say the idf acknowledges followed all proper communications procedures adding video, the idf showed them fails to show any cause to fire on our personnel. the united states withholding judgment from the report. >> we're reviewing it very carefully. we'll be discussing as conclusions with israeli officials and with humanitarian
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organizations. in days to come it's very important that israel is taking full responsibility for this incident to come on, does fiat a major and a reserve kernel three others disciplined, triggering pushback from hardline ministers. and pushback from the un secretary general >> essential problem. he's not who made the mistakes fixing those failures requires independent investigations and meaningful and measurable changes. on the grounds. >> well, i don't think there's any expectation here that there's going to be an independent investigation. but their sense of growing international pressure does seem to to be taking root. the prime minister's office is saying that this is just a preliminary investigation, that there will be more details to come and they're saying this won't be in a few months time. they're saying this should happen really over the next few days, perhaps weeks, aaron. >> all right. next. thank you very much i haven't israel
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tonight. and then another major development this hour, we're learning hamas is rejecting israel's latest counterproposal to free the remaining hostages who have been held captive in gaza for nearly six months but latest setback comes after protests have erupted in israel, anger over the inability to free the hostages has been read itching, a boiling point out front now, israeli american jonathan dekel-chen and his wife ghislaine k jonathan sun tsugi, who also has dual citizenship, has been held captive by hamas for 182 days so it's six months on sunday since soggy was ripped from his home, from his young family pizza had a baby born sense then life has has continued. and here we are. could you ever have imagined six months later? the he would not be home >> no, it would have been impossible to imagine you know, i i think we try not if possible, not to think in those
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terms, but to take every day as a new challenge. and perhaps the day that we can move the needle just enough to get the hostages home >> and ghislaine the protests i mentioned, i've seen the largest protests, so far. i mean, there have been all the way along but it has gotten more and more intense in israel in recent weeks its frustration that prime minister netanyahu, because he has not been able to secure the release of hostages some of the protesters outside the prime minister's home and in jerusalem, we're physically confronted, overpowered by police. what do you think when you see these images, the protests, when you see other protesters are being treated, how do you even process that? >> i think it's inevitable. it's inevitable that the anger, the fear, it's impossible. it's 100 then 83 days today three days today and i think it's inevitable that it would happen. i think we understand it has to happen
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that the pressure needs to continue to ramp up and ramp up. and there's no waiting anymore right? it has to happen. i do think there has been a confluence is, you know, and israel of somewhat of the anti-government protesting and the protesting around the hostages and the hostage families and your just seeing rage, rage, and angina, the tragedy here, when we talk about what happened with the aid workers and these horrible things that are happening >> it all >> the situation inside gaza we're is where people are being killed is unfathomably horrible. there is, there are people are starving there's an aid worker mock shalabi. he'd been sending us dispatches from gazan. honestly, we hadn't heard from in a little while. >> we didn't know they're worried >> we actually got a voice note from him today. first one in a little while, i just wanted to share it with you. this is what he actually saw today and sent us terrace >> it's really difficult. we are struggling to secure food.
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we are struggling to secure water. there is no power, there is no infrastructure hello. system has collapsed. officially has collapsed after the destruction of shifa >> mercosur, your mind when you hear that, i mean, just the suffering of people saggy being there >> i don't think any decent minded person in israel or anywhere. where else can be anything. but horrified by the conditions that the people of gaza have had to endure these many months i completely understand why they are so full of fear for themselves, for their children >> but >> here's the other truth we've gotten here after six months because of a massacre on october 7 in which 1,400 israelis, men, women, and children from my kibbutz alone, from rr kibbutz community alone, 40 people were murdered
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from two years old to mid 70s. it's that massacre by hamas has set off horrific chain of events horrific where no one benefits. and the people of gaza are being held as captive by hamas as my son and the other 134 israeli hostages and the sad truth is that until they come home we hope alive, but we really don't know until they come home. there is no way to move forward towards towards any peaceful, rational resolution and to relieve this horror that the people of gaza have to live through everyday >> ghislaine, are you hearing anything from the israeli government from the us government, anything specific about where this is, about saggy or about that makes you believe that there really could possibly be a deal at any point
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to get the hostages home i don't think that i don't think we're hearing anything different than we've heard all along. i really we've done this countless times. i have to underscore the commitment of the biden administration has been real and true from the very beginning of all of this. you know, that our engagement with them, the transparency the the the kind of fortitude to really keep the hostages front and center. >> i >> don't think that that's changed. i do think that it's become more complicated. now, but of course we need action, we need something to happen. we want that's what we want. whatever it takes, we need it to happen, but i don't think that that's changed >> at least is that's something it's not it's not much, but it's something important. >> so we have thank >> you both very much. >> thank you for keeping this front and center. thank you. so there'll be a time we will talk in a very different
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circumstance. >> we >> have her next, a former russian minister tells out front that putin is desperate for trump to win and biden to lose. here's what he thinks putin will do. we're going to tell you the specificity of what he thinks putin will do to make that happen this summer. and breaking news out of baltimore tonight where another body has just been found after the francis scott key bridge collapsed >> sunday. >> new interviews with the written turned israeli hostages. >> what is the meaning of being hostage reasonable certainty, and the fight for the release of those still in captivity. the whole story with me christian cooper, sunday at eight on cnn looking for a smarter way to mop dryer this swiffer power mom, it's cleaning solution an all in one cleaning tool but gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time or what florida or cleaning pad as hundreds of scrubbing strips that absorb a lot dirt away. >> a bathroom and it has a 360
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specific warning coming from volodymyr me love former russian energy minister >> i certainly believe like 100% that putin, we'll be doing things in summer or early autumn to actually harm biden's position ahead of the elections beads. i don't know some impacting the international oil market with supply disruptions so that the prices go up, us gasoline becomes more expensive. there is a spike in inflation, whatever or certain acts of sabotage using his allies like iran or iranian proxies. in the middle east to disturb security situation there. it can be anything. also the attacks in russia's neighborhood covert sabotage attacks that i've just mentioned. but i really think this is actually the signal that i'm getting from my sources in moscow that putin is so eager to get biden outs. so that he will really do something to to complicate his
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reelection and to complicate his political standing. so that's really worth expecting outfront now, steve hall, the former cia chief of russia operations assistive. that conversation with the latter last night. how seriously do you take his warning >> why? i think it's i think it's a great warning and i think it's pretty common sensical. i mean, e there's ally no strong calculation of difficult calculation for vladimir putin here. when he has to choose between who he would rather be the next us president. so the question then simply becomes, okay how is he going to do it? i thought there was a couple of interesting points in a raising the oil prices, thereby raising the political pressure and the united states for low gas prices using proxies like iran and others, those are all interesting things. but the bottom line, erin, is the, we know putin in russia can do this. they've done it in the past and in other american and non-american elections in the west. so, yeah, there's in my mind, there's no doubt he's going to give it the shot >> and he has already done some
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of what me love ward about, right? we need interfered and us elections. >> he he's actually backed oil production cuts that raise prices for americans consumers, right? there are some ways that this has done sort of out in the open when it comes to the oil price. and instance >> do you think >> putin even cares of east caught this time? because, because if he doesn't, does that just mean he can go further? right? that there's any restraints are off >> yeah. that was another interesting comment that middle of maidan and i think it's a good one. i >> when we >> were looking at the elections previously that russia tried to try to influence and may have had some success in their, we're using their intelligence services to do it covertly. this is what we've referred to in this end. the united states is covert action. these are active measures, but they tried to have some deniability. no, no, it wasn't russia that was doing these things. i think putin doesn't really care anymore, and it's not only because of who he is and where he feels he is in the world right now. but it's also he understands that it doesn't really matter
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perhaps that much in the american political system because of both sides. the i'll just pointing fingers at each other. oh, is rushing. no, it wasn't russia, so yeah, i think he might be a lot more brazen this time around. what's he got to lose >> it's pretty terrifying when you think about it, when you think about how disruptive it was, when it was not brazen obviously it, it makes sense of who putin would prefer in the trump biden rematch. we certainly when you hear about trump's view, for example, on ukraine, i mean, this is very simple on just a basic policy point of view. it's very very clear, but it's interesting to just also take some time to look back at how trump and biden talk about putin, right? just as a basic gauge. and let me play some of that he's active brutally, he i think he's committed war crimes >> president putin was in total, gentlemen, you know, vladimir putin, you think he's a killer >> i do a. great honor to be with president bush >> steve, what does putin actually think it would do for
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him? and then maybe, maybe this is a simple as ukraine, but what did see think it would actually do if trump is president again for putin >> oh, it checks a whole lot of boxes for him. there. and i mean, you start with ukraine. what's biden position more money, tried to convince congress to keep it going, rally the rally nato, one other allies. >> so that box >> is easy because trump says, we don't need any more money to go to ukraine. you look at nato. biden is very supportive of nato. trump has said they're not paying their dues. it's very transactional, wider among the allies. again, very transactional on trump's part. biden is continues to work to try to preserve the post-world war ii security structure which russia very much doesn't like along with its with its axis of evil allies. so, yeah, there's really, this is a no-brainer for putin, he would much rather have donald trump than, than, than joe biden is an ex-president >> hi, thank you very much, steve hall next we do have some breaking news coming in crews in baltimore have just discovered another body after the frame scott key bridge
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collapse >> and a town of >> 1,000 people that is about to quadruple in size because of the eclipse we're going to take you there >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission >> they were doing great check >> your nothing >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that can ever happen >> the space shuttle accident excuse me, not one thing is that the wing coming apart >> my dad died doing what he thought shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn >> did you know taking xyz all at night, release allergies while you sleep you wake refreshed for me more productive day get 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade hawaii's all take xyz off at night
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>> luxury mattresses laid affordable well get your viewing glasses ready. >> it flips >> across america, live monday at one >> breaking news crews, just discovering another body where the francis scott key bridge collapsed, the victim 38 year-old maynor yassir suazo
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sandoval. he was working on the key bridge when the massive cargo ship plowed into it a week ago, killing six people, the bodies of three workers are still missing tonight and finally, tonight out a tiny texas town will soon transform into a solar eclipse. central hotspot, banderatexas is in the middlethe path of totality and with millio o see e eclipse for thselves,to this ty town is abt to an epic change. rosa flores is outfrontelcome the bandera. you guys >> it's thwboy capital of the world. >>oftern bands and od danng >> banra texts does is in the th otalityor monday lar ece, t town is expected to experience more than four minutes of darkness >> rosa, i know you're over there, but i can't see you. i can't see you. >> eclipse mania has taken hold
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of bandera horses and dinosaurs are donning eclipse glasses, even eyewear for a giant cow boy, one monster eclipse party >> we are downtown benzo attack says behind us here is the court house band erez population of under 1,000. >> everybody knows everybody. >> hi, eilene is expected to quadruple monday says the main here. there were some folks from china in the 11th street lag all over the place >> at 11 street cowboy bar, the meat medium rare, and greet is about the eclipse. >> you drove 1,700 miles, 1,700 miles. to see the eclipse. >> these two friends let's caravan from pennsylvania, not been preparing. i bought a camper. i bought a jeep i didn't everyone i can >> i hear that it might storm in bandera no. >> i'm going to day how are we doing positive >> thinking about this >> it's not just bandura's cow
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girls praying for good weather millions are expected to flock to texas and more than a dozen us states and the celestial path of totality. some officials are worried about traffic jams this is wooster >> in bandera cow girls solved that problem. >> i'm going to jump on booster i'm going to ride by everybody and i'll do my limb for instance, wave even >> eclipse mania expected to add 6 billion to the us in one estimate, texas, a slice of the astronomical pi, 1.4 billion. the eclipse merchandise and bandera they sold like that is practically sold out well, this is beautiful country. alec? >> yes, ma'am >> so our venues, like the historic dixie dude ranch. and when did you start getting calls about the eclipse? >> our first reservation for the clips was in 2017. think we sold out completely about four years ago >> what never runs out here are
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the good people and moonpie why his lips or the eclipse >> and the good times any in cowboy capital of the world. a lot of that good time, a lot of that fun happens with a hat. some people are worried about the whether aaron perhaps some cloud cover or not here embed tara, people are committed to have a good time. and if i can give you my tin hat theory, i think it's gonna be a good day. eric, back to you. >> all right. rosa, thank you very much. it's gonna be a really incredible, incredible de and maybe uplifting in a way that so many in this country need. we will have special coverage of the solar eclipse on monday. it'll be another two decades before you can see one in the united states. so tune in starting at 1:00 p.m. eastern on monday to watch it live here on cnn and then also streaming on max. >> thanks for joining us. the news continues now o