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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 5, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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on jake tapper. and hour, the >> countdown to the final four for and women are dominating the games. sports commentator bob costas will be here to talk college basketball and more plus new comments today from robert f. kennedy jr. on the january 6 attack is polarized isaac remark as he questions the fallout of that day, but we're going to start this hour with breaking news us is actively preparing for a quote, significant attack by iran against israel. that's an attack that could come within the next week, we're told this is according to a senior administration official, biden administration official who says a direct strike on israel by iran is one of the worst-case scenarios at the white house is preparing for iran has vowed to get revenge after israeli airstrike on iran embassy complex in syria on monday let's get straight to cnn's mj lee at the white house and mj, what else are your sources preparing for? >> yeah. j. we are being told
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by a senior administration official that the us is currently on high alert and is actively preparing for what they expect to be a significant attack by iran that could come within the next week or so. this iranian attack would of course be in response to that israeli airstrike that we saw in damascus that ended up killing multiple top iranian commanders and us and israeli officials. i am pulled have been in close contact hot
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preparing for what they see as an inevitable attack from iran. these two governments have been in close consultation preparing for a number of different ways in which this forthcoming attack could unfold. and they do believe that both of us and israeli assets are at risk of being targeted. but i am told that adds as of issues that the two leaders discussed, including just the neith carrying aid to get into gaza. and we actually saw some immediate effects, some results coming out of that phone call,
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including the opening of a crossing, the opening of a port, and ramping up of humanitarian aid that would get into gaza. this is a space that us officials are going to be watching very closely in the coming weeks. in addition, to any changes that from the speakership. and since then can you really and publicly bashing
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him on social media and in interviews, including with our manu raju earlier this week the ideal scenario for johnson would be to convince her to backs him up or is the throttl e
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from very big decisions to make in the coming weeks as he tries to find a way to fund ukraine >> without losing his speakership, right? and a lot of this we should note is just about whether he allows a vote on a bill that passed the senate with a bipartisan majority, not whether he himself votes for it himself.
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at melanie zanona. thanks so much. turning two are 2024 lead independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, jr. is now claiming that the attack on the capitol on he says in this lengthy statement in part ecure turiel
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discretion was abused for political ends. his critics argue he's whitewashing the attack and it mirrors some of the commentary coming from trump and other right-wing figures, the dnc telling us he's using hundreds of words to both sides. the insurrection. jake. >> all right. even mccarran. thank you so much let's discuss and sarah, let us start with rfk junior. so you are an expert in polling and focus groups, who is he trying to assuming that there is a strategy here? who is he trying to appeal? two with these
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comments and isn't working at all. >> okay. so i just did two focus groups on rfk. i specifically did former biden voters who were leaning toward rfk and trump voters were leaning toward rfk and it's crazy because it's like a rorschach test. you such a wild-card that the dems will tell you they love his positions on concert duration and the environment. he's really good on those. and republicans will tell you they loved the way he's beating up on democrats as what they perceive to be a democrat, because his last name is kennedy, and they love his position on being anti-vax so right now. and because he's a kennedy, there's sort of from the dems a sense of, well, he is a democrat, so he's pulling from both right now, but comments like this, ultimately, if i were donald trump, i would be very concerned that when voters become more educated on who rfk is, that he will pull much more from the maga and i do think so. >> i think he's more of a threat to trump. here's the thing. i think that anybody who splits the broad anti-trump coalition is dangerous so if
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you asked me my preference, it would be that rfk wasn't in there, but i do think once dems are done, sort of educating people about this guy, he will take more from trump done by this statement was just gobbledygook i mean, you couldn't tell which side he was on. well, some people say it wasn't insurrection and some people say it wasn't an insurrection, and i haven't really looked at it in detail. this is not a candidate you have to have a position and it's, you know, those are just word salad >> think it was horrific and not think it was a quote, unquote insurrection, but he's trying to split the base >> could say, all due respect this area, you don't have to be a pollster and do focus groups to know what he was trying to do is very, he's being very political for all the he attached next politicians by trying to have it both ways, by trying to he is trying to take from this of anti-vax some of the far right wing folks, any is still trying to say some of the right words to keep some of the folks on. >> let me read you some of the words and then you can pick it back up. he said, like many reasonable americans i am
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concerned about the possibility that political objectives motivated the vigor of the prosecution of the january 6 defendants, their long sentences and their harsh treatment. i mean, obviously, that is if you're suggesting that the people who stormed the capitol with the objective of stopping the count of electoral votes boats that the prosecution of them, many of them were, as we all have seen physically assaulting police officers that's politically motivated. you're trying to appeal to trump people. >> i hundred percent. and but what i think he understands and if you look out, pull the public polling, he is pulling from both. he says as much to erin burnett earlier this week and in the interview that at this point he is pulling from both. and the thing that is exactly his strategy. and i think both ed recognize he's a threat to both trump and biden because there are other wildcards out there. there's jill stein, there is cornell west, so we don't know cool ultimately is going to benefit or behind me. so political. he just stopped short of saying that these people are hostages, which is what of course, trump is saying. but he's saying that maybe they were unfairly
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prosecuted, right? yeah. because of politics. well, what is that? what that mean? i mean, again, he talks word salad. so he can appeal to both sides. you can read into what he's saying depending on where you come from, that's the rorschach test that's right. >> yeah. but ultimately he will have to answer more questions as key is in the limelight. and i just you can tell his heart is more mega. you can tell where this guy is much more in a trumpy outsider counter orthodox, that's the kind of campaign he wants to run. and i think that ultimately that pulls more from trump, but i do think i agree with the comment about he is a wildcard. he is diverse and low information voters who might just be, just know his name, right yes. zachary, like his dad, and he is taking more from binding right now. it's also a vote >> not trying to take up the mantle of his father is pretty astonishing when when he tried to suggest that trump and biden are equally threats to
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democracy, he said that i'm the same day, trump said he was going to pull back, pull back. i shouldn't say civil rights laws, some of which his own five where he does help his father when you're being suggested since apartment. but he hasn't one but he's okay if those law's repeal, let's turn down to the ongoing feud between house speaker mike johnson and republican congresswoman or gadfly three, taylor greene, who is really making her presence known and her opposition to funding, or even allowing a vote on funding for ukraine. does anyone win in the situation? >> well, ukraine certainly loses. i mean, here's the thing. marjorie taylor greene has a lot of power now in the house and that's why we cover i know it is. it is extremely dangerous and thanks kevin mccarthy for elevating her and now she is in this position look, i don't think that their house republicans have the stomach for another big fight. that being said, they know their votes the nurse do not want them to fund ukraine. there is the republican party. they have shifted a lot in a
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lot of ways. but one of the biggest ways is they've got very isolationist in their foreign policy. i hear it from republican voters and focus groups all the time. they do not want any more money going to ukraine. she is representing a base opinion here and there will be other people who follow her if she decided let's to take a real stand on it, but i don't think she's the pied piper here. i mean, i think there are lots of republicans in the house who do want to fund ukraine and maybe there's some way to talk about immigration and this are get something out of it. the democrats if johnson needs the democrats, they're not going to come for free. they're going to, they're going to want to get something out of that. what that is i don't know. so she's just opened a pandora's box here and it's hard to predict which way it's going to go. >> so she said the other day, i think on steve bannon's podcast or whatever that show is, that speaker johnson, who is i think objectively, the most conservative republican that has ever been speaker of the house. i mean, i don't even think it's a question the speaker johnson is like nancy
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pelosi >> she graphics, you called them a moderate >> and said he's like nancy pelosi and mitch mcconnell, and again, this is just because he has attempted to keep the government open and govern and make deals or whatever, but he's he's probably even more conservative than marjorie taylor greene, at least based on how they conduct themselves. yes, but >> she is a student of down trump and as we've seen, donald trump do that's how you treat your animal? as you accuse them of absolute bluster and things that are absolutely not true and the sad thing about it though, is she does have a lot of control. it also though, this is performative, this is about fundraising, this is about clicks. this is about keeping herself in the news, right? because it went now, we're wondering if she will share won't she will the dems have to do we'll round what what do you think they'd at the democrats have to step in because what can he can only afford to lose like two or three probably get sick. it's it's impossible. it's still funny what you said about conservative though, as though he's the most conserved that
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word has ceased to have all meaning like that anymore but logically conservative matters, none at all. >> to this, >> she is it is it is about field see the magma is about doing what trump wants. and so how conservative he is, how conservative liz cheney is none of that matters anymore. there's a different litmus test that people are also another conductance so often their personal lives is all that used to be something that conservatives were great and you back, judge, depends, right. >> cared about you know, the interesting thing is also is that this freedom caucus or whatever you call it now, because maybe it doesn't really, the maga caucus right? >> yeah. >> matt gaetz is not whether on this and so that gates likes to be the one controlling the thing wells and like it would work a terrorist >> iris interesting stuff or control among these people who used to be a united front. and now some of them want to save johnson and some of them don't and we'll just have to see how it plays out. >> thank you all. appreciate it from us politics to what's going on in israel my next
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guest says, quote benjamin yahoo, israel's worst prime minister ever. he's israeli and he says that we'll get into that plus the breaking news and sports today, bronny james, following the lead of his dad, taking his talent stand, be a draft bob cost us. we'll be here to discuss that. and of course, the explosion in women's basketball next this situation with wolf blitzer didn't knighted six once cnn >> the, only godaddy aroh helped you get your business online in minutes with a power bi with the perfect naibe a great logo, and a beautiful website. just start with the domain, a few clicks and you're in business make now the future at slash arrow >> this is the carryon closet, the suitcase with a one-of-a-kind patented clauses
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don't think i can ever help >> my dad died doing what he loved. >> spiritual columbia final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn >> closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you >> 808 to one fourth thousand >> in our world lead as the israel war with hamas enters its six months and the humanitarian crisis continues to worsen and gaza president biden is not alone in expressing his frustration over how netanyahu was conducting this war many israelis are also angry and voicing their outrage, holding nightly protests demanding not only that the netanyahu government focus more on a deal to bring home the remaining hostages, but also many of them calling for israel's long i'm gonna serving prime minister in history to resign my next guest says, quote, benjamin netanyahu, less israel's wars, prime minister ever. and that
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netanyahu, his obsession with his own destiny as israel's protector, has caused his country grievous damage angel pfeffer joins us now from his or antral. thank you so much for joining us in your article. you right, that prime minister netanyahu had he accepted defeat in 2021, perhaps today he would have been remembered as one of his roles most successful prime minister's instead, you write quote he has brought far-right extremist into the mainstream of government and made himself and the country beholden to them. his corruption is flamboyant and he has made terrible security decisions that brought existential danger to the country. he pledged to lead and protect. above all, his selfishness is without parallel. he has put his own interests ahead of israel's at every turn. unquote quote >> do you think that netanyahu is dragging this war all out longer than it needs to be for his own political survival >> i. think that's very clear by now that the way the war is going which on one side, if now
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he's talking about a total victory and the need to press on to do the operation iraq faq. and the way that he's conditioning a hostage agreement or hostage release agreement for a temporary ceasefire with some kind of bigger military push while at the same >> time, we're seeing on the ground that the military isn't carrying out that portion is scaling down with israeli forces it looks like a recipe for a much longer war. and the main reason for that happening in the out feels that as long as it's worse, as long as you can say that it shows a ball, it'll be much more difficult for its political opponents to demand an early election, which will probably remove him so it's just a factual matter that netanyahu's survival as prime minister depends on some anti-arab >> zealots in his cabinet, ben gvir and smoke trich primarily. he needs their support to stay in power if he alienates them,
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they can leave and he and there'll be a new election. he'll he'll not have support to be prime minister. how much do you think that's the reason that not enough humanitarian aid is getting into gaza >> i don't think that's the main reason. i think the reason that not enough for humanitarian aid got into gaza is a combination of reasons. which partly is the trauma that israelis were feeling in the aftermath of other october 7 part b, it's the way that is really meant he was focused on the, on the military campaign and didn't think that the humanitarian side of it was something that as the army needed, needed to prioritize. and yes, the third element i think is this political paralysis at the heart of the tiny cabinet? he can't make any major decision because he's scared of angering either leave the far-right winger is governed without whom he doesn't have a majority or the
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pragmatic wing and of course, the biden administration that leads two indecision and what we're seeing now is that there needed to be some kind and proactive take on the humanitarian front, then that that has been absent from israel's decision-making. and that's how is the manager responsible for that >> so president biden had a tough conversation with netanyahu in which he said it was going to be tough for the united states to continue to support israel if gaza keeps going the way it is, the campaign what do you think netanyahu is going to do >> are >> a friend, barak ravid is reporting that biden said out, out. now and if he doesn't change it, it's going to be tough to support you well, that's also what the white house readout said and we saw already what nothing the alligator immediately after his >> very tough phone call with the president, he rushed to the israeli cabinet and immediately
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pass the decision to open up the main routes through what for supplies to gaza. this is something that for six months the israeli government hasn't done it in the hour that this literally within minutes after speaking to buy. so we can see that this cool hands, a major effect on it. and the, but it's interesting that into now rushed to have the vote at the beginning of the cabinet meeting now, votes usually take place after a debate is is held >> in this case into >> now was so scared of one of his far-right minister, the written my bank, who had been delayed and wasn't yet at the cabinet meeting that he rushed to have the vote before ben-gvir came on the one hand, he could he hopes a piece. biden by making those decisions. and the other hand, avoid confrontation with one of his partners. fascinating angel pfeffer. thank you so much. come back, please. >> then the other are those who are living through this horror. my next guest was a hostage of hamas, the unspeakable events
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>> erin burnett, outfront tonight at seven odd cnn >> and we're back with our world late october 7 was at the beginning of it, just like any other day for a gang, goldstein all mulgan, her family before hamas terrorists invaded israel, and set off an ied outside their home at kibbutz kfar a aza. hamas terrorists broke inside her home. they shot and killed her dad and her sister before taking the rest of her family hostage in gaza were a gum spent 51 days in hamas captivity and joining me now is a gum goldstein i'll mog
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a dom. thank you so much for joining us such a horrible story. you were taken on october 7 from kibbutz kfar azo with your mother along with your nine and 11 year-old brother's. can you describe what that was like? >> okay. to have a new layer again shalom shabbat, we woke up today for normal day that we heard the alerts, the alarms at 6:30 in the morning >> we went >> into the safe room they come into are safe from very very quickly my dad to a plan for my sisters beds around me i feel bad for them. and they shot him straight away >> shoveling. i heard him saying no, no. and we were sitting there hugging each other, embarrassing each other.
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they took us once you put clothes on for my sister's clothes we saw my dad city in line down with shooting she meant the whole node. >> i saw him. she in his last breathing >> yoga. my sister fainted and we go where we were lying her on the floor and we said, oh, we were with, you but the terrorists come in and out and she woke up and fainted again. my shockley >> and when one of the terrorist pulled my hair it's a hotel >> and my mom stayed with yum. my sister and they told her to come out to turn on the car she went out. and back in and then she saw yum, my sisters was
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shot in the face they took us to gaza in my mom's car >> we were so shocked. we couldn't even have any expression on our face. we were frozen >> and what was your captivity like? what were those 51 days like? >> a i use the word fear in horror, but only the body can understand what i was going through i went to a place where i have no control on my life. surely no control on my body no control. what's going to >> happen to my mom and my brother's >> took me my place that that's such independent then i could have any choice. i did
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sport and i had my own life. they shut me in darkness. to take me to the toilet cheviot, asking they like a go from my body fell the hello, my life is in their hands >> be but >> i shouldn't everyday they can shoot me >> just >> finish finished in a second and nobody will know. >> you spoke with a number of other female hostages when you were there, and many of them told hold you that they >> i would like to establish more a party. you can been privacy of the laghi j should
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he run wine >> but when we were released, one shall we wear on a breakdown point we had no mental strength and physical strength. >> the kuilan >> and everybody was harrak in one way or another in judge, physically injured, mentally. >> they worth me 18. >> such you girls. >> i was >> with my mum, but didn't have their mum, nobody to hug them or to tell them that she's kol-sha garden them and they were so exposed to any harm and
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assault anywhere because their body in others in somebody's else ends go and walk is russia the body doesn't belong to them anymore. they're 24/7 minute. >> they decide for them what they we'll move where, what the will it how will they will touch them the way they will touch them there? they are responsible for everything the captors. >> last question for you, a gum do you think that the government of israel is focused enough? on getting the
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>> but i'm not even given trying to recover the effect that i want see my dead on my my sister. their faces are not i'm soare not coming out of my head we'll be right
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clark. the same thing would be true of page becker's who's are opponent tonight in the semifinals from uconn and angel reese has a following. it's not just one player anymore. >> i think a lot of people were stratus week when angel reese talked about the absolute
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vitriol, she got because she would taunt other players on the court. it's honestly not that really big deal for anybody who watched his menn basketball players college you're nba or otherwise, they taught each other all the time and just this week there was a brawl in the nhl and this seems know, is there possibly not, possibly certainly hard to gauge how much is there a racial element at a double-standard >> racially in this? yes. even
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though i think the vast majority of sports fans on the vast majority of americans i've gotten past that. but for some, is there that and here's the advice of an old guy to a young person like angel reese don't put so much emphasis on social media, right? you're, you're all over social media as are most of your contemporaries. and what >> well, a couple of things here, brawny after the cardiac arrest and they discovered a
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congenital heart condition. he had barely so so freshman year five points low shooting percentages for usc. so he's not really a top nba prospects except for the fact if he decides to do it, he could still go back and transfer to someplace because his coach left usc, he could continue in college ball. he's going to gauge what the nba interest is but the nba interest is bigger than it ordinarily would be given his stats because lebron james will be 40 in december,
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>> and if you want a >> successful business, all it takes is an idea. and now becomes the future. a future where you grew a dream into a reality. >> it's waiting for you may are minutes away >> the future is nothing but power and it's all yours. the all new godaddy aroh, get your business hunter and astrophysicist who's hoping to see his total solar eclipse on monday. what makes an eclipse so special?
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>> yeah. >> you don't have to ask that question if you see it right you know, it's like bringing totality. this time is a law
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ight and day. and this is really your only chance to see it here in the united
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states for 20 years. the next total solar eclipse in the united states isn't going to happen until 2044 remember, thanks, kristen. and remember, folks don't look directly up cn can follow me on facebook, instagram twitter, and on the follow the show on