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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  April 5, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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started just 7909 a month call hi >> are still alvarez at the white house. and this is cnn >> close captioning brought to you by mesobook if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you
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>> 808 to one 4,000 this is cnn breaking news york felt the earth move under its feet. >> welcome >> to inside politics on dana bash and washington and we begin the our width breaking news an earthquakeolts new yo, new jersey philadelphia with tremors evefelt, right here in washington dc. >> but >> 4.8 magnitude quake shook the region at 10:23 a.m. it said people scrambling from apartment buildings and storefronts confused, but quite calm as you can see in some pictures we have here the nypd says there are no major impacts at this time, no major injuries that we are aware of. we do expect in new york city, mayor eric adams to hold a press briefing at any moment, minute to go, the governor of new york
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said jfk and newark airports are on a full ground stop. but amtrak is on a full schedule. the worry that the aftershocks may still rattle the region particularly extremely seriously. and here's why. there is always the possibility of aftershocks. this is one of the largest earthquakes on these coast occur in the last century the empire state building posted on social media and all caps. >> i >> am fine >> let's get straight to >> cnn's polo sandoval in new york. polo, i assume you felt that there in new york. tell us what the census and what the feeling is out there and manhattan right now i am fine.
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>> basically the text message i sent to my family and texas certainly there was concern. but as you hear from new york city officials in the last few minutes that there is no life threatening situation right there that has that they've been reported, no signs of any damage, no sign of any injuries that being said officials are certainly assessing the infrastructure structure, things like bridges and tunnels to make sure that those are safe because the impact of this morning's event is certainly what's now becoming the bigger story there phone confirming that in fact, it was a 4.8 to earthquake. so certainly wouldn't really call it concern, but certainly something that people are talking about here in new york city. as we wait to hear more from officials later today.
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>> dana. >> okay, paula, thank you so much. appreciate that. now, i want to bring in a new jersey resident who felt the quake. you see him there, his name is chris christie and he's joining us from mendel, new jersey about 17 miles from the epicenter as the crow flies up. governor, thank you so much for being here. what was it like? what did you feel? >> i was sitting right here dan, a working at my desk in my home office and what it really felt like was like a small explosion i felt like thought maybe either our home boiler, blue or our generator blue i went from our upstairs where my
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offices. >> the house was shaking >> seriously shaking, and i ran downstairs where my wife was to try to see what was going on. she was on her way up to see if i knew what was going on and it probably was shaking pretty hard for i'd say 15 to 20 seconds and then it started to diminish a bit and then it stopped we had something that was a little bit more of an impact, a higher impact here in >> dc in 2011, it was 5.8 magnitude. and you could absolutely feel it here. obviously, one of the big reasons we are talking about this, and it is such a big deal is because you're not in california you're not in anywhere else out west. you're in new jersey and you have certainly dealt with your share of natural disasters of reminders from mother nature who is in charge. but this is not typical for the east coast? no no. i mean, i remember it happening one other time when i was governor. and we worked
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out. it was during the summer. we worked out that jersey shore and it was a much shorter duration than this. and smaller so i felt like something was shaking. didn't know whether it was the wind or something else that was shaking. it was kind of an old house that we had down there at the time this was really violent shaking and you could hear your house the windows rattling, the doors, rattling could feel as i was going down the stairs, the stairs moving so this was significantly different than what i experienced. that was probably i think ground 2013 or 14 or so that was nothing compared to what i felt earlier this earlier today. i >> mean, your description that it sounded like an felt like a bomb going off. i was just even talking to some colleagues here who was on the phone. they were on the phone with their family in new jersey saying just that that they honestly thought that something was happening externally, that maybe they were i mean, certainly don't want to make light of this, but that they were under attack. it was just such a foreign 4k and
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elsewhere on the east coast are used to can you just kinda give a sense to people? >> you >> said, you're just a resident from new jersey are obviously a two-term governor of new jersey. what it is that officials should be looking for now, because i will just say here in dc, everybody thought it was fine and then the national cathedral had damaged the washington monument, had damage what's the protocol now >> well, look, i understand that governor murphy is already activated the operations center we call it the rock down here, new jersey. it's in west trenton where all of our emergency first responding leadership gathers i'm sure the governor will probably be there what they're going to want to do is a few things. first, you're going to want to see if there were any injuries and take care of anybody who might have been injured? i haven't heard of anything like that yet, but that's priority number one is what's happened to human life secondly, than i would be looking at all of the major large structures in the state. we have a fairly decent
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skyline in jersey city, new jersey, the goldman sachs tower being the largest one, i would be sending out as governor the folks that we have in the park, community affairs, which will have structural engineers to go out and begin working on some of the bigger structures in the state to make sure that they're stable then i think you're gonna have to work county by county. with each of the county folks who are oversee building inspections and all the rest in their individual counties to let them know, especially near where i am like you said, i'm glad 15, 17 miles away from the epicenter. i think you start there in western north-western new jersey and then work your way and consensual circles out as governor to try to check on the structural safety of homes. we have a number of different types of temporary homes here in new jersey that are by temporary i mean at the jersey shore, as you know smaller homes that don't have
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foundation since and all the rest. so i think that's the way you work it out. start with human life for very large structures which could create other problems if they were unstable, both for the people who are working in them and for those in the surrounding neighborhoods and then ultimately down to individual homes, which can be dealt with at the county level. >> yeah. and i know this look, this didn't even happen two hours it's a at this point, you talked about the way it sounded and the way it felt. have you been able to look around? you have any sense of any damaged to your house that could be an example of maybe the delayed effects of people really realizing what the impact was >> i went outside and i took look around and i didn't see anything. but, you know, dana as an engineer, i'm a really good lawyer, so i don't know if i'd really noticed anything unless it was getting ready to fall off the house. but there wasn't anything that was obvious to me but i think that everybody's going to have to wait let it settle in a little bit and then take a closer look
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during the day like today but i certainly didn't see anything initially for my look around on the thorny problems and we didn't have anything fall off the walls or anything like that. it's shook pretty violent but everything kind of stayed where it was supposed to >> one of new jersey's most famous residents hate governor if you want to get bruce springsteen are jon bon jovi to colon, you can give them our number let's see what they found all right. >> i will i will put this link right to vote. okay. now, all right, >> and all seriousness. thank goodness. it seems as though everybody is okay. thank you for jumping on and telling us your experience, governor, appreciate it and you've got to come back to the texas is inside politics, come back soon. >> promise you, promise you i will. and everybody have a good weekend. >> thanks, governor. >> and video coming in >> from all over new york showing the moments two quake shook the city and beyond. this is from inside the united nations security council when the tremors disrupted a debate over the middle east protection
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for alissa fraught far tools me, alissa rafah is at our weather center in atlanta. so alyssa, walk us through exactly how large this earthquake was i mean, it's pretty significant when you talk about the shaking, 4.8 magnitude is something that doesn't happen in this region really >> at all. and i think that's what they big story line here is 4.8 magnitude can give you some moderate shaking, but especially for this area, it's massive. this is it's not on any active seismic area. we've been talking about the earthquake in taiwan earlier in the week. that's where you're sitting in a hotbed right on top of faultlines, volcanoes like that's very common. this is not that so i think that's just a lot of people are reacting with confusion because 4.8 magnitude is definitely significant enough for that shaking to be full for miles and miles were thankfully not getting the reports of the damage, but especially in this area, it's just not what they feel and it was pretty shallow
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>> almost. i apologize for interrupting. i'm gonna go to eric adams, mayor of new york good oh, city around 10:23 a.m. we felt the impact of this ball 0.7 magnitude earthquake >> the epicenter was in lebanon, new jersey, about 50 miles from new york city. and as you notice, as it developing situation were you always concerned about aftershocks after an earthquake, but new york is should go about their normal jay first responders are working to make sure the city safe and one thing we do. so well in our city is bring together all of the agencies that are involved. and i'll partner in are the entities. everything from the mta to the department of buildings the parents who are concerned about their school children. chancellor banks, would be here to report on that, but we say
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over and over again, the safest place while students we believe will continue to be in school at this point, we do not have any reports of major impacts to our infrastructure or injuries. but of course we're still assessing the situation. and will continue to update the public we are in touch with the white house, the governor's office, and local elected officials and encouraged new york is to check on their loved ones to make sure that they are fine. not only from the infrastructure damage, but this could be a traumatic moment for individuals going through in earthquake if you feel an aftershock, the job to the floor, cover your head and neck and take cover under salad piece of furniture next to an interior wall or in a doorway is i want to thank the emergency staff and first responders of the rogue to keep new york is safe earthquakes don't happen every day in new york so this can be extremely
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traumatic. the number of texts, calls, and inquiries that people sent out to not only our administration with to family members checking on them we know how this can impact you but we're ready for the unexpected. this is new york city and we respond to accordingly. we will continue to update new yorkers as we get more information. i would now turn it over to commissioner esco sure >> thank you all so much for being here today. thank you, mr. mayor. thank you. to my colleagues for their quick and speedy response to this i'm pleased to report that there are currently no impact, no major impacts or safety events related to this earthquake we're asking all new yorkers to call 311 to report damage or any issues that you're having. also, if you have any need for disaster assistance due to damage or anything like that please call 311. that is the best place to refer those those
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needs. >> if you have a life safety xu, please use and call 911 immediately. but preserve 911 for those life safety events. the team acted immediately. we can be in an immediate er emergency response teams and issued guidance to the public the likelihood of aftershocks remain low but we do remain vigilant and we ask all new yorkers to remain vigilant as well >> we activated our protocols for >> this earthquake. we immediately started coordinating with all city-state, federal, and/or utility partners, public notifications were sent out both by notify me well, i see and our wireless emergency alert system, you can hear some of the phone buzzing in delays from that that have been issued as soon as it happened, we convened here at new york city emergency management in order to be able to send out guidance
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we activated as soon having we convene here at nice him to send out our guidance for what happens during an earthquake, including on the possibility of aftershocks. we contacted our city hall and agency commissioners as well of all of our partners at the federal and state level that's also includes all of our utility the partners or transportation partners at the mta port authority and the airports. well, there is a low likelihood that there will be aftershocks. we always want to be on the safe side. so if you are outside during an aftershock please move to an open area away from buildings trees, and and power lines. if you were driving pullover to a safe location we're asking people to check in on their relatives, on their loved ones neighbors, especially the children and the end there. other individuals. i think that this is also an
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incredible time just to remind us all to make sure that we're prepared so if you were a new yorker, if you're visiting new york, we encourage you to sign up for notify nyc. this is available and 14 languages, including american sign language, over 1 million subscribers. you can sign up by calling 311. you can call it by downloading the app or by going into backslash, notify we also encourage people to make sure that they have an emergency kit and to make sure that they know the guidance for earthquakes, which has the mayor said to drop cover and to get under furniture, sturdy furniture, or in a doorway to make sure that you are safe please also make sure that you're checking your till utilities that you you know how to turn them on and off especially if you are a property owner with that said, who am i turning it over to general banks? i'll turn it over to chancellor banks for an update on the schools. thank you. >> thank you. thank you, mr. mayor, good afternoon, everyone
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so the earthquake was felt across the entire city and across many of our schools across all five boroughs. in fact, i was at laguardia, a high school at an event this morning when the earthquake hit? i did not personally feel it, but many people in the room felt it so first and foremost, was most important to understand is we want to emphasize that we've received no reports of any injury to staff or students. and that's the most important thing is safety is our top priority and ensuring that everyone is safe and our schools immediately following the earthquake, our teams both within new york city public schools and across the city immediately jumped into action. we've been in close and constant communication with city hall, the office of emergency management, school construction authority, and other agencies as well so at this moment, there is no indication that any of our
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buildings were compromised and our facility staff at the school construction authority or quickly and thoroughly inspecting buildings to ensure safety and out of an abundance of caution, we've assembled all of our building response teams as well. so we've instructed all of our school principals to continue operations and dismissal as normal we asked the school staff and families to remain calm and to model that for all of our students, all of our children parents do not need to pick up their child early as a result of today's earthquake additionally, you will after-school programs will continue as planned if conditions change our schools will commit, communicate directly with families. we also will post updates on our social media pages, which can be found at nyc schools. want to thank all of our school staff and our facility staff for keeping our
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students safe during times like these their professionalism in the face of an emergency is a role model for all of our students. again, the top lines, all of our students across the school system are safe. all of our staff are safe. we have no reports of any structural damage to any of our school facilities while many schools and felt, in fact back felt some tremors from the earthquake. thank you so much >> thank you, chancellor. next, we'll hear from buildings commissioner jimmy auto thank you, deputy mirror, let me say right at the outset that we at the department of buildings have not seen an influx of kohl's >> regarding building damage, but we want all new yorkers to know that our team is ready. we are putting on additional construction you're nearing professionals from this point on over the weekend. been listening to new york city mayor eric adams and other
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officials in new york city talking about the effects of the earthquake, right there you heard the gentleman in charge of buildings very important in new york city. obviously very dense, saying that they have not seen or heard an influx of calls talking about the damage. but just as we heard earlier today from the governor of new york the mayor asking for people to check in on their loved ones. first and foremost, if there was any damage or injuries. but also interesting, that he noted that people should talk about any potential trauma from feeling this earthquake, the good news at this point is that no major damage, no, no major injuries that we've heard of but it is still early and there are still assessments. we are going to stay on this story and coming up, we're going to look at how this morning's earthquake is disrupting one of the busiest travel corridors in the united states. i'll also speak with the new york congressman who was part of and felt this
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here. i'm not sure if you felt it, but i was getting texts from friends in dc saying that they did, you know if they felt it at the white house? >> i don't think so. dana the white house officials, i've been in touch with in the last half hour or so, say that they didn't feel anything. our colleagues who are in the white house booth, they also said that they didn't feel anything. so i think unlikely the president south felt this earthquake. but as you said, we do know that the president has been briefed on the situation. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre, saying that they are monitoring the potential impacts of this earthquake and there certainly going to be coordinating with state, local, and federal officials as well. i mean, this is exactly a of course, the kind of response you would expect from the white house after a situation like this. i should note the president of course, is just about to leave the white house for baltimore. he has headed there, of course two, survey the site of the recently collapsed francis scott key bridge. he is going to be spending the day meeting
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with local leaders peters there and meeting, of course, with some of the family members of the six people who died as a result of that bridge collapsing. i can certainly expect though that as he is on the road today, he is going to continue getting any updates from his advisors on the impacts of this earthquake. certainly something i think that he is going to continue being heated on given the significance of this earthquake, dana mj. thank you so much for that reporting. let's move up north a bit to philadelphia. that's where cnn's daniel freedman is. danny, can you give us a sense of what's happening there? what's the reaction? how much do people feel it? in philly >> years you're done. >> you know, we've been speaking a lot about new york and the impact that they felt. we definitely felt that here in philadelphia as well, i was at home working on a set piece four actually this hour when really our entire building shook and i live in a row home,
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so i've a neighbor's structured live downstairs and they were the first ones to text me. hey, did you feel that entire home shake just now and i said yeah. and then the emails started coming in from cnn and that oh, this might have been an earthquake. now it wasn't as impactful as we've seen from some of the videos coming in from new jersey closer to the epicenter. but we definitely felt it was strong enough where i think other people have said similar things. we thought like a massive truck was driving down our street and the place definitely shook. but as of now, we're not getting any reports of damages. the philadelphia police department they actually tweeted a little while ago saying that they are aware of the site let's make the activity, but they were encouraging people not to call 911 essentially, unless people are actually injured. also, note the governor of pennsylvania, josh shapiro. he said that he and pima, the emergency management agency here in pennsylvania, there monitoring the effects closely as well. dana? >> yeah, we were in our morning meeting here, danny one of the things we were talking about is
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the report you are preparing for this show, which we will certainly do another time. my brother called from an island and he said immediately, we just had an earthquake here. he could feel i'd ever you could feel everything shaking. it certainly is not something as i said, that we hear on the east coast, are used to. thank you so much for that report. the earth quake is having an impact on travel in the very busy northeast corridor. cnn's pete muntean is here in washington with how this earthquake is impacting transportation. pete, >> you know, being on an airplane, probably one of the best places to be during an earthquake. but for the delays and all the ground stops have been canceled right now. in fact, the last holdout was newark liberty international airport in new jersey that has now transitioned to a ground delay, meaning that flights are delayed at their departure airport bound for new work, 77 minutes. so an hour and 17 minutes seems like that'll be in place according to the faa until nine p.m. tonight? so the
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air travel impact is not over just yet. the ground stamps were canceled at laguardia at jfk, at bwi, and at philadelphia. the cancellations and delays remained relatively low. but remember, new york, the city that never sleeps always on the move 1,000,002 billion and-a-half people commute in a lot of them by real. and there's still delays right now on the new jersey transit system also on amtrak northeast corridor and amtrak says that tracks must be inspected and that trains are being speed restricted up and down the northeast quarter, and that will be in place until those inspections can be complete. so we're just at the genesis of that story. a lot of people could be impacted by that. the good news here is that mta will jump right to the subway system and some of the commuter rail systems in the new york area. they say that there are no impacts to mta services and and that's are
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operating normally holland tunnel and the lincoln tunnel both been inspected by the port authority of new york and new jersey. all the delays are clear there as well. although remember here, dana, the thing is that a lot of these pieces of infrastructure need to be looked at visually. and new york not really built for a lot of the seismic activity. and so we'll have to see some of these tunnels under new york 120 years old. >> yeah. i mean, it's so important not to mention what we've now heard from the governor and the mayor and others that we do need to be i prepared for some aftershocks that could change things. i'm also getting tax from amtrak saying you should expect delays. so as you said, this is probably the genesis of that part of the story. pete. thank you so much. we're going to stay on this earthquake here on the east coast, but we're also going to get to some other really important news coming up the after-action report on a terrible and we'll tragedy is questions about how benjamin netanyahu was conducting israel's war against hamas. >> get louder this is the big
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easy. get started today at >> get your viewing glasses ready, eclipse across america, live monday at one >> we will keep watching for the impact of today's northeast earthquake, but we want to turn now to the geopolitical story on the white house is front burner. the idf says, it thought it was a bag, but it turns out, excuse me, thought a bag was a weapon that is according to an israeli
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released after action report about how a tragic idf screw up killed seven aid workers from world central kitchen. by mistake, the detailed account of what went wrong follows a biden ultimatum, president of the united states as aid to israel will no longer be a short thing if israel doesn't protect tech civilians and do it now, i want to get straight to cnn's nic robertson, me this was considering how quickly it was done. it was a pretty detailed report. tell us more about it the idf was saying that they saw a gunman get on one of the aid trucks late monday >> night, then they saw another gunman the aid trucks went into a warehouse, then the suv's with those aid workers from the world central kitchen came out of that warehouse and the idf, and this is where they say this is a case of mistaken identification of the vehicles and less state and clarification of miss clarification of the events
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that were happening on the ground they therefore thought that these suvs carrying the aid workers they thought the gunman was in there and that's why they opened fire on the vehicles because they said it was nighttime because they say that they couldn't see the identification on the vehicles, saying that they worked for this aid organization in a separate briefing to journalists the idf has also described that they saw something over the shoulder of one of the people in those vehicles they initially thought it was a weapon. they now believe that it was actually a bag. and other harrowing details at the idf has now released. they say but when they fired that first vehicle some of the world central kitchen staff members actually survived. and then ran to get back into the second vehicle. and that's when the idf targeted the second vehicle. and then also targeted the third vehicle. so the idf is saying that this was a grave mistake, that they are holding
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people to account that they have disciplined fired two senior officers and the world the world central kitchen say that this is or knowledge that this is a good step, that they idf has accepted responsibility that the idf is holding people accountable. but they still say these outrageous killings that the report is essentially cold comfort and they point to the fact that they immerse staff on the ground we're following protocols >> yeah. i mean, what a horrific description of what happened there in every way. nick now, we know that from our reporting from the white house and from you and your colleagues in the region that this conversation that president biden and prime minister netanyahu had yesterday were very tense and one of the results it seems is that the one of the border
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crossings was reopened. what can you tell us about that? and what kind of impact? >> most >> importantly, will that have on the humanitarian aid that can get into gaza? okay, forgive me. it looks like nick can't hear us. if we can get back to nick as soon as we can, we will join him nick, nick are. you there >> okay. you know. okay. i'm not sure if you heard my question, but talk about the border crossing that was reopened yeah >> the israeli government say that we're going to open the erez border crossing. this is hugely significant, something, secretary blinken was asking for back in february when he was here the erez crossing is in north of gaza and is close to the port of ashdod that the
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the, the cabinet, the war cabinet here says that they've agreed to open to import humanitarian aid that what's important here is that ashdod, the port is very, very close to the arrows crossing. so the potential here to really open up a quick and efficient humanitarian aid corridor into northern gaza. but this has stumbled. despite promises made like this in the past before. >> yeah >> glad we got your back there, nick. thank you so much for that report. appreciate it. now, i want to bring in cumbersome richie torres of new york, who just returned from israel. we are going to talk about that in a moment. but as i said, you are from new york, you are in new york. i understand that you felt the earthquake this morning, described i've that and what you're seeing and hearing from your constituents now >> well, i'm here in the bronx and i was fielding phone calls when all of a sudden my home was shaking substantially. it was a momentarily terrifying experience. but like every
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congressional office were in close contact with fhima, the governor's office, the mayor's office and we know so far there's no reason to be alarmed. they've been no reports of damage to infrastructure. there have been ground delays at airports out of an abundance of caution but there's no interruption to the mta to new york city public transit service but i've been given every assurance that federal, state, and local government authorities are going to closely monitor the possible aftershocks of the earthquake. >> did you immediately know that it was an earthquake? >> i mean, i felt it certainly felt like an earthquake but i was not sure. and so that was part of what made it so terrifying. is that we all felt blind-sided by it. it came out of nowhere. >> yeah. >> i guess as earthquakes are known to do, i do want to turn to, as i mentioned, you just got back from israel. you are very outspoken in your support of israel and its right to defend itself president biden is now warning israel that
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there will be consequences if it does not address civilian crises in gaza republican house speaker mike johnson says the president's ultimatums should be going to hamas, not israel who do you agree with >> well, i think we should be crystal clear. the republicans have been charged in charge of the house since october 7, and have fundamentally failed to pass a bipartisan bill that provides h israel. the republicans refused to bring to the floor a national security supplemental that would provide aid to all of our allies, taiwan, israel, and ukraine and so if you're allowing aid to israel to languish and definitely then you're in no position to lecture anyone including president biden, on his support for israel i share the view that every conceivable effort must be made to minimize palestinian casualties, to maximize humanitarian aid to palestinians and distress but at the same time, any attempts
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to fundamentally undermine the us's relationship will ultimately benefit hamas, which had perpetrated the deadliest massacre of jews since the holocaust of fact, that the world seems to have forgotten >> congressman, you heard i'm sure that president biden, according to the white house, told parameters and netanyahu and immediate ceasefire is essential to stabilize and improve >> humanitarian assistance in this there. do you think that in your words, is something that is helpful to hamas? do you disagree with the president on that? >> well, there was a temporary humanitarian ceasefire on the table and israel accepted it and hamas rejected it. so hamas has been the greatest stumbling block to a humanitarian ceasefire and so israel has been cooperative it sounds like president biden might want to go further than that if he's calling on the prime minister
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>> to have an immediate ceasefire, that sounds like stronger language and a stronger or a different policy stance than we've seen in the past when of course it has been very much tied to hostages. do you not see it that way >> look for me the end goal of removing hamas from power must be non negotiable. right? the means by which it is done can be negotiable. it can be the subject of debate between united states and israel. but if hamas remains in power, they will never be security for israel and they will never be peace between israelis and palestinians. the removal of hamas from power is a precondition for both security and peace in the region okay, so there's that question about ceasefire and ending the conflict. that's going on right now. and then the other piece of it is what you all do in the united states congress, which is theoretically giving money
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and aid to israel, some of your most pro israel fellow democrats, senator chris, for example, now say they support putting conditions on us aid to israel. do you? >> i respectfully disagree i feel like we should remain fundamentally supportive of the us's were which is in the interest of the united states israel's our greatest. ally in the middle east and people should keep in mind, israel did not start the war. the war was imposed upon israel by the barbarism and terrorism of hamas which must be removed from power if hamas remains in power it will regroup, rearm, and launch even deadlier terror attacks than the atrocities of october 7, a hamas has publicly said that its intent on repeating october 7. and we ignore that threat at our own peril. so i disagree >> i'm in favor of >> preserving the us's relationship in removing hamas
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from power. but doing so in a matter that minimizes palestinian casualties and delivers aid to those in need >> congress menn, we're going to have to leave it there. thank you so much for coming on. i appreciate it. >> absolutely >> and more ahead on today's top story where i started with congressman from new york, magnitude 4.8 earthquake shakes york city and the northeast. >> we right back with more you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stress is just melt away >> i hear that bad boy can fix anything. yeah. tell day at work. nice cruises sorts. you write out when i'm writing, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity >> he shouldn't ignored. >> and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, that is hop on the bike, man, i'll come off and you gotta pay your bills. >> you don't have to worry about >> anything when you're protected by america's number one motorcycle, ensure sure >> well, you definitely do those things unrelated so that
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should go on as if it is a normal de, new york's governor calls the quake historic many people felt it and many are asking what's going on. this is not something that usually happens on the east coast or is it matthew harmon joins me now from lakes usually happen california, he's a professor of geological science at cal state bakersfield professor. thank you so much for joining me. first question is just that about the earthquakes that we are seeing very infrequently on the east coast, but they do exist >> yeah, they do happen. so i remember when i first started in grad school, there was an earthquake in virginia, but i felt all the way up in pennsylvania. they're not very common, but they do happen and over the last couple of decades and centuries, there have actually been pretty significant earthquakes doing damage along the east coast. >> i want to ask you about something that some kind of background that we just got from the us geological survey
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that i find absolutely fascinating and that is, that this quake was shallow and it's on the extreme end of what the us geological survey considered as it's considers a shallow earthquake which is up to 70 kilometers deep. and because of that, can tell me in layman's terms what this means, but the earthquake is blunted by distance. so a shallower quake of the same magnitude as deeper one will produce much more intense shaking at the surface. can you explain why that is? >> that's exactly right. so the idea is what causes the strong shaking is when the earthquake happens, we have a fault. the two sides slip past each other really quickly generating seismic waves. >> so >> if that falls really close to you, you feel the shaking more severely than if you're farther away where the seismic waves have some time time to get smaller. so shallow earthquakes produce really severe shaking right above
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them. if the earthquakes deeper then you're naturally farther away from the earthquake where the seismic waves won't be as big >> yeah, i guess that is common sense. the magnitude of 4.8 magnitude in these situations, we already heard from officials in new york especially that they are concerned about aftershocks at what point would you say they're in the clear? >> yeah >> there's not >> necessarily a cut >> and dry answer to that i studied some earthquakes in new zealand that bear some resemblance to this. the earthquake started out much bigger with a magnitude seven, but they had a sequence of magnitudes, six earthquakes over the next couple of years, they had three or four magnitude six earthquake we should definitely expect some aftershocks in the next few days. typically, those aftershocks are smaller, but there is a chance that we could trigger a larger earthquake here. oh, wow. and that's why
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when you see things like the earthquake forecasts, they say there's a small chance of having a bigger earthquake later >> wow, i didn't i didn't realize that that even 4.8 magnitude that an aftershock could trigger another entire earthquake. fascinating. thank you so much for sharing your expertise and your many, many years of study with us. appreciate it professor met herman from cal state bakersfield and thank you for joining inside politics today. cnn news central starts after the break and don't forget the total solar eclipse passes across the us on monday and live coverage will start at 1:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn or you can stream it on max awkward question is you're gonna be anything leftover >> oh, absolutely >> my kids don't know what they want. you know, who knows what she wants? >> we've empowered we get all of our financial questions answered. >> so you don't have to worry >> empower what's next?
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