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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 5, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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work all right. fair enough. >> all right. i'll leave you with this. >> the >> women are the hot ticket. this final four weekend. thanks to iowa hawkeyes superstar caitlin clark, ticket prices for the women's and a final four. now, more expensive than the men's. the average ticket price, 726 dollars, slightly higher than the men's matchups, which are sitting at 710 resale tickets for the women's games are selling twice the price of the men's double. a lot of the frenzy, of course, due to clark becoming the all-time scoring leader in men's and women's. ncw division one history again, leading scorer from in the men and in women. and tonight she and her top-seeded hawkeyes will play the number three uconn huskies, sarah longwell. >> this is awesome. it's the best oh, my these funds to watch. i've been having the best time i'm with it and it's not just about the prices being more than like these women, like people are suddenly like, oh, you know, what's angel reese gonna do is you're gonna get drafted to the wnba's. you're going to stay in
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college like people are into the breeze, they're into these, these women as athletes. it's so font for going awesome and guess what, this game, the weekend i get to stay up late and watch the games. >> thanks very much to our panel and thanks to you for joining us. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. fan on new central starts right now >> breaking news, the idf just released its findings on the strike that killed seven world central kitchen aid workers. the investigation the deadly strike on, mistaken identification. >> their major legal setbacks for donald trump. this morning, but the federal judge in florida might have left over when it escape patch big enough to drive a truckload of documents through. >> tonight is the night the final four and a woman's nc doublet tournament. >> caitlin clark gearing up to try and leave the hawkeyes to a national title. i'm kate baldwin with sarah side nar and john berman. this is cnn news
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central >> we begin with breaking who's out of israel. we've just received the idf's initial findings on the israeli strike that. killed seven world central kitchen workers in gaza on monday, the internal investigation has found israeli forces believed they were targeting hamas, end quote, mistakenly assumed to hamas gunmen were in the vehicles in the aid convoy. israel has now fired two military commanders let's get right to cnn's nic robertson, who joins us now, live from jerusalem. can you walk us through the findings? it's a couple of pages. and what do you see that might be missing when you look at some of the details of this yeah, this is a sequence of events that the idf has laid out that they say led to this miss identification of miss clarification of >> the events on the ground. they say they the idf spotted a
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gunman getting on aid trucks i'm talking about trucks here. the big vehicles that carry the actual palettes and containers of food and other humanitarian supplies. and then the idf says they saw another gunman, again, a single. so we're talking about two gunman. they're saying they see get on the aid truck or aid trucks then the convoy goes into the warehouse and the idf says, what happened next is where the misidentification a miss clarification happens that the idf then tracked the suv's the vehicles leaving the warehouse after the aid trucks had been there. the idf says they didn't realize these suvs worked for the world central kitchen, despite the fact these were markings are clearly in on those vehicles the idf then says that those vehicles were engaged because the idf
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believed that the gunman were inside those suvs now no longer on the aid trucks after they'd been to the warehouse, but inside the suv's. now the idf says this should not have happened. it was against their protocols sen. against their rules of engagement. and they have now dismissed a major who was directly involved in the incident and the brigade chief of staff, a reserve kernel and disciplined the brigade commander as well. now, the world central kitchen say that it is good that the idf has acknowledged and accepted responsibility. it's good that they had taken disciplinary action however, they're saying that this is these outrageous killings, that what the idf has said so far on what they've done is really of cold comfort they said that the idf report shows that the world central kitchen workers were doing
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everything that they should have been doing >> but >> this, of course leads many, many questions unanswered how could it be assumed that the gunman who's been on trucks, we're now inside. we're talking about two gunman could be inside three different vehicles and so many more unanswered questions >> yeah, that's true. >> we will wait to see what happens. i know the world central kitchen founder has asked for an independent investigation that is not done by the idf. i do want to talk to you about something that has just happened after this conversation between netanyahu and president biden the aid crossings into northern gaza, opening up and a dedicated port. israel says will be available for aid shipments. what else you're learning there? >> yeah, i think it's key to look at what the white house is saying, hey, us policy is going to be determined on how israel moves forward from these statements. and we heard the same from secretary blinken today, and it's what palestinians are telling us as well. it's one thing to hear
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it from the israeli government, particularly when they're pushed by the united states to do this but let's see the reality on the ground and the context. so that of course, is that back in january this year the israeli government said that it was okay for food shipments to come in through the port of ashdod, which is 20 miles from the erez crossing however, those food shipments, when they arrived within blocked by protesters, we already know that elements within side netanyahu's prime minister netanyahu's government, the right-wing elements are saying that they didn't agree with this move by ideas. government, this sets the scene for again, potential protests to potentially stop convoys. it hasn't happened, but this is why the white house will look closely. and another point of reference here is that when he was here in early february, secretary of state antony blinken told the israelis that they should be opening erez crossing in the north of gaza because that's where the humanitarian situation is most desperate. that's where people are literally dying of starvation. we just got to figure from people on the ground there today, you know how much it is
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for one kilo, 2.2 pounds of potatoes today 22 bucks, 22 bucks for two pounds of potatoes. that's the price of potatoes. that's why people are starving in the north of gaza right now. and that's where there's going to be so much scrutiny to see if this actually happens that the us has called so many times for arrows to be opened >> and the un agency that's looking at famine says famine is imminent. they're man-made famine. nic robertson, thank you so much for all your reporting >> okay. >> so this report also comes out as israel is now as you guys were just discussing opening planning to open another crossing into gaza to allow more humanitarian aid to flow in. and this is after that phone call between president biden and the israeli prime minister. we're i didn't issued an ultimatum. the netanyahu takes specific and concrete and measurable steps to protect aid workers two or risk losing us support. cnn's arlette sciences at the white house now with much more on
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this, arlette, what are you hearing this morning from the white house about this initial review? this initial analysis, this the initial report coming out about that strike locate official here at the white house were closely waiting and watching for this initial report from the israelis as they're trying to get some further explanation for what exactly led to that strike on that world central kitchen convoy. it comes on the heels of a very blunt conversation between president biden i didn't israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday, where biden warned israel would face consequences if they do not do more to protect civilians and ease the humanitarian crisis in gaza. now, in that phone call, a senior administration official tells cnn that netanyahu who admitted that the idf was to blame for the strike on this convoy. and this morning, we have some interesting new language from secretary of state antony blinken, who ahead of the israelis it's report being released, said that there must be a thorough, independent investigation and full accountability for what
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happened. take a listen >> it's also critical that we see an independent thoreau and fully publicized investigation into the killing of the world central kitchen >> team who were performing heroic work under the most difficult circumstances and tried to get assistance to people who so desperately need it. so we're looking to see that investigation. we're looking to see a public accounting and ruling can just see accountability in its wake >> now, this >> all comes on the >> heels of what was could be one of the most consequential phone calls of this conflict between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in that phone call, netanyahu assured the president that israel would be trying to take steps to prevent incidents like this from happening again, that's according to a senior administration official, one thing that the to menn agreed on was that more needed to be done to be able to track where
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these humanitarian aid workers are in gaza. there's also was a discussion about the need to get more humanitarian aid into the enclave. and that was through the opening of these access points as nick was talking about earlier just in the hours after this call between biden and netanyahu, israel approved the opening of that erez crossing in northern gaza. now, one thing that secretary blinken and other officials here at the white house have stressed is that a while they welcome the opening of this crossing, while the welcomed the ports. they also want to see the metrics of this, see how many aid trucks are actually getting in, see how much assistance is actually being distributed to the american, to the palestinian people. but really this all between biden and netanyahu will be closely watched since it was one of the starkest warnings that he's offered, that biden has given to netanyahu about the way that they're conducting their operations, saying that things need to change arlette saenz at the white house course. thank you so much. >> john
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by a great job for the ones who get it done. >> this is the big dam >> it's time pain through that do >> this morning, new legal setbacks for donald trump and the classified documents case, a federal judge there refused to dismiss the case based on the argument that he had a right to keep the classified material in the georgia election interference case. the judge rejected trump's argument that his speech and conduct are protected under the first amendment. and on top of that, the former president is now facing new questions about the $175 million bond he posted in the new york civil fraud case the new york attorney general's office is questioning whether that money is actually sound. cnn senior crime adjusted report or katelyn polantz with us this morning. a lot of rejection. >> this award i kaitlyn a lot of rejection, but also john,
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think about it this way. a lot of green flags by judges to allow prosecutors to continue these cases against donald trump toward the trial. so you have the mar-a-lago documents case. you >> have the >> georgia january 6, 2020 election case. you have the hush money case in new york in all all of those donald trump's team is either trying to get the case is totally dismissed or put on hold for a very long period of time. >> and in each of >> these this week, we're seeing the judges say no to those requests. >> that is >> somewhat typical in the way that this typically works before trial to see these denials of these requests to dismiss the cases. and john, there is a silver lining for trump that is coming to him based on how his lawyers are arguing these things in both the mar-a-lago documents case and in the hush money case, the judges have looked at requests from trump's team, arguments around the presidential records
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act him trying to claim the classified documents or as personal records, as well as in the hush money case in new york that he's about to go to trial on a argument around presidential immunity on both of those while the judges are saying no to the requests on the table from trump's team. they're saying we might want to think about these topics. again and talk about them later. judge aileen cannon specifically in the classified documents case says that she's not really even going to determine yet if there is going to be the idea of presidential immunity or presidential records act discussed before a jury. and she says to the justice department, who says, get rid of this idea, are ready. >> she >> says, this is just a genuine attempt in the context of the upcoming trial to better understand the parties competing positions and the questions to suit to be submitted to the jury in this complex case of first impression. so in these criminal cases, denials for donald trump's team as the table setting is happening as
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the trials are approaching. >> but it is >> not the final word from these judges, not at all. >> and in the new york civil case, very quickly, this money is now in question >> yeah. and the civil fraud case, donald trump did get $175 million in bond to be able to post so he can continue appealing. but the new york attorney general's office, they want to make sure they get paid and so there is going to be a hearing on april 22 to just check out knight specialty insurance company and that companies arrangement with donald trump to post the bond, making sure that there is the collateral money there. so that if trump loses the appeals, he has the money that the new york ag's office can collect. >> katelyn polantz. great to see you this morning. thank you very much for all your reporting. >> is there >> the excitement is building magic johnson saying he's had his popcorn ready on tuesday for tonight's final four showdown. it's going to be historic night for college
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for free visit, ai or download the app, get your viewing glasses ready. it clicks across america live monday at one >> tonight in cleveland, the women's final four begins its nc state versus south carolina. will uconn go head-to-head with the iowa hawkeyes? and two of this year's standout players, caitlin clark, page becker, for preparing to face off cnn's caroline mano has much more on the very big, there has been so much build-up to these matchups. i'm very excited what's going to happen
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tonight? >> yeah, it's like this version of a solar eclipse where you have two huge stars meeting at the exact same time. i mean, interest in women's college basketball, as you know, kate is skyrocketing and caitlin clark is such a huge part of that. but she really is one of a handful of elite women in this sport right now that are just showing everybody new fans, fans who have love this for a long time, that this is just a good, entertaining product to watch. and tonight, she faces uconn. another one of college basketball's generational talents and paige bueckers with a birth in the national championship game on the line. and the viewership is going to be huge. this is only the second time that they'll meet and their collegiate careers. the rivalry goes way back to when they were teammates on static junior team usa squad's take a listen >> since i've known her, since she was in middle school, she's always work that same way. she's always had that fire. she's always been a great leader and i really honestly couldn't be happier for her in the year that she's had and watch the way she's loved this team back to the
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final four when they've kinda i've been dealt a tough hand as a program and they never made excuses. and to me, i think that's something you just really admire as a competitor more than anything. so i think it's really cool. she's >> just a competitor. she wants to win she has just intangibles of the game. she knows how to play a great iq. but i think the biggest thing about but as she competes and she's just a one and she wants to win at all costs. and so i know going into that, it'll be a great matchup but i'm excited. it's, it's great for the game. and to be at this level on this highest-stakes to see where we were in au competing against each other it's just really cool to see >> i would you call it tip it off at 9:30 eastern? that is after number three, nc state takes on top-seeded undefeated south carolina 7:00 in the top seed, uconn men's seem set to take on alabama in their final format up tomorrow, their schedule has been thrown off by some really terrible travel
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issues. the rating national champion huskies didn't arrive in arizona until three, 12 in the morning on thursday, head coach, she eddies release says that will not be an excuse >> once county that edge wore off his start mulkey to be here, we're lucky to get an opportunity to complain final four and then who doesn't deal with problems with the airlines i mean, people deal with it during the holidays and it's just it's something that you just got it get through, but it's relatable >> you can catch them in spinal 400 sister channel tbs tomorrow, nc state taken on purdue just after six eastern followed by alabama, uconn, and the winners playing for the national title on monday night, nc state and uconn with their men's and women's team, both in the mix. and tonight, we saw 12 million people watch i will last time out against lsu. i cannot wait to see how many tune in tonight >> absolutely. carolyn. thank you so much. my only ghraieb is that it's a nine 30, it's hard
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> this is the big dam it's time to dance >> paint through that. do on
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our radar this morning, john eastman, donald trump's former lawyer and the architect of efforts to stop congress from certifying the 2020 election once the judge to delay taking away his california law license so he can make money to pay for mounting legal bills he's wants to represent republican congress members. matt gaetz and marjorie taylor greene in a political speech battle. they are suing to california cities that canceled their political events. now, eastman was forbidden from practicing law and the state after a judge recommended he be disbarred because of his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. eastman course, also one of the defendants alongside president trump in the georgia election subversion case angelina jolie is accusing ex husband brad pitt of a history of physical abuse and new legal documents. so we filed a motion yesterday as part of pits 2022 lawsuit over the french winery that they want to own together. the filing alleges in part that pit was so concerned over his misconduct that he wrecked a deal to buy her stake in that
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winery. all because she refused to sign an nda. cnn has reached out to pitts representative for comment on the allegations in florida construction worker was killed when a crane broke off a building and sell onto a fort lauderdale bridge crushing two cars. look at those pictures. they're three people. were also hurt in that collapse there. the driver of one of those carr said, this is about his moos, frightening close call >> i was driving. and i felt a compression i looked up and i saw the blue structure coming down i slammed on my brakes it's sheared off the front of my tesla. the car and all the airbags went off >> and i'm very, very >> lucky to be alive. >> so that's it. i saw the >> structure after it hit my hi car, bounce in the air and then land on the car next to me
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>> you could see his car right there. officials say the bridge will remain closed indefinite pay, and they'll repairs are completed. john wright, new polls this morning, the paint a bit of a different picture of the presidential race than we have seen in lately, a new poll from marathon npr puts president biden up two points over donald trump in marquette has the president ahead by four, with this now republican strategists, rena shaw and democratic saturday strategy is simon rosenberg, who was just a subject of a new york times profile titled many democrats are worried trump will beat biden. this one is it, i think we have a picture of that headlines somewhere there you go. there it is. >> simon, thanks so much. i want to start with you because the crux of a lot of this profile from adam to gurney, which was terrific by the way, is you say, don't believe the poles, all those polls that have said donald trump is ahead of president biden, don't believe them. >> does that mean can you don't believe these new ones that show biden head either >> it's a great question, john. no, i think listen, here's how i see the election
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right now joe biden is a good president. the country is better off the democratic party is strong and winning elections all across the country and the republicans have trump, who is the ugliest political thing that we've ever seen in modern american history. and i think that when we push all these things forward as we get deeper into the general election, i think there's a quiet confidence with democrats that as voters wake up and start paying attention, that things will improve for us. and that's exactly what we're seeing in these recent round of polls. that's right. there's no question that trump two months ago had a slight advantage. that's no longer true. biden's there are now 16 national polls taken since the end of february. they have biden ahead more than have trump ahead. and so we feel good about where we are. we have a lot of work to do. >> but at. >> the beginning of this general election, i would much rather be austin them as we head towards november >> i will note the wall street journal not to be overly focused on polls, just had to pull a seven swing states. trump was ahead and six out of seven in inside that pole. you also saw some weakness in the
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democratic coalition among black and latino voters, young voters over said about the situation in gaza so what is or isn't simon seeing right there? >> well, i would say the depose that i'm seeing are right where they ought to be right now because let's not forget, republicans are going in as the underdogs here. so that slight advantage we see in certain places is not unnatural to me, but it's why, right? and what we're seeing with the trend lines changing certainly with younger black men or of middle age also tipping to be a little bit more conservative, right-leaning. and then also the foreign conflicts really impacting that gen z sentiment. and let's not forget who deliver the white house for biden harris, it was gen z. so of course, both parties are going to try to turn out their basis. but when you're looking at the public side, what through line are they really going to follow? that's the question for me because i'm not seeing exactly where the strategy is right now. i'm seeing a by the week ship. this week's it's talking abortion, which i disagree with. i think the trump campaign would be better off to again, keep going
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on the economy and the border, but unsurprising to me where we sit it right now, how much of a problem is gaza simon? for the democratic party and for president biden specifically >> so far there's not a lot of data showing that there's been a big backlash. i know people talk about this, but there isn't really a lot of data. the party's very unified behind biden. i mean, just look in the last week we've seen obama and clinton bernie sanders rallying behind their president. we just saw no, no labels. crash dean phillips and robert kennedy tried to challenge biden in the primary and failed. joe biden. i've been doing this for over 30 years. joe biden, the party is very unified behind joe biden. look, we have work to do. i'm not being pollyannaish here. we're not we're not exactly where we want want to b. and they're gonna be challenges along the way. and i think the israel-gaza issue is a challenge and not a threat to joe biden. it's like any challenge in a campaign you've got to manage it and he's going to manage it. well, i think he has i think he's been very aggressive in trying to make ties look liquidy is done with bb, right? he's broken with
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bibi. he's put pressure on them. he's negotiated season it's fire. so i think this is going to be one of the issues and abroad campaign, but i feel very good about where we are right now, particularly in the last few weeks, there's no question that the elect, the, polling is moving in our direction. we're raising much more money than they are where unified on the republican side. what we're seeing is an unprecedented dumpster fire i'm comfortable about where we are. yes. election right now. >> so simon just brought up rfk june robert kennedy jr. his campaign had a fund email out yesterday that they then had to retract. this is what initially said. please help our campaign call out to the illiberal actions of our very own government. this is the reality that every american citizen faces from edward snowden to julian assange, to the january 6 activists sitting in washington dc jail cell, stripped of their constitutional liberties so they were saying january 6, activists, not rioters, not insurrectionist, who are being stripped of their liberties.
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the campaign then retracted this email. they said the statement was an error. it doesn't reflect kennedy's views. it was a new marketing contractor. it slipped through the normal approval process. anybody who violated the law in january 6 should be subject to appropriate criminal and/or civil penalties mistake or not >> what does this tell you about where rfk is running? >> oh, well, it tells me the kennedy shanahan ticket has not yet figured out what kind of candidacy they want to be today are they going to try to appeal to trump's voters or binds voters? and it seems that all also shifts by the day because they're seeing what most political strategists see is that the political winds can change at any moment because of the complications largely on trump's side, i don't disagree that the democrats are looking pretty unified. there are some pretty deep fractures within the republican party that are not entirely visible, but have made their way out to the surface seen through these primaries of course, with nikki haley's emergence and making it as far as she did. now, those numbers look, they should trouble republicans on the trump team. but what the republicans know right now is that the money is a problem
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where are they going to redirect it to play an expensive states like florida, where we just saw the florida supreme court do something so unusual with abortion and really hand it to republish you can for their unusual actions. but are they going to fight rfk junior to who again, we can just guess who is he going to be today? that's a challenge here, john, look days and big fundraiser is coming up. the trump campaign does. so we'll see how much they bearing read a great to see you, simon great to see you in person after reading that terrific profile. thank you so much for being with us. thank you. >> thank you, john. we will soon be getting a look at the latest monthly jobs report and another read on the state of the jobs market. right now were also less than two hours away from the opening bell >> and it's been a brutal >> week for investors, stocks tumbled yesterday, oil prices are surging the dow is on track for its worst week in over a year. cnn's matt egan is joining us now >> what are >> the sort of the smart minds, those who sort of overlook this? what are they expecting ends next? jobs report? yes, we had a bad week on wall street, but in general, the economy has
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been doing quite well, correct? >> yes or no, the economy it's really, really strong. maybe almost too strong from the perspective of investors. and that could be one of the reasons why markets have pulled back. but you know, it wasn't long ago we were talking about dao 40,000 potentially, and it turns out you have to get back down to 39,000 before we go too, 40,000 because that's what's happened as you mentioned, brutal week for the market down every day so far this week week as you mentioned, worst week on track for in over a year and yesterday was particularly bad market started up totally reversed course down 530 points, worst day in more than a year. now, what's going on? a few things. one is there are some concerns about what the fed is going to do next and whether or not the fed is going to be able to cut interest because again, the economy doesn't really look like it needs interest rate cuts. also because inflation has not cooled off quite enough yet. in fact, one fed official yesterday said if inflation does not continue cooling. they might not cut interest rates at all. that's spked instors. another sue, oil priceare mpin that course is only
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going to aggravate inflati anlastly, in some ys, we were kind of overdue for a pullback, right? markets have been on fire. they can't go straight up forever. despite these losses, the s&500 is still up 26% over the last 12 months. that's pretty good. now, the big focus today jobs, the expectation is 200,000 jobs added. that would be a cooldown from the prior month. it's still really strong unemployme rate expected to tick down from 3.9 to 3.8 per six 0.8%. this would mark zara 26 straight months below 4%. we haven't se anything like that in half a century. the >> economy is cooking, >> but there is no dbt about it. ma egan, thank you so much. apprecia >> donald trp denied twice. judges and two of his criminal cases, rejecting h lates attempts to get those charges tossed out, joining us right now to talk about this as former federal prosecutor, we're not a mariotti. he's also the host of it's complicated. it's complicated podcasts. it's good to see you or not. so these are a pair of
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kind of major legal setback for donald trump, at least for the moment, the judges in the georgia case and the classified documents case, both rejected trump's attempt to have those cases cases thrown out. an earlier this week, the judge in the new york hush money case rejected another of trump's attempts to delay that trial until the supreme court rules on his immunity claims. so the theme of the week seems to be for a variety of reasons, donald trump is not immune from prosecution. so the weekends how would you describe for trump on a legal front >> luck, >> i think those motion denials work kate what you're trying to delay many of your emotions aren't going to be winners and at this stage of the seeing some motion to dismiss, a very, very unlikely to succeed for any defendant. >> i think for trump >> he has to be happy with the mar-a-lago case right now. and where judge cannon is, he or she may be favorably inclined
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towards him, but the bottom line is you staring down the barrel of a criminal trial that's set to begin this month in manhattan. they can't be a comfortable place for any presidential candidate to be really anyone who is facing and criminal trial but in the classified documents case, i wanted to ask you, judge cannon agreed with the special counsel in part, and it seems for now, but also hit back >> at the special counsel for the special counsel's demand for the finalization of jury instructions before they would dig into trial defenses and evidenced the way cannon wrote about that demand was that it was unprecedented and unjust. you think this is important. tell me why so what judge cannon did was very unusual. usually jury instructions or something that is decided right around the time of the trial. and the judge decides what the law is and then just the parties proposed with the jury
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instructions are he or she is actually hinting that and ask the parties to come up with jury instructions for essentially the argument that the presidential records act gives donald trump unfettered authority to just taking keep classified documents that would essentially immunize them. i mean, it's not tukey's that technically immunized, but essentially, if that was presented to the jury, that that was the law, it'd be very hard for the jury to not acquit him. what jack smith's afraid of is if this happens in the middle of the trial he couldn't appeal a trump could be found not guilty. there'll be no appeal, and that would obviously be a very significant result to put it mildly, jack smith decided to ask her to make that decision. now, there's no there's no reason to wait until trial. she refused to do that. she's going then unprecedented. the reason it's unprimed question under for a prosecutor to ask the judge to rule at this time is because the judge usually doesn't tip their hand. this
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early, suggesting that they are going to rule in an erroneous fashion so interesting, good to see your nodal. thanks for jumping on sir. all right. some of the good stuff this morning. a real life homeward bound story spanning half the country the helmet family and san diego lost their dog misha in july of last year dad and husband, marad thinks that the dog wandered away from the job site to look for his wife months later, just before easter, the family was shocked to get a call from harper woods, michigan, just outside detroit, where then 2,300 miles away from home? the gross point animal adoption society shared the news a family they're found misha got her scanned from a microchip and got in touch with her humans. there were a home, my goodness, so ago. they were already in minneapolis for the holiday so they just drove to pick her up if only dogs could talk. >> the stories >> misha could tell. how did she get that far
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>> one theory doc makes it even more but how did the dog get from point a to point b? >> i feel like there was a riot involved. if you're like, i feel like there was a rising backstory. there is a scary cat involved and under brain as well. definitely a planes, trains, automobiles >> i'm >> told i'm totally reliable source familiar from the control room. what you saw on your right there was not the actual route that the dog tuck. it's what's more direct >> maturity he's directionally aware that is a ridiculous path for that dog would be taking >> we spent a good amount of time on that today >> every stay at that all right. so let's go to this. they're telling me to wrap by showing me the coming up. and it is known as the cowboy capital of the united states. how one texas town is going? all out for the eclipse
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insecurity. children, are malnourished and starving joining me now is josh rogan, columnist for the washington post. you have an op-ed out in the post, just about how awful things are humanitarian aid in gaza. what might this opening of the erez border do? >> well, good morning 1.1 million people in northern and central gaza are facing catastrophic food insecurity. 30% of children under the age of two of acute malnutrition famine is imminent according to the un. and the problem actually sarah is not enough crossings. one more crossing is only useful if the israeli government also in conjunction changes the arbitrary and onerous inspection process. i mean, there are thousands of trucks sitting at the crossings that are opening right now, waiting to get in and can't because of a process that according to my reporting,
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turns backs things like dates, if they have pits in them sleeping bags, if they're the color green scissors, if they're in a medical kit, so we can say that if the israeli committee upholds this, promised to open up another crossing and the report that would give them an opportunity to bring more allow more aid into northern gaza. but the truth is that this is a systemic problem according to every aid organization on the ground that goes far beyond, because once you've got half of the population of gaza facing famine one crossing and one more port is simply not going to be enough. it's a drop in an ocean of need you're saying that bottleneck has really being created by this sort of process of trying to inspect and then send the aid in. and it's just an arbitrarily. there are things on a list, correct? that that are approved, >> have all of those things have been let >> in from your reporting? or
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are those also being looked at and parse through >> it's really a perfect storm of horrible conditions that have, that could lead to a man-made famine in 2024, where you have 1 million people starving to death for no other reason that the aid can't get it. now, why can't be again? and yes, it's a combination of the barriers put in place by the israeli government, a combination of that plus a lot of the safety concerns as we saw with the death, the killing of the seven world central kitchen workers those who do get instill, don't always make it too hundred aid workers killed since the war began, 95 journalists, 30,000 other innocent people. so i think if you look at the situation and god's, it's not just one thing, but what the aid groups point to is, is a pattern of inspections that leads them to believe and i think there's a lot of evidence for this that the israeli government as is not doing what it says already, which is that they say that
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they're letting enough aid go through in that the process is working. the process is not working when you have 1 million people on the brink of famine, it's clear that the process is not working. there's also a long record of the israeli government not fulfilling these promises. these ports should have been opened months ago according to the us government. so i just think we have to be realistic about the fact that it takes many, many things to go wrong for 2 million people to be starving to death when there's no shortage of food and you know, for to just say, oh, well, we're going to open one port and then we're going to open one more crossing and that should be fine. i think woefully underestimated the severity of the catastrophic situation which has an effect, not only for the gazans but for the israelis, for the region and for us as the guarantors of a world where things like man-made famines are not supposed to happen. and how can we point to other countries of the world where food is it's being denied from people in a war zone and have any
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credibility if we, if the united states stands by and watch as an ally implement these kinds of policies on the people of gaza today. >> and as you mentioned, the aid agencies are saying this would be a man-made famine and so that just shouldn't be happening in the country today. josh rogan, thanks. much. and thank you for reading that off, that it was very interesting. john. >> all right. this morning, if you are into western role-play and astronomy, have i got the place for you, a place known as the cowboy capital of the world that also happens to be smack in the middle of the zone of totality for the solar eclipse monday, with some of the best viewing in the country bandera, texas, cnn's rosa flores, is there up, rosa john, i don't think i can see you can you see me? can you see me? >> no, i don't think >> wait >> thought we were experiencing i'm talent and bandera, texas. welcome to the cowboy capital of the world. john, this place
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is going to experience more than four minutes i've totality and it is the buzz around town. there are people from all over the world that are coming to this little tiny town in the middle of the hill country three and let me tell you, they're going to love it. we'd am i wearing a hat i didn't even know i was wearing a hat because when you walk into this town, things just appear a hat, a duster, a belt helped some boots maybe maybe maybe a horse every now and then you might see one in the background. >> but look, people are >> worried about the weather. john so i had a little conversation with some locals. take a listen >> and it might storm embed get me every day clear guy is going to meet me. >> when i checked on my there
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are so much positive thinking here right now because they're really hoping that the weather is nice. but not even positive thinking will get you the merchandise like my his shirt, john, that i'm wearing because those are flying off the shelf. we have some video of it >> there's several >> iconic bandera eclipse t-shirts, ire snagged one i snagged one for my husband to make sure he had won john. you might want to come join me. i don't know if you're ready for the full texas experience because when you walk into town, you're gonna get two choices. john big hair, or a hat? >> you. know >> the saying here in texas, the bigger the hair, the closer to jesus. i went for the hat i went for the hat drawing. but let me let me let me talk back to you. hold on. hold on. >> all right. back to you. >> i always go for the chaps, rosa flores. thank you, partner. great to see you. this morning multiple props to you and your team for being there. we appreciate you. someone does be


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