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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 4, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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again, that's 1807123800 >> manu raju on capitol hill. and >> this is cnn president biden telling >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the deaths of seven aid workers is unacceptable. biden warning israel needs to announce an women specific concrete, measurable steps to protect civilians and aid workers. and that an immediate ceasefire in gaza is essential we're at the white can house and in
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jerusalem live with the latest plus cancer cases expected to skyrocket a concerning new report says illnesses worldwide could jump 77 percent in the next 25 years, we are following these major developing stories and many more all coming in, right here to cnn news central >> the news this afternoon coming after a page or call at the white house between israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president biden prisoner biden apparently telling netanyahu that an immediate ceasefire in gaza is essential. >> now, >> what appears to be an ultimatum is coming into view. the white house says that biden made it clear that if israel doesn't do a better job of protecting civilians aid workers, and the coming hours and days. then he will reconsider us policy in gaza. this comes in the wake of israel's deadly strike on an
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aid convoy there that killed seven aid workers with world central kitchen. the idf says that it has completed a preliminary investigation into that tragedy those findings will be shared imminently cnn's mj lee was just at a very significant white house briefing focused on all of this mj, us national security council spokesperson john kirby, about how the us is going to assess the decisions that israel makes to try to protect aid workers and civilians. but the answer was nebulous at best, he wouldn't provide specifics yeah, boris, i mean, first of all, the reason that this phone call between the two leaders today was so significant was because this is the first >> time that we have heard the president, this administration basically say that there could be a change to us policy if israel doesn't change its conduct but you go beyond that headline and the details are quite lacking. the white house says that it wants to see
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specific concrete, and measurable steps that israel is going to take to alleviate the civilian suffering, the humanitarian crisis in gaza, but is not saying exactly how they would measure those steps to be taken. and then in terms of the potential us policy changes they're not saying anything at all about what those potential, potential policy changes might be. and i've just stepped out of the white house press briefing and you can imagine that white house spokesman john kirby got pressed a number of times for more details. and one of the the questions i asked him was whether president biden in his private phone call with the prime minister, made clear to him what those potential us policy changes might be. this was his answer the president made clear that that absent changes in the protection of civilians on the >> ground, absent changes to the volume of humanitarian assistance getting in, absent
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absent any movement on a ceasefire that will allow hostages to get out and more aid to get in absent a calming down that he will have to reconsider his own policy choices with respect to gaza >> the white house also saying that rafah was not a major point of discussion in this phone call today, even though israel continues to say, of course that a ground incursion into rafah is basically inevitable, inevitable. the white house has said repeatedly that without a plan to protect the civilians there, that that kind of a military move would be simply unacceptable. the white house also would not go as far as to describe this phone call as an ultimatum that the president offered to the prime minister. but they have been clear that this phone call was born out of the fact that seven aid workers were killed
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bold this, of course, has really infuriated administration officials, including the president. and just in terms of the timing for the changes at the white house would like to see israel make in terms of how it is conducting this war. they are saying basically immediate hours and days is what john kirby told reporters just now boris yeah. >> kirby saying that the president was shaken by the death of those aid workers, mj lee live force at the white house. thanks so much. mj. we want to take your now live to jerusalem and cnn's melissa bell, who's there for us, melissa, we've not yet gotten these really governments characterization of this call, the way that netanyahu sees it but how does this kind of tough talk land with netanyahu? how likely is it to be received by him as a dialogue rather than an ultimatum? >> well you have to remember that this is a, an israeli prime minister who is under a great deal of stress politically himself here inside of israel. now we've just been
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hearing boris there. we're going to get tonight at from the idf, the results of their preliminary investigation in two the strikes that killed at the world central kitchen workers. that's pretty quick. quicker than we'd anticipated. so in a couple of hours, that'll be made public. the results of the initial investigation, the wider probe will take longer than that. but this is the base this is the part of the program which they base their conclusions. this has been a misidentification. i think it's interesting that they are bringing a great transparency quite quickly to that investigation as to the rest of it, remember that this is a country under a great deal of stress. we've seen again, on the northern border j more cross-border fire has belong firing into israel. the idf firing back the idf spokesman today, coming out and telling israelis that they could calm down. there was no reason to panic and i'm speaking here, of course, of the threats that have been made by tehran in the wake of the trike that syria that targeted one of their
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consumer or the uranian contour buildings? israel has not recognized or spoken to it, but it has been blamed by tehran on israel with the threats of retaliate from tehran. we heard rear admiral hagari today, speak to this vague public, so you can look, there's no need to buy generators, there's no need to get money out from atms. we will let you know if there's a change in the city tuition. you've also had today in israel all kinds of problems with gps people in tel aviv being told by their phones and their cars they were in fact in beirut and cairo. and this is something that we've seen repeatedly since october 7, where gps signals can be scrambled to prevent the kind of missile attacks that depend on gps coordination. now, we've had no confirmation from the israeli military about that, but certainly it adds to the sense that these are tense, stressful times for ordinary israelis, keeping an eye as they are on their northern border, border, watching closely the threats that are coming from tehran. of course, watching the fallout of the way this war has been waged in the gaza strip. not least from
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their american ally. and bear in mind as well that there has been a great deal of pressure on benjamin netanyahu these last four days here in jerusalem, we've seen those protests, not least led by families of the hostages still hands of hamas who are tired over strategy and believed that more could have been done to get their loved ones out sooner. so i think what we've just heard from washington is significant in terms of the extra layer of pressure show that it piles on the israeli prime minister. pressure on all sides, not only on netanyahu himself, but on the israeli people as well. melissa bell line from jerusalem. thank you so much. >> breonna with us now, we have cnn political and global affairs analyst barak ravid. he is a politics and foreign policy reported for axios brock. let's take a listen to this exchange from the white house just moments ago. here's national security council spokesman john kirby our support is ironclad and consistent. it's not going to not going to stop, not going to knock, not gonna waiver
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>> but >> will perhaps be some policy changes we might have to make if we don't see policy changes out of israel? yes. >> how is that? >> wavering? it sounds like you guys are trying to have it both ways here. >> no, i don't know that aqeel, but >> we are going to make all these changes because we don't support israel. >> i didn't we say we're gonna make changes. i said we need to see well how israel to the humanitarian crisis in gaza and how they respond to the of aid workers >> brock, how serious is this warning from the us? and how serious? israel taking it >> well, i think it's a very serious warning from the us. i would even call it an ultimatum. there's no other way to look at it. biden basically to understand you. you need to do a certain series of steps. for example, get more aid into gaza, open more border crossings to gaza than they are now take steps to protect civilians and aid workers.
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those are very tangible things and you need to do it now. and if you don't do it, the us will change its policy and changing it. the policy means will not give a blank check to israel to do whatever it wants and will not continue to support what the war. and we saw that in what biden said in the call that he spoke about a ceasefire an immediate ceasefire as something which is essential. and he did not tie it or link it directly to hostage deal. and biden also told netanyahu that in to empower his negotiators to get all hostages deal, meaning that he thinks that anyhow is not really doing it until now. >> what does this mean for the rafah offensive, which i mean, we should be clear and you've been very clear netanyahu has approved it many times and hasn't yet pulled the trigger on it. can israel carry out something like what netanyahu
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envisions in rafah and still stay within what the us is demanding here no, that doesn't >> no >> there's no chance that israel can do it right now after such an ultimatum from biden, unless it wants to go into an all fight with the present day united states and honestly, as i as i he said, several times before there is no imminent operation in rafah. these rarely told the just last week that they'll need between three to four weeks just to evacuate civilians from rafah and the americans told them that it's an underestimation of how long it will take if we're looking at an operation in rafah, were looking at something that will happen. >> maybe >> maybe sometime in may. okay. i don't think it will happen even then because the list of steps that biden has demanded for tonya is very long and it takes a lot a lot of time to see that it's implemented
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kirby was asked if netanyahu apologized for the strike on the world central kitchen workers. and he said he would let netanyahu answer for that. but he highlighted that the idf some the command has apologized for it. do you understand whether or not netanyahu apologized >> well, you know i'm covering netanyahu for 15 years now. i'm trying to remember if i ever heard them apologize. i'm not sure. >> okay. maybe maybe in 2013 when he apologized to turkish prime minister erdogan for the killing of turkish activists on the mv0 murmur or a ship. i'm not sure that i've heard them ever other than this incident, apologize for anything like that. and i wouldn't don't
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hold your horses. i don't know. i don't get your expectations >> i don't hold my breath there >> this and now they're expecting an announcement. they say they want an announcement coming in the days or hours, that sort of meet these this would meet these demands that we have heard the white house layout here. what, what form do you expect that to take? do you expect israel will act quickly? >> well, i think what an attorney i was planning has been planning to do for some time now. and i think the security cabinet is going to vote on it. in a few hours, is to change the whole way that decisions are being taken. hope process so some decision-making regarding humanitarian aid to gaza because until now nittany, let's say he wanted to take a step. you need to bring it to the war cabinet and then to bring it to the security
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cabinet and then to bring it to the war cabinet again. and every small change would need another meeting of the security cabinet. this would give a lot of opportunity for the radical right-wing members of the tiny house government to try and stall or try to sabotage. this is going to change. attorney wants the government to basically give him the minister of defense the power to take decisions on their own when it comes to humanitarian aid for gaza. and this will streamline a lot of the decisions that need to be made >> all right barack ravid always insightful. thank you so much >> thank you for us. >> more breaking news now related to former president donald trump and his legal issues. a federal judge jelly aileen cannon will not dismiss charges against the former president in the classified documents case. sentence, paula reid joins us now, so paula walk us through the arguments back and forth here. essentially the former president has argued that he
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had the right to take these documents. now, judge cannon is saying that that's not enough to dismiss the case >> that's exactly right. this is one of trump's many motions that he has made down in florida trying to get this case dismissed but here the judge is rejecting his motion based on the argument that he had the right to take these home under the presidential records act. now that is a post-watergate law that governs which materials created during an administration belong to a president versus the government itself. now, trump has suggested that under that law, he had every right to take these classified documents. of course, prosecutors have pushed back on that, pointing out that the presidential records act is not charged here. that's not even an enforcement mechanism. and they also point out the fact that these were classified documents that they allege were strewn about his mar-a-lago property. but this issue, boris, it's caused a lot of tension between the special counsel and the judge because the judge had asked both sides i spoke defense attorneys and prosecutors to submit jury instructions related to the presidential records act. and in a filing late tuesday, the
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special counsel at issued its strongest rebuke yet, of judge cannon are handling of this case, saying that there's no basis. in fact or law for her to ask for these kinds of jury instructions? and the urged her to reject trump's effort to even allow the presidential records act into this case now, it's interesting in her decision today on the motion to dismiss, she did punch back a little bit at the special counsel and she insisted that their requests that they get a clarity on this issue of jury instructions before the trial starts because does have said, look, if you're going to put this issue in the trial, if you're going to allow this in, we're probably going to appeal she said that their demand was, quote, unprecedented and unjust look force. this is significant not only because she's rejecting this effort to dismiss the case, but it's notable that she is making a decision because her approach to this case has been unusual. it is i'm under scrutiny. an analysis done by our colleagues tierney sneed and hannah rabinowitz shows that she has over a dozen matters decisions to still decide outstanding in
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this case. and of those eight of them are other motions to dismiss. and the longer it takes her to decide those, the less likely it is that this case will go before november so what are the odds that we get to trial sun and highly unlikely with this backlog >> yeah, it seems highly unlikely, boris, i was in court about a month ago down there in florida and we were hearing arguments from both sides about how far back this case should be pushed look, it was penciled in very lightly. penciled in in late may, but that was a placeholder and you heard arguments from both sides about how far back in the year it could go. of course, the trump lawyers don't want it to go before the election because if trump is reelected, he would of course have as attorney general dismiss jack smith and these cases. but the special counsel's office was hoping they could start this this summer. it's been over a month though since that hearing, and we still don't have a trial date. so of the more than a dozen decisions that she has still outstanding, the biggest question we're looking at right now is when will she placed this case on the calendar, but it seems highly
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unlikely this case would go before november yeah paula, a lot of motions, a lot of rulings to keep track of. we had one in georgia as well, judge scott mcafee, they're saying that the case wouldn't be dismissed based on trump's legal team's argument that he was protected in his effort to overturn the 2020 election in the peach state on the first amendment so that was a ruling there. we also got a filing from the new york attorney general, letitia james. she wants to make sure that the bond group, the bond company that trump got his bond four in judge arthur engoron's ruling, there actually can back him up financially. tell us about that >> ephors for a second. i want to go back to georgia though, because this is another effort to dismiss a case and that argument there was another constitutional argument. they're arguing that what he was doing down in georgia was political speech. they argue that that should be protected
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under the institution they're saying look effectively, he was talking about politics. two politicians. this is political speech. no one thought that that was going to prevail, but one of the reasons they had to make that argument in georgia, knowing it would likely be rejected is because they need to preserve that issue for appeal. and i'm told by sources that the overall strategy down in georgia is it's the hope that the mistakes over the course of that case will add up. so even if there is hypothetically an eventual trial, even if he is convicted, that on appeal, they might be able to eventually and get that case dismissed. so it's really interesting to watch the strategy down there. we see all these motions to dismiss a kenny still has eight outstanding the florida case as well it's not expected that all of these will be successful. and now part of this is an effort to delay, but also important, preserve some of these issues for appeal. >> it seems like the pace of these rulings is going to pick up. is that a fair assessment? >> one one would hope, boris, but i don't know if federal judges, you know, they do what they want to do when they want to do state judges less so you just mcafee down in georgia, he
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is up for reelection, but it talking to sources and legal community even on the trump side of things, they're pretty impressed with the pace he's moving at. and i'm sure that trump team has no objections with the pace. aileen cannon is moving but the special counsel, of course, has a different view on that. >> a lot of juggling, as we said rulings, motions, rulings, motions, motions, rulings. paula reid, thank you so much for walking us through all of that. a lot of legal issues, the former president has still ahead. >> how a >> single area of nebraska could decide the 2024 election and why the trump team is looking to change the rules they're plus a spectacular celestial show is just four days away we're timing out the path of totality. we're going to break down who will see what and when. plus a here he did brawl on the ice. eight hockey players objected two seconds two seconds into a game. >> we're >> talking to a former hockey pro who is now a mindfulness coach on why the sport is so combative can't we all just
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>> tom, give >> us the details on when this is going to start and who's going to be able to see it? >> it's going to be cool. the scientific term is going to be a lot of people 32 million plus probably 20 million or more who come into the area. that's what happened last time. and this time is a little bit wider, three-and-a-half to four minutes in duration. that's the really magical time in this. that's what you want to see and this is the area that we're gonna be looking at. if you go to the path of it down here, it's going to start down here in mexico, moving up through texas sort of read through the middle of the country, niagara falls that you mentioned a minute ago, all the way up past main and into canada. and there'll be a whole lot of people flooding into that zone who can see it yeah, it's whether question depending on where you are, the weather changes all the time. some areas might be clear at one point, not cleared another. it's going to be that magic three minutes 4 minutes. that's what people are really going to care about. >> a magical three-and-a-half to four minutes for all the folks along the path of totality >> there's gonna be a huge >> economic boom from all these folks coming into these areas. number you have any, any guesses as to the figure?
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>> nothing that i would rely on. >> what i will say this is the amazing part about this though. this is the part that i love about this. look, this is a freak of nature that this happens. there really is think about the sun is in diameter 400 times bigger than the moon. i can't even draw it. >> represent that yeah, 400 times bigger. and the earth is about four times bigger in diameter than the moon. but because the sun is 400 times further away, it appears about the same size as the that's why this happens. >> and it >> only happens sometimes, sometimes the moon's a little bit further away, sometimes little closer, and the moon is gradually moving further away by about a few centimeters every year so the de will come not in our lifetimes. they will come when there aren't any total eclipses. and this is the only place in the universe that we know this particular math works. yeah, it may happen somewhere else because a universal we don't know for sure, but we don't know. >> yeah. so dos and don'ts tom, what should we do? what
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should we not do >> first of all, where something on your eyes, we go through this every time there's an eclipse, we talked about this with people, but look, this is what you're looking for. this number down here. i'm gonna leave that there for a moment. so if you want to just literally take a photo of the screen remind yourself, this is the number. remember this, if it's not doing this nice posing if it's not this, you're running a risk and make sure that what you're covering your eyes with isn't wrinkled, isn't scratched, and good things can go along and don't think that you can just look through some other device and it'll be fine. these actually concentrate the light. you need a special filter on those. protect your eyes so you can watch your dog, your kids. the final four other things that make your day brighter now, yeah. >> you don't want that kind of >> retinal damage, thom form. and it's going to be so cool. he's going it's a cool as you know, walking. i'm out of here >> now, so you're not going to show tom forming. >> thank you so much, sir. brianna >> that was great. thanks, tom >> moos will >> agree that witnessing a toad or a total solar eclipse it's just a breathtaking, once in a
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lifetime experience. but why do we care so deeply about this astronomical phenomenon? is there more to it than just a stunning display joining us now to discuss is dr. jeff guard deer. he is a clinical psychologist and associate professor at the toro college of osteopathic medicine all right. talked to his doc. why do you think people are so fascinated by solar eclipses >> well, did you want bora said earlier that it was a fantastical celestial phenomenon. and then tom came on and talked about how this could be something that we may not see again, this totally clips, you know, in, in america or maybe even in the world in the future. >> so this is >> something that is supernatural and the odd that it gives us this total eclipse it really does make us brianna think outside of ourselves sense of self that we have getting away from that. and
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this is something that brings us all together to be able to share. if i may make up this word, the awesomeness, or maybe it's not so made up of this particular phenomenon. so it is certainly something that is psychologists call a collision elective effervescence, where all of us come together and share this energy together >> it's true because i think that no matter what change we go through in life, we know the sun will rise. the sun will set there may be clouds in the way. maybe you're standing in the shadow of something. but the idea that there is the moon completely blocking out the light is amazing and people are so excited about this. so talk a little bit more about the psychological benefit of that collective experience. what does that do to people? >> well, there are two things that psychologists are talking about. first of all, when the light changes in the temperature drops, what we see
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is that fight or flight phenomenon that happens right? where it releases a nor epinephrine. we feel excitement, but a little bit of fear because we don't quite, know what's going on, but once it actually does happen, and then we're in that darkness and we know that we're safe with everyone else around us, then that fear turns into a euphoria. and it really does help us connect with other people with their to share this and protect one another the other thing that we tend to see brianna is that people with depression live in the past, right? for the most part, they can't get over the sum of the past people who having zaidi, like i do there, always thinking about the future but something like this total eclipse, it keeps you right here. in reality, in the here now, it snaps as back into the present as some psychologists will tell you. so we're much
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less anxious and worried and depressed during that time. and i would venture to say, we just need more total eclipses psychologically, if nothing else, deplete us centers to keep us in the here and now so that we can be better off emotionally. >> yeah, it's such a great way to think about it. it brings us to the present and it allows us to connect and clearly, we all need that. dr. garcia great to have you. thank you. >> always a pleasure. thank you >> be sure to join cnn for special live coverage of the eclipse across america. boris and i will be spearheading this coverage starting putting on monday at 1:00 p.m. eastern or you can stream it on max >> still ahead. donald trump and his allies want >> to change how nebraska award its electoral votes, how the pressure campaign could potentially impact the presidential election
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visit coventry i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn >> some nebraska lawmakers will try again today to change how the state awards. its electoral college votes. are there under pressure from former president trump and his allies? let's to switch nebraska to a winner take all system. now the effort failed last night when they tried to attach the measure to a broader government spending and policy bill. but now they're planning to attach the trump-backed proposal to an unrelated measure. cnn's daniel strauss is here. daniel, explain for viewers how this
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nebraska electoral college vote in omaha works and whether the measure has a chance of succeeding well, it, this is one of two states that award their electoral delegates differently than the rest of the country. >> you, if >> you're a presidential candidate, you only have to win a certain parts of the state, certain congressional districts to get one delegate in particular. now, what's important here is that if this was a situation where there was an electoral tsai across the country, that one electoral vote could tip the election. and that is really the incentive right now for advocates of changing this and those advocates are being encouraged by donald trump. and the argument here is essentially it's going to be a close election and in that scenario, this one vote could decide the alliance section there, because there is a scenario where if nebraska moos winner-take-all there's a 269269 thai and it's not too
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outlandish. you could see how but that can kind of work out there. but you mentioned it's one of two states and the other one is main. and there are some machinations and maine as well, the dc were right. >> i mean, right now democrats and the governor's office, governor janet mills, has signaled that they don't have any interests to try and follow this push in nebraska, but i gotta be honest in a scenario where this, this proposal does pass, does change i can see democrats rushing domain to try and even the score on that front quite a bit to keep an eye on the fight for 2024 is being waged in every possible way, including on the electoral college i'll now of denton stress, thanks so much. >> they would >> see an a new central were back in just a few minutes
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attempt to get the charges dismissed regarding his efforts to overturn the 2020 election saying trump's lawyers that his efforts were protected by the first amendment just gotten out mcafee saying no new york attorney general, letitia james, meantime, is now asking trump's out of state underwriter for his hundred and $75 million bond to show that their financially capable of supporting the president's former president's bond requirements a lot to get through. fortunately, we have former us attorney harry litman with harry, your reaction to judge aileen cannons ruling in the classified documents case >> so my best guess, boris, is this as jack smith is saying, to cheers forward, judge cannon, today on the one hand, she rules, and that's what she wasn't doing. and obviously, she took to heart or was was chastened by his very strong filing monday night that said get off the diamond rule will
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already please on the other what she said was very sort of basic. she just said, look, the indictment itself charges the espionage act, doesn't mention the presidential records act. the indictment is sufficient to give information. so i'm denying trump's motion to dismiss based on the presidential records act. but she then drops a paragraph that will give a little heartburn that says, of course, i could still at trial change my mind are basically give the jury instructions based on the bogus presidential records act. and so that risk that real the prompted smith to act and do a forceful filing is not completely eliminated, but she replied, she issued an order and she denied trump's motion and how are you looking at georgia upholding the criminal indictment against former president trump, which i mean,
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obviously, and yet here we are. these are the things that have to go on yeah. but >> every court has done this. briana is just accurate. what he has been charged with a simply not protected by the first amendment. it consists of words, but so do so many crimes of conspiracy and the like. and we've been around in every courtroom on this now, and scott mcafee who's a thoughtful and i think pretty responsible, judge. it doesn't surprise me at all that he would adopt what is by now the party line look, i'm sorry, president trump or i'm not sorry. i'm telling you president trump, this is not protected core political speech on the contrary, when you insight people or you can spire, or you enter into, or rico, you can use words, but it doesn't make it protected speech denied. and that i think was to be fully expected >> so then the new york ag letitia james demanding that
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the underwriter of the bond the provide more information. clearly, she skeptical >> you know, she is he's an interesting figure. he's, he's a very strong republican partisan almost all his contributions are two republicans, but the guy has 8 billion he is a bonafide business person and there's some suggestion he made a bona fide business decision but she asked for more and i think the the judge will at least let that effort be given if it's if it's a sham. and there isn't really in the mining to cover it, then there'd be a problem. i suspect though, that when she pushes and looks harder shelf fine, they do have the money to cover and it will probably pass muster. >> yeah. very interesting harry. thank you so much. a lot to keep straight. it is hard with all these cases and we appreciate it. yeah, totally. >> that's just this morning,
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right >> that is just this morning? >> there you have it still >> ahead. a new report says cancer rates could spike by more than 75% in the next two decades. we're going to break down the startling new numbers >> this is the big dam >> kane. who that do >> and two options for you. take a look at when it's time for an update or complete remodel or yourself there. >> so here is everything down to the stomach. worry about this week you every step of the way from design and products to removal and installation. okay >> what do you guys think >> it is, right? he handled the entire process degree the beautiful and functional bathroom for whatever your life needs s three bath with you evey step of the way. color visit for your free in-home design consultation
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direct redefining insurance the situation with both blitzer didn't night it six. once cnn a new report by the >> american cancer society predicts a major increase in cancer in the next 25 years. rising like a quote tidal wave in some countries. the report says that by 2050 cases of cancer could jump by 77% to some 35 million cases worldwide cnn's jacqueline howard has the details. so jacqueline,
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what is driving this huge increase? >> well, boris, there are really two factors at play here. one, where aging as a society and two, were growing as a global population. so those are the two factors over time as we see more people, especially more people in older age, we can expect to see more cancer. and this report does highlight that one on cancer has caused the most cancer deaths and disease in recent years. but when you look at data on other cancer types there's some interesting trends when you look at cancer incidence among menn specifically across different countries, we know that prostate cancer, you see there in green is very, very prominent, but also lung cancer is very prominent in asian countries. then when you look at cancer incidence among women around the world, breast cancer is the most dominant. you see there, the prevalence in pink, but cervical cancer shown in orange is ent in parts of
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africa and lung cancer in blue is prevalent and parts of asia, so these are numbers and trends to definitely follow as we think about the future. but also boris, there are things we can each do to reduce our cancer risk, like maintaining a healthy diet and a healthy weight reducing how much alcohol we drink? definitely not smoke smolkin as a big risk factor. getting regular exercise. so these are ways we can reduce our risk. boris >> all good pieces of advice. jacqueline howard, thank you so much. next, how remote goats could be yours if you have a boat on which to toad said goats, i'll try to figure out what that means after we come back >> seven, astronauts setting off on a scientific mission. >> they were doing great. columbia, houston we hear nothing >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i could ever happen
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>> the lead with jake tapper. >> next, odd cnn if you're like boris and you have wanted to own your own goat since forever >> here's your chaur chance >> remote island off the coast of sicily, just overrun with them. now officials are offering these goats to anyone who'll take them and put things in perspective here, the island which has around hundred residents, it has six times as many goats as people, six times the island's mayor is so desperate, he told cnn, he doesn't care whether you know anything about raising goats just wants them out. you're gonna be able to take up two 50 goes, but you have to catch them herself. you do need a boat to get them off the island. you have until april 10 since i was a little kid, i just had this fascination. >> we're not true is that using the false hoods when you've always wantgo so passionate fashion, a passionate about goat cheese, about goat milk >> feta it's not true. it's a
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